Spelling suggestions: "subject:"presumption"" "subject:"resumption""
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Factors influencing knowledge of doctors on medical certification of cause of death in Limpopo ProvinceLekoloana, Matome Abel January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (MPHM. (Curriculum Studies)) -- University of Limpopo, 2019 / The quality of mortality data in South Africa has been questioned because of the high percentage of deaths reported to be due to ill-defined causes. We sought to assess the level of knowledge of doctors on the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) rules for medical certification of cause of death and determine the factors influencing that knowledge.
A cross-sectional study was conducted across 12 hospitals in Limpopo Province among the five districts stratified by level of care. Doctors completed selfadministered questionnaire, which included the baseline characteristics and questions that tested their theoretical knowledge of the ICD rules of death certification. The outcome, an adequate level of knowledge was set at a score of ≥ 60%. A chi square test was used to determine the factors associated with the outcome. Ethical approval was obtained from Turfloop Research Ethics Committee, University of Limpopo.
Of the 301 doctors who participated, 50.5% were female, 64% were junior doctors and 13% were specialists. Up to 49% of doctors worked in the two tertiary hospitals. Only 18% of the doctors have ever attended a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) on the topic. The mean overall score on knowledge of medical certification for all the doctors was 59.80% (±11.95) with 53% obtaining at least 60% on the questionnaire. Doctors lacked knowledge on identifying unnatural deaths and discerning the underlying cause of death. Factors associated with the adequate knowledge included years of clinical experience (p=0.01), previous training (p<0.001), awareness of guidelines (p=0.04), comfort level (p=0.01) and rank (p=0.02).
The study highlighted the need for training of all doctors in the province and identified the knowledge gaps. Interactive capacity-building workshops have been shown to improve knowledge of doctors on medical certification of cause of death in other studies. To improve the quality of mortality data in Limpopo Province, such workshops must be conducted in all hospitals.
Key words: death notification, medical certification, cause of death
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Dissertation sur l'incertitude des signes de la mort, et l'abus des enterremens, & embaumemens précipitésWinslow, Jacques-Bénigne, Bruhier, Jacques-Jean, January 1742 (has links)
Translation of author's diss., Quaestio medico-chirurgica ... An mortis incertae signa; original Latin text p. [11]-40. / Also available online.
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[pt] A Lei 13.874/2019, ao introduzir o artigo 421-A ao Código Civil, trouxe
renovada oportunidade de debate sobre a presunção de paridade dos contratos civis
(aqui, contemplados os contratos interempresariais), nas hipóteses em que haja a
presença de elementos concretos que justifiquem o afastamento dessa presunção.
Assim, o presente estudo se dedica a investigar os parâmetros interpretativos aptos
a afastar a presunção de paridade. Propõe-se, portanto, olhar mais atento às
circunstâncias que gravitam em torno das contratações, a partir da perspectiva dos
poderes negociais ostentados pelas partes da relação jurídica. A partir dos
parâmetros propostos, acredita-se ser possível a superação das técnicas de
interpretação que, embora reconheçam à paridade dos contratos civis apenas uma
presunção, pouca atenção dedicam à efetiva investigação dos poderes negociais
envolvidos. / [en] The Law 13.874/2019, by introducing article 421-A to the Civil Code, brought a
renewed opportunity for debate on the presumption of parity in civil contracts (here,
intercompany contracts are included), in cases where there is the presence of
concrete elements justify the rebuttal of that presumption. Thus, the present study
is dedicated to investigating the interpretive parameters able to rule out the
presumption of parity. Therefore, it is proposed to take a closer look at the
circumstances that revolve around hiring, from the perspective of the negotiating
powers held by the parties to the legal relationship. Based on the proposed
parameters, it is believed to be possible to overcome the interpretation techniques
that, although they recognize the parity of civil contracts as just a presumption, pay
little attention to the effective investigation of the negotiating powers involved.
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Prisão e outras medidas cautelares pessoais à luz da proporcionalidade / Prision and other precautionary measures analysis from the perspective of proportionalityGonçalves, Marianna Moura 11 February 2011 (has links)
O reconhecimento da presunção de inocência não se mostra incompatível com a admissão da prisão e de outras medidas de caráter pessoal no curso da persecução penal. Assim como os demais direitos fundamentais, a presunção de inocência não se mostra absoluta ou insuscetível de restrições. O ordenamento jurídico brasileiro admite intervenções legítimas no âmbito de proteção da presunção de inocência, submetendo-as ao controle da proporcionalidade e do conteúdo essencial dos direitos fundamentais. A proporcionalidade serve como limite das intervenções e desdobra-se nos pressupostos, requisitos extrínsecos e requisitos intrínsecos já explorados. O descumprimento de qualquer destes pontos revela a desobediência à regra da proporcionalidade e, com isto, o caráter ilegítimo da intervenção no âmbito de proteção da presunção de inocência. Esta análise pode ocorrer tanto da perspectiva abstrata, examinando-se a previsão normativa, como da perspectiva concreta, analisando a aplicação e a execução da norma / The recognition of the presumption of innocence is inconsistent with the admission of the prison and other measures of personal character in the course of criminal prosecution. Like other fundamental rights, the presumption of innocence does not show absolute and subject to no restrictions. The Brazilian legal system admits intervention legitimate in the context of protection of the presumption of innocence, places them under the control of proportionality and the essential content of fundamental rights. Proportionality serves as a limit of interventions and unfolds in the assumptions, requirements extrinsic and intrinsic requirements already explored. The breach of any of these seven elements reveals the disobedience to the rule of proportionality and, thus, the illegitimate nature of the intervention under protection of the presumption of innocence. This analysis can occur from both the abstract perspective, examining the legislative provision, as the concrete perspective, examining the implementation and enforcement of the standard.
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Soberba e humildade em Agostinho de Hipona / Pride and humility in Augustine of HiponVargas, Walterson José 20 June 2011 (has links)
Soberba e humildade em Agostinho são analisadas neste trabalho por meio de uma inter-relação entre os métodos anagógico/Pátria-Via e o Trinitário, métodos que, segundo cremos, foram utilizados por Agostinho. A aplicação deste método nos levará a notar que soberba e humildade só podem ser entendidas uma à luz da outra, porque possuem uma estrutura simetricamente proporcional: a soberba é a enfermidade radical da condição humana, e a humildade o seu remédio adequado. Assim, a soberba, no nível do ser, corresponde a uma usurpação, uma pretensão de roubar o que é próprio de Deus, a autonomia e independência no ser; no nível do conhecimento, consiste numa presunção de valer por si mesmo, o que leva a um movimento de afastamento da verdade interior, tornando o homem cego no mais profundo de sua alma; e finalmente, no nível do querer, corresponde a uma injustiça, pois consiste na causa do primeiro mau uso do livre-arbítrio, que levou ao rompimento da ordem estabelecida por Deus na lei eterna. A humildade, em simetria invertida, corresponde, no nível do ser, a um aniquilamento voluntário, pelo qual o Cristo abaixa-se de sua natureza igual a Deus, assumindo uma natureza que lhe é inferior, a natureza humana; no nível do conhecimento, se entende como confissão a respeito da verdade sobre Deus e sobre o próprio homem, da sua condição de criatura e pecador; e finalmente, no nível do querer, como o caminho pelo qual o Cristo, por meio de sua livre obediência até a morte de cruz e posterior ressurreição, restabelece a justiça perdida na primeira desobediência à lei eterna. / Pride and humility in Augustine are analyzed in this work through an inter-relationship between the anagogical/homeland-Way (Patria-Via) and Trinitarian methods, which we believe were used by Augustine. Applying this method will lead us to note that pride and humility can only be understood in the light of one another, because they have a symmetrically proportional structure: pride is the radical disease of the human condition, and humility its adequate remedy. Thus, the pride, in the level of being, represents an usurpation, a desire to steal what is proper to God, the autonomy and independence in being; in the level of knowledge, is a presumption of worth by himself/herself, which leads a movement away from inner truth, making the man blind in the depths of his soul; and finally, at the level of wanting, corresponds to an injustice because it is the cause of the first misuse of free will, which led to the breakup of the order established by God in the eternal law. Humility, in inverted symmetry, corresponds, at the level of being, to a voluntary destruction, by which Christ stoops of his nature equal with Gods, taking a nature that is lower, the human nature; in the level of knowledge, it is understood as a confession regarding the truth about God and man himself, of his condition of sinful creature; and finally, at the level of wanting, as the path by which Christ, through his free obedience unto death on a cross and subsequent resurrection, restores justice lost in the first disobedience to the eternal law.
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La dissusion antiterrorisme entre l'effectivité de la présomption d'innocence et l'inéluctabilité de culpabilité : Etude comparative franco-marocaine / The fight against terrorism between the effectiveness of the presumption of innocence and the inevitability of guilt : A comparative studyDiani, Latifa 25 January 2019 (has links)
L’enjeu de tout procès pénal est de garantir l’équilibre entre deux intérêts opposés et sacrés : d’une part, la protection de l’ordre public, qui n’est autre que l'intérêt général de la société, et d’autre part, l'intérêt de la personne se trouvant dans les mailles d’un procès pénal, qui exige la certitude d’exercer ses droits de la défense contre l’arbitraire et les abus de l’appareil judiciaire. La sauvegarde de cet équilibre par l'établissement de normes législatives et des mécanismes judiciaires internationaux et nationaux, s’est vue imposer une approche protectrice des droits de l’individu aux prises avec l’appareil juridictionnel afin de déterminer son innocence ou sa culpabilité. En effet, la présomption d’innocence est une supposition fondée sur des signes de vraisemblance ou encore une anticipation sur ce qui n’est pas prouvé, ce qui interdit à toute juridiction de déclarer une personne coupable des faits qu’ils lui sont reprochés tant qu’elle n’a pas été déclarée coupable par celle-ci. Alors que, la présomption de culpabilité est une exception fixée par le législateur ou par la jurisprudence, par opposition au principe de présomption d’innocence, dont la consécration est supralégislative, comme étant une garantie issue du droit à un procès équitable. C’est un devoir de prudence qui s'impose, face à un nouvel ordre mondial caractérisé par une nouvelle forme de criminalité, en particulier le terrorisme, dont la lutte se manifeste par des conventions internationales et régionales sous l’égide de l’ONU, en mettent en place une stratégie fragmentée et sectorielle contre les crimes associés au terrorisme. Or, si le mécanisme de la présomption de culpabilité semble prendre le dessus sur la légalité, la légitimité et la sagesse du principe de présomption d’innocence, sous l’impulsion d’une nouvelle doctrine qui émerge en l’occurrence le ‘’ droit pénal de l’ennemi ‘’ au nom de la lutte contre le terrorisme, le respect des droits de la défense demeure le gardien absolu contre toute dérive et arbitraire judiciaire. Il s’agit ainsi de concilier lutte efficace contre le terrorisme et respect des droits et libertés fondamentales. Ceci étant, les présomptions (d’innocence ou de culpabilité), constituent un thème audacieux dans la mesure où elles incitent à confronter des débats doctrinaux contemporains à l’une des sources du droit pénal et du droit procédural. Ce modeste travail a trait d’un principe de droit universellement reconnu à savoir : la présomption d'innocence, d’où l’intérêt est de savoir à quel point la lutte contre le terrorisme et la protection de la présomption d’innocence, qui sont soumis à une procédure régulière et spéciale, peuvent être homogènes. / The aim of any penal procedure is to guarantee the balance between two opposing and sacred interests: on the one hand, the protection of public order, which is not other than the general interest of society, and on the other hand, the interest of the person in the meshes of a criminal trial, which requires the certainty of exercising his rights of defense against the arbitrariness and abuses of the judicial system. Safeguarding this balance through the establishment of international and national legal norms and judicial mechanisms, has been imposed a protective approach to the rights of the individual struggling with the jurisdictional apparatus to determine his innocence or guilt. In fact, the presumption of innocence is an assumption based on signs of likelihood or an anticipation of what is not proven, which prohibits any jurisdiction from declaring a person guilty of the facts he is accused of so much that he was not convicted yet whereas the presumption of guilt is an exception set by the legislator or by the case law, as opposed to the principle of presumption of innocence, whose consecration is supra-legislative, as being a guarantee resulting from the right to a fair trial. It is an obligation of caution that is needed in a new world order characterized by a new form of crime, especially terrorism, whose fight is manifested in international and regional conventions under the auspices of the United Nations which implements a fragmented sectorial strategy against crimes associated with terrorism. Therefore, if the mechanism of the presumption of guilt seems to override the legality, legitimacy and wisdom of the principle of presumption of innocence, under the impulse of a new doctrine that emerges in this case the "right" criminal of the enemy '' in the name of the fight against terrorism, respect for the rights of the defense remains the absolute guard against any arbitrary judicial drift. It is thus a question of reconciling effective fight against terrorism with respect for fundamental rights and freedoms. That being said, the presumptions (of innocence or guilt) are a daring theme insofar as they incite to confront contemporary doctrinal debates in the light of the sources of penal law and procedural law. This modest work deals with a universally recognized principle of law: namely, the presumption of innocence, hence the interest in knowing how much the fight against terrorism and the protection of the presumption of innocence, which are subject to a regular and special procedure, may be homogeneous.
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Les dernières volontés et la personne décédée : contribution à une nouvelle forme d’encadrement juridique de la personne après son décès / Last will and the deceased : contribution to a new legal framework of the individual after deathCasadella, Alexia 19 December 2018 (has links)
L’encadrement juridique d’une personne décédée par le prisme de ses dernières volontés est une situation ordinaire offerte à tout testateur, afin d’anticiper la gestion des conséquences de son décès. Bien que reconnues par le discours juridique comme un indicateur précieux des traitements posthumes à opérer, les dernières volontés ont un caractère supplétif et détiennent, en conséquence, une assise relative dans le discours juridique. Si ce constat prévaut toujours à la lecture des règles formelles, il n’en demeure pas moins que nombre de dernières volontés trouvent à éclore au moment du décès du sujet du droit, sans précisément que ce dernier n’ait effectué une démarche positive. Consacrées depuis la loi Cavaillet dans le cadre spécifique du don d’organes, les présomptions de dernières volontés se développent insidieusement, sans qu’il ne soit toujours possible, y compris pour la personne de son vivant, de connaître leur contenu et leur amplitude. En opérant de la sorte, le discours juridique livre un message inaudible qui atténue la légitimité des dernières volontés. Pourtant, si le travail législatif entrepris est indéniablement perfectible, il a le mérite de laisser entrevoir le statut juridique auquel pourrait désormais prétendre la personne décédée. Ne faut-il pas y voir le signe que l’encadrement juridique des personnes décédées ne devrait pas pouvoir s’opérer autrement que par les dernières volontés ? / The legal framework of deceased people through their last wills is an ordinary situation offered to any testator, in order to anticipate the management of the consequences of their death. Though acknowledged by the legal writings as a valuable indicator of the posthumous process to follow, last will and testament being, by nature, ancillary; it only holds a relative base in the legal discourse. If this observation always prevails over the reading of formal rules, many of the last wishes come out and take effect nonetheless when people die without them having necessarily actively carried out any procedure. Codified since the Cavaillet bill in the specific framework of organ donation, the presumption of last will has developed insidiously, without it being necessarily possible, including for the person during his or her lifetime, to have knowledge neither of their substance nor of their extent. Thus, the implied message one can read between the lines of our current legislation reduces the legitimacy of the last will. However, if the legislative work which has been undertaken is undeniably perfectible, it has the merit of showing the legal status which deceased people could now access. Shouldn’t one take this as a sign that the legal framework of deceased people should only be possible through the respect their last wills?
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A imprescritibilidade da negatória de paternidade e o melhor interesse da criança / The imprescriptibility of the paternity denial and the childs best interestCarla Ferreira Fernandes 22 August 2011 (has links)
Estudo sobre a filiação com ênfase na regra do caput do artigo 1.601 do Código Civil Brasileiro Lei 10.406/2002, segundo a qual cabe ao marido o direito de contestar a paternidade dos filhos nascidos de sua mulher, sendo tal ação imprescritível. A dissertação tem como objetivo principal demonstrar a inconstitucionalidade do direito perpétuo do pai em desconstituir a paternidade do filho menor nascido em uma relação de casamento à luz do princípio do melhor interesse da criança. Para tanto foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica e jurisprudencial em tribunais nacionais de segunda instância, no Superior Tribunal de Justiça e no Supremo Tribunal Federal. Os critérios da presunção legal pater is est quem nuptiae demonstrant, da verdade biológica e da posse de estado de filho foram um a um analisados, não havendo entre eles predominância no ordenamento jurídico. O levantamento deste material permitiu a constatação de que a regra supracitada é, pela doutrina majoritária, acriticamente louvada e utilizada nos julgados de conflitos de paternidade. O filho, no entanto, não pode permanecer por toda a vida sujeito à possibilidade do pai desfazer, a qualquer momento, a relação paterno-filial pela ausência do dado biológico por que: (i) o exercício deste direito é mutilador de sua identidade e dignidade humana; (ii) a posse de estado de filho confirma a presunção pater is est; (iii) o estado civil de filho deve se tornar certo e estável em um curto período de tempo. Sustenta-se que é imperioso o afastamento por inconstitucionalidade material da regra do artigo 1.601 do Código Civil e a aplicação analógica do prazo de quatro anos previsto no artigo 1.614 do Código Civil. De lege ferenda propõe-se a elaboração de uma norma que fixe um prazo decadencial para que o marido e pai possa exercer o direito potestativo de negar a paternidade. / A study of paternity with emphasis on the rule of the caput of the article 1.601 of the Brazilian Civil Code law 10.406/2002, which states that its allowed to the husband contesting the paternity of his wifes child, and such claim is imprescriptible. The main purpose of the thesis is demonstrate the unconstitutionality of the fathers perpetual right to disregard the paternity of the minor born from a married couple, based on the principle of childs best interest. It was based on Brazilian Courts jurisprudence and bibliographical research. The criteria of legal presumption pater is est quem nuptiae demonstrant, of biological truth and of putative fatherhood were peered reviewed, and no hierarchical relevance was observed. Based on this survey it is reasonable to declare that the aforementioned rule is uncritically employed in the paternity issues. On the other hand, the child might not be a lifelong susceptible to paternal status changing based on the absence of biological linkage, in that: (i) this practice may be perverse and annihilate the human dignity; (ii) informal adoptions confirm the pater is est presumption; (iii) the paternity status must be undeniable, stable and promptly established. According to the arguments demonstrated along this thesis, the article 1.601 of Brazilian Civil Code must be banished and a four years term rule, as proposed by the article 1.614 of the Brazilian Civil Code, must fulfill it. It is mandatory the elaboration of a new rule of law in which the husband and father, after a four years period of limitation, is prohibited from denying the paternity.
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Prisão e outras medidas cautelares pessoais à luz da proporcionalidade / Prision and other precautionary measures analysis from the perspective of proportionalityMarianna Moura Gonçalves 11 February 2011 (has links)
O reconhecimento da presunção de inocência não se mostra incompatível com a admissão da prisão e de outras medidas de caráter pessoal no curso da persecução penal. Assim como os demais direitos fundamentais, a presunção de inocência não se mostra absoluta ou insuscetível de restrições. O ordenamento jurídico brasileiro admite intervenções legítimas no âmbito de proteção da presunção de inocência, submetendo-as ao controle da proporcionalidade e do conteúdo essencial dos direitos fundamentais. A proporcionalidade serve como limite das intervenções e desdobra-se nos pressupostos, requisitos extrínsecos e requisitos intrínsecos já explorados. O descumprimento de qualquer destes pontos revela a desobediência à regra da proporcionalidade e, com isto, o caráter ilegítimo da intervenção no âmbito de proteção da presunção de inocência. Esta análise pode ocorrer tanto da perspectiva abstrata, examinando-se a previsão normativa, como da perspectiva concreta, analisando a aplicação e a execução da norma / The recognition of the presumption of innocence is inconsistent with the admission of the prison and other measures of personal character in the course of criminal prosecution. Like other fundamental rights, the presumption of innocence does not show absolute and subject to no restrictions. The Brazilian legal system admits intervention legitimate in the context of protection of the presumption of innocence, places them under the control of proportionality and the essential content of fundamental rights. Proportionality serves as a limit of interventions and unfolds in the assumptions, requirements extrinsic and intrinsic requirements already explored. The breach of any of these seven elements reveals the disobedience to the rule of proportionality and, thus, the illegitimate nature of the intervention under protection of the presumption of innocence. This analysis can occur from both the abstract perspective, examining the legislative provision, as the concrete perspective, examining the implementation and enforcement of the standard.
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A Study on the Balance between ¡§Secret Investigation ¡¨ Principle of Police Administration and ¡§Freedom of the Press¡¨ of the Mass MediaSun, Li-Chieh 27 December 2007 (has links)
The two principles of ¡§secret investigation¡¨ and ¡§freedom of the press¡¨ are respectively the foundations of ¡§presumption of innocence,¡¨ a basic human right, and ¡§the right to know,¡¨ one of the basic citizen rights. The former principle guards against any sentence of suspects unreivewed by the juridical system and protects the reputation, privacy and other legal rights of all the related parties in the case. The latter are the fourth power apart from the executive, legislative and judicial branches. It allows for strict monitoring of the governmental performance and, therefore, prevents the government from abusing its powers. In practice, these two principles are rather complicatedly connected.
This study begins by exploring the definition of investigation and, discussing the role and function of the police in the investigation process, and then introducing the basic ideas of the secret investigation principle. As for the freedom of the press, the study starts by explaining its meaning and introduces related theories, legal definition, protection and limitation. The study then continues with a discussion of press autonomy and information source of the press. At the end, the study provides analysis of the interviews to find out conflict and/or cooperation between the police and the media.
The question raised in this study is ¡§How do the police respond to the requirements of the press freedom and protect the right to know without violating any legal regulation?¡¨ The methodology of this study is literature review of official documents and in-depth interview. The data collected from the literature review were compiled and rewritten into sixteen situation analysis tools, which were then reorganized into ten simulation cases. The cases were used as issue analysis tools in the in-depth interviews with the selected journalists and investigation squad chiefs.
In the interview, the squad chiefs were asked what considerations or reactions they would have in each simulation case. The journalists were also asked what strategies or perspectives they would adopt in reporting each case. Comparisons were made to find out the differences and similarities between the squad chiefs and journalists in considering the same case so as to achieve maximum agreement between both sides under the premise of not breach any of the existing legal requirements.
The study reached the following four conclusions: (1) the police should be educated about which action would violate the principle of secret investigation and what legal or administrative liability would ensue; (2) the police should understand the needs of the media and provide journalists with information within reasonable scope for media coverage; (3) the police should use assistance of devices and skills of related technologies; (4) finally, the government should cooperate with the media to make laws that can effectively regulate related issues.
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