Spelling suggestions: "subject:"brimer"" "subject:"drimer""
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Vliv intenzity tlakového namáhání plošných stavebních konstrukcí na hodnoty průvzdušnosti / Air permeability of the building structures according to artificial air pressure on the surfaceDvořák, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the influence of the intensity of pressure strain of structures printed on the value of air permeability. The measurement is carried out using Blower Door Test on six variants using OSB boards as airtightening layers in the building. Part of the research was to verify the suitability of the test chamber and measuring devices for similar purposes and adjustment chamber
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Testování bakterií mléčného kvašení rodu Lactobacillus produkujících bakteriociny / Testing of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus genus for bacteriocins productionVolecová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
Antimicrobial substances, or bacteriocins are substances produced by probiotic lactic acid bacteria. They have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract of humans and are especially suitable for the food, but also the pharmaceutical industry. The aim of the thesis was the molecular identification of lactic acid bacteria of the Lactobacillus genus, species and their subsequent inclusion PCR method. Using the PCR method were tested also genes responsible for the production of bacteriocins. To confirm the production of bacteriocins has been selected the microbiological method, agarose droplet spot-test. In the present study also included the bioinformatics part to assess the specificity and non-specificity of the primers using in Primer-BLAST program.
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Evaluación del grosor dentinario de primeros molares deciduos a nivel de las paredes de los conductos radiculares en tomografía computarizada de haz cónico / Evaluation of the dentin thickness of deciduous first molars at the level of the roots canals walls in Cone Beam computed tomographyJustiniano Navarro, Carlos Alberto 27 January 2021 (has links)
Objetivo: Evaluar el grosor dentinario en el tercio cervical, medio y apical de primeros molares deciduos a nivel de las paredes de los conductos radiculares mediante el uso de tomografía computarizada de haz cónico.
Materiales y métodos: La muestra estuvo conformada por 30 tomografías de haz cónico. La unidad de análisis estuvo compuesta por primeros molares deciduos, los cuales fueron divididos en dos grupos (n=15), el grupo de primeros molares deciduos superiores e inferiores. Para la toma de las medidas del grosor dentinario de las paredes de cada conducto, se realizó 3 cortes de vista axial en la tomografía en el tercio cervical, medio y apical. Luego, cada tercio fue dividido en 4 superficies (distal, mesial, lingual/palatino y vestibular), lo cual sirvió para tomar las medidas y realizar la sumatoria de las 4 superficies del grosor dentinario en milímetros para obtener el promedio final del tercio. Los datos fueron analizados mediante estadística descriptiva (media, mediana, desviación estándar y rango intercuartílico).
Resultado: Se obtuvieron las medias para el grupo del primer molar deciduo superior e inferior, en los cuales se observó medidas diferentes a nivel de los tres tercios y superficies evaluadas.
Conclusión: Es importante tener mayor conocimiento sobre la anatomía del primer molar deciduo, debido a las diversas características que esta presenta en comparación a los molares de la dentición permanente. / Objective: To evaluate the dentin thickness in cervical, middle and apical third of deciduous first molars at the level of the root canal walls by using cone beam computed tomography.
Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of 30 Cone Beam tomography. The analysis unit was made up of deciduous first molars, which were divided into two groups (n=15), the group of upper and lower deciduous first molars. To take the measurements of the dentin thickness of the walls of each canal, 3 axial views were made on the tomography in the cervical, middle and apical third. Then each third was divided into 4 surfaces (distal, mesial, lingual / palatal and vestibular), which served to take the measurements and make the sum of the 4 surfaces of the dentin thickness in millimeters to obtain the final average of the third. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean, median, standard deviation and interquartile range).
Results: The means for the upper and lower deciduous first molar group were obtained, in which different measures were observed at the level of the three-thirds and evaluated surfaces.
Conclusion: It is important know more about anatomy of the first deciduous molar, due to the various characteristics that it presents compared to the molars of the permanent dentition. / Tesis
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Corrosion Protection of Aluminum Alloy 2024-T3 by Al-Rich PrimerWang, Xi 17 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Linking Genetic Resources, Genomes and Phenotypes of Solanaceus CropsAlonso Martín, David 30 November 2024 (has links)
[ES] El impacto del cambio climático en los cultivos hortícolas es cada vez más evidente, lo que ha llevado a la pérdida y erosión de diversidad genética de manera drástica. Esto plantea importantes desafíos para la mejora de los cultivos, que requiere la exploración de los recursos fitogenéticos conservados en los bancos de germoplasma y el desarrollo de tecnologías que permitan evaluar el valor fenotípico y genotípico de estos materiales. Sin embargo, la situación actual de las colecciones de germoplasma es la existencia de duplicados no identificados entre colecciones, errores en la clasificación taxonómica, documentación insuficiente y no disponible para investigadores y mejoradores, añadido a la falta de financiación para la conservación y gestión adecuadas. Esto dificulta enormemente la utilización de estos recursos. En la presente Tesis se aborda este problema comenzando por la unificación de datos de pasaporte, fenotipado e imágenes de las principales colecciones de tomate, pimiento y berenjena en un mismo repositorio en el primer capítulo.
El segundo capítulo se centra en el desarrollo y optimización de un método de extracción de ADN genómico de alta calidad, rápido y económico que combina las ventajas del método de extracción basado en el CTAB, añadido a la purificación de los ácidos nucleicos en una matriz de sílice. Es un método universal que puede utilizarse para diferentes especies y tejidos. Se ha evaluado la eficiencia del ADN genómico resultante en diferentes plataformas de secuenciación como SPET (Single Primer Enrichment Technology) y Oxford Nanopore, generando resultados muy prometedores. Esto facilita el paso previo al genotipado de las colecciones que es la extracción de ADN.
En el tercer capítulo se aborda el genotipado de las colecciones. El elevado número de accesiones de cada cultivo, en particular el tomate, supone un problema de tipo económico, en ocasiones irresoluble. Por ello, el tercer capítulo está orientado a la evaluación del potencial de la tecnología de secuenciación SPET, más económica que otras conocidas, para el genotipado de alto rendimiento de colecciones de germoplasma de tomate y berenjena. Los resultados revelan que el genotipado SPET es una tecnología robusta y de alto rendimiento para estudios genéticos, incluyendo la posibilidad de identificación de duplicados y errores de clasificación taxonómica en las entradas conservadas en los bancos. Con la información generada en los primeros tres capítulos se establecieron las colecciones nucleares para cada cultivo, abarcando la máxima diversidad genética y fenotípica en un conjunto de 450 individuos.
Finalmente, en el cuarto capítulo, se analiza y describe la colección nuclear de tomate a nivel genético y fenotípico, mediante un enfoque basado en el establecimiento de grupos genéticos basados en su proximidad genética. El análisis de la diversidad genética y fenotípica reveló patrones de variación distintos entre diferentes grupos genéticos, contradiciendo afirmaciones anteriores que proponían una disminución en la diversidad genética como consecuencia de la mejora genética y descubriendo correlaciones entre rasgos morfológicos únicas dentro de los diferentes grupos.
En resumen, esta tesis aumenta el conocimiento y accesibilidad a las colecciones de Solanaceae en bancos de germoplasma y proporciona herramientas moleculares. Destaca la importancia de estos bancos como reservorios de diversidad genética, aunque enfrenten desafíos como datos limitados y duplicados. Estos avances sientan las bases para la conservación y programas de mejora futuros. / [CA] L'impacte del canvi climàtic en els cultius hortícoles és cada vegada més evident, la qual cosa ha portat a la dràstica pèrdua i erosió de la diversitat genètica. La reduïda diversitat genètica planteja importants reptes per a la millora dels cultius. Sent necessari l'exploració dels recursos genètics vegetals conservats en els bancs de germoplasma i el desenvolupament de tecnologies que permeten avaluar el valor fenotípic i genotípic d'aquests materials. Pel que fa a les col·leccions de germoplasma presenten duplicats no identificats entre col·leccions, errors en la classificació taxonòmica, falta de finançament per a la conservació i gestió adequades a banda de documentació insuficient i no disponible (investigadors i milloradors vegetals). En la present tesi doctoral en el primer capítol s'aborda aquest problema unificant les dades de passaport, fenotipat i imatges de les principals col·leccions de tomaca, pebre i albergínia en un mateix repositori.
El segon capítol es focalitza en el desenvolupament i optimització d'un mètode d'extracció de ADN genòmic d'alta qualitat, ràpid i econòmic que combina els avantatges del mètode d'extracció basat en el CTAB amb l'ús de matrius de sílice. El mètode desenvolupat pot utilitzar-se de manera universal per a diferents espècies i teixits vegetals. S'ha avaluat l'eficiència del ADN genòmic resultant en diferents plataformes de seqüenciació com SPET (Single Primer Enrichment Technology) i Oxford Nanopore, generant resultats molt prometedors. Això facilita el pas previ al genotipat de les col·leccions que és l'extracció d'ADN.
En el tercer capítol aborda l'optimització del procés de genotipat de les col·leccions generades. L'elevat nombre d'accessions de cada cultiu, en particular la tomaca, suposa un problema de tipus econòmic, a vegades irresoluble. Per això, aquest capítol està orientat a l'avaluació del potencial de la tecnologia de seqüenciació SPET per al genotipat d'alt rendiment de col·leccions de germoplasma de tomaca i albergínia a un preu econòmic. Els resultats revelen que el genotipat SPET és una tecnologia robusta i d'alt rendiment per a estudis genètics, incloent-hi la possibilitat d'identificació de duplicats i errors de classificació taxonòmica en les entrades conservades en els bancs de germoplasma. La informació generada va permetre establir col·leccions nuclears per a cada cultiu, abastant la màxima diversitat genètica i fenotípica en un conjunt de 450 individus.
Finalment, en el quart capítol, s'analitza i descrigué la col·lecció nuclear de tomaca a nivell genètic i fenotípic, focalitzant-se en l'establiment de grups genètics basats en la seua proximitat genètica. L'anàlisi de la diversitat genètica i fenotípica va revelar patrons de variació diferents entre diferents grups genètics, contradient afirmacions anteriors que proposaven una disminució en la diversitat genètica a conseqüència de la millora genètica. També és descobriren noves correlacions entre trets morfològics únics dins dels diferents grups. L'estudi destaca la importància d'abordar les iniciatives de millora de la tomaca tenint en compte tant la diversitat genètica com la fenotípica, amb especial èmfasi en aspectes com la grandària, la forma, el color i la qualitat del fruit.
En definitiva, els treballs realitzats en aquesta tesi doctoral augmenten, d'una banda, el coneixement i l'accessibilitat a les principals col·leccions de solanàcies conservades en els bancs de germoplasma. Per un altre, generen eines moleculars que permeten l' avaluació genotípica de les col·leccions analizades. En resum, aquests avanços suposen una base per al futur, proporcionant informació valuosa per a la pròpia conservació de les col·leccions i el seu ús en programes de millora. / [EN] The impact of climate change on horticultural crops is increasingly evident, leading to drastic loss and erosion of genetic diversity. This poses significant challenges for crop improvement, which requires the exploration of plant genetic resources conserved in germplasm banks and the development of technologies. However, the current situation of germplasm collections is characterized by the existence of unidentified duplicates among collections, taxonomic mislabelling, insufficient and unavailable documentation for researchers and breeders, and a lack of funding for proper conservation and management. This greatly hampers the utilization of these resources. This thesis addresses this problem by starting with the unification of passport, phenotyping, and image data from the main collections of tomato, pepper, and eggplant. Genotyping these collections enables the creation of core collections, enhancing knowledge of genotypic and phenotypic variability for researchers and breeders.
In the first chapter, an inventory of available passport and phenotypic data of tomato, pepper, and eggplant accessions conserved in major European and non-European germplasm banks were conducted to improve the efficiency of plant genetic resource management.
The second chapter focuses on the development and optimization of a high-quality, fast, and cost-effective genomic DNA extraction method that combines the advantages of the CTAB-based extraction method with nucleic acid purification on a silica matrix. The efficiency of the resulting genomic DNA was evaluated on different sequencing platforms, such as Single Primer Enrichment Technology (SPET) and Oxford Nanopore, yielding promising results. This facilitates the prerequisite step of DNA extraction before genotyping the collections.
Chapter three addresses the genotyping of the collections. The high number of accessions for each crop, particularly tomato, poses an often insurmountable economic problem. Therefore, chapter three is focused on evaluating the potential of SPET sequencing technology, which is more cost-effective than other known methods, for high-throughput genotyping of tomato and eggplant germplasm collections. The results reveal that SPET genotyping is a robust and high-performance technology for genetic studies, including the identification of duplicates and taxonomic misclassifications in the accessions stored in the germplasm banks. Based on the information generated in the first three chapters, core collections were established for each crop, encompassing maximum genetic and phenotypic diversity in a set of 450 individuals.
Finally, in the fourth chapter, the genetic and phenotypic analysis of the tomato core collection is examined and described using an approach based on establishing genetic groups based on their genetic proximity. Genetic and phenotypic diversity analysis revealed distinct patterns of variation among different genetic groups, contradicting previous claims of a decrease in genetic diversity due to genetic improvement and uncovering unique correlations between morphological traits within different groups. The study highlights the importance of considering both genetic and phenotypic diversity in tomato breeding initiatives, with a particular emphasis on aspects such as fruit size, shape, color, and quality.
In conclusion, this thesis enhances knowledge and accessibility to major Solanaceae collections in germplasm banks, while providing molecular tools for genotypic evaluation. It underscores germplasm banks' role as genetic diversity reservoirs, despite challenges such as data limitations and inaccuracies, emphasizing the importance of data standardization and maintenance. These advancements lay a foundation for conservation and breeding programs in the future. / This work was supported by grants CIPROM/2021/020 from Conselleria d’Innovació, Universitats, Ciència i Societat Digital (Generalitat Valenciana, Spain), PID2021-128148OB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”, PDC2022-133513-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/, and by “European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR”, by Grant Agreement No. 677379 (G2P-SOL project: Linking genetic resources, genomes and phenotypes of Solanaceous crops) from European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, by the Grant Agreement No. 101094738 (PRO-GRACE project: Promoting a Plant Genetic Resource Community for Europe) from the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme, as well as by the initiative "Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Collecting, Protecting and Preparing Crop Wild Relatives", which is supported by the Government of Norway. This later project is managed by the Global Crop Diversity Trust with the Millennium Seed Bank of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and implemented in partnership with national and international gene banks and plant breeding institutes around the world. For further information, see the project website: htp://www.cwrdiversity.org/. The overall work also partially fulfils some goals of the Agritech National Research Center and received funding from the European Union Next-Generation EU (PIANO NAZIONALE DI RIPRESA E RESILIENZA (PNRR)–MISSIONE 4 COMPONENTE 2, INVESTIMENTO 1.4—D.D. 1032 17/06/2022, CN00000022). David Alonso is grateful to Universitat Politècnica de València for a predoctoral (PAID-01-16) / Alonso Martín, D. (2023). Linking Genetic Resources, Genomes and Phenotypes of Solanaceus Crops [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/201550
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A Escola Estadual Capistrano de Abreu - Guarulhos e a cartilha SodréAlves, Laura Maria Fernandes Moreira 12 May 2008 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-12 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This thesis is in the research line of Portuguese Language s History and Description. The subject hereof is the study of the Capistrano de Abreu State School s History in the 20th Century, which is located in the city of Guarulhos, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. It encompasses a description of said School's origins within the period of 1913-1950. Further, its subject matter of study is the so-called Cartilha Sodré (Sodré Primer), by virtue of its importance in teaching basic literacy to the students of said Elementary School, in the Brazilian Republic age. This essay s general purpose is to recover documents of the organization of the first Elementary and Secondary School of the city of Guarulhos, which has to be filed and documented, because they make part of such city's Educational Historic Heritage. Particularly, to: 1) examine the School s heritage as regards its management in the period of 1913-1950, by means of documents, alumni s testimonies, and informal conversations, with the purpose of supplementing possible gaps of this research; 2) recover the School's memorial, since its origins, within the period defined in this essay; 3) describe and analyze Cartilha Sodré, i.e., Sodré Primer, aiming at understanding the method and the process used to teach basic literacy. This research is grounded on the theoretical presuppositions of the Linguistic Ideas History. As regards the purposes hereof, the results achieved by reading material of its heritage pointed out that both the School s Management and alumni took part, or still take part of Guarulhos distinguished citizens. In addition, new information and records were found, like the very name of Cartilha Sodré, which was relevant to teach basic literacy during said period, and also to form Guarulhos citizens. Therefore, the purposes were satisfactorily achieved. The methodological procedure used was the theoretical-descriptive and deductive, for the steps followed were efficient to guide the search for answers. Notwithstanding the above, it can be concluded that this research has to continue, because the investigation carried out focused only a period of the Education History in the city of Guarulhos / Esta Dissertação situa-se na linha de pesquisa da História e Descrição da Língua
Portuguesa. Tem, por tema, o estudo da História da Escola Estadual Capistrano de Abreu,
em Guarulhos, no século XX, a descrição das origens dessa Escola, entre os anos de 1913
a 1950 e, por objeto de estudo, a Cartilha Sodré, por sua importância na Alfabetização dos
alunos dessa Escola primária, na época da República. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa visa
resgatar documentos da instituição do primeiro Grupo Escolar de Guarulhos, material a ser
registrado e documentado, por pertencer à Memória da História da Educação dessa cidade.
Especificamente: 1) examinar o acervo da Escola com relação ao corpo diretivo, no período
de 1913 a 1950, através de documentos, depoimentos de ex-alunos e conversas informais,
com a finalidade de complementar as possíveis lacunas desta pesquisa; 2) resgatar o
memorial da Escola, em suas origens, no período delimitado para a pesquisa; 3) descrever e
analisar a Cartilha Sodré, com a finalidade de conhecer o Método e o Processo utilizados na
Alfabetização. Esta investigação está alicerçada por pressupostos teóricos da História das
Idéias Lingüísticas. Quanto aos objetivos, os resultados obtidos pelas leituras do acervo
apontaram que tanto a Direção quanto ex-alunos fizeram e/ou fazem parte da cidadania
ilustre do Município, além de serem encontradas novas informações, registros, como o
nome da Cartilha Sodré, relevante na Alfabetização, na República, na formação dos
cidadãos guarulhenses. Logo, os objetivos apresentados foram cumpridos,
satisfatoriamente. O procedimento metodológico utilizado foi o teórico-descritivo e dedutivo,
sendo que os passos seguidos foram eficazes no direcionamento da busca por respostas.
Não obstante, pode-se concluir que esta pesquisa precisa ter continuidade, pois a
investigação realizada foi centrada em um período da História da Educação de Guarulhos
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A cartilha Ler a Jato e o método audiofonográfico de alfabetização da professora Gilda de Freitas Tomatis / A cartilha Ler a Jato e o método audiofonográfico de alfabetização da professora Gilda de Freitas TomatisDietrich, Mara Denise Neitzke 12 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:47:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Mara Denise Neitzke Dietrich_Dissertacao.pdf: 16157515 bytes, checksum: 4e5a70ac5708cfd644f8543c5bdd695d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012-03-12 / This study presents the analysis from the production of Ler a Jato primer and the Literacy audio-phonographic method in 15 hours, written by the teacher Gilda de Freitas Tomatis, at 1960 decade, in Rio Grande do Sul. The period of this study
considered the 1967 year, when it was edited the first primer sample of Ler a Jato until 1986, was the last date found during this research. For the data analysis it was done a crossing of the documents with the oral sources. Related to the oral sources, it was considered the semi structured interview with the teacher Gilda de Freitas Tomatis‟ daughter in Porto Alegre city, in October of 2010. Related to the documents were considered: photos, books, primers, vinyl discos, certificates, medals, a view from Researches Center and Educational Advising from Education and Culture
Bureau of 1968, all them including a detailed evaluation about the Ler a Jato primer. Some of these documents were donated by the teacher Gilda Tomatis‟ daughter, along with other documents acquired at tallow and websites. About the
theoretical-methodological option, this study was based on the epistemological model of evidentiary paradigm proposed by Ginzburg (2007), used as a research device to notice and to analyze the relevant elements in the documents. This way, these study results intend to contribute with the other searches in the Literacy History and Textbooks areas, showing important aspect regarding the production and the
textbooks circulation which were done by the teacher Gilda de Freitas Tomatis through her Tomatis-Textbooks Publisher, based on the communications circuit proposed by Darnton (1995). Furthermore, this study still presents a comparative
analysis between the Ler a Jato primer and the Primeiro Guia de Leitura LER from MEC, material used in Brazil since the late 1940s. The analysis from these primers displayed similarities between both of them, specially related to graphic aspects, for example, distribution and similarities between some images, page organization, lessons and the use of some key-words, among other things. / O trabalho apresenta a análise da produção da cartilha Ler a Jato e do Método Audiofonográfico de alfabetização em 15 horas, produzido pela professora Gilda de Freitas Tomatis, na década de 1960, no Rio Grande do Sul. A periodização deste
estudo considerou o ano de 1967, ocasião em que foi editado o primeiro exemplar da cartilha Ler a Jato até o ano de 1986, data da última edição encontrada durante a realização da pesquisa. Para a análise dos dados, fez-se o cruzamento dos
documentos com as fontes orais. Em relação às fontes orais, considerou-se a entrevista semiestruturada realizada com a filha da professora Gilda de Freitas Tomatis em Porto Alegre/RS em outubro de 2010. Em relação aos documentos foram considerados: fotos, livros, cartilhas, discos de vinil, certificados, medalhas, um parecer emitido pelo Centro de Pesquisas e Orientação Educacionais da Secretaria de Educação e Cultura de 1968, contendo uma avaliação detalhada sobre a cartilha Ler a Jato . Alguns desses documentos foram doados pela filha da professora Gilda Tomatis, aliados a outros documentos que adquiri junto a sebos e sites virtuais. O presente estudo, no que concerne à opção teórico-metodológica, baseou-se no modelo epistemológico do paradigma indiciário proposto por Ginzburg
(2007), utilizado como dispositivo de pesquisa para perceber e analisar os elementos relevantes contidos nos documentos. Assim, os resultados deste estudo pretendem contribuir com as demais pesquisas na área da História da Alfabetização
e dos Livros Escolares, revelando aspectos importantes da produção e a circulação dos materiais didáticos que foram produzidos pela professora Gilda de Freitas Tomatis, através de sua Editora Tomatis - Livros Didáticos, com base no circuito das comunicações proposto por Darnton (1995). Além disso, este trabalho ainda apresenta um estudo comparativo entre a cartilha Ler a Jato e o Primeiro Guia de Leitura LER do MEC, material de circulação no Brasil desde o final da década de
1940. A análise destas duas cartilhas evidenciaram semelhanças entre ambas, especialmente no que se refere aos aspectos gráficos, como, por exemplo, disposição e a semelhança entre algumas imagens, organização das páginas, das lições e o uso de algumas palavras-chave, dentre outros aspectos.
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Transcriptional regulation of mouse ribonucleotide reductaseElfving, Anna January 2011 (has links)
All living organisms are made of cells and they store their hereditary information in the form of double stranded DNA. In all organisms DNA replication and repair is essential for cell division and cell survival. These processes require deoxyribonucleotides (dNTPs), the building blocks of DNA. Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) is catalyzing the rate limiting step in the de novo synthesis of dNTPs. Active RNR is a heterodimeric protein complex. In S phase cells, the mouse RNR consists of the R1 and the R2 proteins. The R1/R2 RNR-complex supplies the cell with dNTPs required for DNA replication. Outside S-phase or in non-proliferating cells RNR is composed of R1 and p53R2 proteins. The R1/p53R2 RNR-complex supplies cells with dNTPs required for mitochondrial DNA replication and for DNA repair. An undisturbed dNTP regulation is important since unbalanced dNTP pools results in DNA mutations and cell death. Since unbalanced pools are harmful to the cell, RNR activity is regulated at many levels. The aim of this thesis is to study how the mouse RNR genes are regulated at a transcriptional level. We have focused on the promoter regions of all three mouse RNR genes. Primer extension experiments show that the transcription start of the TATA-less p53R2 promoter colocalizes with an earlier unidentified initiator element (Inr-element). This element is similar to the known Inr-element in the mouse R1 promoter. Furthermore, functional studies of the R1 promoter revealed a putative E2F binding element. This result suggests that the S phase specific transcription of the R1 gene is regulated by a similar mechanism as the R2 promoter which contains an E2F binding site. Finally we have established a method to partially purify the transcription factor(s) binding the upstream activating region in the mouse R2 promoter by phosphocellulose chromatography and affinity purification using oligonucleotides immobilized on magnetic beads. This method will allow us to further study the transcription factors responsible for activating expression of the R2 protein. This method has a potential to be utilized as a general method when purifying unknown transcription factors.
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Mise au point d'additifs siliciés pour l'adhérisation d'élastomères silicone sur supports métalliques / Development of silicon additives for bonding silicone elastomers onto metal substratesPicard, Loïc 28 November 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de ces travaux de thèse était de développer un primaire d’adhésion stable, permettant l’adhérisation de tous types d’élastomères silicone sur une grande majorité de surfaces métalliques, et ce de façon reproductible. Dans un premier temps, une étude bibliographique détaillée des différentes formulations de primaire à base de silanes utilisées pour l’adhésion de tous types d’élastomères silicone (EVC, EVF et LSR) a été effectuée. Pour compléter la compréhension du système métal/primaire d’adhésion/élastomère silicone étudié, trois formulations de primaire, dont une formulation « maison », et trois élastomères silicone ont été analysés et leurs compositions, ainsi que leurs propriétés en adhésion, ont été déterminées. La caractérisation de différentes résines silicone composant la formulation « maison » de primaire a également été effectuée. Cette dernière a ensuite été optimisée en synthétisant de nouvelles résines silicone, en ajustant les taux de chaque composant et en changeant le type de catalyseur. Dans un second temps, la caractérisation physico-chimique des primaires d’adhésion enduits sur la surface d’un métal (aluminium) a été effectuée. La topologie des films de primaire (épaisseur, rugosité et uniformité) et leurs propriétés de mouillage ont été déterminées. Ces résultats ont été complétés par la caractérisation des faciès de rupture des pièces composites métal/primaire/élastomère silicone. À la suite de ces différentes analyses complémentaires, le paramètre gouvernant la sélectivité d’un primaire d’adhésion pour un grade d’EVC a été isolé. Une courbe modèle permettant la formulation d’un primaire polyvalent a été proposée et validée par la formulation d’un primaire d’adhésion pouvant adhérer les différents grades d’EVC sélectionnés pour cette étude. / This PhD work aimed at developing a stable primer of adhesion, allowing the bonding of all types of silicone elastomers onto a vast majority of metallic surfaces, in a reproducible way. In a first approach, a detailed bibliographic study was performed on the different primer based-silane formulations used for the adhesion of any types of silicone elastomers (HCR, RTV and LSR). To better understand the metal/primer/silicone elastomer system, three primer formulations, including a homemade formulation, and three silicone elastomers were analyzed and their compositions, and adhesive properties, were determined. The characterization of different silicone resins entering in the composition of the homemade primer formulation was also carried out. The latter was optimized by synthetizing new silicone resins, by adjusting the content of each component and by changing the type of catalyst. In a second step, the characterization of the physical chemistry of the primer formulations coated on a metal surface (aluminum) was performed. The topology of the primer films (thickness, roughness and uniformity) and their wettability were determined. These information were completed by the characterization of fracture profiles of the composite part metal/primer/silicone elastomer. Following these additional analyses, the parameter governing the selectivity of a primer formulation for a grade of HCR was isolated and a model curve for the formulation of a polyvalent primer was proposed. This curve was validated by the formulation of a primer which can bond the different grades of HCR selected for this study.
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Opérations de proximité en orbite : évaluation du risque de collision et calcul de manoeuvres optimales pour l'évitement et le rendez-vous / Orbital proximity operations : evaluation of collision risk and computation of optimal maneuvers for avoidance and rendezvousSerra, Romain 10 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de l'évitement de collision entre un engin spatial opérationnel, appelé objet primaire, et un débris orbital, dit secondaire. Ces travaux concernent aussi bien la question de l'estimation du risque pour une paire d'objets sphériques que celle du calcul d'un plan de manoeuvres d'évitement pour le primaire. Pour ce qui est du premier point, sous certaines hypothèses, la probabilité de collision s'exprime comme l'intégrale d'une fonction gaussienne sur une boule euclidienne, en dimension deux ou trois. On en propose ici une nouvelle méthode de calcul, basée sur les théories de la transformée de Laplace et des fonctions holonomes. En ce qui concerne le calcul de manoeuvres de propulsion, différentes méthodes sont développées en fonction du modèle considéré. En toute généralité, le problème peut être formulé dans le cadre de l'optimisation sous contrainte probabiliste et s'avère difficile à résoudre. Dans le cas d'un mouvement considéré comme relatif rectiligne, l'approche par scénarios se prête bien au problème et permet d'obtenir des solutions admissibles. Concernant les rapprochements lents, une linéarisation de la dynamique des objets et un recouvrement polyédral de l'objet combiné sont à la base de la construction d'un problème de substitution. Deux approches sont proposées pour sa résolution : une première directe et une seconde par sélection du risque. Enfin, la question du calcul de manoeuvres de proximité en consommation optimale et temps fixé, sans contrainte d'évitement, est abordée. Par l'intermédiaire de la théorie du vecteur efficacité, la solution analytique est obtenue pour la partie hors-plan de la dynamique képlérienne linéarisée. / This thesis is about collision avoidance for a pair of spherical orbiting objects. The primary object - the operational satellite - is active in the sense that it can use its thrusters to change its trajectory, while the secondary object is a space debris that cannot be controlled in any way. Onground radars or other means allow to foresee a conjunction involving an operational space craft,leading in the production of a collision alert. The latter contains statistical data on the position and velocity of the two objects, enabling for the construction of a probabilistic collision model.The work is divided in two parts : the computation of collision probabilities and the design of maneuvers to lower the collision risk. In the first part, two kinds of probabilities - that can be written as integrals of a Gaussian distribution over an Euclidean ball in 2 and 3 dimensions -are expanded in convergent power series with positive terms. It is done using the theories of Laplace transform and Definite functions. In the second part, the question of collision avoidance is formulated as a chance-constrained optimization problem. Depending on the collision model, namely short or long-term encounters, it is respectively tackled via the scenario approach or relaxed using polyhedral collision sets. For the latter, two methods are proposed. The first one directly tackles the joint chance constraints while the second uses another relaxation called risk selection to obtain a mixed-integer program. Additionaly, the solution to the problem of fixed-time fuel minimizing out-of-plane proximity maneuvers is derived. This optimal control problem is solved via the primer vector theory.
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