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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Klaipėdos apskrities žemės ūkio paskirties žemės pardavimas ir nuoma / Sales And Rent Of Agricultural Land In Klaipeda Region

Majutė, Odeta 14 January 2009 (has links)
Lietuvai būdinga tai, jog žemės rinka plėtojasi žemės reformos metu, taigi ši rinka yra paveikta ūkių ir žemės pertvarkymo procesų taip pat buvusios suvalstybintos žemės grąžinimo teisėtiems savininkams. Žemės rinkos reguliavimo sąlygos ir priemonės Lietuvoje yra susiję su Lietuvos įstatymais bei norminiais aktais. Šiame darbe atlikta Klaipėdos apskrities žemės ūkio paskirties žemės pardavimo ir nuomos tyrimai nuo 2005 iki 2008 metų. Atliekant tyrimą buvo naudojamasi Žemės fondo, Nacionalinės žemės tarnybos statistiniais duomenimis. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad Klaipėdos apskrityje iki 2008 m. sausio 1 d. pastebima, jog juridiniai asmenys valstybinės žemės ūkio paskirties žemės rinkoje yra pasyvūs, o užsienio subjektai iš viso nedominuoja šioje rinkoje. Tai įtakoja apribojimai nustatyti Lietuvos Respublikos juridiniams asmenims ir užsienio subjektams, siekiantiems įsigyti žemės ūkio paskirties žemės, kurie pablogina investavimo ir laisvo kapitalo judėjimo sąlygas. Nustatyta, kad teritorijos, kurios pasižymi gražia aplinka, vertingos rekreaciniu ir komerciniu požiūriu, susisiekimu bei privažiavimo keliais, parduodamos už gana ne mažą vidutinę žemės kainą. Klaipėdos apskrityje brangiausia žemės ūkio paskirties žemė yra Klaipėdos bei Kretingos rajonuose. / In Lithuania land market is expanding due to land reform. So this market is influenced by economy, land reformation processes and restoration of nationalized land to it‘s official owner. Land market regulations are connected to Lithuanian law and policies. This paper covers the research of land sales and rent in Klaipeda region from 2005 till 2008 year is done. Land Foundation and National Land Office‘s statistical data was used for the research. The research shows that in Klaipeda region till the 1st of January 2008 juridical persons are passive in public agricultural land market and foreign subjects do not take part in this market at all. This is due to one of Republic of Lithuania laws that restrict buying agricultural land to juridical person or foreign subjects. This phenomenon worsens investment and capital movement. The research also shows that territories with beautiful landscape, territories that are commercially valuable, and territories with good road communications are sold for quit high average price. In Klaipeda region the most expensive agricultural land is in Klaipeda and Kretinga districts.

Veiksnių, lemiančių šeimos gydytojo pasirinkimą, įvertinimas / Assesment of factors determining the choice of family doctor

Jakubsevičienė, Rasa 06 June 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – įvertinti šeimos gydytojo pasirinkimą ir keitimą lemiančius veiksnius priklausomai nuo įstaigos tipo. Uždaviniai :1. Nustatyti ir įvertinti PSP paslaugų teikėjo pasirinkimą lemiančius veiksnius priklausomai nuo įstaigos tipo. 2. Įvertinti ir palyginti šeimos gydytojo keitimą įtakojančius motyvus priklausomai nuo įstaigos tipo. 3. Įvertinti ir palyginti pacientų elgseną ir pasitenkinimą paslaugomis priklausomai nuo įstaigos tipo. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrimas atliktas 2013m. sausio- kovo mėn. Naudota anoniminė anketinė viešosiose: Prienų rajono PSPC ir Birštono PSPC bei privačiose PSP įstaigose besilankančių pacientų apklausa( n═247). Atsakas dažnumas 81,5 proc. Tyrimo rezultatų statistinė analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS 17.0 ( Statistical Package of Social Scienles ) for Windows statistinių duomenų paketą. Ryšiai tarp požymių vertinti pagal Chi kvadrato ( x2 ) kriterijų. Rodiklių skirtumas laikytas statistiškai reikšmingu, kai p< 0,05. Rezultatai. Pacientų tyrimo rezultatų analizė atskleidė, jog (48 proc.) privačių PSPC ir (46 proc.) viešųjų PSP įstaigų pacientų yra patenkinti šeimos gydytojo teikiamomis paslaugomis. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad statistiškai šeimos gydytojo paslaugų vertinimas neturi sąsajų su išsilavinimu, socialiniu statusu ir mokėjimu už paslaugas. Privačiose gydymo įstaigose (40 proc.) respondentų nepasirenka šeimos gydytojo dėl nepatenkinamų paslaugų kokybės, o (75 proc.) viešųjų PSP centrų respondentų - dėl netinkamo šeimos gydytojo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study is to assess factors that determine the choice and change of family doctor depending on the type of institution. Objectives: 1. To identify and assess factors that determine the choice of a primary healthcare service provider depending on the type of institution. 2. To assess and compare motives that influence the change of a family doctor depending on the type of institution. 3. To assess and compare patientes behaviour and satisfaction depending on the type of institution. Methods of the research. The research was conducted in between January and March, 2013. An anonymous survey was performed on patients who visit public institutions of Prienai district primary health care and Birštonas primary health care and also private primary health care institutions (n=247). The response in public primary health care institutions was 81.5%. The statistical analysis of the research results was performed using SPSS 17.0 (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). The relationships between the features were assessed using x2 criterion. Results. The analysis of patient research results showed that 48% of patients of private primary healthcare and 46% of public healthcare institutions are satisfied with the services provided by family doctors. During the research it was found that statistically the assessment of family doctor service quality does not have connection with education, social status or payment for services, 40% of respondents do not choose family doctor... [to full text]

Il costo del capitale proprio nella banche: rassegna dei modelli di analisi e verifica empirica per il sistema bancario italiano / Bamls Cost of Equity: Review of Model and Empirical Analysis for Italian Banks

CHIESI, GIAN MARCO 20 February 2007 (has links)
Il lavoro stima il costo del capitale delle banche italiane alla luce di due antitetici comportamenti di investimento: diversificazione internazionale di portafoglio e concentrazione proprietaria volta alla detenzione di pacchetti azionari rilevanti. L'integrazione dei mercati finanziari e l'adozione della moneta unica determinano la necessità di allargare all'area valutaria il correlato empirico al portafoglio di mercato indicato dal CAPM. La verifica condotta su un campione di banche italiane evidenzia la riduzione dei Beta e del costo del capitale proprio a causa del limitato contributo fornito al rischio sistematico del portafoglio riferito all'area valutaria da parte del mercato azionario nazionale e delle banche italiane. La detenzione del potere decisionale consente agli azionisti rilevanti di ottenere, in termini di private benefits, un sovra-rendimento che giustifica strategie volte alla concentrazione di ricchezza. Questo genera per le banche italiane un incremento del costo del capitale. / This work analyses the techniques to assess the cost of equity of Italian banks in the light of two antithetical investment policies: international portfolio diversification and ownership concentration directed to hold large blocks of shares. Financial market integration and European Monetary Union involve using a broader index, referred to the Euro area, as the proxy for the market portfolio pointed out by CAPM. The analysis carried out on a sample of Italian banks shows this change brings about a reduction of both the estimated Beta and the cost of equity. This is due to the limited contribution that domestic market index makes to the systematic risk of the Euro portfolio. The control of the decision-making process enables the holders of large blocks of shares to extract private benefits and to obtain extra returns compared with other investors. This can explain an investment policy directed to wealth concentration. That causes a higher equity cost of equity.

Viešojo ir privataus sveikatos priežiūros sektorių lyginamasis aspektas Lietuvoje / Comparative aspect of public and private health care secktor in Lithuania

Simonaitytė, Giedrė 22 January 2009 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuoti LR egzistuojančių viešų ir privačių sveikatos priežiūros įstaigų veiklos skirtumai bei jų sąveiką. Ištirti tokie viešųjų ir privačių sveikatos priežiūros sektorių aspektai: sveikatos priežiūros sektoriai patys savaime, šių įstaigų institucinis išsidėstymas, teisinis reglamentavimas, finansavimas, konkurencingumas, prieinamumas pacientui. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje yra aptarta Lietuvos nacionalinės sveikatos sistema, kaip turinti vienyti viešąsias ir privačiąsias sveikatos priežiūros įstaigas, aptarta jos bendroji charakteristika. Antrojoje dalyje išsamiai išnagrinėtos, suklasifikuotos sveikatos priežiūros įstaigos, aptarta jų priklausomybė viena nuo kitos. Trečiojoje darbo dalyje kaip atskiros grupės išskirtos privačios ir viešosios sveikatos priežiūros: aptarta jų sąveika, pagrindiniai skirtumai, pamatiniai teisinio reglamentavimo ypatumai. Paskutinė ketvirta lyginamoji darbo dalis leido surasti tuos taškus, per kuriuos viešasis sveikatos priežiūros sektorius galėtų bendradarbiauti su privačiu. Palyginta šių sektorių finansavimo bazė, surasta papildoma alternatyva papildomojo sveikatos draudimo pavidalu. Kadangi sveiktos priežiūros sektoriuje centrinė figūra vis tik turi būti pacientas, pateiktas ir jo požiūris į privatų ir viešąjį sveikatos priežiūros sektorius, šių sektorių vertinimas. / The distinction and interface of health care institutions of Lithuania Republic are analyzed in this final master’s work Such public ant private health care institutions aspects are analyzed: health care institutions by themselves, deployment of these institutions, their legal regulation, sponsorship, competitive ability, accessibility for the patients. The first part of the work is concerned about national health care system of Lithuania, which must unify public and private health care institutions. The common characteristics of this system are discussed. The second part thoroughly reveals and classifies health care institutions; knock about their dependence on each other. In the third part as separate groups are divided private and public health care institutions: their interaction, main differences and basic legal regulation principles are discussed. The last fourth comparative part enabled to find those points, which could help for private health care sector to collaborate with public one. The comparison of financial basis of those sectors, allowed to found an additional assurance alternative. Since the patient is the central figure in a health care sector, his attitude towards the private and public health care institutions, and those sectors valuation is represented.


PISANO, FRANCESCO 15 March 2010 (has links)
L’obiettivo del presente elaborato è verificare se le caratteristiche della struttura proprietaria delle società quotate italiane hanno contribuito a incrementare la creazione di valore per tutti gli azionisti nelle operazioni di fusione e acquisizione effettuate dalle stesse società nel periodo dal 1999 al 2006. In particolare si verifica se, in un contesto che era caratterizzato da un basso livello di corporate governance, con elevata concentrazione della proprietà, con presenza di strutture proprietarie piramidali e azioni senza diritti di voto, esiste una relazione tra la profittabilità delle operazioni di acquisizione per tutti gli azionisti e la struttura proprietaria della società bidder. A tal fine è stato considerato un campione iniziale di 319 eventi di fusione e di acquisizione relativo alle operazioni annunciate dal 1999 al 2006 da società italiane quotate; è stato quindi effettuato uno standard event study per stimarne la profittabilità e sono state inoltre raccolte e classificate le informazioni relative alla struttura proprietaria e all’azionariato della società bidder. / The aim of the paper is to verify if the ownership structure of Italian listed firms was able to increase all the shareholders’ wealth in the M&A activity from 1999 to 2006. In particular, notwithstanding the characteristics of the Italian contest (weak level of corporate governance, high ownership concentration, pyramidal structures and the presence of non-voting shares), I investigate the relation between the M&A activity performance for all the shareholders and the ownership structure of the bidders. I consider a sample of 319 M&A operations made by Italian bidders from 1999 until 2006. I use the standard event study approach to estimate the performance which has been investigated in relation to ownership information of the bidder.

Su maistu susijusių kultūrinių skirtumų atspindys reklamoje: semiotinis požiūris / Reflection of food-related cultural differences in advertisements: semiotic approach

Ūsaitė, Ina 01 July 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamojo darbo objektas – su maistu susijusios kultūrinės reikšmės maisto reklamose. Darbo tikslas – teoriškai nustatyti reklamoje kuriamas su maistu susijusias kultūrines reikšmes ir jas išanalizuoti remiantis semiotinio metodo instrumentarijumi. Darbo uždaviniai: aptarti semiotikos mokyklas – jų raidą, pagrindines kryptis, svarbiausius autorius, metodo instrumentarijų, atskleisti pagrindines sąvokas; pristatyti reklamą, jos raidą, pagrindinius principus ir vaidmenį šiuolaikinėje vartotojų visuomenėje, atskleisti semiotinį požiūrį į reklamą; ištirti maisto funkcijas šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje ir su maistu susijusias reikšmes skritinguose kultūros sluoksniuose; taikant semiotinį metodą, išanalizuoti, kaip maisto reklamose kuriama kultūrinė reikšmė, kokie socialiniai ir kultūriniai kodai veikia reikšmės kūrime. Išanalizavus mokslinę literatūrą, atskleista, kad semiotikos modelis yra tinkamas kultūrinių reikšmių kūrimui reklamoje tirti. Pristatant su maistu susijusias kultūrines reikšmes, analizuota sociologijos, antropologijos, kultūros studijų ir kitų mokslo sričių literatūra, o jai susisteminti panaudotas Geerto Hofstede‘o daugiasluoksnis kultūros modelis (Hofstede, 1984). Maistas atlieka diferenciacijos funkciją tarp kultūrų ir kultūros viduje – tarp jos skirtingų sluoksnių, o kai kuriose kultūrose – ir tarp individų. Šiuolaikinėje modernioje visuomenėje jis taip pat yra privačią ir viešąją erdvę, o kartu – ir moteriškąją bei vyriškąją sritį skiriantis elementas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of this study is food-related cultural meanings in food advertising. This study attempts to theoretically establish the food-related cultural meanings that are being created via advertisements and to analyze them using the instrumentation of the semiotic method. In this study two main semiotic schools are introduced, including their development, main directions, most significant authors, the instrumentation of the method, main concepts that will be used. There has been a concept of advertising as such analyzed, also its development, main principles and the role it plays in a consumer society. The functions of food in a contemporary society and food-related meanings in different cultural layers have been investigated. It was investigated both how food advertising creates the cultural meaning and what social/cultural codes work in this process by using the semiotic method. The analyzed scientific studies show that the semiotic model is suitable for exhibiting the creation of cultural meanings in advertising. In order to examine the food-related cultural meanings, various works of sociology, anthropology, culture and other fields of science were taken into account. The findings of those works were systematized using the Geert Hofstede’s model (Hofstede, 1984). Food separates both the cultures and layers or individuals in a culture from each other. In the contemporary society, food is a marker of private and public spaces, as well as feminine and masculine fields. Food... [to full text]

Žemės nuosavybės teisės įgyjimo, disponavimo ir gynimo ypatumai / Peculiarities of Acquisition, Disposal and Protection of Land Ownership Right

Razulytė, Sonata 02 January 2007 (has links)
Land in its nature and destination is a peculiar real estate. Issues of land ownership are topical to all, as most of us were affected by problems of property right restoration, others wish to acquire new land lots for private building. Land belongs not to private persons, but to the state, municipalities. Persons owning land lots according to title are interested in the opportunity to conclude real estate transactions. The appearing disagreement and disputes regarding title are settled in the manner prescribed by laws. In the present Master theses the ways and conditions of acquiring land for ownership are discussed, private land ownership right is considered and also the right of state and municipalities to have land in their ownership is analyzed. In another chapter the law of disposal of land, land transactions peculiarities are analyzed comparing them with other real estate transactions. In the third part the inviolability of ownership right and protection of land ownership law consolidated in the Constitution is analyzed.

Applicazione del diritto alimentare nell’Unione europea. Poteri pubblici e schemi privati per gestire le violazioni del diritto alimentare / FOOD LAW ENFORCEMENT IN THE EU. PUBLIC POWERS AND PRIVATE SCHEMES TO DEAL WITH FOOD LAW INFRINGEMENTS

CORINI, ANTONIA 27 March 2018 (has links)
La tesi si incentra sull’applicazione del diritto europeo in materia alimentare. L’elaborato prende il via dall’analisi degli obiettivi fondamentali e degli strumenti principali del diritto alimentare, del suo sviluppo storico e delle questioni che ha affrontato. L’applicazione del diritto alimentare è studiata esaminando il sistema dei controlli nell’Unione europea e la correlata implementazione sia da parte degli Operatori del settore alimentare sia da parte delle Autorità Competenti in due Stati membri (Italia e Olanda). Vengono, altresì, esaminati casi pratici in cui sono state rintracciate problematiche nell’applicazione del diritto alimentare o che hanno dimostrato le debolezze del sistema nel gestire le varie violazioni attinenti gli alimenti. Lo studio intende inoltre dimostrare le carenze del sistema normativo sviluppando un concetto teoretico quale quello delle violazioni dovute al “fattore umano” e del loro impatto sugli interessi economici dei consumatori. La tesi, quindi, si focalizza sugli strumenti più idonei alla gestione di violazioni di questa tipologia esaminando la legislazione recentemente adottata e prendendo in considerazione, altresì, le possibili soluzioni che possono derivare dai differenti approcci degli Stati membri e l’opportunità di utilizzare, parallelamente a regole ed attività svolte dalle Autorità competenti, standard privati. / The thesis analyses enforcement of EU food law. The analysis starts by concentrating on the EU Food Law central objectives and basic tools, its historical development and the issues it has aimed to face. Food Law Enforcement is analysed by examining food control systems in the European Union and their implementation by Food Business Operators as well as by the Competent Authorities in two Member States (Italy and The Netherlands). Cases are scrutinised where problems of enforcement or weaknesses of the system have come to light in dealing with various possible violations which concern food. The dissertation aims to show the shortcomings of the legal system and to contribute to solving them by developing a theoretical concept: that of behavioural infringements due to the human factor and of their impact on consumer economic interests. The dissertation, therefore, focuses on the most suitable instruments in dealing with these infringements by examining the newly adopted legislation and by looking at what can be learnt from different approaches chosen in the two Member States studies, including that of combining the Competent Authorities rules and activities to those of Private schemes.

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