Spelling suggestions: "subject:"procedural"" "subject:"procedurale""
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Procedural city generation using Perlin noiseFrank, Elias, Olsson, Niclas January 2017 (has links)
Context. Procedural content generation is to algorithmically generate content. This has been used in games and is an important tool to create games with large amounts of content using fewer resources. This may allow small developers to create big worlds, which makes the investigation into this area interesting. Objectives. The Procedural generation of cities using Perlin noise is explored. The goal is to nd out if a procedurally generated city using Perlin noise is viable to use in games. Method. An implementation generating cities using Perlin noise has been created and a user study along with data collection tests the cities' viability in games. Result. The implementation succeeds with all the technical requirements such as performance and determinism. The user study shows that the cities created are perceived as viable in games. Conclusion. The cities generated with the implementation seems to be viable in games. The results show that the generated content are percieved as more viable than random generated cities. Furthermore the generation speed is fast enough to be used in an online setting.
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Metoder i bemötandet av barn med smärta : En allmän litteraturstudie / Methods to meet children with pain : A general literature reviewEriksson, Rebecca, Jonsson, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Att beskriva metoder i bemötandet av barn med smärta inom sjukvåden. Metod: En allmän litteraturstudie baserad på tio kvalitativa studier publicerade mellan 2008– 2017. Resultat: Resultatet visade att det var komplext för sjuksköterskor att finna rätt metod för att bemöta barn med smärta inom sjukvården. Dock identifierades olika metoder som kunde underlätta för sjuksköterskorna. Detta resulterade i tre huvudfynd: distraktion, delaktighet och förtroendeskap. Det krävdes både kompetens och kunskap av sjuksköterskorna att utföra dessa metoder på ett strukturerat och evidensbaserat arbetssätt. Slutsats och förslag på fortsatt forskning: Sjuksköterskan har stora möjligheter att bemöta barns smärta inom sjukvården med hjälp av olika metoder. Barn 6–12 år påverkas i stor utsträckning av det bemötande och förhållningssätt sjuksköterskan använder sig av. Ett personcentrerat, åldersanpassat och väl förberett möte skänker trygghet för barnen och minskar deras upplevelse av smärta vid olika procedurer i sjukvården. Det krävs dock mer forskning på hur sjuksköterskan ska bemöta och involvera barn på ett personcentrerat sätt i sjukvården. / Aim: To describe methods in the meeting of children with pain in healthcare. Method: A general literature study based on ten qualitative studies published between 2008- 2017. Result: The results showed that it was a complex issue for nurses to find the right methods in the meeting of children with pain in the healthcare environment. However, different methods were identified that could make the work easier for the nurses. This resulted in three main findings: distraction, participation and confidence properties. Skills and knowledge from nurses were required to execute these methods in a structured and evidence-based approach. Conclusion and suggestions for further research: Nurses have great opportunities to meet children in pain through different methods. Children 6-12 years are largely influenced by the treatment and attitude from the nurses. A person-centered, age-adjusted and well-prepared meeting provides child safety and reduces their experience of pain in different healthcare procedures. However, more research is needed on how the nurse should respond and involve children in a person-centered way in the healthcare sector.
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Functionality-Independent Style-Based Procedural Building GenerationPessa, Mikael January 2017 (has links)
In computer graphics it is often necessary to construct a large number of objectsof specific types, such as buildings. One approach is to create the models procedurally,an approach that often renders function and appearance tightly coupled. This thesis explores an alternate solution to this problem. We propose a systemfor procedural building generation based on the separation of function andstyle. We show our approach to separating appearance from functionality, wethen describe our implementation of the system and finally we create a demonstrationof its potential. Our approach offers a large amount of control while allowing for a separationbetween design of functionality and design of style. The approach could intheory allow for reuse of large databases of models and simplify the creation ofprocedural generation engines
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Penhora: exame da técnica processual à luz da realidade econômica e social / Levy: examination of procedural technic according to economic and social reality.Sergio Zahr Filho 13 May 2009 (has links)
O sistema de execução forçada é o instrumento previsto no Código de Processo Civil Brasileiro destinado a satisfazer o credor de obrigações pecuniárias contidas em sentenças ou em títulos executivos extrajudiciais. Trata-se de sistema cujo bom funcionamento não só interessa às partes de um litígio, mas a toda sociedade, em função de suas importantes repercussões sociais e econômicas. Por meio da execução forçada o Juiz invade o patrimônio do devedor, independentemente da vontade deste, e expropria bens em benefício do credor. Para o adequado funcionamento da execução forçada é essencial que o ato processual de penhora de bens do devedor seja efetivo. A penhora consiste em apreender e afetar juridicamente bens do devedor, os quais ficam vinculados ao Juízo da execução até o momento próprio de realização da expropriação dos bens. A penhora é ato processual que incide sobre a realidade econômica e social e padece de suas contingências. O objetivo desta dissertação de Mestrado é investigar a relação entre o ato de penhora e seu objeto, a partir da premissa de que o método ou a forma de apreensão judicial deve estar plenamente adaptado aos atributos sociais, jurídicos e econômicos do bem que se pretende apreender. Nesse contexto, será investigado o regime da penhora do Código de Processo Civil Brasileiro, bem como serão estudados os tipos de penhora de bens de significação econômica mais importante na realidade atual. / The system of forced execution is the instrument set forth in the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure destined to satisfy the creditor of pecuniary obligations contained in judgments or in extrajudicial execution instruments. It is a system, the good functioning of which is of interest not only to the parties in a litigation, but also to society as a whole, in view of its important social and economic repercussions. The Judge, by means of the forced execution, invades the debtors assets, irrespective of the will of the latter, and expropriates assets to the benefit of the creditor. For the proper functioning of the forced execution, it is essential that the procedural act of levy of the debtors assets be effective. The levy consists of seizing and legally affecting the debtors assets, which become bound to the Court of the execution until the specific time of performance of the expropriation of the assets. The levy is a procedural act which applies to economic and social reality, and lacks its contingencies. The objective of this Masters dissertation is to investigate the relationship between the act of levy and its object, starting from the premise that the method or the form of judicial seizure must be fully adapted to the social, juridical and economic attributes of the asset which is intended to be seized. In this context, the regime of levy in the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure will be investigated, as well studying the types of levy of assets of the most important economic significance in the current reality.
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A regra do prejuízo e as nulidades processuais: construção de um modelo racional de aplicação do \"pas de nullité sans grief\" no âmbito do processo penal brasileiro / The harmless error rule and procedural nullities: the elaboration of a rational model to apply pas de nullité sans grief in criminal procedures.Daniel Zaclis 08 April 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como escopo central a análise da regra do prejuízo relacionada às nulidades no processo penal. Corolário da teoria da instrumentalidade das formas, a regra do prejuízo dispõe que somente será reconhecida a nulidade se do ato viciado resultar algum prejuízo para a acusação ou para a defesa. A despeito de sua importância para a construção de um modelo finalístico, referida categoria do prejuízo vem sendo aplicada de forma caótica pela jurisprudência pátria. Na realidade, o entendimento daquilo que de fato configura o prejuízo para efeitos do artigo 563 do Código de Processo Penal se perdeu em meio a decisões controversas e confusas acerca do tema. A regra, inicialmente adotada no processo civil, foi transportada ao processo penal sem as devidas cautelas e desprovida dos necessários ajustes. Inexiste uma sistematização mínima para aferição do prejuízo, sendo certo que hodiernamente se confere uma discricionariedade absoluta ao magistrado para determinar se no caso concreto há alguma lesão às partes. Nesse cenário, a precípua função da forma, que é assegurar uma proteção ao acusado contra eventuais arbitrariedades do Estado, muitas vezes é deixada de lado. Toda essa problemática tem gerado um ambiente instável para correta aplicação das nulidades, o que acaba por acarretar uma notável insegurança jurídica. O presente estudo tem a pretensão de propor um modelo racional de aferição do prejuízo, com base no qual o magistrado encontrará critérios mais claros para a aplicação das nulidades no processo penal. / This research aims to analyze the harmless error rule, strictly related to the subject of nullities in the criminal procedure. As a deployment of the theory of instrumentality of the procedural forms, the harmless error rule provides that a mistake will only cause the nullity of the procedure if there is evidence to support that the prosecution or the defense were actually harmed by that error. Although extremely important for the incorporation of teleological model of nullity, the mentioned harmless error rule has been wrongfully applied by Brazilian courts. In reality, the understanding of the actual meaning of the word harm, as per article 563 of the Criminal Procedure, has been lost throughout so many different confusing and controversial court decisions. The harmless error rule, initially used in civil cases, was brought to criminal procedure without the needed adjustments. There is no minimum systematization in order to identify a harmful error and, therefore, nowadays the judge has total discretion to determine in each case the severity of the error. Given this reality, the most important function of a procedural form, which is to protect the defendant against eventual arbitrary measures committed by the State, is normally forgotten. All these issues have caused an unstable background regarding the correct application of the nullities, leading to a noticeable legal uncertainty in this subject. This research has the intention to come up with a rational model of application of the harmless error rule, based on which the judges will find the necessary criteria to recognize nullities in criminal procedures.
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Repercussão geral das questões constitucionais / General repercussion on constitucional subjectsHorival Marques de Freitas Junior 30 April 2014 (has links)
No início do presente trabalho, foi elaborado um histórico do Supremo Tribunal Federal e do recurso extraordinário, além de se traçar alguns aspectos sobre o papel da Corte na atualidade, resultado das mudanças sociais aspiradas pela Constituição de 1988 e de recentes reformas legislativas. Se, por um lado, o constituinte originário pretendeu ampliar o acesso à Justiça, não menos verdade é que a realidade acabou por demonstrar a insuficiência do modelo então vigente para dar respostas adequadas e céleres aos jurisdicionados. O Poder Judiciário brasileiro carece de importantes reformas procedimentais, com o objetivo de atribuir maior eficácia às decisões dos Tribunais Superiores, e, assim, desestimular a interposição de recursos a respeito de questões já sedimentadas. Neste contexto foi que se introduziram os institutos da súmula vinculante e da repercussão geral das questões constitucionais, este último como requisito de admissibilidade do recurso extraordinário. Ao longo do segundo capítulo, houve a apresentação dos institutos antecedentes da repercussão geral (introduzida pela Emenda Constitucional nº 45/2004), como a arguição de relevância vigente sob a Constituição de 1967, a transcendência do direito trabalhista (artigo 896-A da CLT), o certiorari do direito norte-americano e a ofensa federal relevante do direito argentino, além de outras experiências do direito estrangeiro. Detendo-se acerca da repercussão geral, no terceiro capítulo foram identificados alguns critérios adotados pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal nos julgamentos até o momento realizados, além de esclarecidas algumas noções fundamentais, como a natureza do provimento jurisdicional dele decorrente. No quarto e quinto capítulos foram apresentadas as principais questões procedimentais a respeito do exame da repercussão geral. Relativamente ao julgamento de recursos múltiplos previsto no artigo 543-B, §§ 3º e 4º, do CPC, também se estudou em que medida estará o Tribunal de origem vinculado à decisão a ser proferida pelo STF. Por fim, verificou-se se tais normas estão em harmonia com o sistema processual vigente, notadamente em relação aos princípios e garantias processuais presentes na Constituição da República de 1988. / The beginning of this work presents a background of the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court and the extraordinary appeal. It also presents an outline of the Court\'s current role, which is a result of the social changes aimed by the 1988 Brazilian Constitution and by recent legislative reforms. The original constituent primarily intended to expand the access to justice, but reality revealed that the operative model at the time was insufficient to respond swiftly and adequately to those under it jurisdiction. Brazilian Judiciary needs important procedural reforms in order to bring effectiveness to the decisions of the Supreme Courts and consequently discourage appeals against settled questions. The binding precedent and the general repercussion on constitutional subjects the latter being the admissibility requirement of the extraordinary appeal were introduced in this context. Through the second chapter, there is the presentation of the institutes previous to the general repercussion (introduced by the Constitutional Amendment 45/2004), such as the allegation of relevance operative on the 1967 Constitution, the labor law transcendence (article 896-A of the Brazilian Labor Code), the certiorari from the North-American Law system and the relevant federal offense from the Argentinian Law system, among other experiences from foreign Law systems. With regard to the general repercussion, the third chapter identifies some criteria adopted by the Brazilian Supreme Federal Court on its trials up to the present and sets forth some fundamental notions, such as the nature of the jurisdictional provision. The fourth and fifth chapters present the main procedural issues regarding the analysis of the general repercussion. They also study to what extent the court of origin is bound by the decision delivered by the Federal Supreme Court regarding multiple appeal judgments, as established by article 543-B, sections 3rd and 4th of the Brazilian Code of Civil Procedure. Finally, this work verifies whether such norms are in harmony with the current procedural system, notably regarding procedural principles and safeguards from the 1988 Brazilian Constitution.
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Legitimidade e racionalidade das normas tributárias: uma análise a partir da teoria procedimental da democracia / Legitimacy and rationality of tax rules: an analysis from the procedural theory of democracyMarcelo Venturoso de Sousa 20 October 2016 (has links)
A legitimidade na instituição das normas jurídicas e a racionalidade de sua aplicação são elementos fundamentais para a análise de um sistema jurídico inserido em um Estado Democrático de Direito. Esses critérios possibilitam a observação das normas pelos indivíduos mesmo ausente a coercibilidade imediata. A sua verificação no âmbito do Direito Tributário, portanto, revela especial importância em razão da sua característica principal de transferir dinheiro dos particulares para o Estado. O objetivo deste estudo é verificar a possibilidade de ampliação da legitimidade e racionalidade das normas tributárias por meio da teoria procedimental da democracia. Para isso, analisa a teoria comunicativa frente o Estado Democrático de Direito, principalmente no que se refere à formação da vontade e à necessidade de autocertificação da modernidade, bem como descreve o processo de instituição e aplicação das normas tributárias no direito brasileiro, explicitando as formas pelas quais o Poder Executivo pode inseri-las no ordenamento jurídico. A partir da confrontação dos marcos teóricos estabelecidos e uma decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal, analisa a racionalidade das decisões judiciais por meio da retomada do procedimento legitimador de instituição das normas jurídicas. O estudo tem como método a revisão da bibliografia relacionada ao tema, bem como a utilização do estudo de caso em capítulo específico para exemplificação do objetivo pretendido. A descrição da teoria habermasiana mostra a sua eficácia no controle dos critérios de legitimação na instituição e aplicação das normas jurídicas, por meio do controle argumentativo, fundado na teoria do discurso. / The legitimacy of the institution of legal rules and the rationality of its implementation are fundamental to the analysis of a legal system inserted in a democratic rule of law. These criteria allow the observation of the rules by the citizens even without an immediate coercivity. This check about the tax law, therefore, reveals special importance because of its main feature to transfer money from the private to the State. The aim of this study is to verify the possibility of expanding the legitimacy and rationality of tax rules through procedural theory of democracy. For this, it analyzes the communicative theory in the democratic rule of law, especially as regards the training of the will and the need for self-certification of modernity, as well as describes the establishment and application process of tax rules in Brazilian law, explicit forms by which the executive branch can enter them in the legal system. From the comparison of the established theoretical frameworks and a decision of the Supreme Court, analyzes the rationality of judicial decisions through the recovery of legitimating procedure institution of legal rules. The study uses the method of the literature review related to the theme, and the use of case study in a specific chapter for exemplification of the intended goal. The description of Habermas\' theory shows its effectiveness in controlling the legitimacy of criteria in the institution and application of legal rules, through reasoning control, based on the theory of discourse.
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Example Based Procedural Distribution ToolNord, Anders January 2014 (has links)
This report will deal with the process of creating an example based procedural distribution tool. This is accomplished within the Frostbite game engine editor, FrostEd. By using actual placements of objects in the editor as in-data, the tool provides the artist with an unmatched visual feel for calibrating its properties and settings. Note that this is a unique technique and was invented during the creation of this tool. The tool is based on a machine learning approach. It creates a feature vector from the example placements for each type of object. These vectors are then used to create statistical models which in turn are used to generate new object placements. The process of determining the position and rotation when generating an object is divided into two parts. A new concept called Feature Function (FF) is utilized to provide each element in the population with a probability to obtain a certain position and rotation.
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Tile Based Procedural Terrain Generation in Real-Time : A Study in PerformanceGrelsson, David January 2014 (has links)
Context. Procedural Terrain Generation refers to the algorithmical creation of terrains with limited or no user input. Terrains are an important piece of content in many video games and other forms of simulations. Objectives. In this study a tile-based approach to creating endless terrains is investigated. The aim is to find if real-time performance is possible using the proposed method and possible performance increases from utilization of the GPU. Methods. An application that allows the user to walk around on a seemingly endless terrain is created in two versions, one that exclusively utilizes the CPU and one that utilizes both CPU and GPU. An experiment is then conducted that measures performance of both versions of the application. Results. Results showed that real-time performance is indeed possible for smaller tile sizes on the CPU. They also showed that the application benefits significantly from utilizing the GPU. Conclusions. It is concluded that the tile-based approach works well and creates a functional terrain. However performance is too poor for the technique to be utilized in e.g. a video game.
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Natural Language Generation for descriptive texts in interactive gamesEliasson, Christopher January 2014 (has links)
Context. Game development is a costly process and with today's advanced hardware the customers are asking for more playable content, and at higher quality. For many years providing this content procedurally has been done for level creation, modeling, and animation. However, there are games that require content in other forms, such as executable quests that progress the game forward. Quests have been procedurally generated to some extent, but not in enough detail to be usable for game development without providing a handwritten description of the quest. Objectives. In this study we combine a procedural content generation structure for quests with a natural language generation approach to generate a descriptive summarized text for quests, and examine whether the resulting texts are viable as quest prototypes for use in game development. Methods. A number of articles on the area of natural language generation is used to determine an appropriate way of validating the generated texts produced in this study, which concludes that a user case study is appropriate to evaluate each text for a set of statements. Results. 30 texts were generated and evaluated from ten different quest structures, where the majority of the texts were found to be good enough to be used for game development purposes. Conclusions. We conclude that quests can be procedurally generated in more detail by incorporating natural language generation. However, the quest structure used for this study needs to expand into more detail at certain structure components in order to fully support an automated system in a flexible manner. Furthermore due to semantics and grammatics being key components in the flow and usability of a text, a more sophisticated system needs to be implemented using more advanced techniques of natural language generation.
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