Spelling suggestions: "subject:"procedural"" "subject:"procedurale""
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A Basic AddictionCottam, Pamela N. 04 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Perceptual evaluation of plausibility of virtual furniture layouts / Perceptuell utvärdering av virtuella möbellayouters plausibilitetRingqvist, David January 2018 (has links)
As realistic virtual environments become more important, it is interesting to examine procedural generation. In this work, plausibility of virtual furniture layouts was evaluated in a perceptual study comparing layouts by a professional human interior designer with layout variants rearranged by a C# algorithm. It attached related furniture sides at specified distances in groups. Rasterized furniture footprints were tested, and layouts without overlaps between furniture or their clearance areas were accepted. The algorithm was inspired by Germer and Schwarz (Computer Graphics Forum, 28(8), pp. 2068–2078. 2009), and the evaluation methodology by Yu et al. (ACM Transactions on Graphics, 30(4), pp. 1–11. 2011). The algorithm was run by a Unity tool which placed furniture models in a virtual 3D room. Human-made layouts were also visualized and all layouts presented for 2 and 10 seconds with participants tasked to assess if they were human-made or not. The algorithm fulfilling side-based spatial relation constraints and clearance area constraints did not prove to produce as plausible virtual layouts as those by a human designer, but these constraints significantly improved the perceptual plausibility versus semi-arbitrary furniture placement with only wall-placement constraints for relevant furniture. Perceived orderliness of both human-made and generated layouts was significantly positively correlated with plausibility. The evaluation also provided knowledge of what characteristics are perceived as tells of procedural generation rather than human interior design. / Då realistiska virtuella miljöer blir viktigare är det intressant att undersöka processuell generering. I detta arbete utvärderades trovärdigheten av virtuella möbellayouter i en perceptuell studie som jämförde layouter gjorda av en inredningsdesigner med layoutvariationer omarrangerade av en C#-algoritm. Den satte ihop relaterade möbelsidor på specificerade avstånd i grupper. Rasteriserade möbelavtryck testades och layouter utan överlapp mellan möbler eller deras friytor accepterades. Algoritmen var inspirerad av Germer och Schwarz (Computer Graphics Forum, 28(8), s. 2068–2078. 2009) och utvärderingen av Yu et al. (ACM Transactions on Graphics, 30(4), s. 1–11. 2011). Ett Unity-verktyg placerade möbler i ett virtuellt 3D-rum. Designer-layouter visualiserades också och alla layouter visades i 2 & 10 sekunder för deltagare som bedömde om de var arrangerade av människa eller ej. Algoritmen som uppfyllde spatiala sidorelationsvillkor och villkor för fria ytor visade sig inte producera lika trovärdiga virtuella layouter som de gjorda av en människa, men dessa villkor förbättrade trovärdigheten signifikant jämfört med semi-godtycklig möbelplacering med enbart väggplaceringsvillkor för relevanta möbler. Uppfattad nivå av ordning var för både de mänskliga och genererade layouterna signifikant positivt korrelerad med deras trovärdighet. Utvärderingen gav också kunskap om vad som uppfattas som tecken för datorgenerering snarare än mänsklig inredning.
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Supporting Pre-Production in Game Development : Process Mapping and Principles for a Procedural Prototyping ToolHollstrand, Paulina January 2020 (has links)
Game development involves both traditional software activities combined with creative work. As a result, game design practices are characterized by an extensive process of iterative development and evaluation, where prototyping is a major component to test and evaluate the player experience. Content creation for the virtual world the players inhabit is one of the most time-consuming aspects of production. This experimental research study focuses on analyzing and formulating challenges and desired properties in a prototyping tool based on Procedural Content Generation to assist game designers in their early ideation process. To investigate this, a proof of concept was iteratively developed based on information gathered from interviews and evaluations with world designers during a conceptual and design study. The final user study assessed the tool’s functionalities and indicated its potential utility in enhancing the designers’ content exploration and risk management during pre-production activities. Key guidelines for the tool’s architecture can be distilled into: (1) A modular design approach supports balance between content controllability and creativity. (2) Design levels and feature representation should combine and range between Micro (specific) to Macro (high-level, abstract). The result revealed challenges in combining exploration of the design space with optimization and refinement of content. However, the thesis specifically concentrated on one specific type of content - city generation, to represent world design content generation. To fully understand the generalizable aspects different types of game content would need to be covered in further research. / Spelutveckling består av både traditionell programutveckling i kombination med kreativt arbete. Detta resulterar i att speldesign kännetecknas av en omfattande process av iterativ utveckling, där prototyper är en viktig komponent för att kunna testa och utvärdera spelupplevelsen. En av de mest tidskrävande aspekterna i produktionen är skapandet av innehåll till spelets virtuella värld. Denna experimentella forskningsstudie har fokuserat på att analysera och identifiera utmaningar och användbara egenskaper i ett prototypverktyg baserat på Procedurell Generering. Verktyget syftar till att assistera spelvärlds designers i deras initiala kreativa process för att generera, utveckla och kommunicera idéer. För att undersöka detta utvecklades en proof of concept iterativt baserat på den information som samlats in från intervjuer och utvärderingar med speldesigners, under en konceptuell och design fokuserad fas. Den slutliga användarstudien utvärderade verktygets funktionaliteter och användbarhet. Resultatet indikerade att ett prototypverktyg baserat på Procedurell Generering potentiellt kan förbättra både utforskandet av spelinnehåll och riskhantering. De viktigaste riktlinjerna för verktygets arkitektur kan sammanfattas av: (1) Användandet av moduler i designen stöder balansen mellan kontroll och kreativitet vid skapandet av innehåll. (2) Funktioner i verktyget gynnas av att kombinera och variera mellan Mikro (specifik representation) till Makro (abstrakt, övergripande representation) designnivåer. Studien identifierade ett antal utmaningar med att både kunna utforska material och optimera det. Viktigt att uppmärksamma är att denna studie enbart koncentrerade sig på en specifik typ av innehåll – stadsgenerering, vars syfte var att fungera som en representation av innehållsgenerering i spelvärldsdesign. För att mer omfattande kunna identifiera de generaliserbara aspekterna skulle flera olika typer av spelinnehåll behöva testas i ytterligare forskning
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An approach of using Delaunay refinement to mesh continuous height fields / : En metod att använda Delaunay-raffinemang för att skapa polygonytor av kontinuerliga höjdfältTell, Noah, Thun, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Delaunay refinement is a mesh triangulation method with the goal of generating well-shaped triangles to obtain a valid Delaunay triangulation. In this thesis, an approach of using this method for meshing continuous height field terrains is presented using Perlin noise as the height field. The Delaunay approach is compared to grid-based meshing to verify that the theoretical time complexity O(n log n) holds and how accurately and deterministically the Delaunay approach can represent the height field. However, even though grid-based mesh generation is faster due to an O(n) time complexity, the focus of the report is to find out if Delaunay refinement can be used to generate meshes quick enough for real-time applications. As the available memory for rendering the meshes is limited, a solution for providing a cohesive mesh surface is presented using a hole filling algorithm since the Delaunay approach ends up leaving gaps in the mesh when a chunk division is used to limit the total mesh count present in the application. The methods were implemented in the programming language C++ using the open source library libnoise to generate the Perlin noise and the off-the-shelf solution CGALmesh provided a Delaunay refinement implementation. The video game engine Unity was used to render the output meshes created by the Delaunay and grid approach by interfacing with C++ via a Windows DLL. The time complexity of Delaunay refinement was verified to hold, although it was not possible to draw any conclusions regarding the Delaunay refinement's impact on the mesh's accuracy due to the test parameters used. It was also found that the CGALmesh implementation failed to provide a deterministic generation which is a significant drawback compared to the grid-based approach. Disregarding this, the Delaunay approach was found to be suitable for real-time applications as the generation time took less than 1 second, and is promising for volumetric terrain mesh generation. / Delaunay-raffinemang är en trianguleringsmetod med målet att generera reguljära trianglar för att uppnå en giltig Delaunay-triangulering. I denna avhandling presenteras en metod användandes Delaunay-raffinemang för att skapa polygonytor av kontinuerliga höjdfältsterränger, där Perlin noise används som höjdfält. Delaunay-metoden jämförs med en rutnätsbaserad metod för att verifiera att tidskomplexiteten O(n log n) gäller och hur exakt och deterministiskt som Delaunay-metoden förhåller sig till att representera höjdfältet. Även fast rutnätsmetoden är snabbare på grund av en O(n) tidskomplexitet är rapportens fokus att ta reda på om Delaunay-raffinemang är snabb nog för att användas i realtidsapplikationer för att generera polygonytor. Eftersom det tillgängliga minnet för att rendera polygonytorna är begränsat presenteras en lösning för att få sammanhängande ytor genom en hålutfyllningsalgoritm då Delaunaymetoden lämnar hål i ytan när chunk-uppdelning används för att begränsa det totala antalet polygonytor i applikationen. Metoderna implementerades i programmeringsspråket C++ användades biblioteket libnoise för att generera Perlin noise och den färdiga lösningen CGALmesh användes som implementation av Delaunay-raffinemang. Datorspelsmotorn Unity användes för att rendera polygonytorna som skapades av Delaunay- och rutnätsmetoden genom ett C++-gränssnitt via en Windows DLL. Tidskomplexiteten av Delaunay-raffinemang gällde, men det var inte möjligt att dra några slutsatser gällande hur exakt metoden förhållde sig till höjdfältet på grund av testparametrarna som användes. Ytterligare visade det sig att CGALmesh-implementationen var oförmögen att deterministiskt generera ytorna vilket är en stor nackdel jämfört med rutnätsmetoden. Bortsett från detta så visade sig Delaunay-metoden användbar för realtidsapplikationer då generingstiden tog mindre än 1 sekund, och metoden har dessutom potential för volymetrisk terränggenerering.
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Some Swedish students´learning of subject-verb agreement in EnglishLindelöf, Mona January 2012 (has links)
Persons with Swedish as their first language often find it hard to learn subject-verb agreement when studying English. In Swedish this grammatical difficulty does not exist and it is therefore hard to introduce to learners that have Swedish as their native language.This investigation is based on the texts of 28 ninth graders of whom four were interviewed. My interest was in finding out how the students reflect on their own written work with a focus on subject-verb agreement with a particular focus on the third person singular s.My study shows that the four interviewed students claim that they never reflect on grammar in their spontaneous writing and that they never consciously try to apply rules that they have studied in school through being offered grammatical explanations. Instead they make their grammatical choices intuitively, using their procedural knowledge.
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Intravenous Cangrelor as a Peri-Procedural Bridge With Applied Uses in Ischemic EventsBhattad, Venugopal B., Gaddam, Sathvika, Lassiter, Margaret A., Jagadish, Pooja S., Ardeshna, Devarshi, Cave, Brandon, Khouzam, Rami N. 01 September 2019 (has links)
Cangrelor is a relatively new antiplatelet drug that has been approved for use as an adjunct therapy to percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) to decrease peri-procedural myocardial infarction (MI), coronary revascularization, and stent thrombosis. Cangrelor is an adenosine triphosphate analogue with a pharmacokinetic mechanism based on a reversible, dose-dependent inhibition adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-induced platelet aggregation. This drug has lately been in the spotlight as a possible bridge therapy for anti-platelet medication prior to cardiac and non-cardiac surgeries. Platelet function is usually restored within sixty minutes of cessation of therapy, thereby decreasing the risk of bleeding while providing adequate pre-procedural coverage to reduce ischemic events. This manuscript reviews the literature on cangrelor and summarizes its role as a peri-procedural bridge.
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Procedural Music Generation and Adaptation Based on Game StateAdam, Timothey Andrew 01 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Video game developers attempt to convey moods to emphasize their game's narrative. Events that occur within the game usually convey success or failure in some way meaningful to the story's progress. Ideally, when these events occur, the intended change in mood should be perceivable to the player. One way of doing so is to change the music. This requires musical tracks to represent many possible moods, states and game events. This can be very taxing on composers, and encoding the control flow (when to transition) of the tracks can prove to be tricky as well.
This thesis presents AUD.js, a system developed for procedural music generation for JavaScript-based web games. By taking input from game events, the system can create music corresponding to various Western perceptions of music mood. The system was trained with classic video game music. Game development students rated the mood of 80 pieces, after which statistical representations of those pieces were extracted and added into AUD.js. AUD.js can adapt its generated music to new sets of input parameters, thereby updating the perceived mood of the generated music at runtime.
We conducted A/B tests comparing static music, both composed and computer-generated, to dynamically adapting music. We find that AUD.js provides reasonably effective music for games, but that adaptiveness of the music does not necessarily improve player experience over composed music. By conducting a user study during Global Game Jam 2014, we also find that since AUD.js provides a software solution to music composition, it can be a useful tool for game music integration under time pressure.
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RULES AND BEYOND: THE RESURGENCE OF PROCEDURAL RHETORIC : A Literature Review in Game StudiesHagvall, Martin January 2015 (has links)
How do games express meaning and participate in societal development? A significant contribution to the scholarly efforts that seek to answer such questions takes the rule-based properties of games as its starting point. Termed Procedural Rhetoric, the theory is tightly interwoven with major research questions in Game Studies, yet is under-researched and lacks clarity in several respects. This paper conducts an exploratory, qualitative literature review of the theory to address the lack of information about accumulated knowledge. It discovers new perspectives that may help chart a future for the theory and for Game Studies more broadly. Three possible paths forward are also outlined. A New Agenda is suggested in which game rules and procedures are (re)instated at the core of the analysis but new perspectives are embraced concerning the role of players and of developers, the societal context, and the contributions of the researchers and the educators who study them.
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Prospects for Carbon Taxation in Iran: The Study of Citizens' Intentions to Pay and Policy's Fairness / イランにおける炭素税の展望:市民の支払意思と政策の公正に関する研究Ghafouri, Bahareh 23 January 2024 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地球環境学) / 甲第25026号 / 地環博第248号 / 京都大学大学院地球環境学舎環境マネジメント専攻 / (主査)教授 宇佐美 誠, 准教授 TRENCHER Gregory, 教授 竹内 憲司 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Global Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Rendering Photorealistic Images of Sticky Notes in Synthesized Indoor Environments : Creating a synthetic dataset in procedurally genererated environmentsEknefelt, Karl January 2022 (has links)
This thesis is about creating a synthetic data generation pipeline to replace the manual process of adding bounding box-labeled images of sticky notes to an evaluation dataset of a traditional CV algorithm. With this approach, 462 labeled 12 megapixel-images in 55 different, procedurally varied scenes were generated in 8 hours using a MacBook M1 Max laptop. The new pipeline allows for large-scale labeled data generation with minimal human intervention. As an added bonus it allows for lots of labeled data to be generated, which opens the door for developing a machine learning-based CV engine in the future. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>
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