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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

South African female consumers' luxury value perceptions and needs for traceability information on exotic crocodile leather accessories

Jansen van Rensburg, Lize Tineke January 2017 (has links)
This study explored South African female consumers’ value perceptions as well as their needs for traceable information on exotic crocodile leather accessories. The Wiedmann, Hennigs and Siebels' Luxury Value Perception Scale (2007) and the Consumer Decision-making Process (Solomon & Rabolt, 2004:354) served as conceptual framework for the study. A questionnaire was distributed across South Africa and completed by willing participants. All participants were South African citizens, females of varyin g cultural backgrounds, including: African, Caucasian, Indian, Asian and Coloured individuals. The Consulta Research (Pty) Ltd used their extensive database of female consumers for sampling purposes. They managed to collect three hundred and thirty seven (337) completed and usable questionnaires. The Spearman's Correlation Coefficient, descriptive statistics, as well as exploratory factor analysis were used for data analysis. The results indicate that respondents to this questionnaire were not willing to pay marketrelated prices for exotic crocodile leather accessories. Findings of this study uncovered five luxury value perceptions as opposed to the four originally recognised by Wiedmann et al. (2007), namely Functional, Social, Financial, Individual gifts and Individual pleasure value perceptions. Of these luxury value perceptions, respondents indicated that the functional value perception was the most important to them. Traceable intrinsic and extrinsic-related attributes which can have an impact on decision-making by consumers were also explored. Results indicate that respondents found intrinsic-related attributes moderately important when deciding to purchase an exotic crocodile leather accessory. With regard to extrinsic-related product attributes, results indicate that most respondents found these extrinsic-related attributes moderately important. The notable exception was the position brand-holders held on child labour, which was indicated as important by most respondents. Results further indicated weak-positive, but statistically highly significant relationships between functional value perceptions and the importance of intrinsic-related as well as extrinsic-related information. Weak-positive, but statistically highly significant relationships were also conversely found between financial value perceptions and the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic-related information. There was a weak but statistically highly significant relationship between the individual giftvalue perception and the importance of extrinsic-related information as well as, conversely, a weak-positive statistically significant relationship between individual gift-value perceptions and the importance of intrinsic-related information. Purchase intent is an important determinant when consumers make decisions. Research results for this study have, however, indicated that respondents had a weak purchase intent for exotic crocodile leather accessories. Most respondents reported that they would never, at any time, buy an exotic crocodile leather accessory. Neither would they at some stage have the intention to buy an exotic crocodile leather accessory, or have a purchase interest for an exotic crocodile leather accessory. Finally, results show that there was a weak-positive, but statistically highly significant relationship between the importance of extrinsic-related product attributes and purchase intent. Results of this study make positive contributions towards the decision-making of various role players within the exotic crocodile leather accessory industry. Role players such as farmers, manufacturers, distributers, retailers and marketers can all benefit from the results. Based on the results of this study, recommendations for industry and future research are made. / Dié studie ondersoek Suid-Afrikaanse vroueverbruikers se waardepersepsies asook hul behoeftes aan navolgbare inligting oor eksotiese krokodilleerbykomstighede. Die Wiedmann, Hennigs and Siebels's Luxury Value Perception Scale (2007) en The Consumer Decisionmaking Process (Solomon & Rabolt, 2004:354) dien as die konseptuele raamwerk vir dié studie. 'n Vraelys is dwarsoor Suid-Afrika versprei en voltooi deur vrywillige deelnemers. Alle respondente was Suid-Afrikaanse burgers, vroue van 'n verskeidenheid etniese herkomste, waarby ingesluit: Afrikaan, Kaukasiese, Indiese, en kleurlingindividue. Consulta Research (Pty) Ltd het van hul uitgebereide databasis van vroueverbruikers in hul steekproef gebruik gemaak. Hulle het daarin geslaag drie om honderd sewe en dertig (337) voltooide en bruikbare vraelyste te bekom. Die Spearman’s Correlation Coefficient se beskrywende statistiek en oorsigtelike faktore-ontleding is gebruik in die data-analiese. Die bevindings dui daarop dat respondente op die vraelys nié bereid is om markverwante pryse te betaal vir eksotiese krokodilleer-bykomstighede nie. Verdere bevindings in dié studie het vyf luukse waardepersies blootgelê, teenoor die vier aangedui deur Wiedmann et al. (2007), naamlik: Funksionele, Sosiale, Finansiële, Individuele geskenke, en Individuele plesierwaardepersepsies. Van dié luuksewaardepersepsies het respondente aangedui dat die funksionele waardepersepsie vir hulle die belangrikste is. Opspoorbare en navolgbare intrinsieke of ekstrinsieke eienskappe wat 'n invloed kan hê op die besluitnemening deur verbruikers was matig-belangrik in die besluitproses vir die aankoop van 'n eksotiese krokodilleerbykomstigheid. Met betrekking tot ekstrinsieke produkeienskappe, dui resultate daarop dat respondente grootliks hierdie ekstrinsieke eieskappe ook as matig-belangrik geag het. Die opmerklike uitsondering is beleidstandpunte wat handelsmerkeienaars ten opsigte van kinderarbeid handhaaf en wat as belangrik deur respondente bejeën is. Resultate dui verder daarop dat swak-positiewe, maar 'n statisties hoogs belangrike verband bestaan tussen fuksionele waardepersepsies en intrinsiek-verwante asook ekstrinsiekeverwante beskouings. Verder is ook aangedui dat hoogs belangrike verbande tussen finaniële waardepersepsies, individuele geskenkwaardepersepsies en die belangrikheid van intrinsieke en ekstrinsieke inligting teenwoordig is. Daar was 'n swak, maar hoogs belangrike verband tussen die indivuele geskenkwaardepersepsie en die belangrikheid van ekstrinsieke-verwante inligting asook die omgekeerde statisties-belangrike, swak-positiewe verband tussen individuele geskenkwaardepersepsies en die belangrikheid van intrinsiek-verwante inligting word beklemtoon. Die aankoopvoorneme is 'n belangrike oorweging in verbruikers se besluitneming. Resultate in hierdie studie, dui egter daarop dat verbruikers 'n swak aankoopvoorneme vir eksotiese krokodilleerbykomstighede het. 'n Meerderheid van die respondente het aangedui dat hulle nooit 'n bykomstigheid van krokodilleer sal koop nie. Verder sal hulle in geen stadium enige voorneme koester om 'n krokoldilleerbykomstigheid aan te skaf of belangstel om só 'n produk te bekom nie. Laastens dui resultate op 'n swak-positiewe, maar statisties hoogsbetekenisvolle verband tussen die belangrikheid van ekstrinsieke produkeieskappe en koopvoorneme. Resulate van dié studie maak 'n positiewe bydrae tot die besluitneming van verskeie rolspelers binne die eksotiese krokodilleer-industrie. Rolspelers soos boere, vervaardigers, verspreiders, handelaars en bemarkers kan almal baat vind by dié bevindings. Sleutelwoorde: Vroueverbruiker van luukse bykomstighede; industrie vir luukse krolodilleerbykomstighede; luuksewaardepersepsies; intrinsieke produkeienskappe; ekstrinsieke produkeienskappe; aankoopvoorneme. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2017. / Consumer Science / MConsumer Science / Unrestricted

A Gamification Theory : A study of loyalty enhancement in the retail context

Hasnat, Radiat January 2020 (has links)
Gamification is a concept that is gaining significant recognition in the field of business administration in general and marketing in particular. Gamification has been gaining the interest of researchers recently with mostof the studies being conducted during the last three years. Gamification presents an opportunity for businesses to gain consumers’ attention and engagement through different aspects and elements of it. Organizations such as Pinchos, the restaurant have utilized those gaming elements in order to grow their revenues and keep the customers engaged while ordering food. Despite the exponential growth of gamification in the business world, studies on its marketing effectiveness and the influence of its elementsare lacking.To fill this gapin the literature, this researchaims to gain a deeper understanding of gamification and its different elements, byfocusingon the utilization of gamification as a digital marketing tool to enhance customer loyalty and retention in retail store setting. Therefore, this researchaimsfirst to identify all the factorsaffecting store choice. Second, identify and examine the different factors affecting retail store loyalty. Finally, the differentelements of gamificationare identifiedand their effect on loyalty are studied.In order to fulfil thepurpose of the studywe have collaborated with ChildrensHouse, a retail toy store located in Umea, Sweden, in order to gain insights from current and potential customers. A quantitative study was conducted,and the sample population chosen was generation Y parents, due to their digital literacy. To add a degree of credibility to the research, a short interview with Simon, the owner of ChildrensHouse, was conducted in order to gain managerial insights as well.The main conclusions of this research include,the different factors affecting retail toy store choices which were: store attributes, product attributesand demographics; the factors influencing loyaltywhich were: interpersonal communications, impersonal communications, direct experience, distance, value for moneyand engagement in gamified applications. Finally, the research results indicate that gamification when utilized as an engagement application will enhance customer retention and store loyalty.

Modekonsumenters perspektiv på produktinformation om hållbara produktattribut : hur egennytta och hållbara produktattribut kan förenas till positiva köpintentioner i en online-kontext. / Fashion consumers’ perspectives on product information about sustainable product attributes : how self-interest and sustainable product attributes can be combined into positive purchasing intentions in an online context.

Persson, Adam, Albertsson, Annie January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Studien syftar till att förstå hur hållbara produktattribut kan verka i samklang eller kombineras med produktattribut som tillfredsställer konsumentens egennytta. Det möjliggörs genom kartläggning av vilken produktinformation om hållbara produktattribut som svenska modekonsumenter efterfrågar i digitala sammanhang för att kunna göra miljömedvetna val, och som då kan bidra med positiva köpintentioner. Detta för att kunna minska avståndet mellan intresse och handling vad gäller hållbar konsumtion. Metod: Metodansatsen som användes var induktiv och för datainsamling användes blandad metod. Litteratursökning följdes av en kvantitativ webbaserad enkät, vilken kompletterades med kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer. Urvalet för både enkät och intervjuer var svenska modekonsumenter i åldrarna 18–35. Kvantitativa och kvalitativa data jämfördes och analyserades sedan mot teoretiska perspektiv om att detaljerad produktinformation kan fungera som substitut till fysisk interaktion och att konsumenter inte prioriterar hållbara produktattribut som inte uppfyller egennytta. Resultaten diskuterades och kunde slutligen presenteras som slutsatser. Studien fokuserade endast på modekonsumtion i en online kontext. Den avsåg heller inte att se till vilka hållbara produktattribut som är bättre eller sämre ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv. Resultat: Resultaten visar att produktattribut som kan anses tillfredsställa egennytta prioriteras framför hållbara produktattribut vid konsumtion av mode, men att hållbar information kring modeprodukter ökar köpintentioner. Konsumenter upplever dock att företag inte kommunicerar tillräckligt kring hållbarhet och efterfrågar transparens och mer detaljerad information. Resultatet visar en potential till hur konventionella och hållbara produktattribut tillsammans med detaljerad information kan sammanföras till positiva köpintentioner i digitala sammanhang. Originalitet / Värde: Tidigare forskning utreder konsumenters inställning till hållbara produkter, gapet mellan hållbart intresse och handling samt hur konsumenter behandlar produktinformation. Mängden tidigare forskning som visar dock vilka hållbara produktattribut som kan sammanföras med produktattribut som tillfredsställer egennyttan hos konsumenter är sparsam. Det kan därför anses finnas ett behov för denna studie, då den ger företag insikter om hur kundfokus kan inkluderas i den hållbara utvecklingen. Särskilt relevant blir den för företag som riktat sig mot digitala försäljningskanaler och ämnar uppmuntra till hållbar konsumtion. / Purpose: This study aims to understand what sustainable product attributes that can be combined with attributes that fulfill consumer's self-interest. This is done by an examination of which product information about sustainable product attributes Swedish fashion consumers demand in a digital context to be able to make environmentally conscious decisions. Furthermore, which sustainable product information that can contribute with positive purchasing intentions. The purpose of this study is to be able to get an insight in how to reduce the distance between interest and action in terms of sustainable consumption.  Method: The method used for the study was inductive and the data was collected through a mixed method. Search of literature was followed by a quantitative survey, which was supplemented with qualitative semi-structured interviews. Participants were Swedish fashion consumers in the age range of 18-35. Quantitative and qualitative data were then compared and analysed against theories concluding that detailed product information can function as a substitute to physical interaction and that consumers do not prioritize sustainable product attributes which do not meet self-interest. The results were discussed and could then be presented as conclusions.  Results: The results show that product attributes which can be considered to satisfy self-interest are prioritised before sustainable product attributes, but sustainable information regarding fashion products might still increase buying intentions. Consumers experience, however, that companies do not communicate enough about sustainability and requests transparency and more detailed information. The results show a potential on how conventional and sustainable product attributes together with detailed information can be combined into positive buying intentions in a digital context. The study only focuses on fashion consumption on an online kontext. Neither did it evaluate the environmental impact of the different sustainable product attributes that were examined.  Originality / Value: Previous research investigates consumers’ attitudes towards sustainable products, the gap between interest and action as well as how consumers process information. There is a sparse amount of previous research that shows which sustainable product attributes consumers appreciate, which then can be combined with product attributes that satisfy the self-interest of consumers. There may therefore exist a need for this study, as it provides insights on how companies can include customer focus into their sustainable development. It will be particularly relevant for companies that have targeted digital sales channels and intend to encourage sustainable consumption.


朱怡璇, Chu, I-hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
「廣告說服效果」不論在學術或實務界,一直是個重要的議題。儘管廣告形式、內容等不斷創新、企圖吸引更多消費個體的目光,然不可忽視的是,「消費個體」始終為決定廣告宣傳有效與否的關鍵。雖然,過去已累積不少探討「消費個體」和「廣告說服效果」間關係的研究,但隨著世代的更替,市場的主要消費族群不斷在改變,因此,若要有效運用廣告宣傳策略、成功推廣產品,就必須了解「年輕世代如何看廣告」。   然世代的更替也帶來個體消費特質的轉變。對年輕世代來說,消費是一種「表達自己」的方式,他們在消費中不僅講求產品的「實用」,也追求使用產品的「享樂」感受。而過去雖有不少研究從不同的角度(如:消費個體、廣告訴求方式、產品屬性等)來探究「廣告說服效果」,不過,卻還沒有相關研究從「享樂」和「實用」的觀點來探討。因此,本研究鎖定「享樂」和「實用」二面向,從「人」的角度出發,試圖瞭解,什麼樣的廣告呈現較能說服年輕世代?也就是什麼樣的廣告元素搭配對年輕世代而言,能產生較好的說服效果? 本研究採實驗法,採用2 x 2 x 2的多因子設計,主要的自變項為:「個體的消費價值(享樂v.s.實用)」、「產品功能的屬性(享樂v.s.實用)」和「廣告訴求的呈現(享樂v.s.實用)」,依變項則包括:「廣告態度」、「產品態度」和「購買意願」。其中,「廣告態度」又分「廣告信賴態度」和「廣告喜愛態度」。研究主要以「個體的消費價值」為軸,探討其和「產品功能的屬性」一致與否,對廣告說服效果的影響?以及其和「廣告訴求的呈現」一致與否,對廣告說服效果的影響?研究結果發現:  1.在「個體的消費價值」和「產品功能的屬性」交互效果部分,兩變項 在「產品態度」上有接近顯著的交互作用,在「購買意願」上則有顯著的交互作用。若再經單一層次事後比較分析,發現:當廣告強調「享樂性」產品功能時,具「享樂消費價值」的個體將比具「實用消費價值」的個體,在「產品態度」、「購買意願」上有較好的說服效果。  2.在「個體的消費價值」和「廣告訴求的呈現」交互效果部分,兩變項在「廣告信賴態度」上有接近顯著的交互作用,在「產品態度」上則有顯著的交互作用。其中,「產品態度」部分經單一層次事後比較分析,發現:當廣告以「享樂價值描繪(訴求)」為主時,具「享樂消費價值」的個體將比具「實用消費價值」的個體,對廣告中產品的態度較好。   進一步將分析結果應用在廣告實務上,本研究建議,以年輕世代為主要目標對象之科技產品的廣告宣傳策略,應先以「享樂性」產品功能為主打,藉此來影響年輕世代對廣告的信賴和喜愛。同時,亦可藉由年輕個體「享樂」與「實用」消費價值的區隔,來掌握廣告宣傳策略的成效。其中,「性別」或可作為一種區隔年輕個體「享樂」與「實用」消費價值的簡易方式。   不過,需特別注意的是,此處的科技產品乃指:不特別針對男性或女性的需求去設計、且男女性普遍都能接受的科技產品,即「無顯著性別導向」的科技產品,如:手機、多媒體播放機等。換言之,在「無顯著性別導向」的科技產品上市之初,應先掌握具「享樂消費價值」的年輕消費個體,也就是以「年輕女性」為主要目標對象,對此消費族群強打產品的「享樂性」功能,並搭配使用以「享樂價值描繪(訴求)」為主的廣告呈現,此相對於具「實用消費價值」的個體(即年輕男性),將在「產品態度」和「購買意願」上有較好的說服效果。

Aplicação da metodologia de preços hedônicos ao mercado brasileiro de aparelhos celulares pré-pagos

Rodrigues, Alexandre Magno Oliveira 19 January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T21:00:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 4 Alexandre Magno Oliveira Rodrigues.pdf.jpg: 19596 bytes, checksum: 925ad40d7421193c578744a270872b06 (MD5) Alexandre Magno Oliveira Rodrigues.pdf.txt: 94040 bytes, checksum: d3600e29ac344c417f6b1c60da0738c9 (MD5) Alexandre Magno Oliveira Rodrigues.pdf: 565109 bytes, checksum: 271086662bf9ce0fc153e9dd9a77a749 (MD5) license.txt: 4886 bytes, checksum: 282b7c76742ade543563166ca37379c6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-01-19T00:00:00Z / O Brasil possui um dos maiores mercados de telefonia celular do mundo, resultado de um crescimento impulsionado, sobretudo, pela expansão agressiva do modelo de serviço pré-pago. Este crescimento se deu por meio de grandes investimentos em subsidio como forma de aumentar a atratividade dos aparelhos celulares comercializados nos pontos de venda. Estes investimentos ao mesmo tempo em que aceleraram a captação de novos clientes comprometeram a rentabilidade deste segmento e da margem EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) consolidada do setor no Brasil quando comparada a outros países. Portanto, um entendimento apropriado dos atributos mais valorizados pelos consumidores no processo decisório de compra de um aparelho celular é de fundamental importância para melhorar a alocação dos recursos e maximizar o retorno, sem perda de mercado. Este trabalho aplica a Metodologia de Preços Hedônicos como ferramenta para auxiliar na identificação dos atributos relevantes dos aparelhos celulares comercializados no mercado de massa brasileiro e seus respectivos preços implícitos. São 96 aparelhos celulares monitorados semanalmente ao longo do ano de 2007, constituindo mais de 37.000 registros. Como resultado, no estágio de maturidade do mercado na época, foram identificados intensos prêmios de preço associados às características físicas (design) e à presença de atributos relacionados à itens de multimídia (câmeras digitais, vídeos e MP3 player). Por fim, utilizamos o modelo econométrico desenvolvido para simular e identificar o preço sugerido ou potencial de novos celulares, não presentes na amostra utilizada para a regressão, mas constituídos por novas combinações de atributos com preços implícitos já identificados. / The mobile telecom market in Brazil is one of the largest in the world, consequence of a substantial growth in the prepaid segment. This growth was achieved at expense of intensive investments in subsidies in handsets, which were used as leverage to market position in the retail channel. These investments, at the same time in which accelerated the client’s acquisition, compromised current profitability levels and the consolidated EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) margin in Brazil when compared with other countries. Therefore, a deep understanding with respect to the most valuable attributes under the consumer´s perspective in the consumption decision process is a critical theme in order to improve the efficiency in the resource allocation (handsets subsidies) and to provide incremental returns, without losing market share. This study applies the Hedonic price Methodology as a tool in order identify the most relevant attributes and its implicit prices, both related to the most relevant handsets traded in the Brazilian mass market. This universe encompasses 96 handsets with weekly price updates monitored in 2007, resulting in more than 37.000 records. As a result, relevant premium prices associated with physical characteristics (design) and multimedia features (digital camera, video and MP3 player) were identified and quantified through its implicit prices. Finally, the econometric model developed in this study is applied in a real situation in order to simulate and to identify the suggested or potential prices associated to new handsets, not used previously in the regression model, but composed of new combinations of attributes already identified and quantified.

Mätning av kundnöjdhet enligt Kano-metodiken : En undersökning av produktegenskapers betydelse för kundnöjdhet hos ekologisk kombucha / Measuring customer satisfaction according to the Kano methodology : An exploration of the importance of product attributes of organic kombucha for customer satisfaction

Andén, Amanda, Zetterberg, Elise January 2024 (has links)
Examensarbetet har utförts tillsammans med ett företag som tillverkar ekologisk kombucha. Företaget var intresserade av att ta reda på om just ekologisk kombucha är den fortsatta vägen framåt, då smakutbudet på kombuchan begränsas av tillgången på ekologiska fruktjuicer. Att efterfrågan på ekologiska livsmedel minskat under de senaste åren var ytterligare ett incitament att undersöka problemet. Studiens syfte var därför att leverera ett utlåtande om produktegenskapen ekologisk är den fortsatta vägen framåt avseende betydelsen för kundnöjdhet. För att uppfylla syftet användes en särskild metod inom mätning av kundnöjdhet inspirerad av Kano-modellen, där konsumenter tillfrågades om deras inställning till vissa nuvarande eller potentiella produktegenskaper hos kombuchan. Studiens resultat visar att olika kundgrupper värderar och prioriterar produktegenskaper annorlunda. De flesta av produktegenskaperna uppfyller dock omedvetna kundbehov vilket visar på att den undersökta organisationen har en god möjlighet att sticka ut på marknaden och vara konkurrenskraftiga. Produktegenskapen ekologisk är inte lika viktig att inkludera som producerad i Sverige, men kan fortsättningsvis inkluderas i kombuchan då ett stort smakutbud och ett lägre pris varken är förväntade eller nödvändiga egenskaper. Att inte inkludera ekologisk har även en mycket större påverkan på missnöjdheten hos kunderna än att inte inkludera ett större smakutbud. De implementeringsförslag som presenteras i studien är bland annat vikten av att undersöka möjligheten att producera kombuchan i Sverige, fortsätta mäta kundnöjdhet, se över hur vissa egenskaper synliggörs på produktens flaska samt undersöka om endast en del av sortimentet kan vara ekologiskt. Genom att beakta dessa förslag kan företaget uppfylla deras kunders behov ytterligare. / This thesis was conducted in collaboration with a company that manufactures organic kombucha. The company wanted to know whether organic kombucha is the way forward, as the flavour range of their kombucha is limited due to the availability of organic fruit juices. The decreasing demand for organic foods was an additional incentive to research the issue. The purpose of the study was therefore to deliver an opinion on whether the product attribute organic is the way forward, in terms of its significance for customer satisfaction. To do that, a method within the customer satisfaction measurement field inspired by the Kano model was used, where consumers were asked about their attitudes toward current and potential product attributes. The study’s results show that different customer groups value and prioritize attributes differently. However, most of the attributes meet unconscious customer needs which indicates that the company has a good opportunity to stand out. Although the attribute ’organic’ is not as important to include as ’produced in Sweden’, it may remain since a wide flavour range and a lower price are neither must-be nor one-dimensional attributes. Also, not including ’organic’ has a much greater impact on customer dissatisfaction than not including a wider range of flavours. Proposals for implementation include investigating the possibility of producing the kombucha in Sweden, continuous customer satisfaction measurement, reviewing the visibility of the product’s labels and examining if only some flavours in the range can be organic. By considering these proposals, the company could further meet their customers’ needs.

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