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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Laying performance characteristics, egg quality, and integument condition of Saxonian chickens and German Langshan bantams in a free-range system

Schreiter, Ruben, Freick, Markus 05 January 2024 (has links)
Indigenous poultry breeds represent an important animal genetic resource. However, their characteristics in respect of performance, product quality, and integument condition are often poorly investigated. Therefore, the local breeds Saxonian chickens (SaChi) and German Langshan bantam chickens (GLB) of different plumage colors were characterized. The high-performing hybrid strain of Lohmann brown chickens (LB) served as the control group. For each group, 60 hens and 6 roosters were studied in an extensive free-range system from 21 to 80 wk of life. The plumage and foot pad quality were scored on 9 distinct observation dates and the measurements of the egg quality were performed at 7 different time periods. The number of eggs per hen housed in the first laying year was significantly lower in the SaChi (146.4 ± 30.8) and the GLB chickens (107.8 ± 20.4) when compared to the LB chickens (295.0 ± 16.8) (P < 0.001). Regarding laying performance, we detected effects of plumage color within both local breeds (P < 0.001). Within 4/7 plumage colors, effects of the breeder were also found (P ≤ 0.037). The eggs of the local chicken breeds showed lower egg weights (P < 0.001), shell breaking strength (P ≤ 0.041), albumen consistency (P < 0.001), and a lower egg shape index (P < 0.001), but higher proportions of yolk (P < 0.001) when compared to the eggs of the LB chickens. The logistic regression models for the plumage and footpad condition demonstrated that the SaChi and GLB hens underwent less plumage loss and footpad swelling than the LB hens (P < 0.001). Overall, this study shows that the laying performance of the local breeds was significantly lower, but there were noticeable advantages in terms of egg composition and animal welfare indicators when compared to a high-performing hybrid strain. In further studies and the use in extensive production systems, the observed performance differences between plumage colors and breeders should be taken into account.

Toward a Theory of Information System Development Success: Perceptions of Software Development Team Members

Zelazny, Lucian M. 17 June 2011 (has links)
This dissertation increases our understanding of information system project success by investigating how software development team members define the success of an information system development effort. The theoretical model of ISD success is developed and tested. ISD success is measured through the eyes of the software development team members—since they are the most influential stakeholders during the development of the system. This dissertation was conducted in two phases: 1) theory building and 2) theory testing. The theory building phase began with a thorough literature review. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and the data analyzed to add emergent concepts to the model. The result of the theory building phase is the theoretical model of ISD success. The theory testing stage began with the development and validation of a survey instrument to measure the constructs and subconstructs found within the theoretical model of ISD success. Data was collected and the model tested using partial least squares regression. The findings indicate that software development team members view ISD success as being composed of process quality, functional product quality, non-functional product quality, team member benefits, and team member satisfaction. Team member satisfaction is highly influenced by team member benefits, moderately influenced by functional product quality and slightly influence by non-functional product quality and process quality. Software development team members view process quality as being composed of within budget and process maturity; non-functional product as being composed of reliability, usability, testability, and efficiency; team member benefits as being composed of learning and teamwork; and team member satisfaction as being composed of product satisfaction, process satisfaction, and personal satisfaction. Software development team members do not view on time as a significant contributor to their definition of process quality; they do not view modifiability, portability, or reusability as significant contributors to their definition of non-functional product quality; and they do not view recognition as a significant contributor to team member benefits. / Ph. D.

Towards environmentally sustainable development in the food retail industry : A case study of Lidl Sweden

Salisu, Nadezda, Olsson, Lina January 2014 (has links)
Research question: What initiatives does Lidl Sweden implement in the area of environmental sustainability?                          Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate what initiatives Lidl has developed and how the company implemented its corporate social responsibility in the direction of environmental sustainability. The purpose is also to compare the company’s activities with the guidelines of the EU Environment Commission and theoretical frameworks developed by previous research, and, as the result, to provide recommendations to the Lidl management. As well the purpose is to review the general improvement patterns within the food retail industry. Method: The research is made by using a qualitative method with a deductive approach. In order to present quality information in the study, a case design was chosen. The empirical analysis includes four interview transcriptions, secondary data and documentation, as well as a comparison to the theoretical concepts in the descriptive analysis. Conclusion: The responsibility and awareness of the improvement of the environmental sustainability is vital in the food retail industry. Indeed, it was found that aspects such as product and supplier’s control, the use of resources, transportation and distribution, as well as waste management and information communication to the employees and customers are considered as important aspects of the contribution for the environmental impact reduction. Lidl Sweden has developed and implemented some initiatives towards environmental sustainability, as well regarding the corporate social responsibility. However, there are some suggested actions that can be taken in order to excel the development.

Desenvolvimento de método para seleção de política de lubrificação de máquinas centrada em confiabilidade: aplicação na indústria alimentícia. / Development of method for selecting the industrial lubrication policy centered on reliability: application in food industry.

Belinelli, Marjorie Maria 27 March 2015 (has links)
Em indústria de alimentos são aplicados máquinas e equipamentos para processamento de alimentos, os quais exigem lubrificação para garantir seu pleno estado de funcionamento. Porém o mesmo lubrificante que auxilia o funcionamento do maquinário é considerado um risco potencial de contaminação do produto em suas etapas de processamento, vindo a interferir em sua qualidade. Além deste fator, uma inadequada gestão do processo de lubrificação de máquinas e equipamentos podem gerar eventos de falhas, impactando na disponibilidade e confiabilidade operacional do sistema industrial como todo. O objeto da pesquisa desenvolvida nesta tese de doutorado é o desenvolvimento de um método de seleção de política de lubrificação industrial centrada em confiabilidade voltada especificamente para maquinário empregado na fabricação de alimentos, e visa analisar os eventos de falhas ocorridos no maquinário, os quais relacionados com o processo de lubrificação industrial, bem como, a relação das atividades de lubrificação na geração de foco de potencial risco que propicie perda de qualidade e inocuidade do produto. O método é estruturado na identificação das variáveis envolvidas no processo de lubrificação industrial e análise de seus impactos sobre a geração de eventos de falhas e potencial foco de risco de perda de qualidade e inocuidade do produto, Esta análise visa direcionar a tomada de decisão quanto a estrutura da política de lubrificação industrial adequada a cada ativo industrial instalado na indústria de alimentos. A validação do método de seleção de política de lubrificação centrada em confiabilidade deu-se através da aplicação de sua metodologia em um sistema reparável, uma máquina cobrideira, instalada em uma indústria de alimentos, localizada na região metropolitana de Curitiba. A análise estatística do comportamento da tendência de falhas neste ativo industrial conjuntamente com a análise funcional dos modos de falhas relacionados com o processo de lubrificação industrial, possibilitou estruturar uma política de lubrificação industrial adequada para máquina cobrideira. Esta política de lubrificação contempla ações que resultaram no aumento de produtividade anual da máquina cobrideira em 0,16%, isto significa 280.830 unidades (equivalente a 7,02 toneladas) produzidas a mais no ano de 2014 em relação a 2013, e na melhoria dos indicadores de desempenho de manutenção e disponibilidade operacional da máquina cobrideira. Além disto, a aplicação do método desenvolvido estruturou procedimentos de modo de execução e monitoramento das atividades de lubrificação, os quais visam garantir a qualidade do produto durante as etapas de fabricação conjuntamente com a melhoria de desempenho e produtividade do sistema industrial. / In the food industry, machinery and equipment for food processing are used. They require lubrication to ensure they\'re working properly. However, the same lubricant which assists the operation of the machinery is considered a potential contamination to the product in its processing steps, impacting on their quality. The improper management of the lubrication process of machinery and equipment may lead to fault events, impacting on the availability and operational reliability of the industrial system as a whole. The research object developed in this doctorate thesis shows the development of a selection method of an industrial lubrication policy focused on reliability. Such policy is designed specifically for machinery used in the manufacture of foods. It analyzes the failure events in the machinery due to the lubrication process and. It also analyzes the connection between the lubricating activities and the potential risk of loss product quality and safety. The method is structured to identify the variables involved in the industrial lubrication process and analyzes their impact they have on fault events and potential source of risk of product quality loss. This analysis aims to guide decision-making regarding the structure of the adequate industrial lubrication policy to each industrial asset installed in the food industry. The validation of the lubrication policy selection method focused on reliability occurred through the application of its methodology in a repairable system, a coating machine, installed in a food industry located in the metropolitan region of Curitiba. The statistical analysis of the fault trend behavior in this industrial asset together with the functional analysis of failure modes related to the industrial lubrication process made it possible to structure a suitable policy for the industrial lubrication of the coating machine. This lubrication policy includes actions that resulted in the increase of the annual productivity of the coating machine by 0.16%. It means 280,830 more units (equivalent to 7.02 tons) were produced in 2014 than in 2013. It also improved the maintenance performance indicators and the operational availability of the coating machine. Furthermore, the application of the method structured procedures of execution mode and monitoring of lubrication activities. The aim was to ensure the quality of the product during the manufacturing steps together with the improvement of the performance and productivity of the industrial system.

Strategisk sortimentsplanering inom hemtextil : En fallstudie av Hemtex babysortiment / Assortment planning in a home textiles company : A case study of Hemtex´ Baby assortment

Lager, Hillevi, Kalin, Emma January 2011 (has links)
Dagens textilbransch karaktäriseras till stor del av snabbt föränderliga trender. Det råder en hård konkurrens på marknaden och kunden besitter i stor utsträckning en god kunskap och en medvetenhet, vilket ställer högre krav på det utbud som företaget erbjuder. Vidare har hemtextilbranschen under de senaste åren präglats av en ökad konkurrensnivå. Flera aktörer så som exempelvis stormarknader, färghandlare och byggvaruhus har utökat sitt sortiment med hemtextil och är därmed med och tävlar om hemtextilkunderna. I denna situation är det viktigt att ha ett välplanerat sortiment eftersom det bland annat speglar företagets affärsidé samt kommunicerar vad affärsidén erbjuder och till vem. Vidare kan en medvetenhet kring sortimentsstrategier användas för att kommunicera rätt image till kunden och dessutom vara ett viktigt konkurrensmedel.Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva hur ett hemtextilföretag bör arbeta med sin sortimentsplanering för att på en strategisk nivå använda sortimentet som ett konkurrensmedel. Vidare ämnar uppsatsen även undersöka hur ett sortiment kan påverka ett hemtextilföretags image.Uppsatsen bygger på en kvalitativ studie av hemtextilföretaget Hemtex med inriktning mot företagets babysortiment. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med en Business area manager på Hemtex, samt potentiella kunder för sortimentet har uppsatsen kartlagt vilka avsikter Hemtex har med babysortimentet samt hur det betraktas ur ett kundperspektiv.Resultatet av studien visar att sortimentets utformning har ett starkt inflytande över hur ett hemtextilföretag betraktas av kunden. Med stöd av den teoretiska referensramen visar studien att de intervjuade kunderna bygger en stor del av sin uppfattning om Hemtex på hur sortimentet är utformat samt hur det presenteras i butik. Slutligen försöker uppsatsen finna konkreta tanke- och tillvägagångssätt som ett hemtextilföretag kan tänkas tillämpa i sin sortimentsstrategi. Bland annat presenteras modeller gällande förhållningssätt för sortimentets utformning, vilka analyseras utefter fallföretagets förutsättningar. Studien visar att Hemtex nuvarande sortimentsstrategi gynnat babysortimentet. Företagets strategi att hålla sortimentet renodlat, med färre produktvarianter, visar sig vara god då de genom detta kan minimera produktionskostnaderna och hålla ett lägre pris. Slutsatsen blir att Hemtex i sin sortimentsstrategi bör eftersträva att bevara och förstärka sin image som ett företag som tillhandahåller prisvärda produkter.The current textile industry is highly characterized by rapidly shifting trends. The market involves a high level of competition as well as consumers who possess a lot of knowledge about the products. These elements increase the demands on what a company is required to offer. Today’s home textile market has also increased its level of competition since many more companies, such as supermarkets, paint dealers and builders’ merchants are expanding their assortments to include textile products. In these circumstances a well-planned assortment is very important since it reflects the company’s business concept. The assortment communicates what is involved in the business concept and the target audience. A company may then use an awareness of different assortment strategies to communicate the right image to the appropriate audience. This may also be used as an important competitive weapon.The purpose of this essay is to describe how a home textile company can use assortment strategies in order to use their product-mix as a competitive device. This paper also intends to investigate how a company´s image will be affected by the assortment. This essay is based upon a qualitative study of the home textiles company Hemtex, with a focus towards the company´s Baby assortment. This study was carried out through semi-structured interviews with a Business Area Manager at Hemtex and a number of potential customers within the category of baby products. With the information gained from the interviews, the essay has mapped out how the Baby assortment is regarded from a customer´s perspective. The result of the study identifies that assortment strategies have a strong affect on a consumer´s perception of a home textile company. With support from the theoretical framework the study shows how the interviewed consumers build a significant part of their opinion about Hemtex upon the design and presentation of the assortment. In the final chapter of the essay, it attempts to find concrete strategies for planning and implementing favorable assortment strategies. Theoretical models relating to assortment design are evaluated according to the conditions of Hemtex. The study shows that the company´s baby assortment has performed better since implementing the present strategy. Keeping the baby assortment refined, with a smaller range of varieties, has proven to be a well-suited strategy. This is particularly important since the customers place a strong emphasis on good value for money. The conclusion is that Hemtex should strive to maintain and further strengthen their image as a company that provides a product worth its price. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen

Separação dos enatiômeros do cetoprofeno e do fenoprofeno por CLAE em fase estacionária quiral / Separation of ketoprofen and fenoprofen enantiomers by HPLC using chiral stationary phase

Rezende, Ricardo Leite de Oliveira 27 June 2008 (has links)
Durante muito tempo, os fármacos quirais de origem sintética foram comercializados predominantemente como racematos. Atualmente, sabe-se que os enantiômeros de um fármaco quiral podem apresentar propriedades farmacocinéticas, farmacodinâmicas e toxicológicas bastante distintas. Assim sendo, técnicas analíticas enantiosseletivas são fundamentais para a pesquisa e para o controle da qualidade desses fármacos. O cetoprofeno e o fenoprofeno são dois fármacos quirais, pertencentes à classe dos agentes antiinflamatórios não-esteróides derivados do ácido propiônico. Seus enantiômeros apresentam significativas diferenças farmacodinâmicas. Por essa razão, pretendeu-se desenvolver, no presente trabalho, métodos de separação enantiomérica para ambos os fármacos. Para tanto, utilizou-se a técnica de cromatografia a líquido de alta eficiência em fase estacionária quiral (coluna Whelk-O 1), nos modos normal e reverso. Abordagens uni- e multivariadas foram utilizadas para desenvolver e otimizar os métodos de separação. Pôde-se observar que a enantiosseletividade exibida pela coluna Whelk-O 1 em fase normal é superior àquela exibida em fase reversa. Empregando a CLAE em fase normal, foi possível desenvolver métodos de separação apropriados para os enantiômeros de ambos os fármacos. Em fase reversa, no entanto, apenas os enantiômeros do fenoprofeno puderam ser separados satisfatoriamente. / For a long time, the synthetic chiral drugs were marketed mainly as racemates. Currently, it is known that enantiomers of chiral drugs may exhibit quite different pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and toxicological properties. Therefore, enantioselective analytical techniques are critical to the research and quality control of these drugs. Ketoprofen and fenoprofen are two chiral drugs, belonging to the class of propionic acid-derived nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Their enantiomers show significant pharmacodynamic differences. For that reason, we aimed to develop, in this work, separation methods for the enantiomers of both drugs. In order to do so, it was used the high-performance liquid chromatography technique and the Whelk-O 1 column as the chiral stationary phase, under normal- and reversed-phase modes. Uni- and multivariate approaches were used to develop and optimize the separation methods. It was noted that the enantioselectivity exhibited by the Whelk-O 1 column under normal-phase mode is higher than that exhibited under reversed-phase mode. Under normal-phase mode, it was possible to achieve an appropriate separation for the enantiomers of both drugs. Under reversed-phase mode, however, only the enantiomers of fenoprofen could be successfully separated.

Separação dos enatiômeros do cetoprofeno e do fenoprofeno por CLAE em fase estacionária quiral / Separation of ketoprofen and fenoprofen enantiomers by HPLC using chiral stationary phase

Ricardo Leite de Oliveira Rezende 27 June 2008 (has links)
Durante muito tempo, os fármacos quirais de origem sintética foram comercializados predominantemente como racematos. Atualmente, sabe-se que os enantiômeros de um fármaco quiral podem apresentar propriedades farmacocinéticas, farmacodinâmicas e toxicológicas bastante distintas. Assim sendo, técnicas analíticas enantiosseletivas são fundamentais para a pesquisa e para o controle da qualidade desses fármacos. O cetoprofeno e o fenoprofeno são dois fármacos quirais, pertencentes à classe dos agentes antiinflamatórios não-esteróides derivados do ácido propiônico. Seus enantiômeros apresentam significativas diferenças farmacodinâmicas. Por essa razão, pretendeu-se desenvolver, no presente trabalho, métodos de separação enantiomérica para ambos os fármacos. Para tanto, utilizou-se a técnica de cromatografia a líquido de alta eficiência em fase estacionária quiral (coluna Whelk-O 1), nos modos normal e reverso. Abordagens uni- e multivariadas foram utilizadas para desenvolver e otimizar os métodos de separação. Pôde-se observar que a enantiosseletividade exibida pela coluna Whelk-O 1 em fase normal é superior àquela exibida em fase reversa. Empregando a CLAE em fase normal, foi possível desenvolver métodos de separação apropriados para os enantiômeros de ambos os fármacos. Em fase reversa, no entanto, apenas os enantiômeros do fenoprofeno puderam ser separados satisfatoriamente. / For a long time, the synthetic chiral drugs were marketed mainly as racemates. Currently, it is known that enantiomers of chiral drugs may exhibit quite different pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and toxicological properties. Therefore, enantioselective analytical techniques are critical to the research and quality control of these drugs. Ketoprofen and fenoprofen are two chiral drugs, belonging to the class of propionic acid-derived nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Their enantiomers show significant pharmacodynamic differences. For that reason, we aimed to develop, in this work, separation methods for the enantiomers of both drugs. In order to do so, it was used the high-performance liquid chromatography technique and the Whelk-O 1 column as the chiral stationary phase, under normal- and reversed-phase modes. Uni- and multivariate approaches were used to develop and optimize the separation methods. It was noted that the enantioselectivity exhibited by the Whelk-O 1 column under normal-phase mode is higher than that exhibited under reversed-phase mode. Under normal-phase mode, it was possible to achieve an appropriate separation for the enantiomers of both drugs. Under reversed-phase mode, however, only the enantiomers of fenoprofen could be successfully separated.

Relationship between product quality and customer satisfaction

Cruz, Albert Vitales 01 January 2015 (has links)
The National Safety Council (NSC) estimated that over 35,000 people died in U.S. traffic accidents. About 3.8 million traffic crash injuries requiring medical attention occurred in 2013, and the number of deaths was about the same over the last 5 years. The NSC found that product recalls, car repairs, injuries, and deaths were due to unsafe product designs or inferior product quality. These statistics underscore the challenge of producing quality vehicles while satisfying customers. The purpose of this nonexperimental study was to examine relationships among product (vehicle) quality, product cost, product safety, and consumer satisfaction. The hypotheses inquired the extent to which relationships exist between product quality and customer satisfaction and if product cost and product safety influence this relationship. The theoretical foundation included theories on product quality and consumer satisfaction associated with the cost and safety theories such as product quality and customer satisfaction that are critical factors that can promote positive social change. Data were collected from a random sample (N = 77) of U.S. automobile users and analyzed via simple and multiple linear regression, which showed a significant statistical relationship between product quality and customer satisfaction. However, neither the product safety nor product cost helped mediate the relationship between product quality and customer satisfaction. Building high-quality cars leads to fewer injuries and deaths associated with vehicular accidents, thus promoting positive social change for both U.S. automobile buyers and sellers

Strategies to Influence a Quality and Compliance Culture

Macht, Betsy Jean 01 January 2016 (has links)
In drug, medical, and consumer products businesses, leaders should establish strategies that ensure production of quality products and drive profitability. Sales of defective or substandard products carry a potential risk of unintended effects on the consumer. The purpose of this single case study was to explore the strategies used by leaders to influence a culture of quality and compliance, leading to production of saleable products, and business profitability. The conceptual framework of the theory of constraints served to guide the scope and data analysis for this study. Participants included ten individuals with a minimum of 5 years of experience at the study company, based in the northeast region of the U.S., in director, manager, and technical leader roles who participated in individual, telephone-based interviews. Additional data sources for methodological triangulation included observations during a tour of the headquarters site, and analysis of policies, procedures, annual reports, and publicly available information. Data analysis included coding of the data and analysis to identify themes and patterns that identify the strategies leaders use to embed a culture of quality. The emergent themes in this study included: leadership, culture and habits, communications, and management systems and data analysis. The findings of this study may contribute to positive social change and improved business practice by providing tools and skills needed by business leaders to ensure product quality and business success. By consistently delivering quality products to the market, the organization builds a sustainable business where the community can benefit from a stable supply of jobs and the consumer from a reliable supply of products that safely meet customer needs.

在行銷組合中提供比較國資訊、不同商品來源國、品質之產品對消費者態度的影響 / The effect of providing the compared country in the marketing mix

劉雅文, Liu, Ya-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

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