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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainable Water Saving Intervention : A digital user experience solution of more sustainable choice in daily water-use with behavioral change

Zhang, Zihan January 2020 (has links)
In recent years, sustainable thinking has been gradually recognized and accepted by more and more users, enterprises, and stakeholders. However, in daily life, there is often a gap between the value of users’ pursuit of sustainable lifestyles and their behavior habits. Also, the connection between different stakeholders is often ignored. The project started by the observation of unsustainable water usage habits of some tenants in the Växjö local housing company Växjöbostäder, and investigated the gaps in the water supply/toll system of Växjö municipality for some apartment tenants and the limitations of current solutions. Therefore, it is necessary to find a more effective solution. The author attempts to guide and change the user’s behavior through design interventions led by digital user experience design, connect the gap between the user and the system, and provide a more sustainable choice. At the same time, as a precedent, this project’s attempt to apply sustainable behavioral interventions to the field of digital user experience products at the system level can also provide some reference for similar projects or designs that may appear in the future. The aim of this project is trying to find solutions to bridge the existing gap between the water management system and the apartment users’ water consumption behavior. The project studies the relevant theories of behavior, analyzes the causes of motivations that lead to behavioral and habits changing, the methods of digital user experience design, and the theory of building sustainable systems. Action research has been used as a methodological guide to design processes, analysis, and reflection. The final design outcome “Drops” is an application based on mobile platforms that develop sustainable water-using habits. The application associates gamification motivation mechanisms, behavioral habit interventions, community social sharing, and the process of using the application with the user’s actual behavior, promotes the formation of user sustainable behavior and inspires users to a sustainable society thinking. From a hierarchical analysis of the system, “Drops” connects different stakeholders in the municipal water supply system, facilitating communications between tenants and communities to achieve positive interactions that promote sustainable behavior.  At the end of this article, the author analyzed the project outcome from the perspective of Växjöbostäder, one of the stakeholders and a possible product distributor, elaborated on the possible advantages of the design for the company’s ecological sustainability and the possibility of the company deploying this application in the market. Also, the author also analyzed and evaluated this project from the perspective of the product itself and different stakeholders, and explained the current limitations and the possibility of future development.

A Systems Engineering-based semantic model to support “Product-Service System” life cycle / Un modèle sémantique basé sur l'ingénierie des systèmes pour supporter le cycle de vie des systèmes "Produit-Service"

Maleki, Elaheh 21 December 2018 (has links)
Les Systèmes Produit-Service (PSS) résultent d'une intégration de composants hétérogènes couvrant à la fois des aspects matériels et immatériels (mécanique, électrique,logiciel, processus, organisation, etc.). Le processus de développement d’un PSS est fortement collaboratif impliquant des acteurs métier très variés.Ce caractère interdisciplinaire nécessite des référentiels sémantiques standardisés pour gérer la multitude des points de vue métier et faciliter l’intégration de tous les composants hétérogènes dans un système unique. Ceci est encore plus complexe dans le cas des PSS personnalisables, majoritaires dans le milieu industriel. Malgré les nombreuses méthodologies dans littérature, la gestion des processus de développement du PSS reste encore limitée face à cette complexité. Dans ce contexte, l'Ingénierie des systèmes (IS) pourrait être une solution avantageuse au regard de ses qualités bien prouvé pour la modélisation et la gestion de systèmes complexes. Cette thèse vise à explorer le potentiel d'utilisation de l'Ingénierie des systèmes (IS) comme fondement conceptuel pour représenter d’une façon intégrée tous les différents points de vue métier associés au cycle de vie du PSS. Dans ce cadre, un méta-modèle de PSS est proposé et exemplifié dans des cas industriels. Un modèle ontologique est aussi présenté comme une application d’une partie des modèles pour structurer le référentiel commun de la plateforme ICP4Life. / Product-service systems (PSS) result from the integration of heterogeneous components covering both tangible and intangible aspects(mechanical, electrical, software, process, organization, etc.). The process of developing PSS is highly collaborative involving a wide variety of stakeholders. This interdisciplinary nature requires standardized semantic repositories to handle the multitude of business views and facilitate the integration of all heterogeneous components into a single system. This is even more complex in the case of customizable PSS in the industrial sector. Despite the many methodologies in literature, the management of the development processes of the PSS is still limited to face this complexity. In this context, Systems Engineering (SE) could bean advantageous solution in terms of its proven qualities for the modeling and management of complex systems. This thesis aims at exploring the potentials of Systems Engineering (SE) as a conceptual foundation to represent various different business perspectives associated with the life cycle of the PSS. In this context, a meta-model for PSS is proposed and verified in industrial cases. An ontological model is also presented as an application of a part of the model to structure the common repository of the ICP4Life platform.

Stabilising the Oscillations between Consumption Practices and Circular Economy Business Models : A case study of a circular economy-based offering through collaboration within textile industry

Krishnakumar, Ramnath, Venkatesh, Surya Prakash January 2020 (has links)
The surges in the deterioration on all fronts of sustainability have led to the conceptualization of the Circular Economy (CE). The compliance of production and consumption tightly knitted with the linear model has created a much-needed debate as well as a barrier to the transition towards the CE. In order to drive the transition from linear to CE, various typologies of CE business models have been derived. The Product-Service System (PSS), a business model for creating a circular flow of materials, necessitates the transformation of consumers from being owners into mere users. The textile industry, where the use of virgin materials is deemed to be a primary component for its production and consumption, requires the ingestion of CE-based business models. However, such a transition requires a constant and conscious effort from various actors as well as consumers.   The study takes a holistic perspective targeting both the PSS provider as well as the consumers in providing an understanding of frictions that occur between a PSS Business model and the existing consumption practices. As different actors form a network to drive a PSS business model, this study, firstly aims to develop an understanding of the interactions that take place between two different actors who aim to develop a PSS business model within the domain of textiles. Secondly, as there tend to be consumers who oppose business models that change their existing habits and routines, one such as PSS, this study focuses on analyzing the existing practices related to the consumption of textiles. By contemplating between the consumption side and the PSS provider side, the thesis concludes with a model on how a PSS business model can be made to stabilize the differences with respect to consumption practices by taking into account the factors that influence the consumption of a product.

Designing for an autonomous future : How to support and maintain trust through PSS design with an emphasis on heavy construction equipment worksites

Hallberg Lyggemark, Hillevi January 2016 (has links)
Vad som har gjort dagens autonoma teknologi möjlig och som lagt grunden till dess hastiga framsteg har varit den tekniska utvecklingen i datorhårdvara. I takt med att datorer har ökat i både prestanda och hastighet och samtidigt minskat i pris har autonoma lösningar ökat extremt mycket i nästan alla scenarios av vårt vardagsliv där människa-maskinsystem finns. Automation har också spridit sig till fordonsutvecklingen; förarlösa bilar kan redan ses på gatorna och i gruvindustrin används redan autonoma dumpers i viss utsträckning. Det är bara en tidsfråga innan fullt autonoma tyngre maskiner entrar scenen med målet att fortsatt öka produktiviteten i samhället. Men då den autonoma teknologin blir mer och mer komplex så finns det en del som verkar bli viktigare; tillit. Tillit behövs i alla situationer där det inte är möjligt att förstå alla inblandade faktorer. Tillit fungerar som en guide i beslutsfattning och är en förutsättning som är nödvändig för att automation överhuvudtaget ska användas. Men är tilliten för hög eller för låg kan det resultera i att automationen används felaktigt med eventuellt farliga sitationer som påföljd. I den här rapporten definieras autonomi och tillit för att sedan få en djup förstående för de båda för att kunna se sambanden emellan dem. Resultatet i denna rapporten är ett set klart definierade kritiska faktorer som behövs på en arbetsplats där både tunga maskiner och människor vistas. Detta för att skapa och upprätthålla tillit. Dessa kritiska faktorer är sedan satta i en begreppsmässig modell för byggande av tillit och senare exemplifierade in ett system som är utvecklat i ett större sammanhang. Det finns också rekommendationer för hur dessa kritiska faktorer kan få stöd genom product- och tjänstesystems innovation. Den här rapporten visar att det inte är en exakt vetenskap att designa för automation eftersom det finns många avgränsningar att ta hänsyn till som t.ex. kulturella och individuella skillnader hos individen som kan påverka vid interaktionen av autonom teknologi. När man designar för lämplig tillit i autonom teknologi behövs hela systemet tas i åtanke med både människor, maskiner och miljön de vistas i. / What has made the autonomy of today possible and what laid the foundation of its rapid advancement has been the technical development in computer hardware. As computers have increased in power and speed and at the same time decreased in price, autonomous solutions has increased enormously in nearly all scenarios of life where human-machine systems can be found. Automation has also started to spread into vehicle technology; driverless cars can be seen roaming the streets and the mining industry, autonomous haulers are already in use to some extent. It is just a matter of time before fully automated heavy machinery enters the scene with the goal further increase the productivity in our society. But when autonomy gets more and more complex, there is one thing that seems so get more important; trust. Trust is needed in situations where a total understanding of all factors involved is hard to grasp. It will act as a guide in decision-making and is a prerequisite that needs to exist if the automation is to be used. Although, if the trust is too high or low the result could be that automation is used inappropriately with possible dangerous situations as an outcome. In this thesis autonomy and trust gets defined and understood and then intertwined to get an understanding of how they are related. The outcome from this thesis is a set of clearly defined crucial factors that is needed on a worksite with heavy equipment machinery and humans to create and maintain trust. These crucial factors are put in a conceptual model of trust building and later exemplified in a system solution created in a larger context. There are also recommendations on how to support these crucial factors through PSS design. This thesis shows that designing for automation is not an exact science, since there is much delimitation to take into account such as cultural and individual differences in the human being that is subject to the autonomy. When designing for appropriate trust in automated technology it needs to be done by taking the whole system into account with humans, machines and the environment they are in. / ME310 Design Innovation at Stanford University

Product-Service Systems for Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturers: The Role of External Partnerships / Produkt-tjänstesystem för små och medelstora företag: Betydelsen av partnerskap med externa aktörer

Scherma de Carvalho, Pedro January 2023 (has links)
The current patterns of consumption are threatening the availability of natural resources. These natural resources, such as raw materials and biomass, are critical for different economic activities. ProductService System (PSS) has received attention as a solution to drive resource efficiency by extending the life cycle of products. Given the many barriers to shifting from product to PSS-based offering, the literature has acknowledged the importance of partnerships to support Small and Medium-SizedManufacturers (SMMs) during the life cycle of PSS. However, the role played by the partner in supporting the SMM, as well as how are they supporting to overcome existing barriers, remains unclear. To address this gap, the present thesis to aims comprehensively identify the multifaceted role of external partners throughout the life cycle of PSS developed by SMM. The research follows a cross-sectional design to investigate three industry sectors located in Finland, Norway, and Sweden: forestry, farming, and mining machinery manufacturers. Through semi-structured qualitative interviews with CEOs and directors, data was collected and analyzed by thematic analysis. The results show the existence of eight key partners along the life cycle of PSS: Dealers, Suppliers, End Customers, Service Providers, Industry Hubs, Parent Company, New Partners (such as KIBS firms),and Other, such as the ones associated with delivery. These partners were found to support SMMs by co-creation (joint activities involving the exchange of resources between the partner and SMM), education (knowledge sharing from the partner to the SMM), market-related roles (activities associated with the end user, such as sales, marketing, and service provision), and supply chain (roles liked to supply of components and logistics). Partners can drive the shift from current product-oriented PSStowards use- and result-oriented ones, which have a higher potential of creating environmental benefits. The findings of this thesis contribute to the existing literature in many ways. First, it clarifies how partners are supporting SMMs along the life cycle of PSS. Second, it shows that some partners, such as dealers, are more important through the life cycle than other partners. Third, it shows that SMMs opt for different partners to perform the same role. Therefore, it opens the opportunity for future research questions to investigate the causes behind such choices. In terms of practical implications, the thesis support SMMs to optimize and diversify their network of partners by considering partnership alternatives. From the partner’s point of view, it shows the expectations of the SMMs for their partners. Therefore, it can be used to improve the existing solutions aiming to better address the SMMs’ needs.

Circular economy: : Sustainability assessment of circular business models basedon material flow analysis.

Ankar, Sara January 2023 (has links)
This study has contributed to the developing concepts of circular economy by assessing circular business models and to test different approaches for circularity in a measurable way. In our current era of time, we stand against environment challenges with a warming planet and resources scarcity. To mitigate the effect of greenhouse gasemissions and to find new more circular solutions to material demand. The developing concept of circular economy is aligned with these goals. In this study the climate impact and profitability of circular business models are investigated using material flow analysis. The result is an assessment of these parameters from a sustainability perspective for product organizations and show that longer lifetime and use period a product has the lower the yearly global warming potential. For profitability the assessment is dependent on more parameters such ascurrent business models, gross margin, raw material, logistics and distribution cost an increased profit is not as strongly connected to lifetime or use. When an increasedcircularity can be accomplished as a complement to current business (withoutsignificant cost increase) there is a possible profit.The study suggests an analysis model for investigate circular strategies in theAssessment model for circular business models. The study contributed to the practical adaptation of circular economy principles providing a suggested analysis framework .By applying circular economy principles and this assessment model it is possible to contribute to a more sustainable future for the system of planet Earth. / <p>2023-06-08</p>

Promoting a Circular Economy in the Mobile Phone Product System in China

Wang, Shihui January 2020 (has links)
The concept of the circular economy has been introduced to China and encouraged to be implemented in manufacturing industries by the government in recent years. The implementation of a circular economy in the mobile phone product system can potentially serve as a solution to reducing a significant amount of waste mobile phones. However, the development of a circular economy in China is still at the beginning phase. To help with the promotion of a circular economy, this thesis was proposed. The aim is to explore the possibility to promote a circular economy in the mobile phone product system in China and the main target group is mobile phone producers. The main methodology of this thesis was system dynamics modeling. A system dynamic model was developed to analyze the potential sustainability profits and economic profits. A questionnaire and a literature review were conducted to collect relevant data for the model. The study proposed three strategies (old-for-new, eco-design, and product service system) for producers to promote a circular economy. The profitability of the three scenarios was evaluated and then a sensitivity analysis of the parameters in the model was conducted. According to the model results, the old-for-new strategy was the most profitable and the strategy of the product- service system could not bring additional profit to producers if only economic profits were considered. The general suggestion for producers on maximizing the profitability was propagandizing the significance of mobile phone collection and recycling to increase consumers’ awareness.

Adaptive Design for Circular Business Models in the Automotive Manufacturing Industry

Nyström, Thomas January 2019 (has links)
The vision of a circular economy (CE) promises both profitability and eco-sustainability to industries, and can, from a material and energy resource flow perspective, be operationalized by combining three business and design strategies: closing loops; narrowing and slowing down resource flows by material recycling, improving resource efficiency; and by extending product life by reuse, upgrades and remanufacturing. These three strategies are straightforward ways for industries to radically reduce their use of virgin resources. From a product design perspective, it is doable. However, from a business perspective, it is no less than a revolution that is asked for, as most Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) have, over time, designed their organizations for capturing value from selling goods in linear, flow-based business models. This thesis aims to contribute to the discourse about CE by exploring practical routes for operationalizing circular product design in a “stock-based” CBM. The approach is three-fold. Firstly, the role of design as a solution provider for existing business models is explored and illustrated by case studies and interviews from the automotive industry. Secondly, challenges and possibilities for manufacturing firms to embrace all three strategies for circularity are explored. Thirdly, implications for designing products suitable to stock-based CBMs are discussed. In spite of the vast interest in business model innovation, a circular economy, and how to design for a circular economy, there are still many practical, real-life barriers preventing adoption. This is especially true for designing products that combine all three of the circular strategies, and with regard to the risk of premature obsolescence of products owned by an OEM in a stock-based business model. Nevertheless, if products are designed to adapt to future needs and wants, business risks could be reduced. The main findings are that CE practices already have been implemented in some respects in the automotive industry, but those practices result in very low resource productivity. Substantial economic and material values are being lost due to the dominant business and design logic of keeping up resource flows into products sold. The primary challenge for incumbent OEMs is to manage, in parallel, both a process for circular business model innovation and a design process for future adaptable products. / <p>This licentiate studies have been financed by the Swedish EnergyAgency. The Appended Paper I is a part of the research project:Future-adaptivity for more energy-efficient vehicles, a collaborationbetween RISE VIKTORIA and Academy of Design &amp; Crafts,University of Gothenburg.</p>


Zhang, Yan January 2024 (has links)
There is a gradually spreading servitization trend that is forcing industrial manufacturing companies acting in the global market to rethink their business. Manufacturing companies that were traditionally perceived as product-centered, are today increasingly influenced by a service-oriented theory, which claims that manufacturing companies are driven to shift their business focus towards a strategy where customer-perceived value is in the spotlight, and where products are bundled with services to offer Product-Service Systems (PSS). The need to integrate several knowledge domains (i.e. product development, service development, recycling, etc.) means that industry companies need to move “downstream” knowledge from the entire lifecycle into the early phases of the PSS design process where critical decisions are made. At the same time, this raises the awareness of, and requirements for, methods and tools that support cross-disciplinary team collaboration in the process of designing these PSS solutions. Value co-creation is one strategy to address customer collaboration to develop PSS in a framework that allows different stakeholders to participate in defining design concepts and finding the optimal combination of hardware and service that supplies the desired value. Value co-creation strategy and global collaborative innovation are essential for manufacturing companies to explore new ways of designing PSS. The thesis summarizes the research performed by the author, as an industrial Ph.D. student and director for system innovation at BIGmind Innovation. This thesis aims to study and explore the motivation for, and challenges of, working with value co-creation for PSS design by global manufacturing companies. Firstly, the empirical research determined that there are different challenges that global manufacturing companies and product development face when designing PSS. The work involves exploring value co-creation via a customer collaborative design platform and experience prototyping for product-service system design. The research shows that there is a lack of knowledge about guidelines and processes for collaboration in value co-creation. The research emphasizes that the PSS design methodologies of today neglect to specify the roles and responsibilities of the actors who co-create PSS offerings, and there is a lack of understanding of the entire process and how it is implemented in industrial practice when developing solutions. Conclusions from this work suggest that government policies can make a fast and major impact on the demand for innovations and PSS development. Additionally, a value co-creation approach promotes large-scale user participation in the early phase of PSS design. To enhance stakeholder participation and gather feedback, experiential prototypes were utilized during the conceptual design phase of the PSS design. To support further development in the area of value co-creation, the Future Innovation Framework (FIF) is proposed as a mechanism to facilitate the adoption and use of value co-creation of PSS design. This thesis discusses the implications, opportunities, and challenges of the FIF for industrial PSS design. The thesis concludes with a discussion on the possibility of using value co-creation for PSS design in different industry domains in the future.

Stroller Service System : How to make customer products sustainable within the planetary boundaries - using the case product ‘stroller’, PSS and a Design Thinking approach

Thorslund, Gustav January 2019 (has links)
Physical customer products have an environmental impact, such as greenhouse gas emissions, due to the use of virgin resources from cradle-to-grave, especially when the origin of the material is from fossil resources. This thesis aims to create a circular business model, by investigating the product ‘stroller’ and place it in a Product Service System, where the user subscribes to the Stroller Service System. This means that the product gets a service function: ‘transportation of a child’, mapped with a user-centered approach. The main objective is to lower the ecological footprint by adopting a modular design including bio-based material and stainless steel, and also include services to address economical and social sustainability goals. The methodology that is used is divided into two parts: Status Analysis – which consists of stroller related literature study, literature review and case study, and the second part is the Design Process – creating the product-, service- and system design. The results are grounded in user insights, life cycle assessment and co-creation with experts, where the conclusions are that a PSS Model Stroller should be used by 4-6 users which translate to about 15-20 years of usage for the steel layer. The way of refurbishing the strollers is done by contract workers that exist where the users exists, i.e. Ease Stroller Hub, who change the bio-based material in-between the use-phases and hands over the refurbished stroller to the next user. Add-on services of access to car pools and grocery delivery is included in the system to ease the stroller user’s everyday life and is a way to designing out the need of owning a car, to lower the overall environmental impact.

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