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Profesinis orientavimas - viena iš sėkmingos socializacijos prielaidų / Vocational orientation service as one of presumption for successful socializationGrinytė, Lina 01 July 2006 (has links)
Research object: parents attitudes towards vocational orientation service in the secondary school.
Research aim: to discover parents attitudes towards vocational orientation service in the secondary school.
Research objectives:
• To define how parents who have 8th – 12th grades children are informed about vocational information sources and services lent in secondary school;
• To find out expression of parents attitudes towards vocational orientation services at school;
• To educe parents opinion about effectiveness of vocational orientation service at school. Research methods:
• Quantitative research (questionnaire)
• Statistical data analysis
Parents’ awareness about vocational orientation services at school is not sufficient. It is a lack between supply and demand of vocational orientation services. Only half of 61 established vocational information places are allocated at schools and parents are not enough informed about such services at school.
The most part of respondents have adequate understanding about vocational orientation aim, quality and timeliness. In most respondents view vocational orientation activities at school are not efficient and fall short of children requirements. According to the research data there are not enough vocational orientation activities for children and parents at school.
Respondents emphasize that the most proper time to start intensive vocational orientation is 9th grade when children need to choose their study... [to full text]
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Profesinis konsultavimas ir orientavimas šiuolaikiniame profesinio rengimo kontekste / Vocational Consulting and Guidance in Contemporary Vocational Training ContextŠiaučiūnienė, Stanislava 17 June 2005 (has links)
Šiaučiūnienė S. Vocational Consulting and Guidance in Contemporary Vocational Training Context: Master’s Paper in Andragogic/ research mentor prof. habil. dr. M. Barkauskaitė; Vilnius Pedagogical University, Faculty of Pedagogy-Psychology, Department of Educology. – Vilnius, 2005. – 96 p.
The subject of this Master’s Paper in Andragogic is talking-point. As Lithuania is integrating into the European social and economical space, vocational consulting had become an underlying field which helps people to realize vocational perfection’s solutions. This Paper was aiming to study the evolution of vocational training system in the last ten years establishing the importance of vocational consulting and guidance for the planning of professional career. The object of research was pedagogical process in vocational training.
The goals of this Paper were to:
1. Analyze the variety of theories on vocational guidance in sight of pedagogical psychology.
2. Establish the requirements for the vocational guidance and consulting.
3. Evaluate Lithuanian reforming vocational training system and its alterations in the dimension of vocational consulting and career planning.
4. Study the impact of vocational teachers on the further planning process of professional career.
5. Explore relations between choice of profession and vocational consulting in the conditions of contemporary labour market’s demands.
It was hypothesized: analyze of regional state demonstrates that it is possible to bargain for... [to full text]
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Studijuojančių socioedukacinio darbo specialybes profesinio pasirinkimo motyvacija ir jos vystymosi edukacinės prielaidos / Professional motivation of the studying social-educational work specialties and educational preconditions of its developmentUrbonienė, Aistė 26 July 2005 (has links)
The research aim is to theoretically and empirically ground educational preconditions of professional motivation.
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Vidurinės mokyklos moksleivių (pasirinkusių gamtos mokslų dalykų profilį) reprezentacijos profesinei karjerai / Representations for a professional career of the secondary school students who have chosen the profile of natural sciencesRukaitė, Sigita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Vykstant švietimo reformai, visas bendrasis ugdymas yra orientuotas į mokinį, jo poreikius ir gebėjimus. Mokiniui reikia prisitaikyti gyventi modernioje visuomenėje, kurioje būtina mokėti ieškoti žinių ir adekva��iai jas pritaikyti. Vienas svarbiausių uždavinių įgytas žinias pritaikyti pasirenkant profesinę veiklą. Šiandieninis pasaulis reikalauja lankstumo ir prisitaikymo.
Mokiniams svarbiausia adekvačiai pasirinkti profesiją. Tam įtakos turi moksleivio aplinka: tėvai, mokytojai, bendraamžiai. Mokinių pasirengimas karjerai yra sudėtingas ugdymosi procesas. Pirmiausiai moksleiviai turi pažinti save, savo gebėjimus, polinkius. Mokykloje turi būti teikiamos profesinio informavimo, konsultavimo ir orientavimo paslaugos. Profesijos pasirinkimas yra viena aktualiausių problemų, nuo kurios tinkamo sprendimo priklauso žmogaus asmeninės gerovės augimas. Todėl labai svarbu, kad jau pats pirmasis mokinio apsisprendimas būtų sąmoningas, tikslingas, kad mokinys suprast, jog adaptacija darbo pasaulyje ir asmenybės vidinė harmonija priklauso nuo tinkamo apsisprendimo. Vykdant profesinį orientavimą bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, turėtų būti siekiama padėti jaunimui pasirinkti mokymosi profilį, profesiją, darbinę veiklą.
Profilinio mokymo esmė yra mokymosi organizavimas atsižvelgiant į moksleivių siekius, polinkius, gebėjimus, sudarant jiems galimybes pasirinkti mokymosi kryptį atitinkančius dalykus bei skirtingus jų kursus. Profiliavimo kaip ugdymo sistemos tikslas yra labiau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / During the process of educational reform, the whole general education is orientated towards the student, his/her needs and abilities. The student has to adapt for living in modern society , where it is necessary to know how to look for information and to use it adequately. One of the most important goals is to use the knowledge in choosing a professional career. Today’s world requires flexibility and adaptation.
The most important for students is to choose the profession adequately. The whole environment influences it: parents, teachers, friends. The preparation for the future career is a complex educational process. First the students have to know themselves, their abilities and interests. The school has to give some service of professional orientation, consultation and information. Choosing a profession is one of the most important problems and how well you choose it, your future and your personal development depend. That is why it is very important that the first choice is logical, motivated and that the student will understand that the adaptation in the working world and personal harmony depend on the right decision. During the process of professional orientation at school it has to be important to help young people to choose the learning profile, profession and practical activities.
The essence of profile education is to organize it having in mind students’ objectives, interests, abilities, giving them a chance to choose the subjects and courses which are... [to full text]
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Vadovų požiūris į profesinį orientavimą kolegijoje / Managers' attitude towards vocational counselingVenckienė, Inesa 09 June 2005 (has links)
In the current Final Paper Work the role of colleges in vocational counseling has been analysed.
Object of the research - vocational counseling in the college.
Purpose of the research - to investigate the attitude of the college executive staff towards vocational counseling.
Tasks of the research:
ü To investigate the importance of vocational counseling in the context of life long learning;
ü To review the site of colleges in the educational system;
ü To carry out the research of the attitude of the executive staff in the college;
ü To summarize the results of the research and to provide with the practical recommendations for improvement of vocational counseling.
In conformity with the research results it is aimed to substantiate (negate) the hypothesis that colleges largely do not use completely all opportunities of vocational counseling.
In the first part of the work it is focused on the educational reforms in Lithuania and the main influencing factors. Importance of life long learning has been stressed and importance of vocational counseling within constant learning process has been substantiated.
In the second part the role of colleges in vocational counseling has been reviewed. Career advising and vocational training matters have been discussed, the role of colleges in the system of higher education has been assessed.
In the third part the results of empiric research have been introduced. It has been stated that colleges do not use opportunities of vocational counseling... [to full text]
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Profesinio orientavimo galimybės bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / Possibilities of vocational guidance in secondary schoolGolubauskaitė-Šapošnikovienė, Kristina 15 June 2005 (has links)
Social, economic and cultural changes in the society require new professional skills and form a new approach to the phenomenon of the choice of profession, which encourages the development of professional orientation services. Choosing profession, as a social phenomenon, is becoming a stable modern state of one's life. So, today we need to speak about the phenomenon of professional orientation at school as a permanent and unavoidable process, which affects every person seeking to integrate successfully into the constantly changing world of the job market. Thus, the improvement of professional qualifications or retraining, which helps to acquire competence important for the job market, is becoming constant.
It is acknowledged today that professional orientation services are one of the most important components of the whole life teaching strategy. So, the importance of the development of professional orientation services is emphasized.
The aim of this thesis is to reveal opportunities for professional orientation forming a conscious and purposeful self-determination of pupils.
The tasks of the thesis:
To discuss the external development of the professional orientation problem and the theoretical origin of it in Lithuania;
To analyze the aims and concept of professional orientation in the main educational documents, where the topic of the development of professional orientation is discussed;
To ground the need of pupils to use professional orientation resources and the... [to full text]
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Profesinio orientavimo, informavimo ir konsultavimo vadyba vidurinėje mokykloje / Management of professional orientation, information and consultation in secondary schoolKietavičienė, Oksana 16 August 2007 (has links)
Profesijos pasirinkimas yra viena aktualiausių problemų, nuo kurios tinkamo sprendimo priklauso žmogaus asmeninė gerovė. Todėl labai svarbu, kad jau pats pirmasis moksleivio apsisprendimas būtų sąmoningas, tikslingas, kad jaunuolis suprastų, jog adaptacija darbo pasaulyje ir asmenybės vidinė harmonija priklauso nuo tinkamo apsisprendimo. Dabar, kai vis labiau integruojamės į Europos Sąjungą, jaunimui susidaro vis didesnės galimybės laisvai pasirinkti profesiją, tačiau tuo pačiu padidėja jaunimo individualios kompetencijos ir asmeninės atsakomybės reikšmė.
V.Stanišauskienė, straipsnyje „ Ugdymas karjerai mokykloje: kaip padėti moksleiviui įgyti šiuolaikinę karjeros kompetenciją“ teigia, kad mokytojui reikalinga šiuolaikinė karjeros kompetencija, įgalinanti vystyti savąją karjerą, ir ugdymo karjerai kompetenciją, apibrėžiama kaip nuostatų, žinių, gebėjimų, būtinų ugdant moksleivius karjerai, sistema. Taigi, norint keisti profesinio orientavimo metodus ir formas, kurie padės moksleiviui rasti tinkamiausią profesinį apsisprendim����, reikia supažindinti mokytojus su šiuolaikiniame darbo pasaulyje teikiamomis galimybėmis, mokinių ugdymo karjerai būdais ir leisti suprasti, kad tik įgyta ugdymo karjerai kompetencija, naudojama saviugdos procese, leis pasiekti laukiamo rezultato.
Šiame darbe atlikto tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad profesinis orientavimas, informavimas ir konsultavimas vidurinėje mokykloje yra aktualus ir turi didelę įtaką tolesnei mokinio profesinei karjerai, kadangi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The choice of profession is the most topical problem, which is the key to every person’s welfare. It is very important that the first pupil’s decision would be aware and purposeful, and youngster would understand that adaptation in the world of job and individuality depends on the right decision. Nowadays, when everybody more and more integrates in European Union, the youth has larger opportunities to choose the profession, though, the individual competence and responsibility is large as well.
V. Stanišauskienė in her article “Education for career at school: how to help the pupils to gain the up-to-date career competence” states, that teachers need the up-to-date career competence, which could help to develop their own career and give enough knowledge, useful to educate pupils for their career. Therefore, if we want to change the methods and forms of professional counseling, which will help to find the most suitable professional decision, the teachers must be acquainted with the possibilities of work in the nowadays world, career competences and how these competences could be used in the self-help process.
In this study, using research methods was found, that professional counselling, information and consulting in the secondary school is very relevant and has great influence on pupil’s professional career, because most of them have no right decision about future profession; and teachers are not informed in this area, too. It is very important, that school would pay more... [to full text]
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Bedarbių ir nedarbo rizikos grupės asmenų profesinis konsultavimas skatinant praktinių įgūdžių tobulinimą / Vocational counselling of unemployed and the persons of unemployment risk in promoting the development of practical skillsPetkuvienė, Rasa 19 February 2009 (has links)
Vykstant pokyčiams darbo rinkoje keičiasi ir darbo jėgos pasiūlos ir paklausos pobūdis. Nuolat mažėja nekvalifikuotos darbo jėgos paklausa ir ypač didėja kvalifikuotų specialistų poreikis: darbo jėgos pasiūlos kvalifikacija neatitinka darbo rinkos paklausos. Darbdaviams reikia aukštos kvalifikacijos specialistų ir darbininkų. Siekiant kuo greičiau įsitvirtinti darbo rinkoje asmenims, baigusiems profesinio mokymo programas, būtinas geras ne tik teorinis, bet ir praktinis pasirengimas, kadangi darbdaviai dažniausiai pirmenybę įdarbinant atiduoda kandidatams į darbo vietas, turintiems profesinę patirtį arba puikius darbinius įgūdžius. Esant tokiems pokyčiams žmogus privalo būti lankstus ir prisitaikyti prie atsirandančių naujovių. Labai svarbu tampa pasinaudoti darbo rinkos teikiamomis galimybėmis - patobulinti savo profesinius įgūdžius, įgyti daugiau patirties ir tapti universalesniu darbuotoju.
Darbe aptariami svarbiausi bedarbių ir nedarbo rizikos asmenų profesinio konsultavimo aspektai, skatinantys praktinių įgūdžių tobulinimą, sėkmingą įsidarbinimą. Įvairiuose žmogaus gyvenimo ir profesinės karjeros etapuose, siekiant įgyti, tobulinti kvalifikaciją, persikvalifikuoti ar pradėti individualią veiklą, svarbų vaidmenį atlieka profesinis konsultavimas. Profesinis konsultavimas tampa aiškiai suvokiama priemone, skatinančia žmogų planuoti savo profesinę veiklą, atsižvelgiant į darbo rinkos reikalavimus bei asmeninius pageidavimus.
Darbas susideda iš įvado, trijų dalių, išvadų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the course of developments in the labour market the nature of labour force supply and demand is changing. The labour market today meets with the situation with steadily decreasing demand for unskilled labour force and the increasing demand for qualified specialists. Employers need highly skilled professionals and workers, which is reflected in the practice that employers often give preference to the recruitment of candidates for jobs with work experience or excellent working skills. This dictates high standards for vocational schools, colleges and universities’ graduates to have not only good theoretical knowledge but also the minimum standard of practical skills. In the ever changing labour market a person must be able to adapt to the new challenges and changes. One of the possibilities, offered by career consultants, is to develop new or improve the existing skills, which become of the most important prerequisites for effective employment.
The work discusses the most important aspects of counselling, development of practical skills, elements of successful employment of unemployed and the persons of unemployment risk. Career counselling plays an important role to acquire, to develop skills, to retrain or to start the individual activities in career stages. Counselling is oriented towards increasing persons’ possibilities by planning professional activities taking into account labour market conditions and personal preferences.
Work consists of an introduction, three... [to full text]
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Nežymaus intelekto sutrikimo mokinių profesinio orientavimo organizavimas specialiojo ugdymo įstaigose / Organization of vocational guidance for schoolchildren with mild intellectual impairment at the institutions of special educationDūdėnienė, Laura 29 June 2009 (has links)
Visoje Europoje sutrikusio intelekto asmenys patiria išankstinį nusistatymą prieš juos bei susiduria su didelėmis kliūtimis įgyvendindami savo pagrindines žmogaus teises. Suteikti realias mokslo ir darbo galimybes sutrikusio intelekto asmenims yra itin svarbu, kad bendruomenėje jie galėtų gyventi ir dirbti kaip pilnateisiai piliečiai. Specialiojo ugdymo mokyklai tenka ypatingas vaidmuo - padėti suderinti moksleivio siekius ir galimybes bei juos pritaikyti prie nuolat besikeičiančios visuomenės socialinių ir ekonominių poreikių.
Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti nežymaus intelekto sutrikimo mokinių profesinio orientavimo organizavimą specialiojo ugdymo institucijose.
1. Išanalizuoti nežymaus intelekto sutrikimo mokinių profesinio rengimo problematiką;
2. Apibūdinti socialinius – pedagoginius ir psichologinius profesinio orientavimo organizavimo aspektus, dirbant su mokiniais, turinčiais nežymių intelekto sutrikimų;
3. Apibūdinti pedagogų komandos praktinę reikšmę bei komandos darbo ypatumus, dirbant su mokiniais turinčiais nežymių intelekto sutrikimų, profesinio orientavimo kontekste;
4. Ištirti profesinio orientavimo organizavimą specialiojo ugdymo įstaigose, dirbant su mokiniais, turinčiais nežymių intelekto sutrikimų.
Darbo autorė naudojo šiuos metodus: mokslinės edukologinės literatūros analizė; dokumentų analizė; anketinė respondentų apklausa; matematinė – statistinė tyrimo duomenų analizė.
Pagrindinės išvados:
Profesinis neįgaliųjų orientavimo organizavimas –... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In all over the Europe the intellectually impaired persons experience the prejudice against them and are faced with serious obstacles in exercising their basic human rights. It is especially important to provide the intellectually impaired persons with real opportunities for their studies and employment in order they could live and work in the community as full citizens. A school of special education has to play an important role – to help to reconcile the schoolchild’s objectives and possibilities and to apply them to social and economical demands of the constantly changing society.
Aims of the work – to study the organization of vocational guidance for schoolchildren with mild intellectual impairment at the institutions of special education.
1. To analyse the range of problems of vocational training of schoolchildren with mild intellectual impairment;
2. To describe the socio-pedagogical and psychological aspects of organization of vocational guidance in work with schoolchildren having mild intellectual impairment;
3. To describe practical importance of a teachers’ team and peculiarities of the team work with schoolchildren having mild intellectual impairment in the context of vocational guidance;
4. To study the organization of vocational guidance at the institutions of special education in work with schoolchildren having mild intellectual impairment.
The author of the work applied the following methods: analysis of scientific educological literature; analysis of... [to full text]
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Aukštesniųjų klasių mokinių profesinio orientavimo karjerai prielaidos ir galimybės / Premises and possibilities to orient senior pupils towards profession careerDilienė, Kristina 24 September 2008 (has links)
Profesinis orientavimas šiuolaikinėmis kaitos sąlygomis įgyja vis didesnę reikšmę, nes sparčiai plėtojantis rinkos santykiams, itin reikalingi tampa verslo specialistai, didėja kvalifikuotų specialistų, verslo žinovų poreikis. Tačiau mokykla vis dar nepakankamai orientuoja mokinius profesijoms. Darbe aptariami psichologiniai pedagoginiai profesinio orientavimo pagrindai, profesinio orientavimo vaidmuo ugdymo karjerai procese. Taip pat nagrinėjamas profesijos bei karjeros pasirinkimo galimybių ugdymas bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, analizuojamos aukštesniųjų klasių moksleivių profesinio orientavimo karjerai prielaidos bei galimybės gimnazijose. Pastebima tendencija, jog profesinio orientavimo sistema gimnazijose gerėja: moksleiviai informuojami apie profesijas, organizuojami profesinio orientavimo renginai, vykdomos individualios konsultacijos. Siekiant nustatyti profesinio orientavimo būklę bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, darbe nagrinėjamas Anykščių rajono gimnazijose besimokančių aukštesniųjų klasių moksleivių bei jų tėvų požiūris į gimnazijose vykdomą profesinį orientavimą. / Vocational guidance in the conditions of modern world becomes more important than ever before. As the market intercourse develops rapidly, the demand of business people, qualified specialists and trade proficients is rising. However, school does not orient the students enough towards professions. This paper provides with psychological and pedagogical basics of carrers counseling and unfolds the role of vocational guidance in the process of training carrer. The study also reveals the choice of possibilities of career and profession education in a comprehensive school, analyses the assumption and chances to orient senior pupils studying in gymnasiums towards careers counseling. The results show that the system of vocational guidance in gymnasiums is getting better as the students are informed about professions, the events of careers counseling are organised and individual guidance is held. The study also helped to ascertain the conditions of vocational guidance in comprehensive schools. The paper analyses the attitude of parents’ and their children, who study in senior classes in the gymnasiums of Anyksciai district, towards the vocational guidance handed in gymnasiums.
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