Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aprofessional ethics"" "subject:"aprofessional athics""
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Role conflict among professional accountants: the dual congruence perspective.January 1998 (has links)
by Anita, Wing-Ngar, Tsang. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 102-114). / Abstract also in Chinese. / ACKNOWLEDGMENT --- p.i / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.ii / LIST OF TABLES --- p.iv / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.vi / ABSTRACT (CHINESE) --- p.vii / ABSTRACT (ENGLISH) --- p.viii / CHAPTER / Chapter I. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter II. --- THEORETICAL BACKGROUND --- p.5 / The Person-Organization Fit Framework --- p.5 / Role Motivation Theories --- p.8 / The Professions --- p.11 / Professional Role Motivation Theory --- p.14 / Role Theory and the Role Episode Model --- p.21 / Interrole Conflict Among Professionals --- p.23 / Person-role Conflict Among Professionals --- p.25 / Consequences of Role Conflict --- p.25 / Differential Effects of Positive and Negative Incongruence --- p.27 / Chapter III. --- HYPOTHESES OF THE STUDY --- p.29 / Chapter IV. --- METHODS --- p.35 / Sample --- p.35 / Data Collection Procedures --- p.35 / Measures --- p.40 / Data Analyses --- p.58 / Chapter V. --- RESULTS --- p.61 / Basic Descriptive Statistics --- p.61 / Effects of Absolute Congruence Indexes on Perceived Role Conflict --- p.64 / Differential Effects of Positive and Negative Congruence Indexes --- p.67 / Chapter VI. --- DISCUSSION --- p.81 / Organizational-Professional Role Congruence and Interrole Conflict --- p.82 / Individual-Work Role Congruence and Person-Role Conflict --- p.86 / Perceived Role Conflict and Work Outcomes --- p.88 / Research and Managerial Implications --- p.89 / Limitations and Future Research --- p.93 / Conclusion --- p.95 / APPENDIX A --- p.97 / REFERENCES --- p.102
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Serviço Social e avaliações de negligência contra criança e adolescente: debates no campo da ética profissional / Social work and assessments of negligence with child and teenager: debates in the field of professional ethicsBerberian, Thais Peinado 09 October 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-10-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Assessments of cases of suspected negligence with child and adolescent done by social workers make up the core of this dissertation. The questioning regarding the theoretical and methodological repertoire and moral dimension found in these situations become more relevant once the intention of the research is to reveal, in daily work, how these evaluations are materialized from the perspective of those who perform, the social workers.
Thereto, apart from bibliographic research on the subject, it was also established - as part of the qualitative methodology - conducting semi-structured interviews with six randomly chosen social workers enrolled in different socio-occupational activities that offer assistance to families, and, among other demands, present situations of suspected neglect. Therefore, the two chapters deal with: 1 - evaluate critically and historically the interface among the Social Work, Children and Professional Ethics, dialoguing with their main characteristics; 2 - present field research, explaining the methodology and the main findings of the research. As part of the findings, there is a moral dimension and the use of value judgments in assessments of neglect, with predominant use of negative values by social workers. Noteworthy is also the perception of "neutrality" by the subject, reiterating the myth of the professional impartiality; the insufficient problematization on the ethical dimension in professional practice. Finally, we suggest the use of the concept of overcoming neglect, considering its current use filled with prejudice, and to review it guided by the perspective of protection and no protection / As avaliações realizadas pelos assistentes sociais sobre situações de suspeita de negligência contra criança e adolescente compõem o cerne dessa dissertação. A problematização do repertório teórico-metodológico e da dimensão moral inscrita nas situações de negligência ganha principal relevância na medida em que a intenção da pesquisa é desvelar, no cotidiano profissional, de que maneira essas avaliações se concretizam a partir da perspectiva dos sujeitos que as realizam, ou seja, dos próprios assistentes sociais. Para isso, além da pesquisa bibliográfica realizada sobre a temática, compôs a metodologia qualitativa a realização de entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas com seis assistentes sociais escolhidos aleatoriamente, inscritos em diferentes espaços sócio-ocupacionais que oferecem atendimento às famílias, e que, entre outras demandas, atendem situações caracterizadas por negligência. Os dois capítulos se incumbem de: 1- localizar o leitor sobre a temática e problematizar historicamente o Serviço Social, a Infância e a Ética Profissional; 2- apresentar a pesquisa de campo, explicitando a metodologia e os principais achados da pesquisa. Como parte dos achados, ressalta-se: a predominância do uso de valores negativos, pelos assistentes sociais, nas avaliações de negligência; a ainda percepção de neutralidade por parte dos sujeitos, reiterando o mito de imparcialidade do profissional; a insuficiente problematização sobre a dimensão ética na prática profissional. Por fim, sugerimos a superação do uso do conceito negligência, tendo em vista seu uso viciado e carregado de preconceitos, com a proposta de incorporação de outra forma de categorização, guiada pela perspectiva de proteção e desproteção
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Ética profissional odontológica: análise do conhecimento de discentes e cirurgiões-dentistas, sobre o código deontológico da profissão / Odontological professional ethics: knowledge\'s analysis of the students and dentists, on the profession\'s deontological codeFernando Toledo de Oliveira 01 December 2006 (has links)
O aumento no número de infrações éticas cometidas por cirurgiõesdentistas face ao descumprimento das normas do Código de Ética Odontológica (CEO), sugere que estes profissionais estão despreparados para enfrentar os dilemas éticos que surgem no dia a dia de sua profissão. Diante disso, propôs-se analisar o conhecimento de cirurgiões-dentistas e discentes em Odontologia, a respeito deste código deontológico, buscando ainda, verificar, se há diferença estatisticamente significante, quanto ao nível de conhecimento, entre os grupos: dos acadêmicos do último ano de graduação em Odontologia (GRUPO I), dos cirurgiões-dentistas que atuam exclusivamente em consultório ou clínica (GRUPO II), e dos cirurgiõesdentistas clínicos que cursam especialização (GRUPO III). Para isso, foram aplicados 150 questionários (50 para cada grupo), com questões objetivas que versavam sobre alguns dos principais artigos do CEO. Os resultados confirmaram que realmente existe deficiência no conhecimento de alguns aspectos éticos ligados a Odontologia, onde, dos 150 participantes, n=90 (60%) não sabem que, além do cirurgião-dentista, todos os profissionais de outras categorias auxiliares reconhecidas pelo Conselho Federal de Odontologia, devem seguir as normas éticas do CEO. Outro resultado interessante, mostra que 31% dos participantes, desconhecem que, em alguns casos, o cirurgião-dentista tem direito a renunciar ao atendimento do paciente durante o tratamento. O GRUPO II, quando comparado com os outros grupos, foi o que demonstrou uma maior deficiência no conhecimento das questões éticas que envolvem a Odontologia. Concluiu-se que é necessária uma maior divulgação possível do CEO, principalmente àqueles profissionais exclusivamente clínicos, com empenho máximo dos Conselhos de Odontologia, além dos docentes da área e as entidades de classe, buscando preventivamente educar e instruir, para evitar condenar e punir. / The increase in the number of ethical infractions committed by dentists for not fulfilling the norms of the Code of Dental Ethics (CDE), suggests that these professionals are unprepared to face the ethical problems that appear in the daily of its profession. Ahead of this, it was considered to analyze the knowledge of dentists and dental students, related to this deontological code, searching still, to verify, if it has statistically significant difference, how much to the knowledge level, between the groups: of the academics of the last year of graduation in Dentistry (GROUP I), of the dentists who exclusively act in doctor\'s office or clinic (GROUP II), and of the clinical dentists of who attend a course specialization (GROUP III). For this, 150 questionnaires had been applied (50 for each group), with objective questions that turned on some of main articles of the CDE. The results had confirmed that really deficiency in the knowledge of some on ethical aspects attended with the Dentistry, where, of the 150 participants, n=90 (60%) don\'t know that, beyond the dentist, all the professionals of other recognized auxiliary categories for the Federal Advice of Dentistry, must follow the ethical norms of the CDE. Another interesting result, sample that 31% of the participants, not to know that, in some cases, the dentist has right to resign to the attendance of the patient during the treatment. The GROUP II, when compared with the other groups, it was what it demonstrated a bigger deficiency in the knowledge of the ethical questions that involve the Dentistry. One concluded that a bigger possible spreading of the CDE is necessary, mainly to those professionals exclusively physicians, with maximum persistence of the Advice of Dentistry, beyond the professors of the area and the entities of classroom, searching preventively to educate and to instruct, to prevent to condemn and to punish.
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New graduate experiences of learning ethics and equity in the UVic undergraduate engineering programFagan, John 26 April 2019 (has links)
This study listens to the contributions of recent graduates from the University of Victoria’s Bachelor of Engineering Program, hearing their understanding of ethics and equity, and how they experienced learning this in the program. This is done with consideration of how their understanding and experiences might inform curricular and pedagogical improvements in the experience of learning ethics and equity. Using a case study of these participants and their experiences at the University of Victoria, this research takes into account the context of engineering education accreditation standards and the current state of the curriculum that the participants completed. The findings suggest that participants have a limited understanding of what ethics and equity means, both personally and professionally. Participants also found it difficult to recall learning occasions for ethics and equity. Recommendations are made for curricular reform, taking an integrated and across the discipline approach to teaching ethics and equity to undergraduate engineers. / Graduate
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Intentions to Cooperate with Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) in Child Protective Proceedings: The Role of Perceived Social Pressure in The Theory of Planned BehaviorSpofford, Yuko Sato 22 August 1995 (has links)
Ajzen's Theory of Planned Behavior with the addition of Perceived Moral Obligation was used to investigate the behavioral intentions of 65 caseworkers of the Children's Services Division (CSD) to cooperate with Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs) on cases involving abused or neglected children. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that the subjective norms and perceived moral obligation constructs were significant predictors of the three behavioral intention categories and of all three categories combined. The two constructs, however, seem to have a considerable amount of overlap, suggesting that they may be measuring what is broadly called "social pressure to perform/not to perform 11 the target behavior. Perceived Behavioral Control was not significant in any categories and the attitude measure was marginally predictive. Possible reasons for the nonsignificant contributions of the two constructs include low inter-item correlations, questionnaire format, missing data concentrated in the two constructs, and finally, the notion that the caseworkers' attitudes and perceptions of control were of little consequence in their decisions to cooperate with CASAs. Of the three behavioral intention categories, all models performed best for the second category, 11voluntarily sharing pertinent Information about the cases with CASAs." The attitude construct performed best for this category, especially in the first and second models. Unlike the other two, this asked about the caseworkers' 11voluntary" cooperation. This finding seems to confinn the argument that Ajzen's models work better for a behavior for which one perceives greater volitional control. Prior, direct working experience with CASAs turned out to be an essential part of the attitude construct. The tested models performed better with the 54 caseworkers who had had direct working experience with CASAs in the last .. 24 months. This finding seems to indicate that the data from the 11 "no-experience" workers should not be combined with that of the 54 workers. Future studies of the theory of planned behavior with this sample are discussed.
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The experiences of professional nurses with ethical dilemmas in nursing practice at Witbank Hospital, Nkangala District Mpumalanga ProvinceMbangula, T. M. January 2015 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Curations)) --University of Limpopo, 2015 / The purpose of the study was to determine the experiences of professional nurses with ethical dilemmas at the Witbank hospital Nkangala district Mpumalanga province. The objectives of the study were to describe the experiences of professional nurses with ethical dilemmas in nursing practice and to determine supportive measures to help professional nurses to deal with ethical dilemmas encountered in nursing practice. The research question was: what are the ethical dilemmas that professional nurses experience in nursing practice? Kohlberg theory of moral development was used as a theoretical framework. A qualitative exploratory, descriptive and contextual research design was used to describe the experiences of professional nurses with ethical dilemmas in nursing practice. Purposive sampling was used to sample fourteen (14) professional nurses. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews. Open-coding method of data analysis was used and four themes and sub-themes emerged. The study found that professional nurses experience ethical dilemmas related to death and dying, distribution of both human and material resources, respect of patients’ autonomy and the nurses’ rights. The study recommends continuous ethics education and the inclusion of ethics in nursing curricula, creation of a supportive working environment, knowledge and understanding of the pledge of service, Inter- disciplinary teams to discuss ethical issues, availability of ethics experts and ethics mentors in the wards.
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Understanding and applying professional ethics : processes and frameworks of ethical response for early childhood educators and studentsNewman, Linda, University of Education, Nepean, School of Learning, Development and Early Education January 2000 (has links)
This portfolio and the project described therein, focus on applied professional ethics for early childhood education settings, particularly during fieldwork, for students and practising professionals. It contains the results of a four year project of research, its synthesis and its dissemination as articles, book chapters, conference presentations and papers and teaching resource materials. Specifically, the materials presented here focus on the resolution of dilemmas using the Ethical Response Cycle, a new model for responding ethically to problematic situations. The model is represented as a cyclical diagram depicting the ongoing, fluid and non-hierarchical nature of ethical judgement that is needed by professionals in any problematic situation. The model includes phases which are underpinned and supported by reflective thinking and negotiation, and are based on Western ethical positions. Suggestions for further research are made. / Doctor of Education ( Ed.D.)
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The development of culture, ethos and leadership structures in secondary schoolsCollier, John, University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, School of Education January 2008 (has links)
This Doctoral thesis has arisen from a developing interest in the synergy between leadership, culture and ethos in schools, and particularly how this is manifested in the generation of quality curriculum, effective school organization and excellent outcomes for students. It particularly explores how the leadership of the Principal can empower others to effect change. Early interest in the empowering role of leadership arose through experience at Head of Department level, extended by system contribution beyond the school. The conception of the interface between leadership, culture and ethos was cemented by appointment as Foundation Principal of a new Government high school. A passionate commitment to exploring the unique opportunities, and to attempting to resolve the very specific problems of a new school led to collaboration with other Foundation Principals. Subsequently, I undertook a review of the literature and research into the specific issues inherent in the establishment of a school. Data was collected in situ through visits to new schools, across four States in eastern Australia. This research led to positions of system leadership in new schooling, and to advocacy for a “new deal” for establishing schools. The research led to a growing portfolio of articles, two of which have been published in refereed journals. The desired outcome of the research and published papers was to document some initiatives which could be undertaken by leadership teams in schools as they sought to establish effective culture and ethos in the early years of their schools. My experience in schools identified the position of Head of Department as a critical, gatekeeping position for the cultivation or resistance of desired change in schools. Accordingly, I was part of a research study which employed a Grounded Theory methodology (Strauss and Corbin, 1990) and gathered data through telephone interviews. The research found Heads of Department typically distracted, by the sheer weight of tasks endemic to their role, from the major focus on curriculum and quality teaching and learning. Three refereed journal articles to which I contributed, one as lead author, sought to reconceptualise the role. Educational systems have shown considerable interest in this research. A focus on Heads of Department led fairly naturally to an attempt to identifying other agencies within a school which could lead to cultural change. Specifically, further research sought to identify initiatives available to the leadership team as it sought to enhance curriculum provision and student outcomes. This represented an attempt to apply the very considerable literature to develop some cutting edge initiatives, and led to further journal contributions, one of which was refereed. Other schools have shown considerable interest in these initiatives. A change of situation from the Government to the Independent schooling system provided a new practical and research challenge: how to undertake Christian education which was authentic, in the sense that it was truly educative and not indoctrinative, and was effective in transmitting Christian values. The literature in the field was not encouraging in terms of the efficacy of schools’ Christian education programs in effecting values change, or of the ethical integrity of their pedagogy. The apparent deficits in models of Christian education presented in schools, as revealed in the literature, gave rise to a number of research studies in my own school, which, as an outcome, has sought to reconceptualise the school’s approach to Christian education. This attempted reconceptualisation has been documented in a number of journal articles and publications, two co-authored and refereed, in an attempt to provide some exemplars which may be influential in other schools. The overall thesis of this dissertation is that when the Principal seeks to empower and mobilize other members of the school leadership team, including key teachers and parents, effective change can occur in the school’s culture and ethos. These changes in turn can feature a range of initiatives which substantially improve learning outcomes for students. / Doctor of Education (Ed.D)
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Jag finns här för eleven : Etik inom studie- och yrkesvägledning.Karlsson, Anette January 2009 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats handlar mycket om hur man som studie- och yrkesvägledare kan agera när vi ställs inför etiska frågeställningar. I uppsatsen förklaras även vad etik egentligen är och vad som är skillnaden mellan etik och moral. Uppsatsen är kvantitativ och undersökningen har gjorts i form av att enkäter skickats ut till samtliga yrkesverksamma studie- och yrkesvägledare i en svensk kommun. De studie- och yrkesvägledare som har deltagit i undersökningen har bl.a. givit tips om hur man kan agera när man stöter på ett etiskt dilemma, de har givit sin syn på om de etiska frågeställningarna har ökat eller minskat under de senaste åren och de har även givit förslag på vilka etiska frågeställningar som man stöter på då och då som yrkesverksam studie- och yrkesvägledare.</p> / <p>This essay is about how a person how works with guidance for studdys and works can act when they manage ethical questions. In the essay explains even what is ethics really are and what moral really are, what are the difference? The essay are a quantity study and the examination have been done with help by a questionnaire which haw been sent out too the persons how works with guidance for studdys and works in a Swedish municipality. The people how works with guidance for studdys and works and have participate in this study have among other tings given proposition off how too act when they have too take position in a ethical questions, they have also given his/her sight of if the ethical questions have increased or reduced under the latest years and they have even given proposition at ethical questions how they how works with guidance for studdys and works can thrust during work.</p>
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Jag finns här för eleven : Etik inom studie- och yrkesvägledning.Karlsson, Anette January 2009 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar mycket om hur man som studie- och yrkesvägledare kan agera när vi ställs inför etiska frågeställningar. I uppsatsen förklaras även vad etik egentligen är och vad som är skillnaden mellan etik och moral. Uppsatsen är kvantitativ och undersökningen har gjorts i form av att enkäter skickats ut till samtliga yrkesverksamma studie- och yrkesvägledare i en svensk kommun. De studie- och yrkesvägledare som har deltagit i undersökningen har bl.a. givit tips om hur man kan agera när man stöter på ett etiskt dilemma, de har givit sin syn på om de etiska frågeställningarna har ökat eller minskat under de senaste åren och de har även givit förslag på vilka etiska frågeställningar som man stöter på då och då som yrkesverksam studie- och yrkesvägledare. / This essay is about how a person how works with guidance for studdys and works can act when they manage ethical questions. In the essay explains even what is ethics really are and what moral really are, what are the difference? The essay are a quantity study and the examination have been done with help by a questionnaire which haw been sent out too the persons how works with guidance for studdys and works in a Swedish municipality. The people how works with guidance for studdys and works and have participate in this study have among other tings given proposition off how too act when they have too take position in a ethical questions, they have also given his/her sight of if the ethical questions have increased or reduced under the latest years and they have even given proposition at ethical questions how they how works with guidance for studdys and works can thrust during work.
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