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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ethics and the principalship

Oliveira, Anthony J. 28 July 2008 (has links)
The primary aim of this study was to produce materials on ethics which could be used in the preparation of practicing and potential principals. To examine the views of secondary school principals involved in the study, twenty scenarios were developed which portrayed situations that principals typically encounter. School divisions in Virginia were divided into four categories according to enrollment and the number of secondary schools in the division. Ten schools from each classification were randomly selected, and on-site interviews were conducted with each principal in which four of the scenarios and a survey form were employed to collect information. Responses of the principals to the scenarios were transcribed, analyzed and distilled. The scenarios and responses became the foundation for the development of a primer on ethics for use in administrative in-service workshops and principal preparation programs. The primer was used in designing and presenting in-service programs on ethics for the administrative staffs of two school divisions. Responses by principals to situations presented during the study and the in-service programs indicate that practicing and potential school administrators would benefit by having ethics included as a fundamental part of their professional preparation program. / Ed. D.

Revisorers yrkesetiska resonemang i mindre- och större revisionsbyråer : En jämförelse / Auditors’ professional etical reasoining in lager and smaller audit firms : A comparison

Johansson, Ida, Rydberg, Victoria January 2021 (has links)
Revisorer ställs ofta inför olika yrkesetiska dilemman då olika lösningar måste vägas mot varandra. Revisorns yrkesetiska regler anses då vara ett viktigt hjälpmedel. Det anses dock att ett yrkesetiskt problem inte kan lösas genom endast reglering då det är svårt att med hjälp av regler förhindra oetiskt handlande i praktiken. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka huruvida revisorers yrkesetiska resonemang skiljer sig mellan revisorer anställda i mindre- respektive större revisionsbyråer. Studien undersökte även om olika aspekter skiljer sig mellan revisorer i mindre- och större revisionsbyråer samt huruvida dessa påverkar revisorers yrkesetiska resonemang. För att besvara uppsatsens syfte har en empirisk undersökning i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med revisorer från såväl mindre- som större revisionsbyråer genomförts. Studiens resultat påvisar att revisorers yrkesetiska resonemang skiljer sig mellan mindre- och större revisionsbyråer; dock inte på grund av revisionsbyrån storlek. En slutsats som kunnat dras av studiens resultat är att revisionsklientens storlek påverkar revisorers yrkesetiska resonemang. Större revisionsbyråer erhåller oftast större revisionsklienter vilket ställer högre krav på de yrkesetiska reglerna som tillämpas. / Auditors often find themselves in situations where different solutions must be weighed against each other. In such dilemmas, applying the auditors’ rules of work ethics can be helpful. It is considered that a professional ethical problem cannot be solved merely by regulation as it is difficult to solely use preventative measures to control unethical actions. The intention with the study was to investigate whether auditors professional ethical reasoning differs between auditors in smaller- or larger firms. The study has also explored the different circumstances facing auditors in smaller- and larger firms and whether these circumstances affect the reasoning of the auditors’ professional ethics. To address these questions, semi structured empirical interviews with auditors of both smaller- and larger firms have been conducted. The results suggest that auditors’ professional ethics reasoning differs between smaller- and lager firms, however, not solely because of the size of the firm; a conclusion that was drawn during the study was that the size of the audit client affects the professional ethical reasoning among auditors. Larger audit firms often hold larger audit client which increases the demand on the auditor’s professional ethic rules.

聘任制改革背景下高校教师对学术工作的感知: 两所中国内地大学的比较研究. / Faculty's perceptions on academic work in the employment reform: a comparative study of two universities in the Chinese mainland / Pin ren zhi gai ge bei jing xia gao xiao jiao shi dui xue shu gong zuo de gan zhi: liang suo Zhongguo nei di da xue de bi jiao yan jiu.

January 2013 (has links)
中国大陆近年来的高校管理变革,如高校教师聘任制改革、大学的扩招及分类、本科教学评估、产学研结合政策等,都对大学教师学术工作产生了深刻的影响。这些变革体现出新公共管理的部分特点,如“仿市场竞争、“量化指标的表现性评估、“多元化经费来源等,并且型构了当前大学教师学术工作的内涵、执行和感知。本研究采用质化研究取向,选取两所案例大学,在综合考虑了学校层级、学科、职称等因素基础上,对32名大学教师进行深度访谈,试图深入了解他们如何阐释和理解学术工作内涵、执行和感知。 / 研究发现,相对于大学教师个体的能动性,大学行政力量推动的管理要求对学术工作有更强的作用力。其一,受访者所理解的学术工作内涵中,发现的学术地位最高,应用的学术次之,教学的学术只产生了萌芽,整合的学术很少被提及。其二,大部分受访教师衍生出“符应和“巧妙利用的应对策略,少部分教师“抵制和超然于制度要求。其三,大学教师在教学、人事和科研三个方面的参与权依次减弱。无法有效的参与学术管理,使得大部分受访者调整工作优先次序,服务工作获得最大优先权,科研投入增加,教学时间被压缩。按照管理要求调整工作优先性的教师,获得更多回报和晋升机会。团队合作、交流与访学、深造都是大学教师寻求专业发展的重要途径,但受到聘任制及学校资源的限制。 / 本研究在文献综述的基础上,围绕学术工作内涵、执行和感知形成概念框架,在实证研究中,受访者的阐释和理解丰富了概念框架,为学术观、学术工作感知、学者应对策略等提供了本土理解。学术工作管理和实践偏重发现的学术,与西方大学教师采用“双账本和“多重语言体系等策略不同,大部分受访教师附应和巧妙利用于管理要求,甚至衍生出不利于学术工作发展的行为。学术工作中,服务优先,科研时间增加,教学被挤压。工作收入低、差距大。晋升机会在学校、学科和职称之间存在差异。旧制度的遗留和传统文化对青年大学教师的晋升造成障碍。教师发展需要合作,但这与聘任要求中的竞争理念矛盾。普通高校的教师专业发展需要更多支持。政府对大学从直接控制逐渐转为通过表现性指标评估、竞争性经费分配进行远程调控。市场通过提供部分经费,对大学的影响力逐渐增强。大学教师有意愿通过参与学术管理,在学术工作理想与执行之间达致有效的沟通。 / Some major reforms of Mainland China’s higher education management have affected university teachers’ work significantly, such as competitive contract-centered employment of staff, integration of industrial sectors, universities, and research institutes, and the evaluation of teaching quality at the undergraduate level. These reforms highlight some features of new public management, including quasi-market competition, quantitative index-based performance evaluation, and diversified fund-investment. Meanwhile, the reforms have shaped the meaning, action, and perception of current university teachers’ work. By using a qualitative research method, this study selected two universities as the cases, which are on different levels within China’s higher education system. 32 in-depth interviews with the academic staffs based at different disciplines and academic rankings have been done in order to gain insights into their interpretations and understandings on the meaning, action and perception in terms of academic work. / The research findings show that the administrative-force-driven management requirements are more powerful than individuals’ agency in regard of academic work. First, within the interviewees’ understandings of academic work, scholarship of discovery is on the top following by scholarship of application and scholarship of teaching. However, scholarship of integration is seldom mentioned. Second, most of the participants value the coping strategies of “conforming to and “manipulating with the management, while only a few hold a view of resistance or ecstasy over the system. Third, university teachers’ participation decline in sequence of teaching, staffing, and research.As seldom could gain the opportunity to participate in academic management, most of the participants have rescheduled the priorities of academic work by putting service on the top priority followed by research and teaching. Staff members who make the priorities well-rescheduled would achieve more returns and opportunities of promotion. Though team work, overseas visiting, and further study are critical for teachers’ career development, they are limited by the new employment reform and the university’s resources. / Basing on the literature review, this study has framed the conceptual framework in terms of the meaning, action, and perception of academic work. The empirical data has enriched the framework by providing local understandings and perceptions of academic work and their coping strategies. The management and practice of academic work value the scholarship of discovery. Different from the strategies of “double-booking and adopting “bilingualism used by western scholars, most of the participants in this study conform or ingenously manipulate with the management requirements though some actions are harmful for the development of academic work.Within the academic work, services occupy the top priority while academics prefer research to teaching. Academic’s salary is relatively low and income disparity have widened. The opportunities of promotion highly dependon the university, discipline and academic ranking. For the young university teachers, theirpromotions are largely blocked bythe inherited old system and traditional cultures. The new employment reform requires teachers compete with each other though collaboration is the most needed for faculty development. More support is needed in lower-level universities to improve faculty development. The government has transformed its management style from direct control to remote monitor by using performance evaluation and competitive funding distribution. While, the influence of market has increased by providing universities research funds. The university teachers are willing to participate in the academic management, which is crucial to the effectively communication between the academic ideal and its everyday practice. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 李琳琳. / "2013年8月". / "2013 nian 8 yue". / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 237-261). / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Li Linlin. / Chapter 第一章 --- 导论 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一节 --- 研究背景 --- p.1 / Chapter 一、 --- 政策背景 --- p.1 / Chapter 二、 --- 理论背景 --- p.5 / Chapter 第二节 --- 研究目的与问题提出 --- p.8 / Chapter 一、 --- 研究目的 --- p.8 / Chapter 二、 --- 研究问题 --- p.9 / Chapter 第三节 --- 研究意义 --- p.9 / Chapter 一、 --- 理论意义 --- p.9 / Chapter 二、 --- 实践意义 --- p.10 / Chapter 第二章 --- 文献综述 --- p.11 / Chapter 第一节 --- 大学管理变革的背景 --- p.11 / Chapter 一、 --- 传统管理方式下的学术工作 --- p.11 / Chapter 二、 --- 影响大学管理变革的因素 --- p.12 / Chapter 三、 --- 新公共管理下的学术工作 --- p.15 / Chapter 四、 --- 国家、市场、大学之间的关系 --- p.19 / Chapter 第二节 --- 学术工作的内涵 --- p.21 / Chapter 一、 --- 学术工作内涵的讨论与发展 --- p.22 / Chapter 二、 --- 学术工作内涵的多元度向 --- p.24 / Chapter 三、 --- 学术工作内涵的实证研究 --- p.26 / Chapter 第三节 --- 学术工作的执行 --- p.27 / Chapter 一、 --- 学术责任观的发展 --- p.28 / Chapter 二、 --- 实证研究中的学术工作执行 --- p.29 / Chapter 三、 --- 大学教师的应对策略 --- p.33 / Chapter 第四节 --- 学术工作的感知 --- p.34 / Chapter 一、 --- 对学术工作优先次序的感知 --- p.34 / Chapter 二、 --- 对工作发展机会的感知 --- p.37 / Chapter 三、 --- 对学术管理的感知 --- p.39 / Chapter 第五节 --- 中国的学术工作 --- p.44 / Chapter 一、 --- 建国以来高等教育变革对大学教师和学术工作的影响 --- p.45 / Chapter 二、 --- 学术工作的内涵 --- p.56 / Chapter 三、 --- 学术工作的执行 --- p.58 / Chapter 四、 --- 学术工作的感知 --- p.60 / Chapter 第六节 --- 概念框架 --- p.65 / Chapter 第三章 --- 研究方法及研究设计 --- p.69 / Chapter 第一节 --- 研究问题 --- p.69 / Chapter 第二节 --- 研究方法 --- p.70 / Chapter 一、 --- 质化研究取向 --- p.70 / Chapter 二、 --- 个案研究方法 --- p.71 / Chapter 第三节 --- 研究设计 --- p.72 / Chapter 一、 --- 个案与访谈对象的选择 --- p.72 / Chapter 二、 --- 资料收集 --- p.75 / Chapter 三、 --- 资料分析 --- p.76 / Chapter 第四节 --- 研究可靠性与研究伦理 --- p.76 / Chapter 第四章 --- 学术工作的内涵和执行:理想与现实之间 --- p.78 / Chapter 第一节 --- 大学教师理想的学术工作 --- p.78 / Chapter 一、 --- 从事学术工作的初衷 --- p.78 / Chapter 二、 --- 学术工作满意感 --- p.82 / Chapter 三、 --- 学术工作之间的理想关系 --- p.89 / Chapter 第二节 --- 学术工作的管理要求 --- p.91 / Chapter 一、 --- 大学实践中的聘任制改革 --- p.91 / Chapter 二、 --- 学术工作的考评与晋升 --- p.96 / Chapter 第三节 --- 应对策略:在理想和现实之间 --- p.111 / Chapter 一、 --- 附应 --- p.112 / Chapter 二、 --- 寻找制度空间,巧妙利用 --- p.114 / Chapter 三、 --- 抵制 --- p.116 / Chapter 四、 --- 超然 --- p.117 / Chapter 第四节 --- 本章结语 --- p.120 / Chapter 第五章 --- 学术工作的感知:优先次序与发展机会 --- p.124 / Chapter 第一节 --- 学术工作优先次序 --- p.124 / Chapter 一、 --- 保证最低的课堂教学时间 --- p.124 / Chapter 二、 --- 备课、指导学生、编写教材的时间可以挤压 --- p.128 / Chapter 三、 --- 服务工作的随机性和优先性 --- p.130 / Chapter 四、 --- 科研的重要性和机动性,挤占生活时间 --- p.133 / Chapter 第二节 --- 工作发展机会 --- p.136 / Chapter 一、 --- 工作收入 --- p.136 / Chapter 二、 --- 职称晋升 --- p.141 / Chapter 三、 --- 专业发展 --- p.146 / Chapter 第三节 --- 学术工作感知的调节作用:三个典型案例的分析 --- p.155 / Chapter 一、 --- 从沮丧到满意:附应管理要求的“海归女 --- p.155 / Chapter 二、 --- 痛并快乐着:追求理想的“非主流名师 --- p.159 / Chapter 三、 --- 逃避和无奈:被边缘化的“老讲师 --- p.163 / Chapter 第四节 --- 本章结语 --- p.165 / Chapter 第六章 --- 学术工作管理的感知 --- p.169 / Chapter 第一节 --- 参与和发声 --- p.169 / Chapter 一、 --- 教学管理 --- p.170 / Chapter 二、 --- 科研管理 --- p.175 / Chapter 三、 --- 人事管理 --- p.182 / Chapter 第二节 --- 大学教师感知到的学术管理 --- p.186 / Chapter 一、 --- 学术管理人员 --- p.187 / Chapter 二、 --- 无管理职务的“杰出学者 --- p.192 / Chapter 三、 --- 普通大学教师 --- p.196 / Chapter 第三节 --- 大学、市场和政府 --- p.202 / Chapter 一、 --- 大学内部:权力下放还是权力集中? --- p.202 / Chapter 二、 --- 政府和市场对大学的影响力:从横向课题和纵向课题分析 --- p.204 / Chapter 三、 --- 大学的独立性 --- p.207 / Chapter 第四节 --- 本章结语 --- p.210 / Chapter 第七章 --- 结论 --- p.213 / Chapter 第一节 --- 研究发现 --- p.213 / Chapter 一、 --- 大学教师理解的学术工作内涵和管理要求 --- p.214 / Chapter 二、 --- 大学教师对学术工作的感知 --- p.216 / Chapter 三、 --- 主要研究结论 --- p.220 / Chapter 第二节 --- 理论贡献 --- p.223 / Chapter 一、 --- 对学术观的回应 --- p.223 / Chapter 二、 --- 新公共管理对大学教师工作的影响 --- p.225 / Chapter 三、 --- 对学术工作感知的回应 --- p.227 / Chapter 四、 --- 学者的应对策略 --- p.230 / Chapter 第三节 --- 政策建议 --- p.231 / Chapter 一、 --- 聘任制改革 --- p.231 / Chapter 二、 --- 大学教师考评政策 --- p.232 / Chapter 三、 --- 教授会制度 --- p.233 / Chapter 第四节 --- 研究局限 --- p.234 / Chapter 第五节 --- 后续研究展望 --- p.235 / 参考文献: --- p.237 / 附录访谈提纲 --- p.262

The practice of ethical leadership of principals in Hong Kong / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2014 (has links)
Chan, Mee Lee. / Thesis Ed.D. Chinese University of Hong Kong 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 195-205). / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on 21, December, 2016).

Being ethical : how process drama assists pre-service drama teachers to reflect on professional ethics

Hogan, Sharon January 2008 (has links)
This research thesis focuses on the experiences of pre-service drama teachers and considers how process drama may assist them to reflect on key aspects of professional ethics such as mandatory codes or standards, principled moral reasoning, moral character, moral agency, and moral literacy. Research from higher education provides evidence that current pedagogical approaches used to prepare pre –professionals for practice in medicine, engineering, accountancy, business, psychology, counselling, nursing and education, rarely address the more holistic or affective dimensions of professional ethics such as moral character. Process drama, a form of educational drama, is a complex improvisational group experience that invites participants to create and assume roles, and select and manage symbols in order to create a fictional world exploring human experience. Many practitioners claim that process drama offers an aesthetic space to develop a deeper understanding of self and situations, expanding the participant’s consciousness and ways of knowing. However, little research has been conducted into the potential efficacy of process drama in professional ethics education for pre-professionals. This study utilizes practitioner research and case study to explore how process drama may contribute to the development of professional ethics education and pedagogy.

'n Ondersoek na die ontwikkeling van Die Matie studentekoerant se regulering en selfregulering sedert 1995

Kloppers, Jacolette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Journalism))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The development of the regulation and self-regulation of Die Matie, official student newspaper of the University of Stellenbosch (US), were researched in this study. Die Matie is subjected to a complete code of conduct since 1995, which has been approved by the US council. This code developed after several conflicts with university authorities in a period in which South Africa changed into a new political system and when government became more tolerant towards the press. The origin and development of Die Matie’s code of conduct, the operations of the Media Council, the origin and development of the Die Matie’s Financial Advisory Committee, and developments in terms of the subsidy Die Matie receives from the US on an annual basis, are therefore studied with in the context of the regulation and self-regulation of the South African press in general. The theoretical framework with in which this study was done is the normative media theory because this theory focuses on the ideal role the media should fulfil in society. The normative media theory also offers a basis from which the media’s responsibility and the quality of the media can be tested and controlled. The study has focused especially on the theory of social responsibility, which is one of the four original press theories and of which regulation and self-regulation forms a part. The methodology which has been used is that of historical research, a qualitative methode. This methode was refined even further more by using the approach of microhistory which, firstly, entails the analising of a small area, and secondly acknowledges the researcher’s personal experience of the subject. The study came to the conclusion that Die Matie firstly enforces self-regulation via its code of conduct, the Media Council and the Financial Advisory Committee. Secondly the editorial team has the freedom to publish whatever they would like to publish and to be as critical and controversial as they find necessary as long as they obey the regulations of the code of conduct. The study also finds that Die Matie’s position is currently protected and that the university authorities and the Student Representative Council can not take any random decisions about the existence of the newspaper.

Atua??o da comiss?o de ?tica p?blica no contexto da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, no per?odo de 2008 a 2014

Silva, Eufrosina Ribeiro Lopes 04 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Alexandre Soares (alexandredesoares@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-07-19T19:06:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 eufrosina_ribeiro_loopes_silva.pdf: 908972 bytes, checksum: a8f12d2c6d5fa00d66f922829b44ffed (MD5) / Rejected by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br), reason: Rever: Refer?ncia ABNT Tipo Nota de disserta??o/Tese Resumos Palavra Chave Ag?ncia Financiadora http://acervo.ufvjm.edu.br/jspui/handle/1/559 on 2016-07-21T16:41:32Z (GMT) / Submitted by Alexandre Soares (alexandredesoares@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-08-25T11:53:58Z No. of bitstreams: 1 eufrosina_ribeiro_loopes_silva.pdf: 908972 bytes, checksum: a8f12d2c6d5fa00d66f922829b44ffed (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2016-08-25T12:59:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 eufrosina_ribeiro_loopes_silva.pdf: 908972 bytes, checksum: a8f12d2c6d5fa00d66f922829b44ffed (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-25T12:59:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 eufrosina_ribeiro_loopes_silva.pdf: 908972 bytes, checksum: a8f12d2c6d5fa00d66f922829b44ffed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Um dos argumentos para a promo??o da ?tica nas organiza??es ? a necessidade de coibir e evitar pr?ticas de desvios ?ticos recorrentes nos ?rg?os p?blicos. Para tanto, o governo federal determinou a constitui??o das Comiss?es de ?tica, nos seus ?rg?os e institui??es, para contribuir com a plena vig?ncia do C?digo de ?tica do Servidor. Partindo do princ?pio de que a consci?ncia ?tica ? aprendida pelo ser humano, a ?tica na administra??o p?blica deve ser desenvolvida junto aos agentes p?blicos, de forma que possam conhecer e compreender o regramento ?tico pr?prio, educando-se para a pr?tica dos valores nele contidos. Diante disso, entende-se que a Comiss?o de ?tica deve executar suas fun??es para a observ?ncia do C?digo de ?tica, com a finalidade primeira de educar os agentes p?blicos, favorecendo a promo??o da ?tica. Entretanto, questiona-se se a Comiss?o de ?tica (CE) da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri (UFVJM) exerce sua fun??o educativa institu?da. Nesse sentido, o problema se desdobra nas seguintes perguntas norteadoras: Existe um plano de trabalho da CE? Quais s?o as atividades descritas nesse plano, que contemplam a fun??o educativa da comiss?o? Quais as principais atividades desenvolvidas concretamente pela CE, para efetivar sua fun??o educativa? Existem produ??es da CE para desenvolver sua fun??o educativa? A CE busca realizar parcerias com setores internos? Desse modo, o presente trabalho analisou a atua??o da CE no contexto da UFVJM, na perspectiva educativa, pautada nas normativas e nos Decretos que orientam sua constitui??o e funcionamento. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, com objetivo explorat?rio, valendo-se de pesquisas bibliogr?fica, documental e de campo. Analisaram-se as atividades desenvolvidas pela CE, no per?odo de 2008 a 2014, sob a perspectiva de suas a??es educativas, bem como, identificar quais s?o as principais dificuldades enfrentadas pela CE, para exercer suas fun??es. Tamb?m foram analisados os documentos n?o sigilosos e feitas entrevistas semiestruturadas com servidores, membros que atuam ou atuaram na CE. Mediante os resultados obtidos, foi poss?vel concluir que sobressaem as a??es de natureza investigativa, uma vez que, em sua maioria, pautou-se na apura??o de desvios ?ticos. Constatou-se que parte da comiss?o n?o recebeu capacita??o para exercer suas fun??es, sendo a falta de recurso da institui??o a justificativa para tal. Outro fator importante diz respeito ? forma??o dos integrantes da CE, pois, os entrevistados apontam como grande dificuldade, n?o ter uma forma??o que favore?a o desenvolvimento das atividades. Faz-se necess?rio apontar que para a composi??o da CE, seus membros julgam essencial a participa??o dos mesmos na indica??o dos pr?ximos indiv?duos a ocuparem as fun??es; haja vista que, no ?mbito da UFVJM, foi poss?vel identificar que, diversas vezes, essa decis?o n?o coube tamb?m ? CE, visto que as portarias de designa??o foram expedidas sem consulta pr?via ao CE ou ao novo integrante. Diante dos resultados obtidos, entende-se que existe necessidade de implanta??o de a??es educativas para a comunidade acad?mica e maior capacita??o dos membros da CE, a fim de que sejam fomentadas tanto a ?tica p?blica, como a ?tica profissional no ?mbito da UFVJM. / Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Gest?o de Institui??es Educacionais, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2015. / One of the arguments for ethics promotion in organizations is the need to restrain and avoid practices of appellant ethical deviations in public agencies. For this, the Federal Government has determined the constitution of Ethics Commissions, in its organizations and institutions, to cooperate with the full validity of the Laborer Ethics Code. Considering that ethic conscience is learned by the humans, ethics in public administration must be developed with the public agents, so that they may know and understand the self-ethical ruling, educating them to practice values within it. Considering that, we understand that the Ethics Commission (EC) must execute its functions to the Ethics Code observance, with the primordial purpose in educate the public agents favoring the ethic promotion. However, we ask if the Ethics Commission of the Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri Federal University (UFVJM) wield its instituted educative function. In this way, the problem unfolds in the following guiding questions: Is there a work plan from the Ethics Commission? What are the activities described in this plan that include the educative function of the Commission? What are the main productions developed by the EC to wield its educative function? Are there CE?s productions to develop this educative function? Does the EC try to accomplish partnerships with other instances? Thus, this study analyzed the EC actions, in UFVJM context, regarding the educative perspective, set in Normative and Enactments that guide its constitution and operation. This research refers to a qualitative approach, with exploratory aim, making use of bibliographical, documental and field searches. The activities developed by the EC were analyzed in the period of 2008 to 2014, under the perspective of their educative actions, as well as we looked for to identify what are the main difficulties faced by the EC to perform their functions. We also analyzed the non-confidential documents and interviewed the laborers through a non-structured interview, persons who compound and compounded the EC. The results permitted to conclude that the actions of investigative nature stand, since, mostly, it was based on the investigation of ethical misconduct. It was found that the committee did not receive training to perform their functions, and the lack of the institution's resources was the justification for it. Another important factor to be discussed concerns to the training of the EC members, the interviewed ones pointed out as a big difficulty not to have an education that favors the development of activities. It is necessary to point that for the EC composition, its members deem essential their participation in indicating the next individuals to occupy the functions; given that, under the UFVJM, we observed that, several times, that decision did not have the EC participation, since the ordinances designation were issued without prior consultation to the EC or to the new member. Given the results, We understand that there is the necessity of implementing educational activities for the academic community and increased training of EC members in order to be promoted both public ethics and the professional ethics within the UFVJM.

The possibility of psychotherapeutic privilege in South Africa

Gewald, Rieka Susan January 2009 (has links)
Privilege is an evidential principle which, on the grounds of public policy, excludes evidence relevant and otherwise admissible. This thesis aims to discover whether privilege should be applied to the psychotherapeutic profession in South Africa. At present, the only profession in South Africa afforded privilege is the legal profession. There are two main theoretical justifications for privilege: the utilitarian and the individual/human rights approach. This thesis considers whether the psychotherapeutic profession wan-ants privilege under either theory, and recommends that the law of privilege integrate both theories rather than adopt one or the other. The impact of the Constitution and the right to privacy receive particular attention. Very little literature or case law on the question of psychotherapeutic privilege was found in South Africa. Consequently, extensive comparative research into the common-law systems of England, Canada and United States of America was done. This research yielded some interesting findings. The first is that case-by-case development of the law of privilege is uncel1ain and fragmented. The next is that psychotherapeutic privilege exists in almost absolute form in the United States of America, but is littered with lacunae causing as much uncertainty as the case-by-case approach to privilege law. The most helpful method of dealing with the problem was found in Canada, where a two-stage approach to protecting personal information, including psychotherapeutic records, has been developed. In light of this research, this thesis reassesses the original viability of psychotherapeutic privilege in South Africa. Privilege, it was found, is not the best solution to protecting psychotherapeutic communications. This thesis recommends legislative adoption of an amended two-stage approach based on the Canadian model for sexual offence trials as the best method of protecting psychotherapeutic communications in both civil and criminal proceedings. The thesis ends by suggesting draft legislative provisions.

From pariah to parrhesiastes : reconceptualising the whistleblower in a complex world

Andrade, Julio Anthony 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis commences with an exploration of the ethics of whistleblowing as traditionally understood, describing the ethical dilemma at its centre: remaining loyal to one's organisation, against alerting society to organisational wrongdoing that threatens its welfare. The positions on several problematic issues in the literature, such as dissent, organisational retaliation, whistleblower motive, and mandatory whistleblowing will be presented and evaluated. The key internal/external disclosure dichotomy within whistleblowing will also be critically examined. The purported solutions to these issues, as well as whistleblowing's central dilemma, will be shown to remain unsatisfactory. This will be attributed to the adoption of an Enlightenment rules-based approach to ethics in general, which underpins and informs the ethics of whistleblowing in particular. An Enlightenment rules-based approach seeks to posit universal and immutable ethical standards that transcend context. As corrective to the above failings, the ethics of whistleblowing will be investigated from the view that seeks to understand whistleblowing as a historically determined and culturally mediated social practice. Within the contexts of the USA and South Africa it will be demonstrated that key whistleblowing issues (and even the central whistleblowing dilemma of divided loyalties) cannot be cast in immutable and universal terms, and are influenced by the contingencies that accompany them. An attempt will then be made to understand whistleblowing in the context of the globalisation of the last thirty years, which will prove more difficult. This will be undertaken through an analysis of Vandekerckhove's project, which seeks to place the normative legitimisations of whistleblowing legislation and organisational whistleblowing policies within a globalisation semantic able to contain the conflict between society and the organisation. This will be shown as ill-conceived because of Vandekerckhove's particular understanding of the organisation as an operationally closed system. Moving the argument forward will be undertaken at the hand of Critical Complexity theory which attempts to make the case for understanding the organisation as an open system. This will allow us to recast corporate responsibility as relational responsiveness to a particular stakeholder, which in turn will allow flexibility in terms of who qualifies as a recipient of a disclosure of wrongdoing. Consequently the internal/external disclosure dichotomy will be proved unsustainable. Further opening up the organisation will render the boundary with society meaningless, as it will be shown that the identity of society and organisation are inextricably tied together. As such, the notion of society versus the organisation will disappear, and whistleblowing will be reconceptualised as loyalty to both society and the organisation simultaneously, thus rendering the central dilemma of whistleblowing obsolete. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis begin met 'n studie van die etiese kwessies rakende fluitjieblasers soos dit tradisioneel verstaan word, en beskryf die sentrale etiese dilemma – om lojaal te bly tot die organisasie, teenoor om die gemeenskap in te lig oor die organisatoriese oortredings wat die welvaart van die gemeenskap bedreig. Die verskillende menings ten opsigte van verskeie problematiese kwessies in die literatuur soos verdeeldheid, organisatoriese vergelding, motief van die fluitjieblaser en verpligte fluitjieblaas sal aangebied en gëevalueer word. Die hoof vraag of 'n openbaring van informasie wat binne of buite die organisasie gebeur as fluitjieblaas beskou kan word, word ook krities ondersoek. Die voorgestelde oplossings tot hierdie kwessies, sowel as die fluitjieblaser se kerndilemma, is onbevredigend en sal dus onderskryf word deur die aanvaarding van 'n reëls-gebaseerde Verligtingsbenadering tot etiek in die algemeen, wat deur die etiek van fluitjieblaas spesifiek, ondersteun en ingelig word. 'n Reëls-gebaseerde Verligtingsbenadering poog om universele en onveranderlike etiese standaarde, wat konteks oorbrug, te postuleer. As korreksies tot die bogenoemde tekortkominge, sal die etiek van fluitjieblaas ondersoek word vanuit 'n benadering wat poog om fluitjieblaas as 'n histories bepaalde en versoenbare sosiale praktyk te verstaan. Binne die konteks van die VSA en Suid-Afrika, sal dit gedemonstreer word dat sleutel fluitjieblaas kwessies, en selfs die sentrale fluitjieblaas dilemma van verdeelde lojaliteit, nie binne onveranderlike en universele terme gegroepeer kan word nie, en dat hierdie kwessies beïnvloed word deur die gebeurlikhede wat daarmee gepaard gaan. 'n Poging sal aangewend word om fluitjieblaas binne die konteks van globalisering in die afgelope 30 jaar te verstaan, wat meer kompleks sal wees. Dit sal gedoen word deur 'n analise van Vandekerckhove se projek, wat poog om die normatiewe legitimering van fluitjieblaas wetgewing en organisatoriese fluitjieblaas beleide in 'n globale semantiek te plaas, ten einde om die konflik tussen die gemeenskap en die organisasie te verminder. Dit sal bewys word dat hierdie projek nie deurdag is nie, as gevolg van Vandekerckhove se bepaalde begrip van organisasies as 'n operasionele geslote sisteem. Die argument sal verder onderskryf word aan die hand van die Kritiese Kompleksiteitsteorie, wat die organisasie as 'n oop sisteem beskryf. Dit sal ons toelaat om korporatiewe verantwoordelikheid as 'n reaksie in 'n verhouding met 'n spesifieke belanghebbende te beskryf, wat weer op sy beurt ons sal toelaat om buigsaam te wees in die kwalifisering van wie as 'n ontvanger van 'n onthulling van oortredings geïdentifiseer moet word. Gevolglik sal die onderskeid tussen 'n interne en eksterne openbaring van informasie as onvolhoubaar bewys word. As die organisasie oper gemaak word, sal dit die grens met die gemeenskap betekenisloos maak, omdat, soos bewys sal word, die identiteit van die organisasie en gemeenskap onlosmaaklik vas is aan mekaar. So sal die konsep van gemeenskap teenoor die organisasie verdwyn, en sal fluitjieblaas geherkonsepsualiseer word as gelyktydige lojaliteit tot beide die gemeenskap en die organisasie, wat die sentrale dilemma van fluitjieblaas sal uitskakel.

Waardes en praktykbeginsels in maatskaplike werk : `n oorsig

Enslin, Karine 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Social Work))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / A study combining the explanatory and exploratory research methodologies was undertaken relating to the value base of social work and the application of social work values by social workers at a Government Department. An interest of the history, development and importance of the value base of social work, as well as the relative absence of specific South African literature and research results concerning the application of social work values in the South African context, prompted this particular study as a contribution to both the social work profession in the South African context and the service agency involved. An empirical study based on the literature study was performed on a test sample comprising 20 social workers at a District office of a Government Department in the Western Cape. The literature study investigated and explored the history and development of the value base of social work both as a profession and specifically in the South African context. The empirical study, by means of a questionnaire investigated the participants’ understanding of certain values as well as the nature, objectives and functions of social work. It also explores their application of basic social work values in their daily practice situation, together with obstacles faced by them in applying these values.

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