Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pronominals"" "subject:"pronominales""
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Stressed postverbal pronominals in CatalanNadeu, Marianna, Simonet, Miquel, Llompart, Miquel 01 January 2017 (has links)
Majorcan Catalan postverbal pronominal elements are typically described as being prominent due to stress shift from their host. This study sheds light on the prosodic phonology of these pronouns through the analysis of duration, vowel quality, and f0 in verb + pronominal sequences, which are compared to a baseline condition without pronominals and to the same sequences in a Catalan variety without stress shift. Our results show acoustic differences in the realization of pronominals in these varieties. The duration and vowel quality patterns are consistent with the stress shift account of postverbal pronominals in Majorcan Catalan. Analysis of f0 contours also reveals phonological differences across varieties. Whereas stressed postverbal pronominals are not rare in Romance, Majorcan Catalan is one of a much reduced number of varieties within the Romance domain, where the attachment of a pronominal element to a host triggers "true" stress shift rather than an additional prominence on the pronominal element, like Sardinian or Neapolitan.
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Development of nominalizers in some East Asian languages.January 2005 (has links)
Shin Mi-kyong. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 90-94). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Contents --- p.3 / List of Figures --- p.4 / List of Tables --- p.5 / Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.6 / Chapter 1.1 --- Nominalizers in some East Asian languages --- p.7 / Chapter 1.2 --- Forms and functions of four East Asian nominalizers --- p.8 / Chapter 1.2.1 --- Linker --- p.8 / Chapter 1.2.2 --- Pronominalization --- p.12 / Chapter 1.3 --- Grammaticalization of East Asian nominalizers --- p.14 / Chapter 1.4 --- Research questions and organization of the thesis --- p.15 / Chapter 1.5 --- Abbreviation --- p.16 / Chapter 2 --- Development of Korean nominalizing system --- p.17 / Chapter 2.1 --- Two distinct properties of Korean nominalizers --- p.17 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- "Korean Linking morphemes -n, -neun, -l" --- p.18 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- """Bound noun"" geot" --- p.19 / Chapter 2.2 --- Degrees of nominalization --- p.21 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Linker to Pronominal --- p.21 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Pronominal to Nominalizer --- p.24 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Nominalizer to Stance marker --- p.26 / Chapter 2.3 --- Competition from other nominalizers --- p.28 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- Nominalizer -(o/u)m --- p.28 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- Competition with Middle Korean *-n/do/ --- p.30 / Chapter 2.3.3 --- Korean Linkers -eui and -n --- p.31 / Chapter 2.4 --- Summary --- p.33 / Chapter 3 --- Development of Japanese no --- p.35 / Chapter 3.1 --- Syntactic behavior of no --- p.36 / Chapter 3.2 --- Diachronic perspectives on no --- p.40 / Chapter 3.3 --- Summary --- p.44 / Chapter 4 --- Mandarin de and Cantonese ge --- p.45 / Chapter 4.1 --- Synchronic descriptions --- p.46 / Chapter 4.1.1 --- Dual properties of Mandarin de and Cantonese ge --- p.46 / Chapter 4.1.2 --- Zhu's classification of Mandarin de --- p.47 / Chapter 4.1.3 --- [Demonstrative + Classifier] structure in Cantonese --- p.49 / Chapter 4.1.4 --- ge insertion after Classifier in Cantonese --- p.50 / Chapter 4.1.5 --- Nominalization and further development in Mandarin de --- p.50 / Chapter 4.2 --- Diachronic perspectives --- p.53 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Competition between Classifier and Demonstrative pronoun --- p.54 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- From Classifier to nominalizer: Cantonese go --- p.55 / Chapter 4.3 --- Summary --- p.56 / Chapter 5 --- Some solutions on their incompatibilities --- p.58 / Chapter 5.1 --- Definiteness in Nominalizers --- p.59 / Chapter 5.1.1 --- Type I Determiners: Linking morphemes --- p.59 / Chapter 5.1.2 --- Type II Determiners: Pronominals --- p.64 / Chapter 5.2 --- Nominalized complementation in Japanese and Korean --- p.68 / Chapter 5.3 --- Further extension to Cleft and Stance --- p.74 / Chapter 5.3.1 --- Unidirectional pathway view --- p.74 / Chapter 5.3.2 --- Sentential pronominal to Cleft construction --- p.76 / Chapter 5.3.3 --- Cleft to stance --- p.78 / Chapter 5.4 --- Tense/Aspect reflected on Adnominal systems --- p.80 / Chapter 5.4.1 --- Spell-outs of time in Korean linking morphemes --- p.80 / Chapter 5.4.2 --- Infinitival RC --- p.82 / Chapter 5.5 --- Summary --- p.83 / Chapter 6 --- Conclusion --- p.85 / References --- p.87
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The impact of pronominalisation on communication with special reference to Northern SothoMoabelo, Daniel Boy January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M. A. (African Languages)) --University of Limpopo, 2003 / Chapter l deals with a general introduction to the research paper. It gives th
background to the problem, aim, rationale, significance, methodology an organisation of the research paper. Different definitions on nouns, verbs subject, object and predicate are outlined in this chapter.
Chapter 2 gives an outline of pronominalisation processes. The definition o deletion as a
pronominal strategy is outlined. Substitution as a pronomina strategy is also discussed. The importance of these strategies is outlined, that i the difference between deletion and substitution is outlined fully.
Chapter 3 discusses the syntactic environments in which pronominalisatio takes place. The pronominalisation of the subject and the object is outlined.
Chapter 4 analyses the pronominalisation of the determiners. Demonstrative
determiners, deictic determiners, demonstrative pronouns, quantitative and qualificative pronouns used as determiners are brought into perspective. Because of the incorporation of the semantic component, the notion contrastiveness and emphasis are brought to the surface.
Chapter 5 gives the conclusion of this research paper. A summary of the findings and
recommendations of the chapters dealt with in the previous chapters is given.
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Diferències fonològiques entre diversos estils de parla al català central septentrionalCampmany Jané, Elisenda 04 April 2008 (has links)
La tesi Diferències fonològiques entre diversos estils de parla al català central septentrional se centra en l'estudi de la variació estilística que manifesten els segments vocàlics en dos àmbits concrets de la fonologia catalana: els contactes vocàlics entre mots i els clítics pronominals. Tot i que, d'entrada, pot semblar que aquests dos temes són molt diferents entre si, al llarg de la tesi es demostra que presenten fortes coincidències: estan subjectes a una notable variació lingüística, que s'accentua quan es produeix un canvi d'estil de parla, i aquesta variació implica sempre la presència / absència de segments vocàlics. Així, ambdós temes esdevenen complementaris i permeten esbrinar quin és el comportament que tenen les vocals en diferents contextos i en diferents estils de parla. La varietat dialectal objecte d'estudi és el denominat català central septentrional, parlat a les comarques de la província de Girona.La tesi persegueix quatre objectius bàsics. El primer consisteix a elaborar una descripció exhaustiva de les resolucions dels contactes vocàlics entre mots, per una banda, i de les realitzacions dels clítics pronominals, per l'altra. La intenció és descriure els diversos fenòmens que s'hi detecten, posant un èmfasi especial a mostrar la variació estilística que presenten. Les dades de què s'ha partit per dur a terme aquesta descripció procedeixen majoritàriament del Corpus Oral Dialectal (COD) de la Universitat de Barcelona, una extensa compilació de materials feta recentment amb criteris distints dels que segueix la dialectologia més tradicional: al COD els informants seleccionats no són persones grans que habiten nuclis rurals, sinó que són individus de mitjana edat que viuen en capitals de comarca. Es tracta de mostrar, doncs, la parla que se sent actualment als nuclis grans de població. Les dades del COD s'han completat amb enquestes addicionals enregistrades a les comarques més septentrionals del català central.El segon objectiu consisteix a comprovar quina és la influència que exerceix la forta expansió de les formes pròpies de la varietat estàndard i/o del barceloní en el comportament variable que presenten certs fenòmens fonològics descrits. Per poder determinar la influència exacta d'aquest factor, es comparen les dades del COD amb les d'un altre corpus més allunyat en el temps: els etnotextos de l'Atles lingüístic del domini català (ALDC), compilats entre els anys 60 i 70.El tercer objectiu consisteix a determinar quins són els factors lingüístics que condicionen els casos de variació descrits, i a proporcionar-ne una anàlisi formal. No es tracta de limitar-se a la mera descripció dels fenòmens, sinó que també es vol oferir explicacions de tipus formal. El marc teòric escollit és la teoria de l'optimitat (Optimality Theory), atès que actualment es considera un dels models amb més potencial explicatiu per donar compte de la variació lingüística. Es proporciona una anàlisi que integra tots els factors (prosòdics, fonològics, sintàctics, semàntics.) que poden influir en la realització final dels contactes vocàlics entre mots, d'una banda, i dels clítics pronominals, de l'altra. Dins de la teoria de l'optimitat, es recorre a algun dels models més recents que s'han desenvolupat per al tractament específic de la variació lingüística (Floating Constraints Model, Rank-Ordering Model of Eval...). L'anàlisi mostra que aquests models esdevenen útils per explicar les diferències fonològiques ocasionades pels canvis d'estil de parla.Finalment, el quart objectiu consisteix a comparar les anàlisis formals dels contactes vocàlics i de les realitzacions dels clítics pronominals per detectar-hi similituds i diferències. En aquesta comparació final es valora la utilitat dels mecanismes formals de tractament de la variació que s'han incorporat a l'anàlisi, i s'exposen les conclusions principals que es poden extreure de tot el procés d'investigació. / The main goal of the present research is to study stylistic variation in two related fields of Catalan phonology: vowel contact resolutions and pronominal clitics. In both of them vowels show interesting patterns of variation when speakers change their speech style. In order to study these variable patterns it has been used data belonging to North-eastern Catalan, which is spoken in the Girona area.This dissertation provides both a description and a formal analysis of the different resolutions of vowel sequences across word boundaries, on the one hand, and the different realizations of pronominal clitics, on the other. The description is based on a huge amount of data recently compiled in the Corpus Oral Dialectal (COD) of the University of Barcelona. Data from this source have been completed by new questionnaires recorded during the research project. Additionally, it has been used data from the Atles lingüístic del domini català (ALDC), compiled in the 60s and 70s. Through the comparison between COD and ALDC it has been found that there are some cases of stylistic variation that are conditioned by the influence of the Standard variety. However, most variable patterns seem to be conditioned by other linguistic factors (e. g. prosodic, phonological, syntactic, lexical factors), which are accurately analyzed within Optimality Theory (OT), a framework that has proved to be more adequate than others in dealing with linguistic variation, especially in phonology.The formal analysis I propose also takes into account different submodels recently developed within OT to provide even more accurate analyses of linguistic and stylistic variation. The Rank-Ordering Model of Eval and, especially, the Floating Constraints Model become very useful mechanisms to analyze some of the phonological differences caused by changes of speech style.The final conclusions highlight the strong similarities found in the two previous formal analyses: the one concerning vowel contact resolutions and the other one concerning pronominal clitics. In both cases markedness constraints are low-ranked when the speech style is formal, while they are high-ranked in informal speech styles. Evidence is provided to show that this is a common cross-linguistic pattern.
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Grammatical Aspects of Rural Palestinian ArabicJanuary 2019 (has links)
abstract: ABSTRACT
This study explores some grammatical aspects of Rural Palestinian Arabic (RPA), spoken in the vicinity of the city of Tulkarm in the Northwest part of the West Bank, and compares the variety to Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Urban Palestinian Arabic (UPA). The study introduces an overview of the Arabic language and its colloquial dialects and the status of diglossia in the Arab world. Subject-verb agreement in MSA and RPA is also discussed.
The focus of this study is on the pronominal system and negation in both MSA and RPA. It investigates the correlations between dependent subject pronouns and independent pronouns and their phonological and syntactic relationships. I argue that dependent subject pronouns are reduced forms of the independent subject pronoun. The study explains how dependent subject pronouns are formed by deleting the initial syllable, except for the first person singular and the third person masculine plural, which use suppletive forms instead. Dependent object pronouns are also derived from their independent counterparts by the deletion of the second syllable, with the exception of third person plural pronouns, which take the same form as clitics attached to their hosts.
I argue that dependent subject pronouns are agreement affixes used to mark verb argument features, whereas pronominal object and possessive pronouns are clitics attached to their hosts, which can be verbs, nouns, prepositions, and quantifiers. This study investigates other uses of subject pronouns, such as the use of third person pronouns as copulas in both MSA and RPA. Additionally, third person pronouns are used as question pronouns for yes/no questions in RPA.
The dissertation also explores the morphosyntactic properties of sentential negation in RPA in comparison to sentential negation in MSA. The study shows that the negative markers ma: and -iš are used to negate perfective and imperfective verbs, while muš precedes non-verbal predicates, such as adjectives, prepositional phrases (PPs), and participles. The main predicate in the negative phrase does not need the noun phrase (NP) to raise to T if there is no need to merge with the negative element.
Keywords: Standard Arabic, Rural Palestinian Arabic, Urban Palestinian Arabic, independent pronouns, dependent pronouns, pronominal clitics, copula pronouns, negation / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation English 2019
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[pt] Esta dissertação focaliza a compreensão de reflexivos e pronominais de terceira pessoa por crianças adquirindo o Português Brasileiro (PB), examinando os efeitos das restrições dos princípios A e B da Teoria da Ligação, sob uma perspectiva psicolinguística, que leva em conta a acessibilidade relativa dos possíveis antecedentes dessas formas na memória de trabalho no processamento de sentenças/discurso. Toma-se como referência a teoria da reflexividade de Reinhart e Reuland (1993), por ser compatível com um procedimento de aquisição de formas reflexivas como variáveis ligadas via identificação de predicados reflexivos na interface semântica. A distribuição do reflexivo e de pronominais clíticos/tônicos no PB é considerada. Três experimentos de identificação de imagens com crianças (3-7 anos) e um experimento-piloto com adultos são relatados. Os resultados dos experimentos 1 e 2 sugerem o reconhecimento de se como sinalizador de um predicado reflexivo desde cedo; sua interpretação local em orações encaixadas aos 5 anos; e suscetibilidade à presença de um elemento interveniente no domínio de ligação. Os resultados do experimento 3 (com adultos e crianças) indicam que a marcação de reflexividade fora da grade verbal pela anáfora si, particularmente com o intensificador mesmo(a), e por ele(a) mesmo(a) favorecem a recuperação do sujeito local. Em relação ao tônico ele, o tópico do discurso foi o mais acessível para os adultos, e o sujeito local, para as crianças. Apresenta-se um tratamento teórico que integra a expressão de reflexividade com acessibilidade na interpretação do pronome tônico em posição de objeto no PB. / [en] This dissertation focuses on the comprehension of the 3rd person reflexive and referential pronouns by Brazilian Portuguese-speaking children. The constraints of the Principles A and B of the Biding Theory are considered from a psycholinguistic perspective, which takes into account the relative accessibility of potential antecedents of those forms in the working memory during sentence/discourse processing. The reflexivity theory (Reinhart and Reuland,1993) is a major reference, for being compatible with a language acquisition procedure whereby reflexive forms are represented as bound anaphors via the identification of reflexive predicates at the semantic interface. The distribution of anaphors and clitic/stressed pronominals in BP is considered. Three picture identification experiments with children (3-7 years old) and one with adults are reported. The results of the Experiments 1 and 2 suggest that se is recognized as a reflexivity marker at an early age; that 5 year olds interpret it locally in embedded clauses; and children s susceptibility to the presence of an intervening element in the binding domain. The results of Experiment 3 (with adults and children) suggest that the marking of reflexivity by si (a non-verbal argument anaphor, mainly with the intensifier mesmo), and ele(a) mesmo(a) favor local interpretation. Regarding the stressed pronoun, it was verified the main clause subject is the most accessible antecedent for adults and the local subject is the most accessible antecedent for children. A theoretical account is presented, which integrates reflexivity and the accessibility of the 3rd person object stressed pronoun in in BP.
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