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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A formação da prosa moderna em lingua portuguesa : o lugar de Garrett e Herculano

Menezes, Hugo Lenes 23 February 2005 (has links)
Orientador: Paulo Franchetti / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T04:26:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Menezes_HugoLenes_D.pdf: 1049541 bytes, checksum: 6b243033c4f604b446e6b0a1e5021c28 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / Resumo: O presente trabalho estuda as origens da prosa moderna em língua portuguesa, a emergência do gênero romance em terras lusas e, de modo mediato, o impacto do discurso prosístico de Almeida Garrett e Alexandre Herculano na narrativa lusófona subseqüente. Diferentemente do que dá a entender a tradição crítica, que privilegia somente algumas facetas da obra dos dois autores acima referidos, num campo valorativo especificamente literário, Garrett ocupa um lugar fundador não apenas por inaugurar a narrativa de atualidade em Portugal, e sim por ser um dos instauradores da prosa burguesa. Do mesmo modo, a importância de Herculano não pode reduzir-se ao fato de ele introduzir a ficção histórica no seu país, pois o seu papel, assim como o de Garrett, é decisivo na elaboração da prosa moderna em vernáculo. Outro ponto enfocado nesta tese é a constituição do público do romance, na primeira fase do romantismo lusitano, para o que Garrett e Herculano, acompanhando a valorização, ao longo dos séculos XVIII e XIX, da função educativa da forma romanesca, contribuíram com uma verdadeira pedagogia da leitura por meio da construção da narrativa ficcional / Abstract: The present work studies the origins of modern prose in the Portuguese language, the emergence of the novel as a genre in Lusitanian lands, and, as mediation, the impact of the discourse of Almeida Garrett and Alexandre Herculano on subsequent Lusiphone narrative. Differently from what comes to light in the critical tradition, which privileges only some facets of the oeuvre of the two above cited authors within a specifically evaluative literary field, Garrett occupies a founding place not only for inaugurating the narrative of the present time in Portugal, but also as one of the founders of the bourgeois prose. In a similar way, the importance of Herculano cannot be reduced to the fact that he introduces the historical fiction in his country, as he plays a decisive role, as well as Garrett, in the elaboration of modern prose in the vernacular. Another point focused on here is the creation of a reading public for the novel during the first phase of the Portuguese Romanticism, to which Garrett and Herculano, by means of the construction of fictional narrative, contribute a true pedagogy of reading, which accompanies the valorization of the educational function attributed to the Romanesque form throughout the eighteenth and the nineteenth centuries / Doutorado / Literatura Portuguesa / Doutor em Teoria e História Literária

Gustav Leutelt, básník Jizerských hor / Gustav Leutelt, a poet of the Jizera Mountains

Štefková, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
Keywords: regional literature, legends, autobiographical prose literature, fiction, short stories, novellas, literary creation, aesthetics of nature Abstract: The subject of this thesis is a life and writing of the Gustav Leutelt, one of the lesser known German writing authors of Bohemia from the turn of the 20th century. Special attention is paid on describing the Jizera Mountains that play a pivotal role in his creation. The first chapter formulates the subject matter and establishes the goals of the thesis. The second chapter takes a brief look at the Leutelt's life and his writing. The third chapter covers introduction of specific works from three main areas of his art, which were fictional prose, legends and natural works. The final chapter summarizes the results and insights of the thesis.

Die vormende waarde van voorgeskrewe prosa en drama (Afrikaans eerste taal)

Rabe, Vena Estelle 11 February 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Subject Didactics) / There is growing concern that high school pupils and especially those pupils in the senior secondary phase, are no longer interested in reading ., Afrikaans books. The result is that the pupils' knowledge and understanding of literature is fast diminishing. A further consequence is that the formative possibilities that literature holds for the pupil are also lost. It can therefore be accepted that literature and the teaching of literature has a substance which contributes to the forming of young people on their way to adulthcod, A paradoxical situation prevails in that the high school pupil and specifically pupils in the senior secondary phase do not realise what formative value literature holds for him. The fact is that prescribed prose and drama hold little significance for the majority of pupils in this phase of their achonl, careers, as it is nei ther relevent nor actual. It is therefore necessary that serious attention be given to the goals we wish to achieve in the teaching of Afrikaans First Language literature. The goals we wish to achieve in the teaching of Afrikaans First Language literature (senior secondary phase) as evaluated in a curriculum rational and compared to the syllabus, results in a discrepancy between the goals (ideals), the syllabus content and the teaching (practical). The reason for this can possibly be attributed to the following factors: the syllabus content does not accommodate sufficiently the formative value of literature the criteria for prescribing prose and drama are too limited too much emphasis is placed on examination the teaching of literature is possibly too closely tied to the text * addressing of modern life situations via literature is not given sufficient recognition. From a didactical-pedagocical approach the nature of the discrepancy between goals, syllabus content and teaching have been analysed. The criteria for prescribing prose and drama have been examined and curriculum rational has been brought into line. A situation analysis as a component of curriculum rational is discussed and attention has been paid to the present situation in respect of Afrikaans First Language...

Publicar ficção em meados do século XIX = um estudo das revistas femininas editadas pelos irmãos Laemmert / Publishing fiction in the mid of the nineteenth century : a study of women's magazines edited by the Laemmert brothers

Donegá, Ana Laura, 1987- 22 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Márcia Azevedo de Abreu / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T03:04:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Donega_AnaLaura_M.pdf: 2440234 bytes, checksum: 17aad83553335853bf8d4eb9ca1ad3e2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: Esta dissertação investiga a presença e a circulação da ficção em prosa no Rio de Janeiro Oitocentista, tomando como base duas revistas femininas editadas por Eduardo e Henrique Laemmert: o Correio das Modas (1839-1840) e o Novo Correio de Modas (1852-1854). Reconstituímos as condições de existência dos periódicos, situando-os no interior da ação editorial dos Laemmert, considerando suas redes de produção e de circulação e, ainda, avaliando de que maneira eles se relacionaram com outras publicações da época. Observamos os valores que ambos ajudaram a propagar, partindo da análise das seções dedicadas à prosa ficcional, nas quais o intuito de guiar o comportamento das leitoras se mostrou especialmente evidente. Identificamos as narrativas difundidas pelas revistas, apresentamos sua procedência, distinguimos as nacionais das traduzidas e estabelecemos comparações entre as traduções e os originais, atentando para modificações, cortes e acréscimos. Por fim, observamos o diálogo estabelecido nos dois periódicos entre a literatura estrangeira e a literatura nacional devido ao compartilhamento de uma mesma temática nestas narrativas, que foram centradas em questões morais / Abstract: This work investigates the presence and circulation of fictional prose at the nineteenth century Rio de Janeiro. Its basis are two feminine magazines, Correio das Modas (1839- 1840) and Novo Correio de Modas (1852-1854), edited by Eduardo and Henrique Laemmert. We reconstituted the conditions of existence of these two journals, placing them within Laemmerts' publishing action, taking into consideration their production and circulation networks, and evaluating how they were related to other publications of that time. We analyzed sections dedicated to fictional prose, in which the intention of guiding the readers' behavior was proved especially evident, and where we observed the values they helped to spread. We identified the narratives these magazines disseminated, presented their origin, distinguished the national narratives from the foreign ones, and compared the translations to the original texts, highlighting changes, cuts, and additions. At last, we observed on these two journals a dialogue between foreign literature and national literature due to sharing a common theme in narratives, which were centered on moral issues / Mestrado / Historia e Historiografia Literaria / Mestra em Teoria e História Literária

Examination of Narrative Point of View Through Production by Two Media

Rosewell, Susan Tilden 08 1900 (has links)
Narrative point of view should be the initial place of focus in the study of prose fiction, but it is often difficult to understand or teach. This study proposes that stage or screen production of narrative fiction may be purposefully structured to enhance the understanding of narrative perspective. The study details grammatical analysis of narrative language and describes implications drawn from that language which influence production decisions. The thesis examines the techniques and technology of stage and screen production which may be manipulated to underscore narrative point of view, suggesting ways in which each medium can borrow from the techniques of the other for point of view production.

論林清玄散文中的柔性美 = Analyze the soft beauty in Lin Qingxuan's prose / Analyze the "soft beauty" in Lin Qingxuan's prose

崔婷婷 January 2011 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

Luid tussen twee stilten: vergeten vrouwenstemmen uit tempo doeloe. De Indisch-Nederlandse literatuur uit het negentiende-eeuwse damescompartiment

Loriaux, Stéphanie January 2003 (has links)
Doctorat en philosophie et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

'n Literatuursosiologiese ondersoek na 'n groep Afrikaanse tagtigerprosaskrywers

Heyns, Johan Dirk 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie word 'n bydrae tot die beskrywing van 'n resente periode in die Afrikaanse prosageskiedenis, naamlik die dekade 1980-1989, aangepak. Die terme ''Tagtiger" en "tagtigerskrywer" word bespreek en gedefinieer. Negentien skrywers word aan die hand van vyf kanoniseringsmeganismes as belangrike Afrikaanse tagtigerprosaskrywers geidentifiseer. Hierdie skrywers en hulle 51 prosatekste wat tussen 1980-1989 gepubliseer is, word dan deur Vanheste (1981) se vier gei"dentifiseerde literatuursosiologiese aandagsvelde naamlik die outeur, die literere werk, die literere kanaal en die leser ondersoek ten einde die posisie van die gekose skrywers m.b.t. maatskappy en skrywerskap, enkele samebindende aspekte in die proefgroep se tagtigerprosatekste, die funksionering van die literere kanaal t.o.v. hierdie tekste en die resepsie daarvan te bepaal. Met behulp van vraelyste aan die proefgroep is hul houdings t.o.v. 'n aantal aktuele aangeleenthede ondersoek. Ses onderskeidende kategoriee in die proefgroep se tekste, naamlik politiek en betrokkenheid; realisme; grens- en geweldliteratuur; postmodernisme; homoerotiek en goeie gewilde prosa word aangedui. Die posisie van verskillende "hekwagters" in die literere kanaal, saam met die invloed van sensuur op die proefgroep, die rol van die Afrikaanse Skrywersgilde en die "little magazines" wat publikasiegeleenthede vir die jong skrywers gebied het, ontvang aandag. J.C.Kannemeyer as geskiedskrywer en 'n verskeidenheid resensente se waarde-oordele word nagegaan. Aan die hand van Vanheste se literatuursosiologiese kommunikasiemodel, gekombineer met sy (aangepaste) analisemodel, word etlike sosiale werklikhede in Alexander Strachan se 'n Wereld sander grense dan onder die loep geneem. Die ondersoekterrein van die literatuursosiologie dek s6 'n wye veld dat heelwat interessante aspekte noodwendig agterwee moes bly. Resepsiestudies van lesers gedurende die tagtigerdekade was nie moontlik nie en 'n resepsiestudie kon ongelukkig eers vyf jaar na die tagtigerdekade uitgevoer word. Die gevolgtrekking waartoe in hierdie studie gekom word, is dat, hoewel waarskynlik nie op dieselfde betekenisvlak as die term "Sestigers" nie, daar wel van ooreenkomste in die werk van Afrikaanse tagtigerskrywers gepraat kan word. Samehang word ook aangedui tussen die sosiale omwereld en die tagtigertekste wat daarbinne tot stand gekom het, veral met betrekking tot tematiese en stilistiese keuses. Terselfdertyd het die literere werke van hierdie dekade 'n invloed uitgeoefen op die omwereld waarbinne dit verskyn het / This study attempts to make a contribution to the description of a recent period in Afrikaans Prose History, namely the decade 1980-1989. The term writer of the Eighties is defined and discussed. Nineteen writers have been identified as important Afrikaans Eighties writers with the aid of five canonization mechanisms. These writers and their 51 prosa texts published between 1980-1989 are then investigated by means of Vanheste's four identified attention areas in the sociology of literature, namely the author, the literary work, the literary channel as well as the reader. Questionnairs have been used to investigate the attitude of the trial group with regards to a number of current affairs. Six distinguishing categories have been identified in the texts of the trial group namely politics, realism, border and violence literature, postmodernism, homo-erotics and popular prose. The position of different gate-keepers in the literary channel, together with the influence of censorship on the trial group, the role of the "Afrikaanse Skrywersgilde" and the "little magazines", together with publication opportunities offered to these young writers, have enjoyed attention. J.C.Kannemeyer as historian, together with the critics as readers of the trial group's texts are investigated. The manipulation of a few social realities in Alexander Strachan's 'n Wereld sander grense is investigated in terms of Vanheste's communication model of literary sociology, combined with his (adapted) analysis model. The field of investigation of the sociology of literary covers such a wide field that numerous interesting aspects had to be omitted. Reception studies during the decade of the eighties were not possible and could, unfortunately, only be done five years after the decade of the eighties. The conclusion of this study is that, although not at quite the same level of significance as the term "Sixties", one could still find similarities in the works of Afrikaans writers from the Eighties decade. Cohesion between the social world and the texts of the Vll eighties have evolved from it, especially with regards to thematic and stilistic choices. At the same time, the literary works of this decade have contributed to the social world in which they were published / Afrikaans & Theory of Literature / D. Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)

Sagarana em pauta: a canção e a voz nos primeiros cantos de Guimarães Rosa

Ferreira, Fernando Dias de Souza 05 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-11-09T10:25:13Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando Dias de Souza Ferreira.pdf: 726924 bytes, checksum: b7750b4ab222d25e5160c7705357f6c9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-09T10:25:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando Dias de Souza Ferreira.pdf: 726924 bytes, checksum: b7750b4ab222d25e5160c7705357f6c9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-09-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This master's thesis analyzes the presence of the popular song in the prose of Sagarana, first book by João Guimarães Rosa. It tries to understand how the song (sung word), hybrid genre, literary and musical, can infect the pen of the author, the voices of characters and narrators, and lead his prose to present special, singular aesthetic matter. The research starts investigating Rosa's biography and the correspondences between him and his translators, literary critics and friends, searching for quotes and access keys that are essentially poetic and musical - Haroldo de Campos, with his concept of transcreation, the German critic Günter Lorenz and Rosa himself emphasize and define theories that enrich the work. The literary product that springs from the "traveling Rosa", from his knowledge of many foreign languages and from the confluence of the Cordisburgo oral tradition, is observed. Paul Zumthor's work "Performance, réception, lecture", marks and guides our research in his second act, which weaves the rapprochement between the song-form and Sagarana. In the final act, the work seeks the "musical score" underlying the prose of Guimarães Rosa, governing the diction of the characters, the narrator, the reader. This research presents possible scores and melodies for excerpts from Sagarana. From this analysis, which constructs and deconstructs the literary-musical discourse of moments of the book, the work reveals the music that possibly precedes and incorporates all work with aesthetic and poetic quality and brings the creative process of the songwriter closer to that of the writers / Esta dissertação é leitura-escuta que analisa a presença da canção no fazer literário da prosa de Sagarana, livro de estreia de João Guimarães Rosa. Procura entender como a canção (palavra cantada), gênero híbrido, literário e musical pode contagiar a pena do autor, as vozes de personagens e narradores, e conduzir o corpo da prosa a apresentar matéria estética especial, singular. Em primeiro momento, a pesquisa investiga a biografia de Rosa e as correspondências entre este e seus tradutores, críticos literários e amigos, em busca de citações, revelações e chaves de leitura que soem essencialmente poéticas e musicais – Haroldo de Campos, sua ideia de transcriação literária, o crítico alemão Günter Lorenz e o próprio Rosa sublinham e definem propostas teórico-críticas que fudamentam o trabalho. O produto literário que brota de Rosa vaqueiro e viajante, de seu domínio de idiomas estrangeiros, da confluência da cultura oral de Cordisburgo, das cantigas e aboios dos vaqueiros, é observado, e é refrão presente, em cada capítulo. O trabalho de Paul Zumthor sobre leitura, performance e recepção marca e orienta a pesquisa em seu segundo ato, que tece a aproximação entre a forma-canção e Sagarana. Em ato final, a dissertação busca a "partitura musical" subjacente à prosa rosiana, a reger a dicção dos personagens, do narrador, do leitor, e cria possíveis melodias para trechos da prosa de Sagarana. O projeto constrói e desconstrói o discursoliterário- musical de momentos da obra, forja a estrutura musical no corpo do texto e revela a música que possivelmente antecede e incorpora toda escrita com qualidade estética e poética, aproximando o processo criativo do compositor de canção popular ao do escritor de literatura

文章, 知識與秩序: 清前中期古文的文化史研究 = Writing, knowledge and the order of intellectual world : a cultural history of 'guwen' in China's long eighteenth century. / Writing, knowledge and the order of intellectual world: a cultural history of 'guwen' in China's long eighteenth century / 文章知識與秩序: 清前中期古文的文化史研究 / 清前中期古文的文化史研究 / Wen zhang, zhi shi yu zhi xu: Qing qian zhong qi gu wen de wen hua shi yan jiu = Writing, knowledge and the order of intellectual world : a cultural history of 'guwen' in China's long eighteenth century. / Wen zhang zhi shi yu zhi xu: Qing qian zhong qi gu wen de wen hua shi yan jiu / Qing qian zhong qi gu wen de wen hua shi yan jiu

January 2015 (has links)
「古文」作爲傳統中國士人日常表達和學術著作的主要文體,在思想世界與知識世界中具有重要的地位。然而,除了在文學史研究中討論「知識」對「文章」的重要性,我們似乎很少反過來設問,「文章」對「知識」有何作用?作爲「學問」載體的古文,是否真正介入了這些學術性知識的傳承與變革?基於這一思路,本文希望將對「古文」的研究,置於一更大的社會文化脈絡之中,探討「文章」如何塑造了讀書人的知識視野和學問秩序。 / 文章與知識之間的張力,在古代文學史及思想史上一直存在;然在清代,由於儒家知識主義之興起,此一張力獲得了更爲自覺和充分的展開。本文認爲,從晚明到清初,中國士人的知識視野經歷了一次擴張,而明中期以降博覽求古的「文章」趣味,正是其重要的動力。入清之後,「文」「學」之緊張日益顯現。康熙十七年詔徵博學鴻儒,還是以「詞章」評判「博學」;至乾隆間開經學特科,所重便是「根柢經史」的專門學問;由「博」而「精」,「文」「學」相離。不過,在以「文章」訓練為主的書院教育中,對「古學」的提倡往往還需要借助「古文」之力;同時清人以「著書明道」為理想,考經證史的成績、自身的學術趣味與知識修養,都需要選擇恰當的「著述」體裁以表達之。在編次文集乃至註釋經書之時,不少學者都對其「著作」的方式作出精心的安排,以求體現其學問之系統。「文」與「學」的互動,實又通過另一種形式表現出來。此外,「著書明道」,還可以看作一個以「私言」發明「公道」的實踐,故而「著作」不僅是對公共「知識」的傳遞,更是對個人「性情」的表達。在清中期,「文」與「學」的張力進一步推演出性情與知識關係的重整。「文」「學」離合之間,清代讀書人知識世界的遷變,正有跡可循。 / The concept of ‘wenxue’(文學) in Chinese intellectual tradition philologically consists of two basic elements: belle-lettres (文wen) and learning (學xue). Thus when talking about ‘wenxue’ we are referring to not only a heritage of literature, but also a genealogy of knowledge. This dissertation aims to shed light upon the socio-cultural and epistemic aspects of classical prose(古文 guwen), which is a main genre of classical literature as well as the prevailing form of both practical and scholarly writing in late imperial China. Questions raised in my research include: How were different categories of knowledge ordered and systematized? In what way did the literary taste of intellectuals delimit and displace their epistemological boundaries? And how was the world of knowledge embodied through the compiling of literary anthologies and the writing of scholarly works? / China’s long eighteenth century (1644-1799) witnessed an adequate and self-conscious unfoldment of the perennial tension of literature and knowledge in the shadow of the Confucian intellectualism. The Ming literati’s interests for archaic literature and ancient texts, which lead to a trend of vast learning, herald the expansion of knowledge in late Ming and early Qing. In the 1679 ‘Boxue Hongru’ Examination, literary excellence was still regarded as a crucial criterion for the selection of ‘erudite scholars’. The rise of evidential study, however, intensified the tension between literary talent and scholarly learning. Men of letters were criticized for having no knowledge of the real way of learning, although they had copious knowledge of classical literature. The curiosity for erudition and was regulated, if not replaced by the pursuit of philological study on the Confucian classics. In spite of such idealistic divergence of ‘literati’ and ‘scholar’, literary writing played a significant role in the propagation and expression of scholarship. On one hand, study on Confucian classics and ancient history was advocated in local academies(shuyuan 書院) through the training of prose writing. On the other hand, scholars had to be very concerned about choosing the appropriate genre or the most refined textual form to lucubrate their academic work. Furthermore, debates on the proper form of academic writing made special contribution to the revival of subjectivism in the realm of academic studies. From my perspective, the interaction of ‘wen’ and ‘xue’ played a decisive role in shaping the trajectory of both literary and academic history of late imperial China. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 胡琦. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 540-551). / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Hu Qi.

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