Spelling suggestions: "subject:"prototyping"" "subject:"rototyping""
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Importância do uso de mock-ups e de técnicas de prototipagem e ferramental rápido no processo de desenvolvimento de produto na indústria automotiva. / Importance of mok-ups and techniques of prototype and rapid tooling application on the process of product development in automotive industry.Macarrão Junior, Leonardo 20 December 2004 (has links)
O Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produto (PDP) é um processo caro para qualquer empresa, pois são utilizadas muitas horas de mão de obra especializada. Nesta fase são encontrados muitos problemas, dificuldades ou oportunidades de melhoria. Quanto mais cedo forem detectadas estas necessidades, menos onerosas serão as alterações, necessárias para que o produto ou o processo de fabricação em série esteja dentro do planejamento da empresa, considerando prazo, custo, qualidade e design. Este trabalho mostra como a utilização de modelos físicos preliminares - mock-ups e prototipagem rápida podem facilitar o PDP. Suas características principais são reduzir o prazo, identificar precocemente os problemas de projeto, de montagem e também as dificuldades do processo de fabricação. Assim são evitados os altos custos na correção de um eventual problema em uma fase adiantada do projeto, próximo ao início de produção. Muitas vezes o PDP requer várias unidades de uma mesma peça protótipo. Por este motivo, outro aspecto abordado neste trabalho é a utilização de ferramental rápido, que reduz o tempo de fabricação e o custo por unidade protótipo fabricada, permitindo que o produto seja desenvolvido e analisado de uma forma confiável e consistente. É mostrado como o investimento no uso de prototipagem rápida e de ferramental rápido, que é relativamente alto, reduz o risco de encontrar surpresas no início da produção. Desta forma, são apresentados alguns processos de fabricação demock-ups, de prototipagem rápida e de ferramental rápido, acessíveis à maior parte das empresas e aplicáveis não só à indústria automobilística, mas também a outros tipos de indústria. / The Product Development Process (PDP) is an expensive process to any company, because many specialized manpower are required. In this phase, many problems and difficulties are faced but also improvement opportunities are identified. As soon as these requirements are being detected, less onerous these changes will be effective, in order to the serial fabrication process be according to the company planning, considering lead time, cost, quality and design. This job shows how the mock-ups and rapid prototyping utilization make the PDP easily. Their main characteristics are reducing the lead-time, previously identification of the project and assembly problems, and also the process fabrication troubles. This way, high correction costs are avoided in eventual problems in an advanced project phase, next to the start of production. Many times the PDP requires several units of the same prototype part. Due to this reason, another mentioned issue in this job is the rapid tooling utilization, which can reduce the fabrication time and the cost per fabricated prototype unit, also allowing to the product be developed and analyzed in a trusty and consistent way. It is shown how the rapid prototyping and rapid tooling investment, that is relatively high, can reduce the risk to face any surprise in the start of production. This way, some mock-up fabrication, rapid prototyping and rapid tooling processes are presented, which is accessible to most of companies and are applicablenot only to automobile industry but to the other kinds of companies too.
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Estudo comparativo de protocolos tomográficos na aquisição das imagens para confecção de modelos de prototipagem / Comparative study of the tomographic protocols for making model prototypeLima Moreno, Jorge Javier de January 2013 (has links)
A especialidade de Prótese Buco-Maxilo-Facial é responsável por reconstruções complexas da face e do crânio. Entretanto, com a utilização de impressões convencionais, é difícil se alcançar uma adequada adaptação clínica para a reabilitação do paciente. Assim, algumas vêzes, faz-se necessária a obtenção de modelos tridimensionais (3D) que reproduzam a realidade clínica. O objetivo deste estudo é comparar os protótipos obtidos com diferentes protocolos de aquisição de imagem provenientes de distintos aparelhos de tomografia computadorizada com relação à rugosidade superficial, área reconstruída e dose de exposição gerada, procurando estabelecer o mais adequado para a confecção de protótipos de crânio. Para isso, nove protótipos de um fragmento craniofacial seco foram confeccionados. A comparação entre os protótipos quanto à lisura superficial e à área reconstruída foi realizada por meio da Análise de Variância (ANOVA). Nos casos em que a avaliação indicou diferença significativa, foi aplicado como complemento o Teste de Comparações Múltiplas de Tukey. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Em relação à análise de rugosidade as diferenças encontradas não demonstraram correlação com a área reconstruída. Já em relação aos diferentes protocolos, diferenças significativas foram observadas nos protótipos com respeito à área reconstruída e dose de radiação gerada. Pode-se concluir, frente aos resultados encontrados, que as imagens geradas pelos tomógrafos de feixe cônico e feixe em leque, utilizando os protocolos com as resoluções máximas estudadas, estão indicadas para a confecção de protótipos. Contudo, o que deve nortear a seleção do melhor protocolo tomográfico deve ser o propósito da indicação clínica correlacionado com o princípio ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable). / Oral-maxillo-facial prosthodontics is the study of complex face and skull reconstructions. In view of the insufficient degree of adjustment of conventional impression to enable proper clinical rehabilitation, among other reasons, practitioners increasingly resort to 3D models that accurately reproduce the clinical reality. The aim of this study is to determine the optimal selection of imaging device and protocol for use in skull prototyping. The surface roughness and reconstructed area of nine prototypes obtained from a dried craniofacial specimen using different image acquisition protocols and CT devices were measured, in addition to measurements of the radiation dose potentially received by the patient. ANOVA of the surface roughness, reconstructed area and radiation dose data enabled statistical comparisons among the prototypes. Where significant differences were found, Tukey’s multiple-comparison test was conducted, using a significance level of 5%. No correlation was found between surface roughness and reconstructed area. However, significant differences in reconstructed area and radiation dose were found among the different protocols. These results support the use of images generated by CBCT or fan beam CT for the construction of prototypes, using the protocols with the highest resolution. Nevertheless, the selection of the most appropriate TC protocol should be based on the particular clinical indication along with the ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) principle.
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The Impact of a Brief Design Thinking Intervention on Students’ Design Knowledge, Iterative Dispositions, and Attitudes Towards FailureMarks, Jenna January 2017 (has links)
This research explores the benefits of teaching design thinking to middle school students. The design thinking process, with its emphasis on iterative rapid prototyping, portrayal of mistakes as learning opportunities, and mantra of “fail early and often” stands in stark contrast with the typical high-stakes, failure-averse culture of the classroom. Educators laud the process as a way to teach integrative STEM curriculum, foster 21st century skills, and engage students in constructivist learning. However, few studies have examined the potential motivational benefits for K-12 students who learn design thinking. Therefore, the present research explored if design thinking instruction could reframe how students perceived failures and teach them to iterate, or “try again,” as they engaged with complex problems.
In two quasi-experimental studies, with 78 and 89 students respectively, I investigated the effectiveness of a brief intervention, intended to teach a critical component of design thinking – the iterative process of design – and its unique philosophy surrounding failure, whereby mistakes are natural and expected learning opportunities as students work towards increasingly better solutions to ill-defined problems. Students in an iterative design mindset condition (Mindset) learned about iterative rapid prototyping, employed the process on two different design challenges with embedded reflections, and developed brochures about design thinking. In a comparison STEM-focused condition (STEM), students participated in an analogous intervention focused on the importance of using science and math in design. Results from both studies indicated that Mindset students learned the philosophy and process of iterative rapid prototyping from the brief intervention and were able to transfer the process to a target design task. Furthermore, results confirmed a performance benefit to iterating early and often. Moreover, Study 2 results suggested that students in the Mindset condition developed more adaptive attitudes to failure, compared to students in the STEM condition. These studies provide compelling evidence that design thinking education has the potential to instill persistence in the face of ill-defined problems, reframe failure, and improve task performance for middle school students. This work also presents a model for evaluating the design thinking process using quasi-experimental studies and quantitative methods.
This dissertation consists of a brief summary of relevant literature and two journal-style articles. First, I define design thinking and explain how iterative rapid prototyping connects to key motivational constructs in the classroom, ultimately resulting in improved engagement and performance. Next, a design case describes the final intervention used in Study 2 and notes the ways in which the learning sciences literature and the iterative development process informed its design. I consider trade-offs in the effort to develop curriculum for a research study and detail lessons learned along the way. Subsequently, an empirical chapter presents two studies of the design thinking intervention. I end by considering the implications of this body of research and suggest future directions for researchers interested in bringing design thinking into the classroom.
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Wear-quantification of textured geomembranes using digital imaging analysisZaharescu, Catalin A. January 2018 (has links)
During the past decades there has been an increase in the use of geosynthetics in construction due to their versatility in providing a wide array of functions such as reinforcement, containment, separation, filtration and drainage. Often, geosynthetics are used in conjunction with other geosynthetics to accomplish these functions. However, geosynthetics create possible planes of weakness which can lead to failures. Textured geomembranes are widely used within landfill and mining industries due to their containment and shear strength properties, however, there are subjected to a wide array of loads and environments which are potentially hazardous, as such is of utmost importance to retain their integrity in order to avoid ecological disasters. The challenge is to understand how geomembranes resist damage, wear and which of these factors control the development of wear on textured geomembranes. Digital imaging techniques have been used in order to develop a protocol that describes the quantification of wear on textured structured geomembranes. Direct shear tests were performed to induce wear on the geomembrane textures (asperities) to analyse the wear mechanisms and study the factors that induce wear on the asperities. The research showed that normal stress and shear displacement have a major role in the development of wear on interfaces. However, the geometrical characteristics of the geomembrane asperities control the amount of wear the geomembrane can sustain without significant shear strength loss. These outcomes help to better understand the behaviour of interfaces which have as component geomembranes, leading to more robust designs. This study also proposed new asperity texture shapes by using Rapid Prototyping (RP) techniques, such as Selective Laser Sintering and Fused Filament Fabrication. Using RP techniques to create new textures for the geomembrane, could allow the creation of textures which have increased shear strength thresholds and better withstand wear, allowing for more advanced and economical designs.
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Prototyping the exhibition : a practice-led investigation into the framing and communication of design as a process of innovationBletcher, Joanna January 2016 (has links)
A challenge ignited the research outlined in this thesis. Design is increasingly being framed (across academia and industry) as an integral method and strategy for social, cultural and economic innovation. How is this value to be communicated within the museum context, which is more commonly rooted in an object-centric tradition? Temporary exhibitions are a primary means of communication and engagement for museums. The presentation of contemporary design has followed traditions of display stemming from fine art practices, as well being influenced by those in commercial environments. Consequently the thesis argues that there is a prevailing tendency to display the outcomes of design activity, to celebrate aesthetics and functionality, and to concentrate on the personality and talent of the designer. A key concern underpinning this research is that many museum design exhibitions arguably struggle to reveal the complexity of design activity: the intellectual and material processes driving innovation. This arguably risks limiting broader interpretation, and stifles the opportunity to extend audience understanding of design. The aim of this thesis is to question and explore key concepts that constitute the communication and exhibition of design in the museum. Design, innovation, curating, exhibition, audience: in the dynamic, transitioning contexts of design and the museum, all concepts must be scrutinized. In order to navigate this territory, a core method of design inquiry is adopted: prototyping. In this research, prototyping actively puts concepts to work through a dialectical investigation. This involves actively engaging in design to examine the concepts of curatorial practice, the exhibition, and innovation, whilst concurrently exploring concepts of design and innovation through the process of curating exhibitions. This dual-focussed research approach that has been developed, can be described as a hermeneutic, practice-led methodology. Hermeneutics supports a belief in contextually situated, practical action as a basis for developing understanding and knowledge (Bolt, 2011; Heidegger, 1962). The method of exhibition-making is framed and employed as a practical prototyping process: curating exhibitions in order to reflect on the construction of design narratives from within. Prototyping becomes a way to reflexively explore, analyse and question the practice of framing, mediating and communicating design as innovation. Three iterative practical projects act as case studies for the thesis, situated in three concrete contexts: the industry sponsor – V&A Museum of Design Dundee; design in Higher Education; and a national innovation festival. Each can be seen as the exploration and delineation of a design space (Heape, 2007), with all three forming part of the wider design space that is the thesis as a whole. Through reflecting on the acts of evaluating, selecting, editing, juxtaposing, connecting, framing and presenting design practice through exhibition, the research has formulated a curatorial strategy that aims at attending to the complex nature, changing priorities and values of particular design contexts. The thesis names this approach ‘the constellation’: adapting this term from the work of critical theorist Theodor Adorno (1973). The constellation takes the form of a series of visualisations that draw on, combine and develop research on design theory, design processes, and prototyping, by a number of key design researchers (e.g. Buchanan, 1998, 1995a; Dorst, 2015a, 2008; Heape, 2007; Lim et al., 2008; Sanders and Stappers, 2014, 2008). Operating at two levels, the constellation is the manifestation of the reflexive research process, illuminating both design and curatorial practice. It makes an original contribution to knowledge in two ways: firstly as the visual delineation of a prototype curatorial strategy for researching, framing and communicating narratives of design; secondly it offers a conceptualisation of concept development in design practice, shown as the continuous exploration of a design space. This articulates how prototyping, as a key design method, can encourage innovation through the exploration and analysis of concepts at varying levels of detail, with the aim of developing new perspectives. This thesis also makes an original contribution on a methodological level by extending the practice and discourse of prototyping to the method of exhibition, framing it as a strategy for innovation in design research. This adds to current discourse surrounding practice-led research within art and design. It also contributes to nascent discourse in relation to curatorial practice for design, and the growing interest in the specificities of design curation, in the context of the museum.
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3D-Pulverdruck von Zellkulturträgern mit Magnesium-Phosphat-Chemie / 3d powder printing of scaffolds with a magnesium phosphate chemistryFuchs, Andreas Rudolf January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden erstmals im 3D-Pulerdruckverfahren hergestellte Struvit-Matrizes auf ihre Eignung als Trägermaterial für Knochenzellen in vitro untersucht. Hierzu wurde die Zytokompatibilität sowie die chemische Löslichkeit von gedruckten Struvit-Strukturen betrachtet. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde untersucht, ob die biologische Funktion von BMP-2-Lösungen nach Durchlaufen des Druckprozesses erhalten bleibt und ob es möglich ist, BMP-2 unter Beibehaltung seiner biologischen Wirksamkeit direkt in Struvit-Matrizes zu drucken. Als Reaktanten zur Herstellung der Struvit-Matrizes wurde modifiziertes Farringtonit-Pulver mit definierter Körnung und eine äquimolare Binder-Lösung aus DAHP und ADHP verwendet. Die untersuchten Zellkulturträger mit Magnesiumammoniumphosphatchemie zeigten eine ausreichende Zytokompatibilität in vitro. Außerdem wurde gezeigt, dass thermolabile Proteine wie BMP-2 im 3D-Pulverdruckverfahren unter weitgehender Beibehaltung ihrer biologischen Wirksamkeit in vitro grundsätzlich prozessierbar sind. Die Freisetzung direkt eingedruckter Proteine aus den Struvit-Matrizes blieb jedoch hinter den Erwartungen zurück. Mit Struvit steht ein alternatives Zementsystem für den 3D-Pulverdruck zur Verfügung, welches spezifische Vorteile gegenüber den etablierten Calciumphosphaten bietet. Weitere Untersuchungen sind erforderlich, um die Ursache für die geringe BMP-Freisetzung aus den Struvit-Matrizes zu ermitteln und die Vorteile der neutralen Abbindereaktion voll nutzen zu können. / The purpose of the present study was the investigation of 3d powder printed struvite-scaffolds as a carrier material for osteoblastic cells in vitro. For this purpose, their cytocompatibility and their chemical solubility were observed. In a second step we analysed, if BMP-2 could pass through the whole printing process without losing its biological function and furthermore if it is possible to print BMP-2 directly into struvite-scaffolds without a significant loss of biological activity. As reactants for the fabrication of the struvite-scaffolds, we used a modified farringtonite-powder and a binder solution consisting of an equimolar mixture of DAHP and ADHP. The investigated struvite-scaffolds showed a sufficient cytocompatibility. It was also shown, that thermolabile proteins, such as BMP-2, could be processed in 3d powder printing without losing much of their biological activity in vitro. The release of directly imprinted proteins out of the struvite scaffolds remained unsatisfying. Struvite is an alternative hydraulic-setting cement for 3d powder printing with certain advantages over the established calcium phosphate cements. Further investigations are necessary to identify the reasons for the low BMP-release out of the struvite-scaffolds and to take full advantage of the neutral setting reaction of struvite-cements.
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Feasibility study of selective laser sintering of biopolymer scaffolds for tissue engineeringLee, Siu-hang, Sherman, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M. Phil.)--University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Title proper from title frame. Also available in printed format.
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Accuracy Analysis and Improvement for Direct Laser SinteringTang, Y., Loh, Han Tong, Fuh, J.-Y.-H., Wong, Yeow Sheong, Lu, L., Ning, Y., Wang, X. 01 1900 (has links)
The accuracy issue of a rapid prototyping-direct laser sintering system is studied in this paper. The sources of errors are analyzed for their contribution to the final accuracy of built parts. The error sources are related to the hardware and software of the machine, the materials and the process. Special measures were exploited to improve the accuracy of the direct laser sintering system and process. For the errors caused by hardware like laser scanner, compensation by software was developed to correct the errors resulting from galvano-mirrors and F-θ lens. A compensation function mode was added to the slicing software to compensate the errors caused by material shrinkage and laser beam offset. Based on the analysis and improvement, a desired accuracy of 0.2mm has been achieved for the direct laser sintering system, which was verified by experiments. / Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)
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Daytime veiling glare in automobiles caused by dashboard reflectanceDunsäter, Andreas, Andersson, Marcus January 2008 (has links)
Veiling glare has always existed in cars, but during the last years it has been brought up as a big problem. One reason is that glossier materials are being used in car interior design. Another reason is that the customers who buy the cars are getting more quality conscious. They demand to get top quality for the high price that they pay for a car, and veiling glare problems could be regarded as “low quality”. Veiling glare is when light hits the car interior and reflects into the windshield, causing mirror-like images in the windshield (ghost images). This can impair the driving experience in two ways. It can lower the contrast of the road scene and it may be a cluttering for the driver. This work handles daytime veiling glare from dashboard reflectance. The purpose was to investigate the area and to see if Saab can avoid the problem with veiling glare by using virtual prototyping (see chapter 3.3.1). This has been done by examining if the light simulation software Speos can be used to simulate and predict veiling glare, and thereby be used as a tool for better design. Key words: Veiling glare, dashboard, windshield, Speos, virtual prototyping.
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Modell för navigering i Scania Multis digitala verkstadshandbokAdelmar, Catrine January 2008 (has links)
Problem Funktioner i tunga fordon går allt mer från att vara mekaniska till att styras med hjälp av elektroniska signaler. För att förstå hur komponenter och system fungerar och ska repareras har mekanikerna Verkstadshandboken till sin hjälp. Från tryckt media har Verkstadshandboken övergått till digital publicering i visningsprodukten Scania Multi. Scania Multi var inledningsvis ett program för reservdelsinformation och har en navigeringsstruktur som är anpassad efter komponenternas placering på fordonet. Det är inte logiskt att hitta information om hur system och komponenter fungerar och ska lagas när man följer en navigeringsstruktur som från början är avsedd för reservdelar, det märks. Mekanikerna som använder Verkstadshandboken i Scania Multi har klagat över att information för reparationer och funktionsbeskrivningar inte finns. Ofta visar det sig att informationen faktiskt finns där men har varit svår att hitta. Metod Vilka risker och hinder finns det som påverkar om man vill eller orkar ta del av information? Olika signaler från vår omgivning påverkar våra val och beteenden och avgör om ett budskap når fram eller inte. Signalerna inverkar alltså på de val vi gör när vi ställs inför en ny situation. För att budskapet ska nå ända fram måste signalen vara rätt, ren och stark. Inom området informationsarkitektur pratar man om hur olika sorters design påverkar våra val och handlingar när vi ska interagera med ett digitalt informationsmaterial. Här pratar man om grafisk, informations- och interaktionsdesign. Jag har kopplat de olika typerna av design med de tre olika signalerna. Utifrån resonemanget om att rätt, ren och stark signal kan jämställas med informationsarkitekturens olika sorters design, gjorde jag en prototyp. Prototypens informationsdesign bygger på att jag har använt och strukturerat informationen med hjälp av den del i ISO standarden STEP som kallas Product Life Cycle Support. När jag sorterade informationen inom de olika avdelningarna använde jag mig av Information Mapping metoden. Prototypen har en fysisk och en funktionell vy som ska stödja mekanikernas behov när de använder Verkstadshandboken. För att ta reda på hur signalerna i prototypen fungerade testade jag den på sju yrkesverksamma mekaniker. Användningstestet byggde på två scenarion med tillhörande uppgifter där syftet var att få återkoppling på prototypens design och hitta förbättringspunkter. Slutsats Användningstesterna fokuserade framförallt på prototypens informationsdesign men berörde även prototypens grafiska design och gav vägledning om interaktionsdesignen var på rätt väg. Med hjälp av användningstesterna kunde jag analysera resultatet för att se vad som borde förbättras. Eftersom mekaniker inte har fått vara med och kravställa designen fick de interagera med en produkt som inte var optimal för deras behov. Mekanikerna är vana vid strukturen i nuvarande Verkstadshandboken i Scania Multi. Den nya strukturen tar hänsyn till fordonets funktionalitet på ett sätt som inte presenteras i dagens system. Det var fyra avsnitt där mekanikernas återkoppling på prototypens design var extra tydlig: - Det var svårt att se knappar och klickbara länkar. - Designen uppfattades som rörig. - När man väl hade förstått informationsdesignen var det lätt att se att den skulle kunna vara till stor hjälp vid exempelvis felsökning. - Uppdelningen av informationen upplevdes positivt när man hade vant sig vid de olika vyerna.
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