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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resilience in aging a concept development. / AnÃlise e desenvolvimento do conceito de resiliÃncia no envelhecimento

Edmara Teixeira Oliveira 29 January 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / A resiliÃncia surge como mecanismo facilitador do processo de desenvolvimento humano. Representa um tipo de plasticidade que pode ser traduzida como o potencial de mudanÃa do indivÃduo e sua flexibilidade e resistÃncia para lidar com desafios e exigÃncias. O estudo da resiliÃncia à recente, mas, de uma forma geral, os estudos tÃm tentado compreender o papel desta na infÃncia e na adolescÃncia. Diante desse cenÃrio, surge a necessidade de conhecer como se constitui o fenÃmeno da resiliÃncia no idoso uma vez que o seu esclarecimento representa um ganho para a melhor compreensÃo e promoÃÃo do tema na atenÃÃo gerontolÃgica. O estudo buscou analisar e desenvolver o conceito de resiliÃncia no envelhecimento, tendo como objetivo elaborar uma estrutura conceitual com base em anÃlise teÃrica e empÃrica dos atributos, antecedentes e consequentes do fenÃmeno. Como mÃtodo de construÃÃo utilizou-se o modelo hÃbrido de anÃlise conceitual proposto por Swartz-Barcott e Kim (2000). A anÃlise da literatura (fase teÃrica) e das entrevistas com idosos e profissionais (fase de campo) permitiu a maior compreensÃo da manifestaÃÃo do fenÃmeno nos diversos cenÃrios em que o idoso està inserido e a apresentaÃÃo de uma estrutura conceitual que de forma sucinta pretende esclarecer o tema preenchendo as lacunas das definiÃÃes encontradas na literatura. Os antecedentes observados nas duas fases do estudo demonstram que a resiliÃncia no envelhecimento està relacionada diretamente com o apoio social e a experiÃncia acumulada na superaÃÃo de adversidades. Quanto aos atributos do conceito destacam-se a melhor adaptaÃÃo as adversidades, otimismo, aceitaÃÃo dos prÃprios limites e da idade alÃm de forÃa de vontade, autoestima e autonomia. Por fim, os consequentes observados como longevidade com qualidade de vida; comportamento de busca de saÃde; bem-estar psicolÃgico e saÃde mental; bom humor; estilo de vida saudÃvel; aceitaÃÃo do envelhecimento; enquadramento na sociedade, respeito e receptividade alÃm de um envelhecimento ativo e saudÃvel demonstram os benefÃcios que advÃm da manutenÃÃo de comportamentos resilientes pelo idoso. O conceito mostrou-se aplicÃvel e relevante para a enfermagem. Os profissionais da saÃde entre eles o enfermeiro podem utilizar o conceito como uma ferramenta facilitadora da atenÃÃo à pessoa idosa. Um dos principais resultados do estudo mesmo que em pequena escala à a possibilidade de tornar-se um meio de divulgaÃÃo do conceito de resiliÃncia no envelhecimento. Poderà ser fonte de pesquisa para aqueles que desejarem conhecer o conceito e desenvolver intervenÃÃes direcionadas a esta populaÃÃo alÃm de estimular o desenvolvimento de outros estudos acerca da temÃtica.

Vyresnio amžiaus žmonių teigiamų emocijų ir kūrybiškumo ryšys su psichologiniu atsparumu / The Relationship of Positive Emotions and Creative with the Psychological Resistance of Elderly

Lučinskienė, Diana 29 January 2013 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti teigiamų emocijų ir kūrybiškumo ryšį su vyresnio amžiaus žmonių psichologiniu atsparumu. Tyrime dalyvavo 200 vyresnio amžiaus žmonių (118 moterų ir 82 vyrai). Tiriamųjų amžius nuo 40 metų iki 61 ir daugiau. Siekiant atskleisti vyresnio amžiaus žmonių patiriamas emocijas buvo taikytas Fredrikson, Losada (2005) klausimynas apie patiriamas teigiamas ir neigiamas emocijas - (angl. Positive Affect and the Complex Dynamics of Human Flourishing). Kūrybiškumui matuoti buvo naudojamas Hocevar (1980) Kūrybinės veiklos klausimynas (angl. Creative Behavior Inventory), tyrime naudojamos keturios skalės: literatūros, muzikos, rankdarbių bei bendras šių trijų skalių kūrybiškumas. Psichologiniam atsparumui matuoti buvo pasirinkta Wagnild ir Young Atsparumo skalė, kurią į lietuvių klabą išvertė A. Pranckevičienė, R. Pakrosnis, V. Čepukienė (2006 ), tyrime naudojamos trys skalės: pasitikėjimas savimi, prasmės suvokimas/drąsa priimti iššūkius bei bendras šių dviejų skalių psichologinis atsparumas. Tyrimo rezultatų analizė rodo, kad vyrai ir moterys pasižymi panašiu bendru psichologiniu atsparumu, pasitikėjimu savimi bei prasmės suvokimas/drąsa priimti iššūkius. Taip pat atskleista, kad vyrai ir moterys patiria panašiai teigiamų emocijų. Kalbant apie kūrybiškumą, nustatyta, kad moterys pasižymi didesniu literatūriniu, rankdarbių darymo bei bendru kūrybiškumu, palyginus su vyrais. Rezultatai rodo, kad kuo vyresnio amžiaus žmonės intensyviau patiria teigiamas emocijas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim - to identify the relationship of positive emotions and creative with the psychological resilience of elderly. The study included 200 (118 females and 82 males) older people. The age of from study participants are 40 years to 61 or more. In order to reveal the elderly experienced emotions were applied Fredrikson, Losada (2005) questionnaire on experienced positive and negative emotions (Positive Affect and the Complex Dynamics of Human Flourishing). To measure the creativity, was used Hocevar (1980) Creative Behavior Inventory, four scales used in the study: literature, music, handicrafts, overall creativity. To measure the psychological resilience was chosen Wagnild and Young psychological resilience scale, which is translated into the Lithuanian language by A. Pranckevičienė, R. Pakrosnis, V. Čepukienė (2006), the study used three scales: the overall resilience, self-confidence, the meaning perception / courage to accept the challenge. Analysis of the results shows that men and women have similar total psychological resilience, self-confidence and the meaning perception/courage to accept the challenge. It is also revealed that men and women experiencing positive emotions in a similar. As for creativity, found that women have a higher creativity in literature, handicrafts and overall creativity, compared with men, and musical creativity does not have differ between men and women. The results show that when elderly experience more positive emotions, that their overall... [to full text]

Darbuotojų psichologinio atsparumo sąsajos su vadovavimo stiliumi / Links between employee psychological resilience and style of leadership

Narutavičienė, Simona 26 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjamas darbuotojų psichologinis atsparumas ir jo ryšys su vadovavimo stiliumi. Psichologinis atsparumas yra gebėjimas, leidžiantis asmeniui net ir nepalankiomis sąlygomis išlaikyti sveiką, kompetentingą asmenybę bei efektyviai spręsti nepalankias, stresines situacijas. Kalbant apie vadovavimo stilius, psichologinis atsparumas neretai siejamas su autentiška lyderyste, kuri apibūdinama atvirumu, altruistiniais veiksmais, elgesio nuoseklumu ir kuri skatina teigiamas psichologines kompetencijas bei kuria pozityvų, etišką, palaikantį klimatą. Pastebėta, kad autentiškas lyderis teigiamai įtakoja darbuotojų psichologinę gerovę, todėl darbuotojų psichologinio atsparumo ir autentiškos lyderystės sąsajų analizė yra labai svarbi. Šio tyrimo tikslas - išanalizuoti darbuotojų psichologinio atsparumo sąsajas su autentiškos lyderystės rodikliais. Tikslui pasiekti taikėme Psichologinio atsparumo skalę, Autentiškos lyderystės klausimyną bei Stresinių situacijų ir vadovo pagalbos vertinimo anketą. Tyrime dalyvavo 111 darbuotojų, kurių amžius nuo 22 metų iki 52 metų. Duomenų analizei taikyta Pearson koreliacija, Stjudento t kriterijus, Chi-kvadrato kriterijus ir tiesinės regresijos modelis. Rezultatai atskleidė, kad vienas penktadalis darbuotojų pasižymi žemu psichologiniu atsparumu, likusieji – aukštu. Paaiškėjo, kad darbuotojų psichologinis atsparumas teigiamai susijęs su vadovo pagalbos dažniu ir pagalbos efektyvumu sprendžiant stresines situacijas: kuo dažniau darbuotojas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Links between employee psychological resilience and style of leadership are examined in this master’s thesis. Psychological resilience means capability to maintain healthy and competent personality despite negative circumstances and effectively cope with adverse and stressful situations. Speaking about leadership styles, psychological resilience usually is associated with authentic leadership, which involves transparency, altruistic actions, and behavioral consistency. Authentic leader fosters positive psychological capacities and develops positive, ethical and supportive context in organization. Taking into consideration that authentic leader positively influences employee psychological well-being, it is very important to evaluate links between employee psychological resilience and authentic leadership. The aim of this study is to analyze links between employee psychological resilience and authentic leadership. Psychological resilience scale, Authentic leadership questionnaire and Questionnaire, assessing stressful situations and manager support, were used to achieve this goal. 111 employees, aged from 22 to 52, participated in this study. Data analysis was based on T- Test, Pearson correlation, Chi-Square Test and Linear Regression. Results indicated, that one fifth of employees have low level of psychological resilience, others – high level. Employees’ psychological resilience is positively related with the frequency of manager’s help and effectiveness of this help: the... [to full text]

Understanding psychological implications affecting children of differing Body Mass Index

Shearer, Clare Anne January 2014 (has links)
Objectives: This thesis aims to further our understanding in relation to childhood obesity and associated psychological difficulties. Design: The systematic review aimed to investigate the relationship between childhood psychological functioning in overweight and obese children and parental mental health difficulties. The empirical study aimed to examine possible relationships between Body Mass Index (BMI), self-esteem, quality of life and resilience, in order to determine any factors which may protect against the negative psychological consequences of obesity. Methods: A systematic review was completed using a comprehensive literature search of relevant databases to identify studies examining the relationship between childhood psychological functioning in children who were deemed overweight or obese and parental mental health difficulties. In the empirical study children of a variety of differing Body Mass Indexes (BMI) were asked to complete measures of quality of life, resilience and self-esteem. Correlation analyses were carried out to determine any relationships between BMI, quality of life, resilience and self-esteem. Moderation analyses were then completed to examine whether resilience moderates the relationship between BMI and quality of life or between BMI and self-esteem. Results: Ten studies met inclusion criteria for the systematic review. Although the reviews appeared to indicate a significant relationship between parental mental health and childhood psychological functioning, the studies were predominantly of average or low methodological quality, weakening any conclusions drawn. Results of the empirical study indicated significant correlations between resilience and quality of life and resilience and self-esteem. BMI was not found to significantly correlate with any other factors. Further moderation analyses indicated no moderating effect for resilience. The lack of association between BMI and either quality of life or self-esteem may in part be because most children who took part were of normal weight. Conclusions: Interventions targeting childhood overweight/obesity and their psychological effects may need to take into account wider psychosocial factors including parenting and positive factors which may protect against the negative psychological effects of obesity. However, further research is needed, particularly in relation to resilience.

Characteristics of life stress experienced prior to the diagnosis of ovarian cancer: Differential effects on psychosocial functioning and the role of protective resources

Davis, Lauren Zagorski 01 August 2017 (has links)
Little research has examined the effect of non-cancer life stressors on psychological well-being and recurrence in patients with cancer, and results have been mixed. Furthermore, no studies have examined specific types of stress, including loss, danger, and entrapment in patients with cancer, utilizing data obtained from the Life Events and Difficulties Schedule. Given that specifics stressors have been associated with certain psychological responses, this study sought to obtain a more nuanced understanding of the relationship between life stress and psychological well-being. This was examined in a sample of 135 women with ovarian cancer prior to surgery and during the year after diagnosis using latent growth curve analyses. Models of protective psychosocial resources examining social support, mastery, self-acceptance, and purpose in life as potential moderators and mediators of the relationship between life stress and psychosocial outcomes were also evaluated. Results indicated that cancer-related losses were most closely associated with psychological well-being across several analyses, and non-cancer losses had the greatest impact on psychological outcomes when cancer-related loss was low. Non-cancer losses were significantly related to greater fatigue prior to surgery. Additionally, major non-cancer danger stressors were associated with greater distress prior to surgery. In this sample, no stressors were significantly related to cancer recurrence. Social support was the most consistent moderator of life stress on psychological well-being, and its effects on distress and depression at baseline were mediated through self-acceptance. These findings highlight the importance of both cancer- and non-cancer-related stressors on psychological wellbeing among cancer patients in their first year following surgery and furthers our understanding of the role of protective psychosocial factors. This study has significant implications for distress screenings in patients with cancer, psychological interventions, and future research.

Exploring the Relationship between Task Accomplishment, Affect, and Employee Resources

Gabriel, Allison S. 19 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Dare to Laugh? Examining Mechanisms of Resilience through a Self-Determination Perspective

Seidel, Laura 16 January 2024 (has links)
Is resilience effortlessly innate or is it an acquired skill developed through the endless battle between thriving and self-destruction? The first goal of the present research is to identify mechanisms of resilience. The second goal of the research is to identify mechanisms of resilience, solidifying and expanding upon previously identified mechanisms and examining novel mechanisms. The third goal is to clarify the resilience process as a whole by examining the order of mechanisms that individuals use to foster their resilience within the workplace. It is hypothesized that (1) Autonomous motivation will be the primary foundational mechanism of resilience; (2) Emotional intelligence, challenge appraisals, positive humour and risk-taking will be important mechanisms of resilience and mediate the relationship between autonomous motivation and resilience; (3) The order of mediators will be important in the process of developing resilience; (4) Emotional intelligence will precede challenge appraisals, and risk-taking will precede positive humour. This research project is comprised of 5 studies. Studies 1-4 use linear and multiple regressions to conduct multiple mediation models to evaluate and examine mechanisms of resilience. Study 5 uses a deductive content-analysis approach to analyze qualitative data, to help better understand the nuances of resilience that quantitative data cannot illustrate. Resilience research has many discrepancies relating to its process and mechanisms thus, this research project offers important potential fundamental contributions. By identifying and solidifying mechanisms of resilience, training, counseling, and education will be better informed to have greater success in fostering resilience within individuals and across contexts.

Teaching Resilience in Pacific Islander Children through Culturally Adapted Stories

Hull, Isabel Medina 07 June 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This study investigated the efficacy of culturally adapted bibliotherapy in promoting resilience among American Samoan children aged 5-13 years in response to high adolescent suicide rates in the Pacific Islands and the need for culturally adapted and supportive interventions grounded in mental health wellness. Bibliotherapy, particularly the identification with story characters, has been recognized for bolstering mental wellness, resilience, and emotional regulation in children. In this research, the children's response to bibliotherapy was measured through card sorting and forced-choice exercises, assessing their engagement with literature mirroring their experiences. The materials were developed in collaboration with Samoan cultural brokers on island to ensure cultural relevance, focusing on emotions commonly faced by children, such as sadness, anger, and fear, within the context of school bullying and the grief of losing a loved one. Findings suggest that the adapted stories significantly aided the children in relating to the characters and their challenges, demonstrating that culturally sensitive bibliotherapy may be a promising approach for reinforcing resilience in Pacific Islander communities. The study concludes with a discussion on the practical applications of these findings.

Die verband tussen sosiale ondersteuning en selfkonsep in die middelkindertydperk / Anna Sophia Elizabeth (Ansonet) van Heerden

Van Heerden, Anna Sophia Elizabeth January 2004 (has links)
This study is a subdivision of an inter-university research project to investigate the psychological resilience of children in the late middle childhood years. The title of the umbrella project is Psychological resilience in children in the South African context. The aim of this study was to determine whether a relationship exists between social support and self-concept, as well as to establish whether gender differences occur with regard to the experience of social support and the evaluation of self-concept. Schools in different regions were identified in order to make the sample as large and the study as representative as possible of the different provinces, racial and language groups in South Africa. The children in the samples were randomly selected from class lists. The complete test battery was subsequently administered to these children. For the purpose of this study only the Piers-Harris Children's Self-concept Scale, the Social Support Appraisal Scale and the Biographical Questionnaire were used. Due to practical problems, the final figures of the samples varied between 549 and 918 participants. The processing of the data was done by the Statistical Consultation Service of the North West University Potchefstroom Campus. The Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used as an effect size to determine the relationship between social support and self-concept. T-tests and Cohen's effect sizes were used to determine whether gender differences occur with regard to social support and self-concept. The statistical processing of the results revealed that a positive correlation exists between social support and self-concept. These results are corresponding with the literature (Collins, 2000; Kirkcaldy, Shephard & Stiefen, 2002; Malecki 8 Demaray, 2002; Marjoribanks & Mboya, 2001; Van Tassel-Baska & Olszewski-Kubilius, 1994). Further, the results showed that no gender differences that were both statistically significant and practically meaningful occurred with regards to social support and self-concept. These results were repeatedly inconsistent with the literature (Bee, 1992; Dubow & Ullman, 1989; Harris, Rosenthal & Snodgrass, 1986; Hirsch & Rapkin, 1987; Piers, 1984; Werner & Smith, 1982). Finally, the last section of this investigation provides recommendations for further studies in this area, as well as practical suggestions for the implementation of the findings. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005

Positive mental training : efficacy, experience and underlying mechanisms of a health promotion intervention for resilience and wellbeing in the workplace

Ross, Sheila January 2015 (has links)
There is a growing interest in brief, low-cost workplace health promotion interventions for wellbeing, which target increasing resilience, mindfulness and positive appraisal. One such health promotion intervention is Positive Mental Training. Three linked studies set out to investigate the efficacy of Positive Mental Training in the workplace. Study 1 used a double blind, randomised control trial design, with healthy volunteer employees randomised to intervention or control conditions. Validated questionnaires measured wellbeing, resilience, mindfulness, burnout and emotional distress at 4 time intervals, over a 6 month period. Multi-level linear modelling showed significant effects of the intervention on wellbeing and depression. ANCOVA analysis revealed these benefits were not sustained at follow up (26 weeks). Study 2 expanded on study 1, with qualitative interviews of purposefully selected participants of study 1. A grounded theory approach was used to explore individual motivations, benefits and limitations of the programme. Study 3 adopted a component research design to investigate one possible underlying aspect of this multi-component health promotion intervention (positive appraisal suggestion) in a student population and examined whether relaxation increased this effect. Positive appraisal suggestions given with or without relaxation were both able to significantly increase levels of positive affect and self-esteem compared to a control. Positive cognitive bias was found to increase in both the active conditions and the control suggesting differential cognitive and emotional processes, in that an increase in positive CB was not associated with an increase in mood. Overall these studies indicated evidence for the efficacy of Positive Mental Training in workplace health promotion, explored experience of participants undertaking the study and investigated the underlying mechanisms of an active component of Positive Mental Training. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed.

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