Spelling suggestions: "subject:"psychometrie"" "subject:"psychométrie""
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Intention Retrieval and Deactivation Following an Acute Psychosocial StressorWalser, Moritz, Fischer, Rico, Goschke, Thomas, Kirschbaum, Clemens, Plessow, Franziska 07 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
We often form intentions but have to postpone them until the appropriate situation for retrieval and execution has come, an ability also referred to as event-based prospective memory. After intention completion, our cognitive system has to deactivate no-more-relevant intention representations from memory to avoid interference with subsequent tasks. In everyday life, we frequently rely on these abilities also in stressful situations. Surprisingly, little is known about potential stress effects on these functions. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine the reliability of event-based prospective memory and of intention deactivation in conditions of acute psychosocial stress. To this aim, eighty-two participants underwent the Trier Social Stress Test, a standardized stress protocol, or a standardized control situation. Following this treatment, participants performed a computerized event-based prospective memory task with non-salient and focal prospective memory cues in order to assess prospective memory performance and deactivation of completed intentions. Although the stress group showed elevated levels of salivary cortisol as marker of a stress-related increase in hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis activity throughout the cognitive testing period compared to the no-stress group, prospective memory performance and deactivation of completed intentions did not differ between groups. Findings indicate that cognitive control processes subserving intention retrieval and deactivation after completion may be mostly preserved even under conditions of acute stress.
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Využití IT v řízení lidských zdrojů / Use of IT in human resource managementKvasnička, David January 2013 (has links)
Information technology industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world and its impact can be observed in the processes related to the human resources management as well. Humans are one of the most important parts of the organization, so it is necessary to deal with personnel activities. This dissertation focuses on selected processes at the human resources department and their possible support by using appropriate software tools. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze these processes, to present the current software support of these processes to the reader and to find methods that make the implementation of these tools into business easier and help to understand their importance when using them in organization.
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Berufsbezogene Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung: Skalierbarkeit und Beziehung zu beruflicher Arbeitsleistung: Occupational action state orientation: Scalability and its relation to job performanceStadelmaier, Ulrich W. 01 December 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit verknüpft die Theorie der Interaktion psychischer Systeme von Kuhl (2000, 2001) mit dem Modell beruflicher Arbeitsleistung von Tett und Burnett (2003). Unter Anwendung reizorientierter arbeitspsychologischer Stressmodelle werden Hypothesen über einen durch das subjektive Bedrohungs- und Belastungspotenzial der Arbeitssituation moderierten Zusammenhang zwischen dem berufsbezogenen und nach Maßgabe der Item Response Theorie skalierbaren Persönlichkeitsmerkmal Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung und beruflicher Arbeitsleistung aufgestellt. In drei Befragungen an N = 415, N = 331 sowie N = 49 Berufstätigen wurden querschnittliche Daten zur Hypothesenprüfung erhoben. Berufsbezogene Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung zeigt sich als valides Subkonstrukt der allgemeinen Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung, welches gemäß Graded Response Modell von Samejima (1969, 1997) mit 14 Items skalierbar ist. Prospektive berufsbezogene Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung erklärt in multiplen hierarchischen Regressionsanalysen, im Gegensatz zu allgemeiner Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung, inkrementell zu Gewissenhaftigkeit, Extraversion und Neurotizismus Anteile kontextueller und aufgabenbezogener Arbeitsleistung. Hypothesenkonträr werden diese Zusammenhänge nur marginal vom subjektiven Belastungspotential der Arbeitssituation moderiert. Die Prädiktorfunktion prospektiver berufsbezogener Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung für berufliche Arbeitsleistung bleibt auch unter pfadanalytischer Kontrolle eines vorhandenen Common Method Bias erhalten. Die dispositionelle Fähigkeit, durch berufliche Hindernisse gehemmten positiven Affekt vorbewusst gegenregulieren zu können, scheint demnach ein bedeutender Prädiktor beruflicher Arbeitsleistung zu sein, insbesondere bei Führungskräften. Für die berufliche Eignungsbeurteilung ist es damit von diagnostischem Mehrwert, Handlungs- vs. Lageorientierung kontextualisiert zu erheben. Der Einsatz probabilistisch- testtheoretisch konstruierter Skalen steigert dabei die Effizienz des Beurteilungsprozesses. / The current paper combines personality systems interaction theory (Kuhl, 2000, 2001) with the model of job performance by Tett and Burnett (2003). Using established stress models from work psychology it is hypothesized that there is a relation between occupational action state orientation, scalable by means of items response theory, and job performance, which is moderated by the subjective stress level of job characteristics. Three surveys among samples of N = 415, N = 331, and N = 49 professionals yielded cross sectional data for investigating the hypotheses. Occupational action state orientation proves a valid construct which is compatible with Samejima’s (1969, 1997) Graded Response Model using a 14-item scale. As a result of multiple hierarchical regression analyses, the hesitation dimension of specifically occupational, in contrast to general action state orientation is a predictor of both contextual and task performance, incremental to conscientiousness, extraversion, and neuroticism. Contrary to expectations this relation is only marginally moderated by stress-relevant job characteristics. Even when controlling for an occurring common method bias by means of path analysis the occupational hesitation dimension’s predictor role perseveres. Therefore, the dispositional ability in subconsciously regulating inhibited positive affect due to occupational obstacles, seems to be a crucial predictor of job performance, especially regarding leaders. Hence, professional aptitude assessment benefits from assessing action state orientation in a contextualized manner. Application of item response theory-based scales further enhances assessment process efficiency.
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Messung der Lebensqualität bei chronischen ErkrankungenRose, Matthias 11 February 2003 (has links)
Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit werden aktuelle Anwendungsbereiche der Lebensqualitätsforschung innerhalb der klinischen Medizin dargestellt. Besonderes Gewicht wurde dabei auf die Erläuterung der Grundlagen der Lebensqualitätsforschung und der derzeit verbreiteten Konzepte, die Diskussion aktueller und zukünftiger Messmethoden sowie die Darstellung einiger typischer Anwendungen gelegt. Der letzte Teil der Arbeit weist auf die bereits erkennbaren Grenzen und ethischen Konsequenzen dieser Forschungsrichtung hin. In der Habilitationsschrift werden verschiedene Originalarbeiten zusammengefasst, denen jeweils eine allgemeine Einführung zur leichteren thematische Einordnung vorangestellt ist. / This volume demonstrates the present scope of 'Quality of Life' research within a clinical context. Different chapters describe the foundations and the development of 'Quality of Life' research, presently used concepts, discussions about appropriate measurement models and some perspectives for an improvement of psychometric methods. Further, different applications and purposes to use 'Quality of Life' instruments in a clinical context are demonstrated. The last part discusses particular ethical consequences and other limitations of 'Quality of Life' research. All chapters combine introductory sections with published original works.
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Fatigue in chronically critically ill patients following intensive care - reliability and validity of the multidimensional fatigue inventory (MFI-20)Wintermann, Gloria-Beatrice, Rosendahl, Jenny, Weidner, Kerstin, Strauß, Bernhard, Hinz, Andreas, Petrowski, Katja 12 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Fatigue often occurs as long-term complication in chronically critically ill (CCI) patients after prolonged intensive care treatment. The Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20) has been established as valid instrument to measure fatigue in a wide range of medical illnesses. Regarding the measurement of fatigue in CCI patients, the psychometric properties of the MFI-20 have not been investigated so far. Thus, the present study examines reliability and validity of the MFI-20 in CCI patients.
A convenience sample of n = 195 patients with Critical Illness Polyneuropathy (CIP) or Myopathy (CIM) were recruited via personal contact within four weeks (t1) following the transfer from acute care ICU to post-acute ICU at a large rehabilitation hospital. N = 113 (median age 61.1 yrs., 72.6% men) patients were again contacted via telephone three (t2) and six (t3) months following the transfer to post-acute ICU. The MFI-20, the Euro-Quality of Life (EQ-5D-3 L) and the Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders DSM-IV (SCID-I) were applied within this prospective cohort study.
The internal consistency Cronbach’s α was adequate for the MFI-total and all but the subscale Reduced Motivation (RM) (range: .50–.91). Item-to-total correlations (range: .22–.80) indicated item redundancy for the subscale RM. Confirmatory Factor analyses (CFAs) revealed poor model fit for the original 5-factor model of the MFI-20 (t2/t3, Confirmatory Fit Index, CFI = .783/ .834; Tucker-Lewis Index, TLI = .751/ .809; Root Mean Square Error of Approximation, RMSEA = .112/ .103). Among the alternative models (1-, 2-, 3-factor models), the data best fit to a 3-factor solution summarizing the highly correlated factors General −/ Physical Fatigue/ Reduced Activity (GF/ PF/ RA) (t2/ t3, CFI = .878/ .896, TLI = .846/ .869, RMSEA = .089/ .085, 90% Confidence Interval .073–.104/ .066–.104). The MFI-total score significantly correlated with the health-related quality of life (range: −.65-(−).66) and the diagnosis of major depression (range: .27–.37).
In the present sample of CCI patients, a reliable and valid factor structure of the MFI-20 could not be ascertained. Especially the subscale RM should be revised. Since the factors GF, PF and RA cannot be separated from each other and the unclear factorial structure in the present sample of CCI patients, the MFI-20 is not recommended for use in this context.
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Fatigue in chronically critically ill patients following intensive care - reliability and validity of the multidimensional fatigue inventory (MFI-20)Wintermann, Gloria-Beatrice, Rosendahl, Jenny, Weidner, Kerstin, Strauß, Bernhard, Hinz, Andreas, Petrowski, Katja 12 June 2018 (has links)
Fatigue often occurs as long-term complication in chronically critically ill (CCI) patients after prolonged intensive care treatment. The Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20) has been established as valid instrument to measure fatigue in a wide range of medical illnesses. Regarding the measurement of fatigue in CCI patients, the psychometric properties of the MFI-20 have not been investigated so far. Thus, the present study examines reliability and validity of the MFI-20 in CCI patients.
A convenience sample of n = 195 patients with Critical Illness Polyneuropathy (CIP) or Myopathy (CIM) were recruited via personal contact within four weeks (t1) following the transfer from acute care ICU to post-acute ICU at a large rehabilitation hospital. N = 113 (median age 61.1 yrs., 72.6% men) patients were again contacted via telephone three (t2) and six (t3) months following the transfer to post-acute ICU. The MFI-20, the Euro-Quality of Life (EQ-5D-3 L) and the Structured Clinical Interview for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders DSM-IV (SCID-I) were applied within this prospective cohort study.
The internal consistency Cronbach’s α was adequate for the MFI-total and all but the subscale Reduced Motivation (RM) (range: .50–.91). Item-to-total correlations (range: .22–.80) indicated item redundancy for the subscale RM. Confirmatory Factor analyses (CFAs) revealed poor model fit for the original 5-factor model of the MFI-20 (t2/t3, Confirmatory Fit Index, CFI = .783/ .834; Tucker-Lewis Index, TLI = .751/ .809; Root Mean Square Error of Approximation, RMSEA = .112/ .103). Among the alternative models (1-, 2-, 3-factor models), the data best fit to a 3-factor solution summarizing the highly correlated factors General −/ Physical Fatigue/ Reduced Activity (GF/ PF/ RA) (t2/ t3, CFI = .878/ .896, TLI = .846/ .869, RMSEA = .089/ .085, 90% Confidence Interval .073–.104/ .066–.104). The MFI-total score significantly correlated with the health-related quality of life (range: −.65-(−).66) and the diagnosis of major depression (range: .27–.37).
In the present sample of CCI patients, a reliable and valid factor structure of the MFI-20 could not be ascertained. Especially the subscale RM should be revised. Since the factors GF, PF and RA cannot be separated from each other and the unclear factorial structure in the present sample of CCI patients, the MFI-20 is not recommended for use in this context.
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Intention Retrieval and Deactivation Following an Acute Psychosocial StressorWalser, Moritz, Fischer, Rico, Goschke, Thomas, Kirschbaum, Clemens, Plessow, Franziska 07 February 2014 (has links)
We often form intentions but have to postpone them until the appropriate situation for retrieval and execution has come, an ability also referred to as event-based prospective memory. After intention completion, our cognitive system has to deactivate no-more-relevant intention representations from memory to avoid interference with subsequent tasks. In everyday life, we frequently rely on these abilities also in stressful situations. Surprisingly, little is known about potential stress effects on these functions. Therefore, the present study aimed to examine the reliability of event-based prospective memory and of intention deactivation in conditions of acute psychosocial stress. To this aim, eighty-two participants underwent the Trier Social Stress Test, a standardized stress protocol, or a standardized control situation. Following this treatment, participants performed a computerized event-based prospective memory task with non-salient and focal prospective memory cues in order to assess prospective memory performance and deactivation of completed intentions. Although the stress group showed elevated levels of salivary cortisol as marker of a stress-related increase in hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis activity throughout the cognitive testing period compared to the no-stress group, prospective memory performance and deactivation of completed intentions did not differ between groups. Findings indicate that cognitive control processes subserving intention retrieval and deactivation after completion may be mostly preserved even under conditions of acute stress.
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