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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CSR jako efektivnější nástroj v přístupu (nejen) k životnímu prostředí / CSR as an effective tool in (not only) environmental issues

Škarda, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis is aimed on theoretical analyse of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and shows how it works in real life. Results of my study case (Patagonia) illustrate, that if the firms deal with the CSR in appropriate way, it can help to improve economic situation of the firm, it can also find some solutions in environmental crisis and improve social life of communities as well. This voluntary, inexpensive and effective instrument is compared with actions of public sphere in environmental protection. I analysed risks and cost efficiency of Kyoto protocol and biofuels and my results are, that these public actions on supranational level are costly, sometimes even purposeless, ineffective and risky from the point of view of economic school Public Choice.

A Whole Community Approach to Emergency Management for the United States Virgin Islands

Williams, Mutryce 01 January 2016 (has links)
Public-private partnerships in emergency management are widely encouraged in the academic literature, yet the government of the United States Virgin Islands (USVI) tends to view collaboration from the private sector as an impediment to good policy. This occurs in spite of the island nation's geography that makes it susceptible to natural and human caused disasters. The purpose of this correlational study was to use public choice theory to explore, from the perspective of potential private sector collaborators, whether sufficient support exists in the private sector to support the USVI government in emergency management efforts. A modified version of the Mulhearn Sustainability and Community Collaboration Survey was distributed to business owners (n = 156). These data were used to determine whether a statistically significant relationship between USVI preparedness and collaborative governance exists. The results of the linear regression were significant, (p < .001) and suggest private sector company owners believe that collaborative governance can increase USVI preparedness. The recommendation is that the USVI government and the Virgin Islands Territorial Emergency Management Agency involve the private sector in the planning, operations, and logistics of emergency management to prepare for any emergency such as natural disaster or terrorist action. The positive social change implication is based on the recommendation to the USVI government that the private sector be more involved in the planning, operations, and logistics of emergency management, thereby potentially improving emergency response in the event of a catastrophic event.

公共投資財源籌措之研究—以國建六年計畫中之大型交通建設計畫個案為例 / Financing for the public investment research - A case study on huge transportation construction project in the “Six- year national con- struction plan.”

梁嘉樂, Liang, Chia Leh Unknown Date (has links)
公共投資是政府施政的表現,以提升國民生活品質;民主國家的政黨在選舉前多以公共投資作為政見訴求重點,而執政後的政黨,更是利用掌握國家資源分配權力之便,積極進行各項公共投資,以突顯政績。這是為何在過去四十年裡,自由世界許多國家藉凱因斯的「擴張總需求」主張,大肆以赤字支用方式擴大政府規模,恣意揮霍國家資源從事各項硬體軟體公共投資。但是造成的後果是國家財政赤字龐大,陷入以債養債的困境。近年來,時代潮流猛然反轉,多數國家都自「大政府」的迷夢中省悟,努力抑制財政赤字的進一步擴大,採取緊縮性政策逐步削減長年累積的龐大公共債務之際,我國恰好在此時放棄了保守穩健的作風,於民國七十九年推出涵蓋七七五項計畫項目,金額高達八.二兆元的六年國建計畫。計畫推出初期,引起了排山倒海的質疑,以如此龐大的公共支出驟然在短短六年期間投入,是否超出政府財政負擔能力範圍﹖對總體經濟以及產業、就業結構之衝擊是否太大﹖公共投資的財源問題,關係了計畫的成敗,行政官署在規劃公共投資計畫時,是否對「成本效益」作了澈底的考量,並且以其為計畫推動與否的評估指標﹖如果決定推動一項需要龐大資金的計畫時,財源在那裡﹖由現有稅收支應,或以「受益者付費」原則開闢新的財源,以免增加國庫負擔。如果公共投資計畫牽涉了不同的各級政府,經費要如何分擔﹖這些都是在計畫付諸執行前必須先予確定的。我國公共政策的規劃一向有不夠嚴謹的缺失,致使執行時遭致諸多障礙,是政府施政上的弱點。六年國建計畫在整體財源籌措方面,受到了最多議論。探討六年國建中個案計畫的財源籌措過程,可以提供政府未來在規劃公共投資計畫時 ,一個檢討的方向。

地方派系、選舉與補助款之研究-以嘉義縣為個案分析 / Local Faction, Voting and Grant.

劉旭清, Liu, Shih Ching Unknown Date (has links)
鄉鎮市財政狀況不佳,多須仰賴上級政府補助的情形已存在許久,本研究的目的即以嘉義縣十八鄉鎮(市)為對象,探討縣政府對鄉鎮(市)公所的補助情形。影響一鄉鎮(市)補助收入的因素頗多,包括經濟性因素和政治性因素,本研究旨在探討政治性因素中地方派系、縣長選舉、各鄉鎮(市)對縣長的支持度及鄉鎮(市)長是否連任等對一鄉鎮(市)縣府補助收入的影響。具體而言,本研究的研究問題如下:   一、除了經濟性的考量之外,縣府補助鄉鎮(市)公所時有無政治性因素介入?   二、鄉鎮市長與縣長派系屑性的異同對補助款的多寡有無影響?亦即鄉鎮(市)長派系屬性與縣長相同的鄉鎮(市)補助收入是否多於一些鄉鎮(市)長派系屬性與縣長派系屬性相異的鄉鎮(市)公所?   三、縣長選舉年時,各鄉鎮(市)公所的補助收入有無增加?   四、縣長選舉年時,鄉鎮(市)長派系屬性與縣長相同的鄉鎮(市)公所的補助收入與一些鄉鎮(市)長派系屬性與縣長不同的鄉鎮(市)的補助收入有無差異?   五、鄉鎮(市)長連任的鄉鎮(市)補助收入與鄉鎮(市)長首任時該鄉鎮(市)補助收入有無差異?   六、對縣長支持度高的鄉鎮(市)補助收入是否多於對縣長支持度低的鄉鎮(市)?   再依據本研究的研究問題發展出本五個研究假設,如下:   假設一:鄉鎮(市)長派系屬性與縣長相同的鄉鎮(市),縣府補助收入多於不同派系屬性的鄉鎮(市)。   假設二:縣長選舉年時,各鄉鎮(市)的補助款收入會增加。   假設三:選舉時封縣長支持度愈高的鄉鎮(市),選舉後的補助款入愈多。   假設四:鄉鎮(市)長連任的鄉鎮(市)長,縣府補助收入少於鄉鎮(市)長首任的鄉鎮(市)。   假設五:縣長選舉年時,鄉鎮(市)長派系屬性與縣長相同的鄉鎮(市)所獲補助款增加的額度多於鄉鎮(市)長派系屬性與縣長派系屆性不同的鄉鎮(市)。   本研究採用了補助款理論、地方派系理論及政治景氣循環理論來建構研究架構;而在研究方法的使用上,本研究採取三角定位法的觀點,兼採質的研究方法和量的研究方法,以期對政治性因素影響鄉鎮(市)公所補助款收入的情形作更深入的瞭解。   研究結果發現,現行嘉義縣政府對轄十八鄉鎮(市)公所的補助中,除財政局有固定的補助標準之外,縣府其它局室對鄉鎮(市)公所的補助皆無一定的標準,而相對地,鄉鎮(市)公所方面對於縣府財政局的補助標準亦所知不多,因此政治性因素得以介入補助過程中。而政治性介入的情形叉如何呢?本研究發現,一鄉鎮(市)對縣長的支持度高低是主要的政治性影響因素,支持度高低與一鄉鎮(市)縣府補助收入間是呈負相關,即支持度愈低的鄉鎮(市)縣府補助收入愈多,本研究的假設三無法成立。   之所以有此種情形,本研究基於公共選擇理論的論點認為是因現任縣長為求下次選舉再度執政,對於一些對其支持度較低的鄉鎮(市)會增加補助,藉著補助款的撥給以換取該鄉鎮(市)的選票。   除一鄉鎮(市)封縣長支持度高低之外,其它政治性因素對一鄉鎮(市)公所縣府補助收入的影響情形,在本研究第六章中將有詳述,在此將本研究主要的研究發現摘要於下。   一、在地方派系屬性封鄉鎮(市)公所縣府補助收入的影響上,本研究發現鄉鎮(市)長派系屈性與縣長相同的鄉鎮(市),縣府補助收入多於鄉鎮(市)長派系屑性與縣長相異的鄉鎮(市),本研究假設一得以成立。   二、在縣長選舉年對鄉鎮(市)公所縣府補助收入的影響上,本研究發現就十八鄉鎮(市)的總平均值而言,在第十、十一、十二屆縣長選舉年時各鄉鎮(市)縣府補助收入多於選舉前一年。   以上是由鄉鎮(市)公所的收入面進行分析的結果,若由縣府補助支出面的情況來加以分析,結果發現縣長選舉年時縣府補助款支出的額度大於非縣長選舉年時。因此由全體鄉鎮(市)公所的縣府補助收入總平均值及由縣政府補助支出面來看,本研究的假設二得以成立。   除此之外,本研究亦發現在第九屆及第十一屆縣長選舉後一年,各鄉鎮(市)公所縣府補助收入的平均值少於縣長選舉當年的平均值。如此的發現綜合上段所言就全體鄉鎮(市)公所總平均值來看,選舉年時鄉鎳(市)縣府補助收入會增加的情形,可證實除了第十屆縣長選舉年以外,整的而言嘉義縣各鄉鎮(市)在縣府補助收入層面「選舉景氣循環」的情形是存在的。   三、在鄉鎮(市)長連任與否對鄉鎮(市)公所縣府補助收入的影響上,本研究發現連任的鄉鎮(市)長任內該鄉鎮(市)縣府補助收入多於首任時期該鄉鎮(市)公所縣府補助收入,本研究假設四無法成立。之所以有此種情形,本研究認為是因在缺乏明確的補助標準的情形下,一鄉鎮(市)公所最常用以爭取補助的方法即為「透過地方人士及民意代表爭取」及「透過計畫申請」等二項方法〈見附錄四〉,連任的鄉鎮(市)長因已累積前任四年內的種種人脈及資源,較能拿捏有效的補助款爭取方法,因此在第二任任期內補助款收入會多於尚處於摸索階段的第一任任期內補助款的收入額。   四、在鄉鎮(市)長派系屆性與縣長相同的鄉鎮(市)於縣長選舉年時補助款增加的情形上,本研究發現鄉鎮(市)長派系屬性與縣長相異的鄉鎮(市)公所在縣長選舉年時縣府補助收入並無增加,但此種結果是各瑯裝(市)平均值上的情形,本研究冉計算出各鄉鎮(市)於縣長選舉年時補助款增加的額度後再進行檢測,結果發現鄉鎮(市)長派系屑性與縣長相同的鄉鎮(市)在縣長選舉年時縣府補助收入增加的額度多於鄉鎮(市)派系屬性與縣長相異的鄉鎮(市)長主政的鄉鎮(市),本研究假設五得以成工。   至於各項政治性因素的重要性方面,依迴歸分析發現一鄉鎮(市)對縣長的支持度高低是主要決定因性,其次為鄉鎮(市)長派系屬性及鄉鎮(市)長是否連任,至於縣長選舉年對一鄉鎮(市)縣府補助收入的影響,則無如預期中地重要。   在研究建議方面,本研究分別提出近程建議、遠程建議及對後續研究的建議,在近程建議中,本研究建議宜訂定明確的補助標準,避免政治性因素太過介入補助過程,且根據嘉義縣各鄉鎮(市)公所財政狀況,分級要求鄉鎮(市)公所在爭取補助時提撥配合款;在遠程建議上,本研究認為鄉鎮(市)公所預算體系仍須保留,建議廢除省級機構,採行中央、縣、鄉鎮(市)三級制,並擴大縣及鄉鎮(市)的職權,切實落實地方自治乃為解決地方財政問題的根本辦法。

A Critical Approach To Central Bank Independence: The Case Of The Central Bank Of The Republic Of Turkey

Ayhan, Berkay 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
From the 1970s onwards, it is argued that central banks should be independent from politicians since the latter have an interest in seeking populist interventions to the conduct of the monetary policy. Additionally, it is often maintained that the sole aim of a central bank should be to seek price stability. Despite the seemingly neutral and objective tone of these arguments, central bank independence can find its meaning as a part of Neoliberalism, which restructured the economic administration of the state. The main objective of this thesis is to analyse the notion of central bank independence and the case of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey in a multidisciplinary manner, in order to reveal its political and administrative implications.

Essays in economic theory /

Gordon, Sidartha. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Ill., Northwestern Univ., Diss.--Evanston, 2004. / Kopie, ersch. im Verl. UMI, Ann Arbor, Mich. - Enth. 3 Beitr.

The economic psychology of the welfare state

Lakomaa, Erik January 2008 (has links)
Political decision making can be analyzed through a plethora of theories. Here Economic Psychology is used as theoretical framework to analyze decision making, both by politicians and voters. The thesis consists of an overview of current research; an econometric study of how the voters in municipal elections react to changes in fiscal policy; and two case studies where the transfer of responsibility from one political level to another are studied, namely the transfer of Elder Care from counties to municipalities, and the transfer of the school system from the national government to the municipalities. It is shown that political actors often take psychological factors into consideration when they design or react to policy proposals. It is also shown the use of a psychological approach can improve the understanding of political decision making, particularly when the processes are complex or involve negotiations. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2009 Sammanfattning jämte 4 uppsatser

Essays in microeconomic theory /

Kartik, Navin. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Calif., Univ., Dep. of Economics, Diss.--Stanford, 2004. / Kopie, ersch. im Verl. UMI, Ann Arbor, Mich. - Enth. 3 Beitr.

Three essays in political economics /

Dellis, Arnaud Robert. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
NY, Cornell Univ., Diss.--Ithaca, 2004. / Kopie, ersch. im Verl. UMI, Ann Arbor, Mich. - Enth. 3 Beitr.

Immigration, unemployment and domestic welfare /

Kemnitz, Alexander. January 2006 (has links)
Univ., Habil.-Schr.--Mannheim, 2005.

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