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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Issues in the economics of health care and the arts

Zanola, Roberto January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

The Efficiency of Public Expenditure, Evidence from the Czech Republic / The Efficiency of Public Expenditure, Evidence from the Czech Republic

Vraná, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
1 Abstract Efficiency is an important concept for performance evaluation of decision- making units. This thesis studies efficiency of public spending and methods of its estimation. Firstly, a wide range of efficiency estimators are defined and compared. For the public spending efficiency analysis the most convenient es- timator is found to be the cost frontier approach of the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). The second part of the thesis contains efficiency analysis of public spending in the 14 regions of the Czech Republic in the years 2003-2014. For the analysis current expenditure of regional offices is used as the input. Based on the investigation of regional services output index is formed and employed in the analysis. The estimation is performed using the cost frontier approach of the SFA as the main method. Various other efficiency estimators are then applied to the data in order to study robustness of the results. The thesis further discusses relative ranking of the regions and time evolution of efficiency scores using different assumptions and variety of methods. Lastly, several potential effects on the estimated efficiency are considered and analysed. JEL Classification D24, H41, H72 Keywords efficiency, regions, public expenditure, Czech Republic Author's e-mail verca25.vrana@seznam.cz Supervisor's e-mail...

Programas de descentralização de gastos públicos no sistema municipal de ensino fundamental de São Paulo / Decentralization programs of public spending in municipal elementary schools of São Paulo

Rocha, Vanderson Amadeu da 14 March 2011 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas diversas reformas no financiamento da educação foram realizadas no Brasil e no exterior, além da adoção de políticas públicas de transferências de recursos, almejando melhorar o desempenho dos alunos e a qualidade da educação. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o impacto dos programas de descentralização de gasto público na educação, sobre a variação do desempenho obtido na Prova Brasil entre os anos de 2005 e 2007, pelas escolas públicas da rede de ensino fundamental da Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo. Analisamos o Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola (PDDE), criado pelo governo federal em 1995, além do Programa de Transferência de Renda Financeira (PTRF), implantado no final de 2005 pela Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo. Esses programas transferem recursos financeiros diretamente para as escolas, que tem o poder de decidir como utilizar esses repasses. Os dois programas possuem múltiplos pontos de corte, conforme o número de matrículas, para efeito de determinação do valor das transferências de recursos. Em uma primeira abordagem, são calculadas as médias da variação da nota das escolas em torno dos pontos de corte. Para o PTRF são observadas melhores variações de nota, para as escolas nas faixas superiores de tratamento, principalmente para a 4ª série, já para o PDDE os resultados não indicam efeitos positivos de mudança de faixa de tratamento. Empregando a metodologia de mínimos quadrados ordinários, apenas o coeficiente do valor per capita do PTRF apresentou efeito positivo e significativo sobre a variação da nota da Prova Brasil. Posteriormente, com a regressão descontínua Sharp paramétrica e não-paramétrica, são obtidos resultados positivos para as variações das notas da Prova Brasil da 4ª e 8ª série, caso as escolas estejam no início de uma faixa de tratamento superior do PTRF. Para o PDDE, poucos casos apresentaram impactos positivos e significativos; quando acontece a alteração de faixa de tratamento, alguns resultados obtidos sugerem que o programa federal não possui efeito. / In recent decades various reforms in education funding were implemented in Brazil and abroad, beyond the adoption of public transfers of resources, aiming to improve student achievement and education quality and student performance. This paper evaluates the impact of decentralization programs of public spending in education, about the variation of performance in standardized test (Prova Brasil) between 2005 and 2007, the public school system of elementary education belonging São Paulo municipal administration. We analyzed the Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola (PDDE), created by the federal government in 1995, and Programa de Transferência de Renda Financeira (PTRF), implemented in late 2005 by the São Paulo municipal administration. These programs transfer financial resources directly to schools, which has the power to decide how to use these transfers. Both programs have multiple cut points, according to enrollment, to determine the value of the distribution of resources. In a first approach, the averages are calculated varying the note of a fixed amount of schools near the cutoff. For PTRF and are best observed variations of note, top bands from schools in treatment mainly for the 4th grade, as for the PDDE, the results do not indicate positive effects of changing band treatment. Employing the method of ordinary least square, only the coefficient of per capita value for PTRF showed positive and significant effect on the variation of the note in standardized test. Later, with the regression discontinuity Sharp parametric and nonparametric, positive results are obtained for variations of the notes of standardized test, 4th and 8th grades, where schools are at the beginning of a range of superior treatment of PTRF. For the PDDE, few cases were positive and significant when the change occurs in the range of treatment, some results suggest that federal program has no effect.

Investissement et développement humain dans l'Algérie coloniale (1830-1962) : Essai d'analyse cliométrique du bilan économique de la colonisation par la méthode contrefactuelle / Investment and human development in colonial Algeria (1830-1962) : cliometric analysis essay of the economic balance sheet of colonization by the counterfactual method

Saidi, Sofiane 14 December 2017 (has links)
En 1955, la commission Maspétiol du gouvernement français faisait un bilan économique négatif de la colonisation en Algérie. Ce bilan a été analysé par des historiens de l’économie sous l’angle des coûts/bénéfices pour la métropole et la colonie. Selon ce courant dit des coûts de la colonisation, les investissements et dépenses publiques effectuées en Algérie ont été financées par la métropole et par conséquent supportés par le contribuable métropolitain. La thèse défendue ici est quela principale cause de la négativité du bilan réside dans la structure de l’économie coloniale qui ne permettait pas de dégager assez de recettes publiques pour financer le développement économique et social, lequel nécessita l’appui financier de la métropole (plan de Constantine, 1958). Le bilan est dès lors envisagé comme le résultat de politiques poursuivies sur l’ensemble de la période coloniale, plus précisément de l’intervention de l’État dans l’activité économique depuis les débuts de la colonisation.Ce travail, en s’appuyant sur la littérature sur le bilan économique et plus largement sur l’économie de l’Algérie coloniale ainsi que sur des données d’archives inédites, montre que la politique dite de mise en valeur fut préjudiciable aux niveaux économique et social (1830-1900). Les mesures budgétaires,législatives et monétaires appliquées dans le cadre d’investissements publics économiques et sociaux ont été désavantageuses pour les finances publiques d’une part, et pour le développement humain de la population autochtone d’autre part. Les équipements réalisés (essentiellement dans les chemins de fer)ont plombé les dépenses publiques de la colonie sans contribuer à faire baisser les coûts de transport.L’investissement privé dans la viticulture d’exportation, soutenu par l’État, n’a pas participé au financement des recettes publiques en raison de l’absence d’imposition. Quant à la politique menéeenvers la population autochtone, elle s’est traduite par la dégradation de son patrimoine suite auxopérations d’expropriations des terres, ainsi qu’aux amendes et à la fiscalité appliquées parl’administration à son égard. Est posée ensuite la question contrefactuelle de savoir ce qu’aurait étél’économie algérienne en l’absence de la colonisation. Pour y répondre, il est supposé que le systèmecolonial se matérialisait dans la discrimination entre autochtones et européens, dont le fondement légalétait le code de l’indigénat. Sous cette hypothèse, la question se reformule ainsi : la croissanceéconomique (Pib/tête) de l’Algérie aurait-elle été plus importante si les dépenses publiques d'éducationet de santé n'avaient pas été discriminatoires entre indigènes et européens ? La base de donnéesconstruite pour tenter de donner une réponse empirique à cette question identifie les dépensespubliques d’éducation et de santé et les répartit entre les deux types de population sur la période 1901-1937. Les données obtenues illustrent clairement au niveau descriptif le lien entre la politiquecoloniale et le bilan (répartition des dépenses d’éducation et de santé entre autochtone et européen etrevenu par tête). Mais sur le plan économétrique, les obstacles à l’établissement d’une relation decausalité entre les dépenses en capital humain et la croissance économique ont empêché cetterecherche d’arriver au stade de la simulation contrefactuelle. Cet inachèvement est expliqué, d’unepart, par l’état de l’art théorique sur la question, d’autre part, le fait que les limites des donnéesdisponibles ne permettaient pas d’aller plus loin dans la construction d’une relation de causalité, enremplaçant notamment le Pib/tête par un indicateur de développement humain... / In 1955, the Maspétiol commission of the French government made a negative economic balance sheet of colonization in Algeria. This balance sheet has been analyzed by historians of the economy in terms of costs / benefits for the metropolis and the colony. According to this current of colonization costs, the investments and public expenditures made in Algeria were financed by the metropolis and therefore borne by the metropolitan taxpayer. The thesis defended here is that the main cause of the negativity of the balance sheet lies in the structure of the colonial economy which did not generate enough public revenue to finance economic and social development, which required the financial support of the metropolis (plan de Constantine, 1958).The balance sheet is therefore envisaged as the result of policies pursued throughout the colonial period, more precisely the intervention of the state in economic activity since the beginning of colonization. This work, based on the literature on the economic balance sheet and more broadly on the economy of colonial Algeria as well as on unpublished archive data, shows that the so-called development policy was detrimental to the economic and social levels (1830-1900). Budget, legislative and monetary measures applied in the framework of public economic and social investments have been disadvantageous for public finances on the one hand, and for the human development of the native population on the other hand. The equipment realized (mainly in the railways) have stifled public spending in the colony without contributing to lower transport costs. Private investment in export viticulture, supported by the state, did not participate in the financing of public revenues due to absence of taxation. Regarding the policy towards the native population, it has resulted in the degradation of its heritage following land expropriation operations, as well as the fines and the taxation applied by the administration towards it. Is then asked the counterfactual question to know what would have been the Algerian economy in the absence of colonization. To answer, it is assumed that the colonial system materialized in discrimination between natives and europeans, whose legal basis was the code of indigénat. Under this hypothesis, the question is reformulated: Algeria's economic growth (gdp per capita) would have been greater if public spending on education and health had not been discriminatory between natives and europeans? The database constructed to try to give an empirical answer to this question identifies public expenditure on education and health and allocates them to the two types of population over the period 1901-1937. The data obtained clearly illustrate at the descriptive level the link between colonial politics and the balance sheet (dividing of education and health expenditure between natives and european and gdp per capita). But econometrically, the obstacles to establishing a causal relationship between spending on human capital and economic growth have prevented this search from reaching the stage of counterfactual simulation. This incompleteness is explained, on the one hand, by the state of the art theoretical on the question, on the other hand, the fact that the limitations of the available data did not allow us to go further in the construction of a causal relationship, replacing in particular the gdp per capita with a human development indicator. However, incompleteness of the counterfactual scenario does not invalidate the established results by qualitative study from literature and archival documents. This research paves the way by showing the possibility of a cliometric and counterfactual approach on this subject.This thesis calls for a future collaboration between economic economists and historians to construct the missing data.

Gestión del presupuesto por resultados y su relación con la calidad del gasto público en la Unidad Ejecutora 004: Marina de Guerra del Perú

Payano Negrón, Carlos Alexander January 2018 (has links)
El presente trabajo busca validar la relación existente entre la gestión del presupuesto por resultados con la calidad del gasto público The present work seeks to validate the relationship between budget management by results with the quality of public expenditure

Fiscal adjustment policies and fiscal deficit: the case of Tanzania

Kihaule, Arnold Mathias January 2006 (has links)
In Tanzania, fiscal adjustment policies emphasized an increase in tax revenue and cuts in public spending to correct the fiscal deficit. However, adjustment policies restricted the impact of fiscal policies in correcting fiscal deficit because they led to a low GDP growth and narrowed the tax base. The government overlooked the need to have an alternative tax base that could compensate for the fall in GDP growth. In that respect, the main purpose of this study is to examine the impact of fiscal adjustment policies in correcting the fiscal deficit in Tanzania in different adjustment periods in the 1973-2000 period. The thesis adopts a country study approach to analyse the effect of changes in the tax structure on the fiscal position using the primary balance as a proxy. The study also uses time series econometric methods to examine the impact of economic policy regime changes on public spending and GDP growth and the implications for fiscal policy in Tanzania. The study finds that changes in macroeconomic conditions either temporarily expanded or narrowed the tax bases and influenced the correction of the fiscal deficit in different years. Fiscal adjustment policies were pro-cyclical, thus leading to low GDP growth. This limited the effect of changes in the tax structure in reducing the fiscal deficit. Lastly, policy regime changes led to public spending instability and a structural break in the GDP data series. This signified that economic policy reforms caused fundamental changes in the economy, with implications for macroeconomic and fiscal policies in Tanzania. In sum, the results suggest that pro-cyclical policies are harmful for countries pursuing fiscal adjustment policies to correct a fiscal deficit.

Programas de descentralização de gastos públicos no sistema municipal de ensino fundamental de São Paulo / Decentralization programs of public spending in municipal elementary schools of São Paulo

Vanderson Amadeu da Rocha 14 March 2011 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas diversas reformas no financiamento da educação foram realizadas no Brasil e no exterior, além da adoção de políticas públicas de transferências de recursos, almejando melhorar o desempenho dos alunos e a qualidade da educação. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o impacto dos programas de descentralização de gasto público na educação, sobre a variação do desempenho obtido na Prova Brasil entre os anos de 2005 e 2007, pelas escolas públicas da rede de ensino fundamental da Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo. Analisamos o Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola (PDDE), criado pelo governo federal em 1995, além do Programa de Transferência de Renda Financeira (PTRF), implantado no final de 2005 pela Prefeitura do Município de São Paulo. Esses programas transferem recursos financeiros diretamente para as escolas, que tem o poder de decidir como utilizar esses repasses. Os dois programas possuem múltiplos pontos de corte, conforme o número de matrículas, para efeito de determinação do valor das transferências de recursos. Em uma primeira abordagem, são calculadas as médias da variação da nota das escolas em torno dos pontos de corte. Para o PTRF são observadas melhores variações de nota, para as escolas nas faixas superiores de tratamento, principalmente para a 4ª série, já para o PDDE os resultados não indicam efeitos positivos de mudança de faixa de tratamento. Empregando a metodologia de mínimos quadrados ordinários, apenas o coeficiente do valor per capita do PTRF apresentou efeito positivo e significativo sobre a variação da nota da Prova Brasil. Posteriormente, com a regressão descontínua Sharp paramétrica e não-paramétrica, são obtidos resultados positivos para as variações das notas da Prova Brasil da 4ª e 8ª série, caso as escolas estejam no início de uma faixa de tratamento superior do PTRF. Para o PDDE, poucos casos apresentaram impactos positivos e significativos; quando acontece a alteração de faixa de tratamento, alguns resultados obtidos sugerem que o programa federal não possui efeito. / In recent decades various reforms in education funding were implemented in Brazil and abroad, beyond the adoption of public transfers of resources, aiming to improve student achievement and education quality and student performance. This paper evaluates the impact of decentralization programs of public spending in education, about the variation of performance in standardized test (Prova Brasil) between 2005 and 2007, the public school system of elementary education belonging São Paulo municipal administration. We analyzed the Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola (PDDE), created by the federal government in 1995, and Programa de Transferência de Renda Financeira (PTRF), implemented in late 2005 by the São Paulo municipal administration. These programs transfer financial resources directly to schools, which has the power to decide how to use these transfers. Both programs have multiple cut points, according to enrollment, to determine the value of the distribution of resources. In a first approach, the averages are calculated varying the note of a fixed amount of schools near the cutoff. For PTRF and are best observed variations of note, top bands from schools in treatment mainly for the 4th grade, as for the PDDE, the results do not indicate positive effects of changing band treatment. Employing the method of ordinary least square, only the coefficient of per capita value for PTRF showed positive and significant effect on the variation of the note in standardized test. Later, with the regression discontinuity Sharp parametric and nonparametric, positive results are obtained for variations of the notes of standardized test, 4th and 8th grades, where schools are at the beginning of a range of superior treatment of PTRF. For the PDDE, few cases were positive and significant when the change occurs in the range of treatment, some results suggest that federal program has no effect.

Gasto público e sua influência no Índice de Desempenho do Sistema Único de Saúde dos municípios pernambucanos

ALMEIDA, Jardson Edson Guedes da Silva 25 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2016-07-20T17:04:46Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação - Jardson Guedes - Versão Final.pdf: 1553465 bytes, checksum: bcaa24744d38fccd134474fdff74a412 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-20T17:04:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação - Jardson Guedes - Versão Final.pdf: 1553465 bytes, checksum: bcaa24744d38fccd134474fdff74a412 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-25 / O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar os gastos públicos e a sua influência sobre o Índice de Desempenho do Sistema Único de Saúde (IDSUS) nos municípios pernambucanos. Para o alcance de seu objetivo, o estudo utilizou-se de pesquisa descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, realizada por meio de pesquisa documental. Quanto à sua abordagem, a pesquisa caracteriza-se, também, como de natureza quantitativa, fazendo uso de técnicas estatísticas tanto na coleta quanto no tratamento de dados. O trabalho teve como objeto de estudo os municípios pernambucanos pertencentes ao grupo homogêneo (GH) 6 do IDSUS, composto de 136 municípios, no entanto, apenas 128 compuseram a amostra, haja vista 8 deles não dispuserem de informações na base de dados pesquisada. Coletaram-se as informações relativas aos gastos sociais dos municípios pernambucanos na base de dados pública Finanças do Brasil (FINBRA), disponibilizada pela Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional (STN). Coletaram-se dados correspondentes aos gastos públicos durante os anos de 2008 e 2011. Transformaram-se as informações de gastos públicos municipais em variáveis per capita com a divisão pela população do município. Em seguida, atualizaram-se os valores per capita pelo Índice Geral de Preços – Disponibilidade Interna (IGP-DI). Para obtenção dos resultados, utilizou-se de regressão linear com dados em painel. Utilizaram-se seis construções que mesclam as variáveis presentes no estudo com base no modelo de efeitos aleatórios, no modelo de efeitos fixos e no modelo dos mínimos quadrados ordinários agrupados. O estudo teve como variável dependente o IDSUS e como variáveis explicativas o gasto com saúde per capita (GSAU), gasto com prevenção per capita (GPREV), gasto com assistência hospitalar per capita (GASSISTH), outras despesas com saúde per capita (GODS), gastos com educação per capita (GED), gastos com infraestrutura urbana per capita (GINFRA), gastos com saneamento básico per capita (GSAN) e gastos com agricultura per capita (GAGR). Após a aplicação dos modelos de regressão, optou-se pelo método de efeitos fixos, ficando identificado que apenas a variável gasto com prevenção relacionada à saúde tem impacto positivo sobre o IDSUS. / This study aimed to analyze public spending and its influence on the Performance Index of the Unified Health System (IDSUS) in Pernambuco municipalities. In order to achieve its objective, the study used a descriptive research, with a quantitative approach, conducted through documentary research. As for its approach, the research is also characterized as quantitative, using statistical techniques both in collection and processing of data. The study had as studying object Pernambuco municipalities belonging to homogeneous group (GH) 6 of IDSUS, composed of 136 municipalities, however, only 128 were included in the sample, considering 8 of them do not hold information in searched database. Information regarding social spending of Pernambuco municipalities were collected from public database Finances of Brazil (FINBRA), available from National Treasury Secretariat (STN). Data corresponding to public spending during the years 2008 and 2011 were collected. Information of municipal expenditures were transformed into variables per capita with the division by municipality’s population. Then values per capita were updated by General Price Index – Internal Availability (IGP-DI). To obtain the results, linear regression with panel data was used. It was used six constructions that mix the variables in the study based on random effects model, fixed effects model and pooled ordinary least squares model. The study had as dependent variable IDSUS and as explanatory variables spending on health per capita (GSAU) spending on prevention per capita (GPREV) spending on hospital care per capita (GASSISTH), other expenditure on health per capita (GODS), spending on education per capita (GED), spending on urban infrastructure per capita (GINFRA), spending on basic sanitation per capita (GSAN) and spending on agriculture per capita (GAGR). After applying the regression models, it was chosen the fixed effects method, getting identified that only the variable spending on prevention related to health impacts positively on the IDSUS.

The dynamics of public spending and economics development

Hao, Xin January 2015 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to provide a theory that explains the stylized facts regarding the trend of taxation policies, public spending and sovereign debt in advanced economies for the past couple of decades. The thesis focuses on distinguishing two types of public spending - productive investment and welfare payment and develops two different frameworks to examine the importance of the composition of these two types of public spending for economic growth and welfare. Chapter 2 presents a dynamic political-economy model in which voters decide tax rates and the proportion of public goods expenditure devoted to non-productive (but utility-enhancing) public goods. This non-productive public goods expenditure gives rise to a habit effect - it has to be at least as large as a fraction of last period value to provide utility. The median voter theorem applies. Starting from a steady state without the habit effect, its introduction leads to transitional dynamics that mimic several stylized facts: in particular, countries with higher income tend to have larger government and spend more on welfare programme. Chapter 3 studies the impact of public deficit on long-run economic growth by distinguishing the different types of government spending: investment and welfare payment. The model in this chapter predicts a non-monotonic or threshold effect in the relationship between public deficit and steady state growth rate. The composition of the public spending (the ratio between productive and non-productive) dictates the "threshold" in the national debt level. Countries which spend more on providing productive public goods could maintain a higher level of national debt that promotes growth.

Female representation and public spending : Investigating female representation as a determinant of local expenditure patterns

Lundgren, Clara January 2021 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to investigate if the share of women in the municipality board affects the municipalities spending patterns. The study is based on the assumption that women as a group have particular needs, interest and concerns, and when represented, the political decision making will be affected. I used panel data over all 290 municipalities in Sweden over the years 2011, 2015 and 2019, to study the following public spending areas; reception of refugees, elderly care, education and childcare. I conducted a panel regression model with entity and time fixed effects and also added several control variables. The result suggests that there is a significant effect of female representation on spending related to the reception of refugees, but the effect of the other spending areas examined; childcare, education and care of elderly is negative but not significant.

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