Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aublic diplomacy"" "subject:"apublic diplomacy""
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Soigner la Patrie. La fabrique des plantes médicinales suisses. / Caring for Fatherland. The production of Swiss medicinal herbs.Perrin, Julie 02 November 2017 (has links)
Dans les démocraties occidentales, la remise en cause depuis la fin des années 1970 du rôle de l’État dans la régulation économique se traduit par diverses reconfigurations institutionnelles et l’apparition de nouveaux collectifs d’acteurs publics et privés. Cette recherche explore la fabrique des « plantes médicinales suisses », en tant que celles-ci deviennent l’objet de nouvelles pratiques gouvernementales et entrepreneuriales ayant comme objectif commun de préserver « l’intérêt national » face à une concurrence étrangère accrue. Elle se consacre ainsi à l’étude des différentes pratiques qui, dans un contexte de forte compétition internationale, composent et encadrent la fabrication et la commercialisation de produits de santé à base de plantes en Suisse.Basé sur une enquête ethnographique multisite menée pendant quatre ans et enrichie par l’analyse d’un corpus de sources iconographiques et écrites, ce travail vise à rendre compte des transformations et de la diversité des conceptions et des utilisations des plantes médicinales en Suisse, à partir des points de vue de divers professionnels et expert-e-s des administrations culturelles. Plus précisément, ce travail s’attache à restituer ces diverses conceptions et utilisations dans leurs dimensions politiques et transnationales mouvantes et particulières. Ainsi, cette recherche examine les « plantes médicinales suisses » en tant qu’elles sont au cœur de diverses réformes de politiques publiques (agricole, régionale, sanitaire, culturelle, commerciales et de l’innovation) qui témoignent à la fois de l’adaptation du droit suisse au normes européennes et internationales et de l’extension du droit fédéral. D’autre part, cette recherche contribue à mettre en lumière l’articulation complexe et dynamique entre les intérêts des coopératives de producteurs et des industries relatives aux « plantes médicinales suisses » d’une part, et l’« intérêt commun » d’autre part, articulation mobilisée tant par les gouvernements à l’échelle fédéral et cantonale que par les industries pharmaceutiques, cosmétiques, alimentaires et touristiques, locales et nationales. Ainsi, c’est à travers la création discursive et symbolique d’une communauté de destin entre le secteur privé des plantes médicinales et la population nationale, qu’il faut comprendre la consécration par les administrations culturelles cantonales et fédérales de certains usages économiques de plantes médicinales en tant que « patrimoine culturel immatériel » (ci-après PCI) d’importance nationale. En effet, l’analyse détaillée de la mise en œuvre de la Convention pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’Unesco met non seulement en évidence comment le recours à des formulaires standardisés d’inscription pour l’inventaire du PCI en Suisse invisibilise les rapports de force, les enjeux et les controverses entourant la fabrication et la commercialisation des produits à base de plantes, mais aussi comment cet inventaire produit des images épurées des pratiques qui y sont inscrites. Ces images sont dès lors mobilisées par les acteurs gouvernementaux comme instrument de relations publiques afin de susciter d’une part un sentiment de fierté parmi la population locale et/ou nationale et de promouvoir d’autre part l’image à l’étranger d’une Suisse attrayante, ouverte, respectueuse de l’environnement et démocratiquement exemplaire, image qui favorise l’économie nationale par l’afflux d’investissements étrangers, de main-d’œuvre qualifiée et de touristes en direction de la Suisse. / In Western democracies, the questioning of the role of the state in economic regulation since the late 1970s has resulted in various institutional reconfigurations and the emergence of new groups of public and private actors. This research explores the production of “Swiss medicinal herbs”, as these become the object of new governmental and entrepreneurial practices aiming to preserve “the national interest” in the face of increased foreign competition. It inquires into the various practices which compose and frame the production and the marketing of herbal health products in Switzerland in a context of economic liberalization.Based on four years of multi-sited ethnographic fieldwork, enriched by the analysis of iconographic and written sources, this work aims to account for the diversity of conceptions and uses of medicinal herbs in Switzerland, and to examine the transformations they underwent over the course of the twentieth century. It does so from the points of view of diverse professionals and experts of cultural administrations. Paying particular attention to the political and transnational dimensions, this study foregrounds how “Swiss medicinal herbs” have been at the heart of various public policy reforms (agricultural, regional, sanitary, cultural, trade and innovation) reflecting adaptations of Swiss law to European and international standards and the extension of federal law.Secondly, this research sheds light on the complex and dynamic articulation between, on the one hand, the interests of producers’ cooperatives and the “Swiss medicinal herbs” industries, and, on the one hand, the construct of a “common interest”. This articulation is mobilized by federal and cantonal governments as well as by local and national pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and tourism industries. The discursive und symbolic creation of a common destiny between the private sector of medicinal herbs and the national population is key to understanding the consecration, by the cantonal and federal cultural administrations, of certain economic uses of medicinal herbs as “intangible cultural heritage” (hereinafter ICH). Indeed, the detailed analysis of the implementation of the Unesco Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage brings to light not only how the use of standardized application forms for the ICH inventory in Switzerland renders invisible power relations, challenges and controversies surrounding the production and the marketing of herbal products. It also shows how this inventory produces purified images of the practices listed therein. These images are subsequently mobilized by state actors as an instrument of public relations to arouse a feeling of pride among the local and/or national population, and to promote abroad the image of an attractive, open, eco-friendly and democratically exemplary Switzerland.
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臺灣公眾外交的策略與實踐:以臺灣獎學金計畫為例 / The strategy and practice of Taiwan's Public diplomacy: A case study of the Taiwan scholarship program周容卉 Unknown Date (has links)
總結而言,本研究首先經由詳盡地文獻回顧,以釐清公眾外交的發展脈絡及不同發展階段的概念核心。其次,本文嘗試賦予公眾外交更多在國際關係和外交政策中具體的理論基礎,並將軟實力、系統理論、結構主義的概念帶入公眾外交領域之中。再者,本文也從臺灣眾多的公眾外交作為中,歸納出其背後所欲追求的政策目標,而後聚焦於說明「臺灣獎學金計畫」,並致力於探討及評析國際間具知名度的政府獎學金計畫,從中歸納出成功推行政府獎學金計畫的關鍵因素,進而與我國獎學金計畫進行比較。最後,本文藉由問卷調查的實證結果來說明我國以政府獎學金推動公眾外交的成效,並提供臺灣日後發展公眾外交的建議。 / International relations in 21st Century has shown the features of highly complexity of global affairs and frequently interaction among cross-borders people; therefore, traditional diplomacy has changed into modern face accordingly. Nowadays, the governments tend to emphasize the dialogues and linkages of relationship between different cultures in foreign policy. The purpose of public diplomacy is to influence opinion in target countries to make it easier for the government to achieve its aims. For this reasons, public diplomacy has become an essential element of many countries foreign policy and a popular research area in the IR studies. Taiwanese Government has implemented public diplomacy in various approaches in order to improve the Taiwan images on the world stages. Among all the approaches of public diplomacy, international educational exchanges can not only let international students experience Taiwan in person, but also facilitate inter-cultural communication and build the long-lasting relationships between Taiwan. Based on the above-mentioned reasons, this article takes the Taiwan Scholarship Program as a study case in order to analyze of the role of the program in Taiwan’s public diplomacy. This study empirically investigates the outcomes of the Taiwan Scholarship Program by conducting the questionnaire for the Taiwan Scholarship grantees, who are studying in Taiwan during 2011-2012.
To sum up, this article manages to extensively retrospect the development of public diplomacy in the international relations and capture the core elements of public diplomacy under different ages. Besides, in order to provide theoretical bases for public diplomacy, the article tries to put soft power, systemic theory, and structuralism into discussions. Furthermore, the study dedicates to illustrate its policy goals from the practices of Taiwan’s public diplomacy and compare the Taiwan Scholarship Program with other prestigious government scholarship in world as well. Finally, the study indicates that the Taiwan Scholarship Program plays an important role in Taiwan’s public diplomacy, particularly because face-to face contact between grantees and Taiwanese people helps diminish the stereotypes and increase the mutual understanding.
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公眾外交運用之研究—以歐洲聯盟「伊拉斯莫斯世界」獎學金計畫為例 / Public Diplomacy: A Study on the EU's Erasmus Mundus Programme賴淑慧 Unknown Date (has links)
柔性權力一詞已是大家耳熟能詳的名詞,透過公眾外交方式增進跨文化間的理解並培養國際化人才已逐漸成為時代潮流,公眾外交運用的途徑多元,但總不脫以柔性權力資源促進跨文化間理解的原則,歐盟2004年開始實施「伊拉斯莫斯世界」(Erasmus Mundus) 計畫,旨在提昇歐洲高等教育品質及促進與非會員國的合作、吸引更多第三國學生及學者赴歐交流,讓歐洲成為教育卓越中心的代表,該計畫的實施可看出歐盟從歐境內高等教育的整合、促進歐洲各國文化的理解到向全世界推廣其教育理念、文化資源的努力,本研究以伊拉斯莫斯世界計畫為例,探討歐盟如何憑藉此計畫發揮歐盟的柔性權力資源以吸引更多世界各地人民赴歐求學,進而達到歐洲認同的影響力。 / With the increasing influence and visibility of “soft power” over recent years, it becomes ever more important to understand how to exercise such power effectively. One of the key instruments of soft power is public diplomacy. In Europe, public diplomacy is viewed as the number one priority across a whole spectrum of issues; therefore, the European Union (EU) is regarded as a model of how to utilize soft power. Launched in 2004, the Erasmus Mundus programme is considered to be a part of the EU’s public diplomacy.
Erasmus Mundus is a cooperation and mobility programme in the field of higher education. The aim of the programme is to promote European higher education, and to improve and enhance the career prospects of students. The programme also aims to promote intercultural understanding through cooperation with third countries, in order to contribute to the sustainable development of higher education in those countries, in accordance with EU external policy objectives. This study examines how the EU employs public diplomacy by means of the Erasmus Mundus Programme.
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Un journalisme d’immersion limité et contraint : étude de la pratique des correspondants français en Chine / A limited and constrained immersion journalism : a study of the practice of French correspondents in ChinaSun, Jiangeng 11 December 2015 (has links)
Dans un contexte de « mondialisation », les échanges entre cultures différentes favorisent une meilleure compréhension mutuelle entre les peuples du monde. Les correspondants de presse étrangers constituent des acteurs clés dans ce processus de médiation culturelle transnationale. Leur travail journalistique permet en effet à un public national de mieux connaître la culture dans laquelle ces correspondants sont immergés. Et par là contribuer à la compréhension culturelle entre le pays d’origine des correspondants et leur pays d’accueil. Notre recherche s’intéresse aux pratiques journalistiques des correspondants de presse français en Chine. Cet exemple permet de mettre en lumière des logiques de travail et des dispositifs de contrôle qui contraignent, directement ou indirectement, le travail de production de l’information. Nourries de nos enquêtes de terrain et d’approches théoriques, nos analyses permettent de montrer que les journalistes français présents en Chine constituent un microcosme social, à la fois relativement fermé sur lui-même et isolé de la société chinoise. Il s’agit le plus souvent de journalistes professionnels à la fois très diplômés et très expérimentés. Toutefois, en Chine, ils ne peuvent jamais exercer un « journalisme d’immersion » malgré leur présence sur place sur des durées relativement longues. Leur faible maîtrise du chinois opérationnel empêche une bonne partie des journalistes français de communiquer directement avec des Chinois. Ensuite, les conditions de réalisation de reportages subissent souvent des contraintes liées à la politique chinoise de régulation des journalistes étrangers en Chine. Enfin, leur accès aux sources d’information pèse également de manière décisive sur la production de l’information sur place. / In a context of globalisation, cultural exchanges foster and increase a mutual understanding between peoples and cultures, all around the world. Foreign correspondents are key players in the transnational process of cultural mediation. Indeed, their journalistic work helps a national audience to achieve a better understanding of the culture in which these correspondents are immersed, and thereby contributes to cultural understanding between their home country and the host country. Our research focuses on the journalistic practices of French correspondents in China, and highlights the logics of work and the control devices that influence, directly or indirectly, the production of information and, generally speaking, the journalistic practice of foreign correspondents. Based on our field studies and theoretical approaches, our analysis aims at demonstrating that French journalists in China constitute a social microcosm, relatively closed on itself and isolated from the Chinese society. They are often professionals both highly qualified and very experienced. However, they can never really have recourse to the method of "immersion journalism" despite long periods of presence in China. Lots of French journalists cannot directly communicate with the Chinese population, because of their insufficient knowledge of the everyday language. Then their working conditions often face constraints of the Chinese's regulation policy towards foreign journalists. Finally, their limited access to information sources also has a major impact on the process of information production in China.
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(Re)Writing History: How Germany and France Create and Project EU Narratives AbroadRogers, Lauren January 2018 (has links)
‘Narrative’ has become such a pervasive term in media and political jargon that its theoretical backbone has become harder to trace. With this in mind, this thesis seeks to contribute to the theoretical understanding of narratives in international relations research, with a focus on the European Union. This thesis begins with a discussion on narratives in the international system, what kinds of power they exert, and how they provide structure. This will lead into the conceptual debate of narratives as tools vs narratives as identity, which will in turn raise questions about how actors use narratives to maintain ontological security. Within the context of the EU, these questions are of particular relevance, as the struggle to create a narrative for the EU is well documented. Moreover, there remains a struggle to convince member states of the importance of an EU narrative identity. This thesis will examine the area of common foreign and security policy (CFSP) through the lens of narrative analysis. The case study of the formation and projection of the EU narrative on the Iran Nuclear Deal has been selected to determine whether or not member states in the EU are faithful to EU foreign policy narratives. An analytical framework has been developed based on strategic narrative theory and will be used to test narrative output from the EU, Germany, and France on the subject of the Iran Nuclear Deal. The results of this analysis will be considered using a reflexive approach. The goal of this research is not to implicate EU member states or to imply a lack of commitment to EU CFSP. Rather, this thesis seeks to demonstrate how deep-seated narratives affect even the closest of alliances. This thesis also seeks to encourage policy makers and scholars to consider the importance of narrative integration in EU research.
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The Differentiation of a Nation : The Swedish Nation Brand ManagementKinnwall, Adam January 2017 (has links)
This paper aims to highlight how the recent developments in international relations has created a environment with increased competition between countries for attention and assets and how these changes has promoted the increased use of public diplomacy to reach out to new actors. The study will focus on the public diplomacy sub-discipline of nation branding. The paper will analyze reputation management in international relations through the lens of corporate branding. This approach will help bridge the gap between marketing and international relations and expand the analytical toolkit for public diplomacy. While many studies have focused on branding campaigns this study will focus on the brand management to see whether it is capable of creating distinction and relevance for a nation brand or national reputation. The paper aims to give an descriptive analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats the Swedish reputation management faces in order to assess how the management can improve but also provide an analytical framework for researchers interested in studying reputation management. The paper will employ a qualitative method consisting of text analysis and interviews to connect the theoretical models with business practice to then present the results using a SWOT-analysis. The data gathered from the Swedish Institute serves to provide empirical data on the business conduct in relation to brand management and several indexes will be used to assess the Swedish brand. Results show that the Swedish nation brand management have adopted a wide range of methods to strengthen the distinctiveness and relevance for the Swedish brand and that the weaknesses are mostly connected to communication failures. The brand management has also good opportunities to further project a strong image of Sweden and the threats towards it are only marginal. The brand management should continue its current work while developing new methods and solutions to overcome the communication problems towards certain target groups. While the study have made contributions to understand how reputation management could be analyzed through corporate brand management, further research should look into whether a nation brand or reputation has been used as a power asset that is capable of actually acquiring global assets.
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Taiwan’s Public Diplomacy and Mega-event : An Analysis of Foreign News Reports of the World Games 2009 Kaohsiung / 台灣公眾外交與大事件外交 : 國際新聞報導分析以2009高雄世運為例Chung, Hsien-Yu January 2011 (has links)
This thesis, as a case study, focuses on the perspective of foreign news reports on Taiwan’s first time hosting an international multi-sport event, the World Games 2009 in its biggest port city Kaohsiung. The World Games 2009 Kaohsiung, the significant Olympic type mega-event as to Taiwan, is applied as the approach to public diplomacy and soft power for the purpose of expanding Taiwan’s international space. It is expected to raise publicity and mass media exposure to boost Taiwan’s international profile and spur its tourism industry. From Taiwan’s image-marketing strategy, practices to foreign news reports, it outweighs to study foreign media’s reflection on Taiwan and the World Games 2009 as the important evaluation on the mega-event as a whole. This thesis attempts to answer two research questions: How was the World Games 2009 Kaohsiung reported by the foreign media? Did hosting the World Games improve Taiwan’s image? It presents the results and perspectives of foreign news reports by qualitative methods: case study and discourse analysis of online-English news reports and some quantitative methods applied on data. It combines news reports study with theory, model of public diplomacy, mega-event and expected-model. Within 101 pieces of online-English news found related to the World Games 2009, it unveils fruitful results such as the failure of interpreting the core story (Taiwan’s images and values) by foreign media during the sporting extravaganza, and it echoes Rivenburgh (2004)’s three viewpoints toward the Olympic type event (intercultural challenges, less news about host country’s culture and dramatic news). By the amount of news and the absence of foreign media on the press conference indicates that foreign media did not pay much attention to the World Games and Taiwan. In spite of reporting the sports and games, other major topics of reports were Taiwan’s hosting the event, the greenest solar-powered stadium designed by Japanese, Toyo Ito, Chu Chen’s promotion itinerary to Beijing and China’s absence on the opening and closing ceremony which triggered foreign media’s great concern.
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Veřejná a kulturní diplomacie malých a středních států: porovnání České a Rakouské republiky / Public and cultural diplomacy: the difference between Austria and the Czech RepublicŠumpichová, Romana January 2014 (has links)
Master´s thesis aims at giving an overview of public and cultural diplomacy used in the middle-sized countries such as Austria and the Czech Republic. The thesis explains what does the public and cultural diplomacy mean, as well as what are contributions for countries which participate either in bilateral or in multinational cooperation. The thesis is focused on national foreign cultural policy made by different actors, as well as on common foreign policy and common projects which these two states have worked on. The very last part of the thesis summarizes effectiveness and successes of promoting a national culture abroad, what sort of diplomacy is used to do so and which institutions are the most important ones.
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Les chaînes de télévision internationales d'information à vocation de "diplomatie publique" / International 24-hour TV news channels for public diplomacyChoi, Ji Sun 01 June 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif de comprendre le rôle des chaînes internationales d’information à l’ère de la mondialisation : la tension et l’harmonisation entre l’objectif de diplomatie publique de la chaîne internationale d’information et les principes journalistiques ; le rôle des chaînes internationales d’information pour l’espace public global dans le monde « trans-nationalisé ». Afin de répondre à ces questions, dans une perspective constructiviste, nous avons analysé les missions annoncées par les chaînes sélectionnées (CNN International, France 24, BBC World News, NHK World TV, Arirang TV et Al-Jazeera English) puis leur contenu réel : la programmation et le contenu journalistique. Les résultats d’analyse nous démontrent que les chaînes considèrent et réalisent implicitement leur rôle de diplomate public et soulignent explicitement les principes journalistiques. Enfin, nous avons trouvé que les chaînes internationales d’information fonctionnent comme une infrastructure de communication internationale, en réalisant un double objectif et une double identité à cause du croisement de deux acteurs principaux concernés au sein de la chaîne internationale d’information : le gouvernement et les professionnels du journalisme. De plus, les efforts qui peuvent montrer « l’objectivité » et « le respect des principes journalistiques » des chaînes internationales conduisent ces dernières à jouer un rôle dans la sphère publique internationale, notamment grâce aux émissions participatives et interactives, ainsi que par les dispositifs d’interaction et de discussion. / This research aims to understand the role of international 24-hour TV news channels in the era of globalization: the tension and balance between the role of the international news channel for public diplomacy and the respect for journalistic principles; the role of international news channels for the global public space in the transnationalised world. In order to answer these questions, we analysed their missions announced by the selected channels (CNN International, France 24, BBC World News, NHK World TV, Arirang TV and Al-Jazeera English) and their media content with a constructivist perspective. The results show that the channels implicitly realize their role for public diplomacy and explicitly emphasize the journalistic principles. Finally, we found that international news channels work as an international communications infrastructure phenomenally with dual goal and a dual identity. In addition, the result shows that the international 24-hour TV news channels try to play a role as international public sphere through participatory and interactive programs.
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Role rozhlasového vysílání do zahraničí v české veřejné diplomacii / Role of external radio broadcasting in the Czech public diplomacyHosenseidlová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The thesis Role of external radio broadcasting in the Czech public diplomacy deals with the audiovisual (radio and television) external broadcasting operated by the state. It focuses on the Czech external broadcasting represented by the radio station Radio Prague. The broadcasting is arranged by the Czech Radio and financed by the ministry of foreign affairs. The aim of this thesis is to describe the task of Radio Prague in contemporary Czech public diplomacy. It looks at the station's programming, extent of the broadcasting and its orientation. It is concerned with the relation of Radio Prague to the state and compares the Czech model with models of main democratic countries in the Euro-Atlantic space. It takes into consideration the small and medium-sized and also transition states' public diplomacy specifics. It is interested in the position of Radio Prague in the Czech public diplomacy and with the position of the public diplomacy as a whole in the Czech foreign policy. The thesis uses the analysis of relevant primary documents relating to the Czech public diplomacy and external radio broadcasting and information from personal interviews with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and Radio Prague.
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