Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cublic procurement"" "subject:"bublic procurement""
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Optimalizace procesu zadávání veřejné zakázky z pohledu konkrétního zadavatele / Optimization of Public Procurement Process from the Perspective of Specific Contracting AuthorityBláhová, Petra January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of Optimization of Public Procurement Process from the Perspective of Specific Contracting Authority. The thesis introduces the main contracting authority problems based on the analysis of concrete public procurement and an interview with Town Hall staff. Next there are described the main differences between the current and previous Public Procurement Law and the method Design - Build is presented.
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Proces hodnocení veřejné zakázky z pohledu investora / Process of Public Order Valuation from Aspect of InvestorPtáčková, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with procurement. It focuses on the characteristics of public procurement, the procurement and evaluation. It describes the steps in the procurement and identifies risks that threaten the individual phases of the procurement process. The practical part is concerned with comparing the order of candidates established on the basis of two different evaluation methods stanovenýh in the Law on Public Procurement.
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Organizace stavební zakázky ve stavebním podniku / Construction Order Organization in Construction CompanyLexová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the process of obtaining a contract in a construction company. It focuses on legislation and procedures in a tender from the perspective of a contractor. The thesis presents processes and methods of creating quotations illustrated on a specific public procurement. Then, it compares the differences among submitted price quotes.
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Brister vid offentlig upphandling av event utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv : En fallstudie av Östersunds kommuns upphandling av “Stadsfesten 2019”Norell, Louise January 2019 (has links)
Offentlig upphandling kan anpassas mot att vara mer hållbar genom att ta hänsyn till miljömässiga och sociala faktorer. Event kan skapas genom offentlig upphandling. “Stadsfesten 2019” är ett sådant event, beställt av Östersunds kommun. Eventet tillägnades allmänheten och ägde rum i samband med VM i skidskytte 2019 i Östersund stad. En del av detta event var en temporärt uppställd festivalbyggnad, i form av ett så kallat spegeltält. Syftet med denna studie är att klargöra hur tillämpning av hållbar upphandling ser ut idag, detta med Östersunds kommuns event-upphandling “Stadsfesten 2019” som studieobjekt. Studien lyfter brister i upphandlingsprocessen. Förhoppningen är att denna studie ska inspirera aktörer inblandade i upphandlingsprocessen, i synnerhet vad gäller event-upphandlingar, att tillämpa samtliga delar av upphandlingsprocessen och ta vara på tillgängligt stöd för att tillämpa mer hållbar upphandling. Studien inleddes med att undersöka vilka steg som ingår i upphandlingsprocessen samt vad tillämpning av hållbar upphandling och skapande av hållbara event kan innebära. Studien utgår från följande sju delar av offentlig upphandling: behovsanalys, marknadsanalys, formulering av förfrågningsunderlag, annonsering/anbud/avtal, genomförande/avtalstid, uppföljning samt utvärdering. Fokusområden i studien kopplade till hållbarhet är sysselsättning, mat, serveringsmaterial, tillgänglighet för personer med rullstol, källsortering samt återbruk. Dessa områden har valts ut utifrån Region Gävleborgs “Checklista för hållbara konferenser och event” samt Håll Sverige rents dokument “Miljömärkt event - Miljökrav på externa aktörer vid event”. En granskning av förfrågningsunderlaget för “Stadsfesten 2019”-upphandlingen har genomförts vad gäller kravställande kopplat till ovan nämnda fokusområden. Granskningar har även genomförts av förfrågningsunderlaget för event-upphandlingen, den preliminära miljöplanen (formulerad av leverantörsorganisationen), Östersunds kommuns “Checklista miljöplan för arrangemangsbidrag”, menyerna under eventet, upphandlingsorganisationens upphandlingspolicy, kommunens miljöpolicy samt upphandlingens beslutsprotokoll. Viss direkt observation vad gäller källsortering och tillgänglighet i spegeltältet under eventet har genomförts. Information kring Stadsfesten-upphandlingen och eventet har samlats in genom i huvudsak personlig kommunikation med utvalda personer inblandade i processen via intervjuer, telefonsamtal och/eller mailkonversationer. Resultatet har analyserats mot politiska mål för Östersunds kommun, Lag om offentlig upphandling (SFS 2016:1145), Naturvårdsverkets rapport “Miljöanpassade inköp - Verktyg för att nå de nationella miljökvalitetsmålen”, Region Gävleborgs “Checklista för hållbara konferenser och event” samt Håll Sverige rents dokument “Miljömärkt event - Miljökrav på externa aktörer vid event”. Denna studie visar på att samtliga sju delar av upphandlingsprocessen när det kommer till stadsfesten-upphandlingen innehåller brister, åtminstone när det kommer till miljömässiga faktorer. Östersunds kommun och Upphandlingskontoret som upphandlingsorganisation och leverantören av “Stadsfesten 2019” har visat på en ambition mot skapande av hållbara event men det finns utvecklingspotential. Varken en ingående behovsanalys eller en marknadsanalys har genomförts. Förfrågningsunderlaget kunde ha omfattat fler krav gällande tekniska specifikationer och krav kring uppföljning. Stöd i form av miljökompetens inom kommunens organisation har inte nyttjats till fullo när det kommer till utveckling av den preliminära miljöplanen. En skriftlig utveckling av den slutgiltiga miljöplanen har uteblivit. Kommunens arbetsdokument “Checklista miljöplan för arrangemangsbidrag” har inte följts fullt ut. Utformning av källsorteringshänvisningar under eventet är bristfällig, då det saknas illustrationer och text på fler språk än svenska. Mat som serverats tycks ej vara ekologisk. Vitt och vilt kött har ej prioriterats vid framställning av menyerna. Vid framtagande av menyerna tycks ej heller en minimering av serveringsmaterial ha stått i fokus. Uppföljning kring miljömässiga faktorer har ej genomförts av beställaren eller rapporterats till beställaren av leverantörsorganisationen. Utvärderingen av eventet omfattar ej miljömässiga faktorer eller de sociala faktorer som lyfts i denna studie. Samtidigt som det i studien framkommer brister i upphandlingsprocessen framkommer det att samtliga inblandade aktörer ställer sig positiva till att utveckla sitt arbete mot en mer hållbar riktning vad gäller upphandling och skapande av event. Förslag till förbättringar mot en mer hållbar upphandlingsprocess som framkommer i studien är att låta testpersoner undersöka tillgängligheten för rullstolsburna innan event börjar, att inleda samarbete mellan Mittuniversitetet och Östersunds kommun, att ställa uppföljningskrav i förfrågningsunderlaget, att formulera slutgiltiga miljöplaner skriftligen samt att ta hjälp av miljökompetens för detta ändamål. Redan påbörjade organisatoriska hållbarhetsutvecklingar framkommer i form av utveckling av riktlinjer inom eventbranschen och en påbörjad uppföljning av upphandlingar inom upphandlingsorganisationen. / Public procurement can be adjusted to be more sustainable, this through taking in consideration environmental and social factors. Events can be created through public procurement, “Stadsfesten 2019” is one of these events. The event was ordered by the municipality of Östersund, Sweden. This event was dedicated to the general public, and took place during the biathlon world championship in 2019 in Östersund city. Part of this event was the so called mirror tent, a festival building temporary mounted. The purpose of this study is to clarify whether a sustainable procurement procedure is applied in reality today, this having “Stadsfesten 2019” as a study object. The study raise deficiencies within the procurement procedure. The aim is that this study will inspire actors involved in the procurement procedure, especially when it comes to the creation of events, to practise all of the steps within the procedure, and also to make use of available competence and support. This to apply a more sustainable public procurement. Initially the study investigated which steps that are included within the procurement process, and what sustainable procurement and creation of event can involve. The study involves following seven steps within the public procurement: needs analysis, market analysis, formulation of demands within the specifications for the mission, advertising/bid/agreement, implementation/contract period, follow-up and also evaluation. Focus areas in the study connected to sustainability are employment possibilities for people currently outside the market, food, serving materials, availability for people in wheelchairs, waste sorting and reuse of material. These areas were selected regarding a checklist for creating more sustainable conferences and events by the region of Gävleborg, Sweden, and a document about environmentally certified events by the NGO “Håll Sverige rent”. A review has been carried out regarding the specifications for the mission for “Stadsfesten 2019”, and the demands connected to the already mentioned focus areas. Reviews have also been carried out regarding the preliminary environmental plan for the event (formulated by the contractor), the municipality’s checklist for environmental plans, the menus presented during the event, the procurement policy of the procurement organsiation, the environment policy of the municipality and of the decision protocol of the Stadsfesten-event. Some direct observation regarding waste sorting and availability connected to the mirror tent took place during the event. Information about the event-procurement and the event has been collected mainly through personal communication, involving people connected to the procurement procedure of the event. This communication was made through interviews, phone calls and/or mail conversations. The result has been analysed against political goals for the municipality of Östersund, the swedish law about public procurement (SFS 2016:1145), a report by the swedish Environmental Protection Agency about environmentally friendly purchases, the checklist by the region of Gävleborg mentioned earlier and also the document by “Håll Sverige rent” already mentioned. This study shows that all of the seven steps within the procurement procedure includes deficiencies when it comes to the procedure of the “Stadsfesten 2019”-procurement, at least when it comes to environmental factors. The municipality of Östersund and Upphandlingskontoret (its procurement partner) as a procurement organisation, and the contractor of the event have shown an ambition towards creating a more sustainable event. Still there is a need of further development. Either a thorough need analysis or a market analysis have been carried through. The specifications for the mission could have been including more demands regarding technical specifications and follow-up. Support including competence within the environmental area within the organisation of the municipality has not been used of fully when it comes to the development of the preliminary environmental plan for the specific event. A written version of the final environmental plan has not been formulated. The municipality’s own checklist for creating environmental plans has not been used fully. The layout of the waste sorting instructions connected to the waste bins directed to event visitors is insufficient. It lacks of illustrations and texts in other languages than swedish. The food served within the tent is not ecological. White and wild caught meat have not been prioritised when creating the menus. Also, when creating the menus a minimizing of the serving material needed has not been in focus. A follow-up regarding environmental factors has not been carried through by the municipality or been reported to the municipality by the contractor. The evaluation of the event does not include any environmental or social factors lifted within this study. At the same time, this study shows that the people involved in this study are positive about developing their work towards a more sustainable direction when it comes to procurement and the creation of events. Suggestions for improvements towards a more sustainable procurement procedure reveals in the study from people involved. These includes having people testing the availability for people in wheelchairs before an event opens, starting a collaboration between the municipality and the local university (Mid Sweden university), including demands about follow-up within the specification for the mission, formulate final environmental plans in written form and make use of environmental competence for this purpose. Already started organisational developments towards sustainability are revealed in this study. The event branch is developing guidelines about creating more sustainable events, and within the procurement organisation of the municipality of Östersund and Upphandlingskontoret there is an ongoing follow-up regarding their earlier procurement missions. / <p>2019-06-07</p>
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Příležitosti korupce v zákoně o veřejných zakázkách / Opportunities for corruption in the Public Procurement ActLejček, Kryštof January 2020 (has links)
The thesis "Opportunities for corruption in the Public Procurement Act" deals with the identification of possible opportunities for corruption in public procurement under the current Act No. 134/2016 Coll., The Public Procurement Act and laws that dealt with public procurement after 1993. together with their amendments. The work is conceived as a case study according to Yin (Yin 1994) using the theory of networks of political actors, which is one of the most suitable for investigating cases of corruption (Potůček 2017). Furthermore, the concept of corruption is defined, including its development, and its types are known according to the academic literature. The aim of the thesis will be to find opportunities for corruption in the laws and also how these opportunities have changed over time, so the subject of the thesis is the period of public procurement from 1993 to the present (2020). The empirical part will analyze the laws and amendments for a given period of time in order to find corruption opportunities in public procurement laws. It will also be assessed whether the necessary changes have been achieved in relation to the reduction of corruption opportunities thanks to the amendment of public procurement laws. At the same time, a questionnaire survey is conducted among public procurement...
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Sustainable Public Procurement : Development and analysis of tools for construction worksVerzat, Benoit January 2008 (has links)
Embedded in the economic competition, public procurement has amajor role to play in being a driving force for the promotion of a globallypositive competition that prides the best sustainable products and services,rather than only the more economically efficient ones. Responsible for ahuge part of the human pressure on natural resources, and having a largeshare in the public funding, the built environment sector provides animportant venue for the use of sustainable public procurement as a tool toenhance the sustainability of societies.Selecting the best sustainable offer is a challenging task requiringenvironmental and social assessments that can only be based on complexlife cycle thinking analysis. Through the development of the “ExhaustiveSustainable public procurement clauses Manual”, this paper analyses publicprocurement issues and their potential solutions, with a focus on theenvironmental performance in buildings procurement.
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Public procurement of cellulose-based and locally produced textiles - incentives and barriers for sustainable purchasing in the Swedish healthcare sectorJOHANNESSON, STINA January 2016 (has links)
Background: This study describes the incentives and barriers of public procurement ofcellulose-based and locally produced textiles in the Swedish healthcaresector governed by the county councils and regions. The size of the publicprocurement market is substantial which makes it imperative to analyse theprocurement decisions taken by this large customer from asustainability perspective. To understand these decisions better the publicprocurement is also analysed from an organisational perspective discussingpressures from global, regional and local stakeholders and governingauthorities.Methods: Empirical and primary data was collected from three semi-structuredinterviews with procurement officers, strategic buyers and heads ofprocurement departments in three county councils and regions in Sweden.The qualitative data was supplemented with quantitative data from a surveytargeting the additional 18 county councils and regions in Sweden. All 21county councils and regions in Sweden participated in or responded to theinterview and survey study. Six (33 %) complete responses were submitted,while five (28 %) surveys were partially responded to. Seven (39 %) countycouncils and regions did not participate in the study. The quantitative surveydata was analysed through the Fisher’s exact test and a thematic analysis wasapplied jointly on the interview and survey data due to the identicalinterview and survey questions.Results: The four themes found in the empirical data were concluded to be thedecision-making in these procurement processes being affected by manystakeholders, a high trust on suppliers for information updates andsustainable responsibility, an existing knowledge gap on cellulose-based andlocally produced textiles and the challenges and opportunities surroundingthe regulation of sustainability in the contract terms in the publicprocurement of textiles. The procurement officials being in a leading or nonleadingposition did not show any statistically significant effect on theperception of the clarity in the relevant political directives and how thisinfluences the possibility to take sustainable action in the procurementprocess, nor on whether the short-term (lowest) price has a higher prioritythan the long-term (e.g. long-term societal and environmental costs) in theprocurement of textiles.Conclusion: The sustainable public procurement of textiles within the Swedish healthcaresector governed by the county councils and regions is characterized by ahigh level of organisational complexity including many global, regional andlocal stakeholders. The governing authorities as well as the procuringorganizations and suppliers show interest in implementing sustainableprocurement processes which is however aggravated by static contract terms,limited knowledge on novel textile materials and the perceived costs relatedto the procurement.
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Marknadskommunikation mot offentlig sektor – en fallstudie av Care ofSweden AB. / Marketing communications in the public sector – a case study of Care ofSweden AB.Ohlson, Emelie, Dzananovic, Sandro January 2016 (has links)
Marknadskommunikation har blivit en alltmer viktig och central del inom ett företag. Detta pågrund av att företag erbjuds mer och mer kanaler och tillvägagångssätt att kommunicera motsin marknad. Genom att ingående teoretiskt ramverk visar på många svagheter imarknadskommunikation mot den offentliga sektorn. Svagheter finns även inom denoffentliga sektorn så har en studie genomförts för att belysa om dem problem och det storagap som finns i facklitteratur och forskning stämmer överens i praktiken. Care of Sweden ärett företag som jobbar med trycksårsförebyggande madrasser och deras kunder är offentligaoch privata vårdboenden, sjukhus samt andra vårdinstanser. All försäljning ochkommunikation sker mot den offentliga sektorn via upphandlingar. Denna studie syftar till attlyfta fram dem tillvägagångssätt som finns att utföra marknadsföring ochmarknadskommunikation på idag samt att belysa olika förbättringar man som företag kangöra.Genom utförda intervjuer med olika nyckelpersoner på Care of Sweden samt insamlade faktafrån artiklar och facklitteratur så har författarna skapat sig en bild av den verklighet som råderidag när man idkar kommunikation inför och under pågående upphandlingar. Man har kunnatse tydliga svagheter samt styrkor i det system som råder idag, till exempel att offentlig sektorinte vill ha regelbunden kommunikation. / ompany. This is because the company is offered more and more channels and ways tocommunicate with their market. By a detailed theoretical framework that demonstrates themany weaknesses in marketing to the public sector. Weaknesses are also in the public sector,a study has been conducted to shed light on those problems and the large gap that exists in theliterature and research is consistent in practice. Care of Sweden is a company that works withpressure sore prevention mattresses and their clients are public and private nursing homes,hospitals and other health institutions. All sales and communication takes place on the publicsector through procurement. This study aims to highlight those practices that are to carry outpromotion and marketing of today and to highlight various improvements that the businessescan do.Through interviews conducted with key members at Care of Sweden as well as data collectedfrom articles and literature, the authors created a picture of the reality today when engaged incommunication before and during the ongoing procurement. They have been able to seeclearly the weaknesses and strengths of the systems that exists today, for example, that thepublic sector does not want to have regular communication.
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Networking within the public sector : How the effect of networking and competitive advantages facilitate growthHalvardsson, Victor, Janson, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to describe how networking can provide competitive advantage to facilitate growth when offering consultancy services toward the public sector. The majority of companies are looking to expand their business due to different reasons. With todays intense competiton on the market it is becoming increasingly important to outperform competitors in order to maintain the current customerbase aswell as it is to gain new businesses. Companies that work toward the public sector have special laws, directives and regulations that have to be taken into account when conducting business. Involvement with networks is based on different reasons, it can be due to gaining new customers, contacts and knowledge to name a few. The authors have performed a qualitative case study with a focus on two companies. The empirical findings is based on information collected through interviews with these companies and through a quanitative self-completion questionnaire with a sample group of 16 repondents. By analysing the empirical information the authors have concluded that networking activities are important in order to prosper growth. However, there is a lack of networking strategies among the two companies of focus which constraint the firms to get the most out of the networks.
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Preliminariosios sutarties institutas viešuosiuose pirkimuose / The institute of framework agreement in public procurementGrambaitė, Rasa 25 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe atskleidžiama preliminariosios viešųjų pirkimų sutarties instituto samprata, aptariama paskirtis, įrodoma, jog šis institutas yra specifinis ir modernus teisinis įrankis, leidžiantis optimizuoti viešųjų pirkimų procedūrų vykdymą. Darbe nuosekliai išanalizuojamas ir paaiškinamas šiuo metu galiojantis su preliminariosios viešųjų pirkimų sutarties institutu tiesiogiai/netiesiogiai susijęs teisinis reguliavimas. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas tų teisės normų, kurios potencialiai gali sukelti jų probleminį praktinį pritaikymą, aptarimui, taip pat pateikiama nemažai situacinių pavyzdžių ir hipotetinių problemų sprendimų variantų. / This paper deals with the conception of the Institute of Framework Agreement in Public Procurement. Purposes of concluding such agreements are discussed, the point about this institute as a specific and modern legal mean, which optimizes the performance of public procurement procedures, is substantiated. The current legal regulation of the institute of framework agreement in public procurement is analysed coherently. Ambiguous legal rules, which generate potential problems of use of these agreements in practice, are taken as one of the main topics for consideration. There are also situational examples and various hypothetical practical problems solutions proposed in this paper.
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