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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nations Imagined Online: A Case Study of the Villoux Server System

Daniel, Tyler 01 May 2020 (has links)
Online communities have become commonplace in the modern world, developing on nearly every website and application. These communities can develop on a singular website, e.g. forums like Reddit and 4Chan where like-minded people can discuss and share ideas and websites like Facebook and Twitter which capitalize on social interactions; they develop around gaming platforms, e.g. Xbox live chat or Minecraft servers; and they can develop on applications solely developed to engage with other people, e.g. Internet relay-chatrooms and TikTok. The communities formed from these online services may differ in purpose but ultimately all function within the realm of an online community. I pose the question “How do governing structures in online civil society organizations influence individual behaviors?”, and conducted a case study on the Villoux Server System, an online service based on gaming but rooted in community-building that operates within an institutional framework similar to structures among geographically-bound communities.

Putnam’s Two-Level Game: Case Studies of Serbian and Russian Reactions to the Kosovar and Chechen Independence Movements

Wilson, Ann Conner 26 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Tillit, engagemang och social klass. : En kvantitativ studie om hur social klasstillhörighet påverkar sambandet mellan samhällsengagemang och mellanmänsklig tillit.

Couchér, Ida, Häggebo Fri, Lovis January 2024 (has links)
Ett av de grundläggande fundamenten för att ett demokratiskt samhälle ska fungera är att människor känner tillit till varandra. Syftet med den här studien är att få en vidare förståelse för hur den mellanmänskliga tilliten skapas och upprätthålls i det svenska samhället idag. Studien tar avstamp i Robert D. Putnams teori om att samhällsengagemang gynnar den mellanmänskliga tilliten genom en rad mekanismer och undersöker huruvida social klass påverkar sambandet eller ej. Förutom Putnam ingår även Bo Rothsteins teorier om mellanmänsklig tillit i det teoretiska ramverket. Pierre Bourdieus teori om det sociala rummet har legat till grund för att definiera social klass och dess betydelse för människors livsvillkor. Studien har hämtat datamaterial från den nationella SOM-undersökningen år 2021, formulär 6. Materialet omfattade ett nettourval på 3400 personer i åldrarna 16 år och uppåt. Antal svarande på enkäten var 1622 personer och efter att det interna bortfallet uteslöts kvarstod 1060 personer i urvalet. För att studera hur samhälleligt engagemang påverkar mellanmänsklig tillit användes bivariata analyser samt multipel linjär regression som analysmetod. Samhällsengagemang mättes genom att skapa två olika index, ett som mätte antal föreningsmedlemskap och ett som mätte antal aktiviteter (såsom att gå i demonstration eller att kontakta en politiker). Social klass mättes med hjälp av yrkeskategorier som delats in i enligt European Socio-economic Classification (ESeC). Övriga kontrollvariabler var kön, ålder och partisympati. Resultatet av studien visade ett positivit samband mellan samhällsengagemang och tillit då det gällde antal föreningsmedlemskap men inte rörande antal aktiviteter. Social klass visade sig ha en påverkan på sambandet mellan medlemskap och tillit då sambandet blev svagare vid konstanthållning för social klass, och slutsatsen blir att sambandet är starkare för överklassen och medelklassen än för arbetarklassen. Partisympati var ytterligare en kontrollvariabel som hade en relativt stor förklaringsförmåga för sambandet, särskilt för individer tillhörande kategorin överklass.
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Résolution de deux types d’équations opératorielles et interactions / Solution of 2 kind of operator equations and interactions

Mansour, Abdelouahab 15 September 2016 (has links)
Le sujet de cette thèse porte sur la résolution d'équations d'opérateurs dans l'algèbre B(H) des opérateurs linéaires bornés sur un espace de Hilbert H. Nous étudié celles qui sont associées aux dérivations généralisées. Mon sujet de thèse explore aussi des équations beaucoup plus générales comme celles du type AXB - XD = E ou AXB - CXD = E où A, B, C, D et E appartiennent à B(H). Plus précisément il s'agit de donner une description des solutions de ces équations pour E appartenant à une famille précise(autoadjoint, normal, rang un, rang fini, compact, couple de Fuglède Putnam) et pour des opérateurs A, B, C et D appartenant à des bonnes classes d'opérateurs ( celles qui interviennent dans les applications, notamment en physique) comme les opérateurs autoadjoints, les opérateurs normaux, sous normaux,... En dehors du cas où les spectres de A et B sont disjoints, il n'existe pas de méthode générale pour construire de manière effective l'ensemble des solutions de l'équation de Sylvester AX - XB = C à partir des opérateurs A, B et C. Un des objectifs de mon travail de thèse est de fournir une méthode constructive dans le cas où A, B et C appartiennent à des bonnes classes d'opérateurs. Une étude spectrale des solutions est également faite. A coté de cette étude qualitative, il y a aussi une étude quantitative.Il s'agit d'obtenir aussi des estimations précises de la norme d'opérateur(ou norme de Schatten) des solutions en fonction des normes des opérateurs correspondants aux données. Ceci nous a d'ailleurs conduit à des résultats concernant quelques inégalités intéressantes pour les dérivations généralisées, et enfin quelques résultats concernant les opérateurs dans un espace de Banach sont également donnés / The subject of this thesis focuses on the resolution of operator equationsin B(H) algebra of bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space. We studythose associated with generalized derivations. In this thesis, we also exploremore general equations such as the type AXB - XD = E or AXB -CXD = E where A, B, C, D and E belong to B(H). Specifically it is adescription of the solutions of these equations for E belongs in a precisefamily (Self-adjoint, normal, rank one, finite rank, compact, pair of FugledePutnam) and the operators A, B, C and D belonging to the good classesof operators (Those involved in applications , especially in physics) as theself-adjoint operators, normal operators, subnormal operators... Apart fromthe case where the spectra of A and B are disjoint, there is not any generalmethod for constructing effectively all solutions of the Sylvester equationAX - XB = C from the given operators A, B and C. One objective of thisthesis is to provide a constructive approach in when A, B and C belong toconventional families of operators. A spectral study of the solutions is alsostudied. Besides this qualitative study, there is also a quantitative study.It is also to obtain accurate estimates of the operator norm (or norm ofSchatten) of the solutions in terms of operator norms corresponding to data.This also led us to obtain results concerning some interesting inequalitiesfor generalized derivations, and finally some examples and properties ofoperators on a Banach space are also given
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Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement im Wandel – Deutsch-französische Vereine (1989-2013) als soziales Kapital und ihr Nutzen im transnationalen Raum / Civil society engagement in transformation - Social capital of Franco-German associations (1989-2013) and their role in the transnational space / L'engagement de la société civile en mouvement - Le capital social des associations franco-allemandes (1989-2013) et leur rôle dans l'espace transnational

Haase, Sarah 11 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'engagement de la société civile dans les relations franco-allemandes entre 1989 et 2013, avec une ouverture portant jusqu'à l'année 2017. Son objectif est d'étudier le rôle, l'organisation et le caractère transnational de six initiatives franco-allemandes face à l'intégration européenne et à la mondialisation. Tout en démontrant l'importance de l'engagement citoyen, cette thèse s'interroge sur la place de la relation franco-allemande dans nos sociétés actuelles. L'interdisciplinarité du travail nécessite la mobilisation de plusieurs méthodes de recherche. L'exploitation des archives propres à chaque association se révèle particulièrement importante, pour pouvoir illustrer l'évolution des initiatives citoyennes sur la base de données empiriques. Dans un premier temps, l'analyse procède par catégories : (1) communication, (2) conception des programmes/orientation thématique, (3) réseautage et (4) professionnalisation/potentiel d'innovation. Ensuite, la thèse explore l'importance du capital social individuel (Bourdieu) des personnalités clés au sein d'une association ainsi que le capital social collectif (Putnam) généré par ces associations. Les relations que les associations entretiennent au sein du réseau franco-allemand et les liens qu'entretiennent les personnages clés avec d'autres acteurs situés en dehors de cet espace binational sont deux éléments importants pour la visibilité, le poids et l'utilité sociale des initiatives (Gadrey). Enfin, le travail pose la question de savoir si ces associations constituent des hétérotopies (Foucault) qui suscitent un habitus particulier tout en créant une conscience franco-allemande. Ainsi, cette thèse s'emploie à démontrer l'importance d'un réseau associatif transnational. / This thesis discusses the civil society engagement in the relationship between France and Germany between 1989 and 2013, with an outlook until 2017. Its objective is to study the role, the organisation and the transnational character of six Franco-German associations in the face of European integration and globalisation. By showing the importance of civil society engagement, this thesis questions the place of the Franco-German relationship in our contemporary society. The multidisciplinarity of this thesis demands the application of different methodological approaches. The analysis of empirical data through the examination of the associations' archives is particularly important in order to show the development of the initiatives. First, the material is analysed by the categories (1) communication, (2) program conception/main topics, (3) networking and (4) professionalization/innovation potential, which reveal different challenges such as the ageing of the members. Then, the thesis explores the importance of individual social capital (Bourdieu) for an association disposed by key personalities as well as the collective social capital (Putnam) generated by these associations. Not only the relations the associations are maintaining within the Franco-German network but also the connections key personalities have outside of the binational space are important for the visibility, wages and social utility of the initiatives (Gadrey). Finally, the thesis asks if these associations could be characterized as heterotopy (Foucault), which evokes a particular habitus by creating a Franco-German self-conception. The analysis therefore attempts to show the importance of a transnational association network.
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Demokratins förutsättningar i Västafrika : En jämförande studie av Ghana och Guinea

Solomon, Yordanos January 2011 (has links)
In subsequent to Post-colonialism the African nations have dilated into different political directions. While some nations have established well-functioning democracies, others are still under authoritarian regimes. The aim of this thesis is to examine if civil society has an impact on democratic development in West Africa. Therefore the theoretical starting point is Putnam’s theory of social capital, but this study will also examine other possible causal explanations for democratic transition. This study will be based on a comparative analysis of Ghana and Guinea. Therefore these following questions will be answered: Does the civil society have any connotation in democratic development in West African countries? Has the military, international influence, socio-economic development and differences in the population affected the democratic development in Ghana and Guinea?  Which of the above factors is most beneficial for a regime change when transcending from an authoritarian rule to a civilian rule, and do they have a greater significance than the civil society? The main conclusion in this study is that civil society does not have any connotation for a regime change from authoritarian rule to a civilian rule in West Africa. The international influence is rather the most beneficial factor for such democratic development.
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O entrela?amento fato-valor : uma abordagem a partir de Hillary Putnam e Amartya Sen

Ferreira, Carlos Roberto Bueno 12 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-06-02T14:30:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 469628 Texto Completo.pdf: 931195 bytes, checksum: c7c8e9f4562e06942a014716c371b8d2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-02T14:30:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 469628 Texto Completo.pdf: 931195 bytes, checksum: c7c8e9f4562e06942a014716c371b8d2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-12 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This thesis aims to analyze the dichotomy between fact and value. The separation of the merely factual-objective of which is evaluative-subjective is the result of a historical progression based on a number of theories that oppose each other, going back to the clash between Descartes and Hume (rationalism and empiricism). However, this dichotomy is criticized by Hilary Putnam, who defends the existence of an entanglement of facts and values. In this sense, will seek to demonstrate the danger to defend the ideal of a science free of ethical and social values. The second chapter, in order to demonstrate a more tangible way the entanglement between facts and values, is dedicated to an evaluation conducted on the unsustainability of the dichotomy fact - value in the economy. It is proposed to evaluate the work of Amartya Sen, Indian philosopher and economist who has devoted his career to the affirmation of the economy also as a human science that deals with complex ethical factors which can not be reduced simply to numbers and statistics.Sen defends the possibility of a welfare economy and, therefore, proposes a rereading of "classical economics", adding that it would have been an ethical impoverishment due to its overly linked to mathematical reason structure and focus on individual interest. Seeking a solution that would avoid utilitarianism, Sen developed the theory of capabilities, which proposes to consider the interpersonal comparisons of "utility." Thus, we intend to address the issue of the fact-value dichotomy, based on the thought of Putnam and Sen, pointing out the possible consequences that the arguments raised generate for philosophical perception of political science, and notions of reason applicable to normative issues. / A presente disserta??o busca analisar a dicotomia entre fato e valor. A separa??o do que ? meramente f?tico-objetivo do que ? valorativo-subjetivo ? resultado de uma progress?o hist?rica fundada numa s?rie de teorias que se op?em entre si, remontando ao embate entre Descartes e Hume (racionalismo e empirismo). Contudo, esta dicotomia ? criticada por Hilary Putnam, que defende a exist?ncia de um entrela?amento de fatos e valores. Nesse sentido, buscar-se-?, no primeiro cap?tulo do trabalho, demonstrar o perigo de se defender o ideal de uma ci?ncia livre de valores ?ticos e sociais. O cap?tulo seguinte, buscando demonstrar de modo mais tang?vel o entrela?amento entre fato e valor, ? dedicado a uma avalia??o aplicada, relativa ? insustentabilidade da referida dicotomia no campo da economia.Para isso, prop?e-se avaliar alguns aspectos da obra de Amartya Sen, fil?sofo e economista indiano que dedicou sua carreira ? afirma??o da economia tamb?m como ci?ncia humana que lida com fatores ?ticos complexos, que n?o podem ser reduzidos a n?meros e estat?sticas. Sen defende a possibilidade de uma economia de bemestar e, para isso, prop?e uma releitura da ?teoria econ?mica cl?ssica?, aduzindo que ela teria sofrido empobrecimento ?tico decorrente da sua estrutura excessivamente ligada ? raz?o matem?tica e ao foco no interesse individual. Buscando uma solu??o que evitasse o utilitarismo, Sen desenvolveu a teoria das capacidades, na qual se prop?e a considerar as compara??es interpessoais de ?utilidade?. A partir dessas discuss?es, pretendemos abordar o tema da dicotomia fato-valor com base no pensamento de Putnam e Sen, apontando as poss?veis consequ?ncias geradas pelos argumentos levantados ? percep??o filos?fica das ci?ncias pol?ticas, e ?s no??es de raz?o aplic?veis ?s quest?es normativas.
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Putnam's Moral Realism

Persson, Björn January 2013 (has links)
Moral realism is the view that there are such things as moral facts. Moral realists have attempted to combat the skeptical problem of relativism, which is that the truth of an ethical value judgment is often, or always, subjective, that is, relative to the parties it involves. This essay presents, discusses, and criticizes Hilary Putnam’s attempt at maintaining moral realism while at the same time maintaining a degree of epistemological relativism. Putnam’s positive account originates in moral epistemology, at the heart of which lies truth, as idealized rational acceptability or truth under ideal conditions. The bridge between moral epistemology and normative ethics stems from Putnam’s disintegration of facts and values. His theory is finalized in the construction of a normative moral theory, in which the central notion is incessant self-criticism in order to maintain rationality. After presenting Putnam’s core thesis, the criticism raised by Richard Rorty, is deliberated upon. Rorty is critical of Putnam’s attempt at holding on to objectivity, because he does not understand how objective knowledge can be both relative to a conceptual scheme, and at the same time objective. The conclusion is that Putnam is unable to maintain his notion of truth as idealized rational acceptability and is forced into epistemological relativism. Putnam’s normative ethics has characteristics in common with virtue ethics, and is of much interest regardless of whether it can be grounded epistemologically or not.
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What is affecting political trust?  A comparative study on Europe

Keusch Duvsjö, Jennifer January 2015 (has links)
This study addresses the question of what is affecting political trust in Europe. Political trust is vital for creating system legitimacy, which is needed for a democracy to be stable and effective. Over the years many theories about what is determining political trust have been developed, though no consensus of which theory that has the most effect has been reached. This paper will examine the effect that social capital and economic fairness evaluations have on political trust in Europe and if these effects can be seen to change depending on how long the countries has had democratic institutions. 27 countries were included in the study; these were divided into four regions depending on their time with democratic institutions. The theories used when looking at what could be effecting political trust are the social capital theory, defined by Robert Putnam in his studies of the system changes in Italy and the United States, and the economic fairness theory, used by Kluegel & Manson in their research on the post-communist states in Eastern Europe. The division of countries based on time with democratic institutions was done based on the two forms of political support defined by David Easton. The survey material used in the study is taken from the 2012 European Social Survey (ESS). The study concludes that both social capital as well as economic fairness evaluations have an effect on political trust, though how strong the effects are varies depending on the region of research and on which parts of the two theories that is tested. Though by far the strongest impact is in all four European regions seen when looking at how the citizens evaluate the economic system. The time since a country formed democratic institutions could not be found to have an effect on political trust.
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Medonte Township: A Study IN Settlement and Land Utilization

Darker, John A. 05 1900 (has links)
No Abstract Provided / Thesis / Candidate in Philosophy

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