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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

När allt ser nattsvart ut - tiden före självmord : Efterlevandes upplevelser utifrån självbiografier / When everything looks pitch black - the time before suicide : Bereaved one’s experiences based on autobiographies

Pernung, Corinna January 2023 (has links)
Suicide is a common global problem about which more knowledge is needed. The purpose of this study is to make visible, through autobiographies, individuals experiences of the time before the suicide of a loved one. The questions and themes of this study concerns the presented mood, life situation, future plans and signs of suicide risk. The empirical material, consisting of three autobiographies, were analyzed by thematic analysis. The theoretical foundation is Goffman`s dramaturgical theory, where the opposite poles of pride and embarrassment and the avoidance of embarrassment play a major role in the understanding of an individual’s action. The result of the study shows that when circumstances show that the life situation is going in the right direction and plans for the future are imminent, it can cloud the signs of suicide risk. The result also shows the ability of individuals to maintain a facade in order to not share their feelings. Withdrawing or maintaining a facade become strategies to avoid embarrassment and live up to social norms and expectations. And usually, signs of suicidal risk or the seriousness of them are seen in retrospect. This is a small qualitative study and result of this study cannot be generalized.

Amputation : En litteraturstudie om hur patienter upplever sin livskvalitet efter amputation av nedre extremitet. / Amputation : Literature review on how patients experience their quality of life after amputation of lower extremity.

Wessberg, Emelie, Svensson, Alma January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Amputation av extremitet innebär en stor omställning för patienten. Som grundutbildad sjuksköterska behövs kunskap och hantering av postoperativa infektioner, sårvård samt rehabilitering men även kunskap om hur sjuksköterskan bemöter patienters psykiska välbefinnande och behov för att hjälpa patienter att hantera sin nya livssituation. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att studera forskning om patienters upplevelse av livskvalitet efter amputation av nedre extremitet. Metod: Detta arbete är en litteraturstudie med en kvalitativ inriktning. Studier som publicerats i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed har studerats, lämpliga studier valdes därefter ut och granskades enligt SBU:s kvalitetsgranskningsmall för kvalitativa studier. Därefter gjordes en innehållsanalys enligt riktlinjer från Popenoe (2021) där resultatet kategoriserades. Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier identifierades. Första var patienternas fysiska välbefinnande som inkluderade subkategorierna förändrad kroppslig medvetenhet och anpassning för en lättare vardag. Den andra huvudkategorin var psykiska välbefinnandet där subkategorierna emotionellt välmående, acceptans, finna sin nya identitet identifierades och information. Tredje huvudkategorin var socialt välbefinnande som inkluderade subkategorierna isolation, samhällets inverkan, stöd från familj och vänner samt stöd från peer support. Konklusion: Slutsatserna som dras efter att resultatet i denna studie sammanställts är att arbeta personcentrerat är viktigt. En amputation påverkar mer än enbart den fysiska aspekten och där kan sjuksköterskan fylla en viktig funktion genom att identifiera eventuella omvårdnadsbehov inom de andra dimensionerna. Vården fortsätter en tid framöver för dessa patienter och sjuksköterskan behöver dessutom ha ett framtidsperspektiv för att optimera vården för dessa patienter. / Background: Amputation of a limb involves a major adjustment for the patient. As a nurse, knowledge and management of post-operative infections, wound care and rehabilitation is needed but also knowledge of how to deal with patients' psychological well-being and needs to help patients manage their new life situation. Aim: The aim of this study was to explore research on patients' experience of quality of life after lower limb amputation. Method: This is a literature review with a qualitative focus. Studies published in the databases Cinahl and PubMed have been studied, suitable studies were then selected and reviewed according to SBU's quality review template for qualitative studies. A content analysis was then carried out according to guidelines from Popenoe (2021) where the results were categorized. Results: Three main categories were identified. First was the patients' physical well-being, which included the subcategories of changes in physical awareness and adaptation for an easier everyday life. The second main category was mental well-being where the sub-categories emotional well-being, acceptance, finding one's new identity and information were identified. The third main category was socially well-being, which included the subcategories isolation, impact of society, support from family and friends and support from peer support and. Conclusion: The conclusions that are drawn after the results of this study have been compiled are that it is important to work person-centered. An amputation affects more than just the physical aspect and there the nurse can fulfill an important function by identifying possible nursing needs within the other dimensions. Care continues for some time to come for these patients, and the nurse also needs to have a future perspective in order to optimize care for these patients.

Design, Develop, and Evaluate a Collaborative Serious Game to Enhance 18-24-year-olds' Sexual Communication and Negotiation Skills on Safer Sex and Condom Use

Haghighatpasand, Mohsen 03 May 2023 (has links)
The aims of this study are threefold. First, the study aims to understand the main reasons that stop 18-24-year-olds from communicating condom use and safer sex. Based on findings supported by empirical studies in the literature and interviews with sexual health researchers in Canada, this study describes how a collaborative serious game integrates the principles of serious games with practices of safer sexual communication and negotiation. Finally, it includes an analysis of how 18- to 24-year-olds report practicing safer sexual communication and negotiation skills through participation in the collaborative serious game and what insights (a) 18-24-year-old participants and (b) sexual health experts share about the game that can inform future design iterations of this game. Forty participants aged 18-24 played the game and reported enhanced communication and language skills, raised awareness and reduced stigma around safer sex communication and condom use. The potential of the game in enhancing the participants' language skills (i.e., learning the language such as words, phrases, expressions) of communication and negotiation showed the highest frequency. Language skills and communications skills together comprised 28.5% of the overall feedback. The second most frequent theme was about the efficiency of the game in normalizing conversations around sex and condom use and removing the awkwardness around such topics. The game seemed to allow participants to practice dialogue and scenarios that extend beyond what they experienced in formal sex education in school. Participants also provided a range of recommendations for the next iteration of the game. To design the serious game, I followed a process of Design-Based Research (DBR) (Anderson & Shattuck, 2012) model and followed the four phases of DBR proposed by Reeves (2006). The study's findings aid other researchers in the field and offer insights to enhance sexual health education. With the increasing STIs in Canada, COVID-19's impact, and young people's reliance on online resources for answers, this research is timely. Moreover, the study contributes to the scarce research on collaborative serious games to improve 18-24-year-olds' sexual communication and negotiation skills. Limitations and implications of the design and of the game, as experienced by participants are discussed.

Kvinnors upplevelse av att genomgå en abort : En allmän litteraturstudie

Hjorthaug, Alva, Sevä, Wilma January 2023 (has links)
Background: In Sweden and Norway, several thousand abortions are performed each year, which means that many women come into contact with abortion care. Undergoing an abortion can be both mentally and physically stressful for the woman, both the process of making a decision, going through the abortion, and the period after. Aim: The purpose of the literature review was to investigate women's experience of undergoing an abortion. Method: A descriptive literature review based on 11 original articles with qualitative studies. All studies were carried out in Sweden or Norway. Main results: The literature study showed that women's experiences varied. Many women were satisfied with the care and felt that the health care staff supported the women in the process, despite this there were also many who were dissatisfied as women did not feel helped or seen. The information given in connection with the abortion was mostly perceived as insufficient, and the pain relief during the abortion itself as well. The treatment during the abortion could be seen as both cold and distant, and it was common for the women to feel overlooked. Opinions were divided regarding home abortions, with many satisfied with the treatment they received from health professionals during the abortion, while others did not appreciate the way the abortion was performed, largely because they did not know where to turn with questions. The help they received after the abortion was often perceived as insufficient, and many wanted follow-up after the abortion, but were not offered any time for a return visit. Conclusion: Women's experiences of abortion are different and highly individual. It mainly depends on where they received care and which healthcare staff they came into contact with, but also depending on the reasons why they choose to have an abortion. For example, it can be due to unwanted pregnancy, birth defects or socio-economic factors. The choice to have an abortion can affect women differently. Many feel satisfied with their choice, and feel that it was necessary, while the choice can still have negative consequences both physically and psychologically. Keywords: Experience, induced abortion, nursing, qualitative study, encounter / Bakgrund: I Sverige och Norge görs det flera tusen aborter varje år, vilket gör att många kvinnor kommer i kontakt med abortvården. Att genomgå en abort kan vara både psykiskt och fysiskt påfrestande för kvinnan, både processen att ta ett beslut, gå igenom aborten, och perioden efter.  Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka kvinnors upplevelse av att genomgå en abort. Metod: En beskrivande litteraturstudie baserad på 11 originalartiklar med kvalitativa studier. Alla studier var genomförda i Sverige eller Norge.  Huvudresultat: Litteraturstudien visade att kvinnors upplevelser varierade. Många kvinnor var nöjda med vården och upplevde att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen stöttade kvinnorna i processen, trots detta fanns det även många som var missnöjda då kvinnor inte kände sig hjälpta eller sedda. Den information som gavs i samband med aborten upplevdes för det mesta otillräcklig, och smärtlindringen under själva aborten likaså. Bemötandet under aborten kunde ses som både kallt och avståndstagande, och det var vanligt att kvinnorna kände sig förbisedda. Det fanns delade meningar angående hemaborter, där många var nöjda med bemötandet de fick från hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal under aborten, medan andra inte uppskattade sättet att göra abort på, mycket för att de inte visste var de skulle vända sig med frågor. Hjälpen de fick efter aborten uppfattades många gånger som otillräcklig, och många ville ha uppföljning efter aborten, men blev inte erbjuden någon tid för återbesök.  Slutsats: Kvinnors upplevelser vid abort är olika och högst individuella. Det beror främst på var de fått vård och vilken hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal de kommit i kontakt med, men även beroende på anledningarna till varför de väljer att göra abort. Det kan till exempel bero på oönskad graviditet, fosterskador eller socioekonomiska faktorer. Valet att göra abort kan sedan påverka kvinnor olika mycket. Många känner sig nöjda med sitt val, och känner att det var nödvändigt, medan valet fortfarande kan medföra negativa följder både fysiskt och psykiskt.  Nyckelord: Bemötande, inducerad abort, kvalitativ studie, omvårdnad, upplevelse

Clergy Marriages: Couple Perception of Marital Adjustment as the Husband Serves as a Bishop in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Strong, Deena D. 08 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
This qualitative study was designed to produce a theoretical model to illustrate marital adjustment as a husband becomes a bishop (a lay-clergy position) in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Individual interviews were conducted with the husband and wife of six married couples wherein the husband was currently serving as a bishop. Grounded theory methods and elements of phenomenological research were used to collect and analyze the data. The model presented depicts the adjustment process that begins with the marital relationship prior to the husband becoming an LDS bishop. The husband then becomes an LDS bishop and begins to perform the duties and responsibilities of his new lay-clergy position. Consistent with systemic thinking, the husband's acceptance of the position of bishop affects the husband and the wife individually in turn affecting the marital relationship. The mutual influences between the husband and wife as individuals and the marital relationship constantly change both in flow and direction. The effects of the calling included both points of satisfaction and points of dissatisfaction/disconnect or a parallel set of experiences both for the individual and for the marital relationship. The parallel set of experiences and the resulting effects of the husband's service as an LDS bishop on the marital relationship produce a dialectical tension between covenants or promises that both the husband and the wife have previously made. One covenant is to serve God by sacrificing to build His kingdom on earth through service to others and the other covenant is to have a strong marriage. Adjustment strategies which included both individual and couple strategies were identified. Several themes identified in this study are consistent with existing empirical and theoretical literature. However, new themes were identified including the husband experiencing increased empathy towards his wife, wives feeling "left behind" spiritually, the challenge of negotiating issues of confidentiality, the influence of family of origin and current stressors on the adjustment process, and couples seeking support from those in positions of higher authority.

WHAT IS HEALTH - A qualitative study on the concept of health of Internal Displaced women in Georgia

Hagen Andersson, Anneli, Persson, Zandra January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka begreppet hälsa bland kvinnliga georgiska internflyktingar (Internal Displaced People, IDP). Detta är en empirisk studie med en kvalitativ metod som bygger på semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Sammanlagt sju IDP kvinnor i staden Zugdidi i Georgien deltog. Dataanalysen var inspirerad av Burnard's (1991) innehållsanalys, och resulterade i två kategorier: 1) Upplevelsen av kontroll med underrubrikerna Social situation, Familj och Avsaknad av pengar och 2) Upplevelsen av identitet med underrubrikerna Ursprung, Anpassningsförmåga och Självkänsla. Dessa är alla avgörande faktorer för att deltagarna skall kunna leva ett liv med värdighet och kontroll; båda viktiga faktorer för hälsan. Marmots teori om sociala bestämningsfaktorer för hälsa har influerat dataanalys och kategorisering. Ytterligare studier i detta ämne skulle vara av värde för att vägleda sjukvården i hur man bättre kan arbeta förebyggande samt möta behoven hos kvinnliga internflyktingar samt internationella flyktingar. / The aim of this study was to examine the health concept of Georgian female IDP´s. This is an empirical study with a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews. In total seven IDP women in the city of Zugdidi in Georgia participated. The data analysis was inspired by Burnard’s (1991) content analysis, and resulted in two categories: 1) The experience of Control with the sub-headings Social Situation, Family and Lack of money and 2) The experience of Identity with the sub-headings Origin, Ability to cope and Self-worth. These are all crucial factors for the participants to lead a life with dignity and in control, which are important for having health. Marmot’s theory on social determinants of health has influenced the data analysis and categorization. Further studies on this subject would be of value to guide the healthcare system in how to better prevent and meet the needs of female IDP’s and refuges.


Beckmann, Caroline, Wersäll, Christina January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Kenya är bröstcancer den vanligaste formen av cancer bland kvinnor. Till skillnad från länder i väst söker inte kenyanska kvinnor vård förrän cancern har utvecklats till de sena stadierna då chansen för överlevnad är låg. Den sent diagnostiserade bröstcancern belastar ett land som redan har begränsade resurser att behandla sjukdomen vilket resulterar i högre dödlighet.Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa hur sjuksköterskor arbetar preventivt med bröstcancer bland kvinnor bosatta i slumområden i Nairobi, Kenya.Metod: En kvalitativ studie med åtta semistrukturerade och öppna intervjuer utfördes med sjuksköterskor på fyra vårdcentraler. Materialet var analyserat med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: Resultatet av denna studie visade att sjuksköterskorna i de informella bosättningarna hade kunskap om bröstcancer. De var kunniga i sitt förebyggande arbete och gav information till sina patienter. Det viktigaste för dem var att kunna nå alla kvinnor i samhället och skapa mer medvetenhet. Det var dock ett bekymmer att få kvinnor till att prioritera sin egen hälsa på grund av deras ekonomiska situation.Konklusion: Sjuksköterskorna i de informella bosättningarna är kapabla att ta hand om sina patienter. Det finns dock ett stort behov av medvetenhet i samhället så att kvinnorna söker behandling tidigt. För att kunna tillgodose fullgod vård av patienterna krävs också regelbundna uppdateringar för den medicinska personalen, speciellt sjuksköterskorna, samt ett behov av bättre utrustning i klinikerna. / Background: In Kenya breast cancer is the most common cancer in females. In comparison to countries in the western world, Kenyan women generally present when the breast cancer has advanced and chances of survival are low. This late breast cancer diagnosis becomes a considerably larger burden to a country with already limited resources to treat it and results in higher mortality rate.Aim: The aim of the study was to illuminate Kenyan nurses working experience with breast cancer prevention among women residing in informal settlements of Nairobi.Method: A qualitative study with eight semi-structured and open-ended interviews were held with nurses in four health care clinics. The data was analysed by a qualitative content analysis.Results: The result of this study showed that the nurses working in clinics situated in the informal settlements had knowledge of breast cancer. They were capable in their preventative work and gave appropriate information to their patients. The main concern was being able to reach all the women in the community and create more awareness. Another concern was also to make the women prioritise their own health in spite of their financial situation.Conclusion: The nurses in the informal settlements have knowledge of how to take care of their patients. However, there is a great need for awareness in the community so that women seek treatment early. In order to provide sufficient and a more meaningful care for patients, there is need of regular updates for the medical staff, especially nurses, as well as need of better equipment in the clinics.

Threats about epidemics in the 21:th century. A questionnaire concerning preparedness and affectedness among nurses

Andersson, Åsa, Josephson, Anna January 2005 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie var att få fördjupad insikt i och att beskriva hur sjuksköterskor påverkas av, och förbereder sig inför, ett abstrakt hot såsom en förutspådd epidemi. Studien är empirisk med en enkätundersökning av kvalitativ karaktär. Inspiration till tolkning av data är hämtad från fenomenografin och resultatet belyses genom anknytning till KASAM. Studiens deltagare var 39 sjuksköterskor verksamma på en Akutklinik och en Infektionsklinik. Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskorna påverkas av hot om epidemier bland annat genom en rädsla att själva smittas. De flesta uttryckte ett behov av ökade förberedelser. Två kategorier framkom Emotionell strategi och Praktisk strategi. / The aim for the present study was to reach a deeper understanding and to describe how nurses are affected and prepare themselves before facing an abstract threat as a predicted epidemic. The study is empirical with a questionnaire of qualitative nature. Inspiration for analyzing data is taken from phenomenology, and the result are illustrated through KASAM. The participants were 39 nurses, employed at an Acute ward and an Infection ward. The results showed that nurses were affected, for example with fear, by threats concerning an epidemic. The majority expressed the need for more preparations. Two categories appeared; Emotional strategy and Practical Strategy.

Livet efter stroke : En litteraturbaserad studie / Life after stroke : A literature-based study

Eriksson Djupsjö, Saga, Leo Sarkissjan, Gorün January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Stroke är en av de vanligaste dödsorsakerna globalt. Den omfattar hjärninfarkt och hjärnkontusion och orsakar fysiskt och psykiskt skador. Stroke behandlingen är lång och omfattar både det akuta skedet och de långsiktiga konsekvenserna. Syfte: Att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att leva med en stroke. Metod: En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt tillämpas på studier, analys av resultaten gjorda av 11 vetenskapliga artiklar baserat på Fribergs femstegsmetod. Resultat: Studien identifierade två huvudteman: "Påverkan i det dagliga livet" och " Vara beroende av vårdpersonal" och fem underteman: "Begränsad fysisk aktivitet", "Påverkan i välbefinnande och livskvalitet", "Socialt sammanhang", " Bli respekterad som en unik individ" och "Bristande information och stöd". Resultaten tyder på att strokepatienter med fysiska begränsningar upplever ett minskat välbefinnande, vilket leder till social isolering, ensamhet och depression. Otillräcklig information och stöd bidrar till att göra patienten sårbar och frustrerad, vilket hindrar en effektiv hälsohantering. Sjuksköterskor spelar en avgörande roll för att stödja patienter genom informativa och stödjande åtgärder för att underlätta deras återhämtning. Slutsats: Strokepatienter upplever ofta en minskad självkänsla, vilket påverkar deras livskvalitet genom fysiska och psykologiska förändringar. Sjuksköterskor spelar en avgörande roll när det gäller att erbjuda stöd och vägledning, vilket förbättrar patienternas förmåga till återhämtning och övergripande välbefinnande. / Background: Stroke, one of the leading causes of death worldwide. It includes cerebral infarction and contusion and causes physical and psychological damage. Stroke treatment is long and includes both the acute phase and the long-term consequences. Aim: To describe patients' experiences of living with a stroke. Method: A qualitative literature review applied to studies, analyzing the results of 11 scientific articles based on Friberg's five-step method. Results: The study identified two main themes: "Impact in daily life" and "Being dependent on health care professionals" and five sub-themes: "Limited physical activity", "Impact in well-being and quality of life", "Social context", "Being respected as unique individual" and "Lack of information and support". The results suggest that stroke patients with physical limitations experience a decrease in well-being, leading to social isolation, loneliness and depression. Insufficient information and support contributes to patient vulnerability and frustration, hindering effective health management. Nurses play a crucial role in supporting patients through informative and supportive measures to facilitate their recovery. Conclusion: Stroke patients often experience a decrease in self-esteem, which affects their quality of life through physical and psychological changes. Nurses play a crucial role in offering support and guidance, improving patients' ability to recover and overall well-being.

Dictators Without Borders: Host-Origin Relations and Transnational Repression : A qualitative case study on the causes of transnational repression in democratic host countries

van der Voort, Liv January 2024 (has links)
Past literature on transnational repression underscore the significant gap in examining how the relationship between the origin country and the host country influences instances of transnational repression. To fill this gap, this study is bringing in the neglected role of democratic host states by exploring: Why do certain democratic host states encounter significant incidents of transnational repression on their soil while others do not? This essay demystifies the concept of "relationship" and examines whether states, driven by their self-interest, tend to "overlook" transnational repression. This exploration involves testing the hypothesis: An observed comprehensive relationship between the host and origin countries leads to increased transnational repression as the host country tends to “overlook” these incidents. Through a Structured Focused Comparison, the originating country Russia, and the hosting countries Switzerland and the United Kingdom are compared. The findings do not fully support the hypothesis. However, several intriguing discoveries are found that need further investigation.

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