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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Erwin Schrödinger: a compreensão do mundo infinitesimal através de uma realidade ondulatória

Schmidt, Douglas Guilherme 15 September 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T14:16:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Douglas Guilherme Schmidt.pdf: 995968 bytes, checksum: 1a8192151fc433a54ec422f421249ac4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-09-15 / Secretaria da Educação do Estado de São Paulo / This historical research analyses the initial period of construction of wave mechanics, as propounded by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger (1887- 1961), emphasizing his work from December 1925 to February 1926. During these months Schrödinger created the basis of his quantum theory and wrote his two earlier papers on this subject. They were published in the Annalen der Physik. The present dissertation analyses those two papers, and some of their precedents and immediate consequences. Special attention is given to the influence of the theory of matter waves of the French physicist Louis de Broglie (1892-1987) upon the development of Schrödinger s theory, as well as other works and relevant circumstances that contributed to the creation of wave mechanics. The dissertation also discusses the interpretation given by Schrödinger to his own theory, comparing it to the approach of other physicists of that time / O presente trabalho histórico investiga a fase inicial da construção da mecânica ondulatória formulada pelo físico austríaco Erwin Schrödinger (1887- 1961), dando especial atenção aos trabalhos por ele realizados de dezembro de 1925 até fevereiro de 1926. Nesse período, Schrödinger concebeu as bases de sua teoria quântica e redigiu os dois primeiros artigos sobre o assunto, publicados na revista Annalen der Physik. Esta dissertação analisa esses dois artigos, bem como alguns de seus precedentes e repercussões. É analisada em especial a influência da teoria de ondas de matéria do físico francês Louis de Broglie (1892- 1987) no desenvolvimento da teoria de Schrödinger, bem como outros trabalhos e circunstâncias importantes que contribuíram para a elaboração da mecânica ondulatória. Discute-se também a interpretação que o próprio Schrödinger deu à sua teoria, comparando-a com o enfoque adotado por outros físicos da época

Protection des contenus multimédias pour la certification des données / Protection of multimedia contents for data certification

Lefèvre, Pascal 15 June 2018 (has links)
Depuis plus de vingt ans, l'accès à la technologie est devenu très facile étant donné son omniprésence dans le quotidien de chacun et son faible coût. Cet accès aux technologies du numérique permet à toute personne équipée d'un ordinateur ou d'un smartphone de visualiser et de modifier des contenus digitaux. Avec les progrès en matière de stockage en ligne, la quantité de contenus digitaux tels que le son, l'image ou la vidéo sur internet a explosé et continue d'augmenter.Savoir identifier la source d'une image et certifier si celle-ci a été modifiée ou non sont des informations nécessaires pour authentifier une image et ainsi protéger la propriété intellectuelle et les droits d’auteur par exemple. Une des approches pour résoudre ces problèmes est le tatouage numérique. Il consiste à insérer une marque dans une image qui permettra de l'authentifier.Dans cette thèse, nous étudions premièrement le tatouage numérique dans le but de proposer des méthodes plus robustes aux modifications d'image grâce aux codes correcteurs. En étudiant la structure des erreurs produites par la modification d’une image marquée, un code correcteur sera plus efficace qu’un autre. Nous proposons aussi d’intégrer de nouveaux codes correcteurs appelés codes en métrique rang pour le tatouage.Ensuite, nous proposons d’améliorer l'invisibilité des méthodes de tatouage pour les images couleur. A l’insertion d’une marque, les dégradations de l’image sont perçues différemment par le système visuel humain en fonction de la couleur. Nous proposons un modèle biologique de la perception des couleurs qui nous permet de minimiser les distorsions psychovisuelles de l’image à l’insertion.Toutes ces techniques sont testées sur des images naturelles dans un contexte d’insertion d’information. / For more than twenty years, technology has become more and more easy to access. It is omnipresent in everyday life and is low cost. It allows anyone using a computer or a smartphone to visualize and modify digital contents. Also, with the impressive progress of online massive data storage (cloud), the quantity of digital contents has soared and continues to increase. To ensure the protection of intellectual property and copyright, knowing if an image has been modified or not is an important information in order to authenticate it. One approach to protect digital contents is digital watermarking. It consists in modifying an image to embed an invisible mark which can authenticate the image. In this doctorate thesis, we first study how to improve the robustness of digital image watermarking against image processings thanks to error correcting codes. By studying the error structure produced by the image processing applied on a watermarked image, we can find an optimal choice of error correcting code for the best correction performances. Also, we propose to integrate a new type of error correcting codes called rank metric codes for watermarking applications. Then, we propose to improve the invisibility of color image watermarking methods. At the embedding step, a host image suffers some distortions which are perceived differently in function of the color by the human visual system. We propose a biological model of color perception which allows one to minimize psychovisual distortions applied on the image to protect.

Semiklasická energie eliptické Nambuovy-Gotovy struny / Semi-classical energy of elliptic Nambu-Goto string

Kozoň, Marek January 2018 (has links)
Po zhrnutí potrebných teoretických základov a predošlého výskumu v ob- lasti, prezentujeme semi-klasickú kvantovaciu schému pre uzavretú Nambuovu- Gotovu strunu. Týmto zovšeobecňujeme predošlú prácu, ktorá bola vykonaná pre otvorenú strunu a uzavretú strunu kruhového tvaru. Pomocou metód kvan- tovej teórie po©a v zakrivených priestoročasoch počítame strednú hodnotu vo©- ného Hamiltoniánu struny rotujúcej v dvoch na seba kolmých priestorových rovinách v priestoročase všeobecnej dimenzie. Táto hodnota je priamo úmerná kvantovej korekcii k celkovej energii struny, ktorá má formu tzv. Reggeovho interceptu. Výslednú hodnotu Reggeovho interceptu porovnávame s predošlým výskumom. Taktiež uvádzame porovnanie získaného spektra fyzikálnych stavov struny kvantovanej našou metódou so spektrom odvodeným pomocou kovariant- ného kvantovania. 1

Modélisation, simulation et caractérisation de dispositifs TFET pour l'électronique à basse puissance / Modelling, simulation and characterization of tunnel-fet devices for ultra-low power electronics

Revelant, Alberto 15 May 2014 (has links)
Dans les dernières années, beaucoup de travail a été consacré par l’industrie électronique pour réduire la consommation d’énergie des composants micro-électroniques qui représente un fardeau important dans la spécification des nouveaux systèmes.Afin de réduire la consommation d’énergie, nombreuses stratégies peuvent être adoptées au niveau des systèmes micro-électroniques et des simples dispositifs nano-électroniques. Récemmentle Transistor Tunnel `a effet de champ (Tunnel-FET) s’est imposé comme un candidat possible pour remplacer les dispositifs MOSFET conventionnels pour applications de tr`es basse puissance à des tensions d’alimentation VDD < 0.5V. Nous présentons un modèle Multi-Subband Monte Carlo modifié (MSMC) qui a été adapté pour la simulation de TFET Ultra Thin Body Fully Depleted Seminconductor on Insulator (FDSOIUTB) avec homo- et hétéro-jonctions et des matériaux semi-conducteurs arbitraires. Nous prenons en considération la quantification de la charge avec une correction quantique heuristique mais précise, validée via des modèles quantiques complets et des résultats expérimentaux.Le modèle MSMC a été utilisé pour simuler et évaluer la performance de FD-SOI TFET sidéealisées avec homo- et hétéro-jonction en Si, alliages SiGe ou composés InGaAs. Dans la deuxième partie de l’activité de doctorat un travail de caractérisation à basse températurea été réalisé sur les TFETs en Si et SiGe homo- et hétéro-jonction fabriqués par le centre de recherche français du CEA -LETI. L’objectif est d’estimer la présence de l’effet Tunnel comme principal mécanisme d’injection et la contribution d’autres mécanismes d’injection comme le Trap Assisted Tunneling. / In the last years a significant effort has been spent by the microelectronic industry to reducethe chip power consumption of the electronic systems since the latter is becoming a majorlimitation to CMOS technology scaling.Many strategies can be adopted to reduce the power consumption. They range from thesystem to the electron device level. In the last years Tunnel Field Effect Transistors (TFET)have imposed as possible candidate devices for replacing the convential MOSFET in ultra lowpower application at supply voltages VDD < 0.5V. TFET operation is based on a Band-to-BandTunneling (BtBT) mechanism of carrier injection in the channel and they represent a disruptiverevolutionary device concept.This thesis investigates TFET modeling and simulation, a very challenging topic becauseof the difficulties in modeling BtBT accurately. We present a modified Multi Subband MonteCarlo (MSMC) that has been adapted for the simulation of Planar Ultra Thin Body (UTB)Fully Depleted Semiconductor on Insulator (FD-ScOI) homo- and hetero-junction TFET implementedwith arbitrary semiconductor materials. The model accounts for carrier quantizationwith a heuristic but accurate quantum correction validated by means of comparison with fullquantum model and experimental results.The MSMC model has been used to simulate and assess the performance of idealized homoandhetero-junction TFETs implemented in Si, SiGe alloys or InGaAs compounds.In the second part of the thesis we discuss the characterization of TFETs at low temperature.Si and SiGe homo- and hetero-junction TFETs fabricated by CEA-LETI (Grenoble,France) are considered with the objective to identify the possible presence of alternative injectionmechanisms such as Trap Assisted Tunneling. / Negli ultimi anni uno sforzo significativo `e stato speso dall’industria microelettronica per ridurreil consumo di potenza da parte dei sistemi microelettronici. Esso infatti sta diventando unadelle limitazioni pi`u significative per lo scaling geometrico della tecnologia CMOS.Diverse strategie possono essere adottate per ridurre il consumo di potenza considerando ilsistema microelettronico nella sua totalit`a e scendendo fino a giungere all’ottimizzazione delsingolo dispositivo nano-elettronico. Negli ultimi anni il transistore Tunnel FET (TFET) si`e imposto come un possibile candidato per rimpiazzare, in applicazioni a consumo di potenzaestremamente basso con tensioni di alimentazione inferiori a 0.5V, i transistori convenzionaliMOSFET. Il funzionamento del TFET si basa sul meccanismo di iniezione purament quantisticodel Tunneling da banda a banda (BtBT) e che dovrebbe permettere una significativa riduzionedella potenza dissipata. Il BtBT nei dispositivi convenzionali `e un effetto parassita, nel TFETinvece esso `e utilizzato per poter ottenere significativi miglioramenti delle performance sottosogliae pertanto esso rappresenta una nuova concezione di dispositivo molto innovativa erivoluzionaria.Questa tesi analizza la modellizazione e la simulazione del TFET. Questi sono argomenti moltocomplessi vista la difficolt`a che si hanno nel modellare accuratamente il BtBT. In questo lavoroviene presentata una versione modificata del modello di trasporto Multi Subband Monte Carlo(MSMC) adattato per la simulazione di dispositivi TFET planari Ultra Thin Body Fully DepletedSilicon on Insulator (UTB FD-SOI), implementati con un canale composto da un unicosemiconduttore (omogiunzione) o con differenti materiali semiconduttori (eterogiunzione). Ilmodello proposto tiene il conto l’effetto di quantizzazione dovuto al confinamento dei portatoridi carica, con un’euristico ma accurato sistema di correzione. Tale modello `e stato poivalidato tramite una comparazione con altri modelli completamente quantistici e con risultatisperimentali.Superata la fase di validazione il modello MSMC `e utilizzato per simulare e verificare le performancedi dispositivi TFET implementati come omo o eterogiunzione in Silicio, leghe SiGe,o composti semiconduttori InGaAs.Nella seconda parte della tesi viene illustrato un lavoro di caratterizazione di TFET planari abassa temperatura (fino a 77K). Sono stati misurati dispositivi in Si e SiGe a omo o eterogiuzioneprodotti nella camera bianca del centro di ricerca francese CEA-LETI di Grenoble. Tramite talimisure `e stato possibile identificare la probabile presenza di meccanismi di iniezione alternativial BtBT come il Tunneling assistito da trappole (TAT) dimostrando come questo effetto `e,con ogni probabilit`a, la causa delle scarse performance in sottosoglia dei dispositivi TFETsperimentali a temperatura ambiente.

Étude et implémentation d'une architecture temps réel pour l'optimisation de la compression H.264/AVC de vidéos SD/HD / Study and implementation of a real-time architecture for the optimization of H.264/AVC compression of SD/HD videos

Vidal, Eloïse 15 April 2014 (has links)
La vidéo sur IP a connu un essor rapide ces dernières années allant de la diffusion télévisuelle en haute qualité via des réseaux dédiés à la diffusion sur internet de contenus vidéo grand public. L’optimisation de l’encodage vidéo H.264/AVC permet aux différents acteurs du marché de se différencier en proposant des solutions pour réduire le débit nécessaire à la représentation d’un flux vidéo ainsi que pour améliorer la qualité perçue par les utilisateurs. C’est dans ce contexte de vidéo professionnelle en haute qualité que s’inscrivent ces travaux de thèse CIFRE réalisés au sein de l’entreprise Digigram, proposant des encodeurs vidéo temps réel pour des diffusions professionnelles en direct. Nous proposons deux solutions de prétraitement pour répondre aux problématiques du secteur de la distribution vidéo. Les deux solutions considèrent les caractéristiques du système visuel humain en exploitant un modèle de JND (Just Noticeable Distortion) définissant des seuils de perception en fonction d’une analyse du contenu des séquences vidéo à encoder. La première solution utilise un préfiltre adaptatif indépendant de l’encodeur, contrôlé par un modèle JND afin d'éliminer le contenu perceptuellement non pertinent et ainsi réduire le débit sans altérer la qualité ressentie. Une analyse approfondie de plusieurs filtres de la littérature, dont le filtre AWA (Adaptive Weighted Averaging) et le filtre bilatéral, nous a également amené à définir deux nouveaux filtres à support étendu qui permettent d’exploiter au mieux les corrélations dans les images haute définition. A l’aide de tests subjectifs, nous montrons que les préfiltres perceptuels proposés permettent en moyenne de diminuer le débit en sortie du codeur d'environ 20% pour une qualité constante en encodage VBR (débit variable) Intra et Inter-image. Finalement, une deuxième solution s’attache à améliorer la qualité perçue dans un contexte d’encodage CBR (débit constant) en intégrant un modèle JND dans l’une des implémentations de la norme H.264/AVC la plus reconnue, le codec x264. Une quantification adaptative perceptuelle est ainsi proposée permettant d’améliorer les performances du codec x264 en améliorant le codage de l’information de contour à moyen et bas débits en encodage intra et inter-image. / The use of digital video over IP has increased exponentially over the last years, due to the development of high-speed networks dedicated to high quality TV transmission as well as the wide development of the nonprofessional video webcast. Optimization of the H.264/AVC encoding process allows manufacturers to offer differentiating encoding solutions, by reducing the bandwidth necessary for transmitting a video sequence at a given quality level, or improving the quality perceived by final users at a fixed bit rate. This thesis was carried out at the company Digigram in a context of professional high quality video. We propose two solutions of preprocessing which consider the characteristics of the human visual system by exploiting a JND profile (Just Noticeable Distortion). A JND model defines perceptual thresholds, below which a distortion cannot be seen, according to the video content. The first solution proposes an adaptive pre-filter independent to the encoder, controlled by a JND profile to reduce the perceptually non-relevant content and so reduce the bitrate while maintaining the perceived quality. By analyzing the state-of-the-art literature, the AWA (Adaptive Weighted Averaging) and Bilateral filters have been selected. Then we define two new filters using a large convolution mask, which enable to better exploit correlations in high-definition video contents. Through subjective tests, we show that the proposed perceptual prefilters give an average bitrate reduction of 20% for the same visual quality in VBR (Variable Bitrate) H.264/AVC Intra and Inter encoding. Finally, the second solution enables to improve the perceived quality in CBR (Constant Bitrate) encoding, by integrating the JND profile into the x264 codec, one of the best implementation of the H.264/AVC standard. Thus, we propose a perceptual adaptive quantization which enhances the x264 performance by improving edge information coding in low and middle bitrate applications.

Exact Diagonalization of Few-electron Quantum Dots

Hakimi, Shirin January 2009 (has links)
<p>We consider a system of few electrons trapped in a two-dimensional circularquantum dot with harmonic confinement and in the presence of ahomogeneous magnetic field, with focus on the role of e-e interaction. Byperforming the exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian in second quantization,the low-lying energy levels for spin polarized system are obtained. The singlet-triplet oscillation in the ground state of the two-electron system showing up inthe result is explained due to the role of Coulomb interaction. The splitting ofthe lowest Landau level is another effect of the e-e interaction, which is alsoobserved in the results.</p>

Capacity of Communications Channels with 1-Bit Quantization and Oversampling at the Receiver

Krone, Stefan, Fettweis, Gerhard 25 January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Communications receivers that rely on 1-bit analogto-digital conversion are advantageous in terms of hardware complexity and power dissipation. Performance limitations due to the 1-bit quantization can be tackled with oversampling. This paper considers the oversampling gain from an information-theoretic perspective by analyzing the channel capacity with 1-bit quantization and oversampling at the receiver for the particular case of AWGN channels. This includes a numerical computation of the capacity and optimal transmit symbol constellations, as well as the derivation of closed-form expressions for large oversampling ratios and for high signal-to-noise ratios of the channel.

Exact Diagonalization of Few-electron Quantum Dots

Hakimi, Shirin January 2009 (has links)
We consider a system of few electrons trapped in a two-dimensional circularquantum dot with harmonic confinement and in the presence of ahomogeneous magnetic field, with focus on the role of e-e interaction. Byperforming the exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian in second quantization,the low-lying energy levels for spin polarized system are obtained. The singlet-triplet oscillation in the ground state of the two-electron system showing up inthe result is explained due to the role of Coulomb interaction. The splitting ofthe lowest Landau level is another effect of the e-e interaction, which is alsoobserved in the results.

Low-power discrete Fourier transform and soft-decision Viterbi decoder for OFDM receivers

Suh, Sangwook 31 August 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to present a low-power wireless communication receiver with an enhanced performance by relieving the system complexity and performance degradation imposed by a quantization process. With an overwhelming demand for more reliable communication systems, the complexity required for modern communication systems has been increased accordingly. A byproduct of this increase in complexity is a commensurate increase in power consumption of the systems. Since the Shannon's era, the main stream of the methodologies for promising the high reliability of communication systems has been based on the principle that the information signals flowing through the system are represented in digits. Consequently, the system itself has been heavily driven to be implemented with digital circuits, which is generally beneficial over analog implementations when digitally stored information is locally accessible, such as in memory systems. However, in communication systems, a receiver does not have a direct access to the originally transmitted information. Since the received signals from a noisy channel are already continuous values with continuous probability distributions, we suggest a mixed-signal system in which the received continuous signals are directly fed into the analog demodulator and the subsequent soft-decision Viterbi decoder without any quantization involved. In this way, we claim that redundant system complexity caused by the quantization process is eliminated, thus gives better power efficiency in wireless communication systems, especially for battery-powered mobile devices. This is also beneficial from a performance perspective, as it takes full advantage of the soft information flowing through the system.

Impact Of Energy Quantization On Single Electron Transistor Devices And Circuits

Dan, Surya Shankar 03 1900 (has links)
Although scalingof CMOS technology has been predicted to continue for another decade, novel technological solutions are required to overcome the fundamental limitations of the decananometer MOS transistors. Single Electron Transistor (SET) has attracted attention mainly because of its unique Coulomb blockade oscillations characteristics, ultra low power dissipation and nanoscale feature size. Despite the high potential, due to some intrinsic limitations (e.g., very low current drive) it will be very difficult for SET to compete head-to-head with CMOS’s large-scale infrastructure, proven design methodologies, and economic predictability. Nevertheless, the characteristics of SET and MOS transistors are quite complementary. SET advocates low-power consumption and new functionality (related to the Coulomb blockade oscillations), while CMOS has advantages like high-speed driving and voltage gain that can compensate the intrinsic drawbacks of SET. Therefore, although a complete replacement of CMOS by single-electronics is unlikely in the near future, it is also true that combining SET and CMOS one can bring out new functionalities, which are unmirrored in pure CMOS technology. As the hybridization of CMOSand SET is gaining popularity, silicon SETs are appearing to be more promising than metallic SETs for their possible integration with CMOS. SETs are normally studied on the basis of the classical Orthodox Theory, where quantization of energy states in the island is completely ignored. Though this assumption greatly simplifies the physics involved, it is valid only when the SET is made of metallic island. As one cannot neglect the quantization of energy states in a semi conductive island, it is extremely important to study the effects of energy quantization on hybrid CMOSSET integrated circuits. The main objectives of this thesis are: (1) understand energy quantization effects on SET by numerical simulations; (2) develop simple analytical models that can capture the energy quantization effects; (3)analyze the effects of energy quantization on SET logic inverter, and finally; (4)developa CAD framework for CMOS-SETco-simulation and to study the effects of energy quantization on hybrid circuits using that framework. In this work the widely accepted SIMON Monte Carlo (MC) simulator for single electron devices and circuits is used to study the effects of energy quantization. So far SIMON has been used to study SETs having metallic island. In this work, for the first time, we have shown how one can use SIMON to analyze SET island properties having discrete energy states.It is shown that energy quantization mainly changes the Coulomb Blockade region and drain current of SET devices and thus affects the noise margin, power dissipation, and the propagation delay of SET logic inverter. Anew model for the noise margin of SET inverter is proposed, which includes the energy quantization term. Using the noise margin as a metric, the robustness of SET inverter is studied against the effects of energy quantization. An analytical expression is developed, which explicitly defines the maximum energy quantization (termedas “Quantization Threshold”)that an SET inverter logic circuit can withstand before its noise margin upper bound crosses the acceptable tolerance limit. It is found that SET inverter designed with CT : CG =0.366 (where CT and CG are tunnel junction and gate capacitances respectively) offers maximum robustness against energy quantization. Then the effects of energy quantization are studied for Current biased SET (CBS), which is an integral part of almost all hybrid CMOS-SET circuits. It is demonstrated that energy quantization has no impact on the gain of the CBS characteristics though it changes the output voltage levels and oscillation periodicity. The effects of energy quantization are further studied for two circuits: Negative Differential Resistance (NDR) and Neurone Cell, which use CBS. A new model for the conductance of NDR characteristics is also formulated that includes the energy quantization term. A novel CAD framework is then developed for CMOS-SET co-simulation, whichuses MCsimulator for SET devices alongwithconventional SPICE. Using this framework, the effects of energy quantization are studied for some hybrid circuits, namely, SETMOS, multiband voltage filter, and multiple valued logic circuits. It is found that energy quantization degrades the performance of hybrid circuit, which could be compensated by properly tuning the bias current of SET devices. Though this study is primarily done by exhaustive MC simulation, effort has also been put to develop first order compact model for SET that includes energy quantization effects. Finally it has been demonstrated that the SET behavior under energy quantization can be predicted byslightlymodifyingthe existing SETcompact models that are valid for metallic devices having continuous energy states.

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