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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyses tracéologiques pour l'interprétation de la fonction et de l'utilisation d'industries lithiques en quartz du Paléolithique coréen / Use-wear analysis for the interpretation of the function and utilization of quartz stone tools of the Paleolithic in Korea

Kim, Kyung-Jin 19 June 2017 (has links)
En Corée, les quartzs sont utilisés intensivement parmi les matières premières au cours de toutes les périodes du Paléolithique. Nous souhaitons vérifier les caractéristiques ou les différences des fonctions d’outils en quartz selon les sites paléolithiques de périodes différentes et de diverses régions par des analyses fonctionnelles. Nous avons également étudié les variations dans l’utilisation d’un type d’outil particulier en fonction des sites : nous avons sélectionné le grattoir. Par les résultats de l'analyse fonctionnelle, des différences d’utilisations des outils en quartz entre les niveaux ne sont pas attestées, il existe une continuité dans l’utilisation au fil des niveaux. Cependant, les utilisations de l’outil en quartz sont légèrement différentes entre les sites analysés. La plupart des grattoirs ont été utilisés dans le travail de la peau. Cependant, nous pouvons observer des traces formées par une variété de tâches sur les grattoirs grands et épais. Autrement dit, nous pouvons attester que l'on utilise les grattoirs différemment en fonction de leurs dimensions. Sur la base de ce travail, d’autres études devraient être effectuées afin de trouver une réponse plus précise sur l’absence de changement entre les niveaux de nos sites d’étude. / It is necessary to examine quartz tools for understanding the Palaeolithic culture in Korea. It is difficult to identify the temporal change pattern of raw materials, assemblages and production techniques of stone tools found in the Palaeolithic sites in Korea ranging from the early to late Palaeolithic, because most stones tools uncovered from these sites are made of quartz. Therefore, this research raises two questions: Is it be possible that the use-wear analysis could reveal the functional change patterns of stone tools in accordance with production dates and environmental changes? How it can be detected the peculiar characteristics of the particular tools found in each site? The results of the use-wear analyses to each cultural layer show no clear temporal differences of raw materials, assemblages and uses of lithic tools. The sites where the excavated tools were mainly composed of quartz exhibited the successive patterns rather than the particular changes between cultural layers. The use-wear analysis suggest that most end-scrapers were used for processing hides. However, it could be observed use-wear pattern formed by processing woods and antlers in large-sized end-scrapers. Therefore, it can be inferred that the use of end-scrapers depended on the size of these tools; but it seems that small-sized end-scrapers produced in the late Palaeolithic were closely related to work hide. In order to seek more clear answers to this result, it will be needed to conduct analyses on many Palaeolithic sites dating to the transitional era distributed in different regions and on the sites yielding tools made of different raw materials. / 선사고고학은 기본적으로 선사인들의 생활과 환경에 대해 이해하기 위한 학문으로, 석기를 왜 만들고, 어떻게 사용했는가 ? 라는 기초적인 질문을 가진다. 다양한 연구 방법 가운데 석기에 남겨진 흔적을 연구하는‘쓴자국 분석’을 바탕으로 이에 대한 해답을 찾고자 한다. 한국에서는 시대와 지역이 다른 대다수의 구석기 유적에서 석영 석기가 높은 비율로 출토된다. 그렇기 때문에 한국의 구석기 문화에 대한 이해를 하기 위해서는 반드시 석영 석기에 대한 이해가 필수적이다. 이번 연구에서는 석영 석기에 대한 쓴자국 분석의 가능성을 확인하고 이를 통해 한국 구석기 유적에서 출토되는 석영석기의 기능과 시기와 환경에 따른 차이를 확인하고자 한다. 그리고 석영석기가 주를 이루는 한국의 구석기 유적에서는 구석기시대 전기에서 후기에 이르기까지 돌감, 석기의 구성, 제작기술 등에 있어 시기적인 변화와 특징을 확인하기 어렵기 때문에 쓴자국 분석을 통해 시기, 환경에 따른 석기의 기능에 있어서 차이 또는 특징들을 확인할 수 없는가? 그리고 유적에 따른 특정 도구의 사용에 차이 또는 특징들이 있는가? 라는 질문으로 시작한다. 그리고 석영석기에 대한 이해를 위해 다양한 실험을 통해 여러 작업재료에 따른 흔적들의 특징을 이해한다.먼저 여러 유물층이 확인되는 김포 풍곡리, 동탄 오산리와 청계리 구석기 유적의 석기들에 대해 분석 및 비교를 하였다. 그 결과 시간의 흐름에 따른 유물층에서는 사용되는 돌감, 석기구성과 사용 등에 있어 각 문화층에 따른 특징적인 차이를 명확하게 확인할 수 없었다. 쓴자국 분석을 통해 차이를 확인하고자 하였으나 석영 석기를 주로 사용하는 유적에서는 유적내 유물층 사이에서는 특별한 변화보다는 연속적인 양상을 볼 수 있었다. 도구와 유적의 기능과의 관계를 이해하기 위해 유적에서 출토되는 다양한 석기 가운데 지역과 시기에 상관없이 주로 출토되는 석기인 밀개에 대한 분석을 위해 7개 유적에서 출토된 밀개를 분석, 비교를 하였다. 그 결과 대부분의 밀개들이 가죽작업에 특징적으로 사용되었던 도구였을 것으로 짐작할 수 있다. 다만 크기가 큰 밀개의 경우 나무, 뿔 등 다양한 작업에 의해 형성된 흔적들을 볼 수 있었다. 즉, 밀개는 도구의 크기에 따라 다르게 사용이 이루어진 것으로 볼 수 있으나 후기 구석기 시대의 작은 크기의 밀개는 가죽 작업과 밀접한 관계가 있는 것으로 보인다. 일부 분석 유적들은 시기적으로는 후기에 해당하는 유적이지만, 후기 구석기로의 돌감선택, 도구의 소형화 등의 전환기적 특징이 확인되지 않았다. 또한 이번 분석 결과를 통해 석영 석기가 주로 출토되는 구석기 유적에서는 시간의 흐름에 따른 지속성을 확인 할 수 있었다. 이러한 결과가 분석이 이루어진 지역적인 특징인지, 석영이라는 돌감의 사용과 관련된 것인지에 대한 연구가 필요하며, 이를 바탕으로 유적의 지속적인 양상들에 대한 좀 더 명확한 해답을 찾기 위해서는 전환기에 해당하는 여러 지역의 다양한 구석기 유적들에 대한 분석과 석영이 아닌 다른 돌감이 주로 활용된 유적에 대한 연구와 비교가 더 필요하다.

Mise au point d'un système innovant de spectroscopie d'absorption multigaz par diodes lasers accordables dans le moyen infrarouge / Setting up an innovative multigas absorption spectroscopic system by tunable diode laser in the mid-infrared

Jahjah, Mohammad 16 November 2011 (has links)
La mesure des polluants fait l'objet depuis la fin du XXème siècle d'une attention toute particulière pour la préservation de la planète. Les espèces gazeuses, plus précisément le méthane, présent dans le MIR, possède des forces de raies très intenses, ce qui rend la technique plus sensible. La technique de détection de gaz utilisée durant ma thèse est choisie après une large comparaison entre différentes techniques appartenant à la SDLA. Cette technique est la technique QEPAS. Elle a montré depuis son invention en 2002, une grande sensibilité et sélectivité dans le domaine d'analyse de gaz. La source de lumière utilisée dans la QEPAS est une diode laser accordable (laser à SC), ce qui permet de rendre la technique plus sélective, en variant sa longueur d'onde d'émission en fonction du courant injecté et/ou température de régulation, pour se localiser sur une raie souhaitée à détecter. Le détecteur de la QEPAS est le diapason à quartz (QTF). Ce dernier est très sensible à la force minime appliquée par l'onde acoustique, ce qui rend la technique très sensible aux faibles concentrations. Plusieurs étapes de caractérisations sont exigées pour déterminer les caractéristiques de la diode laser et du QTF. Après le choix de la diode laser et du QTF, idéaux pour la spectroscopie, on passe à l'évaluation de la technique QEPAS dans le domaine d'analyse de gaz. Les limites de détection du méthane obtenues avec la technique QEPAS sont 0.8 ppmv et 400 ppbv à 2.3 µm avec un laser à Fabry-Pérot et un laser à cristaux photoniques, respectivement, et 100 ppbv à 3.3 µm avec un laser DFB.Ce travail a permis d'obtenir une technique performante (sensible, sélective, pas cher…), dans le domaine d'analyse de gaz. / The measurement of the pollutants is the subject since the late twentieth century especially in attention to protecting the planet. The gaseous species, specifically methane, present in the MIR, has strengths rays very intense, making the technique more sensitive.The detection technique of gas used during my PhD was chosen after an extensive comparison of different techniques belonging to the SDLA. This technique is the QEPAS technique. It has shown since its invention in 2002, a high sensitivity and selectivity in gas analysis. The light source used in the QEPAS is a tunable diode laser (Laser SC), thus making the technique more selectively, by varying the wavelength of emission as a function of injected current and / or control temperature to be located on a line desired to detect. The detector is QEPAS of quartz tuning fork (QTF). The latter is very sensitive to small force applied by the acoustic wave, which makes the technique very sensitive to low concentrations. Several steps are required characterization to determine the characteristics of the laser diode and the QTF. After choosing the laser diode and the QTF, ideal for spectroscopy, we pass to the evaluation of the technique QEPAS in gas analysis. The detection limits of methane obtained with the technique are QEPAS 0.8 ppmv and 400 ppbv to 2.3 microns with a Fabry-Perot laser and a photonic crystal laser, respectively, and 100 ppbv to 3.3 microns with a DFB laser.This work has provided a powerful technique (sensitive, selective, cheap ...) in gas analysis.

Études des solutions solides de type M(1-x)M'xXO4 homéotypes du quartz-alpha et cristallogenèse d’un matériau bi-fonctionnel GaAsO4 à propriétés piézoélectriques et optiques non linéaires / Studies of M(1-x)M'xXO4 solid solutions homeotypes of alpha-quartz and crystal growth of GaAsO4,a bifunctional material with piezoelectric and nonlinear optics properties

Souleiman, Manhal 29 November 2013 (has links)
Des cristaux de Ga1-xFexPO4 ont été obtenus par voie hydrothermale avec xmax=0.23. La synthèse hydrothermale in-situ par spectroscopie d'absorption des rayons X a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle essentiel des cations Ga3+ lors de la nucléation et la cristallisation de la phase mixte Ga1-xFexPO4 de structure quartz-α. La solution solide a été particulièrement étudiée par spectroscopie Raman et des calculs théoriques par DFT ont permis d'identifier clairement les modes de vibration dont la fréquence dépend de la composition chimique du matériau (modes couplés). Dans la même famille des matériaux de type MIIIXVO4, la cristallogénèse de monocristaux de GaAsO4 de grande taille (plusieurs cm3) a été réalisée par croissance hydrothermale basse pression (P < 2MPa). A partir de ces cristaux des mesures piézoélectriques sur résonateur ont permis de confirmer que GaAsO4, possède le coefficient de couplage électromécanique le plus élevé de la famille (20%) ce qui représente 2.5 fois les propriétés du quartz. Par ailleurs GaAsO4 possède des propriétés intéressantes dans le domaine de l'optique non-linéaire. Les mesures ont permis d'obtenir un coefficient de couplage électro-optique d11= 2.98pm/V (3.29pm/V par calcul DFT) ce qui place GaAsO4 parmi les matériaux les plus performants dans ce domaine. Compte tenu de sa haute stabilité thermique, GaAsO4 constitue un matériau bi-fonctionnel très prometteur pour des applications high-tech. / Ga1-xFexPO4 single crystals were grown by hydrothermal methods. In-situ absorption X-ray spectroscopy was used to show the essential role of solvated Ga3+ ions during the nucleation and the crystallization of the alpha-quartz type structure. Solid solutions have been investigated by Raman spectroscopy coupled with theoretical DFT calculations. The dependence of vibrational mode frequencies on the chemical composition was studied thereby allowing a linear dependence of PO4 modes frequencies with the iron content (xFe) to be identified. In the second part, crystal growth of large single crystals (several cm3) of GaAsO4 was performed. The piezoelectric coupling coefficient of 20% was measured, which is 2.5 times that of alpha-quartz. Non-linear optical properties were also measured: the electro-optical coupling coefficient d11 is 2.98pm/V (3.29pm/V with DFT calculations). Due to the high thermal stability, GaAsO4 is a very promising bifunctional material for high technology applications.

Les feldspaths comme support pour la datation par luminescence de gisements archéologiques et de séquences quaternaires d'Aquitaine / Feldspars as support for the luminescence dating of archaeological deposits and quaternary sequences of Aquitaine

Frouin, Marine 12 December 2014 (has links)
Les données chronologiques disponibles pour les gisements du Paléolithique moyen du Sud-Ouest de la France font état d’un manque de jalons chronologiques fiables. Pour ces périodes anciennes, l’établissement d’un cadre chronologique nécessite un investissement méthodologique important dans le domaine de la datation numérique. Les résultats obtenus dans cette étude reposent essentiellement sur la datation par luminescence optique de grains de feldspaths et de quartz contenus dans les sédiments. En particulier, l’étude des signaux de luminescence classiquement exploités (IRSL, pIR-IRSL), nous permet de mieux évaluer la fiabilité des datations à partir des feldspaths potassiques. Un protocole de datation fondé sur l’exploitation du signal de radioluminescence (IR-RF) de ces minéraux a aussi été développé. Ainsi, la luminescence optique a été appliquée à des échantillons provenant de six gisements de référence : Les Pradelles (Marillac, Charente), Combe Brune 2 (Creysse, Dordogne), Roc de Marsal (Campagne, Dordogne), Artenac (Saint-Mary, Charente), La Quina (Gardes-le-Pontaroux, Charente) et La Ferrassie (Savignac-de-Miremont, Dordogne). La combinaison des résultats obtenus nous a permis, au sein de chaque niveau archéologique, d’évaluer la pertinence des datations et de proposer pour chaque gisement un scénario chronologique qui nous semble fiable. À l’issue de cette étude, les occupations humaines, caractérisées selon leurs industries, ont pu être replacées sur une échelle des temps en regard des variations paléoclimatiques et paléoenvironnementales régionales. Plusieurs constats ont été dressés enrichissant le registre de nos connaissances sur les cultures néandertaliennes. / Currently available chronological information for Middle Palaeolithic sites in southwestern France precludes the establishment of a robust chronological framework. For these early periods, developing such a framework relies upon important methodological advancements in numerical dating techniques. The results of this study are essentially based on the optical luminescence dating of sedimentary feldspars and quartz. Focusing on the most commonly employed luminescence signals (IRSL, pIR-IRSL), it was possible to more clearly evaluate the reliability of dates obtained on K-feldspars. A dating protocol for these materials based on their radioluminescence signal (IR-RF) was also developed. Optical luminescence dates were produced for six major archaeological sites: (Marillac, Charente), Combe Brune 2 (Creysse, Dordogne), Roc de Marsal (Campagne, Dordogne), Artenac (Saint-Mary, Charente), La Quina (Gardes-le-Pontaroux, Charente) et La Ferrassie (Savignac-de-Miremont, Dordogne). Collating the results for each archaeological level allowed the coherence of the dates to be tested and a reliable chronological sequence to be proposed for each site. The different human occupations, characterised by their industrial attribution, could be placed within a chronological framework that incorporates regional palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic variations. Finally, several observations provide new insights for our understanding of Neandertal cultures.

Purificação de rejeitos de lascas de quartzo das industrias de silicio / Purification of quartz lascas rejected by silicon industries

Argonz, Raquel 14 February 2001 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos K. Suzuki / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-31T20:22:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Argonz_Raquel_D.pdf: 6011460 bytes, checksum: 288a8671c5c8ed96310d3c57226ce9c8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2001 / Resumo: O Brasil é na atualidade um dos principais produtores de silício para o mundo, sendo que a quantidade de quartzo extraído para a sua produção incluindo o ferro-silício, é da ordem de 2 milhões de toneladas/ano. Para a obtenção do quartzo destinado à redução carbotérmica em silício, nos diversos estágios de extração, britagem, seleção, transporte, e lavagem, cerca de 300.000 toneladas/ano de lascas de quartzo tomam-se rejeitos. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvida uma metodologia ambientalmente correta, denominada "quench-Ieaching" e "crush-leaching", que se utiliza da lixiviação aquosa para a purificação deste material. Os resultados mostram que ocorre uma remoção efetiva de impurezas majoritárias nas lascas de quartzo, tais como, AI, Fe, Na, K, Ca, Mn, ..., dando-lhe uma pureza de 99,9% de SI 'O IND 2'. Uma comparação com diversos insumos de quartzo produzidos no exterior para uso em tecnologia avançada, como para produção de sílica vítrea translucente e "fillers" de "micro-chips", revela que este material purificado com esta tecnologia toma-se de qualidade equivalente ao pó de quartzo internacional / Abstract: Nowadays, Brazil is one of the main silicon metal and iron-silicon producer in the world. But on the other hand, the amount of natural quartz that has been extracted for this purpose is up to 2 milliontons/year. The key-point is the large quantity of rejected quartz lascas, approximately 300,000 tons/year, generated during the various stages of extraction, crushing, selection, transportation, and washing. A new environrnentally mendly purification methodology denominated "quench-Ieaching" and "crush-leaching, that only uses aqueous leaching, has been developed. The result shows an effective elimination of major quartz impurities, such as Al, Fe, Na, K, Ca, Mn, ... , that transforms this rejected material into a 99.9% purity SI 'O IND 2'. The quality of this material is as high as the quartz powder commercially available in the intemational market for use as "fillers" and translucent silica glass raw material for semiconductor industries / Doutorado / Materiais e Processos de Fabricação / Doutor em Engenharia Mecânica

Výzkum fázového rozhraní zrno - geopolymerní pojivo u křemenných i nekřemenných ostřiv / Research of interface between quartz and non quartz mould materials grains and geopolymer binder

Skřivánková, Vendula January 2014 (has links)
Presented thesis deals with monitoring of the properties of the interface between opening materials and geopolymer binder using three quartz and four non quartz opening materials. There is observed mainly the type of destruction of connective bridges. The theoretical part of the thesis briefly summarizes commonly used methods in foundries and monitors experience with implementation of geopolymers in different foundries. The practical part monitors shape of the grains of the chosen opening materials. There are writed down the results from the measurement of the bending strength and workability and there is observed the type of destruction of connective bridges.

Tracking the Evolution of Mid Cenozoic Silicic Magma Systems in the Southern Chocolate Mountains Region, California Using Zircon Geochemistry and Quartz and Zircon Geothermometry

Needy, Sarah Katherine 01 October 2009 (has links)
During the mid Cenozoic, the Chocolate Mountains region of southeastern California experienced crustal extension slightly before, during, and after the main pulse of magmatism. This combined with mid-late Cenozoic faulting to locally uplift plutonic rocks interpreted to represent the plumbing system(s) for volcanic units, allowing an examination of both the extrusive and intrusive result of magmatism. Zircon U-Pb ages of from six magmatic units yield late Oligocene to early Miocene ages and correlate better with stratigraphic relationships than previously compiled ages. These units are four silicic volcanic units – Quechan volcanic rocks, tuff of Felipe Pass, ignimbrite of Ferguson Wash, and tuff of Black Hills – and two plutonic units – the granites of Mount Barrow and Peter Kane Mountain. Regarding contemporaneous plutonic systems as baseline comparisons, zircons from the volcanic units commonly record plutonic temperatures; interpreted to be solidus or near solidus temperature. Remobilization may be a common process leading to eruption. Quartz and zircon thermometers reveal the ignimbrite of Ferguson Wash and tuff of Black Hills magmatic systems evolved differently. Quartz yields temperatures of 700°C to ~750°C in both units with no core-rim trends. Cores of zircons from the ignimbrite of Ferguson Wash yield temperatures between 750°C and 890°C. Zircon rim temperatures are between 875°C and 950°C. Tuff of Black Hills zircon cores generally record temperatures of ~850°C and zircon rim temperatures are ~700°C. Rims from tuff of Black Hills zircon record the same temperature range as zircons from coeval granites. The temperature increase from core to rim in zircons from the ignimbrite of Ferguson Wash indicates reheating and that zircon grew later than and at higher temperatures than quartz. The low zircon temperatures from tuff of Black Hills reveals a system that was growing quartz and zircon at the same low, nearly solidus temperatures. Reasons for its eruption are not readily apparent in the thermal history of zircon and quartz. These two systems record different thermal histories than previously studied, younger systems like the Bishop tuff, in which quartz records late reheating just prior to eruption and a system that was growing quartz later and at higher temperatures than zircon.

A Combined Experimental and Numerical Approach to Understanding Quartz Cementation in Sandstones

Williams, Randolph T. 01 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) Analysis and Predicted Physical Properties of Shocked Quartz from the Chicxulub Impact Crater, Mexico

Prastyani, Erina January 2022 (has links)
As one of the most common minerals in crustal rocks, quartz has been widely used as an indicator for shock metamorphism. Shocked quartz is found in the Chicxulub impact crater, an impact crater that has been linked to the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction ~66 million years ago. The microstructural deformation features found in the shocked quartz do not form randomly, and their orientation provides a better understanding of the impact cratering process. At present, there are no studies of EBSD data analysis of shocked quartz from Chicxulub. We investigated six thin sections from two samples from the M0077A borehole in the lower peak ring of the Chicxulub impact crater, using the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)-EBSD technique. Both samples consist of shocked granite, with a significant amount of quartz.  Therefore, this study investigates the crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of shocked quartz and predicts the seismic velocities and anisotropy, based on the EBSD data. We carried out the analysis of EBSD data by using the MATLAB-based MTEX toolbox that can perform CPO analysis from pole figure plots and the prediction of seismic properties of minerals based on the Voigt-Reuss-Hill effective medium method. Although acquiring the EBSD data from these samples is challenging, leading to the lack of data measured, we found out that the prediction of P wave seismic velocity is in good agreement with other recent studies conducted in the same area. The range of predicted P wave velocities is 5.5-6.5 km/s with anisotropy of 8-15%. The actual observed laboratory measurements and in-situ seismic measurements are considerably smaller than this velocity range because our calculations do not incorporate pores or take microcracks into account.  A likely explanation for the large variability of anisotropy in shocked quartz is the relatively few mapped grains with EBSD, which would influence the CPO and lead to high predicted seismic anisotropy. Considering a greaternumber of grains in the CPO analysis, the CPO is reduced, and seismic anisotropy becomes smaller.

Nouvelle méthode expérimentale pour mesurer les dommages à l'ADN induits par la radiation / Quantification of electron induced desorption in thin films of thymine and thymidine

Lahaie, Pierre-Olivier January 2015 (has links)
Résumé : Lors de l’utilisation de la radiation pour le diagnostic et le traitement du cancer, l’ADN est une cible importante due à son rôle dans la division cellulaire. La radiation y dépose de l’énergie par production abondante (10[indice supérieur 5] e[indice supérieur −]/MeV) d’électrons de basse énergie (EBE) (<50 eV) menant à la production de radicaux et à la dissociation de molécules. Une meilleure compréhension de ces phénomènes physico-chimiques mènera au développement de nouvelles stratégies en radioprotection et en radiothérapie. Il est primordial d’identifier et de quantifier ces dommages initiaux. Suite à des résultats obtenus par des expériences récentes (Li et al., 2010) sur des couches minces d’ADN irradiées par des EBE dans le vide, nous suggérons que certains produits désorbent en quantité significative. Nous proposons une méthode pour mesurer cette perte de matière en utilisant une balance à quartz pour mesurer in situ les changements de masse totale. Ce mémoire présentera la conception et la construction de l’appareil ainsi que les résultats d’irradiation de la thymine et de la thymidine. À 25 ◦ C, le taux de perte de masse spontanée des échantillons joue un rôle important pour les petites molécules comme la thymine (126 uma). L’irradiation augmente d’abord ce taux qui diminue d’un facteur 5 à 15 après une exposition prolongée, signe de modifications notables de l’échantillon. Pour des molécules plus imposantes comme la thymidine (242 uma), il n’y a pas de désorption spontanée et le taux de désorption induite par des électrons de 50 eV est de 0,4 ± 0,1 uma/e[indice supérieur -]. Cette méthode, nécessaire à la calibration d’autres expériences réalisées par HPLC et spectrométrie de masse, permet de compléter la quantificationdes fragments, qui peuvent aussi être l’origine de lésions subséquentes. / Abstract : DNA is the principle target of radiotherapy (RT) due to its crucial role in cellular growth and function. Ionizing radiation (IR) delivers its energy into the cell and its nucleus via sequential ionization events that produce many low-energy electrons (LEE)(10[superscript 5]e[superscript −] per MeV) which drive subsequent molecular dissociations and the formation of radicals and other reactive species. Since a better understanding of these mechanisms is needed to develop new strategies for radioprotection and RT, it is essential to identify and to quantify the initial damage induced by IR. Recent chromatographic (HPLC) analysis of short oligonucleotide irradiated with LEE in vacuo (Li et al., 2010) revealed that only ∼30 % of the loss of intact molecules could be explained by the formation of identifiable radiation products. We hypothesize that electron stimulated desorption (ESD) may account for some of the unexplained loss of the missing molecules. Here we propose a new experimental method to quantify this loss using a quartz crystal microbalance to measure in situ the total mass change due to ESD. This thesis describes the design and the construction of the novel apparatus and presents results for LEE irradiated thymine (thy) and thymidine (dT). We find that at 25 ◦ C, the thermal-induced mass loss is important for small molecules such as thy (126 amu). Upon irradiation at 50 eV, the rate of mass loss initially increases, but then decreased by factors between 5 and 15 indicating structural changes occurring at the sample surface. For larger molecules such as dT (242 amu), there is no thermal evaporation at 25 ◦ C and the LEE induced rate of desorption at 50 eV is 0.4 ± 0.1 amu/e[superscript -]. This work is needed to calibrate HPLC and mass spectrometry experiments allowing us to quantify the fragment species produced by LEE that are expected to induce further and biologically significant damage.

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