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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Interações entre modelado e solo no transecto Espraiado, São Pedro, SP" / Soil-landform relationships in the Espraiado Transect, São Pedro, São Paulo.

Furquim, Sheila Aparecida Correia 24 April 2002 (has links)
O objetivo da presente pesquisa consiste em identificar feições macro e micromorfológicas (em escala de campo e do microscópio óptico, respectivamente) e evidências analíticas (parâmetros físicos e químicos) que indiquem possíveis mecanismos de translocações, perdas e acumulações de matéria no interior da cobertura pedológica, possivelmente responsáveis pela modificação do modelado em um transecto localizado na região de São Pedro (SP). O transecto estudado, denominado Espraiado, subdivide-se em 5 segmentos: segmento superior, segmento médio e segmentos inferiores a, b e c. O segmento superior apresenta baixas declividades e presença do Neossolo Quarzarênico, solo espesso e arenoso caracterizado pela sequência vertical de horizontes A, AE, E com bandas e C-1. O segmento médio apresenta declividades comparativamente médias e presença dos Argissolos Amarelo e Acinzentado, caracterizados pela espessura menor que a do Neossolo Quartzarênico e pela sequência de horizontes A, AE, E com bandas, Bt, C-2 e C-3. Os segmentos inferiores possuem as maiores declividades e solos com a maior presença de argila e a menor espessura do transecto: Cambissolo Háplico, com sequência de horizontes A, ABi, Bi, C-2 e C-3; e Neossolo Litólico, com sequência de horizontes A, C-2 e C-3. As feições identificadas, principalmente macro e micromorfológicas, indicam a ocorrência de processos químicos e mecânicos no interior da cobertura pedológica, desencadeados principalmente pela circulação da água no interior dos solos e responsáveis pela redistribuição e/ou remoção de material em todo o transecto. No Neossolo Quartzarênico, onde há provavelmente maior infiltração de água e dominância do fluxo interno vertical, foi encontrada maior presença das seguintes feições: bandas e interbandas, interpretadas como evidências de-iluviação de plasma; golfos nas partículas de quartzo, interpretados como evidências de dissolução de sílica; e feições relacionadas ao fenômeno de plasma infusion, o qual provoca a desintegração das partículas de areia em partículas menores. Nos Argissolos (Amarelo e Acinzentado) e no Cambissolo Háplico, onde há menor infiltração de água e provavelmente maior presença de fluxo interno lateral, estas feições aparecem em menor quantidade, mas dominam outras, tais como: bandas e interbandas, provavelmente associadas à perda de de plasma do horizonte subjacente; oríficos e concavidades superficiais provavelmente associados ao processo de piping, mosqueamentos que indicam processos de hidromorfia e, portanto, maior mobilidade do ferro reduzido, e feições relacionadas à mobilização de plasma e esqueleto nos macroporos. As únicas feições encontradas que indicam a deposição ou precipitação de elementos no sistema foram as bandas do Neossolo Quartzarênico (as quais indicam simultaneamente perda de matéria), e as denominadas “superfícies duplas" das partículas de quartzo. Desta forma, parece que a cobertura pedológica do transecto Espraiado caracteriza-se principalmente pela perda generalizada de matéria, provavelmente associada a uma perda de volume dos solos e a um rebaixamento do modelado local, assim como descrito em outras áreas tropicais. Assim, os resultados apresentados estão em desacordo com a idéia de oposição entre os processos pedogenéticos e morfogenéticos, comumente presente na visão tradicional das relações solo-relevo, uma vez que os processos deduzidos são possivelmente responsáveis não apenas por mudanças de características morfológicas da cobertura pedológica, mas também por mudanças no modelado. Além disto, a presença destes processos na área estudada parece estar de acordo com os princípios da teoria de etchplanação. / The objective of this research is to identify macro and micromorphological features (field and and optical microscopic scale, respectively) and analitycal evidences (physical and chemical parameters), indicative of translocations, losses and acumulations mechanisms inside the soils, that probably leads to changes in the form of a transect, localized in São Pedro region, São Paulo State, Brazil. The studied transect, called Espraiado, is divided into five segments: superior segment, medium segment and a, b and c inferior segments. The superior segment presents low slope angles and presence of quartz sand, that is a deep soil characterized of the vertical sequence of A, AE, E (with bands) and C-1 horizons. The medium segment has moderate slope angles and the presence of podzolic soils, that are shallower than quartz sand soil and follow vertical sequence of horizons: A, AE, E (with bands), Bt, C-2 and C-3. The inferior segments have the highest slope angles and soils with the highest clay content and the lowest thickness of the transect: cambic soil, that has vertical sequence of A, ABi, Bi, C-2 and C-3 horizons; or A, C-2 and C-3 horizons. The identified macro and micromorphological features suggest the occurrence of chemical and mechanical processes inside the pedological cover, mainly triggered for water circulation in soils. These processes are probably responsible for material translocation and/or remotion in the whole transect. In quartz sand soil, where there are probably high water infiltration rates and dominant internal vertical flux, there are the great amounts of the follow features: bands/interband, interpreted as plasma e-illuviation evidences, embayed quartz particles, interpreted as silica dissolution evidences, and plasma infusion, a phenomenon that leads to the desintegration of sand-sized particles and the formation of silt-sized particles. In podzolic and cambic soils ,where there are probably lower water infiltration rates soils and dominant internal lateral flux, there are fewer of these features and dominance of others, like bands/interbands probably related to plasma losses; holes and concavities probably related to piping processes, motlles suggesting hydromorfic processes that induce the mobility of reduced Fe, and features associated to plasma and skeleton mobility in macropores. Only two features suggest deposition or precipitation of elements in the soil system: bands, mainly in quartz sand soil, and the “double surfaces" of the quartz particles. It seems that pedological cover of the Espraiado transect is mainly characterized by general losses that lead to soil volume loss and landsurface lowering, as described in other tropical areas. Therefore, the presented results disagree with the opposition idea of pedogenetic and morphogenetic processes, presented in traditional views of soil-landforms relationships, since the deduced processes in this research are probably responsible for both soil and landform changes. Furthermore, the presence of the identified chemical processes in Espraiado transect appear to conform to concepts of etchplanation.

Influência do grau de cristalinidade e deformação do quartzo no desencadeamento da reação álcali-agregado / Influence of the crystallinity and deformation of quartz on alkali-aggregate reaction

Bonsembiante, Francieli Tiecher January 2010 (has links)
Este estudo se propôs a avaliar a influência da cristalinidade e da deformação do quartzo na ocorrência da reação álcali-agregado. A influência da cristalinidade do quartzo foi analisada através da mesóstase, material intersticial que constitui as rochas vulcânicas, que é um material composto por grãos sub-microscópicos de quartzo e feldspatos. Para tanto foram selecionadas duas rochas vulcânicas, constituídas por quartzo em diferentes quantidades e com diferentes graus de cristalinidade: um basalto, com pouca quantidade de sílica, sem quartzo livre e cuja mesóstase apresenta grãos pobremente cristalizados; e um riolito, com grande quantidade de sílica e de quartzo livre, além de uma mesóstase com grãos melhor cristalizados. A caracterização da cristalinidade do quartzo mostrou que a mesóstase, que tem aparência de material amorfo em microscopia ótica, apresenta diferentes feições quando observada através de microscopia eletrônica de varredura: mesóstase com grãos criptocristalinos de quartzo e K-feldspatos (Mm); mesóstase com grãos de quartzo e feldspato microcristalinos (Mq); mesóstase constituída predominantemente por argilominerais (Ma). Relacionando-se essas características com a reatividade das rochas verificou-se que o quartzo presente nas mesóstases Mm e Mq reage rápida e intensamente, sobressaindo-se à dissolução da mesóstase Mm, enquanto os grãos da mesóstase Ma são preservados. Através da compração dessas constatações, obtidas com o basalto e o riolito, com as características do material intersticial de um basalto inócuo, em ensaios acelerados e em campo, verificou-se que seu material intersticial da rocha inócua possui pouca quantidade de sílica livre (quartzo). Isso evidencia que a reatividade das rochas vulcânicas está relacionada à quantidade de sílica livre presente (quartzo) e a velocidade de ocorrência da reação com a cristalinidade do quartzo constituinte da mesóstase (Mm). A influência da deformação do quartzo no desencadeamento da reação álcali-agregado foi avaliada através do estudo de rochas graníticas com diferentes graus de deformação: uma rocha pouco deformada (granito), uma rocha com deformação intermediária (proto-milonito) e uma rocha muito deformada (orto-milonito). Os graus de deformação do quartzo foram caracterizados, através de microscopia ótica, como: grau 0= ausência de deformação; grau 1= grãos pouco deformados, com extinção ondulante leve; grau 2= quartzo muito deformado, com forte extinção ondulante, chegando a formar bandas de deformação; grau 3= forte deformação, com formação de subgrãos; grau 4= grãos recristalizados. O estudo mostrou que a presença preponderante de quartzo com grau 2 nas rochas denota uma maior velocidade de desencadeamento da reação álcali-agregado. A partir dessa constatação efetuou-se a avaliação das características texturais dos grãos de quartzo de rochas reativas em campo, verificando-se que quanto maior a quantidade de grãos com grau 2 mais rápida a ocorrência da reação em campo. / This research aims to study the influence of crystallinity and deformation of quartz to the occurrence of alkali-aggregate reaction. The influence of the cristallinitiy of quartz was analyzed through the interstitial material (volcanic glass/mesostase) into volcanic rocks. This material is composing by sub-microscopic grains of quartz and feldspars, thus it was selected a basaltic rock, with poor crystallized interstitial material and low silica content; and a rhyolitic rock, with better crystallized interstitial material and high silica content. The characterization of the crystallinity of the quartz showed that interstitial mesostase has appearance of amorphous material on the optical microscopy, but, at scanning electron microscopy it was observe the following features: mesostase with microcrystalline grains of quartz and K-feldspar (Mm); mesostase with better crystallized grains of quartz and K-feldspar (Mq); mesostase with clay predominantly (Ma). Reactivity potential tests showed that quartz in Mm and Mq react quickly and intensely, especially Mm, while quartz in Ma was preserved. Comparing these evidences, obtained with basalt and rhyolite, with interstitial material into innocuous basalt, it was found that interstitial material in innocuous rock has smaller amount of free silica (quartz). It proof that reactivity of volcanic rocks is related to the amount of free silica present into the rocks and poor cristalinity of quartz into mesostase make alkali-aggregate reaction quickness (Mm). The influence of the deformation of quartz on alkali-aggregate reaction was analyzed through granitic rocks with different degrees of deformation: a rock with very little deformation (granite), a medium deformed rock (proto-mylonite), a very deformed rock (orto-mylonite). Deformation degree of quartz was characterized through optical microscopy as follows: order 0= absence of the deformation; order 1= slightly deformed grain (weak ondulatory extinction); order 2= very deformed quartz, with strong ondulatory extinction and forming deformation bands; order 3= very deformed quartz, with formation of sub-grains, order 4= recrystallized quartz. The study showed that rocks with most quartz „order 2‟ denotes the development of alkali-aggregate reaction faster than rocks with other „orders‟ deformation of the quartz. From this conclusion it was obseve the textural characteristics of quartz grains in reative rocks on the field, confirming that quartz with deformation bands cause alkali-aggregate reaction quickly.

Estudo do corte abrasivo de quartzo para a fabricação de geradores piezelétricos / Study of abrasive dicing of quartz for piezoelectric energy harvest device manufacturing

Araujo, Luis Antonio Oliveira 26 October 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho trata do estudo do fatiamento de cristais de quartzo quanto as suas características e influências na fabricação de micro sistemas eletromecânicos (MEMS). A metodologia é iniciada pelo projeto estruturado de um MEMS, convergindo para um gerador energia elétrica do tipo energy harvest, capaz de gerar energia limpa, renovável, de escala reduzida (micro componente), de baixa potência e com vistas para aplicação comercial. Geração de energia tem se tornado um tema cada vez mais frequente, em especial energia para sistemas autônomos (wireless) aonde o uso de baterias é restritivo ou até mesmo inviável devido às dimensões e dificuldade de manutenção. A fabricação de MEMS é a etapa de maior investimento financeiro e por consequência, maior estudo. No caso do gerador de energia, a ênfase recai sobre os processos de corte, que consomem a maior parte do processo fabril. O objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar o processo de corte abrasivo do quartzo e a influência dos defeitos impregnados pelo processo, sobre o desempenho de geradores de energia piezelétricos baseados em quartzo sintético e natural. Os processos de corte com uso de fita abrasiva (band saw) e disco abrasivo (dicing saw) se destacaram devido aos bons resultados, disponibilidade, produtividade e baixo custo. Procedimentos de corte também foram realizados em outros materiais - Alumina Policristalina 99,8% e Silício (111) - como estudo comparativo das características do mecanismo de remoção de material aplicado aos processos de corte abrasivos. Os parâmetros de corte foram trabalhados em busca de melhor qualidade, que significa redução da impregnação de falhas (principalmente, o chipping e backside chipping) e melhor acabamento das superfícies geradas pelo corte final. Foram obtidas peças nos planos AT, X, Y e Z, com espessuras a partir de 0,5 mm, segmentadas em larguras de 1 a 7 mm. / This work is a study of characteristics and influences of cutting process in manufacturing of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) based on quartz single crystal. The methodology starts by the structured design of a MEMS device, converging to an electric power generator device, type energy harvest that generates clean energy, renewable, with small dimensions (micro component) and low power. Power generating has become a frequent topic, especially the power generation for wireless devices systems, which use of batteries can be restrictive or even impracticable because of dimensions and difficult of maintenance. The base of the study is the process manufacturing of MEMS, which is the major investment and because of this, the most studied stage. In the case of a power generator, the emphasis is on the cutting process that consumes most part of the work flow. The objective of this work is evaluate the abrasive cutting process of quartz and the influence of defects generated by the cutting process applied to the performance of piezoelectric power generators based on synthetic and natural quartz crystal. The abrasive cutting process of band saw and dicing saw were featured due availability and high productivity with low cost. Procedures of cutting were also applied in other materials - Alumina Polycrystalline 99,8% and Silicon (111) - as comparison for material removal mechanism in cutting process. The process parameters were optimized to reach better cutting quality, which means reduction in faults (mainly, chipping and backside chippings) and better surface finishing from cutting process. It was obtained pieces from AT, X, Y and Z cutting plans, with thickness starting from 0,5 mm and widths from 1 to 7 mm.

Identificação de areias siliciclásticas para a recuperação de praias em erosão através de métodos geofísicos acústicos / Sand search for beach nourisment by acoustic geophysical methods

Nãnashaira Medeiros Siqueira 30 July 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Devido a sua grande extensão latitudinal, a costa brasileira é influenciada por diferentes regimes climáticos e oceanográficos. Adicionalmente, a distribuição da população brasileira é caracterizada por uma alta concentração nas capitais litorâneas. Todos esses fatores levam à construção de inúmeras estruturas de engenharia que podem de alguma forma impactar o transporte de sedimento e consequentemente o balanço sedimentar de algumas praias. Uma das formas mais eficientes de recuperar esse balanço sedimentar é a alimentação artificial de praias, com sedimentos provenientes da plataforma continental com características semelhantes. Os métodos geofísicos acústicos permitem mapear de forma eficiente o fundo e o subfundo marinho para a busca de áreas fontes para a lavra de forma eficiente. O objetivo deste estudo é a identificação de padrões geoacústicos a partir de analises quantitativas e qualitativas, para a caracterização de áreas fontes de areias siliciclásticas compatíveis com sedimentos de praias em erosão na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O mapeamento foi realizado na plataforma continental interna do Rio de Janeiro, em área adjacente à praia de Itaipuaçu (Maricá, RJ). As análises evidenciaram depósitos, localizados entre 19 e 30 metros, de areias com granulometria, textura e selecionamento em condições ideias para a recomposição de praias do Rio de Janeiro. / The Brazilian coast is afected by different oceanographic characteristics, mainly due to its large latitudinal extention. Additionally, the distribution of the Brazilian population is characterized by a high concentration in the coastal capital. These facts generate a large number of coastal engineering structures that may impact the sediment transport and consequently the sediment balance in some beaches. All these factors impact some sand beaches and the best choice for its mitigation and recovering is the beach nourishment - with sediments from the continental shelf with similar characteristics. However to find a good place for dredging in the shelf, we need to use geophysical methods that allow to map the bottom and sub bottom environments more efficiently. The objective of this study is the identification of geoacoustics patterns, following qualitative and quantitative analyzes, for characterizing source areas of siliciclastic sands in ideal conditions for recovering eroded beaches in Rio de Janeiro. The mapping was done in the shelf in front of Itaipuaçu beach (Maricá, RJ). The quantitative results showed well sorted median sand placers seaward of the closure depth, located between 19 and 30 meters, ideal for Rios beaches recovering.

Conception et réalisation d'antennes reconfigurables à base de MEMS en intégration hétérogène 3D pour systèmes de communication millimétriques / Design and implementation of reconfigurable antennas based on MEMS integration for 3D heterogeneous millimeter communication systems

Sarrazin, Tristan 05 April 2013 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse sont une contribution à l'étude d'antennes reconfigurables à base de MEMS en intégration hétérogène 3D pour les systèmes de communication millimétriques. Ces travaux de thèse s'inscrivent dans le cadre d'un projet ANR nommé SIPCOM (Intégration hétérogène 3D (System-In-Package) pour objets communicants en gamme millimétrique), qui concerne l'intégration hétérogène d'un microsystème intelligent communicant à 60GHz. Au cours de ce manuscrit, nous proposons la réalisation d'antennes sur membrane selon 3 technologies. Dans un premier temps, une nouvelle technologie simple et bas coût basée sur un empilement de FR4 et de Pyralux ainsi qu'un nouveau concept d'antenne patch sur membrane alimentée par un guide d'onde intégré via une fente de couplage sont présentés. Dans un second temps, ce nouveau concept d'antenne a été adapté afin de pouvoir l'intégrer au module SiP réalisé en technologie Silicium / BCB. Enfin, la troisième technologie basée sur des substrats de quartz permet de démontrer la faisabilité d'une antenne à balayage électronique pour laquelle chaque excitateur est intégré dans le design d'un déphaseur à base de MEMS permettant de s'affranchir des interconnexions par bonding entre le déphaseur et la partie antennaire. / The work presented in this PhD thesis is a contribution for the study of reconfigurable antennas based on MEMS integration for 3D heterogeneous millimeter communication systems. This study falls within the framework of a ANR project named SIPCOM, for heterogeneous integration of smart millimeter communicating systems. During this manuscript, we propose the implementation of membrane antennas with three technological processes. Firstly, a new simple and low cost technology based on FR4 and Pyralux substrates and a new concept of patch antenna fed by integrated waveguide are investigated. In a second time, this new antenna design has been matched in order to be integrated in the SIP module using Silicon/BCB technology. The third technology based on quartz substrates is used to demonstrate the feasibility of an electronic beamscanning antenna for which one each slot feeder is integrated into the design of the MEMS phase shifter to overcome the bonding interconnections between the phase shifter and the antenna.

A Microfluidic Platform to Enable Screening of Immobilised Biomolecule Mixtures

Michael Hines Unknown Date (has links)
Abstract This thesis describes the design, fabrication and operation of a microfluidic device for the screening of biomolecule mixture surface mediated effects. The characterisation of a surface immobilisation strategy that will allow the robust attachment of candidate biomolecules on a substrate for use in cell culture applications. This is carried out in the form of a modified and optimised layer-by-layer surface immobilisation strategy and its subsequent thorough and robust characterisation. This was achieved by compiling and critically analysing large amounts of quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) data and the model utilised to provide meaningful, physical data as an output. QCM-D data was combined with surface plasmon resonance (SPR) data to validate the assumptions used within the QCM-D model package. Further evidence demonstrating the presence of the multilayer, as described by QCM-D and SPR, is achieved using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). These results show that the multilayer surface is robustly attached to the substrate and consists of a large amount of water whilst being able to immobilise mixtures of four proteins. A custom protocol for fabricating these two layer devices was devised and is presented. Scale limitations have been overcome to provide mixing capabilities for large extracellular matrix molecules to be immobilised on the previously described, microfluidically generated surface immobilisation strategy. The optimisation and characterisation of the mixing within this microfluidic device, affected by the incorporated staggered herring bone mixer is also shown. Using dynamic force spectroscopy (DFS) along with a custom designed force curve data processing and analysis package, the spatial localisation of a mixture of four immobilised biomolecules was determined. The aim of this study was to compare the spatial localization of a mixture of four biomolecules created by; standard cell culture protocols (adsorbed from bulk onto tissue culture polystyrene) and a surface created via microfluidic deposition on top of a previously described surface immobilisation strategy. The design and robust application of this custom analysis package allows the definition of a “Barricade of Specificity” such that interactions between an antibody functionalised AFM tip and a surface composed of a mixture of proteins, to be categorised as either a “true” specific interaction, or a non-specific interaction. The application of this Barricade of Specificity thus allows the spatial localisation of four immobilized biomolecules to be determined with a large degree of accuracy as a result of the large rage of non-specific interactions surveyed and the strict definition of a valid rupture force. The final chapter details the application of the microfluidic platform to enable high throughput screening of the effects of extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules, singly and in combination, with regards to the effect on the expression of cell surface markers on umbilical cord blood (UCB) derived CD34+ cells. Careful selection of candidate ECM molecules, cytokine and oxygen concentration has resulted in little difference in the effect on UCB derived CD34+ cells differentiation state after seven days in culture. The major effect has been the maturation towards lymphocyte and leukocyte precursors. However, of the four ECM molecules tested individually, in binary and in quaternary combinations, osteopontin (Opn) and laminin (Ln) demonstrated differences compared to other surfaces tested. In order to further assess the effect of these protein surfaces on the cell surface marker expression of UCB derived CD34+ cells, further tests are warranted for increased periods of time to enable greater discrimination in marker expression and thus increase our understanding of the fundamental biology of this rare and clinically useful cell source.

Contribution à l'étude des propriétés physiques des minéraux à haute pression : Spectroscopie et calcul des grandeurs thermodynamiques de la lawsonite, des épidotes et des polymorphes de Si02.

Le Cleac'H, A. 03 November 1989 (has links) (PDF)
Les propriétés thermodynamiques de quelques minéraux métamorphiques de haute pression sont calculées par modélisation de la densité d'états vibratoires à partir de spectres infrarouge et Raman. Une étude spectroscopique détaillée de la lawsonite (CaAI2(Si207)(OH)H20) conduit à une identification des modes d'étirement des groupements Si207 dans le minéral. La description du spectre vibrationnel ainsi obtenue sert à modéliser l'entropie S et la capacité calorifique Cp du minéral. De la même manière, la position de l'équilibre zoïsite-clinozoïsite (Ca2(AI1- pFep)AIO(Si04)(Si207)), sur lequel les résultats expérimentaux divergent, est estimée à partir des valeurs de S et Cp ainsi modélisées. D'autre part, le rôle sur les fonctions thermodynamiques de la substitution AI/Fe dans la série clinozoïsiteépidote est estimé à partir de l'enregistrement de spectres sur des épidotes de compositions variées. Dans les conditions de haute pression et haute température, les minéraux ne se comportent pas comme des solides harmoniques : c'est notamment le cas des polymorphes de Si02, quartz, coesite et stishovite. L'effet de la pression et la température sur leurs spectres de vibration, mesuré expérimentalement, permet en particulier d'expliquer pourquoi et comment les valeurs de la capacité calorifique s'écartent à haute température de la limite prédite par la théorie harmonique.

Analyse ponctuelle des inclusions fluides dans les minéraux par ablation laser femtoseconde ICP-MS: développements et validation

Courtieu, Clément 19 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'eau est l'un des moyens les plus efficaces pour le transport des éléments chimiques sur Terre, en particulier à faible profondeur. Les processus de dissolutions - reprécipitations de ces éléments par l'intermédiaire de l'eau est à l'origine de la plupart des gisements de minerais dans le monde, aussi bien de métaux que de pierres précieuses. Cette eau peut être piégée à l'intérieur d'un échantillon géologique, sous la forme d'inclusions fluides. L'étude de ces inclusions permet d'avoir des informations sur les conditions de piégeage et sur la composition du paléofluide. L'étude par ablation laser ICP-MS est une méthode couramment utilisée pour mesurer des compositions chimiques in situ du contenu des inclusions fluides. Les lasers les plus utilisés pour ce genre d'études produisent des impulsions laser dans l'ultraviolet et dont la durée est de l'ordre de la nanoseconde (10-9 seconde). Lors de l'ablation par un laser nanoseconde, les échantillons sont soumis à de forts effets de température au niveau du spot d'ablation, induisant un fractionnement chimique, des effets de matrice ou encore un risque d'accumulation de température pouvant conduire à l'ablation incontrôlée de l'échantillon. Depuis quelques années, les lasers produisant des ablations de l'ordre de la femtoseconde (10-15 seconde) sont utilisés dans les Sciences de la Terre. Leur caractéristique principale est de fournir des ablations mettant en jeu de l'énergie cinétique et photomécanique au lieu d'énergie sous forme de chaleur, diminuant les effets thermiques décrits précédemment. Le but de cette thèse est de valider l'utilisation d'un laser femtoseconde à lumière infrarouge comme alternative efficace pour l'ablation contrôlée et reproductible d'inclusions fluides naturelles ou synthétiques. Nous avons étudié le comportement du quartz à l'ablation femtoseconde infrarouge, et nous avons pu mesurer des seuils d'ablation de 0,06 à 2,9 J.cm-2 en fonction de l'état de surface de l'échantillon. Des taux d'ablation ont été calculés sur les 1000 premiers tirs d'ablation : 0,58 µm/tir constant pour une lentille longue focale, de 0,42 à 0,02 µm/tir pour un objectif à focale courte. Nous nous sommes intéressés en premier lieu aux effets de matrices lors de l'ablation femtoseconde de trois échantillons de matrices différentes, utilisés comme standards externes pour l'analyse LA-ICP-MS des inclusions fluides : des inclusions synthétiques, des capillaires et des verres synthétiques NIST. Aucun effet de matrice n'a été constaté, et le couplage capillaires - verres NIST donne les meilleurs résultats de calibrage des inclusions fluides sur un grand nombre d'éléments, notamment le chlorure. Nous avons ensuite mesuré des concentrations d'éléments dans des inclusions fluides naturelles. Les concentrations s'étalent sur 6 ordres de grandeurs, avec des limites de détection en accord avec la littérature. Ces résultats ont été comparés à des méthodes destructives validées pour l'étude des inclusions fluides, le LIBS et l'ablation laser ICP-MS nanoseconde. La comparaison des trois méthodes a permis de mettre en évidence la faisabilité du laser femtoseconde comme système d'ablation pour l'étude des inclusions fluides. Cette thèse valide donc l'utilisation du laser femtoseconde infrarouge comme alternative valable à l'utilisation des lasers ultraviolets nanoseconde. Elle fournit de plus des caractéristiques d'ablation du quartz avec un laser femtoseconde, et une étude approfondie sur les différents standards externes les plus efficaces pour le calibrage d'analyses LA-ICP-MS d'inclusions fluides naturelles.

Chocs laser sur le diamant, l hélium et l hydrogène: une etude experimentale de la ''Warm Dense Matter.

Brygoo, Stéphanie 20 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
La connaissance de l'équation d'état de systèmes d'hélium, d'hydrogène et de diamant dans le domaine des hautes pressions et températures est un problème ouvert, très controversé et présentant des applications astrophysiques importantes. Les approches théoriques pour cet état de la matière à l'interface de la physique de la matière condensée et de la physique des plasmas, appelé dans la littérature Warm Dense Matter, ne sont pas encore entièrement satisfaisantes. Une des raisons est qu'il n'existe pratiquement pas de données expérimentales pour valider les approximations dans ce domaine du diagramme de phase. En effet les approches statiques ou dynamiques seules ne peuvent atteindre ces états. En 2002, une première démonstration de la possibilité du couplage des compressions statiques et dynamiques, par génération de chocs laser dans des presses à enclumes de diamant, a ouvert la voie de l'étude de l'équation d'état de la matière très dense et chaude. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons optimisé les cibles et développé une nouvelle métrologie basée sur le quartz comme système de référence dans le but de réduire au maximum les barres d'erreur. Des mesures précises de la pression, la température, la densité et la réflectivité peuvent ainsi être obtenues. Cette méthode a ensuite été appliquée à différents systèmes. De nombreux résultats ont alors été obtenus sur le diamant (existence d'un maximum sur le courbe de fusion), sur l'hélium (va! lidation du modèle de Saumon-Chabrier), sur l'hydrogène (passage continue entre un état isolant et un état conducteur) et sur les mélanges hydrogène/hélium (pas de signe évident de séparation de phase).

Contributions des nanotechnologies à l'étude et à l'assemblage du Nano-Moteur flagellaire des bacteries

Chalmeau, Jerôme 24 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Le nano-moteur qui se trouve à la base des flagelles des bactéries est une merveille de part sa structure et son rôle dans la survie des bactéries. Il permet la mise en rotation rapide (300Hz) d'un long filament à l'extérieur de la bactérie, filament qui va jouer un rôle comparable à une hélice de sous marin. Malgré sa taille, 45 nm dans son plus grand diamètre, cette nano-bio-machine est composée de milliers de protéines, briques essentielles à la vie. Ces protéines travaillent de concert afin de faire tourner le flagelle bactérien et permettre à la bactérie de se mouvoir dans son environnement au gré du milieu dans lequel elle évolue. Malgré son importance dans la vie bactérienne, son fonctionnement précis reste encore relativement flou aujourd'hui. Sa découverte il y a plus de 30 ans a permis l'accumulation de données qui permettent d'esquisser la structure de certaines des protéines, leur emplacement ou le rôle joue par certaines parties de ces mêmes protéines. D'autres expériences ont permis de déduire des caractéristiques mécaniques, comme les relations couple/vitesse de ce moteur. Cependant, sa description à l'échelle nanométrique reste a ce jour limité et sujette à précautions. Dans le cadre de ma thèse, deux approches parallèles et complémentaires ont été développé afin de répondre à ce défi : le réassemblage de manière contrôlé in vitro d'une partie du moteur crucial pour le fonctionnement du moteur, l'étude à grande échelle des interactions entre les protéines identifiées comme étant essentielles à la rotation du flagelle. De nombreux outils qui n'avaient jamais été utilisés pour l'étude du moteur ont été mis à profit : le microscope à force atomique, afin de visualiser dans un environnement proche du milieu natif les parties du moteur réassemblées, et la Micro Balance à Quartz pour les études d'interactions. Des nouvelles données ont pu être obtenues et synthétisées dans une nouvelle hypothèse de fonctionnement du Nano-moteur flagellaire des bactéries q ui sera présentée.

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