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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studium vlivu parametrů na pohyb elektrodových skvrn v modelu zhášecí komory elektrického přístroje / Study of arc root movement in a model of the LV quenching system

Fendrych, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Thesis focuses on the basic characteristics of plasma, problems about origin of electrode spots and electrodynamics force acts on the electric arc. In the practical part was realized and produced model of a LV quenching system. Using optical diagnostics was received necessary data to analyze the movement of the electrode spots. The movements of the electrode spots were analyzed in terms of value RMS current passing through the electric arc, value of absolute pressure model in the LV quenching system and distance from each electrode.

Modèles de flammelette en combustion turbulente avec extinction et réallumage : étude asymptotique et numérique, estimation d’erreur a posteriori et modélisation adaptative

Turbis, Pascal 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Simulation des Wärme- und Stofftransports in Partialoxidationsprozessen

Richter, Andreas 27 March 2018 (has links)
Die vorliegende Habilitationsschrift stellt den erreichten Stand der CFD-basierten Modellierung ein- und mehrphasiger Hochtemperaturprozesse dar. Die hierzu vorgelegten Arbeiten umfassen die Hochdruck-Partialoxidation von Erdgas, die Vergasung fester Einsatzstoffe in einem endothermen Flugstromreaktor und in einem mehrstufigen Wirbelschichtprozess sowie die Synthesegasaufbereitung in einem neuen Quenchreaktor. Der Forschungsschwerpunkt reicht dabei von der Entwicklung neuer Korrelationen zur Beschreibung der Strömungskräfte und des Wärmeübergangs basierend auf partikelaufgelösten Rechenmodellen über die Modellierung der thermochemischen Konversion reaktiver Einzelpartikel bis hin zur Berechnung und Optimierung unterschiedlicher Hochtemperaturreaktoren. / This habilitation thesis discusses the state of the art for the CFD modeling of single-phase and multi-phase high-temperature processes. The presented publications comprise the high-pressure partial oxidation of natural gas, the gasification of solid fuels in entrained-flow gasifiers and multi-stage fluidized-bed gasifier as well as the syngas treatment in a new quench reactor. The scientific approach covers the development of new correlations for flow forces and heat transfer based on particle-resolved numerical models, the modeling of the thermochemical conversion of reactive single particles, and the calculation and optimization of different high-temperature processes.

Interaction of Metal Nanoparticles with Fluorophores and Their Effect on Fluorescence

Aksoy, Fuat Yigit 27 March 2009 (has links)
Metal nanoparticles have recently gained popularity in many research areas due to their nanosize-related properties. Depending on the size of the metal nanoparticle, their mode of interaction with electromagnetic radiation and the outcome of this interaction vary; in turn the effect exerted on a protein which is conjugated to a nanoparticle varies, because different sized nanoparticles demonstrate different modes of energy transfer with electromagnetic radiation and molecules conjugated to them. Very small cluster with sizes around 1 – 1.2 nm tend to get excited by incident light and emit fluorescence, whereas larger nanoparticles absorb the incoming light very strongly due to their LSPR. In this study we observed the outcomes of the interaction between two types of nanoparticles, namely gold and gold/silver alloyed nanoparticles with the fluorescence emission of two fluorophores, namely eGFP and rPhiYFP; and demonstrated a bioassay where the fluorescence modulation by gold nanoparticles can be used as the sensing strategy. Lastly, we demonstrated the potential of autofluorescent gold nanoparticles as intracellular reporters.

Early Stages of the Aluminothermic Process: Insights into Separation and Mould Filling

Weiß, Sebastian 16 April 2019 (has links)
The aluminothermic (AT) process utilises a self-propagating high-temperature synthesis (SHS) type reaction for producing primarily thermite steel and alumina slag at high temperatures during the welding of rails. In this work, an investigation on the early stages of the aluminothermic process, the separation of AT reaction products and mould filling has been carried out, using both experimental and computational methods to predict the time duration of a complete separation and to obtain a better understanding of the internal multiphase flow within the crucible and mould. The decomposition of AT reaction products after the combustion and the subsequent mould filling by thermite steel and alumina slag have been simulated numerically, using a diffusive phase field and volume-of-fluid model. However, to minimize numerical errors on the input parameters of the high- temperature multiphase flow, a careful review on transport properties has been made. Missing data, e.g. the contact angle of thermite steel on waterglass-bonded mould and crucible wall material has been investigated experimentally. Being further necessary for the prediction of the separation time of AT reaction products in compacted thermite, results on the propagation front velocity show a decreasing trend with increasing initial compact temperature. Further, the combustion front velocity is used for a subsequent analysis of the separation time, which is obtained from the phase distribution of thermite steel, alumina slag and intermetallic compounds, using a combustion front quenching (CFQ) methodology. Moreover, geometric modifications on the crucible and mould have been developed for a reduction in changeover time, as well as an optimized multiphase flow field. Their performance during crucible discharge and mould filling has been verified numerically. Furthermore, alumina slag inclusions have been tracked within the mould using a volume-of-fluid approach with their final positions being verified through an authentic welding. / Während des aluminothermischen (AT) Prozesses findet eine SHS-Reaktion Anwendung, um primär Thermitstahl und Aluminiumoxidschlacke bei hohen Temperaturen für das Verschweißen von Bahnschienen herzustellen. In dieser Arbeit wurden Anfangsstadien, welche die Separation der AT-Reaktionsprodukte sowie das Füllen der Gießform einbeziehen, unter Anwendung von sowohl experimentellen als auch numerischen Verfahren untersucht. Damit konnte die Zeitdauer einer kompletten Separation ermittelt und ein genaueres Verständnis der Mehrphasenströmung in Tiegel und Gießform erlangt werden. Die Separation der AT-Reaktionsprodukte nach der aluminothermischen Reaktion und die anschließende Formfüllung wurden mit einem diffusen Phasenfeld und einem Volume-of-Fluid-Modell numerisch berechnet. Für die Minimierung numerischer Fehler in den Eingangsgrößen dieser Hochtemperatur-Mehrphasenströmungen wurde eine intensive Literaturrecherche durchgeführt und fehlende Parameter, wie zum Beispiel die Kontaktwinkel von Thermitstahl auf Wasserglas gebundenem Form- und Tiegelmaterial, wurden experimentell ermittelt. Messungen der Reaktionsfrontgeschwindigkeit in gepresstem Thermit sind notwendig für eine Vorhersage der Separationszeit der AT-Reaktionsprodukte, und die Ergebnisse zeigen einen linear abfallenden Trend mit zunehmender Anfangstemperatur des verdichteten Materials. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Geschwindigkeit der Reaktionsfront verwendet, um aus der Phasenverteilung von Thermitstahl, Aluminiumoxidschlacke und intermetallischen Verbindungen als Ergebnis des CFQ-Experimentes die Separationszeit in verdichtetem Thermit zu approximieren. Es wurden Modifikationen an Tiegel und Gießform erprobt, die für eine Verbesserung der internen Strömungsführung sowie für die Reduzierung der Umrüstzeit sorgen sollen. Die Effizienz dieser Veränderungen wurde anschließend mit numerischen Methoden überprüft. Des Weiteren konnten durch eine Realschweißung die numerisch vorhergesagten finalen Positionen von Schlackeeinschlüssen innerhalb der Gießform verifiziert werden.

Электрохимический синтез и люминесцентные свойства нанотубулярных структур диоксида циркония : магистерская диссертация / Electrochemical synthesis and luminescent properties of zirconium dioxide nanotubular structures

Кожевина, А. В., Kozhevina, A. V. January 2017 (has links)
Объект исследования – анодированный диоксид циркония. Цель работы – электрохимический синтез нанотубулярных структур диоксида циркония и исследование их люминесцентных и абсорбционных свойств. Методы исследования – растровая электронная микроскопия, рентгенофазовый анализ, абсорбционная и фотолюминесцентная спектроскопия. Новизна работы – исследована фотолюминесценция анодированного диоксида циркония в диапазоне температур 6.2-700 К. Показано, что интенсивность свечения в области 375 – 600 нм возрастает с уменьшением температуры до 30 К. Спектры свечения описываются двумя пиками гауссовой формы с максимумами Emax = 2.28 и 2.75 эВ и полуширинами ω = 0.77 и 0.67 эВ, соответственно. Измерены спектры диффузного отражения образцов до и после отжига. Посредством построения Тауца рассчитана энергия края оптического поглощения нанотубулярного диоксида циркония Eg = 5.4 ± 0.1 эВ. Возможная область применения анодированного диоксида циркония – матрицы солнечных батарей и фотокатализаторы. / The object of investigation is anodized zirconia. The aim of the work is the electrochemical synthesis of nanotubular zirconia structures and the study of their luminescence and absorption properties. The methods of investigation are scanning electron microscopy, X-ray phase analysis, absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The novelty of the work is the photoluminescence of anodized zirconia in the temperature range of 6.2-700 K. It is shown that the luminescence intensity increases with decreasing temperature to 30 K. The emission spectra are described by two peaks of a Gaussian shape with maxima Emax = 2.28 and 2.75 eV and halfwidths ω = 0.77 and 0.67 eV, respectively. A possible field of application of anodized zirconia is the matrix of solar cells and photocatalysts. Spectra of diffuse reflection of samples before and after annealing were measured. By means of the Tauc plot, the energy of the edge of the optical absorption of nanotubular zirconium dioxide Eg = 5.4 ± 0.1 eV is calculated. A possible field of application of anodized zirconia is the matrix of solar cells and photocatalysts.

A System of Aesthetics: Emily Dickinson's Civil War Poetry

Kaufman, Amanda Christine January 2010 (has links)
No description available.


Corbin M Grohol (20342745) 10 January 2025 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This research focuses on understanding and improving various metal additive manufacturing processes. The first half is dedicated to experimental investigations and methods for improving the laser cladding of aluminum alloys. The second half is dedicated to high-fidelity modeling of the laser melting process and methods for reducing the computational burden.</p><p dir="ltr">First, laser cladding is a surface enhancement and repair process in which a high-powered laser beam is used to deposit a thin (0.05 mm to 2 mm) layer of material onto a metal substrate with no cracking, minimal porosity, and satisfactory mechanical properties. In this work, a 4 kW High Power Diode Laser (HPDL) is used with off-axis powder injection to deposit single-tracks of aluminum alloy 6061 powder on a 6061-T6511 substrate. The process parameters were varied to identify the possible processing window in which a successful clad is achieved. Geometrical characteristics were correlated to the processing parameters and the trends were discussed. Microhardness testing was employed to examine the mechanical properties of the clad in the as-deposited and precipitation heat-treated conditions. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to investigate the precipitate structures in the clad and substrate as an explanation for the hardness variations. Experiments were completed on two substrate widths to understand the effect of domain size on the process map, layer size, and hardness.</p><p dir="ltr">Second, a method to deposit quench-sensitive age-hardening aluminum alloy clads is presented, which produces a hardness similar to the T6 temper without the requirement of solution heat treatment. A high-powered diode laser is scanned across the workpiece surface and material feedstock is delivered and melted via off-axis powder injection. The cladding process is immediately followed by quenching with liquid nitrogen, which improves the cooling rate of the quench-sensitive material and increases the hardness response to subsequent precipitation heat treatment. The method was demonstrated on the laser cladding of aluminum alloy 6061 powder on 6061-T6511 extruded bar substrates of 12.7 mm thickness. Single-track single-layer clads were deposited at a laser power of 3746 W, scan speed of 5 mm/s, and powder feed rate of 18 g/min. The in-situ liquid nitrogen quenching improved the clad hardness by 15.7% from 73.1 HV to 84.6 HV and the heat-affected zone hardness by 19.3% from 87.1 HV to 103.9 HV. Extending the process to multi-track multi-layer cladding further increased the clad hardness to 89.3 HV, close to the T6 temper hardness of 90 HV. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the increased precipitate density in the liquid nitrogen quenched clads was responsible for the higher hardness.</p><p dir="ltr">Third, a high-fidelity model of the molten pool dynamics during the laser melting of metals is presented for accurate prediction of the molten pool size and morphology at operating conditions relevant to laser powder bed fusion. The goal of this research is to improve the accuracy of previous models, present a thorough experimental validation, and quantify the model's sensitivity to various properties and parameters. The model is based on an OpenFOAM compressible Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) solver that is modified to include the physics relevant to laser melting. Improvements to previous works include the utilization of a compressible solver to incorporate temperature-dependent density, implementation of temperature-dependent surface tension and viscosity, utilization of the geometric isoAdvector VOF method, selection of a least squares method for the gradient calculations, and careful selection of physically accurate material properties. These model improvements resulted in accurate prediction of the molten pool depth and width (mean absolute error of 7% and 5%, respectively) across eleven operating conditions spanning the conduction and keyhole regimes with laser powers ranging from 100 W to 325 W and scan speeds from 250 mm/s to 1,200 mm/s. The validation included in-house experiments on 304 L stainless steel and experiments from the National Institute of Standards and Technology on Inconel 718. Incorporating the large density change from the ambient temperature to vaporization temperature and utilizing a least squares scheme for the gradient calculation were identified as important factors for the predictive accuracy of the model. The model sensitivity to the wide range of literature values for laser absorptivity, liquid thermal conductivity, and vaporization temperature was quantified. Literature sources were analyzed to identify the most physically accurate property values and reduce the impact of their variability on model predictions.</p><p dir="ltr">Finally, an original surrogate model is presented for the accurate and computationally efficient prediction of molten pool size in multi-track laser melting over a large domain at operating conditions relevant to laser powder bed fusion. The thermal models available for the laser melting process range from heat conduction models to high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models. High-fidelity models provide a comprehensive treatment of the relevant physics of heat conduction, fluid flow, solidification, vaporization, laser propagation, etc. A carefully implemented high-fidelity model is capable of accurately predicting the molten pool dynamics in a broad range of operating conditions. However, the high computational expense limits their application to a few short tracks on small domains. Conduction models, on the other hand, are orders of magnitude cheaper to evaluate but lack the necessary physics for accurate predictions. This research presents a surrogate model that combines the computational efficiency of the conduction model with the accuracy of the high-fidelity model. A conduction model and high-fidelity model are simulated over a small scan pattern to generate training data of the highly transient molten pool depth and width. A surrogate model, consisting of a fuzzy basis function network, is trained with the aforementioned data. The conduction model is then simulated over a larger scan pattern, the results are input into the trained surrogate model, thereby outputting high-fidelity predictions of the molten pool size over a larger scan pattern. Comparison with experimental results shows this surrogate modeling framework provides reasonably accurate predictions of the molten pool size and is a valid way to extend computationally intensive high-fidelity models to larger and more industrially relevant scan patterns.</p>

NaYF4:Yb,Er Upconversion Nanocrystals: Investigating Energy Loss Processes for the Systematic Enhancement of the Luminescence Efficiency

Grauel, Bettina 23 May 2022 (has links)
Aufkonvertierende (upconverting; UC) Nanomaterialien bilden eine neue Klasse nichtlinearer lumineszenter Reporter, die nah-infrarotes (NIR) Anregungslicht in Photonen von höherer Energie umwandeln. Das effizienteste bekannte UC-System bildet hierbei β-NaYF4: 20%Yb(III), 2%Er(III) mikrokristallines Bulkmaterial, für welches UC-Quantenausbeuten (ΦUC) von 10 % berichtet werden, während ΦUC von Nanokristallen (nanocrystals; NC) um mehrere Größenordnungen niedriger sein können. Um die Effizienz von UC-Nanomaterialien zu erhöhen, werden NC üblicherweise mit inerten Schalen versehen. In dieser Arbeit werden mehrere verschiedene Bulkmaterialien spektroskopisch untersucht, um ein Vergleichsmaterial auszuwählen, das als Maßstab für alle folgenden, vergleichbaren Messungen an NC dient. Die Oberfläche von ultrakleinen (3.7±0.5) nm NC wird mit Schalen von bis zu 10 nm Dicke versehen, um die optimale Schalendicke für vollständige Oberflächenpassivierung zu identifizieren, allerdings weisen die Ergebnisse auf eine mögliche Kern-Schale-Durchmischung hin. In einer zweiten Studie werden die unterschiedlichen Dotanden, Er(III) und Yb(III), auf ihre optischen Eigenschaften sowie die Einflüsse von Energietransfer (ET) und von ihrer Umgebung spektroskopisch untersucht. Dabei kann klar zwischen Oberflächeneffekten und oberflächenunabhängigen Volumeneffekten unterschieden werden. Die Ergebnisse werden durch ein einfaches Monte-Carlo-Modell gestützt, durch das die größen- und leistungsdichte-(P-)abhängigen Populierungsdynamiken der strahlenden Banden von Er(III) vorhergesagt werden können. Zuletzt werden durch eine verbesserte Synthesemethode UCNC mit stark verbesserten Lumineszenzeigenschaften hergestellt, mit denen bei vergleichsweise niedrigen P die gleichen ΦUC wie beim Bulkmaterial erreicht werden. Dies liefert einen Einblick in vielfältige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für UCNC. / Upconversion (UC) nanomaterials are an emerging new class of non-linear luminescent reporters which convert near-infrared (NIR) excitation light into higher-energy photons. The most efficient known UC material is the β-NaYF4: 20%Yb(III), 2%Er(III) bulk (microcrystalline) phosphor with reported UC quantum yields (ΦUC) of 10 %, while ΦUC of nanocrystals (NC) can be several orders of magnitude lower. Strategies to improve the efficiency of UC nanomaterials include surface passivation with inert shells. In this work, several different bulk materials are compared to select one benchmark material for comparisons with NC analyzed with the same measurement techniques. The surface of ultrasmall (3.7 ± 0.5) nm NC is coated with inert shells of up to 10 nm thickness to identify an optimal shell thickness for complete surface passivation, but the results suggest core-shell intermixing. To distinguish between the different dopant ions, Er(III) and Yb(III), and the effect of energy transfer (ET) in a second study, single- and co-doped UCNC are investigated spectroscopically and the influence of their environment is determined thoroughly. Herein, a clear distinction between surface-related and surface-independent, volume-related effects is achieved and the results are emphasized by the use of a simple random walk model which accurately predicts size- and power density (P)-dependent population dynamics of the emissive bands of Er(III). Finally, utilizing an improved synthesis technique, UCNC with enhanced luminescence properties are produced, reaching the same ΦUC as the benchmarked bulk material at reasonably low P, providing an insight into numerous possible applications of UCNC.

Dual Dye-Enhanced FIT2 Probes for Sequence-Specific Detection of RNA

Schöllkopf, Sophie 12 May 2023 (has links)
Die Fähigkeit Nukleinsäuren in lebenden Organismen nachzuweisen und zu visualisieren, ist entscheidend für das Verständnis zellulärer Prozesse. Die Forschungsgruppe von Prof. Dr. Oliver Seitz hat zu diesem Zweck fluorogene FIT-Hybridisierungssonden entwickelt, die die besondere Eigenschaft der Cyaninfarbstoffe Thiazolorange und Chinolinblau nutzen, stärker zu fluoreszieren, wenn sie in die beengte Umgebung eines Nukleinsäureduplex aus Sonde und spezifischer Zielsequenz eingebracht werden. Obwohl FIT-Sonden eine gute Fluoreszenzverstärkung und Spezifität aufweisen, wäre eine weitere Verbesserung ihrer Helligkeit und des Signal-Hintergrund-Verhältnisses wünschenswert. Um dies zu erreichen, wurde in dieser Arbeit ein Ansatz untersucht, bei dem FIT-Sonden mit zwei Fluorophoren desselben Typs ausgestattet werden (FIT2-Strategie). Dies sollte sowohl die Helligkeit der Sonde erhöhen, als auch die Fluoreszenz im Einzelstrang und bei Hybridisierung mit fehlgepaarter RNA durch eine Mischung aus kontaktvermittelter Fluo-reszenzlöschung und strahlungsfreiem Energietransfer verringern. Verschiedene Sonden-längen, Farbstoffabstände und -positionen wurden untersucht und es konnte bestätigt werden, dass FIT2-Sonden eine höhere Extinktionskoeffizienten, größere Fluoreszenzver-stärkung und eine bessere Selektivität aufweisen als einfach markierte Sonden. Außerdem behalten sie ihre Fähigkeit zur Unterscheidung von Match- und Mismatch-Zielen in visko-sem Zelllysat besser bei. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, dass das FIT2-Konzept durch Hinzufügen eines hybridisie-rungsunempfindlichen Cyanin 7 Farbstoffs zu den Sonden dahingehend erweitert werden kann, dass eine ratiometrische Detektion der hybridisierten Sonde möglich ist und Hellig-keitsunterschiede aufgrund von lokalen Schwankungen der Sondenkonzentration bei der Bildgebung lebender Zellen korrigiert werden können. Mit diesen qFIT2-Sonden konnten Jurkat und CCRF-CEM T-Zellen in einem Mikroskopie-basierten Experiment unterschieden werden. / The ability to detect and visualize nucleic acids in living organisms is crucial for under-standing cellular processes. For this purpose, the research group of Prof. Dr. Oliver Seitz has introduced fluorogenic forced intercalation (FIT) hybridization probes, which exploit the unique property of the cyanine dyes thiazole orange and quinoline blue to exhibit increased fluorescence when placed in the constrained environment of a nucleic acid du-plex formed between probe and specific target sequence. Although FIT probes demon-strate solid fluorescence enhancement and specificity, further improvement of their abso-lute brightness and signal-to-background ratio would be desirable. To achieve this, the present thesis investigated an approach that equips FIT probes with two identical fluorophores (FIT2 strategy). This should on the one hand increase probe brightness, while simultaneously reducing fluorescence in the single strand and when hy-bridized to mismatched RNA, through a combination of contact-mediated quenching and non-radiant energy transfer. Various probe lengths, dye-dye distances and positions were screened, and it could be confirmed that FIT2 probes have higher extinction coefficients, greater fluorescence enhancement and better selectivity than their mono-dye counter-parts. Moreover, they better retain their ability to discriminate match and mismatch tar-gets in viscous cell lysate. Finally, it was demonstrated that the FIT2 concept can be extended by adding a hybridiza-tion-insensitive Cyanine 7 dye to the probes, allowing ratiometric detection of hybridized probe and correction of brightness differences due to local fluctuations in probe concen-tration during live-cell imaging. Using these qFIT2 probes, Jurkat and CCRF-CEM T-cells could be distinguished in a microscopy-based experiment.

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