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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma análise da relação entre violência na escola e proficiência dos alunos

Dalcin, Aline Krüger January 2016 (has links)
O Brasil é um dos países mais violentos do mundo, e essa realidade se reflete no ambiente escolar. O problema da violência na escola induz nos agentes de educação comportamentos que se contrapõem às metas de melhoria da qualidade do ensino. Por isso, a violência na escola é um dos candidatos a determinante da baixa qualidade educacional encontrada no Brasil. Este trabalho investiga se existe relação entre violência na escola e proficiência dos alunos no Brasil nos anos de 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 e 2013. Os resultados das regressões lineares e das regressões quantílicas incondicionais indicam que a ocorrência de um tipo de evento violento adicional está associada a uma redução na proficiência. Eles indicam também que há heterogeneidade na resposta dos alunos à violência na escola: a violência na escola parece afetar mais os alunos da quarta série, os alunos que se encontram na mediana da distribuição das notas e os alunos com melhor condição socioeconômica. Além disso, a violência na escola parece afetar mais a proficiência em Matemática em comparação com a proficiência em Língua Portuguesa, e a violência contra o professor tem efeitos tão ou mais deletérios que a violência entre os alunos. / Brazil is one of the most violent countries in the world, and this reality is part of the school environment. The problem of school violence hinders any possible progress in improving the quality of education. Indeed, school violence is a key element in explaining the low educational quality in Brazil. This research investigates the relationship between school violence and student achievement in Brazil in the years of 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2013. The results of linear regressions and unconditional quantile regressions analysis show that an occurrence of an additional kind of violent event is associated with a reduction on student achievement. They also show that there is a high degree of heterogeneity in student responses to school violence: the school violence seems to affect more 4th graders, the students that are in the median of the distribution of the grades and the students with the best socioeconomic conditions. Moreover, school violence seems to affect more grades in Math than Portuguese, and the violence against teachers has effects as or more deleterious than the violence between students.

Há espaços para melhora no setor leiteiro? Uma análise de fronteira estocástica de produção e regressão quantílica utilizando dados do Censo Agropecuário 2006 (IBGE) / Is there room for improvement in the dairy sector? A stochastic production frontier and quantile regression analysis using data from the 2006 agricultural census (IBGE)

Brito, Ricardo Alves de 25 August 2016 (has links)
Ao longo dos últimos anos tem se observado no mundo uma expansão do setor leiteiro. Parte dessa expansão se deve a novas tecnologias que foram adotadas nas últimas décadas, mas também ocorreu por causa da queda, ou da anulação de barreiras comerciais. Contudo, notou-se também uma queda no número de fazendas leiteiras. Sendo o leite uma commodity os preços seguem as oscilações de mercado - oferta e demanda - e nenhum dos agentes possui poder para influenciar nos preços de compra e venda dessa mercadoria. Como os boletins do CEPEA mostram, os preços no ano passado têm-se mantido abaixo da média histórica, referente à última década, mas os termos de troca com relação a quantidade de litros de leite para se comprar insumos e defensivos se mantêm em patamares estáveis com tendência de alta. Tendo em vista esse problema, surge a necessidade de buscar compreender melhor como funciona o sistema de produção do setor leiteiro. Este trabalho satisfatoriamente conseguiu detectar através das fronteiras estocásticas de produção simples - leite como único produto de saída - e multi-output - leite e outros produtos animais existentes nas fazendas - além da regressão quantílica para análise de quantis variados da produção de leite, quais os insumos utilizados pelos produtores que oferecem melhores retornos para sua produção bem como analisar fatores de eficiência (BATTESE, COELLI; 1995; CHIDMI; SOLÍS; CABRERA, 2011). Os resultados apresentados apontam para a necessidade de se levar em consideração a inter-relação entre os insumos considerados - função de produção translog - e identificaram os insumos referentes ao capital - quantidade de vacas ordenhadas e gastos com máquinas e equipamentos - e ao trabalho - gastos com salários - como principais insumos da atividade pecuária. Os gastos com medicamentos animais, com energia elétrica e a área disponível para a atividade pecuária se mostraram contraproducentes indicando mau uso ou uso excessivo desses fatores, além de ressaltar a importância do capital na pecuária. Em geral, para quase todos os modelos testados, a produção leiteira apresentou retornos constantes à escala e nível de eficiência em torno de 88% em média para as fronteiras estocásticas e 90% para as estimativas feitas com regressão quantílica. Entre os fatores de eficiência identificados estão a capacidade de armazenamento de silos e tanques de refrigeração para o leite e a margem bruta líquida obtida com a atividade. Os fatores de ineficiência identificados são a prática de queimadas e o percentual de mulheres na administração das unidades produtivas. Com relação aos variados modelos estimados percebeu-se, em suma, a necessidade de se intensificar a produção pecuária e de melhorar a infraestrutura das fazendas. / Over the past few years it has been observed in the world an expansion of the dairy industry. Part of this expansion is due to new technologies that have been adopted in recent decades, but also because of the fall, or the annulment of trade barriers. However, it has also been noted a drop in the number of dairy farms. Being a commodity, milk prices follow the market oscillations - supply and demand - and none of the agents has enough power to influence buying and selling prices of this commodity. As the CEPEA bulletins show, prices last year have remained below the historical average for the last decade, but the terms of trade regarding the amount of liters of milk to buy inputs and pesticides at levels remain stable with uptrend. In view of this problem, there is the need to get a better understanding of how the dairy sector production system works. This work satisfactorily managed to detect, through the single-output stochastic production frontier method - value of milk production as output - and multi-output - value of milk and other existing animal products at the farms - besides quantile regression analysis for multiple production quantiles, which inputs used by farmers offer the best outcome for their production as well as analyzing efficiency factors (BATTESE; COELLI, 1995; CHIDMI; SOLÍS; CABRERA, 2011). The estimated results pointed to the need of considering the interrelation of considered inputs - translog production function - and identified the capital related inputs - quantity of milked cows and expenditure on machinery and equipment - and work related inputs - expenditure on wages - as main production inputs. Expenditure on animal drugs and on electricity and the area available for livestock activity proved counterproductive indicating misuse or overuse of these factors, in addition to emphasizing the importance of capital in livestock. In general, for most of the tested models, dairy production showed constant returns to scale and an average efficiency level of 88% for stochastic frontier models and 90% for estimates done using quantile regression. Among the identified efficiency factors are the storage capacity of silos and cooling tanks for milk and the net gross margin with activity. The identified inefficiency factors are the practice of burning and the percentage of women in the management of production units. With regard to various models estimated it was realized, in short, the need to intensify livestock production and to improve the infrastructure of the farms.

Regulamentação dos planos de saúde e risco moral : aplicação da regressão quantílica para dados de contagem

Godoy, Márcia Regina January 2008 (has links)
O setor de saúde suplementar brasileiro operou desde os anos de 1940 sem regulação. Em 1998, o governo estabeleceu a regulação deste setor. Na regulamentação das atividades foram estabelecidas a ilimitação do número de consultas médicas, proibição de seleção de risco, entre outras medidas. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar se a regulação resultou em aumento do número de consultas médicas por parte dos subscritores de planos de saúde, ou seja se ocorreu aumento do risco moral ex-post. Além disto, analisar alterações nos determinantes da demanda por posse de plano de saúde antes e após a regulação visando encontrar indícios de seleção adversa. Para isto, foram utilizados quatro métodos econométricos: regressão de Poisson, regressão binomial negativa e regressão quantílica de dados de contagem e um modelo Probit. O estimador de diferenças-em-diferenças foi utilizado para estimar o impacto da regulação sobre o número de consultas médicas. O modelo de regressão Probit foi utilizado para analisar os determinantes da demanda por posse de plano de saúde. Os dados utilizados provêm da Pesquisa Nacional de Amostra de Domicílios de 1998 (antes da regulação) e 2003 (depois da regulamentação). Os dados foram divididos por sexo e também pelo perfil epidemiológico, sendo selecionados os dados daqueles indivíduos que declararam ser portadores de doença renal crônica. Os resultados dos modelos mostraram que após a regulamentação ocorreu um aumento geral do número de consultas. Contudo, o sinal da principal variável de interesse, a dummy associada ao efeito da regulamentação sobre o número de consultas médicas dos subscritores de planos de saúde foi negativo e estatisticamente significativo - tanto no caso dos homens como no das mulheres - , nos três modelos e nas duas amostras. Isto indica que após a regulamentação ocorreu uma redução do número de consultas médicas dos possuidores de planos de saúde em relação àqueles que não possuíam plano de saúde. O uso da regressão quantílica possibilitou mostrar que o número de doenças crônicas e a posse de um plano de saúde são os fatores que mais afetam o número de consultas. Permitiu também mostrar que os efeitos dos regressores são diferentes entre os sexos e que não são uniformes ao longo dos quantis. Os resultados dos modelos para dados de contagem mostraram que, mesmo quando se controlam as características epidemiológicas, existe risco moral, antes e após a regulamentação. Os resultados do modelo Probit sugerem a existência de seleção adversa após a regulamentação, pois mostram que os indivíduos com maior número de morbidades têm maior probabilidade de adquirir um plano de saúde. Em suma, os resultados mostraram que após a regulamentação ocorreram dois importantes problemas no mercado de saúde suplementar: seleção adversa e risco moral. A conjunção destes dois problemas pode comprometer a sustentabilidade do setor de saúde suplementar brasileiro. / The Brazilian private health insurance sector operated since 1940’s without regulation. In 1998, the government established the regulation of this sector. The reform improved the health insurance coverage level, stating no limit to physician visits and forbiddance of the cream skimming, among others measures. The objective of this thesis is to investigate if the regulation resulted in an increase of physician visits from consumers of health insurance, that is to say, if there has been an increase of moral risk ex-post. Besides, to investigate alterations in the determinants of demand for the health insurance - before and after the regulation - seeking to find evidence or clues of adverse selection. Four econometric methods have been used for this: Poisson Regression, Negative Binominal Regression and Quantile Regression for counts and Probit Regression. The estimator of difference-in-difference was used to estimate the impact of regulation on the amount of physician visits. The Probit model regression was used to analyze the determinants of the demand for health insurance. The data used come from the 1998 Brazilian Household Survey (Pesquisa Nacional de Amostra de Domicílios-PNAD) (before the regulation) and 2003 (after the regulation). The data was divided by gender and also by the epidemiologic characteristics, selecting the data of those individuals who declared being bearers of chronic renal disease. The results of the models showed that, after the regulation, there was a general increase in the amount of consultations. However, the sign of the main variable of interest (year*regulation), the dummy associated to the effect of the regulation on physician visits of the consumers of health insurance, was negative and statistically significant – both in men and in women – in the three models and in both samples. These results suggest that after the regulation there was a reduction in the amount of physician visits of the consumers of health insurance in relation to those who did not hold a health insurance plan. The results of Probit Regression showed that after regulation there is adverse selection, since the number of chronic diseases variable after regulation was positive and statistically significant. The use of quantile regression for counts made possible showing that the number of chronic diseases and the possession of a health insurance plan are the factors which mostly affect the amount of consultations. It also allowed showing that the effects of regressors are different between the genders and also that are different in different parts of the outcome distribution. The results for the models for count data showed that, even when controlling the epidemiologic characteristics, there is a moral hazard, before and after the regulation, since individuals covered by insurance had more physician visits. The results of the Probit Model suggest the existence of adverse selection after a regulation, since it shows that individuals with a higher number of morbidities, are more likely to buy a health insurance plan. In sum, the main findings suggest that after the regulation there are two important problems: adverse selection and moral hazard. The conjunction of these two problems may generate inefficient outcomes and might compromise the sustainability of the Brazilian private health insurance market.

Statistical models for estimating the intake of nutrients and foods from complex survey data

Pell, David Andrew January 2019 (has links)
Background: The consequences of poor nutrition are well known and of wide concern. Governments and public health agencies utilise food and diet surveillance data to make decisions that lead to improvements in nutrition. These surveys often utilise complex sample designs for efficient data collection. There are several challenges in the statistical analysis of dietary intake data collected using complex survey designs, which have not been fully addressed by current methods. Firstly, the shape of the distribution of intake can be highly skewed due to the presence of outlier observations and a large proportion of zero observations arising from the inability of the food diary to capture consumption within the period of observation. Secondly, dietary data is subject to variability arising from day-to-day individual variation in food consumption and measurement error, to be accounted for in the estimation procedure for correct inferences. Thirdly, the complex sample design needs to be incorporated into the estimation procedure to allow extrapolation of results into the target population. This thesis aims to develop novel statistical methods to address these challenges, applied to the analysis of iron intake data from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey Rolling Programme (NDNS RP) and UK national prescription data of iron deficiency medication. Methods: 1) To assess the nutritional status of particular population groups a two-part model with a generalised gamma (GG) distribution was developed for intakes that show high frequencies of zero observations. The two-part model accommodated the sources of data variation of dietary intake with a random intercept in each component, which could be correlated to allow a correlation between the probability of consuming and the amount consumed. 2) To identify population groups at risk of low nutrient intakes, a linear quantile mixed-effects model was developed to model quantiles of the distribution of intake as a function of explanatory variables. The proposed approach was illustrated by comparing the quantiles of iron intake with Lower Reference Nutrient Intakes (LRNI) recommendations using NDNS RP. This thesis extended the estimation procedures of both the two-part model with GG distribution and the linear quantile mixed-effects model to incorporate the complex sample design in three steps: the likelihood function was multiplied by the sample weightings; bootstrap methods for the estimation of the variance and finally, the variance estimation of the model parameters was stratified by the survey strata. 3) To evaluate the allocation of resources to alleviate nutritional deficiencies, a quantile linear mixed-effects model was used to analyse the distribution of expenditure on iron deficiency medication across health boards in the UK. Expenditure is likely to depend on the iron status of the region; therefore, for a fair comparison among health boards, iron status was estimated using the method developed in objective 2) and used in the specification of the median amount spent. Each health board is formed by a set of general practices (GPs), therefore, a random intercept was used to induce correlation between expenditure from two GPs from the same health board. Finally, the approaches in objectives 1) and 2) were compared with the traditional approach based on weighted linear regression modelling used in the NDNS RP reports. All analyses were implemented using SAS and R. Results: The two-part model with GG distribution fitted to amount of iron consumed from selected episodically food, showed that females tended to have greater odds of consuming iron from foods but consumed smaller amounts. As age groups increased, consumption tended to increase relative to the reference group though odds of consumption varied. Iron consumption also appeared to be dependent on National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification (NSSEC) group with lower social groups consuming less, in general. The quantiles of iron intake estimated using the linear quantile mixed-effects model showed that more than 25% of females aged 11-50y are below the LRNI, and that 11-18y girls are the group at highest of deficiency in the UK. Predictions of spending on iron medication in the UK based on the linear quantile mixed-effects model showed areas of higher iron intake resulted in lower spending on treating iron deficiency. In a geographical display of expenditure, Northern Ireland featured the lowest amount spent. Comparing the results from the methods proposed here showed that using the traditional approach based on weighted regression analysis could result in spurious associations. Discussion: This thesis developed novel approaches to the analysis of dietary complex survey data to address three important objectives of diet surveillance, namely the mean estimation of food intake by population groups, identification of groups at high risk of nutrient deficiency and allocation of resources to alleviate nutrient deficiencies. The methods provided models of good fit to dietary data, accounted for the sources of data variability and extended the estimation procedures to incorporate the complex sample survey design. The use of a GG distribution for modelling intake is an important improvement over existing methods, as it includes many distributions with different shapes and its domain takes non-negative values. The two-part model accommodated the sources of data variation of dietary intake with a random intercept in each component, which could be correlated to allow a correlation between the probability of consuming and the amount consumed. This also improves existing approaches that assume a zero correlation. The linear quantile mixed-effects model utilises the asymmetric Laplace distribution which can also accommodate many different distributional shapes, and likelihood-based estimation is robust to model misspecification. This method is an important improvement over existing methods used in nutritional research as it explicitly models the quantiles in terms of explanatory variables using a novel quantile regression model with random effects. The application of these models to UK national data confirmed the association of poorer diets and lower social class, identified the group of 11-50y females as a group at high risk of iron deficiency, and highlighted Northern Ireland as the region with the lowest expenditure on iron prescriptions.


Yuan, Jing 01 January 2019 (has links)
The significance of this dissertation research is twofold with both methodological advancement and empirical update. In this dissertation research, quantile regression (QR) was introduced to social sciences researchers as a response to the weaknesses of the traditional mean-based regression often referred to as multiple regression. General advantages of QR includes being more flexible for modeling data with heterogeneous conditional distributions, more robust to outliers, and having richer characterization and description of the data. Results of QR allow researchers to not only describe a general trend of changes in the effects of the independent variables across a continuous distribution of the dependent variable but also provide information on characteristics of any shift in the distribution caused by the independent variables. These shifts pertain to location, scale, and shape shifts. This dissertation research reviewed graphical ways to examine location, scale, and shape shifts, and more importantly, developed statistical ways to quantify location, scale, and shape shifts (i.e., test for statistical significance of location, scale, and shape shifts). Overall, this dissertation demonstrated that the introduction of QR as an advanced statistical procedure will advance the quantitative landscape of social sciences research. The results of this dissertation showed that QR can detect the differential effects of independent variables on the dependent variables that mean-based regression cannot detect and therefore uncovers more detailed relationships. This quality of QR enables more in-depth research than mean-based regression in many fields. The results of this dissertation also showed that QR allows for the understanding of relationships between variables outside the mean of the data, making it useful in understanding outcomes that are non-normally distributed and that have non-linear relationships with the independent variables. Finally, this dissertation introduced ways to detect and describe distributional shifts caused by the independent variables. The median regression line describes the (central) location shift. In addition to the estimated location shifts, the other QR lines provide information about the scale and shape shifts. This dissertation developed the bootstrapping approach to test for statistical significance when comparing location, scale, and shape shifts between parameters within and between samples (i.e., studies). This dissertation research applied QR to the examination of individual differences in mathematics achievement and mathematics self-efficacy, using the 2003 and 2012 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) data. The QR results showed that the effects of many student characteristics were not constant across the mathematics outcomes distributions (i.e., mathematics achievement and mathematics self-efficacy). This suggested that individual differences were valued heterogeneously across the mathematics outcomes distributions. There was only one statistically significant location shift in terms of individual differences associated with family structure in both mathematics achievement and mathematics self-efficacy between 2003 and 2012. There was only one statistically significant scale shift in terms of individual differences associated with father SES in mathematics achievement for the middle 40 percent of the students between 2003 and 2012. There was only one statistically significant scale shift in terms of individual differences associated with gender in mathematics self-efficacy for the middle 40 percent of the students between 2003 and 2012. There was only one statistically significant shape shift in terms of individual differences associated with gender in mathematics self-efficacy between 2003 and 2012. Even though QR and LMR results can be similar in terms of statistical significance, they can differ dramatically in magnitude. Students’ age, gender, and socioeconomic status were typical examples in this study. The effect of student age generally became more positive as student mathematics achievement increased in 2003. This suggests that age had a stronger effect on better-performing students than lower-performing students in 2003. It also means that there are more age differences in the upper tail of student mathematics achievement distribution than in the lower tail.

CoVaR風險值對金融機構風險管理之重要性─以台灣金融控股公司為例 / The importance of CoVaR to financial institutions risk management from Taiwanese financial holding company’s perspective

陳怡君, Chen, Yi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲以分量迴歸的方法估計出台灣上市櫃金融控股公司的VaR、CoVaR及其對台灣金融市場的風險溢出,做為總體審慎監理原則下具有抗景氣特色之風險衡量參考指標。我們亦透過金控公司間之CoVaR,觀察金控公司間風險交互影響程度,盼可提供各金控公司做為個體審慎監理原則下風險管理之參考指標。 本研究包含四大特色:一、運用前期市場資料可估計下期含有條件、共變、傳染、貢獻等特性之風險值,也就是CoVaR;二、透過各家金控對市場之∆CoVaR可觀察各金控公司系統風險貢獻程度差異;三、可觀察金控公司間相互交叉影響程度;四、運用金融機構特性預測未來系統風險。 本研究以信用利差、長短期利差、流動性利差、匯率變動、加權指數報酬、隱含波動度變動、金控股價報酬等市場資料,透過分量迴歸估計損失機率為1%及5%之台灣金融控股公司VaR及CoVaR,並計算市場風險溢出─∆CoVaR研究各金融機構對系統風險之邊際貢獻。且以槓桿比率、市值帳面比、相對規模及資產負債不對稱比例等金融機構特性相關變數預測未來∆CoVaR,做為總體審慎監理原則下之風險管理參考指標。 本研究結果發現對台灣金融市場系統風險溢出貢獻較大的為玉山金、中信金、台新金及國泰金;國票金、永豐金、第一金及元大金則為系統風險溢出貢獻較低者。預測結果部分發現損失機率為1%時,以預測未來兩季之∆CoVaR效果較佳,預測損失機率為5%時則以預測未來三季之∆CoVaR效果較佳,顯示資料對不同的尾端損失機率分配影響顯現時間也不相同。 / In this thesis, we intend to estimate Taiwanese financial holding company’s VaR, CoVaR and risk spillover to Taiwan financial market, and apply these to macroprudential risk management. In addition, we intend to develop crossover CoVaR between financial holding companies, offering risk management referral benchmark under microprudential principle to those companies. There are four features in this thesis. First, we use previous market data to estimate the conditional, comovement, contagion, and contributing VaR - CoVaR. Second, by ∆CoVaR of the institutions to the market, we can observe the holding companies’ systematic risk contribution. Third, we can observe the crossover effect of the holding companies. Last, we could use the characteristics of the institutions to predict future systematic risk. We particularly use credit spread, slope of yield curve, liquidity spread, change of exchange rate, return of market stock index, change of implied volatility and holding company’s stock price, by quantile regression, to predict the VaR and CoVaR of Taiwan’s holding companies when the probability to loss is 1% and 5%. Then we calculate market systematic risk spillover, ∆CoVaR, to observe the marginal systematic risk contribution of the institutions. Moreover, we use leverage, market-to-book ratio, relative size and maturity mismatch to predict forward ∆CoVaR, offering a reference to macroprudential risk management. Our empirical results show that in Taiwan financial market, the top four systematic risk contributors of holding companies are Esun Financial Holding, Chinatrust Financial Holding, Taishin Financial Holding and Cathay Financial Holding; the smallest ones are Waterland Financial Holding, Sino Financial Holding, First Financial Holding and Yuanta Financial Holding. We also find out that when loss probability is 1%, predicting ∆CoVaR after two seasons is better; when loss probability is 5%, predicting ∆CoVaR after three seasons is more significant. It shows that when the tail is different, the effect time is also different.

Faisabilité et utilité du recueil de données historiques pour l'étude des crues extrêmes de petits cours d'eau - Etude du cas de quatre bassins versants affluents de l'Aude

Payrastre, Olivier 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire traite de l'estimation de la fréquence d'occurrence des crues éclair, dans des petits cours d'eau de la région méditerranéenne. Pour préciser l'étude statistique de ces événements, relativement rares, l'idée développée a été de reconstituer des historiques de crues sur une période pouvant aller jusqu'à deux siècles. Quatre petits cours d'eau affluents de l'Aude, dont la surface n'excède pas 200 km2, ont été étudiés. Une méthodologie de recherche d'informations historiques, déjà appliquée avec succès à des cours d'eau français plus importants, a été reprise. Elle a permis de mettre en évidence les fonds d'archives dignes d'intérêt dans le cas de l'étude des cours d'eau de petite taille. Ces fonds sont essentiellement locaux (archives départementales, et archives des services de l'état chargés de l'hydrométrie et de l'annonce des crues). Les fonds à caractère national (Archives Nationales, fonds M.Pardé, fonds historique de l'ENPC), en revanche, présentent un intérêt secondaire, et l'exploitation des archives de la presse s'est également avérée décevante. Les documents d'archives finalement valorisés proviennent pour l'essentiel des Services des Ponts et Chaussées, et des Services Vicinaux (séries S et O aux Archives Départementales). Ces documents s'avèrent suffisamment riches, dans les quatre cas étudiés, pour reconstituer des historiques de crues d'une durée d'un à deux siècles. Il est également possible d'évaluer le seuil de perception associé à ces séries, ainsi que le débit de pointe des principales crues. Les estimations de débit réalisées restent toutefois incertaines et ont pour cette raison été représentées sous forme d'intervalles de débits possibles. L'exploitation statistique de ces séries met tout d'abord en évidence l'hétérogénéité des débits de crues parmi les cours d'eau étudiés. L'intérêt des données historiques est ensuite clairement mis en évidence, à la fois pour effectuer le choix de distributions statistiques aptes à représenter les séries observées, puis pour préciser le calage de ces distributions. Il apparaît surtout que les risques d'erreurs sont extrêmement importants, lorsque ces méthodes consistant à ajuster des distributions statistiques aux séries observées, sont appliquées à partir des séries systématiques de courte durée. Les informations historiques permettent de fiabiliser ces méthodes, même lorsque les informations valorisées sont très incomplètes (par exemple limitées au décompte des dépassements d'un seuil ou à une crue historique unique). Par comparaison, la méthode du Gradex apparaît beaucoup plus robuste lorsque seules les données systématiques sont disponibles. Elle donne des résultats très cohérents avec les données historiques, et reproduit notamment très bien, à condition d'évaluer correctement le facteur de forme, la variabilité des débits parmi les bassins étudiés. Mais cette variabilité des débits devra tout de même être mieux expliquée, avant d'espérer extrapoler les résultats obtenus à des bassins non jaugés notamment.

Nonparametric statistical inference for dependent censored data

El Ghouch, Anouar 05 October 2007 (has links)
A frequent problem that appears in practical survival data analysis is censoring. A censored observation occurs when the observation of the event time (duration or survival time) may be prevented by the occurrence of an earlier competing event (censoring time). Censoring may be due to different causes. For example, the loss of some subjects under study, the end of the follow-up period, drop out or the termination of the study and the limitation in the sensitivity of a measurement instrument. The literature about censored data focuses on the i.i.d. case. However in many real applications the data are collected sequentially in time or space and so the assumption of independence in such case does not hold. Here we only give some typical examples from the literature involving correlated data which are subject to censoring. In the clinical trials domain it frequently happens that the patients from the same hospital have correlated survival times due to unmeasured variables like the quality of the hospital equipment. Censored correlated data are also a common problem in the domain of environmental and spatial (geographical or ecological) statistics. In fact, due to the process being used in the data sampling procedure, e.g. the analytical equipment, only the measurements which exceed some thresholds, for example the method detection limits or the instrumental detection limits, can be included in the data analysis. Many other examples can also be found in other fields like econometrics and financial statistics. Observations on duration of unemployment e.g., may be right censored and are typically correlated. When the data are not independent and are subject to censoring, estimation and inference become more challenging mathematical problems with a wide area of applications. In this context, we propose here some new and flexible tools based on a nonparametric approach. More precisely, allowing dependence between individuals, our main contribution to this domain concerns the following aspects. First, we are interested in developing more suitable confidence intervals for a general class of functionals of a survival distribution via the empirical likelihood method. Secondly, we study the problem of conditional mean estimation using the local linear technique. Thirdly, we develop and study a new estimator of the conditional quantile function also based on the local linear method. In this dissertation, for each proposed method, asymptotic results like consistency and asymptotic normality are derived and the finite sample performance is evaluated in a simulation study.

Nonparametric statistical inference for dependent censored data

El Ghouch, Anouar 05 October 2007 (has links)
A frequent problem that appears in practical survival data analysis is censoring. A censored observation occurs when the observation of the event time (duration or survival time) may be prevented by the occurrence of an earlier competing event (censoring time). Censoring may be due to different causes. For example, the loss of some subjects under study, the end of the follow-up period, drop out or the termination of the study and the limitation in the sensitivity of a measurement instrument. The literature about censored data focuses on the i.i.d. case. However in many real applications the data are collected sequentially in time or space and so the assumption of independence in such case does not hold. Here we only give some typical examples from the literature involving correlated data which are subject to censoring. In the clinical trials domain it frequently happens that the patients from the same hospital have correlated survival times due to unmeasured variables like the quality of the hospital equipment. Censored correlated data are also a common problem in the domain of environmental and spatial (geographical or ecological) statistics. In fact, due to the process being used in the data sampling procedure, e.g. the analytical equipment, only the measurements which exceed some thresholds, for example the method detection limits or the instrumental detection limits, can be included in the data analysis. Many other examples can also be found in other fields like econometrics and financial statistics. Observations on duration of unemployment e.g., may be right censored and are typically correlated. When the data are not independent and are subject to censoring, estimation and inference become more challenging mathematical problems with a wide area of applications. In this context, we propose here some new and flexible tools based on a nonparametric approach. More precisely, allowing dependence between individuals, our main contribution to this domain concerns the following aspects. First, we are interested in developing more suitable confidence intervals for a general class of functionals of a survival distribution via the empirical likelihood method. Secondly, we study the problem of conditional mean estimation using the local linear technique. Thirdly, we develop and study a new estimator of the conditional quantile function also based on the local linear method. In this dissertation, for each proposed method, asymptotic results like consistency and asymptotic normality are derived and the finite sample performance is evaluated in a simulation study.

Empirical investigations into performance and dynamics of agricultural firms

Brenes Muñoz, Thelma 07 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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