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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ge/SiGe quantum well devices for light modulation, detection, and emission

Chaisakul, Papichaya 23 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This PhD thesis is devoted to study electro-optic properties of Gemanium/Silicon-Germanium (Ge/SiGe) multiple quantum wells (MQWs) for light modulation, detection, and emission on Si platform. It reports the first development of high speed, low energy Ge/SiGe electro-absorption modulator in a waveguide configuration based on the quantum-confined Stark effect (QCSE), demonstrates the first Ge/SiGe photodiode with high speed performance compatible with 40 Gb/s data transmission, and realizes the first Ge/SiGe light emitting diode based on Ge direct gap transition at room temperature. Extensive DC and RF measurements were performed on each tested prototype, which was realized using the same epitaxial growth and fabrication process. Simple theoretical models were employed to describe experimental properties of the Ge/SiGe MQWs. The studies show that Ge/SiGe MQWs could potentially be employed as a new photonics platform for the development of a high speed optical link fully compatible with silicon technology.

Collective dynamics of excitons and exciton-polaritons in nanoscale heterostructures

Visnevski, Dmitri 09 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In my thesis I will discuss some aspects of collective dynamics of excitons and exciton-polaritons in nanoscale heterostructures. In the first Chapter I will make a brief introduction to the modern semiconductor physics and willdescribe the general elements and notions which will be used further. Other four chapters would be devoted to four works in which I participated, notably, in Chapter 2 I will speak about the coherent interactions between phonons and exciton orexciton-polariton condensates, in Chapter 3 I will discuss the quantum dots lasing and its amplification by an acoustic pulse. Chapter 4 and 5 will be devoted respectively to the polariton multistability and to the condensates of indirect excitons.

Θεωρητική μελέτη μη-γραμμικών οπτικών διαδικασιών σε ημιαγώγιμα κβαντικά πηγάδια

Κοσιώνης, Σπυρίδων 11 July 2013 (has links)
Στην εργασία αυτή, μελετάμε, τόσο με αναλυτικό όσο και με υπολογιστικό τρόπο, γραμμικά και μη γραμμικά οπτικά φαινόμενα σε συστήματα ημιαγώγιμων κβαντικών πηγαδιών GaAs/AlGaAs δύο ενεργειακών υποζωνών, όπου επάγονται διαϋποζωνικές μεταβάσεις, υπό την επίδραση ηλεκτρομαγνητικών πεδίων. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο, γίνεται μια θεωρητική περιγραφή των ημιαγώγιμων ετεροεπαφών. Ακολουθούν βασικά στοιχεία της στατιστικής και κβαντικής μηχανικής. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο, εξάγονται οι γενικευμένες εξισώσεις Bloch για τις διαϋποζωνικές μεταβάσεις σε ημιαγώγιμα κβαντικά πηγάδια, στις οποίες ενυπάρχουν όροι που υπεισάγουν τις μη αμελητέες, λόγω εμπλουτισμού, αλληλεπιδράσεις μεταξύ των ηλεκτρονίων. Οι εξισώσεις αυτές αποτελούν τη βάση της μελέτης που ακολουθεί. Στα δύο επόμενα κεφάλαια, μελετούμε την αλληλεπίδραση μιας δομής διπλών συζευγμένων ημιαγώγιμων κβαντικών πηγαδιών με ένα ηλεκτρομαγνητικό πεδίο μεταβλητής γωνιακής συχνότητας, καταλήγουμε σε αναλυτικές εκφράσεις για τη οπτική επιδεκτικότητα πρώτης, τρίτης και πέμπτης τάξεως και αναλύουμε τα φάσματα διαφόρων οπτικών φαινομένων, ως προς τη γωνιακή συχνότητα του εξωτερικού πεδίου, για διάφορες τιμές της επιφανειακής ηλεκτρονιακής πυκνότητας της κβαντικής δομής. Επιπλέον, προσδιορίζουμε τις περιοχές όπου λαμβάνουν τιμή οι διάφορες παράμετροι, ούτος ώστε στο σύστημά μας να αναδυθεί η οπτική διστάθεια. Στα τρία τελευταία κεφάλαια, θεωρούμε ότι η ημιαγώγιμη κβαντική δομή αλληλεπιδρά ταυτόχρονα με ένα ισχυρό ηλεκτρομαγνητικό πεδίο (πεδίο άντλησης) καθορισμένης γωνιακής συχνότητας και ένα ασθενές (πεδίο ανίχνευσης) μεταβλητής συχνότητας και μελετούμε τα φάσματα γραμμικών και μη γραμμικών φαινομένων του πεδίου ανίχνευσης (μίξη τεσσάρων κυμάτων, απορρόφηση, διασπορά, μη γραμμικό οπτικό φαινόμενο Kerr), σε στάσιμη κατάσταση, καθώς και τη χρονική εξέλιξη αυτών. Περιγράφουμε τα φαινόμενα τόσο με αναλυτικές εκφράσεις που εξάγουμε, όσο και με την αριθμητική επίλυση των μη-γραμμικών διαφορικών εξισώσεων του πίνακα πυκνότητας που διέπουν τη δυναμική. Στη μελέτη των φαινομένων αυτών, εξετάζεται η επίδραση της επιφανειακής ηλεκτρονιακής πυκνότητας της κβαντικής δομής στις οπτικές ιδιότητες των κβαντικών πηγαδιών. / In this PhD thesis, we study analytically and numerically linear and nonlinear optical phenomena in intersubband transitions of a symmetric GaAs/AlGaAs double quantum well structure, with two energy subbands. In the first chapter, a theoretical description of the semiconductor heterostructures is presented. This is accompanied with a brief analysis of the basic elements of statistical and quantum mechanics follows, as far as this kind of structures is concerned. In the second chapter, we derive the generalised optical Bloch equations in intersubband transitions of semiconductor quantum well structures, which constitute the basis of the analysis that follows. These equations contain terms which owe their presence to the electron-electron interactions, because the quantum structure is doped with electron carriers. In the two following chapters, we consider the interaction of intersubband transitions of a double quantum well structure with an electromagnetic field of varying frequency, we derive analytical expressions for the first, third and fifth order optical susceptibility and, at last, we analyze the corresponding spectra, with respect to the frequency of the external field, for different values of electron sheet density of the structure. Furthermore, we identify the areas of values of the parameters used, in which the phenomenon of optical bistability arises. In the last three chapters, we consider the two quantum well subbands to be coupled to a strong pump electromagnetic field with fixed frequency and a weak probe electromagnetic field of varying frequency and study the spectra of various linear and nonlinear optical phenomena, which are due to the existence of the probe field. More specifically, we examine the spectra of four-wave mixing, absorption, dispersion and the nonlinear optical Kerr effect of the probe field as they evolve in time and in the steady state. Both analytical expressions are derived and numerical results are presented by solving the nonlinear differential density matrix equations that govern the dynamics of the system. In the study of the different kinds of optical phenomena, the influence of the electron sheet density on the spectral shapes is carefully examined.

Epitaxia por feixe molecular de camadas dopadas do tipo p para a construção de dispositivos optoeletrônicos / Molecular beam epitaxy of p-type doped layers for the construction of optoelectronic devices

Tomás Erikson Lamas 26 May 2004 (has links)
Durante as últimas três décadas, a epitaxia por feixe molecular se estabeleceu como uma técnica excelente para o crescimento de camadas semicondutoras de alta qualidade, tanto para a construção de dispositivos quanto para a pesquisa básica. No entanto ainda não existe um método universalmente aceito para obter-se camadas dopadas do tipo p nesta técnica de crescimento. Neste trabalho, estudamos, otimizamos e comparamos três diferentes métodos para a dopagem de camadas de GaAs do tipo p. Dois desses métodos exploraram o caráter anfotérico do silício em substratos de GaAs(311)A (através da mudança das condições de crescimento) e GaAs(100) (aplicando uma nova técnica chamada epitaxia assistida por gotas (droplets) de gálio). O terceiro método foi baseado no uso do carbono, cujas propriedades como dopante do tipo p são bem conhecidas em outras técnicas de crescimento epitaxial, mas pouco estudadas na epitaxia por feixe molecular. Para verificar a qualidade das camadas dopadas obtidas, crescemos estruturas como poços quânticos parabólicos com alta mobilidade de buracos e dispositivos optoeletrônicos como diodos emissores de luz e laseres. / During the last three decades, molecular-beam epitaxy has emerged as an excellent technique for the growth of high-quality semiconductor layers both for device construction and for basic research. In spite of this fact, there is still a lack of a universally accepted method to obtain p-type doped layers by this growth technique. In this work, we studied, optimized and compared three different methods to get p-type GaAs layers. Two of these methods exploited the amphoteric behavior of silicon atoms both on GaAs(311)A (by changing the growth conditions) and on GaAs(100) (by employing a new growth mode called droplet-assisted epitaxy) substrates. The third method was based on the use of carbon, whose properties as a p-type dopant in GaAs layers are well known in other epitaxial techniques but scarcely investigated in molecular-beam epitaxy. In order to check the quality of the doped layers, we grew structures like high hole-mobility parabolic quantum wells and optoelectronic devices like light-emitting diodes and lasers.

Vazamentos de corrente e ineficiÃncia de transporte em nanoestruturas semicondutoras investigadas atravÃs de propagaÃÃo de pacotes de onda. / CURRENT LEAKAGE AND TRANSPORT INEFFICIENCY IN SEMICONDUCTOR NANOSTRUCTURES INVESTIGATED BY QUANTUM WAVE PACKET

Ariel Adorno de Sousa 08 May 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Os avanÃos nas tÃcnicas de crescimento tornaram possÃvel a fabricaÃÃo de estruturas semicondutoras quase-unidimensionais em escalas nanomÃtricas, chamadas pontos, fios, poÃos e anÃis quÃnticos. Interesse nessas estruturas tem crescido consideravelmente, nÃo sà devido Ãs suas possÃveis aplicaÃÃes em dispositivos eletrÃnicos e à sua manipulaÃÃo quÃmica fÃcil, mas tambÃm porque eles oferecem a possibilidade de explorar experimentalmente vÃrios aspectos de confinamento quÃntico, espalhamento e fenÃmenos de interferÃncia. Em particular, neste trabalho, investigamos as propriedades eletrÃnicas e de transporte em poÃos quÃnticos, fios e anÃis, cujas dimensÃes podem ser alcanÃados experimentalmente. Para isto, resolvemos a equaÃÃo de SchrÃdinger dependente do tempo utilizando o mÃtodo Split-operator em duas dimensÃes. Nesta tese, abordamos quatro trabalhos, sendo o primeiro uma analogia ao Paradoxo de Braess para um sistema mesoscÃpico. Para isso, utilizamos um anel quÃntico com um canal adicional na regiÃo central, alinhado com os canais de entrada e saÃda. Este canal extra faz o papel do caminho adicional em uma rede de trÃfego na teoria dos jogos, similar ao caso do paradoxo de Braess. Calculamos as auto-energias e a evoluÃÃo temporal para o anel quÃntico. Surpreendentemente, o coeficiente de transmissÃo para algumas larguras do canal extra diminuiu, semelhante ao que acontece com redes de trÃfego, onde a presenÃa de uma via extra nÃo necessariamente melhora o fluxo total. Com a analise dos resultados obtidos, foi possÃvel determinar que neste sistema o paradoxo ocorre devido a efeitos de interferÃncia e de espalhamento quÃntico. No segundo trabalho, foi feita uma extensÃo do primeiro, (i) aplicando-se um campo magnÃtico, onde foi possÃvel obter o efeito Aharonov-Bohm para pequenos valores do canal extra e controlar efeitos de interferÃncia responsÃveis pelo paradoxo mencionado, e (ii) fazendo tambÃm a aplicaÃÃo de um potencial que simula a ponta de um microscÃpio de forÃa atÃmica (AFM) interagindo com a amostra - este potencial à repulsivo e simula um possÃvel fechamento do caminho em que o pacote de onda se propaga. Assim, neste trabalho, realizamos uma contra-prova do primeiro, onde observamos que com o posicionamento da ponta do AFM sobre canal extra, se diminui o efeito de reduÃÃo de corrente devido ao paradoxo de Braess. No terceiro trabalho, realizamos uma anÃlise de tunelamento entre dois fios quÃnticos separados por uma certa distÃncia e calculamos qual a menor distÃncia para qual ocorre tunelamento significativo nesse sistema eletrÃnico. Este trabalho à de fundamental importÃncia para o manufaturamento de dispositivos nanoestruturados, porque nos permite investigar qual a distÃncia mÃnima para a construÃÃo de um circuito eletrÃnico sem que haja interferÃncias nas transmissÃes das informaÃÃes. No quarto e Ãltimo trabalho desta tese, investigamos a energia de ligaÃÃo do elÃtron-impureza em GaN/HfO2 para um poÃo quÃntico. Consideramos simultaneamente as contribuiÃÃes de todas as interaÃÃes das auto-energias devido ao descasamento das constantes dielÃtricas entre os materiais. Foram estudados poÃos largos e estreitos, comparando os resultados para diferentes posiÃÃes da impureza e a contribuiÃÃo da auto-energia para o sistema. / Advances in growth techniques have made possible the fabrication of quasi one-dimensional semiconductor structures on nanometric scales, called quantum dots, wires, wells and rings. Interest in these structures has grown considerably not only due to their possible applications in electronic devices and to their easy chemical manipulation, but also because they offer the possibility of experimentally exploring several aspects of quantum confinement, scattering and interference phenomena. In particular, in this work, we investigate the electronic and transport properties in quantum wells, wires and rings, whose dimensions can be achieved experimentally. For this purpose, we solve the time-dependent SchrÃdinger equation using the split-operator method in two dimensions. We address four different problems: in the first one, the electronic transport properties of a mesoscopic branched out quantum ring are discussed in analogy to the Braess Paradox of game theory, which, in simple words, states that adding an extra path to a traffic network does not necessarily improves its overall flow. In this case, we consider a quantum ringindex{Quantum ring} with an extra channel in its central region, aligned with the input and output leads. This extra channel plays the role of an additional path in a similar way as the extra roads in the classical Braess paradox. Our results show that in this system, surprisingly the transmission coefficient decreases for some values of the extra channel width, similarly to the case of traffic networks in the original Braess problem. We demonstrate that such transmission reduction in our case originates from both quantum scattering and interference effects, and is closely related to recent experimental results in a similar mesoscopic system. In the second work of this thesis, we extend the first system by considering different ring geometries, and by investigating the effects of an external perpendicular magnetic field and of obstructions to the electrons pathways on the transport properties of the system. For narrow widths of the extra channel, it is possible to observe Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in the transmission probability. More importantly, the Aharonov-Bohm phase acquired by the wave function in the presence of the magnetic field allows one to verify in which situations the transmission reduction induced by the extra channel is purely due to interference. We simulate a possible closure of one of the paths by applying a local electrostatic potential, which can be seen as a model for the charged tip of an atomic force microscope (AFM). We show that positioning the AFM tip in the extra channel suppresses the transmission reduction due to the Braess paradox, thus demonstrating that closing the extra path improves the overall transport properties of the system. In the third work, we analyze the tunneling of wave packets between two semiconductor quantum wires separated by a short distance. We investigate the smallest distance at which a significant tunneling between the semiconduting wires still occur. This work is of fundamental importantance for the manufacturing of future nanostructured devices, since it provides information on the minimum reasonable distances between the electron channels in miniaturized electronic circuits, where quantum tunnelling and interference effects will start to play a major role. In the last work of this thesis, we investigate the binding energy of the electron-impurity pair in a GaN/HfO2 quantum well. We consider simultaneously the contributions of all interactions in the self-energy due to the dielectric constant mismatch between materials. We investigate the electron-impurity bound states in quantum wells of several widths, and compared the results for different impurity positions.

"Propriedades magnéticas e de spin em semicondutores do grupo III-V" / "Spin and magnetic properties of the III-V group semiconductors"

Celso de Araujo Duarte 19 June 2006 (has links)
Neste trabalho, apresentamos o resultado de nossas investigações em amostras de poços quânticos parabólicos (PQW) de AlGaAs crescidas em substratos de GaAs por MBE (Molecular Beam Epitaxy). Nossos estudos se concentram nas implicações da variação do fator g de Landé ao longo da estrutura dos PQW, a qual ocorre em virtude da dependência dessa grandeza com respeito ao conteúdo de Al na liga AlGaAs. Essas implicações são analisadas através de medidas de transporte eletrônico (medidas de Hall e do efeito Shubnikov-de Haas). As medidas de Subnikov-de Haas a temperaturas da ordem de dezenas a centenas de milikelvin com variação do ângulo de inclinação se mostram um eficiente método para a determinação do fator g. Distinguimos não só o fator g determinado pelas propriedades da liga, como também uma contribuição oriunda de efeitos de muitos corpos (contribuição de troca). Por outro lado, as medidas de Hall nos revelam um comportamento anômalo, que mostramos não ter origem no conhecido "efeito Hall anômalo" presente em materiais ferromagnéticos, nem em efeitos de ocupação de múltiplas sub-bandas. Atribuímos o fenômeno a um efeito "válvula de spin", conseqüente da variação espacial do fator g. Nossas observações nos permitem a idealização de um transistor "válvula de spin", prescindindo do emprego de materiais magnéticos. / We present the results of our investigations concerning MBE grown AlGaAs/GaAs parabolic quantum well (PQW) samples. We focused on the variation of the Landé g factor along the structure of the PQWs, which occur as a consquence of its dependence on the Al content on the alloy AlGaAs. The implications are studied by Hall and Shubnikov-de Haas measurements. Shubnikov-de Haas measurements at temperatures of the order of tenths to hundreds of milikelvin with variation of the tilt angle are shown to be an efficient method for the determination of the g factor. We could distinguish not only the alloy g factor, but its many body contribution (exchange contribution). On the other hand, Hall measurements exhibit an unusual behavior, which we prooved it has no relation neither to the well known "anomalous Hall effect", a characteristic of ferromagnetic materials, nor to a multi subband occupation effect. We atribute such behavior to a "spin valve effect", caused by the spatial variation of the g factor. Our observations allow us to idealize a "spin valve" transistor, without any ferromagnetic material in its structure.

Correções de auto-interação na teoria do funcional da densidade: investigação em modelos de sistemas de muitos corpos / Self-interaction corrections in density functional theory: investigation in models of many-body systems

Daniel Vieira 26 February 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho utilizamos sistemas modelos no desenvolvimento, implementação e análise de funcionais orbitais da densidade, focando, em particular, nas correções de autointeração de Perdew-Zunger (PZSIC) e Lundin-Eriksson (LESIC). Aplicamos as correções de auto-interação ao funcional local (LDA) do modelo de Hubbard e de poços quânticos semicondutores, ambos unidimensionais, no caso estático e dependente do tempo, respectivamente. Para o modelo de Hubbard unidimensional, comparamos a LDA, LDA+PZSIC e LDA+LESIC, identificando o desempenho para energias e densidades do estado fundamental, com e sem impurezas locais, além do gap fundamental de energia. Em adição, averiguamos o desempenho diante de cargas fracionárias, estabelecendo conexões com o erro de delocalização da LDA. Mostramos a possibilidade da correta descrição das freqüências das oscilações de Friedel no modelo de Hubbard, além de investigar como a falha da LDA em reproduzir esse aspecto pode estar relacionada com os erros de auto-interação e delocalização. Investigamos ainda as diferentes possibilidades de implementação autoconsistente de qualquer funcional orbital da densidade, analisando a relação entre funcionais aproximados e suas implementações aproximadas. Nos poços quânticos, sob o enfoque dependente do tempo, analisamos a descontinuidade do potencial de troca e correlação ao variarmos o número de partículas, em dois processos distintos: a ionização eletrônica em um poço simples e dissociação de um poço duplo assimétrico. No último caso, avaliamos os efeitos da descontinuidade no número total de partículas em cada poço, revelando os mecanismos que resgatam a neutralidade elétrica durante processos de dissociação, com a correta carga final inteira. / In this work we use model systems to develop, implement and analyse orbital-dependent density functionals, focusing, specifically, on the self-interaction corrections (SICs) of Perdew and Zunger (PZSIC) and of Lundin and Eriksson (LESIC). These self-interaction corrections are applied to the local-density approximation (LDA) for the one-dimensional Hubbard model and for semiconductor quantum wells, in one-dimensional static and time-dependent situations. For the one-dimensional Hubbard model we compare LDA, LDA+PZSIC and LDA+LESIC, and investigate the performance of these approaches for ground-state energies, densities and energy gaps, with and without impurities in the system. We also consider the case of fractional charges, where a connection to the delocalization error of the LDA can be made. We show that in principle a correct description of the frequences of Friedel oscillations in the Hubbard model can be obtained from DFT, and investigate how the failure of the LDA in reproducing this is related to the selfinteraction and delocalization errors. Moreover, we investigate different procedures for the selfconsistent implementation of any orbital-dependent functional, and analyse the question of the interplay between an approximate functional and its approximate implementation. For quantum wells sytems we analyse, in a time-dependent framework, the discontinuity of the exchange-correlation potential under variation of the particle number in two different processes: the ionization of a simple quantum well and the dissociation of an asymmetric double well. In the latter case, we also consider the effect of changes in the particle number in each subwell, thus revealing the mechanism that restores electric neutrality during dissociation, with correct final charge.

Optical studies of InGaN/GaN quantum well structures

Davies, Matthew John January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis I present and discuss the results of optical spectroscopy performed on InGaN/GaN single and multiple quantum well (QW) structures. I report on the optical properties of InGaN/GaN single and multiple QW structures, measured at high excitation power densities. I show a correlation exists between the reduction in PL efficiency at high excitation power densities, the phenomenon so-called ``efficiency-droop'', and a broadening of the PL spectra. I also show a distinct change in recombination dynamics, measured by time-resolved photoluminescence (PL), which occurs at the excitation power densities for which efficiency droop is measured. The broadening of the PL spectra at high excitation power densities is shown to occur due to a rapidly redshifting, short-lived high energy emission band. The high energy emission band is proposed to be due to the recombination of weakly localised/delocalised carriers occurring as a consequence of the progressive saturation of the local potential fluctuations responsible for carrier localisation, at high excitation power densities. I report on the effects of varying threading dislocation (TD) density on the optical properties of InGaN/GaN multiple QW structures. No systematic relationship exists between the room temperature internal quantum efficiency (IQE) and the TD density, in a series of nominally identical InGaN/GaN multiple QWs deposited on GaN templates of varying TD density. I also show the excitation power density dependence of the PL efficiency, at room temperatures, is unaffected for variation in the TD density between 2 x107 and 5 x109 cm-2. The independence of the optical properties to TD density is proposed to be a consequence of the strong carrier localisation, and hence short carrier diffusion lengths. I report on the effects of including an InGaN underlayer on the optical and microstructural properties of InGaN/GaN multiple QW structures. I show an increase in the room temperature IQE occurs for the structure containing the InGaN underlayer, compared to the reference. I show using PL excitation spectroscopy that an additional carrier transfer and recombination process occurs on the high energy side of the PL spectrum associated with the InGaN underlayer. Using PL decay time measurements I show the additional recombination process for carriers excited in the underlayer occurs on a faster timescale than the recombination at the peak of the PL spectrum. The additional contribution to the spectrum from the faster recombination process is proposed as responsible for the increase in room temperature IQE.

Correções de auto-interação na teoria do funcional da densidade: investigação em modelos de sistemas de muitos corpos / Self-interaction corrections in density functional theory: investigation in models of many-body systems

Vieira, Daniel 26 February 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho utilizamos sistemas modelos no desenvolvimento, implementação e análise de funcionais orbitais da densidade, focando, em particular, nas correções de autointeração de Perdew-Zunger (PZSIC) e Lundin-Eriksson (LESIC). Aplicamos as correções de auto-interação ao funcional local (LDA) do modelo de Hubbard e de poços quânticos semicondutores, ambos unidimensionais, no caso estático e dependente do tempo, respectivamente. Para o modelo de Hubbard unidimensional, comparamos a LDA, LDA+PZSIC e LDA+LESIC, identificando o desempenho para energias e densidades do estado fundamental, com e sem impurezas locais, além do gap fundamental de energia. Em adição, averiguamos o desempenho diante de cargas fracionárias, estabelecendo conexões com o erro de delocalização da LDA. Mostramos a possibilidade da correta descrição das freqüências das oscilações de Friedel no modelo de Hubbard, além de investigar como a falha da LDA em reproduzir esse aspecto pode estar relacionada com os erros de auto-interação e delocalização. Investigamos ainda as diferentes possibilidades de implementação autoconsistente de qualquer funcional orbital da densidade, analisando a relação entre funcionais aproximados e suas implementações aproximadas. Nos poços quânticos, sob o enfoque dependente do tempo, analisamos a descontinuidade do potencial de troca e correlação ao variarmos o número de partículas, em dois processos distintos: a ionização eletrônica em um poço simples e dissociação de um poço duplo assimétrico. No último caso, avaliamos os efeitos da descontinuidade no número total de partículas em cada poço, revelando os mecanismos que resgatam a neutralidade elétrica durante processos de dissociação, com a correta carga final inteira. / In this work we use model systems to develop, implement and analyse orbital-dependent density functionals, focusing, specifically, on the self-interaction corrections (SICs) of Perdew and Zunger (PZSIC) and of Lundin and Eriksson (LESIC). These self-interaction corrections are applied to the local-density approximation (LDA) for the one-dimensional Hubbard model and for semiconductor quantum wells, in one-dimensional static and time-dependent situations. For the one-dimensional Hubbard model we compare LDA, LDA+PZSIC and LDA+LESIC, and investigate the performance of these approaches for ground-state energies, densities and energy gaps, with and without impurities in the system. We also consider the case of fractional charges, where a connection to the delocalization error of the LDA can be made. We show that in principle a correct description of the frequences of Friedel oscillations in the Hubbard model can be obtained from DFT, and investigate how the failure of the LDA in reproducing this is related to the selfinteraction and delocalization errors. Moreover, we investigate different procedures for the selfconsistent implementation of any orbital-dependent functional, and analyse the question of the interplay between an approximate functional and its approximate implementation. For quantum wells sytems we analyse, in a time-dependent framework, the discontinuity of the exchange-correlation potential under variation of the particle number in two different processes: the ionization of a simple quantum well and the dissociation of an asymmetric double well. In the latter case, we also consider the effect of changes in the particle number in each subwell, thus revealing the mechanism that restores electric neutrality during dissociation, with correct final charge.

Speckle Analysis of the Excitonic Emission fromQuantum Wells

Mannarini, Gianandrea 08 June 2005 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Promotionsarbeit werden optische Eigenschaften von Halbleiterquantengräben untersucht, die mit der Ausbildung von Speckle-Mustern in der exzitonischen Emission zusammenhängen. Die in nichtspekulärer Richtung nach resonanter Anregung von Exzitonen ausgestrahlte Emission enthält Informationen über Unordnung und Streuprozesse in der Probe. Im Kapitel "Spektrale Speckle-Analyse" wird gezeigt, dass Speckles zur Bestimmung des koährenten Anteils verwendet werden können. Außerdem kann die innerhalb des inhomogen verbreiterten Ensembles frequenzaufgelöste Lebensdauer der Exzitonen bestimmt werden. Eine mikroskopische Dichtematrixtheorie wird entwickelt und numerisch gelöst. Es wird eine gute Übereinstimmung mit den gemessenen Daten für unterschiedliche Quantengraben-Dicken und Temperaturen gefunden. Im Kapitel "Schrägliegende Speckles" werden Quantengräben mit mechanischer Verzerrung betrachtet. Die Verzerrung führt zu einer ort-abhängigen Änderung der Emissionsenergie in der Ebene des Quantengrabens und das richtungs- und zeitaufgelöste Specklemuster erfährt eine Drehung. Die theoretische Beschreibung des Rayleigh-Spektrums erlaubt es, diese Drehung mit dem lokalen Wert des Gradienten der Exzitonenergie in Beziehung zu setzen. Numerische Simulationen zeigen allerdings, dass dieser Effekt nicht durch eine Bewegung der Exzitonen entlang des Verzerrungs-Gradienten verursacht wird. Im Kapitel "Nicht-Markovsche Exziton-Phonon Dynamik" die Dichtematrixtheorie, wird jenseits der Markovschen Näherung für die Streuung von Exzitonen an akustischen Phononen numerisch gelöst. Das Absorptionsspektrum besteht aus Lorentz-formige Peaks und breiteren Seitenbändern, die aus der nicht-Markovschen Kopplung stammen. Diese Eigenschaften sind vor allem für die stark lokalisierten Zustände auf der Niederenergie-Seite des Spektrums wichtig, und erlauben eine bessere Deutung von Nahfeld-Experimenten. / In this work, optical properties of semiconductor quantum wells (QW) are investigated, which are relevant for the irregular light pattern (speckle pattern) emitted in nonspecular directions by QW after resonant excitation of the exciton states. This emission contains information on disorder and scattering processes in the sample. In Chapter "Spectral Speckle Analysis", it is shown that Speckles can be used for extraction of the coherent part of the emission, the Resonant Rayleigh Scattering. Furthermore, the frequency resolved lifetime of excitons within an inhomogeneously broadened ensemble can be established. A microscopic density matrix theory for excitons interacting with acoustic phonons is developed and numerically solved. Good agreement with the experimental results for different QW sizes and temperatures is found. In Chapter "Sloped Speckles" QW with mechanical strain are considered. The strain leads to a spatially dependent modification of the emission energy and to a tilting of the direction- and time-resolved speckle pattern. The theoretical description of the RRS relates this tilting to the local value of the spatial gradient of the exciton energy. However, numerical simulations make clear that this effect is not due to exciton motion along the strain gradient. In Chapter "Non-Markovian exciton-phonon dynamics" the density matrix theory is numerically solved beyond the Markov approximation for the interaction between excitons and acoustical phonons. The resulting absorption spectrum consists of Lorentzian peaks on top of broader sidebands originating from the non-Markovian coupling. These features are mostly important for the strongly localized states in the low energy side of the spectrum, suggesting a better interpretation of near-field experiments.

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