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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização da vegetação remanescente visando à conservação e restauração florestal no município de Paulínia - SP / Remnant vegetation diagnose aiming forest restoration and conservation in the municipality of Paulínia, São Paulo State

Miachir, Jeanette Inamine 21 September 2009 (has links)
No contexto da conservação biológica, a fragmentação florestal é definida como uma separação ou desligamento não natural de áreas amplas em fragmentos espacialmente segregados, promovendo a redução dos tipos de habitats e a divisão dos habitats remanescentes em unidades menores e isoladas. A magnitude e a extensão dessas alterações na paisagem são influenciadas pelo tamanho, conectividade, forma, contexto e heterogeneidade dos fragmentos. Visando a conservação ambiental do município de Paulínia-SP, este trabalho teve como objetivo efetuar o diagnóstico da vegetação remanescente. Os fragmentos florestais identificados no município foram: Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, Floresta Estacional Semidecidual Ribeirinha, Floresta Paludosa e Cerrado. A caracterização da vegetação foi realizada através do levantamento florístico rápido baseado no tempo de amostragem. Os 104 fragmentos apresentaram riqueza de 517 espécies, sendo 447 espécies nativas regionais (região de Paulínia), 18 espécies nativas não regionais (nativas de outras regiões do Brasil) e 52 exóticas (originárias de outros países). Foram registradas espécies raras como Tabebuia insignis, Pilocarpus pennatifolius, Salix humboldtiana, Handroanthus umbellatus. A análise de similaridade florísica utilizando-se o Método de agrupamento de Sorensen foi efetiva para separar os fragmentos de Cerrado e Floresta Paludosa e mostrou tendência de agrupamento para algumas variações fisionômicas da Floresta Estacional Semidecidual. Com a finalidade de se obter dados quantitativos (abundância) das espécies, foram registradas todas as espécies diferentes encontradas em cada intervalo de tempo de amostragem no Levantamento Rápido. Obtiveram-se indicativos das 517 espécies com relação a serem raras ou comuns na paisagem, em cada formação florestal e em cada fragmento estudado. Foi aplicado um total de 801 intervalos de tempo de 15 min de amostragem e gerados 21.324 registros. A composição de espécies variou com o tamanho e grau de conservação dos fragmentos. Foram analisadas as influências do tipo de fisionomia florestal, tamanho e estado de conservação dos fragmentos na composição das espécies em relação às classes de sucessão ecológica e às síndromes de dispersão. A composição das classes de sucessão variou com o tamanho e estado de conservação dos remanescentes de Floresta Estacional Semidecidual e Floresta Estacional Semidecidual Ribeirinha. Em fragmentos menores e muito degradados houve predominância de espécies em estágios iniciais de sucessão (pioneiras e secundárias) em relação à classe de final de sucessão (clímax). Houve predominância da zoocoria, seguida de anemocoria e depois autocoria em todas as situações analisadas. / In biological conservation, forest fragmentation is defined as a separation or nonnatural disconnection of wide areas in spatially segregated fragments, generating a reduction of habitat types and the split of remnant habitat in smaller isolated units. The magnitude and extension of these landscape alterations are influenced by size, connectivity, shape, context and heterogeneity of fragments. Aiming environmental conservation of the municipality of Paulinia, SP, this study aimed to diagnose the remnant vegetation. The forest fragments identified in the municipality were: Seasonal Semidecidual Forest, Seasonal Semidecidual Riparian Forest, Swamp Forest and Savanna. The vegetation characterization was done through a quick floristic search based on sampling time. The 104 fragments presented a richness of 517 species, 447 of which are regional native species (Paulinia region) and 18 are non-regional native species (from other regions of Brazil); and 52 exotic species (from other countries). These fragments presented rare species as Tabebuia insignis, Pilocarpus pennatifolius, Salix humboldtiana, Handroanthus umbellatus. The floristic similarity analysis using the Sorensen method was particularly effective to separate Savanna and Swamp Forest fragments and showed a tendency for grouping some variations of Seasonal Semidecidual Forest. In order to obtain quantitative data (abundance) about the species, all different species found in each time interval in the quick floristic search were recorded. Indicatives for 517 species were obtained classifying then into rare or common in the landscape, in each forest formation, and in each fragment studied. 21.324 records were generated for a total of 801 intervals of 15 minutes sampling. Species composition varied with size and conservation degree of fragments. The influences of the forest physiognomy type, size and conservation status of fragments on species composition related to ecological succession classes and dispersion syndromes were analyzed. The ecological classes composition varied along with the size and conservation status for the fragments of Seasonal Semidecidual Forest and Seasonal Semidecidual Riparian Forest. In smaller and very degraded fragments there was a predominance of species from initial sucessional stages (pioneer and secondary species) in comparison to species from final stages of succession (climax). There was predominance of zoochory, followed by anemochory and autochory in all situations analyzed.

Fast Computation of Wide Neural Networks

Vineeth Chigarangappa Rangadhamap (5930585) 02 January 2019 (has links)
<div>The recent advances in articial neural networks have demonstrated competitive performance of deep neural networks (and it is comparable with humans) on tasks like image classication, natural language processing and time series classication. These large scale networks pose an enormous computational challenge, especially in resource constrained devices. The current work proposes a targeted-rank based framework for accelerated computation of wide neural networks. It investigates the problem of rank-selection for tensor ring nets to achieve optimal network compression. When applied to a state of the art wide residual network, namely WideResnet, the framework yielded a signicant reduction in computational time. The optimally compressed non-parallel WideResnet is faster to compute on a CPU by almost 2x with only 5% degradation in accuracy when compared to a non-parallel implementation of uncompressed WideResnet.</div>

Mechanics of Fast Force Recovery in striated muscles

Caruel, Matthieu 11 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse est consacrée à la modélisation de la réponse transitoire d'une fibre musculaire squelettique soumise à des sollicitations mécaniques rapides. A l'échelle du nanomètre, la fibre musculaire contient des filaments d'actine et de myosine regroupés en unités contractiles appelées "sarcomères". Le filament de myosine est un assemblage de moteurs mol ́eculaires qui, en présence d'ATP, s'attachent et se d ́etachent p ́eriodiquement au filament d'actine. Au cours de ce processus d'attachement-détachement, la myosine génère une force lors d'un changement de conformation appelé "power-stroke". Ses caractéristiques peuvent être étudiées lors de la réponse transitoire de la fibre soumise à des sollicitations mécaniques rapides. Nous proposons un modèle mécanique innovant du demi-sarcomere permettant de relier les caractéristiques de la myosine à la réponse de la fibre complète. A la différence des modèles existants, privilégiant une approche discrète, ce modèle s'appuie sur la définition d'un potentiel d'énergie continu qui prend en compte une interaction de champ moyen entre les moteurs moléculaires. Ce système présente des réponses radicallement différentes à longueur imposée et à force imposée. Nous proposons en particulier une explication à la différence de cinétique observée expérimentalement. Nous montrons également que le demi-sarcomere est m ́ecaniquement instable ce qui explique les inhomogénéités de longueurs observées dans une myofibrille.

Caractérisation structurale de catalyseurs hétérogènes en conditions de fonctionnement par spectroscopie d'absorption des rayons X résolue dans le temps

Rochet, Amélie 23 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les catalyseurs hétérogènes sont des matériaux complexes dont les structures peuvent être modifiées en cours de fonctionnement. Une meilleure compréhension des relations entre propriétés catalytiques et propriétés structurales est nécessaire pour répondre à de nouveaux enjeux environnementaux et économiques. Seules les caractérisations in situ résolues dans le temps i.e. dans des conditions réelles, permettent d'apporter ces informations. Dans ce travail, nous nous sommes intéressés à la caractérisation operando par spectroscopie d'absorption des rayons X (XAS) résolue dans le temps de deux types de catalyseurs hétérogènes : les catalyseurs Fischer-Tropsch et les catalyseurs d'hydrodésulfuration. Si ces catalyseurs sont connus depuis de nombreuses années, peu de caractérisations sont réalisées in situ ou operando au cours de la réaction.Etant données leurs conditions réactionnelles (haute température et haute pression), la mise en œuvre de ces caractérisations a nécessité tout d'abord la construction des outils nécessaires à la caractérisation in situ de catalyseurs hétérogènes sous haute pression de gaz. Ensuite, nous avons réuni un ensemble cohérent de techniques de caractérisation autour du catalyseur Fischer-Tropsch afin de permettre son étude structurale à différentes échelles : l'ordre local avec le Quick-EXAFS et l'ordre à grande distance avec la diffraction des rayons X. Afin d'observer l'effet de la forme cristalline de la phase active sur les propriétés catalytiques, nous avons pour un même catalyseur, activé selon deux voies d'activation, quantifié son activité au moyen de la spectroscopie Raman et la spectrométrie de masse. D'autre part, la caractérisation simultanée de deux centres métalliques, accessible par le dispositif QEXAFS installé sur la ligne de lumière SAMBA, a permis d'obtenir une description fine des processus d'activation des catalyseurs bimétalliques d'hydrodésulfuration. Notre étude s'est portée, sur la comparaison de catalyseurs de même formulation avec des prétraitements différents (séché/calciné) et de deux catalyseurs promus par des métaux différents : le cobalt et le nickel.

Utmattningsberäkning av hydraulikkopplingar : Metoder och beräkningar gällande utmattningsteorier / Fatigue calcluations of hydraulic quick couplings : Method and calculations considering fatigue limits

Pettersson, Emil, Pettersson, Emil January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the fatigue life of two components in different hydraulic quick couplings. The crack which initiates the fatigue failure usually occurs in the bottom of one of the threads. Thus, the threads in the coupling are carefully investigated. A few different approaches for determining the fatigue life are studied for each component. CAD (Computer Aided Design) models for both components are created and analyzed with FEM (Finite Element Method). By analyzing these components with FEM the stresses and the strains are calculated. These values for stress and strain are used to determine the fatigue life for the different components. The first component is suffering from high cycle fatigue. Four different approaches for high cycle fatigue are investigated. These four are Wöhler-curve, Haigh-diagram, von Mises fatigue criterion and Mises-Sines fatigue criterion. It was found that all of them but the von Mises fatigue criterion give a good approximation of the fatigue life. von Mises fatigue criterion does not consider the midstress, which can be a reason for this. The three other approaches indicate that the component will be suffering from fatigue, but will be relatively close to infinite life. The Wöhler-curve indicates that the component will withstand about 470 000 loading cycles. Compared to the experimental tests where the component withstands about 700 000 loading cycles, it can be said that the approach is a good estimation of the fatigue life. Approximated material data are used. For further work it is essential to obtain experimental material data for better approximation of the fatigue life. The second component is suffering from low cycle fatigue, which means that different approaches are needed. The approaches are originally from Coffin-Manson and Morrow. A total of four low cycle fatigue criterion have been studied. The first one is made by CoffinManson and takes the plastic strain in to account, the second is made by Morrow and takes both the elastic and the plastic strain in to account.  The third is a modification of Morrow’s criterion, and will consider the midstresses as well. The fourth is a simplification of Morrow’s criterion where more common material parameters are used. These four have been compared and it can be seen that the CoffinManson criterion gives the best approximation of the reality. The Coffin-Manson criterion gives an approximation of 50 000 loading cycles to fatigue failure which, compared to that the experimental tests suffered from fatigue failure after about 40 000 loading cycles, is a good estimation of the fatigue life.

Seroprävalenz von Tetanustoxoid-Antikörpern bei Pferden in Mitteldeutschland und Evaluierung ihrer Bestimmung mittels eines immunchromatographischen Schnelltestes / Seroprevalence of tetanus toxoid antibodies in horses in central Germany and evaluation of an immunochromatographic dipstick test for their determination

Recknagel, Stephan 27 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Trotz der längst etablierten und weit verbreiten Impfprophylaxe mit potenten Toxoidimpfstoffen sind dramatisch verlaufende Tetanusinfektionen noch immer im Alltag des Pferdepraktikers präsent. Dies gab Anlass, verschiedene Impfprotokolle und die daraus resultierende humorale Immunitätslage zu überprüfen. Kenntnis über die durch Vakzination erwirkte Tetanusimmunität ist im Falle der Versorgung von Verletzungen oder vor elektiven Eingriffen hinsichtlich der Entscheidung für oder gegen eine neuerliche aktive und/oder passive Immunisierung erforderlich. Weiterhin ermöglicht die Kontrolle auf Persistenz homologer maternaler Antikörper vor Durchführung der Erstvakzination eine optimale Impfprophylaxe. Für diese beiden Indikationen wurde der Fassisi® TetaCheck als direkt am Patienten anwendbarer Schnelltest entwickelt. Dieser Streifentest wurde mit besonderem Augenmerk auf der zuverlässigen Identifizierung nicht ausreichend geschützter Individuen und der Unempfindlichkeit gegenüber der Testdurchführung und Interpretation durch ungeschulte Personen evaluiert. Zunächst wurden 91 Serumproben von Klinikpatienten mit glaubhafter Impfanamnese mittels Doppel-Antigen-ELISA (DAE) untersucht. Neben der Bestimmung der Seroprävalenz protektiver Tetanustoxoid-Antikörperkonzentrationen (TTAK) von > 0,1 IE/ml in dieser Population wurden mögliche Einflussgrößen auf die Höhe der TTAK zum Zeitpunkt der Blutentnahme analysiert. Zu diesen zählten das Alter der Tiere, die Impfintervalle, der Zeitabstand zur letzten Vakzination und das gleichzeitige Verimpfen weiterer Komponenten. Der Tetanus-Streifentest (TST) wurde evaluiert, indem die durch zwei unabhängige Untersucher ermittelten qualitativen Resultate des Schnelltestes mit den mittels DAE quantifizierten Antitoxinkonzentrationen in 99 Serumproben retrospektiv verglichen wurden. Ergänzend erfolgte die objektive Quantifizierung der Farbreaktion im Testfeld des TST durch Fotografieren und anschließender Analyse mittels einer Bildbearbeitungssoftware. Die Seroprävalenz protektiver TTAK betrug 92,3 %. 89 % der untersuchten Pferde waren ihrem jeweiligen Alter entsprechend gemäß der ‚Leitlinie zur Impfung von Pferden‘, herausgegeben von der Ständigen Impfkommission Vet. des Bundesverbandes Praktizierender Tierärzte immunisiert. Fünf dieser Pferde waren jedoch nicht ausreichend geschützt. Hierzu zählten ein fünf Monate altes Fohlen, bei welchem die maternalen Antikörper bereits unter die Schutzgrenze abgefallen waren, zwei juvenile Pferde ohne abgeschlossene Grundimmunisierung und zwei adulte Pferde. Abweichungen von der Impfempfehlung bestanden ausschließlich in Form verlängerter Abstände der Wiederholungsimpfungen von drei bis zu acht Jahren. Trotzdem wiesen diese Tiere protektive TTAK auf. Unter alleiniger Betrachtung des Patientenalters wiesen alle geriatrischen Patienten (n = 12) TTAK weit oberhalb der Schutzgrenze auf. Hinsichtlich der Einhaltung unterschiedlicher Boosterintervalle unterschieden sich die TTAK nicht signifikant (p = 0,117). Der zeitliche Abstand zur letzten Tetanusimpfung ließ keine Prognose über die zu erwartenden TTAK zu. TTAK nach Impfung mit monovalenten Vakzinen unterschieden sich nicht signifikant von denen nach Durchführung einer Kombinationsimpfung (p = 0,63). Für den TST ergaben sich eine Sensitivität von 83,6 % und eine Spezifität von 100 %. Die Übereinstimmung der Untersucher hinsichtlich eines binären Resultats war fast vollkommen (K = 0,88). Die Durchführung des TST durch den jeweils anderen Untersucher hatte keinen maßgeblichen Einfluss auf die Auswertung des Teststreifens (K = 0,80 und K = 0,84). Durch Erweiterung des vom Hersteller vorgegebenen Bewertungsmaßstabes „negativ“, „schwach positiv“ und „positiv“ auf fünf unterschiedliche Farbintensitäten konnte eine bessere Differenzierung ungeschützter Individuen von Tieren mit belastbarer Immunität ermöglicht werden. Zwischen der objektiv gemessenen Farbintensität und der TTAK bestand ein positiver linearer Zusammenhang (r² = 0,74). Auf diesen Ergebnissen basierend sollte zur Vermeidung ineffektiver Immunisierungen vor der Erstvakzination eine Bestimmung der TTAK mit Vollendung des fünften Lebensmonats erfolgen. Hierzu erwies sich der Fassisi® TetaCheck aufgrund seiner Zuverlässigkeit und Unempfindlichkeit als überaus geeignet. Da auch das strikte Einhalten der Impfempfehlung keine ausreichende Seroprotektion garantiert und die Eintragungen im Pferdepass fehlerhaft sein können, kann nur über eine Bestimmung der TTAK Gewissheit über den tatsächlichen Immunstatus erlangt werden. Die routinemäßige Implementierung des TST in die Pferdepraxis kann dazu beitragen, die Notwendigkeit einer Immuntherapie zu diagnostizieren und damit unnötige und nebenwirkungsbehaftete TT- oder Antiserumgaben zu minimieren. Im zweijährlichen Abstand vorgenommene Wiederholungsimpfungen führen zu keiner besseren Immunitätslage gegenüber wesentlich längeren Impfintervallen. Die Impfempfehlung könnte daher ein acht- bis zehnjähriges Boosterintervall ausweisen. Die humorale Tetanusimmunität betreffend ergeben sich keine Nachteile bei gleichzeitiger Impfung weiterer Komponenten.

Att underlätta underhållsarbeten av takplacerade ventilationsmoduler : En konstruktionslösning för att öka säkerhet och användarvänlighet / Facilitating the maintenance work on ceiling mounted ventilation modules : A design solution to improve safety and user friendliness

Elg, Anton January 2015 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar ett produktutvecklingsprojekt i kursen Examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsprogrammet innovationsteknik och design, MSGC12, vid fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap vid Karlstads universitet våren 2015. Handledare för projektet har varit universitetsadjunkt Lennart Wihk och examinator för projektet har varit professor Leo de Vin. Arbetet gjordes i uppdrag av Carl-Ola Danielsson för Swegon i Arvika. Uppdraget har haft som mål att effektivisera underplåten för en av Swegons komfortmoduler både konstruktion- och utseendemässigt. Detta gjordes för att användarvänligheten och säkerheten vid underhållsarbeten ska öka samt för att skapa ett mervärde hos produkten. Arbetet resulterade i ett flertal koncept för hur låsningsanordningen till komfortmodulernas underplåt kan utformas. En utvärdering av dessa koncept resulterade sedan i ett grundläggande koncept för hur låsningsanordningen bör utformas. Genom layoutkonstruktionen utvecklades det grundläggande konceptet och resulterade i totalt tre slutkoncept. Slutkoncepten är alla en typ av snabblåsning mellan underplåten och komfortmodulen. På grund av den minskade tid som slutkoncepten medför vid öppning och stängning av underplåten minskar den statiska belastningen på användaren. Slutkoncepten möjliggör öppning och stängning av underplåten med ett enhandsgrepp, vilket minskar risken för olyckor vid underhållsarbeten av komfortmodulerna. Det finns utrymme för vidarutveckling av slutkoncepten i form av konstruktionsförbättringar, materialval samt fastmonteringsanordning i underplåt och komfortmodul. / This report covers a product development project within the course Degree of Bachelor of Science thesis for innovation and design engineer program, MSGC12, at the Faculty of Health, Nature and Engineering Science at Karlstad University in the spring of 2015. Lennart Wihk has been the supervisor of the project and Professor Leo de Vin acted as examiner for the project. The work was commissioned by Carl-Ola Danielsson for the company Swegon in Arvika, Sweden. The project aimed at improving the face plate for one of Swegon’s comfort modules in both construction and appearance. This was done to improve the usability and safety during maintenance work and to create an added value in the product. The work resulted in a number of concepts for how the locking device to the comfort modules face plate can be designed. An evaluation of these concepts later on resulted in a basic concept for how the locking device should be designed. By a further development of the basic concept, a total of three final concepts were developed. All of the final concepts are a type of quick locking positioned between the face plate and the comfort module. Because of the reduced time required in opening and closing the face plate, the static load is reduced on the user. The final concepts enable opening and closing of the face plate with one hand, reducing the risk of accidents during maintenance work of the comfort modules. There is room for further development of the final concepts in terms of design improvements, material choice and the mounting arrangement of the face plate and the comfort module.

Private equity and advisors in mergers and acquisitions

Siming, Linus January 2010 (has links)
This doctoral thesis contains three empirical research papers that center on the topics of private equity and the role of advisors in mergers and acquisitions. "Your Former Employees Matter: Private Equity Firms and Their Financial Advisors” is a study of how social networks that are formed by previous employment relations affect private equity firms’choice of financial advisors. A financial advisor is more likely to advice on a transaction if a former employee is one of the private equity professionals who constitute the deal team for the particular transaction. In turn, information and deals are sourced to private equity firms from sell-side financial advisors within the previous employment network. "Dual Role Advisors and Conflicts of Interest” focuses on the potential conflicts of interest that may arise when an advisor to a firm targeted in a merger or acquisition is simultaneously involved in financing the bidder. Overall, the results suggest that investment banks in these situations may not have fulfilled their obligation of obtaining the highest possible price on behalf of the seller. "Private Equity Firms and Quick Flip Sales” examines the particulars of quick flip investments and three hypotheses that may explain their prevalence. Private equity firms typically are long term investors, but occasionally exits take place in less than 18 months. Results point to that such quick flips may partly be due to conflicting interests between the limited and general partners. / <p>Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2010. Sammanfattning jämte 3 uppsatser</p>

Fire extinguisher mount for vehicles : Adapted for mining conditions and emergencies

Linde, Marika January 2018 (has links)
This report revolves around a project for Boliden which is a thesis work for a master in engineering within industrial design engineering. This project had a primary focus of developing a new mount for fire extinguishers that will be suspended on vehicles in Boliden's mines. The foundation of the project was an accident in Boliden's mine Aitik where a fire extinguisher exploded due to damages caused by the vehicle mount in combination with vibrations. The objective of the project is to identify the main problem with the vehicle mounts used today in Boliden's mines and solve it. The process used in this project is a fairly standard process that is separated into four phases; Context immersion, Ideation, Conceptual design and Final design. The last two stages focused on prototyping and testing to finalize the design, whereas the beginning of the process was trying to get a grasp of the problem. This included understanding the unique environment of the mines as well as getting to the bottom of the problem with the vehicle mount. Interviews and observations were conducted during a visit to Boliden's mine, Renström, in Skellefteå to investigate the problem. The conclusions from the Context immersion was that the main problem with the vehicle mounts was that they were not adapted for the mining conditions at all. A large number of vibrations and a lack of vibration damping for the mount was the leading cause for the damages on the fire extinguisher. This caused the vehicle mount to fail and in the process also damage the fire extinguisher. The solution to this problem turned out to be a more robust product using a stronger material with higher damping to suspend the fire extinguisher. This made the vehicle mount cope with the vibrations in a better way. A quick release mechanism was also implemented that assists with the vibration durability as well as make the fire extinguisher easy and fast to release. The fast release, as well as the ease of use, makes the vehicle mount adapted for emergencies as well.  The durability and the use of the new vehicle mount were reassured by a vibration analysis made in NX 12, as well as a short usability test. / Den här rapporten behandlar ett projekt för Boliden vilket också är ett examensarbete inom civilingenjör teknisk design med inriktning mot produktutveckling. Projektet har fokuserats på att utveckla en ny fordonshållare för brandsläckare som kommer användas på fordon i Bolidens gruvor. Grunden för projektet var en olycka i Bolidens gruva Aitik där en brandsläckare exploderade då den hade blivit skadad av fordonshållaren samt vibrationer. Syftet med projektet är att identifiera den underliggande problemen som finns med fordonhållarna samt ta fram en bättre lösning. Processen som användes i det här projektet är baserad på en normal designprocess som består av fyra faser. De sista två faserna i processen fokuserade på att prototypa och testa för att färdigställa designen, medan början av processen försökte problemet förstås. Det innebar att gruvmiljön som är unik var tvungen att utforskas samt att gå till botten med problemet med hållarna. För att göra detta gjordes främst ett besök till Renströms gruvan i Skellefteå där intervjuer och observationer utfördes. I slutet av Kontextfasen fastställdes det att huvudproblemet var att hållaren inte var tillräckligt anpassad för gruvmiljön. Den stora mängden vibrationer från miljön i kombination med en brist av vibrations dämpning för hållaren var orsaken till att skador uppstår på brandsläckare. Lösningen på problemet var en ny hållare som var mer robust samt att materialet som används för att hålla brandsläckaren var starkare samt hade högre dämpningsgrad. Ett snabblås lösning var också implementerad som också bidrar till ökad vibrationstålighet, den gör också att brandsläckaren går snabbt och enkelt att ta loss i nödsituationer. Hållbarheten samt användbarheten säkerhetsställs genom en vibrationsanalys utförd i NX 12 samt ett kort användartest.

Interpretação de perfis elétricos na caracterização dos reservatórios de Camisea, Peru

Díaz da Jornada, Ana Carolina López January 2008 (has links)
A seqüência mesozóica da bacia de Ucayali é a maior produtora de gás e condensado do Peru. A área do trabalho, denominada Grande Camisea, fica na parte sul da bacia e, na atualidade, pertence à companhia Plupetrol Peru Corporation. Neste trabalho, foi aplicado um método de interpretação de perfis de indução em um poço petrolífero no sector San Martin do campo Camisea (QuickLook Interpretation method). O objetivo consiste na caracterização do reservatório de San Martín utilizando um método de interpretação rápida de perfis elétricos e, assim, fornecer uma visão geral no entendimento de parâmetros de poços e reservatórios, de zonas produtivas e suas características petrofísicas de porosidade e de saturação do óleo. Para validar a interpretação, foram utilizadas a descrição geológica de testemunhos e amostras de calha, descrição e informação do sistema petrolífero do campo e a geologia regional da zona de interesse da bacia. Desta forma, foi possível apresentar uma comparação entre os valores obtidos através dos métodos detalhados executados pela Pluspetrol e o método rápido de interpretação aplicado aqui, assim como o desvio entre ambos os resultados. / The Mesozoic sequence of the Ucayali basin is the main producer of gas and condensate of Peru. The work area is called Gran Camisea, located in the south part of the basin, and, in the present time, belongs to the company Plupetrol Peru Corporation. In this work, a well log interpretation method was used in a gas well in San Martin area, part of the Camisea field. The goal is the characterization of the reservoir of San Martín using a Quick Look log interpretation method, and thus to supply a general view in the understanding of well and reservoirs parameters, productive zones and its petrophysics characteristics of porosity and saturation. To validate the interpretation, besides using the geologic description of well cores and cutting sampling, it was used the description and information of the petroleum system of Camisea gas field and its regional geology. It was possible to present a comparison between Pluspetrol values, obtained through detailed methods, and those from the Quick Look log interpretation method used here, as well as an analysis of convergence between both results.

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