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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Boronat Moll, Carles 06 February 2013 (has links)
El propósito de esta tesis es triple e intenta comprender un importante resultado de la innovación organizativa: la innovación de proceso. Primero, el artículo aborda un tema en emergente crecimiento: la importancia de los innovadores no-I+D (innovadores sin I+D que innovan). Segundo, el artículo explora y arroja luz sobre el fenómeno de la innovación de proceso que ha recibido menos atención por parte de los académicos en los últimos años, más centrados en el fenómeno de la innovación de producto. En tercer lugar, el artículo también busca ideas para determinar el grado en que las actividades de innovación de proceso son interdependientes de la innovación de producto. La tesis constituye un intento de obtener una fértil síntesis de los estímulos de la innovación de proceso y sus resultados usando diferentes disciplinas económicas para complementar la perspectiva de la innovación organizativa. El estudio está basado en los datos de la encuesta CIS de España e incluye 16.843 firmas que respondieron haber introducido cualquier tipo de resultado innovador en sectores manufactureros y de servicios (a partir de una encuesta de 33.363 empresas). En general, los resultados subrayan el hecho de que la actividad de innovación de proceso en contextos de media y baja tecnología, es explicada principalmente por los esfuerzos no-I+D, mostrando una baja dependencia del suministro externo de inputs, por ejemplo fuentes externas de conocimiento, el tamaño no es importante y los recursos internos pueden sustituir a los externos, con un enfoque más interno de la generación de conocimiento. La tesis presenta también importantes implicaciones para los políticos, sobre todo frente a los problemas de selectividad de la muestra usualmente observados en la mayoría de estudios de innovación de proceso. / Boronat Moll, C. (2012). ANÁLISIS DE LA INNOVACIÓN EN PROCESO Y ESTUDIO DE LOS NON-R&D INNOVATORS. EVIDENCIA EMPÍRICA PARA ESPAÑA [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19210 / Palancia

Efficience du phosphore et innovation des engrais phosphatés / Phosphorus efficiency and innovation of phosphate fertilizers

Pluchon, Sylvain 17 September 2019 (has links)
Ce mémoire de validation des acquis de l’expérience (VAE) s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une demande d’accès au diplôme de doctorat. Il s’organise autour de trois parties. La première est un bilan de parcours, la deuxième est une analyse des activités de recherche et la troisième est un bilan des productions scientifiques. Autour de nombreux exemples, il structure une analyse des acquis et des compétences. Dans le premier chapitre, le bilan de parcours s’appuie sur une analyse chronologique et catégorielle des activités (travaux de recherche, animation scientifique, encadrement, enseignement, etc.) aussi bien en recherche publique que privée. Il rend compte de nombreuses évolutions sensibles : évolution du positionnement à la recherche, spécialisation progressive des sujets d’étude, internationalisation croissante des échanges scientifiques, structuration du réseau partenarial, management d’équipe…Dans le deuxième chapitre, plusieurs travaux scientifiques sont présentés portant sur l’amélioration de l’efficience d’utilisation du phosphore selon diverses approches (complexation, solubilisation bactérienne, voie de signalisation, vectorisation de principes actifs et modélisation de diffusion…). Ces sujets de recherche s’organisent autour de la compréhension des processus, des mécanismes d’actions et des domaines de validité des solutions à destination du milieu agricole. Enfin, dans le troisième chapitre, les types de productions scientifiques (publications, brevets, autorisations de mise sur le marché, posters, communications, rapports d’expertise…) rendent compte de la trans / This manuscript is part of a process of recognition of acquired experience. It is organized around three parts. The first part is an assessment of the course, the second part is an analysis of the research activities and the third part is a review of the scientific productions. Around many examples, it structures an analysis of skills and competencies. In the first chapter, the assessment of the course is based on a chronological and categorical analysis of activities (research work, scientific animation, supervision, teaching, etc.) in both public and private research. It reports on many significant developments: evolution of positioning to research, progressive specialization of the subjects of study, increasing internationalization of scientific exchanges, structuring of the partnership network, team management ...In the second chapter, several scientific works are presented on the improvement of the efficiency of use of phosphorus according to various approaches (complexation, bacterial solubilization, signaling pathway, vectorization of active principles and diffusion modeling ...). These research topics are organized around the understanding of processes, mechanisms of action and areas of validity of solutions for the agricultural community. Finally, in the third chapter, the types of scientific productions (publications, patents, marketing authorizations, posters, communications, expert reports ...) reflect the transdisciplinary of the work, reveal the importance of protection strategies. intellectual property and concretize the complementary nature of the laborato

State R&D Tax Credits: Social and Economic Outcomes

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: Research and Development (R&D) tax credits are one of the most widely adopted policies state governments use to incentivize R&D spending by firms operating in a state. R&D spending is associated with increases in firm productivity, innovation, and higher wages. However, most studies into these tax credits examine only the effect the credit has on firm-based R&D spending and assume the increases in R&D spending mean states are receiving the social and economic benefits endogenous growth theory predicts. This dissertation connects R&D tax credits with the expected outcomes of R&D spending increases to evaluate the efficacy of the tax credits. Specifically, the dissertation connects R&D tax credits to the movement of researchers between states, innovative activity, and state fiscal health. The study uses a panel of U.S. PhD graduates and a fixed-effects linear probability model to show R&D tax credits have a small but statistically significant impact on PhDs moving to states that have the tax credit. Using a structural equation model and a latent innovation variable, the dissertation shows R&D tax credits have a small but significant impact on innovative activity mediated by R&D spending. Finally, the dissertation examines the effect of R&D tax credits on a state’s short- and long-run fiscal health by using a distributed lag model to illustrate R&D tax credits are associated with decreases with fiscal health. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Public Administration and Policy 2020

Identification of the critical success factors for public-funded R&D projects in South Africa

Mkhize, Bahle 15 May 2019 (has links)
South Africa (SA) is classified as a middle-income emerging market, with the most resource-rich economy in Sub-Saharan Africa (SAccess, 2012). Its Research and Development (R&D) journey is characterised by a history of imbalances and oppression. Since the introduction of SA’s National R&D Strategy, recorded government R&D spending has been on the rise. However, the success rate for public-funded R&D projects has neither been satisfactory nor readily exposed for all to see. Factors considered critical for project success are largely contextual and tend to differ per project and industry. There appears to be no general consensus among scholars and authors on the common factors deemed critical in influencing the success of public-funded R&D projects. In SA, such factors still remain a mystery for further exploration. This research study sought to develop a model that will assist in achieving two key objectives, namely to identify the Critical Success Factors (CSF) of public-funded R&D projects in SA, as well as to exhume possible interrelationships between the identified critical success factors. This paper argues for a systemic and structure-based holistic approach and adopts Warfield’s Interactive Management (IM) in its endeavour to identify those factors that are deemed critical in the successful implementation of public-funded R&D projects in SA. The methodology comprises three key phases: a planning phase; a workshop phase; as well as a follow-up phase. The planning phase is a foundational phase that lays the basis and a plan for the ensuing two phases. The workshop, also known as the conversation phase, could be conceptualised as a process for building patterned interactions among the participants. It is in this phase that a relationship model, in the form of a diagraph, is constructed. The follow-up phase is the last phase and involves the implementation of the results to prove validity of solutions proposed in the workshop phase. However, since this last phase falls outside the scope of this paper, it has been excluded. Through the application of the IM methodology, a total of 35 identified CSFs were reduced to 23 key to formulate the CSF relationship model using the Interpretive Structural Model (ISM). Based on the model results, the study is concluded by identifying “Product market viability” and “Executive management support” as the two primary success factors that are most significant and have the greatest leverage to influence other factors towards the successful completion of public-funded R&D projects in SA.

The Effect of Board Diversity on Corporate Innovation: A Study on Canadian Firms

Abtahi, Zahra 15 December 2021 (has links)
This research investigates the association between board diversity and firms’ innovation in Canada over the period of 2001 to 2015. Previous research revealed that board diversity has conflicting effects on the firm innovation depending on the country, and there is no such study conducted in Canada. Moreover, only few proxies for the board diversity have been used to study the subject in the literature. Thus, this study introduces new factors of board diversity and add to the literature by assessing the topic in Canadian firms. We found that firms with more women on the board when women members are more than one fourth of the board members can increase the number of patents. Also, while more education diversity results in more patent numbers, more diversity in the number of years that board members have served the board results in less patent numbers for the firms, it is noteworthy that there is no significant association between the deviation in the number of years that board members have served the company and the innovation of the firm.

Essays on the Economics of Innovation

Ince, Ela 17 September 2021 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis brings together three independent essays on the economics of innovation. I analyse the impact of competition on firm-level innovation (chapter 1) and the impact of different types of innovation on firm performance (chapter 2) looking at the top business R&D spenders of the world. I, then, switch my focus on researchers and analyse the determinants of brain drain in Europe (chapter 3).The first chapter is co-authored by Anabela Santos (European Commission) and Michele Cincera (ULB) and aims at assessing the impact of competition on firm-level innovation. The sample is composed of the world top corporate R&D spenders listed in the EU 2017 industrial R&D Scoreboard, and the analysis covers the years spanning from 2007 to 2016. We use an industry-year indicator, the inverse of the Lerner Index, as the indicator of competition for these firms that are leading in innovation efforts in the industries they are operating at the worldwide. R&D expenditures are used as the proxy for innovation. Model is estimated using two-stage least squares, to control for potential endogeneity of the competition indicator. Results confirm the existence of an inverted-U shaped relationship between competition and innovation. Further analysis is undertaken splitting the overall firm sample into services and manufacturing sectors according to technology and knowledge intensities and into the country of headquarters. We validate the inverted-U shaped relationship between competition and innovation for the firms in medium-high- and high-tech manufacturing sectors whereas we do not observe this impact for the firms operating in medium-low- and low-tech manufacturing sectors nor in services sectors. We also find differences in innovation behaviour of firms headquartered in the EU, US, Japan and China. While the inverted-U shaped relationship is highly pronounced for the Chinese firms, we find the U shaped impact of competition on the innovation of the EU and Japanese firms.The second chapter brings together firm-level R&D spending information with patent information, and aims at investigating the impact of different types of patented inventions on firm output growth performance controlling for R&D spending and other firm financials. The firm sample is sourced from the EU 2014 Industrial R&D Scoreboard that brings together the leading private sector R&D investors of the world. The analysis covers the years from 2005 to 2010. I consider forward-looking patent value indicators of breakthrough and general innovation using 7-year citation window, and backward-looking patent value indicators of originality and radicalness in innovation activities. Firm performance is estimated through a Cobb-Douglas production function. I allow for non-linearity in the relationship between innovation strategy and firm performance, and investigate sectoral heterogeneity looking at the impact in health industries and ICT producers. Models are estimated using two-stage least squares and generalised method of moments to control for potential endogeneity of innovation indicators. The findings confirm certain non-linearities and sectoral heterogeneities in the relationships between the different types of innovation and firm performance. ICT producers are growing with breakthrough innovations, generality and novelty in innovation process supporting the general-purpose technology feature of ICT. I, however, do not find a positive impact of technological breakthroughs nor a specific trend of generality and novelty in innovation process on productivity of pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms in the sample.The third chapter is co-authored by Christophe Colassin (ULB) and Michele Cincera (ULB) and aims at analysing the determinants of brain drain in Europe where there exists unbalances and polarisation between the States in terms of attractiveness for researchers despite the common policies and practices put in place by the European Union. The information about the mobility outflows are sourced from Centre for Science and Technology Studies and concern the year 2019. In order to analyse the macroeconomic determinants of mobility of researchers, the chapter brings together information from various data sources that attribute country-level values to the potential determinants of mobility outflows. We use a gravity model framework to detect quantitatively the pull and push factors of researchers' mobility including the 28 EU Member states in the time of analysis, and 3 additional Schengen countries, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland. In addition to the cultural and geographic proximity, we find that a country’s researcher base, entrepreneurial opportunities, knowledge intensity, public R&D spending and international collaborations increase the mobility of researchers within Europe whereas non-academic placements of researchers and the perception of virtual mobility as an alternative decrease the mobility. Researchers from countries with attractive research systems, more innovative private sector and more female researchers are found to be more mobile, whereas, the ones with higher GDP growth rates are less. We find that satisfaction with the recruitment process and the salary levels are decreasing factors for the mobility outflows. Finally, while fixed-term contracts in academia are found to be a factor that decreases the attractiveness; satisfaction with recruitment process, existence of the top R&D spending enterprises in the economy, and the freedom of academic exchange and dissemination are the factors that increases the attractiveness of a country for mobility inflows. / Doctorat en Sciences économiques et de gestion / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Management and Leadership in Research & Development : A Case Study of Thermo Fisher Scientific

Liang, Jianwei, Al-Walai, Somar January 2021 (has links)
Background: In current business world, big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) implementation in daily business has become a mega-trend in different organization functions across various industries. The questions of what impacts against management and leadership can be expected with AI application, and how to make the most of AI application to achieve innovation success have become extremely interesting for business leaders, especially in R&D department which is considered to be innovation locomotive of a company. Objectives: Existing studies on implementation of AI application in research and development (R&D) department is rather scarce although there is a strong relevance for AI to be brought into R&D for achieving successful innovation. This study tries to fill this gap in literature aiming to explore the impacts of AI application on management and leadership, and also how AI can be used for achieving innovation success in R&D department. Method: The research methodology chosen for this study is a single and holistic case study on the organisation Thermo Fisher Scientific as we considered our research question to be unexplored and rare. We have used multiple sources of data including both primary data from multiple interviews and secondary data in the form of publicly available data. For the analysis of the data, we have used the grounded theory approach with 9 interviews for a phenomenological study. Results: A theoretical dynamic model was created for explaining the mechanism of AI influences in R&D by using grounded theory based on empirical interview data analysis. Interesting findings shed light on importance of implementation of AI application in R&D. The results disclose that AI application in R&D can lead to higher efficiencies in processes, decision making, costs and stimulate innovation, while a shift of leadership elements and organizational structure changes can be expected.

Income tax incentives for renewable energy research and development and implementation : a comparison between South Africa and China

De Gouveia, Keshia Natalia January 2013 (has links)
Like many fossil fuel dependant countries, South Africa faces the dual problem of responding to an increasing demand for coal production to satisfy rising energy requirements, while at the same time responding to the call to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The exploration of renewable energy sources as an alternative to fossil fuels has therefore become an increasingly pressing concern in South Africa. South Africa has significant renewable energy potential which can simultaneously address both energy needs and the environmental concerns arising from greenhouse gas emissions. A tax incentive regime is a popular governmental policy instrument that has the potential to advance technologies and stimulate markets by encouraging research and development as well as the implementation of renewable energy technologies. It is therefore important to determine how the tax incentives currently available in South Africa for research and development and the implementation of renewable energy technologies, compare with those adopted internationally. China was identified as a country that offers generous fiscal incentives to encourage research and development and the implementation of technology such as renewable energy technologies. The objective of this study was to determine how the income tax incentives for research and development and the implementation of renewable energy technologies currently available in South Africa compare with the income tax incentives available in China for the same purpose. This was achieved by means of a head-to-head comparison of the impact that the two tax regimes would have in a hypothetical case study / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / am2014 / Taxation / Unrestricted

A detailed analysis of energy tax incentives in South Africa

Halbert, Andrea Sarah January 2016 (has links)
Coupled with the issue of promoting energy efficiency in South Africa is the need to focus on the source of energy production. The country's excessive burning of coal resources has been linked to the global warming crisis. To address this energy crisis, taxpayers can be encouraged to play an important role in moving the country towards a position of energy stability by conserving energy or decreasing their energy consumption, or contributing towards the research and development of energy-efficient processes as well as cleaner forms of energy. This study analyses the energy-related tax incentives that are currently legislated and available to South African taxpayers and discusses the feasibility of taking advantage of these incentives. The study may provide guidance to taxpayers that have decided to invest in renewable energy sources and will discuss some of the advantages and perceived challenges facing the renewable energy industry. This study also provides a worked example that illustrates a detailed calculation of the energy tax saving incentive set out in section 12L of the Income Tax Act, No. 58 of 1962. A case study guides taxpayers though the practical process of applying for and calculating their energy-saving tax deduction. The case study may be used as a point of reference for taxpayers planning to implement the section 12L energy efficiency tax incentive for the first time and may highlight complexities and concerns they should consider. / Mini Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Taxation / MCom / Unrestricted

Impact of Government R&D Subsidies on Innovation Efficiency of China’s High-tech Industries

Li, Jiazhong January 2020 (has links)
Innovation efficiency is a key factor influencing the position of high-tech industries in the global value chain. Through stochastic frontier analysis, innovation efficiency of China's high-tech industry from 2000 to 2016 was estimated and analyzed. Through five random frontier analysis models, innovation efficiency of new product sales revenue and number of patent applications are analyzed. Results show that the overall level of innovation efficiency in China's high-tech industry is not high. Government subsidies for innovation have a positive impact on the R&D results of new product income from China’s high-tech industry, but have a negative impact on the number of patent applications. Scale of enterprise, degree of openness of enterprise, quality of the labor force and export delivery have a positive impact on innovation efficiency of China's high-tech industry. R&D capital stock and R&D human capital stock have a positive effect on high-tech industry innovation. In high-tech industry's transition from patents to new products, there will be a low conversion rate. Results of economic analysis can help the government to make the basis for management decisions. Conclusion of innovation performance analysis provides practical normative guidance for these high-tech industries.

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