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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study on the environmental state in Tan Rai bauxite mining area Bao Lam district, Lam Dong province

Pham, Thi Thu Ha, Mai, The Duong, Duong, Ngoc Bach, Nguyen, Viet Hoai, Phi, Thi Ly 21 February 2019 (has links)
Planting trees in mining zones for post-mining rehabilitation is of great interest. Therefore, it is important and necessary to study the current state of the air, water, and soil environment in the mine exploited area. Therefore, this article studied and assessed the environmental state in Tan Rai bauxite mining area at Bao Lam district, Lam Dong province through the environmental components of air, water and soil, as a basis for selection of suitable crops for post-mining rehabilitation. The research result showed that the air quality in the bauxite mining area met the standard 3733/2002/QĐ-BYT. Almost monitoring parameters of surface water and wastewater is within the allowed threshold of Vietnam standards. However surface water had a sign of TSS and COD pollution (TSS and COD at the Danos stream after the received point of wastewater from No.6 tailing lake were 1.6 times and 1.07 times higher than those in standard). Ground water was polluted by Coliform (20-63,3 times over standard) and cation NH4 + (1.1-1.5 times over standard); Soil in exploiting region was strongly impacted, soil profile has changed, red-yellow soil dominated, soil fertility is pretty high, pHH20 and pHKC were from acid to neuter. This studied environment state is very suitable for planting pine and acacia. These results will be useful references, as a basis for orientation of post-mining rehabilitation. / Việc trồng cây xanh để phục hồi các vùng mỏ sau khai thác hiện đang rất được quan tâm. Do vậy, việc nghiên cứu hiện trạng môi trường không khí, nước và đất ở vùng khai thác mỏ là rất quan trọng và cần thiết. Bài báo nghiên cứu đánh giá hiện trạng môi trường vùng khai thác mỏ Bauxite Tân Rai, huyện Bảo Lâm, tỉnh Lâm Đồng thông qua các thành phần môi trường không khí, nước, đất, làm cơ sở cho việc lựa chọn loại cây trồng phù hợp cho công tác phục hồi môi trường sau khai thác mỏ. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy, chất lượng môi trường không khí tại vùng khai thác mỏ Bauxite đạt tiêu chuẩn 3733/2002/QĐ-BYT. Hầu hết các thông số quan trắc của nước mặt và nước thải đều nằm trong giới hạn cho phép theo tiêu chuẩn Việt Nam, tuy nhiên môi trường nước mặt cũng đang có dấu hiệu ô nhiễm TSS và COD (TSS và COD tại suối Danos phía dưới điểm tiếp nhận nước thải hồ quặng đuôi số 6 tương ứng gấp 1,6 lần và 1,07 lần so với tiêu chuẩn). Nước ngầm đang bị ô nhiễm Coliform (vượt quy chuẩn cho phép từ 20-63,3 lần) và NH4 + (vượt quy chuẩn cho phép từ 1,1-1,5 lần); Đất tại khu vực khai thác bị tác động mạnh mẽ, phẫu diện đất bị thay đổi, đất đỏ vàng chiếm ưu thế, đất có độ phì khá, pHH2O và pHKCl từ chua đến trung tính. Kết quả hiện trạng môi trường như vậy là phù hợp với trồng thông và keo. Những kết quả này là tài liệu tham khảo hữu ích, làm cơ sở cho việc định hướng phục hồi đất sau khai thác mỏ.

La fonction analytique. Freud, Jung, Lacan : Approche transdisciplinaire / Analytical function. Freud, Jung, Lacan : Transdisciplinary approach

Chabaud, François 15 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse propose un éclairage sur la réalité de la Fonction analytique, sa physiologie, et les pathologies comportementales qui résultent de son dysfonctionnement. Nous y visitons les travaux de Freud, Jung et Lacan. Par une approche de comparatisme de leurs « écritures respectives », nous découvrons les fondements de la Fonction analytique. Tous trois tiennent leur savoir d’une approche transdisciplinaire (mythologie, alchimie, Taoïsme, linguistique, mathématiques, etc.) Freud précise le rôle indispensable de la pulsion en décrivant ses quatre caractéristiques. Avec son travail sur le «Bloc-notes magique », il énonce les modalités de la gravure psychique. La physiologie analytique comprend deux stades distincts : le premier ou « tronc commun » correspond à la gravure de la trace mnésique (Freud). Ce stade se déroule selon le mode binaire : ça pour Freud, persona pour Jung, imaginaire pour Lacan. Le second, se développe à partir du tronc commun, selon la modalité ternaire : la structure arborescente. C’est le stade du moi de Freud, du moi de Jung, du réel de Lacan. Cette phase, comme celle du brassage inter-chromosomique de la méiose biologique, produit une infinité de combinaisons. Modes binaire et ternaire représentent les phases principales de la Fonction analytique. Mais le mode binaire ne doit pas faire barrage au mode ternaire, en enfermant la psyché dans l’imaginaire (Lacan). La psyché doit se dépasser et faire oeuvre d’artiste. Nous montrons que le déséquilibre de l’archétype anima/animus (Jung) est cause de ces pathologies. Nous y voyons également que « la pensée judéo-chrétienne » joue un rôle de censeur, et fait obstacle à la modélisation ternaire. / The following thesis proposes to shed some light on the reality of Analytical Function, its physiology and the behavioural pathologies that derive from its dysfunction. We revisit the works of Freud, Jung and Lacan. Through a comparativistic approach of their “respective writings”, we discover the very fundamentals of Analytical Function. And all three had gathered their knowledge using a transdisciplinary approach (mythology, alchemy, Taoism, linguistics, mathematics etc…) Freud points out the main role of the drive by describing its four characteristics. In his “Magic Note Pad” he states the modalities of the psychic imprint. Analytical physiology comprises two distinct stages: the first one - “the common trunk”- refers to the imprint or engraving of the mnemonic marking. This stage unfolds according to a binary mode: the “It” for Freud, the “persona” for Jung and the “Imaginary” for Lacan. The second stage stems out of the common trunk on a ternary mode: the arborescent structure. This is the stage of the “I” for Freud, the “Self” for Jung and “the Real” for Lacan. This stage-just like the inter-chromosomal brew of the biological meiosis- produces an infinity of combinations. Binary and ternary modes represent the main phases of Analytical Function. Nevertheless the binary mode must not block out the ternary mode by locking the psyche into Lacan’s “Imaginary”. The psyche must go beyond itself and become its own artist. We show that the disequilibrium of Jung’s anima/animus archetype provokes these pathologies. We also notice that the “Judeo-Christian” way of thinking plays a censorship role and becomes an obstacle for the implementation of the ternary mode.

Public service-uppdraget i italiensk television : En innehållsanalys av nyhetsprogrammet Tg1 / The public service-mission in Italian television : A content analysis of the newsprogram Tg1:s broadcasts

Toninelli, My January 2013 (has links)
The main question this bachelor thesis aims to answer is how the public service program Tg1’s news broadcasts may look. The following questions were used to discuss thetendencies of the result: How can the distribution of the news categories appear in Tg1’sbroadcasts? Can the main news be considered as impartial and objective in its linguisticand pictorial representation? To answer the aforementioned question I chose to do a combined study, using aquantitative content analysis and a qualitative content analysis. To lead my research, I focused on two requirements underlined by public servicebroadcasters, namely, objectivity and impartiality, and diversity. The outcome shows thatthe diversity in Tg1’s broadcast is disproportionate and that the pictorial representation isnot impartial and objective without the linguistic part. Then, additionally to mytheoretical choice, the public service role in a democracy, a discussion about the resultand its consequences has been set up.

Principios inspiradores del registro de rentas o cantidades afectas al inmpuesto adicional

Castillo, Sebastián, León, Karina 12 1900 (has links)
TESIS PARA OPTAR AL GRADO DE MAGÍSTER EN TRIBUTACIÓN / Sebastián Castillo [Parte I], Karina León [Parte II] / El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el estudio del nuevo registro de utilidades tributarias afectas a impuesto global complementario o adicional, llamado “Registro RAI”. El desarrollo de la tesis se lleva a cabo a través del método analítico, donde se hizo un estudio general de la normativa vinculada a las partidas que forman parte del registro RAI, desmenuzando, luego, cada uno de los elementos que lo integran. Bajo el estudio de la Ley 20.780 publicada el 29 de Septiembre de 2014 se plantea la hipótesis que a nivel de los impuestos personales, es posible que la determinación del Registro RAI a partir del capital propio financiero resulta más gravoso en régimen de rentas parcialmente integrada y menos gravoso en el régimen de renta atribuida. El problema se presenta en la dificultad para determinar las utilidades financieras y tributarias que quedarán afectas a impuesto, considerando además, que la complejidad suele ser una de las causas del incumplimiento involuntario en el pago de impuestos. Por lo tanto, es de suma importancia para los contribuyentes entender el registro de rentas Afectas a Impuesto Global Complementario o Adicional, para poder optar por uno de los regímenes de tributación que entran en vigencia en el ejercicio comercial 2017. (V.1) / Estudiado y analizado en los capítulos anteriores los elementos que componen el registro RAI, exponiendo sus efectos financieros y tributarios bajo la Ley 20.780 del 29 de Septiembre de 2014, en el capítulo 4 se consideran los cambios introducidos por la Lay 20.899 de Febrero de 2016, llamada ley de simplificación de reforma tributaria. La ley 20.780 contempla el registro RAI para el régimen de renta atribuida y para el régimen parcialmente integrado y todos los contribuyentes tienen la posibilidad de optar por cualquiera de ellos, no importando su constitución jurídica. La Ley 20.899, viene a simplificar la atribución de la renta a las personas naturales, restringiendo la posibilidad de optar por cualquier régimen sólo a los contribuyentes formados por personas naturales. Además, simplifica el Registro RAI en su determinación, dejando atrás la alternativa de usar el monto mayor entre el capital propio tributario y el patrimonio financiero, dejando sólo el uso del capital propio tributario. Se elimina el registro RAI en el régimen de renta atribuida y se mantiene en el régimen parcialmente integrado. La razón por la cual se elimina del régimen de renta atribuida no está dicho expresamente, pero de acuerdo al estudio llevado a cabo en esta tesis nos permite apuntar a la dificultad en su determinación y a las diferencias que derivan de su cálculo, las cuales pueden producir un gran impacto impositivo en las empresas formadas sólo por personas naturales y que podrían ser pequeñas y medianas empresas. Dado que el capital propio tributario es un elemento que forma parte del registro RAI, se establece la relevancia en su correcta determinación, pues su resultado serán las rentas afectas a impuestos global complementario o adicional. Para las empresas que tienen derecho a ejercer la opción de régimen parcialmente integrado o renta atribuida, es importante considerar el registro RAI al momento de ejercer la opción, puesto que ante una distribución de utilidades o retiros se imputará en primer término a este registro que contiene utilidades tributables con impuestos finales y además el FUT estará formando parte de éste. Como conclusión se determina que bajo la ley 20.780 de Septiembre de 2014 nuestra hipótesis es verdadera, esto es, considerando el registro RAI, el régimen parcialmente integrado es más gravoso que el de renta atribuida a nivel de impuestos finales. Por último, también se concluye que con la publicación de la Ley 20.899 de Febrero de 2016 “simplificación de la reforma tributaria”, considerando el registro RAI, aún continúa siendo más gravoso el sistema parcialmente integrado y menos gravoso el régimen de renta atribuida. (V.2)

Aspects of the grammar of Thulung Rai<BR />an endangered Himalayan language

Lahaussois, Aimee January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Thulung Rai is an endangered Tibeto-Burman language of eastern Nepal, currently<br />spoken by approximately one thousand people. It is a member of the Kiranti group in the<br />Himalayish branch of Tibeto-Burman, along with languages characterized principally by their<br />complex pronominalizing verbal inflectional systems.<br />This dissertation provides an overview of the grammar of the Thulung language, along<br />with selected texts and a glossary. The aspects of the grammar which are discussed are those<br />which are particularly relevant as far as Thulung’s heritage as a Tibeto-Burman language is<br />concerned. The chapters discuss the phonological system of the language; the case marking<br />system; the use of discourse particles; nominalization and its etymological and semantic<br />relationship with relativization and genitivization; the finite verbs, with their complex agreement<br />system and stem alternations; the augmentation of verbs with aspect-bearing derivational<br />suffixes; clause-combining by means of converbs and sequencers.<br />Each of these topics bears a significance to Tibeto-Burman studies as a whole, and these<br />are characteristic features of languages from this area. The areal context for Thulung is another<br />important aspect of this dissertation. The endangered status of Thulung is a result of the inroads<br />of the Indo-Aryan national language of Nepal, Nepali. Each chapter, in addition to describing<br />and analyzing particular grammatical topics, also discusses the equivalent constructions in Nepali<br />in light of whether they constitute the source for the construction in Thulung as it stands today.<br />The contributions of this dissertation are in providing reliable and up-to-date information<br />on a little-known minority Tibeto-Burman language of Nepal. This is an important addition to<br />the field of Himalayan languages and will be useful for efforts towards reconstructing the<br />development of Tibeto-Burman languages in the Himalayas. An important dimension of this<br />dissertation is that it looks at grammatical features in one language in the context of their<br />distribution over the linguistic area, even across language family boundaries. In this way, the<br />materials presented are useful as another case-study of an intense language contact situation.

Use of Medications for Management of Alzheimer’s Disease in Ontario’s Home Care Population

Jantzi, Micaela January 2010 (has links)
Abstract Background: Home care is an important care setting for those with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It provides support that allows individuals with AD to remain at home and may delay the transition to long-term care homes. Many clients with AD receive medications that are used for managing the symptoms of AD: cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) and memantine. Ontario’s provincial drug benefit plan (ODB) provides subsidies for some of these medications based on specific clinical criteria. These AD medications are costly and can have significant side effects, so it is important to understand how they are being used in practice. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to report the proportion taking AD medications and which types were taken, show the change in receipt of AD medications over time, and show the covariates that were independently associated with receiving AD medications. Methods: Analysis of secondary data was performed on the provincial home care dataset. All home care clients receiving long-term home care services were assessed using the RAI-Home Care (RAI-HC), which is a comprehensive and standardized assessment. One assessment from each individual over the age of 65 who was assessed between January 2004 and September 2008 was used, for a final sample size of 321,013. Results: Overall, 65% of clients with a diagnosis of AD were receiving an AD medication. Logistic regression analysis among those diagnosed with AD showed that increased physical impairment and clinical complexity were associated with decreased odds of receiving AD medication. Contraindicating diagnoses such as congestive heart failure, lack of medical oversight and needing to make economic tradeoffs were also associated with decreased odds of receiving AD medication. Conclusions: The multivariate model showed trends of rational prescribing, such as clients with contraindicating diagnoses or very high clinical complexity having decreased odds of receiving AD medications. At the same time, evidence of structural barriers to receiving the medications was shown. There is debate about the cost-effectiveness of these medications. The provincial government could consider expanding ODB guidelines to include all AD medications for those with all levels of cognitive impairment, but further analyses involving longitudinal outcomes available in this dataset should be performed to ensure it would be in the public interest.

The Impact of Directive 2009/28/EC on Energy Security and Agricultural Development in Ghana

Preuss, David January 2012 (has links)
The growing demand for biofuels in the European Union is expected to have a significant impact on rural environments in sub-Saharan Africa. In the wake of Directive 2009/28/EC, Ghana experienced a rapid rise in foreign land acquisitions and direct investments to its agricultural sector. The potential implications of this development are multi-fold: While proponents of the EU biofuels policy stress the potential for agricultural development and improved energy security in the region, its opponents criticise the lack of binding rules and regulations concerning social sustainability and indirect land use changes. As a means of assessing the validity of these opposing views, this research paper provides an analysis of the directive's impact on Ghanaian energy security and agricultural development in the country. The analysis is based on key informant interviews and a comprehensive literature reviews. It is concluded that the potential of host countries to generate benefits from the cultivation of energy crops largely rests on their institutional framework. In Ghana, foreign biofuel investments appear to have at least partially resulted in negative socio-economic impacts on local rural communities. Formal and informal land rights, as well as land acquisition procedures present significant obstacles. Civil action and the proposal for a new national biofuels policy indicate, however, that the country could eventually emerge as a beneficiary of the global trend towards biofuels.

Use of Medications for Management of Alzheimer’s Disease in Ontario’s Home Care Population

Jantzi, Micaela January 2010 (has links)
Abstract Background: Home care is an important care setting for those with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). It provides support that allows individuals with AD to remain at home and may delay the transition to long-term care homes. Many clients with AD receive medications that are used for managing the symptoms of AD: cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs) and memantine. Ontario’s provincial drug benefit plan (ODB) provides subsidies for some of these medications based on specific clinical criteria. These AD medications are costly and can have significant side effects, so it is important to understand how they are being used in practice. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to report the proportion taking AD medications and which types were taken, show the change in receipt of AD medications over time, and show the covariates that were independently associated with receiving AD medications. Methods: Analysis of secondary data was performed on the provincial home care dataset. All home care clients receiving long-term home care services were assessed using the RAI-Home Care (RAI-HC), which is a comprehensive and standardized assessment. One assessment from each individual over the age of 65 who was assessed between January 2004 and September 2008 was used, for a final sample size of 321,013. Results: Overall, 65% of clients with a diagnosis of AD were receiving an AD medication. Logistic regression analysis among those diagnosed with AD showed that increased physical impairment and clinical complexity were associated with decreased odds of receiving AD medication. Contraindicating diagnoses such as congestive heart failure, lack of medical oversight and needing to make economic tradeoffs were also associated with decreased odds of receiving AD medication. Conclusions: The multivariate model showed trends of rational prescribing, such as clients with contraindicating diagnoses or very high clinical complexity having decreased odds of receiving AD medications. At the same time, evidence of structural barriers to receiving the medications was shown. There is debate about the cost-effectiveness of these medications. The provincial government could consider expanding ODB guidelines to include all AD medications for those with all levels of cognitive impairment, but further analyses involving longitudinal outcomes available in this dataset should be performed to ensure it would be in the public interest.

Cohort Study Of Pain Behaviors In The Elderly Residing In Skilled Nursing Care

Burfield, Allison 01 January 2009 (has links)
An integral concern across care settings is the prompt intervention for patients suffering with pain. Long-term care (LTC) settings present with unique challenges to assess and manage pain in resident populations. Pain assessment is especially challenging, because residents have varying degrees of cognition to communicate their pain, and clinician/staff knowledge of pain symptoms may be lacking. The purpose of this research was to improve the measurement of pain and outcomes of care for the elderly residing in skilled nursing care, especially those with cognitive-impairment. The specific aims of this study were to: 1) Determine the magnitude of the relationship between pain behaviors and a measurement model hypothesized for pain; 2) Test the construct validity of a pain measurement model; 3) Examine the concomitance of pain and cognition in a three-year longitudinal analysis. The research questions answered: 1) Is there a difference in the prevalence of pain in cognitively intact versus cognitively-impaired residents; 2) Can a theoretically derived model of pain aid in detecting pain across all cognitive levels; and 3) Do pain and cognitive status concomitantly correlate? The goal was to examine the covariance model of concomitance of pain and cognition to more accurately construct theoretical models of pain to then include additional resident care factors in future research. Traditional self-reports of pain are often under-assessed and under-treated in the cognitively-impaired (CI) elderly resident. Having additional measures to detect pain beyond self-reports of pain intensity and frequency increases the likelihood of detecting pain in populations with complex symptom presentation. Data collected from skilled nursing facilities offer exceptional opportunities to study resident demographics, characteristics, symptoms, medication use, quality indicators, and care outcomes. The Minimum Data Set-Resident Assessment Instrument (MDS-RAI) 2.0, a nationally required resident assessment tool, must be completed on every resident in a Medicare LTC facility within 14 days of admission, quarterly, annually and with significant changes in resident status. Because the MDS is widely used and recognized in LTC settings, core items from MDS [i.e., pain frequency (J2a) and pain intensity (J2b)] along with additional MDS items hypothesized to signify pain were analyzed in the pilot measurement model. Ten core items from MDS were used: 1) Inappropriate behavior frequency (E4da); 2) Repetitive physical movements; 3) Repetitive verbalizations (E1c); 4) Sad facial expressions (E1l); 5) Crying (E1m); 6) Change in mood (E3); 7) Negative statements (E1a); 8) Pain frequency (J2a); 9) Pain intensity (J2b); and 10) Cumulative pain sites scores. All indicators of pain were significant at the <.01 level. A longitudinal cohort design was used to answer if a concomitance exists between pain and cognition. Data were collected from MDS annual assessments from 2001, 2002 and 2003 for residents across the United States. The sample consisted of 56,494 residents age 65 years and older with an average age of 83 [plus or minus] 8.2 years. Descriptive statistics, ANOVA and a covariance model were used to evaluate cognition and pain at the three time intervals. ANOVA indicated a significant effect (<.01) for pain and cognition with protected t-tests indicating scores decreased significantly over time with resident measures of pain and cognition. Results from this study suggest that: 1) Using only pain intensity and frequency, pain prevalence was found in 30% of the pilot population, while 47.7% of cognitively intact residents had documented pain and only 18.2% of the severely CI had documented pain, supporting previous research that pain is potentially under-reported in the CI; 2) Parsimonious measurements models of pain should include dimensions beyond self-reports of pain (i.e., cognitive, affective, behavioral and inferred pain indicators); 3) Model fit was improved by using specific MDS items in the pain construct; 4) Longitudinal analysis revealed relative stability for pain and cognition measures over time (e.g., larger stability or consistency was found in cognitive measures than the measures of pain over the three-year period); 5) Crossed-legged effects between pain and cognition were not consistent; 6) A concomitant relationship was not found between pain and cognition. The relationship was significant (<.01), but associations were weak (r=0.03 to 0. 08). Pain or cognition should not be used as a predictor of the other in theoretical models for similar populations. The MDS is a reliable instrument to follow resident attributes, quality of care, and patient outcomes over time. The development of more accurate assessments of pain may improve resident care outcomes. Ineffectively intervening on the pain cycle is posited to cause secondary unmet needs that affect the resident's quality of life. Findings support the importance of improving clinical outcomes in the management of pain in the elderly residing in long-term care. Deficits in the treatment of pain highlight the impetus to support health policy change that includes pain treatment as a top health priority and a quality indicator for federally funded programs supporting eldercare.

Exposição gestacional ao etanol e avaliação de níveis de cortisol salivar em crianças em idade escolar / Gestational exposure to ethanol and assessment of salivary cortisol levels in school age children

Rodriguez, Isela Iveth González 30 October 2014 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Consumo de álcool na gestação é um sério problema de saúde pública envolvendo grande risco de embriotoxicidade e teratogenicidade fetal. Exposição fetal ao álcool causa liberação de glicocorticóides (GC) pela suprarrenal como conseqüência da ativação do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal (HPA). Cortisol é o principal glicocorticóide endógeno capaz de interferir na atividade orgânica, influenciando a retroinibição do eixo HPA. Álcool consumido na gravidez pode alterar indiretamente o desenvolvimento fetal ao perturbar as interações hormonais normais dos eixos hipotálamo-pituitária-adrenal (HPA), hipotálamo-hipófise-tireoidal (HPT), hipotálamo-hipófise-gonadal (HPG), entre mãe e feto. OBJETIVOS: Comparar dosagens de cortisol salivar em crianças em idade escolar, com e sem histórico prévio de exposição intrauterina ao álcool, e sua relação com risco materno para Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) e intensidade do uso de álcool na gestação. METODOLOGIA: Amostra foi constituída de 76 pares de crianças e mães, de doze a treze anos de idade. Para análise do cortisol, foi coletada saliva e feitas análises por radioimunoensaio. RESULTADOS: Em relação à caracterização da amostra em função do risco materno se obteve significância para \"mãe praticante de religião\" (X²: 5,60; p=0,01). Associação significativa foi observada entre T-ACE positivo (Tolerance, Annoyed,Cut Down e Eye-Opener) na produção do Cortisol Awaking Response (CAR) e ritmo circadiano em função do sexo da criança (F: 9,26; p=0,003). Diferença significativa foi observada nas análises de níveis de cortisol em função do risco materno para FASD onde as análises de variância (t-tests) do cortisol ao despertar foram encontradas para \"CID positivo\" (Clasificação Internacional de doenças) (t:-2,659; p=0,01) e para cortisol aos 30 minutos depois de despertar em função de uso de álcool na gestação (t: -2,03 ; p=0,05). Em relação aos níveis de cortisol em função do uso de álcool na gestação, se obteve diferenças significativas para o cortisol aos 30 minutos depois de despertar (t: -2,03; p=0,05). Foram observadas diferenças significativas (p<0,01) para seguintes variáveis: níveis de cortisol em função do risco materno para FASD, álcool na gestação versus escore AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test); Álcool na gestação versus T-ACE; Níveis de cortisol ao despertar versus Níveis de cortisol aos 30 min depois de despertar; Níveis de cortisol aos 30 min depois do despertar versus níveis de cortisol aos 60 min depois de despertar e Níveis de cortisol aos 60 min depois de despertar versus escore do AUDIT. As variáveis, álcool na gestação versus diagnóstico pelo CID, níveis de cortisol ao despertar versus escore do TACE, apresentaram significância (p=0,01). As análises com níveis de cortisol ao despertar versus níveis de cortisol aos 60 min depois de despertar; níveis de cortisol ao despertar versus escore do AUDIT-total; níveis de cortisol aos 30 min depois do despertar versus escore do T-ACE apresentaram significância estatística (respectivamente, p=0,03, p=0,04 e p=0,05). Em relação à avaliação da qualidade do sono em crianças com exposição pré-natal ao álcool por sexo, obteve-se significância para resistência em ir para a cama, para as meninas (p=0,01) e nas análises de correlação se observou diferenças significativas para ansiedade do sono versus níveis de cortisol salivar às 23 horas (p=0,01) e escore do SRQ total versus perturbação respiratória do sono (p=0,02). DISCUSSÃO: Se obteve uma associação entre uso de álcool na gestação e produção de cortisol salivar nos filhos, porém outras variáveis inerentes às mães podem influenciar no desenvolvimento do HPA e na produção de cortisol na pré-adolescência. CONCLUSÃO: Estes resultados podem contribuir para o melhor entendimento da fisiopatologia subjacente às manifestações clínicas de crianças expostas ao álcool durante a gestação e a fundamentar planos de prevenção para evitar que mulheres grávidas consumam álcool na gestação. / INTRODUCTION: Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is a serious public health problem, as it involves great risk related to fetal embryotoxicity and teratogenicity. Fetal alcohol exposure causes the release of glucocorticoids (GC) by the adrenal as consequence of activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Cortisol is the major endogenous glucocorticoid able to interfere with the organic activity, influencing retroinhibition of HPA axis. Furthermore, alcohol consumed during pregnancy can alter fetal development indirectly by disrupting the normal hormonal interactions of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA), hypothalamic-pituitarytireoidal (HPT), and hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) between mother and fetus. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this research was to compare the measurements of salivary cortisol in school age children with and without previous history of intrauterine exposure to alcohol, and their relationship to maternal risk for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and the intensity of alcohol use during pregnancy. METHODOLOGY: The study sample consisted of 76 pairs of children and their mothers, between twelve and thirteen years old. For analysis of cortisol, saliva was collected and analyzes were made by radioimmunoassay method. RESULTS: Results show that, in relation to the characterization of the sample as a function of maternal risk for FASD, significance was obtained for the variable mother religious practice versus score of TACE (Tolerance, Annoyed,Cut Down e Eye-Opener) (X²: 5.60, p=0.01). Statistically significant association was observed between the covariate T-ACE and production of CAR (Cortisol Awaking Response) and circadian rhythm versus sex of the child (F: 9.26, p=0.003). Significant differences were also observed in the analysis of cortisol levels as a function of maternal risk for FASD for the test analysis of variance (t-tests) of cortisol after awakening versus \"negative CID\" and \"positive CID\" (International Clasification of Diseases) (t:-2.659; p=0.01) and cortisol at 30 minutes after awakening versus alcohol use during pregnancy (t:-2.03, p=0.05). In relation to cortisol levels due to the use of alcohol during pregnancy, significant differences were obtained for cortisol at 30 minutes after awakening versus alcohol use during pregnancy (t:-2.03, p=0.05). Significant differences (p<0.01) were found for variables: - cortisol levels as a function of maternal risk for FASD; - alcohol during pregnancy versus score of AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test); - alcohol in pregnancy versus T-ACE; - cortisol levels after awakening versus cortisol levels at 30 min after awakening; - cortisol levels at 30 min after awakening versus cortisol levels at 60 min after awakening and cortisol levels at 60 min after awakening versus score of AUDIT. Analyses of alcohol during pregnancy versus mother diagnose CID (harmful use or dependence), and cortisol levels after awakening versus score of T-ACE showed significance (p=0.01). The analyses of cortisol levels at 60 min after awakening; cortisol levels after awakening versus AUDIT-total; cortisol levels at 30 min after awakening versus score of T-ACE were significant (respectively, p=0.03, p=0.04 and p=0.05). Regarding the assessment of sleep quality in children with prenatal exposure to alcohol by sex, significance was obtained for resistance to going to bed for female children (p=0.01) and through the analysis of correlation was observed significant results for anxiety sleep versus salivary cortisol levels at 23 hours (p=0.01) and score of mother SRQ total versus respiratory sleep disorder (p=0.02). DISCUSSION: An association was found between alcohol use during pregnancy and salivary cortisol in children of women who consumed alcohol during pregnancy, however other variables inherent to mothers could act in the development of the HPA and the production of cortisol in preadolescence. CONCLUSION: These results can contribute to a better understanding of the pathophysiology underlying the clinical manifestations of children exposed to alcohol during pregnancy and to establish a prevention plan to ensure that pregnant women do not consume alcohol during pregnancy.

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