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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experiments of Federated Learning on Raspberry Pi Boards

Sondén, Simon, Madadzade, Farhad January 2022 (has links)
In recent years, companies of all sizes have become increasingly dependent on customer user data and processing it using machine learning (ML) methods. These methods do, however, require the raw user data to be stored locally on a server or cloud service, raising privacy concerns. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to analyze a new alternative ML method, called federated learning (FL). FL allows the data to remain on each respective device while still being able to create a global model by averaging local models on each client device. The analysis in this report is based on two different types of simulations. The first is simulations in a virtual environment where a larger number of devices can be included, while the second is simulations on a physical testbed of Raspberry Pi (RPI) single-board computers. Different parameters are changed and altered to find the optimal performance, accuracy, and loss of computations in each case. The results of all simulations show that fewer clients and more training epochs increase the accuracy when using independent and identically distributed (IID) data. However, when using non-IID data, the accuracy is not dependent on the number of epochs, and it becomes chaotic when decreasing the number of clients which are sampled each round. Furthermore, the tests on the RPIs show results which agree with the virtual simulation. / På den senaste tiden har företag blivit allt mer beroende av ku rs användardata och har börjat använda maskininlärningsmodeller för att processera datan. För att skapa dessa modeller behövs att användardata lagras lokalt på en server eller en molntjänst, vilket kan leda till integritetsproblematik. Syftet med denna rapport är därför att analysera en ny alternativ metod, vid namn ”federated learning” (FL). Denna metod möjliggör skapandet av en global modell samtidigt som användardata förblir kvar på varje klients enhet. Detta görs genom att den globala modellen bestäms genom att beräkna medelvärdet av samtliga enheters lokala modeller. Analysen av metoden görs baserat på två olika typer av simuleringar. Den första görs i en virtuell miljö för att kunna inkluderastörre mängder klientenheter medan den andra typen görs på en fysisk testbädd som består av enkortsdatorerna Raspberry Pi (RPI). Olika parametrar justeras och ändras för att finna modellens optimala prestanda och nogrannhet. Resultaten av simuleringarna visar att färre klienter och flera träningsepoker ökar noggrannheten när oberoende och likafördelad (på engelska förkortat till IID) data används. Däremot påvisas att noggrannheten inte är beroende av antalet epoker när icke-IID data nyttjas. Noggrannheten blir däremot kaotisk när antalet klienter som används för att träna på varje runda minskas. Utöver observeras det även att testresultaten från RPI enheterna stämmer överens med resultatet från simuleringarna. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm

Effect of Black Raspberry Extracts on Colon Cancer Cell Proliferation

Johnson, Jodee Lee 03 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Design and evaluation of a solid-state LiDAR system : for wireless distance measurements

Hagstedt, Christian, Jönsson, Sebastian January 2022 (has links)
The advent of smarter vehicles coupled with declining costs for solid-state light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensors unlocks the potential of cheaper devices that experience less mechanical wear while providing smaller form factors. The early state of the market makes evaluating the limited supply of available sensors interesting. This thesis investigated the possibility of creating a wireless distance measurement system, at relatively low cost, using a commercially available solid-state LiDAR sensor. A complete prototype was designed using a LeddarTech VU8 sensor. The system was fully integrated with a power supply PCB and a 3D printed enclosure. Distance data could be wirelessly transferred via Bluetooth using a Raspberry Pi 4 B. A graphical user interface (GUI) was developed to display distance data and to interact with the system in real-time. The system intends to provide a foundation for future work.

Testing the Perceived Efficacy and Value of a Solar-Powered MoodleBox to Provide Sustainable Educational Support to Underdeveloped Areas

Samaranayake, Pradeepika Nelumdini 12 1900 (has links)
The dissertation aims to expand access through a low-cost technological innovation system S-MLS to learners in underdeveloped areas with difficulties in accessing education. Technology is advancing rapidly. However, many parts of the world need access to educational advances, which are hindered due to war, political situations, and low literacy and income. A qualitative phenomenological approach explores the lived experience using the solar-powered computing and learning management system (LMS) to support the development of educational access in underrepresented societies, developing countries, and rural areas where access to proper classroom education is non-existent. Proof of concept is used with a group of students in a rural area, a developing country, and within an underrepresented population to check the feasibility of using the equipment in a real-world setting. A technology acceptance model would be used to identify the user's perceived interest and user acceptance. The community of inquiry theory would find the first-hand experience and point of view of the learner. The student group interviews would be through semi-structured interviews. Observations, surveys, video/audio recordings, and artifacts would be gathered for further analysis. The data collected would be analyzed using interpretative phenomenology analysis (IPA), close examination, and management of development themes through thoughts, observations, and reflections on the technological experience and future research and implementations provided. The projected finding would be to check that a solar-powered Raspberry Pi system with MoodleBox operating system that runs Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) LMS would be feasible to provide learning underdeveloped areas to enhance education.

Der PiaPi: Ein Instrument aus Nullen, Einsen und LEGO

Kneita, Margreet 19 April 2024 (has links)
Die Masterarbeit stellt die Entwicklung und Anwendung des interdisziplinären High-Fidelity-Prototyps, PiaPi dar. Basierend auf der 'Research through Design' Methode kombiniert der Prototyp LEGO, Musik und Licht, um die Mensch-Computer-Interaktion zu fördern. Eine qualitative Studie zeigt, dass der Prototyp Testpersonen dazu motiviert, kreativ zu interagieren, Neugier weckt und dabei Berührungsängste abbaut. Zur wissenschaftlichen Einordnung wurden Elemente der HCI mit Forschung zu Spaß und Spiel kombiniert. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf dem potenziellen Einsatz des PiaPi als Projekt für den fächerübergreifenden Unterricht an Schulen. Dafür wurden in der Entwicklung verschiedene Aspekte der Pädagogik und Didaktik wie des Informatikunterrichts, Ganztagsangeboten und des fächerübergreifenden Unterrichts berücksichtigt. Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurde mit dem PiaPi ein Prototyp entwickelt, der für die Weiterentwicklung zum Projekt im Rahmen des Informatikunterrichts an Schulen nachweislich geeignet ist.:Inhalt Abkürzungsverzeichnis iv Abbildungsverzeichnis v Tabellenverzeichnis vii Anhang viii 1. Einleitung 1 1.1 Idee und Motivation 1 1.2 Ziel der Arbeit 2 1.3 Forschungsstand 3 1.4 Aufbau der Arbeit 4 2. Wissenschaftliche Grundlagen 5 2.1 Technische und methodische Grundlagen 5 2.1.1 Research through Design 6 2.1.2 Prototypen 8 2.1.3 Mini-Computer Raspberry Pi 12 2.2 Theoretische Grundlagen 14 2.2.1 Spiel und Vergnügen in der Mensch-Computer-Interaktion 15 2.2.2 Visualisierung von Ton 18 2.2.3 Informatik und Schule 23 Informatik an (Grund-)Schulen 23 Fächerübergreifender Unterricht 26 Ganztagsangebote und Ganztagsschulen 27 2.3 Verwandte Projekte 29 2.3.1 Der LEGO-Zug im Museum 29 2.3.2 Das LEGO-Mikroskop - “Hands on” by Yuksel Temiz 33 3. Konzept und Umsetzung des Prototypen 36 3.1 Idee und Entwurf 36 3.1.1 Die Idee 36 3.1.2 Variante A 37 3.1.3 Variante B 41 3.2 Elektrotechnische Umsetzung 43 3.2.1 Aufbau und Funktionen 43 3.2.2 Bauteile des PiaPi 45 Der Raspberry Pi 45 Die Tasten 48 Die LEDs 51 Die IMU 52 3.3 Entwicklung und Implementierung der Software 53 3.3.1 Überblick des Software-Ablaufs 53 3.3.2 Initialisierung und Klassen 54 3.3.3 Vom Tastendruck zum Ton 57 3.3.4 Es werde Licht 59 4. Methodik der Nutzer:innenstudie 60 4.1. Usability Testing 60 4.2 Qualitative Interviews 63 5. Nutzer:innenstudie zum PiaPi 67 5.1 Testung und qualitatives Interview 67 5.2 Auswertung der Studie 71 5.2.1 Interaktion mit dem PiaPi 72 5.2.2 Emotionen der Tester:innen 73 5.2.3 Bewertung der Designbesonderheiten 75 5.2.4 Anwendungsvorschläge und Bewertung der Konzeptidee 76 5.3. Herausforderungen und Erkenntnisse 78 6. Fazit und Ausblick 81 Literaturverzeichnis 86 Selbstständigkeitserklärung 91

Software Defined Radio (SDR) based sensing

Dahal, Ajaya 10 May 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The history of Software-Defined Radios (SDRs) epitomizes innovation in wireless communication. Initially serving military needs, SDRs swiftly transitioned to civilian applications, revolutionizing communication. This thesis explores SDR applications such as Spectrum Scanning Systems, Contraband Cellphone Detection, and Human Activity Recognition via Wi-Fi signals. SDRs empower Spectrum Scanning Systems to monitor and analyze radio frequencies, optimizing spectrum allocation for seamless wireless communication. In Contraband Cellphone Detection, SDRs identify unauthorized signals in restricted areas, bolstering security efforts by thwarting illicit cellphone usage. Human Activity Recognition utilizes Raspberry Pi 3B+ to track movement patterns via Wi-Fi signals, offering insights across various sectors. Additionally, the thesis conducts a comparative analysis of Wi-Fi-based Human Activity Recognition and Radar for accuracy assessment. SDRs continue to drive innovation, enhancing wireless communication and security in diverse domains, from defense to healthcare and beyond.

Iskorišćenje tropa borovnice i maline u formulaciji bezglutenskog keksa sa dodatom vrednošću / Valorisation of blueberry and raspberry pomace through the formulation of value-added gluten-free cookie

Šarić Bojana 29 October 2016 (has links)
<p>Sporedni proizvodi industrijske prerade voća, trop borovnice i maline, postupcima su&scaron;enja i mlevenja prevedeni su u oblik pogodan za aplikaciju u prehrambene proizvode. Ovako dobijeni sastojci imaju visok sadržaj prehrambenih vlakana, esencijalnih masnih kiselina poput linolne i &alpha;-linolenske, a karakteri&scaron;e ih i izbalansiran odnos PUFA/SFA. Od makronutrijenata, u najvećoj koncentraciji prisutni su K, Mg i Ca. Imajući u vidu da su glavne fitohemikalije bobičastog voća polifenolna jediinjenja, u proizvedenim funkcionalnim sastojcima određen je sadržaj ukupnih rastvorljivih polifenola, antocijana i flavonoida, kao i sastav i sadržaj odabranih polifenolnih jedinjenja primenom LC/MS-MS tehnike.<br />Primena osu&scaron;enih i samlevenih tropova kao sastojaka prehrambenih proizvoda ispitana je u formulaciji bezglutenskog keksa, sa ciljem njegovog funkcionalnog obogaćivanja. Za optimizaciju formulacije keksa kori&scaron;ćen je postupak odzivne povr&scaron;ine (RSM), a formulacija u kojoj je bezglutenska sme&scaron;a zamenjena sa 28,2% tropa borovnice i 1,8% tropa maline dobijena je kao optimalna, uzimajući u obzir sve zadate kriterijume. Dodatkom ova dva funkcionalana sastojka u gorenavedenom odnosu, postignuto je značajno pobolj&scaron;anje nutritivnih svojstava bezglutenskog keksa, a dobijeni proizvod po kvalitetu može da parira komercijalno dostupnim funkcionalno obogaćenim keksovima, namenjenim zdravoj populaciji.<br />Rezultati dijetetske interventne studije sprovedene na 20 zdravih, normalno uhranjenih ispitanika ženskog pola, ukazuju da se konzumiranjem kreiranog bezglutenskog keksa u količini od 32 g dnevno, postiže značajna redukcije LDL holesterola, i povećanje nivoa adiponektina u krvi, a budući da se ovaj adipocitni-sekretorni protein dovodi u vezu sa antiinflamatornim i antiaterogenim potencijalom u tretmanu metaboličkog sindroma i dijabetesa tipa 2, može se očekivati protektivno dejstvo kreiranog bezgutenskog keksa.</p> / <p>Blueberry and raspberry pomace, by-products from fruit juice industry, were processed into the new food ingredients by drying and grinding. The obtained functional ingredients are characterized by high content of dietary fibres and essential fatty acids (linoleic and &alpha;-linolenic acid), as well as by optimal ratio of PUFA/SFA. The main macronutrients in dried and ground pomace are K, Mg and Ca. The content of total phenolic compounds, anthocyanins and flavonoids were determined, as well as composition and content of individual phenolic compounds using LC/MS-MS in order to evaluate their antioxidant potential.<br />In the form of dried powder, blueberry and raspberry pomace were used as ingredients in formulation of gluten-free cookies. Response surface methodology (RSM) approach was applied to obtain optimal ingredients proportion. Formulation in which gluten-free flour mixture is substituted with 28.2% of the blueberry and 1.8% of the raspberry pomace was found to be optimal following the used optimization criteria. Addition of blueberry and raspberry pomace has led to a remarkable improvement in nutritional properties, and resulted in a product with similar nutritional profile with commercially available gluten containing cookies.<br />Dietary intervention study on a group of 20 healthy, normal weight female subjects was conducted to investigate the health effect of the created gluten-free cookies. The results showed a significant reduction in levels of LDL cholesterol, and an increase in plasma concentrations of adiponectin, suggesting a potential positive effect of the created product on human health.</p>

Desenvolvimento de nanoemulsões à base de óleo de gergelim aditivadas de óleo de framboesa para queimaduras da pele / Development of sesame indicum oil-based nanoemulsions additived with rubus idaeus oil to skin burn.

Maruno, Monica 09 October 2009 (has links)
Nanoemulsões são emulsões especiais com glóbulos de tamanho na faixa de 20 a 500 nm. São sistemas que apresentam transparência ou fluidez, favorecendo o aspecto sensorial de espalhabilidade e umectação muito interessantes para produtos cosméticos destinados aos cuidados da pele e produtos para a saúde, atuando como sistemas de liberação de fármacos, além da característica nanométrica, que previne processos de instabilidade física. A queimadura da pele é o quadro resultante da ação direta ou indireta do calor sobre o organismo humano causando inflamação proporcionando intensa ação de radicais livres. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo desenvolver nanoemulsões à base de óleo de gergelim aditivadas de óleo de framboesa para aplicação em queimaduras de pele. Os óleos de gergelim e framboesa apresentaram atividade antioxidante nos testes de DPPH e Xantina Oxidase. No desenvolvimento das dispersões o método de preparo por baixa energia, fundamentado na mudança de curvatura da molécula do tensoativo, foi induzido pela temperatura de inversão de fase. O resultado desta pesquisa foram duas nanoemulsões utilizando dois tensoativos derivados do óleo de rícino com diferentes etoxilações. A avaliação da estabilidade foi realizada pelo cálculo do principal mecanismo de instabilidade das nanoemulsões, chamado Ostwald ripening. O projeto também propõe uma nova metodologia para a avaliação in vitro- HET-CAM e, in vivo do eritema através da medida pelo Chroma Meter e transformação em escala dos resultados. A pesquisa demonstrou que as nanoemulsões não preveniram o processo de queimadura da pele dos camundongos hairless, mas sugere uma tendência mais rápida à redução do eritema. / Nanoemulsions are special systems with uniform and extremely small droplet size, in the range of 20500 nm. Due to their characteristic size, some nanoemulsions are optically transparent or translucent and have kinetic stability, low viscosity, that result in excellent espalhability and humectation making them of increasing use in many applications, for example, in cosmetics as personal care formulations, and in pharmaceutical field as drug delivery systems. The skin burn is the result of direct or indirect hot effect over human organism. This situation provokes an inflammatory process with intense action of reactive oxygen species. The aim of this research was the development of sesame indicum oil-based nanoemulsions with raspberry oil for application in skin burn. The sesame and raspberry oils presented antioxidant activity in DPPH test and Oxidase Xantine system. The dispersions were obtained by low energy method, that was based on curvature change of surfactant molecule induced for temperature. It was obtained two nanoemulsions using different surfactant castor oil derivative etoxilated. The stability assessement was realized with the calculation of main instability mechanism, the Oswald ripening rate. This Project has been carried out with an in vitro method to evaluate the toxicity (HET-CAM) and antioxidant activity (DPPH and Xantine Oxidase), and in vivo erytem evaluation with Chroma Meter. The results of in vivo test was transformed in a score, that reflected the level of erythema. This work demonstred nanoemulsion hasn´t prevented the skin burn in hairless rats, but there was a tendency to decrease the erythema.

Room management system : Integrating Raspberry Pi with Graph API

Parsa, Parnia, Hedlund, Björn January 2019 (has links)
The increase in connectivity and use of “smart” devices offers companies new possibilities to improve their efficiency by using digitalization. For example, booking of meeting rooms have gone from using a paper calendar to electronic booking. To enable both digital remote booking, as well as being able to book a room directly (as with a paper calendar) this project has developed a room manager system. The room manager is a device that provides a quick and intuitive way for employees to handle conference room booking. The project was started on behalf of the company ÅF, who would like to optimize their use of conference rooms.  The result was a fully functional touchscreen device built using a Raspberry Pi. The room manager integrates successfully with the existing calendar system used at ÅF and meets all the requirements set by ÅF. The device will be used to determine if a room manager system is worth investing in and may be used as a foundation for continued development.

Uživatelské rozhraní pro adaptivní RCL modul / User interface for adaptive RCL modules

Novitchi, Dumitru January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to create an simple graphic library in the programming C language, through which it will be possible to draw and simulate the basic functions of a car backlight, and subseguently to create the graphic user interface.v The first part of the thesis is based on the study of the given issue, briefly it describes the differences between raster and vector graphics,most used formats, describes diverse color models and the area of their use, ,basic graphic adapters, video memorry and its control in the operating system Linux. In the second part there is stated the practical realization of the basic graphic algorithms needed for drawing the algorithm primitives. An mathematical aparatus described in detail and well-founded with formulas. Also there are the advantages and disatvantages of each used algorithm and their realization in the programming C language. The 3rd and the last part of the thesis is dedicated to the creation of the graphic user interface in the FreePascal programming language and further to the describtion of his main elements.

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