Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cooking system"" "subject:"booking system""
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Implementing a web-based bookingsystem using GoVu, Phi-Long January 2016 (has links)
The project investigated the advantages and disadvantages of Go while abooking system for Tieto was developed. The frameworks and APIs AngularJS,REST, JSON and mongoDB were used during the development of thebooking system. The result was a fully working stand-alone booking systemwith a login functionality. The back-end server was written in Go while thefront-end client was written in JavaScript using AngularJS. / Projektet undersökte fördelarna och nackdelar med Go medan ett bokningssystemför Tieto utvecklades. Under utvecklingen av bokningssystemet såanvändes ramverken och APIerna AngularJS, REST, JSON och mongoDB.Resultatet blev ett fullt fungerande fristående bokningssystem med supportför inloggning. Back-end servern var skriven i Go medan front-end klientenvar skriven i JavaScript med AngularJS.
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Public Health Service Rationing for Elective Surgery in New Zealand: 2004-2007Valentine, Samuel Millward January 2011 (has links)
The New Zealand health system is two-tiered with elective treatments are performed by both publicly funded state hospitals and by private hospitals. Publicly funded operations are rationed using a prioritisation system which was introduced in 1998 to curtail expanding waiting lists for elective surgery. One of the aims of the new booking system was to generate national tools for prioritising patients in order to improve the equality of access to public elective surgery throughout New Zealand. However, priority scoring systems were not implemented in a consistent manner and access to elective surgery remains very unequal. Despite large media attention and a high public profile, waiting times have attracted little research in medical geography or within the wider social sciences community. The subject has been partly reserved for public health commentators within the medical field, who have found that variation in waiting times has much to do with the referral practices of physicians, the management of waiting lists by District Health Board (DHB) staff and the amount of private practice that occurs within each district. Most notably several studies have identified that in areas associated with high private admissions, patients tend to suffer higher waiting times for the same procedures in the public hospital system. This study examines the performance of the New Zealand Booking System (NZBS) during the years 2004 to 2007 to assess the equitable delivery of publicly funded elective surgery procedures. Waiting times (NBRS) and admissions (NMDS) datasets were sourced from the New Zealand Health and Information Service (NZHIS) of The Ministry of Health. Mean and Median waiting times were compared spatially between each of New Zealand’s 21 DHBs, compared with Australian waiting times and then broken down into five common medical specialties. Waiting times were then analysed by ethnicity, level of material deprivation and other individual factors using data from the 2006 New Zealand Census. Finally, rates of admissions were calculated for the public and private hospital sectors during the study period. These were used to correlate waiting times results with the amount of private practice in each DHB. ACC cases were extracted from the dataset to avoid bias in waiting times as much of this work is contracted out to the private sector and not subject to lengthy waiting times for treatment. A number of medical specialists and hospital administrators were interviewed to discuss results, explain prioritisation tools and management practices.
Results showed large variations in the median waiting times of New Zealand DHBs. A north south gradient is observed in which southern DHBs suffer longer waits for care. Vastly better results were observed for Australian public hospitals than those seen in New Zealand. For waiting times as determined by individual factors, Maori and Pacific Island patients and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds suffered longer waiting times nationwide although, in certain DHBs inequalities for access to elective surgery were exacerbated. However, ethnic differences were more pronounced than socio-economic variations. Admissions results showed significant positive correlations between the amount of private practice and the waiting times experienced in each DHB which are supported by previous research. Feedback from interviews confirmed inconsistency in the use of scoring tools, manipulation occurring on behalf of the DHB management to achieve performance goals set by the Ministry of Health and provided some further explanation of the other quantitative results. Access to elective surgery is determined partly by location of residence, ethnicity, deprivation and where hospital resources are located but most importantly by the willingness to pay for treatment within the private hospital sector and the ability to manipulate the public prioritisation system.
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Digitalisering ― På gott och ont? : En kvalitativ studie om äldres användarupplevelser på webbenSaleh, Avan, Dogan, Roni January 2016 (has links)
Society today is becoming increasingly digitalised. This has led to several daily routines that used to be handled either via telephone or face to face, are nowadays being handled via the internet. Important actors in society such as authorities but also companies open their web-sites at the internet, thereby enabling more options for people to interact with them, however the elderly group (+65 years) of users is not being included in the digitalization due to various reasons. The purpose of this study is to explore whether differences in user experience can be found within the elderly group and why. Furthermore, the purpose is to contribute with more material for future development of relevant interfaces. Initially, a group of seniors answered our surveys. Thereafter, the study deepened by doing interviews and observations of seniors when interacting with an online booking system. The result presents a number of factors such as previous experiences but also age related factors that affects the informants’ interaction with the interface. / Samhället präglas idag av en ökad digitalisering, vilket har lett till att ett flertal vardagliga ru-tiner som tidigare skötts antingen på plats med personal eller via telefon numera sköts via internet. Viktiga samhällsaktörer såsom myndigheter men även företag upprättar sina webbplat-ser på internet och därmed möjliggörs fler sätt för människor att interagera med dem. Dock inkluderas inte den äldre (+65 år) användargruppen i digitaliseringen av olika anledningar. Syftet med studien är att förklara huruvida skillnader i användarupplevelse går att finna inom den äldre (+65 år) populationen. Vidare är syftet att bidra till ökat underlag för framtida ut-veckling av relevanta gränssnitt. Initialt fick en grupp pensionärer besvara våra enkäter. Utöver enkätens data fördjupades arbetet genom att utföra intervjuer och observationer av pens-ionärer när de interagerade med ett bokningssystem online. Resultatet presenterar en rad fak-torer såsom tidigare erfarenheter men även åldersrelaterade faktorer som påverkar informan-tens interaktion med gränssnittet.
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QuickBook : Web-based booking system for dinner parties and eventsAbrahamsson, Agnes, Gripsborn, Carolina, Juko, Anto, Kemppainen, Catya January 2020 (has links)
Göteborgs Nation is an organisation in Uppsala led by students at Uppsala University. The student nation provide social activities for the university's students, and they experience certain difficulties with the booking process for their events. There is no standard procedure or single system for this process and a lot of the work has been done manually. When hosting events such as dinner parties with table service, or when renting out their premises to other organisations, there is a large amount of logistical work to compile all the data and to get the different systems to work together. A solution to this problem is QuickBook, which is a web based event booking system with the functionality required to create, market and execute an event, all collected in one place. This system makes the work at Göteborgs Nation easier by reducing the extra steps in the processes. The resulting system has the basic functionality that Göteborgs Nation requested. There is a collection page for all current events that users can browse through and register for. Users can also sign up to become members, log in and see their saved information, registrations and tickets. As an administrator, the staff at Göteborgs Nation can easily create events that are all in uniform, see all registration information that comes in, and even provide credentials for rental organisations to use the system. The functionality that is currently not in place is the ability to launch the web application as it is currently only running locally on a computer, as well as some smaller functions that would make the system easier to use. / Göteborgs nation är en organisation i Uppsala som leds av studenter vid Uppsala universitet. Studentnationen erbjuder sociala aktiviteter för studenterna, och de har vissa problem med bokningsprocessen för olika evenemang. Det finns ingen standardprocess eller ett enda system för utförandet av evenemang och mycket jobb har gjorts manuellt. När Göteborgs nation är värd för ett evenemang som exempelvis middagar med bordsservering, eller när de hyr ut sina lokaler till andra organisationer, krävs det mycket logistiskt arbete för att sammanställa all data. Mycket tid går även åt till att försöka få de olika systemen i processen att gå ihop. En lösning på detta problem är QuickBook, som är ett webbaserat evenemangsbokningssystem med den funktionalitet som krävs för att skapa, marknadsföra samt genomföra ett evenemang, samlat i ett system. Detta system underlättar arbetet på Göteborgs nation genom att minska de extra stegen i processerna. Det resulterande systemet har den grundläggande funktionalitet som Göteborgs nation efterfrågade. Det finns en samlingssida för alla evenemang där användare kan gå igenom all information samt anmäla sig till ett evenemang. Användare kan också bli medlemmar, logga in och se deras sparade information, registreringar och biljetter. Som administratör på websidan kan de anställda på Göteborgs nation enkelt skapa olika evenemang i ett och samma format, se all information från anmälningar samt kunna ge inloggningsuppgifter till andra organisationer som hyr lokalerna för att de ska kunna använda systemet. Funktionaliteten som för närvarande saknas är möjligheten att köra webbapplikationen via andra datorer och nätverk, eftersom den för närvarande enbart körs lokalt på en dator, samt några mindre funktioner som skulle göra systemet mer gynnsamt och lättare att använda.
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An Integrated Room Booking and Access Control System for Public SpacesKamil, Jaffar, Amer, Mohamed January 2023 (has links)
Public spaces, especially educational institutions like universities, encounter challenges with their room booking and access control systems. These challenges commonly manifest as overlapping bookings and unauthorized entry. The latter issue, unauthorized access, specifically stems from inadequate integration between the respective systems. This bachelor thesis introduces a proof-of-concept for a cohesive room booking and access control system to address these issues. The proposed solution encompasses two mobile applications, one as the room reservation platform and the other as the access control mechanism. By integrating the management of bookings and access control, this proof-of-concept aims to overcome the prevalent shortcomings in existing systems. Halmstad University's IT department was consulted during the requirement definition phase to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the common problems, their underlying causes, and possible solutions. The proposed system utilizes common technologies such as NodeJS, Android Studio, and PostgreSQL. Additionally, Mobile BankID is integrated as a unique feature for secure user authentication, providing a trusted and widely-accepted method to verify users' identities. The final results were tested in a simulated environment and indicate that the developed system satisfies the initial requirements, addressing the problems of double bookings and unauthorized access identified during the consultation with the IT department.
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Tentative Interaction Design Principles for the Design of Online Booking SystemsSohaib Amir Khan, Muhammad, Ashraf, Tariq January 2011 (has links)
We see this world rich with culture, emotion, and human connections. The human built world can afford a sense of beauty, sublimity, and resonance, and through our advancements in technology also bringing the advancements in society. At the center of these advancements are interactions, conversations, connections, collaborations, and relationships, within and across multiple disciplines, with and without technology. For the last decades, as the computer technologies have been developing, the importance of human-computer systems interaction problems are also growing with the passage of time. This is not only because of the computer systems performance and characteristics have been improved, but also due to the growing number of computer users and of their expectations about general computer systems capabilities as universal tools for human work and life facilitation. Interface design is important for several reasons and the current growth of the different web applications are characterized by an increasing availability of online different services or products trading and different search facilities like flight search web sites, provided by most commercial airlines. In this study we will therefore create an understanding of the most important interaction design principles for the designers of online booking systems. The research methodology used in the research is design and creation. The method components used in this study are documents and interviews. The theoretical study has identified some important aspects covering the human computer interaction, usability of interactive interface, user feedback and the user-centered design approach for the development of such online booking systems. These aspects have been verified through the three interviews with the interviewees having different experience levels. The result shows that the interaction design is really important in designing of interactive online booking system. Therefore, the designers of such systems need to have an understanding of the most important design principles like the usability and functionality of the system, the approach should be iterative in design, provide proper feedback, minimum steps in booking process, risk management, and user-centered approach should be included in your design principles. It is also important for the designers of online booking systems to be aware of the usability factor of the system. The cognitive psychology is also vital for designers to understand how users think and perceive things. Designers need to have a good balance between context and graphics of the interface of such systems. The result also has been shown in the design of prototype with the most important interaction design principles and other factors. / Program: Magisterutbildning i informatik
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Návrh a realizace služby Rezervačník / Design and implementation of a Rezervacnik serviceHoužvička, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is the design and the realization of the SaaS project Rezervacnik. The thesis itself consist of three parts. The first part defines the SaaS and Cloud Computing, and the establishment of basic advantages and disadvantages of SaaS services. The second part analyzes the information model of the SaaS provider. Introduce are the basic application billing and subscription software for the management of SaaS, which are researched and compared. The last part presents Rezervacnik project and defines the advantages of online booking. After finding a market assumption are designed all parts of the project. Finally, it is presented as part of the implementation.
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Room management system : Integrating Raspberry Pi with Graph APIParsa, Parnia, Hedlund, Björn January 2019 (has links)
The increase in connectivity and use of “smart” devices offers companies new possibilities to improve their efficiency by using digitalization. For example, booking of meeting rooms have gone from using a paper calendar to electronic booking. To enable both digital remote booking, as well as being able to book a room directly (as with a paper calendar) this project has developed a room manager system. The room manager is a device that provides a quick and intuitive way for employees to handle conference room booking. The project was started on behalf of the company ÅF, who would like to optimize their use of conference rooms. The result was a fully functional touchscreen device built using a Raspberry Pi. The room manager integrates successfully with the existing calendar system used at ÅF and meets all the requirements set by ÅF. The device will be used to determine if a room manager system is worth investing in and may be used as a foundation for continued development.
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Webbaserat bokningssystem för grupprum : Utveckling av en prototypNowak, Jesper, Ström Liljengård, Emma January 2015 (has links)
Open-plan offices are widely used by companies today. There is also secluded rooms in the form of group and meeting rooms, although these are often limited in numbers. Not being able to book these rooms when needed leads to problems planning for example customer meetings. Which is also a problem for students in the school world. Today there is a number of studie rooms at Royal Institute of Technology in Kista, school for information and communication technology, where none of them are bookable. Earlier there where bookable studie rooms in the library and in other parts of the school, but such a system is no longer available because of the new facilities. The result of this is that students at the school are not able to plan their studies in an effective way because they do not know if they have a suitable place to study at between lectures or exercises. Because of this there is a need for a system that can provide students the opportunity to book a studie room. The thesis documents the development of a booking system prototype for study rooms. The prototype have been developed with HTML, PHP, PostgreSQL, JavaScript och Ajax. The thesis contains a literature studie of the current booking systems available. An analysis and an evaluation of these systems have been used as a foundation for the development. Interviews of students have been used as a data collection method. Summarizing the students opinion gave an indication of what is required by the system in terms of functionality and the user interface. The project also describes the working methods that have been used. The project resulted in a prototype for the booking system, where users can see all the available study rooms, make a booking, confirm the booking and remove their bookings. The prototype uses a database that is fully modified. The result from an evaluation of the prototype indicates what aspects that needs to be improved in future work. / I dagsläget är öppna kontorslandskap vanligt förekommande hos företag. Det finns avskilda platser i form av grupp- och mötesrum, dessa är dock allt som oftast begränsade till antal. Att inte kunna boka dessa rum vid behov leder till svårigheter att planera till exempel kundmöten. Problemet att kunna boka ett avskilt rum vid behov finns även inom skolvärlden. På Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH) i Kista, skolan för information och kommuniktionsteknik, finns det ett antal grupprum där inga av dem är bokningsbara. Det har tidigare funnits bokningsbara grupprum i biblioteket och i andra delar av skolan men idag saknas ett sådant system på grund av nya lokaler. Detta resulterar i att studenter inte kan planera sina studier på ett effektivt sätt då de inte vet om de har en lämplig studieplats mellan föreläsningar. Därför finns det ett stort behov av ett system där studenterna kan boka grupprummen. Uppsatsen dokumenterar utvecklingen av en prototyp ett bokningssystem för grupprum som gjorts med hjälp av HTML, PHP, PostgreSQL, JavaScript och Ajax. Arbetet beskriver även de arbetsmetoder som använts under arbetets gång. Uppsatsen inkluderar en undersökning av bokningssystem som finns idag. Som datainsamlingsmetod har även intervjuer av studenter använts. Utvärderingen av bokningssystemen som finns idag tillsammans med resultatet av intervjuerna gav en indikation om vad som krävs av bokningssystemets användargränssnitt och funktionalitet. Arbetet resulterade i en prototyp av bokningssystemet där användaren kan se vilka grupprum som är lediga, boka grupprum, kvittera bokningar och ta bort bokningar. Prototypen använder en databas som modellerats och implementerats. En evaluering av prototypen resulterade i vad som kan förbättras i ett framtida arbete.
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Skräddarsy ditt bokningssystem för bättre användarvänlighet : Från en förenings perspektivStegler, Albin January 2024 (has links)
This work was conducted with the intention of designing and developing a purpose-built booking system for the non-profit organization E-town Gaming. The purpose of the project is to develop a user friendly and purpose-made system to fulfill the associations specific needs and demands, to manage and administer bookings to a LAN event. Further on the goal was to answer the research questions about what disadvantages there is with premade booking systems and how you can improve the user experience with the principles from the book “Don’t Make Me Think.” To answer the questions a literature review, interview study and user tests was conducted. The results from the literature study identified important design principles to achieve user friendliness. The interview study with a person that had used the old booking system highlighted problems with the premade system and the user test decided if the implementation of the design principles from the book improved the user experience of the tool. From the collected data the system got designed and developed to book seats for a LAN event. The system provides functionality to manage user registration, choice of seat, form with personal information and confirmation of booking. The work showed that the implementation of design principles from the book improved the user experience. The users experienced the system as more clear, easier to use and more intuitive. From the interview problems such as support, cost and functionality were highlighted. / Detta arbete är utfört med avsikt att designa och utveckla ett anpassat bokningssystem för den ideella föreningen E-town Gaming. Syftet med arbetet var att utveckla ett användarvänligt och skräddarsytt system som uppfyller föreningens specifika krav och behov för att hantera bokningar till ett LAN evenemang. För att sedan besvara forskningsfrågorna om vilka nackdelar som finns med färdiga bokningssystem och hur man kan öka användarvänligheten med designprinciper från boken ”Don’t Make Me Think”. För att besvara frågorna utfördes en litteraturstudie, intervjustudie och användartester. Resultaten från litteraturstudien identifierade viktiga designprinciper för att uppnå användarvänlighet. Intervjustudien med en användare av det tidigare bokningsverktyget lyfte fram nackdelar med befintliga färdigutvecklade system och användartesterna bidrog till att hitta förbättringsområden i den egna prototypen och avgjorde om implementering av designprinciperna från boken förbättrade användarvänligheten av verktyget. Utifrån insamlade data designades och utvecklades ett nytt bokningssystem för bokning av platser till ett LAN event. Systemet tillhandahåller funktionalitet för användarregistrering, val av plats, formulär för personlig information och bekräftelse av bokning. Arbetet visade att implementeringen av designprinciper från boken förbättrade användarupplevelsen. Användarna upplevde systemet som tydligare, enklare att navigera och mer intuitivt. Från Intervjun lyftes många problemområden med ett färdigt bokningsverktyg som support, kostnad och funktionalitet.
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