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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Foreign Direct Investment in Cuba : A study on the 2014 reforms

Swartling, Gustaf, Johansson, William January 2018 (has links)
Since the Soviet collapse in 1991, Cuba tried intensively to attract foreign direct investments in order to improve the economic situation. The first reform was made in 1995, which was not a success, since both foreign direct investment and joint ventures decreased in the beginning of the 21st Century. In response, the government implemented a new law concerning foreign direct investment in 2014, with more relaxed regulations and increased benefits for the investors. This study aimed to examine whether the 2014 reform had solved the problems that existed under the previous law and the new reforms had helped Cuba’s exports. The purpose was therefore to investigate to which industry foreign direct investment should be allocated. The study took two approaches. First, it applied the Revealed Comparative Advantage model to distinguish effective from ineffective industries. It included a field study that aimed to gain understanding of the effect the new law has had so far, and whether it could improve exports. In addition, the field study attempted to determine where foreign direct investment should be allocated. The results indicated that Cuba has a comparative advantage in two industries: mining and agriculture. These industries were therefore examined in the field study. Key findings showed that ongoing issues, such as bureaucracy, lack of legal security and the wage policies of government employment agencies still exist, despite the introduction of new legislation. However, the new law may create increasing export possibilities in the food and mining industries, since Cuba has an outwardly-orientated policy and large factor proportions in agriculture and mining that could be exploited. / Minor Field Study (MFS)

In situ molecular profilling of the microenvironment of breast carcinoma

Kaira, Mustapha January 2015 (has links)
High stromal PDGF receptor B expression was shown to have strong prognostic value in a studyinvolving over 600 breast cancer patients however, the molecular role of the receptor in tumordevelopment remains unclear. In this project we studied the spatial distribution and expressionlevels of a panel genes and markers associated with PDGF signaling, in breast cancer tumormicroenvironment (TME) using a newly developed technique -in situ sequencing. The techniquerelies on padlock probes which we validated with corresponding RNA sequencing, microarray,and immunohistochemistry data. Our results showed that high PDGF receptor B mRNA colocalizedwith markers of two pathways, TGFβ and Hedgehog signaling; this suggests that theymight contribute to the PDGF-receptor B-driven tumor growth. We also showed that stromalPDGF signaling is stimulated predominantly by tumor cells. Finally, further expression profilingof each individual gene revealed that CXCL14 was mainly expressed in the stroma, ACTA2expression was enriched in the tumor/stroma boundary while the stem-cell marker, OCT3, wasexpressed in the interior of the tumor cells.

Multidimensionale Darstellung der proximalen RCA in 3D4D- Technik im Vergleich zur Koronarangiographie

Lange, Katharina 22 May 2014 (has links)
Das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war die Analyse der Detektierbarkeit von Stenosen und Lumenverschlüssen im proximalen Bereich der rechten Koronararterie mit konventioneller 2D- und 3D- Echokardiographie von transthorakal. Zusätzlich wurden die Befunde der 3D-Echoloops mit den Untersuchungsergebnissen der Koronarangiographie verglichen. Methodisch wurden daher bei Patienten mit bestehender Indikation zur Koronarangiographie vorhergehende zweidimensionale parasternale Lang- (n=91) und Kurzachsenaufnahmen (n=76), sowie parasternale dreidimensionale (n=91) echokardiographische Aufnahmen des Ostiums und der proximalen Region der rechten Herzkranzarterie durchgeführt. Durch zusätzliche Schnittebenen der proximalen Abschnitte der rechten Koronararterie sollte die konventionelle zweidimensionale Echokardiographie für eine Stenosendetektion ergänzt werden. Diese ermöglichten eine genaue Darstellung der rechtskoronaren Morphologie im proximalen Gefäßbereich. Maximal konnten die proximalen 35mm der rechten Koronararterie untersucht werden. Die Ergebnisse der einzelnen verschiedenen echokardiographischen Dokumentationen wurden miteinander und mit denen der Koronarangiographie verglichen. Insgesamt zeigten sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den Ergebnissen der 2D Echokardiographie und der Koronarangiographie. Die Diameter der Streckenmessungen an der rechten Koronararterie in der 3D-Echokardiographie und der Koronarangiographie sind hingegen in ihren Mittelwerten signifikant verschieden. Dies ist durch häufigere Sekantenanschnitte der Gefäße mittels Echokardiographie bedingt. Die höchste Sensitivität konnte mittels 3D-Echokardiographie (98%) nachgewiesen werden, wohingegen die zweidimensionale Technik bessere Spezifitäten (91% in 2D-Langachsen- und 92% in 2D-Kurzachsen-Aufnahmen) aufweist. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen den Nutzen der Echokardiographie im klinischen Alltag zur intravasalen Stenosendetektion der rechten Koronararterie.:1 Einleitung 1 2 Material und Methoden 5 2.1 Verwendete Geräte 5 2.1.1 Speckle Tracking Analyse durch Automated Function Imaging (AFI) 6 2.2 Patienten 9 2.2.1 Echokardiographische Untersuchung 9 2.2.2 Herzkatheteruntersuchung 11 2.3 Studiendauer 12 2.4 Datenerhebung und Auswertung 13 2.4.1 Postprocessing der echokardiographischen 3D-Datensätze 14 2.5 Statistische Verfahren 16 3 Ergebnisse 18 3.1 Informationen zum Studienprotokoll 18 3.2 Längen der dokumentierten RCA 18 3.3 Durchmesser der rechten Herzkranzarterie 19 3.4 Spezifität und Sensitivität der echokardiographischen Darstellung einer rechtskoronaren Stenose oder eines Verschlusses 20 3.4.1 Sensitivität und Spezifität der RCA-Stenosen- und Verschlussdetektion mittels Echokardiographie in der 2D-Darstellung der langen Achse parasternal 22 3.4.2 Sensitivität und Spezifität der RCA-Stenosen- und Verschlussdetektion mittels Echokardiographie in der 2D-Darstellung der kurzen Achse parasternal 22 3.4.3 Sensitivität und Spezifität der RCA-Stenosen- und Verschlussdetektion mittels Echokardiographie in der 3D-Darstellung parasternal 22 3.5 Bland-Altman Plot 23 3.5.1 Minimale Diameter der 2D-Echokardiographie lange Achse im Vergleich zur Koronarangiographie 24 3.5.2 Minimale Diameter der 2D-Echokardiographie kurze Achse im Vergleich zur Koronarangiographie 26 3.5.3 Minimale Diameter der 3D-Echokardiographie im Vergleich zur Koronarangiographie 28 3.6 Normalverteilung und Mittelwertvergleich 30 3.6.1 Weite der RCA-Durchmesser der 2D- Echokardiographie lange Achse versus Koronarangiographie 30 Test auf Normalverteilung 30 Student-t-Test auf Signifikanz der Mittelwerte 31 3.6.2 Weite der RCA-Durchmesser der 2D-Echokardiographie kurze Achse versus Koronarangiographie 32 Test auf Normalverteilung 32 Student-t-Test auf Signifikanz der Mittelwerte 33 3.6.3 Werte der RCA-Durchmesser der 3D Echokardiographie versus Koronarangiographie 34 Test auf Normalverteilung 34 Student-t-Test auf Signifikanz der Mittelwerte 35 3.7 Fallbeispiele 36 3.7.1 Gesunde Studienteilnehmer 36 3.7.2 Messergebnisse: Durchmesserbestimmungen durch echokardiographische 2D- Langachsenaufnahmen versus Koronarangiographie 40 3.7.3 Messergebnisse: Durchmesserbestimmungen durch echokardiographische 2D-Kurzachsenaufnahmen versus Koronarangiographie 46 3.7.4 Messergebnisse: Durchmesserbestimmungen durch echokardiographische 3D-Aufnahmen versus Koronarangiographie 49 Drei Patientenbeispiele mit detektiertem RCA-Verschluss 50 3.8 Patientenbeispiele mit möglichen Fehlerquellen der Befundinterpretation (Bedeutung einer sorgfältigen retrospektiven Analyse) 60 4 Diskussion 69 5 Zusammenfassung 76 6 Literaturverzeichnis 79 7 Anhang 83 7.1 Erklärung über die eigenständige Abfassung der Arbeit 83 7.2 Lebenslauf 84 7.3 Danksagung 86

Advanced Detection Methods of Genomic Barcodes for Genotyping Escherichia coli Libraries

Eger, Nicole January 2021 (has links)
Pooled cell strain libraries are a powerful tool allowing to investigate the influence of genetic modifications on phenotypes in high throughput single-cell assays. To link the genotype to phenotype in each cell of the library, unique 20 base pairs (bp) long barcodes are used to allow in situ genotyping after phenotyping via fluorescence microscopy. In previous studies, these barcode sequences were expressed from high copy number plasmids resulting in a high number of targets for detection via fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and thus, a strong readout signal. However, constant selection pressure must be applied on the cells to maintain the foreign plasmid DNA which may influence the phenotype. Inserting unique barcodes on the chromosome ensures stability of the construct which is required for some genomic library applications. However, the low copy number of the barcode sequence often requires an additional step of DNA amplification for efficient detection. In this study, two methods for barcode amplification were investigated. First, amplification from the double stranded DNA upon binding of peptide nucleic acids and subsequent amplification via rolling circle amplification (AmPPR). Second, amplification from genomic DNA or cDNA via loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). Whereas the AmPPR approach remained unsuccessful, chromosomal barcode sequences were successfully amplified in situ via LAMP and subsequently detected using FISH. I show that LAMP can potentially be a quick, specific, and elegant amplification technique for in situ genotyping in microfluidic devices. However, nonspecific amplification and partly nonspecific readout signals when using LAMP remain a problem and need to be further investigated before implementing this method on pooled libraries.

Betong med krossad betongballast / Concrete with crushed concrete aggregates

Kaas Ishøy, Nicklas, Seignér, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka sex olika betongrecept och ingående ballasten för dess frysegenskaperna, tillsammans med deras krympning. Arbetets mål är att göra en beskrivning av hur betong och ballast, bestående av återvunnen ballast, består sig med dess frostbeständighets egenskaper och krympning i jämförelse med recept bestående av naturstensballast. Provkropparna utsätts för olika påfrestningar i laboratoriemiljö där prövningarna utgår från standarder SIS-CEN/TS 12390–9:2016, SS-EN 1367–1:2007 och SS 13 72 15. Projektet är ett samarbete som bedrivs mellan Högskolan i Borås där denna experimentella studie utförs och lokala företag som i detta examensarbete är Ulricehamn Betong och Hedared Sand och Betong. Två referens recept från företagen har använts och utifrån dessa har två nya betongblandningar tagits fram, en med ersättning av naturballast mot 50 % RCA (recycled concrete aggregates) och ett med 100 % ersättning av all ballast med RCA. Betongen benämns recept 1 M50 respektive recept 1 M100. Vattencementtalet för dessa recept har inte förändrats, meningen är att miljöpåverkan av cement inte ökar när naturgruset byts ut eftersom naturgruset är en ändlig vara. Genom ersättning av naturgrus med återvunnen betong värnar man om naturgruset som är en ändlig vara. Ballast klassificeras som frostbeständig om de antingen har en lägre vattenabsorption än 1 % eller uppnår kravet F1 enligt standarden SS 137003:2015, vilket är att ha en lägre massminsking än 1 % efter frys- töprovningen. Ballasten som användes i provningarna bestod av blandade kornfraktioner vars siktkurvan jämförs före och efter frys- töprovningen. NAC (Natural Aggregates Concrete) visar små variationer på före och efter testerna, medan RCA avviker från siktkurvorna. Enligt denna studie uppnår fraktionerna 8–16 mm av recept 1 REF och recept 1 M50 upp till kravet F1. Resultatet på frostbeständigheten av betongen visar att recepten med luftporbildande medel har betydligt högre motstånd mot frostangrepp. Enligt standarden SIS-CEN/TS 12390–9:2016 ska recepten klara kravet på upp 1,0 kg/m2 avflagning efter 56 cykler. I denna studie utsattes betongen för 28 frys- töcykler. Trendlinjen för maxavflagning efter 28 cykler är 0,5 kg/m2. Efter 28 cykler hade recept 1 en avflagning på 0,35 kg/m2 och recept 1 M100 en avflagning på 0,51 kg/m2, medan resterande recept låg över den maximala avflagningen. Krympningen av normal betong 0,5 ‰ vid RF 50 %, vilket för våra provkroppar på 200 mm är 0,1 mm. Recept 2 M50 har enligt våra undersökningar en större krympning under de första 7 dagarna än detta vilket betyder att alla andra recept klarar kraven förutom detta. Att recepten beter sig olika avseende både krympning och svällning beror på att de innehåller olika sorters ballast, som även den kan krympa och påverka betongen. RCA har högre vattenabsorption än den ursprungliga ballasten vilket resulterar i att den har en större torkningskrympning. / The purpose of this work is mainly to investigate six different concrete recipes and aggregates for its freezing properties, together with their shrinkage. The goal is to make a description of how concrete and aggregates, of recycled aggregates, consists with its antifreeze and shrinkage in comparison with the recipe of natural stone aggregates. The specimens are exposed to various strains in laboratory environment according to SIS-CEN / TS 12390–9: 2016, SS-EN 1367–1: 2007 and SS 13 72 15. The project is a collaboration between the University of Borås where this experimental study is conducted and local companies. The companies in this degree project are Ulricehamn Betong and Hedared Sand och Betong. Two reference recipes from these companies have been used and from these, two new recipes have been prepared with new concrete mixes. One with replacement of natural ballast to 50 % RCA (recycled concrete aggregates) and one with 100 % RCA. The water-cement ratio for these recipes are the same as the reference recipes. The intention is that the environmental impact of cement does not increase when the natural gravel is replaced because the natural gravel is a finite product. Aggregates is classified as frost resistant if it has a water absorption lower than 1 % or meet the requirement F1 according to the standard SS 137003:2015, which means having a lower mass reduction than 1 % after freeze-thaw test. The aggregates used in the experiments consisted of mixed fractions and their sieve curve is compared with before and after freeze-thaw test. NAC (Natural Aggregates Concrete) show slight differences before and after tests, while recipes with RCA differ from the sight curves. According to this study only recept 1 REF and recept 1 M50 of the fractions 8-16 mm meets the requirement of F1. The results on the frost resistance of the different concrete recipes show that the recipes with air pore-forming agents have significantly higher resistance against frost attack. According to the standard SIS-CEN / TS 12390–9: 2016, the recipes must meet the requirement of 1.0 kg/m2 flaking after 56 cycles. In this study, the concrete was exposed to 28 freeze-thaw cycles. After 28 cycles, recept 1 had a flaking of 0.35 kg/m2 and recept 1 M100 a flaking of 0.51 kg/m2, while the remaining recipes were above the maximum flaking. The shrinkage of normal concrete is 0,5 ‰ at RF 50 %, which for our test bodies of 200 mm is 0,1 mm. Recept 2 M50 has according to our experiments a bigger shrinkage than this after 7 days, which means that all other recipes meet the requirements except this one. The recipes behave different in terms of both shrinkage and swelling is because they contain different kinds of aggregates, these aggregates can affect the concrete. RCA has higher water absorption than original aggregates, which results in it having a greater drying shrinkage.

An investigation of the surface fluxes and other parameters in the regional climate model RCA1 during ice conditions / En undersökning i hur bra den regionala klimatmodellen RCA1 beskriver olika parametrar över is, i huvudsak de turbulenta flödena

Tisell, Camilla January 2004 (has links)
In this study data from the regional climate model RCA1 is compared to measured data to investigate how good the model is during ice conditions and mainly how well the turbulent surface fluxes are described by the model. Comparisons of the sensible heat flux and the momentum flux as well as mean parameters are included. The measured data used are from the Bothnian Bay measured during the BASIS field experiment in February to March 1998. RCA1 (Rossby Centre regional Atmospheric model) is a regional climate model for Northern Europe based on HIRLAM and forced by ERA-40 data. Two different grid points of the RCA1 44 km grid have been chosen with geographical coordinates as close as possible to the two measuring sites. The first site is a small peninsula south of the town Umeå at the east coast of Sweden and the second one is the ship R/V Aranda anchored in the sea ice outside the Finnish west coast. The model presents generally too large negative (downward) sensible heat fluxes and too large momentum fluxes over ice. The largest difference between modelled and measured sensible heat fluxes are seen after warm front passages due to melting conditions. There are some uncertainties in the comparison of modelled fluxes and measured fluxes at Umeå due to a complex and varying ice cover around this measuring site. The vertical structure in the atmosphere has also been studied and modelled temperature, wind and humidity profiles were compared to radiosondes at the Umeå site. Two periods with on-ice flow and off-ice flow was analysed and one of the main differences was that for the on-ice situation an internal boundary layer was built up over the ice. Modelled profiles are generally smoother then measured profiles and inversions and other small-scale phenomena like low-level jets are almost never described correctly by the model but there are tendencies of the phenomena to occur. / Sammanfattning av ”En undersökning i hur bra den regionala klimatmodellen RCA1 beskriver olika parametrar över is, i huvudsak de turbulenta flödena”. I denna undersökning har den regionala klimatmodellen RCA1 jämförts med mätdata för att se hur bra modellen är över is och framförallt hur bra den beskriver de turbulenta flödena över is. RCA1 är en regional klimatmodell för norra Europa baserad på HIRLAM och som drivs av ERA-40 data. Modelldata har jämförts med mätdata från två platser i Bottenviken, en liten halvö utanför Umeå på den svenska östkusten och forskningsfartyget Aranda som var fastankrad i havsisen utanför Finlands västkust. Mätningarna gjordes under BASIS fältexperiment i februari till mars 1998. Modellen ger generellt för stora negativa (nedåtriktade) sensibla värmeflöden över is och likaså för stora impulsflöden över is. Den största skillnaden mellan modellvärden och mätningar förekom efter det att varmfronter passerat och detta beror delvis på smältförhållanden. I jämförelsen av de turbulenta flödena beräknade av RCA och de uppmäta turbulenta flödena från Umeå finns det vissa osäkerheter pga. den komplicerade issituationen runt denna mätplats med mycket varierande isförhållanden. Den vertikala strukturen i atmosfären har också undersökts och temperatur, vind och fuktighetsprofiler har jämförts. Två perioder varav en där det blåste från havet mot isen (on-ice) och en där det blåste från isen mot havet (off-ice) valdes ut och en av skillnaderna var att det bildades ett internt gränsskikt över isen i on-ice perioden. Modellen har en tendens att släta ut profilerna och småskaliga fenomen som inversionsskikt, inversionshöjder och low-level jets är nästan aldrig korrekt beskrivna i modellen men det finns tendenser till inversioner och vindmaximum.

Synthesis of gold nanoparticles for rapid genotyping of M. tuberculosis using rolling circle amplification and nanoflare technology

García Mayo, Susana January 2017 (has links)
Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, with an incidence in a quarter of the world population. Despite the scientific and technological advances, an effective diagnostic method has not yet been found that allows an early diagnosis and, also, to detect the strain present in the patient. The combination of nanotechnology with molecular diagnostics has shown promising advances offering new possibilities, such as the development of nanoflares.  Nanoflares represent a new class of molecular probes, composed of gold nanoparticles functionalized with a recognition sequence that can be amplified by rolling circle amplification (RCA) technique, producing a fluorescence signal.  This thesis focuses in the synthesis of gold nanoparticles, with different coatings and sizes, as well as their subsequent application in the preparation and optimization of nanoflares for the genotyping of synthetic M. tuberculosis targets using RCA technique. The different preparations of nanoflares have an impact in the assay sensitivity, showing two times increase in sensitivity for citrate-coated nanoparticles with respect to those coated with PEG. Furthermore, it was observed that the sensitivity is directly related to the synthesized particle size.  Sensitivity is also affected by the application of a purification post-treatment of the synthesis product. This post-treatment reduces the sensitivity of nanoflares by up to 37% but, by contrast, extends its useful life.  The results obtained are shown as a proof of concept for a future cost-effective, rapid and robust in situ diagnostic method that identifies the strain of tuberculosis present in the patient.

Investigation on the Overall Performance of Recycled Concrete Affected by Alkali-Silica Reaction

Ziapourrazlighi, Rouzbeh 17 April 2023 (has links)
Pressure is mounting in the concrete industry to adopt eco-efficient methods to reduce CO₂ emissions. Portland cement (PC), an essential concrete ingredient, is responsible for over two-thirds of the embodied energy of the concrete, generating about 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Extraction and transportation of aggregates and raw materials that comprise concrete mixes are also directly linked to their embodied energy; thus, recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) have been proposed as a promising alternative to increase sustainability in new construction. In this context, many studies have been conducted over the past decades on the properties of RCA concrete. Recent studies have shown that suitable fresh (i.e., flowability) and short-term hardened (i.e., compressive strength) properties might be achieved when the unique microstructural features of RCA are accounted for in the mix-design process of the recycled concrete. However, manufacturing RCA from construction demolition waste (CDW) or returned concrete (RC) presents its unique challenges. Amongst others, the variation in the source of RCA and the presence of damage due to several deterioration mechanisms causes major concern. Due to the presence of reactive aggregates in many quarries in Canada, alkali-silica reaction (ASR) is one of the most common deterioration mechanisms. The durability and long-term performance of RCA concrete are not fully understood and should be further investigated, especially in regards to a) the potential of further (secondary) deterioration of recycled concrete bearing coarse and fine alkali-silica reactive aggregates b) the impact of the severity of the initial reaction on mechanical properties and kinetics of expansion in recycled concrete and c) the impact of using sound and alkali-silica reaction (ASR) affected RCA on the chloride diffusivity (and thus corrosion initiation) of concrete. This work aims to appraise the durability performance of RCA concrete made of 100% coarse RCA, particularly two families of RCA selected (i.e., returned concrete RCA, demolished concrete RCA) to represent waste currently being generated. Furthermore, two types of reactive aggregates are selected to investigate the impact of the source of the reaction (i.e. reactive coarse aggregate as original virgin aggregate - OVA and reactive sand within the residual mortar - RM) within the RCA. ASR is the distress mechanism used to introduce damage to the manufactured RCA. A new mix design technique was used to produce recycled concrete mixtures to increase eco-efficiency, improve fresh-state properties, and reduce cement use in RCA concrete. In conclusion, the initial reaction's location and severity significantly impact the compressive strength, SDT parameters, chloride diffusion rate, and shear strength of concrete specimens. Specifically, the location of the initial reaction can influence the distribution and extension of damage within the various parts of recycled concrete, while the severity of the initial reaction can affect the overall integrity of the aggregates as well as the availability of silica and alkalis for secondary reaction. These results demonstrate the importance of assessing the severity of the initial reaction and its source in order to ensure the durability and long-term performance of recycled concrete made with reactive RCA.

Rolling circle amplification(RCA)法により調製される長鎖一本鎖DNA(lss-DNA)を利用した核酸構造体のドラッグデリバリーシステムへの応用に関する研究

伊藤, 公一 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(薬学) / 甲第23845号 / 薬博第852号 / 新制||薬||242(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院薬学研究科薬学専攻 / (主査)教授 髙倉 喜信, 教授 山下 富義, 教授 小野 正博 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM

<b>Carbon capturing living-engineered materials: Novel methods to create bio-receptive cementitious composites</b>

Husam Hesham Elgaali (18422775) 22 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The construction industry is one of the largest contributors to carbon emissions, abiotic depletion of natural resources, and waste generation due to the vast quantity of concrete produced. Concrete’s main components have a significant environmental impact. The manufacturing of cement is responsible for 8% of global carbon emissions. In 2019, over 45 billion tons of aggregates were produced. Furthermore, the production of concrete generated over 600,000 tons of concrete waste in 2018.</p><p dir="ltr">Conversely, vegetation consumes 30% of the global carbon dioxide emissions. Recent studies indicated that cryptogamic species, and in particular moss, present a CO<sub>2</sub> uptake of 6.43 billion metric tons more than bare soil. Cryptogamic covers, such as moss and other CO<sub>2</sub> sequestering organisms, are key for the global cycles of carbon and nitrogen. By promoting the growth of living cryptogamic organisms in concrete building facades and roofs, the carbon footprint of concrete can greatly decrease, potentially achieving sub-zero carbon footprint. To attain this solution, cementitious composites must be designed to have an improved bio-receptivity, defined as a material's ability to be colonized by living organisms, or as a substrate to grow living organisms.</p><p dir="ltr">Previous studies show that the bio-receptivity of cementitious composites depends on a material’s acidity and ability to capture and retain water. Yet, the inter-relationship between these properties and bio-receptivity is currently not well understood. Additionally, existing methods to achieve enhanced bio-receptivity in cementitious composites in terms of are often either expensive or counterproductive in terms of sustainability.</p><p dir="ltr">This thesis aims to investigate and develop new methods to create ultra-sustainable composites with enhanced bio-receptivity and low abiotic depletion of natural resources. Additionally, this thesis aims to understand the importance, inter-relationship, and influence of the acidity and water storage properties of cementitious composites on their bio-receptivity.</p><p dir="ltr">The first portion of this thesis is focused on proposing a new method to enhance bio-receptivity of precast cementitious composites elements through accelerated CO<sub>2</sub> exposure treatment and elucidating the function of recycled concrete aggregate use to create ultra-sustainable composites with enhanced bio-receptivity and low abiotic depletion of natural resources. Thus, this study simultaneously tackles the reduction of waste generation and abiotic depletion of natural resources, as well as the promotion of bio-receptivity while reducing the net carbon footprint of the cementitious composites. Results suggested that the proposed accelerated CO<sub>2</sub> exposure treatment enhanced the bio-receptivity of mortars, especially in mortars with RCFA. The combined effect of the RCFA’s high porosity plus the effect of accelerated CO<sub>2</sub> exposures decrease on pH drastically enhanced the ability of promoting moss growth on mortars, enabling the production of low carbon bio-receptive cementitious material with a sub-zero abiotic depletion of natural resources.</p><p dir="ltr">The purpose of the second portion of this thesis was focused on understanding of the inter-related role of the mortar’s porosity, water absorption, and surface pH on the bio-receptivity of cementitious composites. This portion of this thesis also focused on creating a predictive model of bio-receptivity of mortars as a function of water storage properties and surface pH. By conducting this study, the extent of importance of the water storage properties and surface pH on bio-receptivity can be determined. Results suggested that w/c ratio heavily influences the bio-receptivity of mortar, in which a higher w/c ratio increases bulk porosity, water absorption, and decreases the average surface pH. The use of accelerated CO<sub>2</sub> exposure improved bio-receptivity due to and decrease in average surface pH. Additionally, the combined effects of high w/c ratio and accelerated exposure CO<sub>2</sub> exhibited even greater improvements in bio-receptivity. Furthermore, the increase in w/c ratio resulted in the mitigation of accelerated CO<sub>2</sub> exposure adverse effects on bulk porosity and absorption. The developed bio-receptive predictive model successfully predicts the bio-receptivity of mortars as a function of the average surface pH and water absorption. This bio-receptivity prediction model provides us with an instrument to assist in engineering concretes with a target bio-receptivity. The results of this study also show that, while previous literature indicated a maximum pH of 5.0-5.5 to produce a bio-receptive cementitious composite, the pH threshold to obtain a bio-receptive cementitious composite depends on other factors such as porosity of the material, and it is possible to create bio-receptive concretes with a surface pH of 6.2-8.3.</p><p dir="ltr">This research will contribute to creating target-by-design living-engineered concrete facades that can capture CO<sub>2</sub> while reducing the consumption of natural resources.</p>

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