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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Högvattenföring ochriskbedömning i svensk miljö / High flows and risk evaluation in Swedish environment

Andersson, Edwin, Gulding, William January 2019 (has links)
Rapporten ämnar utvärdera potentiella begränsningar inom vattenkraftsindustrin i relation till högvattenföring under ett skiftande klimat. Detta görs genom en litteraturstudie gällande lagar och föreskrifter, samt med en modellering av de flödesförändringar som uppstår i den övre delen av Pite älv i norra Sverige som en konsekvens av ett skiftande klimat. Modelleringen görs med HBV-96 och fyra olika scenarion med ett modellerat referensflöde. Vattenkraftsindustrin är för det mesta reglerad privat med egenkontroller, med krav för inrapportering till länsstyrelsen för de dammar vars bristning kan orsaka stor skada.Modelleringen och scenarierna fann en tendens till svagare vårfloder som en konsekvens av ökad medeltemperatur. Ökningen i medeltemperatur har inga observerade direkta effekter på vattenföring under sensommar och höst, men potential för indirekt påverkan finns. Om nederbörd ökar, som förväntat, kommer vi se en ökning i volym av vatten i älven. Resultatet ser ingen krav för anpassning till större flöden i en snar framtid då de kraftigaste flödena under våren kommer minska, däremot lär ett skifte i beteendet av den årliga vattenföringen ske med ett flöde som är mer beroende av nederbörd istället för snösmältning. Detta medför en uppmaning till förändring i korttidsstrategi med hjälp av större marginal i dammens vattenhöjd tillsammans med modellering och väderprognoser, främst under sensommar och höst. / The focus of this paper is on the changing conditions in the hydrological flow of the upper half of Pite älv in Northern Sweden as a consequence of the changes that comes with global warming. This was done by modelling the water flow with the HBV-96 model as its basis which then ran four different scenarios based on predictions for how the climate will have changed by year 2100. The paper also discusses the limitations with this applied method. The study found that in the case of dam failure the owner is responsible for the damages, furthermore the owner is recommended to model potential limitations and dangers, but there is no requirement for this. State actors which oversees and keep tabs on all issues regarding water safety exists for every county, though their involvement appear somewhat limited and does not extend to close monitoring of the dams. The study found a decrease in the volume of spring floods due to a decrease in snow storage because of increasing temperatures. Furthermore, the increase in mean temperature has no notable direct effect on the autumn precipitation and water flow but potential indirect consequences are discussed. If precipitation were to increase during autumn as predicted, we will see an increase in both the peaks and amount of autumn high flows. However, these peaks will be lower than the current spring floods. We conclude that in large there is no reason for large changes in how the hydro industry conducts itself in relation to regulation of water flow in terms of infrastructure. There is however, possibly a need to increase the margin which one can store water in dams during longer periods with high flow together with more reliance on meteorological short term analysis to be better prepared for more sudden high flows.

Modelling of aquifer on Ingarö island : A Steady-State model

Dahlberg, Magnus January 2020 (has links)
Värmdö municipality, in the archipelago of Stockholm, has one of Sweden’s fastest growing populations and is a popular location for tourism and summer houses. This puts a lot of pressure on groundwater reservoirs and will likely be even more strained in the future as the climate continues to heat up due to anthropogenic activities. The aim of this study is to investigate the use of groundwater resources on the island of Ingarö, today and in a changing climate. The goal was also to identify the behaviour of the groundwater reservoir under different extraction rates. A model was constructed using MODFLOW, a software developed and maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey. The results show that for the present-day scenario with the current extraction rate there is a surplus of recharge leaving the reservoir. Moreover, three groundwater divides could be identified in the reservoir which can prove useful when examining the movement of contaminants. The result also indicated that an extraction rate of 105% of current extractions could be possible without any artificial infiltration. At an extraction rate of 110%, one well struggled with keeping up with demand for water. As the extraction rate increased further the results were deemed as inconclusive. For these scenarios, model domain required to be extended further east due to a constant head boundary condition acting as an infinite source of water in these cases. / Värmdö kommun har en av Sveriges snabbast växande befolkningar, därtill är kommunen en populär tillflyktsort under sommaren med många turister och andra som har sina sommarhus där. Många av dessa sommarhus har under de senaste 20 åren konverterats till permanentboenden och det är troligt att denna utveckling kommer fortsätta i framtiden. Detta medför att den redan begränsade tillgången på vatten ute i skärgården påverkas negativt och kommer spädas på ytterligare i samband med att klimatet blir allt varmare. Målet med denna uppsats var att kartlägga grundvattentillgångarna i Ingarö vattentäkt och hur dessa påverkas av klimatförändringarna samt under olika uttagsscenarion, där de olika uttagen kan spegla kraven på tillgång på vatten vid en ökande befolkning. En konceptuell modell skapades i Groundwater Modelling Systems (GMS) och i ArcGIS. Modellen löses sedan numeriskt med hjälp av grundvattenflödesekvationen i MODFLOW och lösningen importeras därefter tillbaka till GMS för analys. Den underliggande förutsättningen i modellen var att det nuvarande grundvattenuttaget och den naturliga återhämtningen av magasinet är lika stor. Den naturliga återhämtningen inom domänen, och de bidragande omkringliggande områdena, baserades på årsmedelvärden av nederbörd och evapotranspiration som hämtas från Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut (SMHI). De bidragande omkringliggande områdena identifierades genom att hitta vattendelare i landskapet med hjälp av en Digital Elevation Model (2x2 m). Jorddjupet i åsen beräknades med hjälp av Sveriges Geologiska Undersöknings (SGU) jorddjupsmodell som grund. I de områden där SGUs modell inte ansågs ge tillförlitliga jorddjup ersättes den med dels en jorddjupsmodell utvecklad på Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Simplified Regolith thickness Model) och dels med hjälp av kriging-interpolation över ett område med en högre densitet av kända jorddjupspunkter. Resultaten från det nutida scenariot med dagens uttag visade att det finns ett visst mått av överskott på vatten i åsen. Utöver detta så visade också resultatet att det finns tre grundvattendelare i vattenreserven vars placering kan visa sig nyttig för att förstå hur föroreningar kan sprida sig i åsen. Resultatet visade att uttag på 105 % av dagens uttag troligtvis är möjliga utan artificiellinfiltrering. Då uttaget ökades till 110 % började en brunn visa på svårigheter att leverera de volymer som förväntades. För uttag på 130 % och större visade sig resultatet vara missvisande då en stor mängd vatten strömmade in från den östra gränsen. Den östra gränsen av modellen bör därför förflyttas längre öster ut för att uppnå mer tillförlitliga resultat. Klart stod dock att den generella grundvattennivån lär sjunka i framtiden då evapotranspirationen förutspås öka mer än nederbörden.

Les Talwegs Tropicaux Tempérés en Afrique australe : mécanismes et évolution face au changement climatique (2010-2099) / Tropical Temperate Toughs over southern Africa : mechanisms and evolution in response to climate change (2010-2099)

Macron, Clémence 01 July 2014 (has links)
Au sein de l’hémisphère sud, l’Afrique australe et le sud-ouest de l’océan Indien forment l’une des trois zones préférentielles de développement des interactions entre les tropiques et les moyennes latitudes. Il s’agit de la Zone de Convergence Sud-Indienne (ZCSI) où se forment, principalement en été austral, des systèmes synoptiques (entre 3 et 5 jours) caractérisés par des bandes nuageuses orientées nord-ouest/sud-est : les Talwegs Tropicaux-Tempérés (TTT). Cette recherche doctorale vise à améliorer les connaissances liées aux TTT, avec une étude sur la dynamique associée à ces systèmes et une analyse de leur évolution possible au cours du XXIème siècle. La première partie de l’étude s’attache à identifier les conditions favorables à la formation et au développement des TTT. Une classification en régimes de temps est utilisée pour identifier les TTT d’une part, et les perturbations des moyennes latitudes d’autre part, permettant de mieux documenter la variabilité spatio-temporelle des TTT et les conditions de leur développement. Ces événements sont responsables d’environ 20% des précipitations saisonnières sud-africaines. Cette contribution augmente selon un gradient ouest-est. La comparaison entre les deux classifications confirme que les perturbations des moyennes latitudes sont une condition nécessaire pour le développement de TTT, mais non suffisante. Dans les tropiques, des advections d’humidité depuis l’océan Atlantique tropical associées à un excès d'énergie statique humide sur le canal du Mozambique forment les conditions supplémentaires favorables à la convection atmosphérique profonde à proximité du continent. La seconde partie étudie comment les TTT, les précipitations et de manière plus générale le climat d’Afrique australe, pourraient évoluer au cours du XXIème siècle sous l’effet du forçage radiatif associé aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES). Cette approche est multi-modèle (huit modèles climatiques sont retenus de l’exercice 5 du GIEC) et multi-trajectoire (RCP 8.5 et 2.6). Les huit modèles restituent convenablement les caractéristiques actuelles du climat d’Afrique australe ainsi que les bandes nuageuses associées aux TTT, tant en termes de variabilité spatiale que de fréquence d’occurrences. Sur le XXIème siècle, ils divergent sur l’évolution des précipitations saisonnières (NDJF). En revanche, ils convergent sur l’augmentation des quantités précipitées par jour de pluie sur le sud-est de l’Afrique australe. Ces changements ne sont pas à relier à une évolution spatio-temporelle des TTT, leur structure spatiale, leur fréquence d’occurrence et leur contribution aux précipitations restent stationnaires tout au long du siècle, mais à des événements pluviogènes extrêmes plus fréquents et plus intenses. / In the Southern Hemisphere, Southern Africa and the south-west Indian Ocean are one of the three preferred regions where interactions between the tropics and midlatitudes develop. This is the South Indian Convergence Zone (SICZ), where northwest-southeast oriented cloud bands form at the synoptic scale (between 3 and 5 days). These bands are mainly found during the austral summer and are commonly referred to as tropical temperate troughs (TTTs). This research aims at improving our knowledge related to TTTs, with a study on the dynamics associated with these systems, and an analysis of their possible evolution during the 21st century.The first part of this thesis aims at identifying favorable conditions for the formation and the development of TTTs. Weather regimes analysis is used to identify TTTs on the one hand and mid-latitude perturbations on the other hand, allowing us to better document the spatial and temporal variability of TTTs together with background climate conditions. The events identified account for 20% of seasonal rainfall on average. Their contribution increases according to a west to east gradient. The comparison between these two classifications, partitioned using a k-means clustering, first confirms that midlatitude perturbations are a necessary condition for TTT development, but they are not sufficient. An excess of moist static energy over the Mozambique Channel partly supplied by advections from remote regions (mostly the southern Atlantic basin and the south-west Indian Ocean) form additional conditions favoring deep atmospheric convection over and near the Southern Africa. The second part investigates possible changes in precipitation, TTTs and more generally climate over Southern Africa during the 21st century in response to radiative forcing associated with greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). A multi-model (height climate models taken on the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report) and multi-scenario (RCP 8.5 and 2.6) approach is chosen. All models are skillful to reproduce Southern Africa current climate characteristics and cloud bands associated with TTTs, both in terms of spatial variability and frequency of occurrences. During the 21th century, there is no consensus between the models on the future evolution of seasonal rainfall (NDJF). However, all simulate an increase in the amounts precipitated by rainy day over the south-east part of southern Africa. These changes are not related to an evolution of TTTs: their spatial patterns, frequency of occurrences and contribution to rainfall remain stationary throughout the 21st century, but they associated with extreme rainfall events that become more frequent and more intense.

Modelling the Impact of Climate and Socio-Economic Changes on Nutrient Dynamics in the Catchment of Lake Vomb / Modellera effekten av klimatförändringar och socioekonomiska förändringar på näringsämnesdynamiken i Vombsjöns avrinningsområde

Zhou, Yanhe January 2023 (has links)
Climate change and socio-economic development are greatly affecting the quality of freshwater, especially the excessive accumulation of nutrients (N and P), which eventually leads to the occurrence of eutrophication. Lake Vomb is one of the main sources of drinking water in southern Sweden and the nutrient load from the catchment makes it a eutrophic lake with recurring algal blooms. This project developed a hydrological model by Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to model the impact of climate and socio-economic changes on nutrient dynamics on Lake Vomb. Two combinations of future scenarios were selected as combinations of Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) and Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP): 1) SSP1/RCP4.5 and 2) SSP5/RCP8.5. For the calibration and validation period, satisfactory results were obtained for monthly flow (R2 and NSE were 0.92 and 0.82, respectively) and yearly nutrient load simulation obtained overall convincing results (R2, NSE and PBIAS were 0.67, 0, 17% for total nitrogen (TN) and 0.78, -0.11, -1% for total phosphorus (TP) at the main inflow and R2, NSE and PBIAS were 0.46, 0.27, 15% for TN and 0.62, -0.01, -0.06% for TP at the second inflow). Simulation results of increased future flow scenarios showed higher peaks under the RCP8.5 scenario than under RCP4.5. Also, there was an increasing trend that flow will continuously rise during the simulation period. Results from future nutrient load simulation showed that the TN load was below the baseline in most scenarios and the TP load was all above the baseline. Besides, nutrient loading is more sensitive to the combination of SSPs and RCPs and got the highest loads under RCP4.5/SSP1. The challenge of reducing nutrient load increases over time, especially for P because the simulated load was higher for 2090-2100 than the load for 2040-2050. This project has limitations such as uncertain agriculture activities input and nutrient observations. This project provides projections of flows and nutrient loads into Lake Vomb for a combination of possible future scenarios and more different scenarios such as different RCPs and different designed SSPs deserve to be studied in the future.


Brinkhurst, Sean January 2023 (has links)
Climate change represents a critical threat to electrical infrastructure. With reliance on electricity expected to increase in Sweden due to the transition from fossil fuel based energy to greener energy sources, it is important that the reliability of the electrical grid be upheld. This thesis studies the potential climate affected effects of extreme precipitation, annual average temperature change, water pooling after 100/500-year rains, and sea level rise. The RCP scenarios used for extreme precipitation and temperature change are RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5. These climate effects will be studied in this thesis to understand and determine the extent of the climate effects on the electrical grid of Gotland and Klintehamn. The possible issues on infrastructure that can be exacerbated by these climate effects will be presented. This thesis will use spatial analysis to find results using GIS as a tool. GIS will be used to compare the various climate effects over the electrical grid data. Data was received from various sources, extreme precipitation and temperature change were sourced from SMHI, water pooling, and sea level rise were sourced with permission from Region Gotland. The electrical grid data for both Gotland and Klintehamn was received from GEAB, this data is considered nationally sensitive information therefore the location of this data is not shown. The results generally show that climate change, no matter the scenario presents a threat to the infrastructure. Although it should be noted as well that the scenario will impact the severity of the effects. RCP 8.5 will likely have more of an effect for both extreme precipitation and temperature than RCP 4.5. Water pooling is expected to have a greater effect on the <20kV lines than on the 70kV infrastructure. Finally, sea level rise is expected to have a much greater effect from 2-meter sea level rise over the 1-meter sea level rise. The overarching theme found is that climate change will have impacts over the electrical grid.

Assessing and predicting stream-flow at different time scales in the context of climate change: Case of the upper Senegal River basin

Diop, Lamine 30 October 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Tradução para o português e validação de um instrumento de avaliação de qualidade de ressuscitação cardio-pulmonar no atendimento pré hospitalar: utstein style / Translation and validation of the utstein style out of hospital into portuguese language

Garcia, Adriana Mandelli 22 May 2007 (has links)
O prognóstico após a parada cárdio-respiratória (PCR) e reanimação cardio-pulmonar (RCP) depende de intervenções críticas, particularmente, do tempo de resposta entre a chamada de socorro ou resgate, até a chegada ao local onde se encontra a vítima, além das compressões torácicas eficazes, da desfibrilação precoce e do suporte avançado de vida. Para avaliar a eficácia e a adequação dos procedimentos de RCP durante a PCR, entidades e associações científicas se reuniram e elaboraram o Utstein Style out-of-hospital, cujas definições e instrumento, usados para registro do evento, têm sido amplamente utilizadas em todo o mundo, bem como para estudos publicados sobre atendimento à parada cardíaca. A adoção de um instrumento de consenso internacional levou a uma grande evolução guidelines de reanimação e a progressos científicos, possibilitando a troca de informações mais efetivas para promover comparações internacionais em relação aos procedimentos de ressuscitação tendo como propósito codificar variáveis, mensurar aspectos do processo e avaliar resultados dos atendimentos na PCR fora do hospital. Apesar do grande numero de PCR que ocorre no Brasil, não há, até então, um instrumento em nosso idioma adaptado à nossa realidade. Este trabalho teve pro objetivos realizar a tradução e adaptação cultural do Utstein Style out-of-hospital, com base nos pressupostos metodológicos de Guillemin (2002). O instrumento foi, também, testado em dois centros de atendimento pré-hospitalar para verificar a viabilidade de sua utilização. Como resultado deste estudo metodológico obtivemos um instrumento traduzido para o idioma português, com algumas modificações necessárias para sua adaptação à cultura nacional, sugeridas por um comitê de juizes e cuja aplicação, ainda que em pré-teste, permitiu verificar que os resultados obtidos assemelham-se aos dados internacionais. O maior número de causas de PCR ocorreu em adultos do sexo feminino (58,8%), com idade acima de 29 anos. Grande parte das paradas cardíacas foi identificada por espectador (47,0%), pelo Serviço Médico de Emergência (35,5) e pelo médico (17,5%). Quanto à ocorrência da PCR, 82,4% foi por causa desconhecida e 17,6% por trauma / The prognostic after the cardiac arrest and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is dependent of critical interventions, particularly, time reply called until place, efficient chest compressions early defibrillation and the advanced life support. The definitions of the Utstein style and the instrument of register have been widely used in published studies of cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA), what it took to a great evolution and the progress for international consensuses on science and guidelines of resuscitation, making possible the exchange of information more effective to promote international auditorship in relation to the resuscitation procedures having as intention to codify variable, to measure aspects of the process and to evaluate resulted of the take care of in the CPA of the hospital. Currently several countries already use with this purpose. The Utstein was approved by the international committees. Although the great one number of CPA in Brazil, we did not possess an instrument in our language and adapted. This instrument underwent a process of translation into Portuguese, back-translation into its original language and finally analysis by a committee of judges to evaluate semantics, idiomatic, cultural and conceptual equivalences, with the authorization of the AHA, following the recommendations of Guillemin, revised in 2002. The instrument was tested in two centers the out-of-hospital attendance to verify the use of in the Brazilian country and making possible comparisons with international data, enriching adding the evolution of the CPR in the world. As result of this study we got an instrument translated into the Portuguese language, with some necessary modifications for its adaptation to the national culture, suggested for a committee of judges and whose application allowed verifying that the gotten results resemble it the international data. The biggest number of CPA causes occurred in adults, females (58.8%), with age above of 29 years. Great part of the CPA was identified by witness (47.0%), the Emergency Medical Service (35.5%) and by the physician (17.5%). Several occurrences of CPA, 82.4% it was for unknown cause and 17.6% for trauma

Tradução e validação para a língua portuguesa do \"in - hospital utstein style\" / Translation and validation of the \"in - hospital utstein style\" into portuguese language

Avansi, Patricia do Amaral 21 May 2007 (has links)
A parada cardiorrespiratória é um evento potencialmente letal, e a qualidade do atendimento prestado depende da agilidade, conhecimento e habilidade de toda a equipe envolvida. O desenvolvimento de um guia com os pontos relevantes a serem observados durante o atendimento à PCR intra-hospitalar surgiu em 1997, com a criação do In-Hospital Utstein Style por uma força tarefa de especialistas em atendimento e pesquisa em PCR. Trata-se de um guia que agrega informações acerca do atendimento à PCR, contendo um relatório padrão para coleta de dados, divido em variáveis: do paciente, do evento e de resultados, além de algumas informações adicionais. A criação de um relatório padrão de coleta de dados, permitiu uniformizar a linguagem, bem como o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas, baseadas no mesmo modelo. Com a finalidade de disponibilizar o In-hospital Utstein Style para a realidade brasileira, este instrumento foi submetido ao processo de tradução e adaptação cultural, nas seguintes etapas: tradução para o português, retro-tradução para a língua de origem, análise por comitê de juízes para avaliação das equivalências semântica, idiomática, cultural e conceitual. O resultado deste processo gerou um instrumento para pré-teste, aplicado em 20 pacientes que sofreram PCR, com a finalidade de verificar o comportamento do instrumento em nossa realidade. As variáveis de resultado não foram coletadas, pois pressupõe o acompanhamento destes pacientes ao longo do tempo. A amostra foi constituída por 60,0% de homens, com idade média de 63 anos ±16,17. O ritmo de PCR mais comum foi atividade elétrica sem pulso (65,0%), o tempo médio para desfibrilar foi de 1,25 minutos. Assim como observado por pesquisadores internacionais, existem informações perdidas durante o atendimento, não registradas, prejudicando a coleta dos dados referentes a este momento. A análise dos dados, permite concluir que o instrumento é aplicável à realidade brasileira, tornando possíveis comparações com estudos internacionais, buscando melhor atendimento ao evento da PCR. A falta de preenchimento de alguns itens , principalmente aqueles referentes às variáveis do evento (coletados no momento da PCR), podem ser perdidos, por falta de preenchimento adequado do instrumento, por profissionais médicos e de enfermagem. O treinamento e incentivo para melhorar a quantidade e qualidade de registros, tornam possíveis, através da aplicação do Utstein Style conhecer cada atendimento feito e toda a assistência prestada, identificando prováveis falhas e principalmente investindo em qualidade de vida após o evento / Cardiopulmonary Arrest is a potentially lethal event in which the quality of the service rendered depends on agility, knowledge and the skills of all of the involved team. The development of the first guide identifying the significant points to be taken during the procedure of an in-hospital CPA appeared in 1997, with the creation of the In-Hospital Utstein Style by a task force of personnel specialized in attendance and research of CPA. This guide brings together information concerning CPA attendance and contains a standardized report for collecting data which is divided into the following variables: patient, event, and the outcome, as well as some other additional information. The creation of this standardized report for collecting data made it possible to standardize the language as well as to develop new research based on the same model. With the intended goal of making available, the In-hospital Utstein Style for Brazilian professionals, this instrument underwent a process of translation and cultural adaptation in the following steps: translation into Portuguese, back-translation into its original language and finally analysis by a committee of judges to evaluate semantics, idiomatic, cultural and conceptual equivalences. The outcome of this process resulted in a pre-test instrument applied to 20 patients who had had CPA in order to verify the behavior of this instrument according to our reality. The outcome variables were not collected, because it involved accompanying these patients over a lengthy period of time. The sample consisted of 60% men, with an average age of 63 years ±16, 17. The most common CPA rhythm was pulseless electrical activity (65%); the defibrillation average time was 1.25 minutes. Therefore, as verified by international researchers, there is a loss of information during the attendance, which is not-recorded, thus hindering the collection of data concerning the moment of the CPA. With the data analysis, we can conclude that the instrument is adaptable to the Brazilian reality, enabling further comparisons with international studies, therefore improving the care administered during the CPA event. The failure to complete some of the items principally those referencing the variables of the CPA event (that should have been collected at the CPA moment) could result in critical data being lost if not properly answered in the report done by attending medical and nursing personnel. Personnel trained and encouraged to improve the quantity and quality of date collection can make it possible, through the utilization of the Utstein Style, to better understand each attendance and assistance rendered, identifying possible failures and, above all, enabling further investments in quality of life after the arrest

Tradução para o português e validação de um instrumento de avaliação de qualidade de ressuscitação cardio-pulmonar no atendimento pré hospitalar: utstein style / Translation and validation of the utstein style out of hospital into portuguese language

Adriana Mandelli Garcia 22 May 2007 (has links)
O prognóstico após a parada cárdio-respiratória (PCR) e reanimação cardio-pulmonar (RCP) depende de intervenções críticas, particularmente, do tempo de resposta entre a chamada de socorro ou resgate, até a chegada ao local onde se encontra a vítima, além das compressões torácicas eficazes, da desfibrilação precoce e do suporte avançado de vida. Para avaliar a eficácia e a adequação dos procedimentos de RCP durante a PCR, entidades e associações científicas se reuniram e elaboraram o Utstein Style out-of-hospital, cujas definições e instrumento, usados para registro do evento, têm sido amplamente utilizadas em todo o mundo, bem como para estudos publicados sobre atendimento à parada cardíaca. A adoção de um instrumento de consenso internacional levou a uma grande evolução guidelines de reanimação e a progressos científicos, possibilitando a troca de informações mais efetivas para promover comparações internacionais em relação aos procedimentos de ressuscitação tendo como propósito codificar variáveis, mensurar aspectos do processo e avaliar resultados dos atendimentos na PCR fora do hospital. Apesar do grande numero de PCR que ocorre no Brasil, não há, até então, um instrumento em nosso idioma adaptado à nossa realidade. Este trabalho teve pro objetivos realizar a tradução e adaptação cultural do Utstein Style out-of-hospital, com base nos pressupostos metodológicos de Guillemin (2002). O instrumento foi, também, testado em dois centros de atendimento pré-hospitalar para verificar a viabilidade de sua utilização. Como resultado deste estudo metodológico obtivemos um instrumento traduzido para o idioma português, com algumas modificações necessárias para sua adaptação à cultura nacional, sugeridas por um comitê de juizes e cuja aplicação, ainda que em pré-teste, permitiu verificar que os resultados obtidos assemelham-se aos dados internacionais. O maior número de causas de PCR ocorreu em adultos do sexo feminino (58,8%), com idade acima de 29 anos. Grande parte das paradas cardíacas foi identificada por espectador (47,0%), pelo Serviço Médico de Emergência (35,5) e pelo médico (17,5%). Quanto à ocorrência da PCR, 82,4% foi por causa desconhecida e 17,6% por trauma / The prognostic after the cardiac arrest and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is dependent of critical interventions, particularly, time reply called until place, efficient chest compressions early defibrillation and the advanced life support. The definitions of the Utstein style and the instrument of register have been widely used in published studies of cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA), what it took to a great evolution and the progress for international consensuses on science and guidelines of resuscitation, making possible the exchange of information more effective to promote international auditorship in relation to the resuscitation procedures having as intention to codify variable, to measure aspects of the process and to evaluate resulted of the take care of in the CPA of the hospital. Currently several countries already use with this purpose. The Utstein was approved by the international committees. Although the great one number of CPA in Brazil, we did not possess an instrument in our language and adapted. This instrument underwent a process of translation into Portuguese, back-translation into its original language and finally analysis by a committee of judges to evaluate semantics, idiomatic, cultural and conceptual equivalences, with the authorization of the AHA, following the recommendations of Guillemin, revised in 2002. The instrument was tested in two centers the out-of-hospital attendance to verify the use of in the Brazilian country and making possible comparisons with international data, enriching adding the evolution of the CPR in the world. As result of this study we got an instrument translated into the Portuguese language, with some necessary modifications for its adaptation to the national culture, suggested for a committee of judges and whose application allowed verifying that the gotten results resemble it the international data. The biggest number of CPA causes occurred in adults, females (58.8%), with age above of 29 years. Great part of the CPA was identified by witness (47.0%), the Emergency Medical Service (35.5%) and by the physician (17.5%). Several occurrences of CPA, 82.4% it was for unknown cause and 17.6% for trauma

Tradução e validação para a língua portuguesa do \"in - hospital utstein style\" / Translation and validation of the \"in - hospital utstein style\" into portuguese language

Patricia do Amaral Avansi 21 May 2007 (has links)
A parada cardiorrespiratória é um evento potencialmente letal, e a qualidade do atendimento prestado depende da agilidade, conhecimento e habilidade de toda a equipe envolvida. O desenvolvimento de um guia com os pontos relevantes a serem observados durante o atendimento à PCR intra-hospitalar surgiu em 1997, com a criação do In-Hospital Utstein Style por uma força tarefa de especialistas em atendimento e pesquisa em PCR. Trata-se de um guia que agrega informações acerca do atendimento à PCR, contendo um relatório padrão para coleta de dados, divido em variáveis: do paciente, do evento e de resultados, além de algumas informações adicionais. A criação de um relatório padrão de coleta de dados, permitiu uniformizar a linguagem, bem como o desenvolvimento de novas pesquisas, baseadas no mesmo modelo. Com a finalidade de disponibilizar o In-hospital Utstein Style para a realidade brasileira, este instrumento foi submetido ao processo de tradução e adaptação cultural, nas seguintes etapas: tradução para o português, retro-tradução para a língua de origem, análise por comitê de juízes para avaliação das equivalências semântica, idiomática, cultural e conceitual. O resultado deste processo gerou um instrumento para pré-teste, aplicado em 20 pacientes que sofreram PCR, com a finalidade de verificar o comportamento do instrumento em nossa realidade. As variáveis de resultado não foram coletadas, pois pressupõe o acompanhamento destes pacientes ao longo do tempo. A amostra foi constituída por 60,0% de homens, com idade média de 63 anos ±16,17. O ritmo de PCR mais comum foi atividade elétrica sem pulso (65,0%), o tempo médio para desfibrilar foi de 1,25 minutos. Assim como observado por pesquisadores internacionais, existem informações perdidas durante o atendimento, não registradas, prejudicando a coleta dos dados referentes a este momento. A análise dos dados, permite concluir que o instrumento é aplicável à realidade brasileira, tornando possíveis comparações com estudos internacionais, buscando melhor atendimento ao evento da PCR. A falta de preenchimento de alguns itens , principalmente aqueles referentes às variáveis do evento (coletados no momento da PCR), podem ser perdidos, por falta de preenchimento adequado do instrumento, por profissionais médicos e de enfermagem. O treinamento e incentivo para melhorar a quantidade e qualidade de registros, tornam possíveis, através da aplicação do Utstein Style conhecer cada atendimento feito e toda a assistência prestada, identificando prováveis falhas e principalmente investindo em qualidade de vida após o evento / Cardiopulmonary Arrest is a potentially lethal event in which the quality of the service rendered depends on agility, knowledge and the skills of all of the involved team. The development of the first guide identifying the significant points to be taken during the procedure of an in-hospital CPA appeared in 1997, with the creation of the In-Hospital Utstein Style by a task force of personnel specialized in attendance and research of CPA. This guide brings together information concerning CPA attendance and contains a standardized report for collecting data which is divided into the following variables: patient, event, and the outcome, as well as some other additional information. The creation of this standardized report for collecting data made it possible to standardize the language as well as to develop new research based on the same model. With the intended goal of making available, the In-hospital Utstein Style for Brazilian professionals, this instrument underwent a process of translation and cultural adaptation in the following steps: translation into Portuguese, back-translation into its original language and finally analysis by a committee of judges to evaluate semantics, idiomatic, cultural and conceptual equivalences. The outcome of this process resulted in a pre-test instrument applied to 20 patients who had had CPA in order to verify the behavior of this instrument according to our reality. The outcome variables were not collected, because it involved accompanying these patients over a lengthy period of time. The sample consisted of 60% men, with an average age of 63 years ±16, 17. The most common CPA rhythm was pulseless electrical activity (65%); the defibrillation average time was 1.25 minutes. Therefore, as verified by international researchers, there is a loss of information during the attendance, which is not-recorded, thus hindering the collection of data concerning the moment of the CPA. With the data analysis, we can conclude that the instrument is adaptable to the Brazilian reality, enabling further comparisons with international studies, therefore improving the care administered during the CPA event. The failure to complete some of the items principally those referencing the variables of the CPA event (that should have been collected at the CPA moment) could result in critical data being lost if not properly answered in the report done by attending medical and nursing personnel. Personnel trained and encouraged to improve the quantity and quality of date collection can make it possible, through the utilization of the Utstein Style, to better understand each attendance and assistance rendered, identifying possible failures and, above all, enabling further investments in quality of life after the arrest

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