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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Duration Analysis of Food Safety Recall Events in the United States: January, 2000 to October, 2009

Joy, Nathaniel Allen 2010 December 1900 (has links)
The safety of the food supply in the United States has become an issue of prominence in the minds of ordinary Americans. Several government agencies, including the United States Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration, are charged with the responsibility of preserving the safety of the food supply. Food is withdrawn from the market in a product recall when tainted or mislabeled and has the potential to harm the consumer in some manner. This research examines recall events issued by firms over the period of January, 2000 through October, 2009 in the United States. Utilizing economic and management theory to establish predictions, this study employs the Cox proportional hazard regression model to analyze the effects of firm size and branding on the risk of recall recurrence. The size of the firm was measured in both billions of dollars of sales and in thousands of employees. Branding by the firm was measured as a binary variable that expressed if a firm had a brand and as a count of the number of brands within a firm. This study also provides a descriptive statistical analysis and several findings based on the recall data specifically relating to annual occurrences, geographical locations of the firms involved, types of products recalled, and reasons for recall. We hypothesized that the increasing firm size would be associated with increased relative risk of a recall event while branding and an increasing portfolio of brands would be associated with decreased relative risk of a recall event. However, it was found that increased firm size and branding by the firm are associated with an increased risk of recall occurrence. The results of this research can have implications on food safety standards in both the public and private sectors.

Samtalet i musikterapi : en hermeneutisk analys av tre sessioner / The Verbal Dialogue in Music Therapy : a Hermeneutic Analysis of Three Music Therapy Sessions

Lindblad, Katarina January 2012 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om samtalet i musikterapi, ett ämne som är sparsamt beskrivet i litteraturen. En kort beskrivning av musikterapi som klinisk och aka- demisk disciplin ges, och en litteraturgenomgång görs av några böcker kring sam- talsmetodik och det lilla som finns skrivet om samtal i musikterapi. Studien byg- ger på tre musikterapisessioner arrangerade speciellt för studien och intervjuer med de tre musikterapeuterna. Sessionerna filmades och intervjuerna spelades in och skrevs ut. Det är en kvalitativ studie upplagd som en experimentell, instru- mentell, flerfaldig fallstudie. Det teoretiska perspektivet är hermeneutik och ana- lysmetoden hermeneutisk tolkningsanalys. Analysen av filmerna är inspirerad av fenomenologi. I uppsatsen ges en beskrivning i kondenserad form av de tre mu- sikterapisessionerna och intervjuerna sammanfattas. Därefter redogörs för analys- resultatet som framstår som tvådelat. Första delen är en tematisering av de verbala interventioner som förekommer under de studerade sessionerna. Interventionerna tematiseras som frågor, andra interventioner, tystnad, paradoxer och omformule- ringar, metaforer och tolkningar. Hur de talar om musik lyfts fram i ett särskilt avsnitt. Andra delen är ett utforskande av vilka funktioner samtalen tycks ha un- der dessa sessioner. Tanken prövas att de kan; leda till ökad trygghet, som i sin tur kan leda till att ett verkligt möte kan uppstå; fördjupa klientens upplevelse; tyd- liggöra klientens livsberättelse. / This thesis is about verbal dialogue in music therapy, a subject which is seldom discussed in the literature. A short description of music therapy as a clinical and academic discipline is presented, and a survey is made of some of the literature on methodology in professional dialogues and what little has been written about dia- logue in music therapy. The study is based on three music therapy sessions ar- ranged especially for the purpose and interviews with the three therapists. The sessions were filmed and the interviews were recorded and copied out. It is a qualitative study, constructed as an experimental, instrumental, multiple case study. The theoretical perspective is hermeneutic and the method of analysis used was hermeneutic interpretation analysis. The method used to analyze the films was inspired by phenomenology. In the thesis the three music therapy sessions are described in condensed form and the interviews are summarized. This is followed by an analysis of the result which appears to fall into two parts. The first section is a thematisation of the verbal interventions that occur during the sessions. The interventions are thematised as questions, other interventions, silence, paradoxes and rephrasings, metaphors and interpretations. A special section is devoted to theway the therapists talk about music. The second part of the analysis explores the functions that the verbal dialogues seem to have had during the sessions. The the- ory tested is that they can; lead to a greater feeling of security, which in its turn can lead to a genuine encounter; deepen the client’s experience; clarify the cli- ent’s life story.

Færøske kvinders kostvaner i tredje trimester / Dietary survey with pregnant women from the Faroe Islands during their third trimester

Veyhe, Anna Sofía January 2006 (has links)
Formålet med undersøgelsen var at finde ud af, hvorvidt gravide kvinder på Færøerne fik en kost, som er i overensstemmelse med rekommandationer der foreligger gravide. 148 kvinder deltog i undersøgelsen, hvor der blev gennemført tre 24 h recall og seks selvregistreringer, samt et food frequency qeistionnaire omhandlende de sidste 12 måneder. Resultatet af den samlede energi, energifordeling, A-, C-, D- og E-vitaminer, og folsyre, jern og calcium er sammenlignet med de rekommandationer der foreligger for gravide i de nordiske lande, specielt Danmark, idet Færøerne følger de danske anbefalinger. Det gennemsnitlige energiindtag var 10,0 MJ, som i gennemsnit fordelte sig i henhold til kostanbefalingerne med 15% proteiner, 52% kulhydrater og 33% fedt. Kostfiberindtaget var lavere end anbefalet, 17,4 gram per dag. Mættede og monoumættede fedtsyrer fulgte anbefalingerne, men indtaget af polyumættede fedtsyrer var lavt, 3,6%. Indtaget af n-3 fedtsyrer var 0,6%, som er lavere end anbefalet. Indtaget at C-vitaminer og calcium var tilstrækkeligt gennem kosten. Indtaget af de andre vitaminer og mineraler var mindre end anbefalingerne. 85% tager vitamintilskud og 64% tager jerntilskud. Indtaget af fisk var 280 gram per uge, kornprodukter 323 gram per dag, kød 193 gram per dag, sødesager 128 gram per dag, frugt og grønt 193 gram per dag, frugt juice 98 gram per dag. Resultatet fra denne opgave kan sætte større fokus på kost og graviditet, samt at der er et behov for en større og mere indgående kostundersøgelse blandt den generelle befolkning, hvis resultater kan bruges i sundhedsfremmende arbejde. / The purpose of this project was to find out whether pregnant women in the Faroe Islands had a dietary intake, which were in accordance with recommendations for pregnant women. 148 women participated in the survey, which involved three 24 hour recall and six days diary, and a food frequency questionnaire for the last 12 months. The results of total energy, the energy distribution of protein, carbohydrate and fat and the micronutrients vitamin-A, -C, -D, -E, folic acid, iron and calcium are compared with recommendations for pregnant women in the Nordic countries, especially from Denmark because the Faroe Islands follow the Danish recommendations. In average the total energy consumption per day was 10,0 MJ, and the distribution was 15% protein, 52% carbohydrates and 33% fat. Dietary fibre intake was 17,4 gram per day, which is lower than recommended. The intake of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids followed the recommendations whereas the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids and n-3 fatty acids was lower then recommended, 3,6% and 0,6%. Supply of vitamin-C and calcium through the food was sufficient, whereas the supply of the other micronutrients was too low compare to recommendations. 85% of the women took vitamin supplements and 64% took iron supplements. Intake of fish was 280 gram per week, cereal products 323 gram per day, meat 139 gram per day, sweets 128 gram per day, fruit and vegetables 193 gram per day, fruit juice 98 gram per day. The results from this project can put a focus on the connection between diet and pregnancy as well as there is a need for a detailed dietary survey among the general population, where the results can used in further health promotion / <p>ISBN 91-7997-141-5</p>

Resolving painful emotional experience during psychodrama

McVea, Charmaine Susan January 2009 (has links)
Unresolved painful emotional experiences such as bereavement, trauma and disturbances in core relationships, are common presenting problems for clients of psychodrama or psychotherapy more generally. Emotional pain is experienced as a shattering of the sense of self and disconnection from others and, when unresolved, produces avoidant responses which inhibit the healing process. There is agreement across therapeutic modalities that exposure to emotional experience can increase the efficacy of therapeutic interventions. Moreno proposes that the activation of spontaneity is the primary curative factor in psychodrama and that healing occurs when the protagonist (client) engages with his or her wider social system and develops greater flexibility in response to that system. An extensive case-report literature describes the application of the psychodrama method in healing unresolved painful emotional experiences, but there is limited empirical research to verify the efficacy of the method or to identify the processes that are linked to therapeutic change. The purpose of this current research was to construct a model of protagonist change processes that could extend psychodrama theory, inform practitioners’ therapeutic decisions and contribute to understanding the common factors in therapeutic change. Four studies investigated protagonist processes linked to in-session resolution of painful emotional experiences. Significant therapeutic events were analysed using recordings and transcripts of psychodrama enactments, protagonist and director recall interviews and a range of process and outcome measures. A preliminary study (3 cases) identified four themes that were associated with helpful therapeutic events: enactment, the working alliance with the director and with group members, emotional release or relief and social atom repair. The second study (7 cases) used Comprehensive Process Analysis (CPA) to construct a model of protagonists’ processes linked to in-session resolution. This model was then validated across four more cases in Study 3. Five meta-processes were identified: (i) a readiness to engage in the psychodrama process; (ii) re-experiencing and insight; (iii) activating resourcefulness; (iv) social atom repair with emotional release and (v) integration. Social atom repair with emotional release involved deeply experiencing a wished-for interpersonal experience accompanied by a free flowing release of previously restricted emotion and was most clearly linked to protagonists’ reports of reaching resolution and to post session improvements in interpersonal relationships and sense of self. Acceptance of self in the moment increased protagonists’ capacity to generate new responses within each meta-process and, in resolved cases, there was evidence of spontaneity developing over time. The fourth study tested Greenberg’s allowing and accepting painful emotional experience model as an alternative explanation of protagonist change. The findings of this study suggested that while the process of allowing emotional pain was present in resolved cases, Greenberg’s model was not sufficient to explain the processes that lead to in-session resolution. The protagonist’s readiness to engage and activation of resourcefulness appear to facilitate the transition from problem identification to emotional release. Furthermore, experiencing a reparative relationship was found to be central to the healing process. This research verifies that there can be in-session resolution of painful emotional experience during psychodrama and protagonists’ reports suggest that in-session resolution can heal the damage to the sense of self and the interpersonal disconnection that are associated with unresolved emotional pain. A model of protagonist change processes has been constructed that challenges the view of psychodrama as a primarily cathartic therapy, by locating the therapeutic experience of emotional release within the development of new role relationships. The five meta-processes which are described within the model suggest broad change principles which can assist practitioners to make sense of events as they unfold and guide their clinical decision making in the moment. Each meta-process was linked to specific post-session changes, so that the model can inform the development of therapeutic plans for individual clients and can aid communication for practitioners when a psychodrama intervention is used for a specific therapeutic purpose within a comprehensive program of therapy.

Genomsökning av filsystem för att hitta personuppgifter : Med Linear chain conditional random field och Regular expression

Afram, Gabriel January 2018 (has links)
The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Act will apply to all companies within the European Union after 25 May. This means stricter legal requirements for companies that in some way store personal data. The goal of this project is therefore to make it easier for companies to meet the new legal requirements. This by creating a tool that searches file systems and visually shows the user in a graphical user interface which files contain personal data. The tool uses Named entity recognition with the Linear chain conditional random field algorithm which is a type of supervised learning method in machine learning. This algorithm is used in the project to find names and addresses in files. The different models are trained with different parameters and the training is done using the stanford NER library in Java. The models are tested by a test file containing 45,000 words where the models themselves can predict all classes to the words in the file. The models are then compared with each other using the measurements of precision, recall and F-score to find the best model. The tool also uses Regular Expression to find emails, IP numbers, and social security numbers. The result of the final machine learning model shows that it does not find all names and addresses, but that can be improved by increasing exercise data. However, this is something that requires a more powerful computer than the one used in this project. An analysis of how the Swedish language is built would also need to be done to apply the most appropriate parameters for the training of the model. / Den nya lagen General data protection regulation (GDPR) började gälla för alla företag inom Europeiska unionen efter den 25 maj. Detta innebär att det blir strängare lagkrav för företag som på något sätt lagrar personuppgifter. Målet med detta projekt är därför att underlätta för företag att uppfylla de nya lagkraven. Detta genom att skapa ett verktyg som söker igenom filsystem och visuellt visar användaren i ett grafiskt användargränssnitt vilka filer som innehåller personuppgifter. Verktyget använder Named Entity Recognition med algoritmen Linear Chain Conditional Random Field som är en typ av ”supervised” learning metod inom maskininlärning. Denna algoritm används för att hitta namn och adresser i filer. De olika modellerna tränas med olika parametrar och träningen sker med hjälp av biblioteket Stanford NER i Java. Modellerna testas genom en testfil som innehåller 45 000 ord där modellerna själva får förutspå alla klasser till orden i filen. Modellerna jämförs sedan med varandra med hjälp av mätvärdena precision, recall och F-score för att hitta den bästa modellen. Verktyget använder även Regular expression för att hitta e- mails, IP-nummer och personnummer. Resultatet på den slutgiltiga maskininlärnings modellen visar att den inte hittar alla namn och adresser men att det är något som kan förbättras genom att öka träningsdata. Detta är dock något som kräver en kraftfullare dator än den som användes i detta projekt. En undersökning på hur det svenska språket är uppbyggt skulle även också behöva göras för att använda de lämpligaste parametrarna vid träningen av modellen.

A shoulder-surfing resistant graphical password system

Alesand, Elias, Sterneling, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
The focus of this report is to discuss graphical password systems and how they can contribute to handle security problems that threaten authentication processes. One such threat is shoulder-surfing attacks, which are also reviewed in this report. Three already existing systems that are claimed to be shoulder-surfing resilient are described and a new proposed system is presented and evaluated through a user study. Moreover, the system is compared to the mentioned existing systems to further evaluate the usability, memorability and the time it takes to authenticate. The user study shows that test subjects are able to remember their chosen password one week after having registered and signed in once. It is also shown that the average time to sign in to the system after five minutes of practice is within a range of 3.30 to 5.70 seconds. The participants in the experiments gave the system an average score above 68 on the System Usability Scale, which is the score of an average system.

Slogan Word Count and the Effects on Consumer Behavior

Scro, Paige 12 1900 (has links)
Slogans can be attributed as a way in which to communicate a brand's message to its key consumer. An effectively established brand amongst targeted consumers can in turn generate profitability and ever further promote the brand. The purpose of this paper was to investigate the effectiveness of advertisements that employ vague or precise cosmetic product brand slogans among both male and female consumers. Ultimately, the end goal of marketing is to make a sale. Additionally, the purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the length of a slogan is an influential factor on the participant's motivation to purchase a cosmetic or skincare product. Data was collected through the use of survey in an online social media format, in order to test the effectiveness of different lengths of slogans for slogan recall, brand recall, brand awareness and purchase intention. Prior research and hypotheses were used to predict the concept that shorter more concise or precise slogans in this study would heighten the levels of all measured variables in the study, slogan recall, brand recall, brand awareness and purchase intention. The results of this paper conclude overall vague slogans have the potential to reach higher levels of slogan recall ability , brand recall and the intent to purchase, on the contrary shorter more precise slogans affect brand awareness at a greater level than the lengthier slogans.

Exploring counterintuitiveness : template- and schema-level effects

Gregory, Justin P. January 2014 (has links)
Pascal Boyer’s theory of counterintuitive cultural representations asserts that concepts that violate developmentally natural intuitive knowledge structures demand more attention and are more transmittable than other concepts (Boyer and Ramble 2001: 535-64). Grounded in an empirically justified framework of ontological domain knowledge, counterintuitive representations have been identified across human cultures as consistently prevalent in religious beliefs and widely known folktales. Indeed, the ubiquity of counterintuitive representations of supernatural agents in world religions has led some to reason that its presence is a defining factor of “religion” (Atran 2002; Boyer 1994, 2001; Brown 1991; Pyysiäinen, Lindeman and Honkela 2003). The theory has attracted considerable attention from scholars. Boyer discussed and predicted the mnemonic advantages of culturally “familiar” counterintuitive representations (Boyer 2001: 58-105), yet this integral aspect has been poorly investigated, especially because subsequent free-recall studies have focused on novel representations that similarly violate assumptions about our intuitive ontologies. These studies have suffered from a variety of other shortcomings: small sample sizes that poorly represent population demographics and age ranges (most recruited university students); limited investigation of different modes of cultural transmission (most centred on written stimuli); emphasis on free recall at the expense of other measures of memory; and incomplete research into interactions of schema-level effects (e.g. positive and negative emotion, imagery, humour, and inferential potential) on the memorability of counterintuitive ideas. Although the theory claims universality across human cultures, purported differences between holistic and analytic types of cognition suggest that it is likely that East Asians process counterintuitive ideas differently from Westerners. But until this dissertation no data had yet been collected in East Asia. Hence, a large age-representative sample (N = 940), for three studies in both the UK and China, was used to investigate the interaction of template- and schema-level effects for wider forms of transmission biases endemic to cultural groups. The investigation comprised the interaction of the mnemonic effects of familiarity and counterintuitiveness and the impact of schema-level effects, employing a mixing of presentation media (Study #1), template-level preferences when generating schema-level ideas (Study #2), and transmission advantages for supernatural agents (Study #3). Study #1 consisted of two free-recall experiments: a minimal condition (subject-predicate statement) and elaborated condition (additional descriptive elements) of stimuli structure. The results were analysed by hierarchical linear model (HLM), with familiarity, counterintuitiveness, and delay as 2-level fixed factors, and age and schema-level effects as covariates. The findings revealed mixed support for predictions of the typical formulation of Boyer’s hypothesis. However, subsequent analyses revealed a significant interaction of counterintuitiveness x age and of counterintuitiveness x familiarity, for all conditions and cultural sites. Schema-level effects were also found to predict recall rate. Study #2 investigated template-level biases in a statement generation task. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) considering counterintuitiveness and the covariate of age revealed that children are significantly more likely to author counterintuitive ideas than older adults, in both UK and China. Study #3 (comparable in design to Study #1) found a significant interaction of counterintuitiveness x ontological category, revealed to be due to participants’ better recall rates, at both locations, for counterintuitive concepts belonging to the ontological category PERSONS. In summary, it appears that the counterintuitive effect is not as straightforward as it has been thought to be, and requires further theoretical development and empirical research to improve understanding about the interactive role of age, schema-level effects, and ontological category in the transmission and cultural epidemiology of such representations.

Die effek van vertelling op die herroeping en retensie van inhoud in 'n dokumentêre video / Johanna Carla Henriët

Henriët, Johanna Carla January 2014 (has links)
This study represents an investigation into the effect of multiple production techniques on the recall and retention of information of university students. The purpose of the study was to determine how the ‘Voice of God’ narration affects recall and retention of information compared to an on-camera interview. In documentary video, conveying information is one of the key goals of the director. In most cases, the conveyance of information in itself is insufficient. The director seeks the emotional participation of the audience so that they can become aware of a specific issue. In this mediated environment, the producer’s attempts at reaching the audience are interwoven with the producer’s capability to facilitate the audience’s recall of information. By using the ‘Voice of God’ narration, a director can enhance the narrative and make the information more understandable. Theory suggests that the use of multiple production techniques can either have a negative or positive impact on the processing of information. This statement is based on different experiments that were done by researchers on how various production techniques affect the information processing of an individual. The theoretical basis of the study is rooted in the metatheory, cybernetics. Within cybernetics, the narrative theory explains the structure of the story and how it is conveyed to an audience. Voice-over in documentary video is situated in the narrative theory because the structure of the information the voice-over gives to an audience is of utmost importance. From the theoretical basis, this study uses Lang’s (2000) limited capacity model of mediated message processing to investigate the effect of narration (voice-over) as embedded in documentary video. Specifically, it addresses the mediator’s (in documentary video, the producer’s) goal of maximum information recall by the receiver of the message. The application of Lang’s model is outlined in an empirical design that explores recall of message content and the retention of information in two ways; the recall and retention of information presented through an on-camera interview and the recall and retention of information presented by a narrator whilst images are shown that do not include an image of the narrator him/herself (Voice of God narration). Two experiments were designed for the purpose of this study in which 37 students from the North-West University’s Potchefstroom campus participated. The students were divided into two groups; group one watched the video where the information is presented by an on-camera-interview, and group two watched the video where the information is presented by a ‘Voice of God’ narrator. Two questionnaires were given to the groups at two different times. The results obtained suggest that there is no significant difference in the production techniques and the recall and retention of information. Based on the results, certain recommendations are made for future research, which include modifying the message and research design. / MA (Communication Studies), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Sing to Me: the Effects of Sung Vocals and Melody on Memory

Brown, Jack M, III 01 January 2017 (has links)
Have you ever heard a song that hasn’t played in years, and immediately recognize it? What cognitive processes determine this, and why does it seemingly happen to everyone? Using the Expectancy Theory of Music (Meyer, 1965) a working explanation for the possibility of why such strange phenomena exists is proposed. Based on expectancy, words and melody are processed together, and sung words are treated as part of the expected whole. In three experiments, memory was tested using same- different task. Each experiments investigates a different level of memory. Taking into account systematic uncertainty and the violation of expectancy when an unexpected appears, these experiments were able to be analyzed and studied in regards to their effects on memory. College students from the Claremont Colleges are to be randomly selected for this experiment. Findings should show a consistent interaction between melody and vocal sequences throughout each experiment.

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