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Implementation and Evaluation of a RF Receiver Architecture Using an Undersampling Track-and-Hold Circuit / Implementation och utvärdering av en RF-mottagare baserad på en undersamplande track-and-hold-kretsDahlbäck, Magnus January 2003 (has links)
<p>Today's radio frequency receivers for digital wireless communication are getting more and more complex. A single receiver unit should support multiple bands, have a wide bandwidth, be flexible and show good performance. To fulfil these requirements, new receiver architectures have to be developed and used. One possible alternative is the RF undersampling architecture. </p><p>This thesis evaluates the RF undersampling architecture, which make use of an undersampling track-and-hold circuit with very wide bandwidth to perform direct sampling of the RF carrier before the analogue-to-digital converter. The architecture’s main advantages and drawbacks are identified and analyzed. Also, techniques and improvements to solve or reduce the main problems of the RF undersampling receiver are proposed.</p>
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Analyses of Seismic Wave Conversion in the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the Baltic ShieldOlsson, Sverker January 2007 (has links)
<p>Teleseismic data recorded by broad-band seismic stations in the Swedish National Seismic Network (SNSN) have been used in a suite of studies of seismic wave conversion in order to assess the structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Baltic Shield. Signals of seismic waves converted between P and S at seismic discontinuities within the Earth carry information on the velocity contrast at the converting interface, on the depth of conversion and on P and S velocities above this depth. </p><p>The conversion from P to S at the crust-mantle boundary (the Moho) provides a robust tool to constrain crustal thicknesses. Results of such analysis for the Baltic Shield show considerable variation of Moho depths and significantly improve the Moho depth map. Analysis of waves converted from S to P in the upper mantle reveals a layered lithosphere with alternating high and low velocity bodies. It also detects clear signals of a sharp velocity contrast at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary at depths around 200 km. </p><p>Delay times of P410s, the conversion from P to S at the upper mantle discontinuity at 410 km depth, were used in a tomographic inversion to simultaneously determine P and S velocities in the upper mantle. The polarisation of P410s was also used to study anisotropy of the upper mantle. Results of these analyses are found to be in close agreement with independently derived results from arrival time tomography and shear-wave splitting analysis of SKS.</p><p>The results presented in this thesis demonstrate the ability of converted wave analysis as a tool to detect and image geological boundaries that involve sharp contrasts in seismic properties. The results also show that this analysis can provide means of studying aspects of Earth’s structure that are conventionally studied using other types of seismic data.</p>
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Design Aspects of Fully Integrated Multiband Multistandard Front-End ReceiversAdiseno, January 2003 (has links)
In this thesis, design aspects of fully integrated multibandmultistandard front-end receivers are investigated based onthree fundamental aspects: noise, linearity and operatingfrequency. System level studies were carried out to investigatethe effects of different modulation techniques, duplexing andmultiple access methods on the noise, linearity and selectivityperformance of the circuit. Based on these studies and thelow-cost consideration, zero-IF, low-IF and wideband-IFreceiver architectures are promising architectures. These havea common circuit topology in a direct connection between theLNA and the mixer, which has been explored in this work toimprove the overall RF-to-IF linearity. One front-end circuitapproach is used to achieve a low-cost solution, leading to anew multiband multistandard front-end receiver architecture.This architecture needs a circuit whose performance isadaptable due to different requirements specified in differentstandards, works across several RF-bands and uses a minimumamount ofexternal components. Five new circuit topologies suitable for a front-endreceiver consisting of an LNA and mixer (low-noise converter orLNC) were developed. A dual-loop wide-band feedback techniquewas applied in all circuits investigated in this thesis. Threeof the circuits were implemented in 0.18 mm RF-CMOS and 25 GHzbipolar technologies. Measurement results of the circuitsconfirmed the correctness of the design approach. The circuits were measured in several RF-bands, i.e. in the900 MHz, 1.8 GHz and 2.4 GHz bands, with S11 ranging from9.2 dB to17 dB. The circuits have a typicalperformance of 18-20 dB RF-to-IF gain, 3.5-4 dB DSB NF and upto +4.5 dBm IIP3. In addition, the circuit performance can beadjusted by varying the circuits first-stage biascurrent. The circuits may work at frequencies higher than 3GHz, as only 1.5 dB of attenuation is found at 3 GHz and nopeaking is noticed. In the CMOS circuit, the extrapolated gainat 5 GHz is about 15 dB which is consistent with the simulationresult. The die-area of each of the circuits is less than 1mm2.
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Det sociala intranätet ur ett mottagarperspektiv : – En kvalitativ studie av Skellefteå kommuns nya sociala intranät / The social intranet from a receiver perspective : - A study of Skellefteå Municipality new social intranetSilfver, Emma January 2013 (has links)
För att en organisation ska fungera måste kommunikationen fungera, för många organisationer och företag har intranätet blivit en av de primära kommunikation- och informations kanaler. Ett intranät stöder främst nedåtriktad information och fungerar som en informationsportal men den tekniska utvecklingen går framåt och nya höjder nås för vad som är tekniskt möjligt att göra. Skellefteå kommun är en organisation som valt att förnya sitt intranät och skapa ett nytt socialt intranät, det sociala intranätet skiljer sig från sin föregångare genom att det inte enbart består av statisk information utan det är kommunikativt. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka vilken uppfattning anställda inom Skellefteå kommun har om organisationens nya sociala intranät samt hur de använder det. Materialet till studien samlades in genom sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Teoribildningar som är centrala för studien är blanda annat socialt intranät och eftersom denna studie tar sin ansats ur ett mottagarperspektiv används användningsmodellen då den försöker klargöra hur människan fungerar gentemot medierna. Resultatet visar att det förekommer olika uppfattningar om organisationens nya sociala intranät, majoriteten av intervjupersonerna har en reserverad inställning till det nya intranätet. Resultatet visar även att det nya intranätet primärt används för att söka information och när det kommer till hur det nya sociala intranätet uppfattas som socialt kommunikationsforum kunde ingen av respondenterna ge ett tydligt svar då de uppgav att det inte förts någon diskussion om möjligheten att kommunicera med hjälp av det nya intranätet. / For an organization to function the communication needs to function, for many organizationsand enterprises the intranet have become one of the primary communication and information channels. An intranet supports mainly downward information and acts as an information portal but the technology is constantly evolving and we reach new heights of what is technically possible to do. Skellefteå municipality is an organization that has chosen to renew its intranet and create a new social intranet, the social intranet differs from its predecessor in that it not only consists of static information, it is also communicative. The aim of this study is to investigate the perception that the employees in Skellefteå municipality has on the organization's new social intranet and how they use it. The study´s empirical base is gathered through six semi-structured interviews. Theories that are central to the study are inter alia: social intranets and since this study takes its approach from a receiver perspective the Uses and Gratification perspective is used since it seeks to clarify how humans function in relation to the media. The results show that there are different perceptions of the organization's new social intranet, the majority of the interviewees have a reserved attitude to the new intranet.The results also shows that the new intranet is primarily used for searching information, and when it comes to how the new social intranet is perceived as a social communication forum, none of the respondents could give a clear reply as they stated that there been no discussion of the possibility of communicating through the new intranet.
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Turbo Receiver for Spread Spectrum Systems Employing Parity Bit Selected Spreading SequencesMirzaee, Alireza 25 January 2012 (has links)
In spread spectrum systems employing parity bit selected spreading sequences, parity
bits generated from a linear block encoder are used to select a spreading code from
a set of mutually orthogonal spreading sequences. In this thesis, turbo receivers for
SS-PB systems are proposed and investigated. In the transmitter, data bits are rst
convolutionally encoded before being fed into SS-PB modulator. In fact, the parity
bit spreading code selection technique acts as an inner encoder in this system without
allocating any transmit energy to the additional redundancy provided by this technique.
The receiver implements a turbo processing by iteratively exchanging the soft information
on coded bits between a SISO detector and a SISO decoder. In this system,
detection is performed by incorporating the extrinsic information provided by the decoder
in the last iteration into the received signal to calculate the likelihood of each
detected bit in terms of LLR which is used as the input for a SISO decoder.
In addition, SISO detectors are proposed for MC-CDMA and MIMO-CDMA systems
that employ parity bit selected and permutation spreading. In the case of multiuser
scenario, a turbo SISO multiuser detector is introduced for SS-PB systems for both
synchronous and asynchronous channels. In such systems, MAI is estimated from the
extrinsic information provided by the SISO channel decoder in the previous iteration.
SISO multiuser detectors are also proposed for the case of multiple users in MC-CDMA
and MIMO-CDMA systems when parity bit selected and permutation spreading are used.
Simulations performed for all the proposed turbo receivers show a signi cant reduction
in BER in AWGN and fading channels over multiple iterations.
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Contribution to Statistical Techniques for Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes in Microarray DataHossain, Ahmed 30 August 2011 (has links)
With the development of DNA microarray technology, scientists can now measure the expression levels of thousands of genes (features or genomic biomarkers) simultaneously in one single experiment. Robust and accurate gene selection methods are required to identify differentially expressed genes across different samples for disease diagnosis or prognosis. The problem of identifying significantly differentially expressed genes can be stated as follows: Given gene expression measurements from an experiment of two (or more)conditions, find a subset of all genes having significantly
different expression levels across these two (or more) conditions.
Analysis of genomic data is challenging due to high dimensionality of data and low sample size. Currently several mathematical and statistical methods exist to identify significantly differentially expressed genes. The methods typically focus on gene by gene analysis within a parametric hypothesis testing framework. In this study, we propose three flexible procedures for analyzing microarray data.
In the first method we propose a parametric method which is based on a flexible distribution, Generalized Logistic Distribution of Type II (GLDII), and an approximate likelihood ratio test (ALRT) is
developed. Though the method considers gene-by-gene analysis, the ALRT method with distributional assumption GLDII appears to provide a favourable fit to microarray data.
In the second method we propose a test statistic for testing whether area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for each gene is greater than 0.5 allowing different variances for each gene.
This proposed method is computationally less intensive and can identify genes that are reasonably stable with satisfactory
prediction performance. The third method is based on comparing two AUCs for a pair of genes that is designed for selecting highly
correlated genes in the microarray datasets. We propose a nonparametric procedure for selecting genes with expression levels
correlated with that of a ``seed" gene in microarray experiments.
The test proposed by DeLong et al. (1988) is the conventional nonparametric procedure for comparing correlated AUCs. It uses a
consistent variance estimator and relies on asymptotic normality of the AUC estimator. Our proposed method includes DeLong's variance estimation technique in comparing pair of genes and can identify genes with biologically sound implications.
In this thesis, we focus on the primary step in the gene selection process, namely, the ranking of genes with respect to a statistical measure of differential expression. We assess the proposed
approaches by extensive simulation studies and demonstrate the methods on real datasets. The simulation study indicates that the parametric method performs favorably well at any settings of variance, sample size and treatment effects. Importantly, the method is found less sensitive to contaminated by noise. The proposed nonparametric methods do not involve complicated formulas and do not
require advanced programming skills. Again both methods can identify a large fraction of truly differentially expressed (DE) genes,
especially if the data consists of large sample sizes or the presence of outliers. We conclude that the proposed methods offer
good choices of analytical tools to identify DE genes for further biological and clinical analysis.
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Contribution to Statistical Techniques for Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes in Microarray DataHossain, Ahmed 30 August 2011 (has links)
With the development of DNA microarray technology, scientists can now measure the expression levels of thousands of genes (features or genomic biomarkers) simultaneously in one single experiment. Robust and accurate gene selection methods are required to identify differentially expressed genes across different samples for disease diagnosis or prognosis. The problem of identifying significantly differentially expressed genes can be stated as follows: Given gene expression measurements from an experiment of two (or more)conditions, find a subset of all genes having significantly
different expression levels across these two (or more) conditions.
Analysis of genomic data is challenging due to high dimensionality of data and low sample size. Currently several mathematical and statistical methods exist to identify significantly differentially expressed genes. The methods typically focus on gene by gene analysis within a parametric hypothesis testing framework. In this study, we propose three flexible procedures for analyzing microarray data.
In the first method we propose a parametric method which is based on a flexible distribution, Generalized Logistic Distribution of Type II (GLDII), and an approximate likelihood ratio test (ALRT) is
developed. Though the method considers gene-by-gene analysis, the ALRT method with distributional assumption GLDII appears to provide a favourable fit to microarray data.
In the second method we propose a test statistic for testing whether area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) for each gene is greater than 0.5 allowing different variances for each gene.
This proposed method is computationally less intensive and can identify genes that are reasonably stable with satisfactory
prediction performance. The third method is based on comparing two AUCs for a pair of genes that is designed for selecting highly
correlated genes in the microarray datasets. We propose a nonparametric procedure for selecting genes with expression levels
correlated with that of a ``seed" gene in microarray experiments.
The test proposed by DeLong et al. (1988) is the conventional nonparametric procedure for comparing correlated AUCs. It uses a
consistent variance estimator and relies on asymptotic normality of the AUC estimator. Our proposed method includes DeLong's variance estimation technique in comparing pair of genes and can identify genes with biologically sound implications.
In this thesis, we focus on the primary step in the gene selection process, namely, the ranking of genes with respect to a statistical measure of differential expression. We assess the proposed
approaches by extensive simulation studies and demonstrate the methods on real datasets. The simulation study indicates that the parametric method performs favorably well at any settings of variance, sample size and treatment effects. Importantly, the method is found less sensitive to contaminated by noise. The proposed nonparametric methods do not involve complicated formulas and do not
require advanced programming skills. Again both methods can identify a large fraction of truly differentially expressed (DE) genes,
especially if the data consists of large sample sizes or the presence of outliers. We conclude that the proposed methods offer
good choices of analytical tools to identify DE genes for further biological and clinical analysis.
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Turbo Receiver for Spread Spectrum Systems Employing Parity Bit Selected Spreading SequencesMirzaee, Alireza 25 January 2012 (has links)
In spread spectrum systems employing parity bit selected spreading sequences, parity
bits generated from a linear block encoder are used to select a spreading code from
a set of mutually orthogonal spreading sequences. In this thesis, turbo receivers for
SS-PB systems are proposed and investigated. In the transmitter, data bits are rst
convolutionally encoded before being fed into SS-PB modulator. In fact, the parity
bit spreading code selection technique acts as an inner encoder in this system without
allocating any transmit energy to the additional redundancy provided by this technique.
The receiver implements a turbo processing by iteratively exchanging the soft information
on coded bits between a SISO detector and a SISO decoder. In this system,
detection is performed by incorporating the extrinsic information provided by the decoder
in the last iteration into the received signal to calculate the likelihood of each
detected bit in terms of LLR which is used as the input for a SISO decoder.
In addition, SISO detectors are proposed for MC-CDMA and MIMO-CDMA systems
that employ parity bit selected and permutation spreading. In the case of multiuser
scenario, a turbo SISO multiuser detector is introduced for SS-PB systems for both
synchronous and asynchronous channels. In such systems, MAI is estimated from the
extrinsic information provided by the SISO channel decoder in the previous iteration.
SISO multiuser detectors are also proposed for the case of multiple users in MC-CDMA
and MIMO-CDMA systems when parity bit selected and permutation spreading are used.
Simulations performed for all the proposed turbo receivers show a signi cant reduction
in BER in AWGN and fading channels over multiple iterations.
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Implementation and Evaluation of a RF Receiver Architecture Using an Undersampling Track-and-Hold Circuit / Implementation och utvärdering av en RF-mottagare baserad på en undersamplande track-and-hold-kretsDahlbäck, Magnus January 2003 (has links)
Today's radio frequency receivers for digital wireless communication are getting more and more complex. A single receiver unit should support multiple bands, have a wide bandwidth, be flexible and show good performance. To fulfil these requirements, new receiver architectures have to be developed and used. One possible alternative is the RF undersampling architecture. This thesis evaluates the RF undersampling architecture, which make use of an undersampling track-and-hold circuit with very wide bandwidth to perform direct sampling of the RF carrier before the analogue-to-digital converter. The architecture’s main advantages and drawbacks are identified and analyzed. Also, techniques and improvements to solve or reduce the main problems of the RF undersampling receiver are proposed.
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APSK Transmission Experiment with Homodyne Receiver Using Carrier Phase RecoveryKung, Hui-Hsuan 28 June 2011 (has links)
In the current transmission systems, the transmission capacity is still not enough. The information bandwidth of the optical fiber communication system is limited by the optical amplifier bandwidth, and more efficient use of the bandwidth is a very important issue. Therefore, the amplitude and phase shift keying (APSK) is one attractive method of multi-bit per symbol modulation scheme to improve the spectral efficiency, and it can effectively increase the transmission capacity.
To improve the capacity and the spectral efficiency, the advanced modulation format is effective, and the coherent detection scheme is also effective. However, an optical phase-locked loop (PLL) to lock the local oscillator (LO) phase and the signal phase required for the homodyne detection is still difficult to realize and it makes the receiver circuit complicated. Using the digital coherent receiver, the optical carrier phase information can be recovered by means of the digital signal processing (DSP), and this scheme enables to eliminate the optical PLL circuit by the phase estimation algorithm through the DSP. The stored data can be offline processed by using the MATLAB program.
This master thesis is focusing on studying the transmission performance of the APSK format using the DSP in the digital coherent receiver. 497km transmission experiment has been conducted. Subsequently, the stored data are offline processed by the algorithms of the DSP. Then, the APSK performances between back-to-back and 497km transmission are compared.
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