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Lietuvių gyvenimas ir veikla Kempteno DP stovykloje 1945 – 1949 m / Lithuanian’s life and activities in Kempten DP camp in 1945-1949Žūsinas, Gediminas 17 June 2011 (has links)
Kempteno karo pabėgėlių stovykla pasirinkta neatsitiktinai, stovykloje telkėsi nemažas skaičius lietuvių. Analizuojant DP laikotarpį buvo pasigesta būtent tyrinėjimų skirtų konkrečiai stovyklai, kurioje gyveno lietuvių pabėgėliai. Istorikų darbuose, pristatant visą stovyklinio laikotarpio gyvenimą, kol kas apsiribojama tik bendrais bruožais, plačiau nesigilinant į vienos stovyklos gyvenimą.
Lietuviai yra viena iš tų tautų, kuri turi savo emigracijos istoriją. XIX a. pabaigoje – XX a. pradžioje lietuviai tapo emigrantų tauta. Dar prieš Pirmąjį pasaulinį karą tūkstančiai Lietuvos šeimų apleido savo šalį ieškodami geresnio ir sotesnio gyvenimo svetur. Daugiausiai jų patraukė į naujų galimybių ir svajonių šalį – Ameriką. Baigiantis Antrajam pasauliniam karui ir artinantis antrajai sovietų okupacijai dešimtys tūkstančių Lietuvos gyventojų kartu su vokiečių kariuomene traukėsi į Vakarus. Tai buvo politinė emigracija.
Į Vakarus traukėsi daug išsilavinusių žmonių, tautos žiedas: žymūs politikai, menininkai, mokslininkai, tie kurie nepriklausomoje Lietuvoje užėmė aukštas pareigas. Pasibaigus karui daugiausiai lietuvių susibūrė Vokietijos DP stovyklose, kur juos globojo tarptautinės UNRRA, vėliau IRO organizacijos, kurios rūpinosi karo pabėgėlių šelpimu, apgyvendinimu ir tolimesne emigracija. Didžioji dalis lietuvių pabėgėlių emigravo į JAV (apie 30 tūkst.), o likusieji į Australiją, Kanadą ir Pietų Amerikos valstybes. Nors pirmaisiais pokario metais daug kas tikėjo greitu Lietuvos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The camp of the war refugees of Kempten has been chosen not accidentally as quite a big number of Lithuanians was gathered in that camp. When analyzing the period of DP, there was a lack of studies particularly about this camp where Lithuanian refugees lived. When presenting the life of the whole camp period, historians’ works did not include the description the life of Kempten camp in more details. It was limited only to general descriptions.
The Lithuanian nation is one of the those who have their history of emigration. Lithuanians became a nation of emigration at the end of 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Even before World War I thousands of families of Lithuania left their country when looking for a better life abroad. Most of them headed for America, the country of new possibilities and dreams. With the end of World War II and the approach of the second soviet occupation thousands of inhabitants of Lithuania retreated to the West together with the German troops. It was a political emigration.
A lot of educated people retreated to the West: famous politicians, artists, scientists, also the ones who held high positions. After the war most of Lithuanians gathered in DP camps in Germany where they were fostered by international organization UNRRA and later by IRO which supported war refugees, provided them with accommodation and took care of their further emigration. Most of Lithuanian refugees emigrated to USA (appr. 30 thous.) and the rest part left for... [to full text]
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Arbetet med ensamkommande barn : En kvalitativ studie ur ett personalperspektivAkpinar, Leila, Mitfari, Tringa January 2014 (has links)
Unaccompanied children that arrives in Sweden are usually placed in homes for care and residence, called HVB. It is the municipality's responsibility to provide adequate care and protection for the children. The aim of the study is to examine how a workgroup on a HVB home for unaccompanied children is working to meet the needs of the children, and how the workgroup improves the children’s integration process. The study also aims to examine the emotional labour of the workgroup, which illustrates how they can manage their own emotional behavior when working with the unaccompanied children. The study is based on a qualitative approach with detailed descriptions of five semi-structured interviews with the workgroup and assistant managers. The study relieved that the workgroup of the HVB home are able to cater to the individual needs of the unaccompanied children based on difficulties and their past experience. The result shows that the professional approach of the workgroup differs when working with the unaccompanied children’s needs and integration process. The results also relieved that the overall goal of the studied HVB home – to make the unaccompanied children completely independent and responsible young adults, is not completely fulfilled. In order to further improve the children's development in their new environment, previous studies have found that it is important to not only understand the importance of a professional approach but also to collaborate with others. This in order to contribute to the children’s development in the new society.
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Möten mellan gömda flyktingar och sjukvårdspersonal / Meeting of hidden refugees and medical personnelMohamadi, Sahar January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to understand meeting between hidden refugees and health professionals through interviews with refugee in hiding and health professionals. The implantation of the essay has been made by social science research methods which I have used as a qualitative survey. The material that I have used in this paper is to interview with hidden refugee and health care workers. I have used the different sources such as literature, internet and different laws which relates to the topic of this easy. I am using the power of theories to analyze the work. The work highlights relation between healthcare professionals and hidden refugees. The work is based on a new law that called SFS and that is health care for some foreigners who reside in Sweden without the necessary of permeation which according to the Social Board (2010) gives the hidden and undocumented person entitled to care that cannot be deferred. The result of my investigation was that hidden refugee’s right to emergency cares is not always met in practice although they are legally entitled to it. Another result was that the hidden meeting with health care professionals is not problem in itself but being refused to care is problematic . Controlled documents from health professionals page allows hidden may feel at a disadvantage. In this case crated anxiety and fear among the hidden people seeking care .This means that they seek care at nonprofit organizations instead. Conclusions about my essay is that a more clear legislation should be enacted and that healthcare professionals should be payable after care needs and not by legal status and ability to pay.
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Intercultural Interactions Among Burmese Refugees in Multicultural Middle School ClassroomsMcParker, Matthew Carl 26 May 2016 (has links)
The largest refugee group entering the United States in recent years is from Burma. Refugee students face a daunting set of challenges, from language and cultural differences to living in poverty, in becoming successful in their new homes. To be successful in schools and gain cultural and social capital, refugee students must learn and internalize the specific norms of their classrooms. In middle school, students are particularly reliant upon their peers for support, making peer interactions especially important. In multicultural settings, students have ample opportunities for intercultural interactions, which can help refugee students navigate their new settings and become more successful. Unfortunately, there has been little research on the experiences of Burmese refugee students in classrooms in the United States.
I used a qualitative, transcendental phenomenological approach to study how three female Burmese refugee students experienced multicultural middle school classrooms in the United States, especially their intercultural interactions, through interviews, observations, and stimulated recall.
The participants reported wanting to understand what they were learning, stay on task, and be kind to other students. Those traits developed from their experiences in their countries of origin and combined to create a picture of what a good student should be. In observations, students acted out their ideas of what it meant to be a good student. Their intercultural interactions in class reaffirmed their identities as good students.
Implications based on the findings include setting up intentional intercultural interactions with a diverse group of students in classrooms with multicultural approaches and that researchers examine the experiences of various groups of marginalized students while accounting for the context in which they learn and acknowledging a multifaceted view of adolescent identity development.
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Vi svenskar och de där flyktingarna : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsundersökning av flyktingrapporteringen före och efter det att Sverige införde gränskontroller i november 2015 / Us Swedes and those refugees : A quantitative and qualitative content study of the reports on refugees prior to and after border controls were enforced by the Swedish government in november 2015Wiberg, Natalie January 2016 (has links)
Den här undersökningen gjordes för att ta reda på om svensk flyktingrapportering ändrades efter det att Sverige införde gränskontroller den 12 november 2015. Syftet var att se om rapporteringen ändrades när det politiska läget och opinionen ändrades, men även att generellt se hur flyktingrapporteringen ser ut. Både kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning gjordes. I den kvantitativa undersökningen jämfördes 50 artiklar från september 2015 med 50 artiklar från januari 2015. Variablerna togs fram bland annat med hjälp av gestaltningsteorin och orientalism, som båda är delar av undersökningens teoretiska ramverk. Sedan undersöktes artiklarna kvalitativt genom en kombinerad diskurs- och framinganalys för att på ett djupare plan ta reda på hur flyktingfrågan och flyktingar beskrivs. Resultaten ger en indikation på att det skett en förändring mellan september 2015 och januari 2016. Flyktingarna beskrevs bland annat mer frekvent som passiva, och mer sällan som individer. Mer generellt visar resultaten att flyktingarna oftast beskrevs som en grupp utan någon identitet. Adjektiv som kan väcka identifikation användes sällan för att beskriva flyktingarna. De beskrevs istället med adjektiv som ensamkommande och asylsökande. Den mest förekommande benämningen på flyktingar var just ordet flyktingar, följt av flyktingbarn och asylsökande. Flyktingarna beskrivs ofta som passiva i artiklarna, och de citeras sällan. De som citeras mest i artiklarna är myndighetspersoner och politiker. Dessa resultat pekar på att svenska journalister, omedvetet eller medvetet, skapar en bild av verkligheten där orientalismens mönster av världen finns kvar. Det skapas en gräns mellan ”vi svenskar” och ”de där flyktingarna”. Denna gräns förstärktes efter gränskontrollernas införande. / The aim of this study was to find out whether Swedish news reports on refugees changed after border controls were enforced on the 12th of November 2015, and thereby investigate if the changed political policies had any effect in the news reporting. Another aim was to study the general patterns in the news. Both qualitative and quantitative researches were made. Regarding the quantitative research, 50 articles from September 2015 were compared with 50 articles from January 2016. The variables were designed by means of framing theory and orientalism, both being parts of the theory framework of this study. Then the articles were analyzed qualitatively with a combined discourse and framing analysis to find out on a deeper level how refugees and the refugee situation in Sweden were described. The results indicate that there has been a change in the reporting between September 2015 and January 2016. The refugees were more frequently described as passive, and more seldom as individuals. More general, the results illustrated that, in most cases, refugees are described as a group without an identity. Identity-generating adjectives were sporadically used to describe them. Instead, they were associated to adjectives like ensamkommande (unaccompanied) and asylsökande (~asylum seeker). The most common word to describe refugees was flyktingar (refugees), followed by flyktingbarn (refugee children) and asylsökande (asylum seekers). Most frequently quoted people in the articles were government officials as well as politicians. These results indicate that Swedish journalists, consciously or not, are creating a picture of the world were the lines of orientalism still persist. A demarcation line between “us swedes” and “those refugees” is created. This line became more distinct after border controls were enforced.
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"Det ger någon slags mening i vardagen" : En kulturanalytisk studie om volontärers upplevelser av att arbeta med flyktingar / A Meaningful Work : A cultural analysis of Swedish voluntary workers' experiences of their engagement with refugeesLiliequist, Christian January 2016 (has links)
Abstract of “A meaningful work” The aim of this paper is to make a cultural analysis of Swedish voluntary workers’ experiences of their engagement with refugees during the fall and winter of 2015/2016. I have interviewed eight people between the age of 19 and 61 with experiences from working as volunteers with refugees. In addition to the interviews, I have conducted a participant observation on a refugee accommodation. I have highlighted interesting themes brought up by the informants during the interviews. These themes have been further analyzed from the theoretical concepts of self-identity, class and gender. As the results show, my informants have had different motives and driving forces for engaging as volunteers, depending on their habitus and self-identities. For many the volunteer work fulfilled an important social aspect in their life. As volunteers they also got first hand information about the refugee situation, which they could pass on to their environment. One of my informants had more negative experiences than the others. She experienced a lot of critique for her engagement, which partly was because of her norm-breaking leader position as a black, young woman. Through my participant observation I got to experience the gloomy facilities of a refugee accommodation located in a distant, secluded environment. But I also experienced the informants’ joy when playing with the kids, and how their engagement created a more cheerful atmosphere.
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Gender mainstreaming in development organisations : policy, practice and institutional changePiálek, Nicholas January 2008 (has links)
‘Gender and Development’ (GAD) is currently seen as the dominant theoretical model within international development for promoting social justice and equality for women. As a consequence, many development organisations are undertaking gender mainstreaming. The most interesting fact about the vast number of analyses about gender mainstreaming is the consistency with which they tell of GAD influenced policies failing to implement GAD approaches in practice. This should raise suspicion rather than simple condemnation. It is time to ask: ‘How are, often very progressive, gender policies and strategies consistently silenced across the range of organisational contexts?’ This thesis focuses upon the contemporary process of gender mainstreaming in development organisations – a term that specifically refers to a ‘process of organisational change’ that aims to explicitly develop the ‘use of GAD approaches within all projects and programmes’ of development institutions in order to achieve ‘a vision of development that creates gender equitable social change’ in society. Moreover, it takes an approach that specifically details the ‘organisational process’ element of change inferred in the term. As such, this thesis uses the literature of organisational culture as a lens to make previously unnoticed and submerged sites of conflict and acts of resistance visible, allowing an understanding to be gained of how gender mainstreaming has so consistently faced a policy-practice impasse. It develops this analysis using an in-depth case study of Oxfam GB and demonstrates that the process of gender mainstreaming in the organisation has resulted in the removal of ‘responsibility for’ implementing GAD approaches among staff in the organisation. It goes on to highlight that the unwillingness of development organisations and practitioners to recognise gender mainstreaming as an explicitly feminist and political process of change directly couched at the level of the organisation and not just at the level of the actual development project (or society more widely) has resulted in the ‘process of organisational change’ becoming rationalised and technical rather than personal and politically charged. In reaching this understanding of gender mainstreaming, the thesis develops an awareness of organisational change processes and highlights that ‘norms’ and ‘values’ in organisations are often confused. This confusion has led to an ineffective process of change in institutions as well as a poor conceptualisation and practice of gender mainstreaming in international development.
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Inside the Tent: An In-Depth Analysis on Refugee Camps Through a Science, Technology, and Society PerspectiveShenoi, Sonia 01 January 2017 (has links)
Currently, over 65 million people around the world have been forced from their homes; among them are nearly 21 million refugees. Thus, the discussion of refugees and refugee camps on a global scale is ever more salient given the recent heightened attention to the global crises. This thesis uses an interdisciplinary Science, Technology, and Society (STS) approach to analyze the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) policies, refugee camps, and their implication in the greater society.
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Attitudes towards refugees: Do numbers matter? : The effect of minority size population on the acceptance of refugees in Swedish municipalitiesVelasquez, Paolo January 2016 (has links)
With the ongoing conflict in the Middle East and other regions of the world, the eminent influx of refugees to European nations has become a topic of great concern and discussion. An increase in research has occurred concerning attitudes towards refugees and immigration in general, which has put forth the question of whether larger numbers of foreign born correlates positively or negatively to attitudes towards immigrants. Much of the previous research has focused largely on cross-national comparisons but has overlooked the importance of contextual factors at lower levels of analysis. Using cross-sectional data, the focus of this thesis is on the proportion of foreign born in Swedish municipalities and its correlation to attitudes towards refugees. The results confirm intergroup contact theory, which stipulates interaction among different groups results in greater tolerance, which is facilitated by a larger proportion of foreign born. In addition, the results also support the negative impact of poor economic conditions. When looking at the effect of unemployment on attitudes towards refugees; less tolerant attitudes arise as a consequence of higher unemployment. More research is needed in order to understand the importance of the proportion of foreigners and socioeconomic factors in the formation of attitudes towards refugees.
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Ensamkommande flyktingbarn i media : -En kritisk diskursanalys om porträtteringen av ensamkommande flyktingbarn i Aftonbladet och Expressen / Unaccompanied child refugees in media : – A discourse analysis of the portrayal of unaccompanied child refugees Aftonbladet & Expressen.Safarzadeh, Niloofar, Nehmé, Gabriella January 2017 (has links)
The study aimed to investigate the characterization of unaccompanied child refuges in two of Sweden’s leading newspapers by analyzing the rhetoric used in publications. The empirical material was collected from Aftonbladet and Expresses’s databases and was limited to 50 electronically published leaders, debate and news articles for the period of September 2015 up to February 2016. The empirical analysis was based on Norman Fairclough’s interpretation of critical discourse analysis, CDA and the theoretical discourse concept of power, knowledge and stigma. The result of the study showed two recurring themes within the discourse of unaccompanied child refugees titled “victim” and “prisoner”. Description within the themes portrayed the children as exposed, affected and involuntary addicts as well as criminal, violent and threatening. The portrayal of the children effected human perception, attitudes and actions toward the group. Media is described to have an undeniable impact on the creation of human perceptions, believes and attitudes. By doing so, the portrayal of children as perpetrators can have a negative impact on human processes, which however can be altered by nuances given to the subject by the portrayal of the children as victims.
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