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The Ambiguous Integration Concept as Reflected in the Role of Third Sector Organisations in Highly Skilled Refugees Employment Integration in SwedenMutiarasari, Clara Citra January 2021 (has links)
This thesis studies the role of the third sector organisation [TSO] in highly skilled refugees' employment integration in Sweden. It attempts to contribute to the migration studies literature and nonprofit sector studies by focusing on the underresearched highly skilled refugees and several TSOs in Sweden, one of the major receiving countries in Europe during the refugee crisis. It discovers the challenges faced by the highly skilled refugees and the TSOs' solution to help them overcome the obstacles using Bourdieusian capital theory. In doing so, the TSOs are also shaping the integration concept of the nation, which is proven to be ambiguous. On the one hand, they preserve the construction of refugees as needing care and their difference from Sweden as weakness. On the other hand, they challenge the idea that integration is primarily refugees' responsibility and attempt to change employers' unwillingness to hire with the concept of diversity as a strength. Despite that, the TSOs do not significantly challenge the dominant integration concept in Sweden and the state. This thesis argues that it may be explained by the strong trust between the government and civil society stemmed from the nation's historical development as an egalitarian welfare state.
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Tackling the Silent Epidemic : Examining Safe Spaces as part of SGBV work in the Humanitarian response to VenezuelaDahlback, Filippa January 2021 (has links)
Humanitarian interventions increasingly use safe spaces as part of their work on SGBV prevention, mitigation and response. Therefore, this thesis examines how safe spaces have affected refugee women in the regional response to the humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. The method is a literature review analysing reports, news articles and guidelines. The analysis uses the concepts of empowerment and gendered conflict theory for a deeper understanding of what consequences safe spaces have on refugee women in terms of empowerment and strengthened role in society. The analysis shows that safe spaces are integrated with other sectors and have enabled creation of regional standardization and cross-border protection. Response plans incorporate empowerment as a central aspect with awareness-raising, community outreach, economic empowerment, social support and community resilience key components. It also showed an increased need of safe spaces at unofficial border crossings and that gender stereotypes continue to place women at risk in Venezuela and countries of destination.
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The principle of non-refoulement in the context of refugee operation in TanzaniaChambo, Janeth Apelles January 2005 (has links)
"The rights of refugees and basic human rights are inextricably linked. Today's human rights abuse is tomorrow's refugee movements. Quite often, refugees' rights are curtailed by the same states that declare them in accordance with international and domestic instruments, only because they are non-nationals. While the foundation of refugee rights is the principle that all men and women have the right to belong to a society in which they are protected by the state, the respect to the principle of non-refoulement is at the core of being a refugee. Even though the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) proclaims rights to all, including refugees, states use international principles of sovereignty to shut their doors in front of asylum seekers. Furthermore, it is not easy to utilise international mechanisms of protection to instigate complaints against a potential host state, based on its arbitrary act to shut its doors. This is because one needs to seek remedies before authorities of the same country where she or he has been denied. In addition, international law has few precedents on the matter even assuming it was treated as an exception to the former rule. This situation puts refoulement victims in a dilemma. ... Since the first time when the wave of asylum seekers from Rwanda hit Tanzania in 1959, the flow of refugees continues. Tanzania has hosted refugees not only from its neighbouring countries, but also as far as from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Somalia. With an estimated number of 602,00 refugees population in 2004, Tanzania was among the top five refugee-hosting countries in the world. Tanzania ratified the international and regional refugee instrumetns, as well as other human rights instruments that may enhance the protection of refugees. Subsequently, Tanzania enacted appropriate legislation in order to make the refugee instruments enforceable within the national legal framework. The principle of non-refoulement is enshriend in all legal instruments of which Tanzania has an international, regional and national obligation to respect. However, in recent years a trend of sporadic incidents in which the principle of non-refoulement was not respected, has been observed. For instance, in October 2004, 68 Burundian asylum seekers were forced to return to Burundi following the orders of the local authorities. One of the most recent incidents occurred in January 2005 when the government returned two families of nine persons, despite assurances made to UNHCR that they would be granted refugee status. This research looks at the obligation of the Government of Tanzania to protect rights of asylum seekers and refugees. This is in line with the principle of non-refoulement as enshrined under international and regional instruments of which Tanzania ratified. It further explores the role of international communities in responsibility sharing (often referred to in the humanitarian community as 'burden sharing') as a way to ensure that all states respect the principle of non-refoulement. ... The first part of this research is the introduction, that is, the background to the problem, problem statement, scope of the research, hypotheses, objective of the research, literature review, research methodology, and outline of chapters. The second chapter looks at the right to non-refoulement under international, regional and national legal instruments. Chapter three deals with respect of the principle of non-refoulement in the refugee operation of Tanzania. Chapter four examines the relationship between the principle of non-refoulement and responsibility sharing with a view to reflect on the role of the international community in promoting refugee rights. The last chapter is the conclusion of the research and recommendations." -- Introduction. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2005. / Prepared under the supervision of Dr. Atangcho Nji Akonumbo at the Department of Social Science and Management, Catholic University [of Central Africa] in Yaounde, Cameroon / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM
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Voluntary Associations: Schools of Immigration Advocacy? : An investigation of the opinion-formin functions of civic society on issues of immigrationMagnusson, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
The issue of immigration is arguably one of the most loaded political issues. Not only for several member states of the European union but since the Dublin-agreement fell apart, maybe also for the union as a whole. The growing number of anti-immigrant parties on the rise have intensified the interest by scholars in the issue of anti-immigrant sentiments and its explanations, and recently, trust has been found to constitute one of the strongest explanatory variables for the attitudes toward immigration. But although the theoretical arguments and empirical evidence are there from separate fields of research, the link between voluntary associations, trust and support for immigration has not yet been connected. The idea of associations as a generator for “civic virtues” has been influential in the field of political science. But could the virtues fostered in associations have an impact in the attitudes toward immigration as well? By using data from the SOM-institutes national survey of 2016, this study conducts a quantitative investigation on an individual-level to the relationship between associations, trust and anti-immigrant sentiments. The study’s findings suggest that there is a significant positive relationship between membership in associations that partially is mediated by trust, and somewhat surprisingly, the study finds there may be something else to associational membership that has an significant impact on trust. Lastly, some theoretical arguments are provided to attribute this “something else”-effect to Putnam’s second civic virtue “generalized reciprocity”.
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Dolmetschen für Geflüchtete: Die ehrenamtliche Sprachmittlung in der Rechtsberatung für Geflüchtete in Leipzig – Herausforderungen und GrenzenWohlfarth, Maike 03 March 2016 (has links)
Fehlerhafte Verdolmetschungen können schwerwiegende Folgen haben: Im Novem-ber 2014 löste ein Dolmetscher in der Außenstelle des Bundesamts für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF) in Dortmund einen Großeinsatz der Feuerwehr und eine Teilevaku-ierung des Gebäudes aus (vgl. Thiel 2014). Er hatte die Aussage eines Asylsuchenden falsch verstanden und verknappt wiedergegeben. Die Behörde nahm den Vorfall zum An-lass, ihre Qualitätsstandards für DolmetscherInnen zu überprüfen (vgl. ebd.).
Missverständnisse aufgrund mangelhafter Verdolmetschung ziehen nicht immer derart schwerwiegende Konsequenzen nach sich. Dennoch hängt besonders für Geflüchtete viel von der korrekten Übertragung ab, bis hin zur Entscheidung über ihr Asylgesuch und damit u. U. über Leben und Tod (vgl. Krainz/Pinter/Pöllabauer 2006: 14). Leider ist es beim Dolmetschen für Geflüchtete jedoch keine Ausnahme, dass ungeeignete Dolmet-scherInnen eingesetzt und niedrige Qualitätsstandards angelegt werden. Im letzten Jahr sind die Zahlen Geflüchteter in die Höhe geschnellt (vgl. BAMF III: 3f.), wodurch auch die Nachfrage nach DolmetscherInnen gestiegen ist. Es erweist sich allerdings als schwie-rig, den Bedarf zu decken, da vorwiegend „exotische Sprachen“ benötigt werden (Widmer 2014). Aus diesem Grund werden häufig Laien eingesetzt. Diese Entwicklung rückt in der aktuellen Debatte um Migration und Flucht stärker in den Fokus. Es wird vermehrt über die „große Macht der Asyldolmetscher“ (Kirst 2015) und die Notwendig-keit, professionelle DolmetscherInnen einzusetzen (vgl. Kornmeier 2015), berichtet. Auch der Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e. V. (BDÜ) warnt vor der Überforderung von LaiendolmetscherInnen im Bereich Asyl (vgl. BDÜ III). Die Thema-tik wird also zunehmend von der Öffentlichkeit wahrgenommen, insbesondere wenn es Probleme gibt.
Mit dem öffentlichen Interesse nehmen auch die Bestrebungen zu, die Sprachmittlung zu professionalisieren. Davon profitieren ehrenamtliche Initiativen jedoch meist nicht, da sie keine professionellen SprachmittlerInnen (SpraMi) anfordern können und somit weiter-hin auf freiwillige angewiesen sind. Könnte dies im Extremfall sogar dazu führen, dass das Menschenrecht auf ein faires Verfahren verletzt wird? Um sich dieser Frage zu nä-hern, wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit die ehrenamtliche Sprachmittlung in der Rechtsberatung für Geflüchtete in Leipzig untersucht. So sollen die Herausforderungen und Grenzen des Ehrenamts in diesem Bereich aufgezeigt werden. Das Ziel ist dabei, auf Missstände hinzuweisen und den Bedarf an professioneller Beratung und Sprachmittlung zu verdeutlichen. Da in naher Zukunft keine grundlegenden Gesetzesänderungen diesbe-züglich zu erwarten sind, sollen Empfehlungen erarbeitet werden, wie die Sprachmittlung in ihrer derzeitigen Form möglichst reibungslos ablaufen kann. Daraus können Bera-tungsinitiativen und SprachmittlerInnen, aber auch andere Ehrenamtliche und Behörden, die mit LaiendolmetscherInnen zusammenarbeiten, einen Nutzen ziehen.
Um Klarheit über die aktuelle Debatte zu Migration und Flucht zu schaffen, werden in Kapitel 2 zunächst Zahlen und Fakten zu diesem Thema dargestellt. Zudem werden die in Leipzig aktiven Rechtsberatungsinitiativen vorgestellt. Im darauffolgenden Kapitel wird erläutert, wann Geflüchtete ein Recht auf Verdolmetschung haben und wann es dar-über hinaus notwendig wäre. Zudem werden offizielle Sprachmittlungsprogramme vorgestellt und es wird aufgezeigt, wie sich die Initiativen behelfen, die diese nicht nutzen können.
Anschließend wird das Dolmetschen für Asylsuchende anhand der Literaturrecherche als Bereich des Community Interpreting eingeordnet, wobei Schwierigkeiten aufgezeigt wer-den. Dazu wurden v. a. AutorInnen aus Österreich und der Schweiz rezipiert, da die Forschung zu diesem Thema dort weiter fortgeschritten ist als in Deutschland. Insbeson-dere Pöllabauer und Pöchhacker haben sich mit dem Dolmetschen für Asylsuchende auseinandergesetzt. Zum Community Interpreting allgemein sind v. a. die Beiträge im Sammelband von Dahinden und Bischoff hervorzuheben. In der Forschung wurden je-doch bisher fast ausschließlich Dolmetschsituationen untersucht, in denen Asylsuchende ein Recht auf Verdolmetschung haben, während informelle Situationen kaum berücksich-tigt wurden. Die vorliegende Arbeit soll einen Beitrag dazu leisten, diese Forschungslücke zu schließen. Dazu wurden qualitative Interviews mit SprachmittlerIn-nen und RechtsberaterInnen für Geflüchtete aus Leipzig durchgeführt. In Kapitel 5 wird die Methode der Befragung und der Auswertung detailliert vorgestellt.
Basierend auf der Literaturrecherche werden die Interviews analysiert und die konkrete Situation der Sprachmittlung in der Rechtsberatung vorgestellt. Es soll erörtert werden, welche Erwartungen bestehen, um die Rolle der SprachmittlerInnen zu klären. Außerdem wird auf das Verhältnis zwischen den Gesprächsparteien, bestehende Schwierigkeiten, Möglichkeiten der Qualitätskontrolle und Verbesserungsvorschläge eingegangen. Ausge-hend davon werden in Kapitel 7 Schlussfolgerungen gezogen und Handlungsempfeh-lungen vorgestellt.
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Der MOOC „Ready for Study“: Kompetenzorientiertes Lernen in heterogenen GruppenBremer, Claudia January 2017 (has links)
In den letzten Jahren hat die Flüchtlingssituation erhebliche Beratungsbedarfe zu Studienangeboten und Bewerbungsverfahren für die Beratungsstellen und vor allem International Offices an Hochschulen generiert. Diese sprengten phasenweise die Kapazitäten der entsprechenden Beratungsstellen. Zudem stellt die Vielfalt der verschiedenen Studienangebote Hochschultypen, Bewerbungsverfahren und Zulassungsbedingungen Personen mit Fluchthintergrund, die Interesse an der Aufnahme oder Fortsetzung eines Studiums in Deutschland, vor massive Herausforderungen. Auch können bei Aufnahme oder Fortsetzung eines Studiums die stark heterogenen Vorkenntnisse, Lernvoraussetzungen und lernkulturellen Vorerfahrungen dieser Zielgruppe mit den vorhandenen Angeboten oft nicht ausreichend aufgefangen werden.
Vor diesem Hintergrund hat die Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA) 2015 die Entwicklung und Umsetzung eines online Kurses in Auftrag gegeben, der genau diesen Anforderungen begegnen soll. [... aus der Einleitung]
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Vnímání vlastní cizosti jako vnitřní překážka integrace / Perception of a Strangeness as an Inner Barrier of IntegrationTučková, Anna January 2017 (has links)
This work deals with the question whether the way one understands his strangeness can influence possibility of integrating migrants into the majority. The work presents some theories of personal and ethnical identity in the tradition of social constructivism. In these theories the identity is usually constructed in the opposition to strange or other, but can strange or other be the basis for the construction of one's identity? This problem is approached from the stand point of the basic sociological theories of stranger (Simmel, Schütz, Park, Siu, Bauman). Based on these theories this work argues that stranger can be an identity. The following analysis of in-depth interviews shows if and how is identity of stranger manifested in everyday life of migrants.
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Někoho zachránit a někoho ignorovat: Etnografie humanitární odpovědi na uprchlickou krizi v Řecku / Saving some, ignoring others: An ethnography of the humanitarian response to the refugee crisis in GreeceGut, Petr January 2018 (has links)
In this auto-ethnography, I use my experience of volunteering during the 'European refugee crisis' to pose a critique of how humanitarian aid is negotiated in its everyday practice. I identify four main groups of actors involved in the negotiation, namely the aid-workers, the volunteers, the locals and the refugees themselves. The goal of this work is to explore the mechanisms and causes of the marginalisation of the locals, and most importantly, of the refugees in this negotiation. Following De Genova's theory of migrant "illegalisation" I argue that the marginalisation of refugees is a result of the way the European border regime operates and I explore both the complicity of humanitarians in this regime and also how they challenged it. Following Agier's theory of the "humanitarian government", I argue that there is very little space for agency of people designated as refugees in humanitarian aid, and I analyse the power of aid-workers over the refugees. Last but not least, I use Pandolfi's concept of the humanitarian apparatus as a form of "migrant sovereignty" to show how humanitarians partly took over the local political practices in a setting of a humanitarian crisis on one of the Greek islands, and I describe the effects of this take-over on the local population.
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Turecko a strategické zájmy EU - analýza migrační krize / Turkey and Strategic Interests of the EU - Analysis of the Migrant CrisisKrejčová, Romana January 2018 (has links)
The EU-Turkey relations have been complicated for over fifty years, namely since the Ankara Agreement. The civil war in Syria broke out in 2011 and since then Turkey has been struggling with the rise of migrants. The migration crisis affected the EU in 2015. Therefore, the cooperation between the EU and Turkey to solve migration crisis was necessary. This diploma thesis engages in communication and negotiation between the EU and Turkey about a common action to solve the migration crisis. Karl Deutsch's communication theory was chosen as the theoretical framework. We can namely observe the concept of feedback during the negotiations of joint Action Plan and joint statement to tackle irregular migration. First is explained the history and development of the EU-Turkey relations. The history of the EU-Turkey relations is explained since Turkey applied for association to the European Economic Community. The EU-Turkey relations are affected by bad relations between Turkey and some EU member states. Currently, the EU-Turkey relations are more complicated because of the purges and human rights abuse after the unsuccessful coup attempt in 2016. Turkey has got stronger position in negotiations of cooperation. Turkey has grasped the chances of the migration crisis to revive some policy processes - as visa...
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Radikálny islamisti: trójsky kôň terrorizmus alebo kriminálnici / Radical Islamists: A Trojan Horse of Terrorism or CriminalsGergely, Frederik January 2019 (has links)
This work focuses on analysis of radical Islamist (jihadist) terrorism in Europe with specific focus on refugees. The basic aim of this work is to determine, whether refugees are more prone to radicalization, criminal activity or terrorism. Special attention will be given to refugees that came to Europe since 2015 and the special aim is to determine, whether they can be considered as trojan horse of terrorism, criminals or they pose no threat in topic of either terrorism or criminality. This work is divided into three main chapters and numerous subchapters. In the first part of the work, the phenomenon of terrorism is closely analysed. This chapter concentrates on difficulties of achieving a common definition of terrorism, provides various definitions and their critique, looks on definitional elements and roots of terrorism, discusses theories of terrorism and presents various types of terrorism. Second chapter lists out the occurrence of jihadist terrorism in Europe since 2015 and reviews it. A special view is offered by listing out successful jihadist attacks committed by refugees since 2015. Third chapter focuses on the analysis of three things - radicalization among refugees, criminal activity among refugees and the possibility of the occurrence of migratory terrorism. The main research...
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