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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Native extracellular matrix: a new scaffolding platform for repair of damaged muscle

Teodori, Laura, Costa, Alessandra, Marzio, Rosa, Perniconi, Barbara, Coletti, Dario, Adamo, Sergio, Gupta, Bhuvanesh, Tarnok, Attila 03 August 2022 (has links)
Effective clinical treatments for volumetric muscle loss resulting from traumatic injury or resection of a large amount of muscle mass are not available to date. Tissue engineering may represent an alternative treatment approach. Decellularization of tissues and whole organs is a recently introduced platform technology for creating scaffolding materials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. The muscle stem cell niche is composed of a three-dimensional architecture of fibrous proteins, proteoglycans, and glycosaminoglycans, synthesized by the resident cells that form an intricate extracellular matrix (ECM) network in equilibrium with the surrounding cells and growth factors. A consistent body of evidence indicates that ECM proteins regulate stem cell differentiation and renewal and are highly relevant to tissue engineering applications. The ECM also provides a supportive medium for blood or lymphatic vessels and for nerves. Thus, the ECM is the nature's ideal biological scaffold material. ECM-based bioscaffolds can be recellularized to create potentially functional constructs as a regenerative medicine strategy for organ replacement or tissue repopulation. This article reviews current strategies for the repair of damaged muscle using bioscaffolds obtained from animal ECM by decellularization of small intestinal submucosa (SIS), urinary bladder mucosa (UB), and skeletal muscle, and proposes some innovative approaches for the application of such strategies in the clinical setting.

Towards the development of vascularized constructs for bone repair

Chang-Wai-Ling, Nolanne Arlette January 2013 (has links)
The development of a vasculature within a tissue-engineered construct is one of the largest hurdles to successful bone regeneration. This thesis investigates methods to increase vasculature of such transplanted constructs, based on in vivo transplant studies and in vitro analysis of cell behaviors. A syngeneic mouse model in immunocompetent mice was developed and analyzed for both osteogenesis and hematopoiesis. This study demonstrates that syngeneic bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) are not rejected by the host, provided the strain of mice is sufficiently inbred. Additionally, an effective protocol was developed for the isolation of endothelial cells (ECs) from the bone marrow of mice. Two different sets of materials for this study were analyzed, both collagen based, and the GelfoamTM scaffold was found to possess advantages over synthesized collagen or collagen/hydroxyapatite composites, although only for mouse and not human bone transplantation. In order to gain rapid and integrated vasculature formation within the transplant, attempts were made to increase both (de novo) vasculogenesis and angiogenesis (ingrowth) from the surrounding tissue. For the former, transplant studies were combined with in vitro osteogenic calcification studies. Direct co-culture of the BMSCs and ECs increased osteogenic calcification and was monitored by using both alizarin red S quantification and quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Angiogenesis (as assessed by cell migration) was studied by various motility and chemotaxis assays in vitro, as well as through use of a directed in vivo angiogenesis assay. Growth factors, particularly TGF-β1 and BMP-4, were found to increase cell movement in these systems. In conclusion, we show that although much work remains to be done in order to increase the vasculature in bone transplants, systematic combination of in vivo and in vitro assays can elucidate the nature behind this crucial process in this context.

Transhumanisme et Cellules Souches : travail à la frontière de la gériatrie biomédicale

Paredes, Laurie 10 1900 (has links)
La recherche scientifique biomédicale dans le domaine des cellules souches et plus largement de la médecine régénérative offre aujourd’hui des promesses d’applications thérapeutiques révolutionnaires pour de nombreuses maladies. Pourtant, il semble que pour certains, ces avancées pourraient servir d’autres desseins, notamment en ce qui concerne l’amélioration biologique de l’humain vers des objectifs de contrôle voire d’inversion du processus de vieillissement. Beaucoup de ceux qui tiennent à ces idées appartiennent à un mouvement, dit transhumaniste, où ils s’accordent sur des idées et valeurs communes concernant l’avenir de l’humain. Plus que cela, certains de ces acteurs transhumanistes prennent activement part à la recherche scientifique et orientent celle-ci vers les valeurs qu’ils soutiennent, touchant ainsi aux frontières de disciplines scientifiques établies et à la démarcation entre science et pseudoscience. En s’appuyant sur les concepts de recherche confinée / recherche de plein air, de forum hybride et de travail aux frontières, la présente recherche explore la place que les chercheurs transhumanistes occupent dans la recherche scientifique institutionnelle et se questionne sur la façon et les moyens qu’ils mettent en oeuvre pour y prendre part. À partir de la constitution et de l’analyse d’un corpus documentaire transhumaniste sur les cellules souches, mais aussi en décrivant le réseau auquel les chercheurs transhumanistes appartiennent, l’étude apporte une perspective nouvelle sur le mouvement transhumaniste. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les chercheurs transhumanistes ne se cantonnent pas à produire des discours et des représentations de leurs idées et de leurs valeurs, mais participent activement à la réalisation de celles-ci en menant eux-mêmes des recherches et en infiltrant la recherche scientifique institutionnelle. / Biomedical research in the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine promise a wide array of revolutionary therapeutic applications for many diseases. Yet for some those advances could serve other purposes, particularly in regards to the biological improvement of humans, means of control and even the reversing of aging process. Many of those who share these ideas belong to a movement called transhumanism. Some of these actors are actively involved in scientific research and steer it in accord with their personal values. Up to a point were they reach the outer limits of science into what we can only describe as pseudoscience. Based on the concepts of confined research / research in the wild, hybrid forum and boundary work, this master thesis explores the role of transhumanist researchers involved in institutional scientific research by questioning their ways and means. For this analysis, we produced a transhumanist documentary corpus on stem cells and studied the relations of transhumanist researchers as a network. This study provides a new perspective on the transhumanist movement. We agrue that transhumanist researchers are not confined to the representations of their ideas and values through discourse, but actively partake in the achievement of transhumanist’s objectives by conducting research within institutional scientific research structures.

Conception et élaboration d'échafaudages de nanofibres à dégradation contrôlée pour des applications en médecine régénératrice vasculaire / Design and elaboration of degradation-controlled nanofiber scaffold for vascular regenerative medicine application

Sabbatier, Gad 30 June 2015 (has links)
L’absence de croissance en monocouche des cellules endothéliales sur la paroi des prothèses vasculaires est une des causes d’échec de leur implantation chez l’humain. Des études précédentes ont montré que le recouvrement de ces prothèses par un échafaudage de nanofibres d’acide polylactique (PLA), fabriqué par un système de filage par jet d’air innovant, peut être utilisé pour promouvoir la croissance des cellules endothéliales de façon adéquate. Ainsi, le caractère dégradable d’un matériau comme le PLA permettrait son remplacement graduel par la matrice extra-cellulaire produite par les cellules. D’autre part, la réussite d’une transition entre les nanofibres dégradables et la matrice extra-cellulaire nécessite un remplacement contrôlé et approprié. Or, la dégradation des nanofibres de PLA, dépendant de ses séquences stéréochimiques, est généralement trop longue et peut induire une cytotoxicité relative pendant sa dégradation. Dans ce contexte, les études de cette thèse ont pour objectifs de mieux comprendre la formation des fibres lors du filage, d’optimiser la fabrication des échafaudages permettant ainsi la création de nanofibres d’autres polymères, puis, de concevoir des nanofibres provenant d’un polymère mieux adapté à nos besoins, d’évaluer leur mécanisme de dégradation et sa cytotoxicité durant sa dégradation. Les travaux d’optimisation du système de filage ont démontré que la concentration avec un effet prépondérant. Ainsi, la mesure de la viscosité permet de trouver les paramètres adéquats pour le filage de polymère. Ensuite, un poly(L-lactide) semi-cristallin (PLLA) et un terpolymère de poly(lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) (PLCL) dédié pour des applications vasculaires ont été synthétisés et filés par jet d’air. Ces échantillons ont été dégradés en solution aqueuse et caractérisés par des méthodes physico-chimiques afin de mieux comprendre leurs mécanismes de dégradation et mis en présence de cellules endothéliales pour évaluer leur cytotoxicité. La comparaison entre les échafaudages des deux polymères a montré des comportements singuliers en dégradation, dépendants des caractéristiques thermiques des polymères. De plus, ces mécanismes de dégradation des nanofibres ont une influence directe sur la sensibilité des cellules endothéliales face aux produits de dégradation. En conclusion, ces travaux de doctorat présentent une solution prometteuse pour améliorer les prothèses vasculaires et qui pourrait être appliquée pour résoudre plusieurs problématiques en médecine régénératrice. / The absence of neo-endothelium on the intimal surface of vascular substitutes is known to be one cause of failure upon implantation of these prostheses in humans. Previous studies have shown that the coating of these substitutes with a nanofiber scaffold, made with an innovative air spinning device, can be used to promote a suitable endothelial cells growth. On one hand, the degradable feature of material as PLA enable the progressive replacement of the scaffold by the extracellular matrix of cells. On the other hand, the success of this replacement between degradable nanofibers and the extracellular matrix requires to be appropriate and controlled. Yet, the PLA nanofiber degradation process, which depends on its stereosequences, is generally too long for this application and could involve cell sensitivity during the degradation. In this context, studies from this thesis aim to understand the fibers formation during spinning, optimizing the scaffold fabrication as well as to promote the making of novel polymer scaffolds, then, design solution to polymeric nanofiber scaffolds for vascular application, evaluate its degradation mechanism and cytotoxicity during degradation process. The work on spinning device optimisation has demonstrated that the concentration had a dominant effect. Thus, viscosity measurements enable to find suitable parameters for polymer spinning. Then, a semi-cristalline poly(L-lactide) (PLLA) and a poly(lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) (PLCL) terpolymer specifically made for vascular application have been synthesized and air-spun. These samples were degraded in aqueous solution and characterized by physical and chemical methods to better understand their degradation mechanisms and seeded with endothelial cells to evaluate their cytotoxicity. The comparison between the two polymers scaffolds have shown surprising degradation behaviors depending on thermal properties of polymers. Moreover, these nanofiber degradation mechanisms have a direct influence on endothelial cells sensitivity with degradation by-products. To conclude, these works of doctorate display a promising solution to improve vascular prostheses and which could be applied to solve several issues in regenerative medicine field.

Modificação do bico de impressora 3D para obtenção de scaffolds para uso em medicina regenerativa / 3D printer nozzle modification to obtain scaffolds for use in regenerative medicine

Moro, Franco Henrique 14 December 2018 (has links)
Estudos recentes em medicina regenerativa utilizam estruturas de crescimento celular conhecidas como scaffolds: um scaffolds é uma estrutura porosa feita de material biodegradável. Essas estruturas ajudam na formação e reconstituição de novos tecidos, servindo como suporte para o crescimento e proliferação celular. Esses podem ser fabricados utilizando processos de manufatura aditiva (MA). O processo utilizado na pesquisa foi o FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication), que se baseia em fundir polímero e extrudá-lo em forma de filamento para produção de peças tridimensionais para confecção dos scaffolds. O polímero utilizado na pesquisa foi o ácido poliláctico (PLA), por ser biocompatível. Uma possível forma de aumentar a rugosidade de superfície é gerar uma geometria diferente na seção transversal do filamento extrudado que forma o scaffold. Assim, o scaffold adquiriria a micro-rugosidade ou nanorrugosidade (rugosidade superficial do material utilizado e inerente do processo), e a macrorrugosidade (geometria gerada ao longo de seu comprimento): a micro-rugosidade, para fins deste trabalho, será considerada como a rugosidade (acabamento de uma superfície); a macrorrugosidade (ou macrogeometria) será considerada, para fins deste trabalho, como a textura que se apresenta na forma de uma seção transversal de um filamento extrudado. Para gerar essa macrotextura, é necessário gerar na ferramenta bico extrusor uma geometria diferente na saída do bico. Geralmente, na saída do bico extrusor é feito um furo de geometria circular. Foi proposto neste estudo utilizar uma geometria diferente de um círculo na saída do bico, geometria essa a ser transferida ao filamento durante o momento da extrusão. A alteração desta geometria requer a utilização de técnicas não convencionais de usinagem. Neste projeto foram produzidos filamentos modificados a fim de melhorar a citocompatibilidade no scaffold. A morfologia foi analisada in vitro e o novo bico gerou filamentos impressos com diferenças na citocompatibilidade e com mudanças nos aspectos morfológicos das células quando comparadas àquelas aderidas aos filamentos convencionais. / Recent studies in regenerative medicine use cell growth structures known as scaffolds: a scaffold is a porous structure made of biodegradable material. These structures aid in the formation and reconstitution of new tissues, serving as a support for cell growth and proliferation. They are manufactured using additive manufacturing (AM) processes. The technology executed in this research was the FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication), which is based on melting polymer in the form of a filament and extruding it for the production of three-dimensional parts for the manufacture of scaffolds. The polymer used in this research was the polylactic acid (PLA), which was used because it is biocompatible. One possible way to increase surface roughness is to generate a geometry in the cross section of the extruded filament forming the scaffold. Thus, the scaffold would acquire the micro-roughness or nano roughness (surface roughness of the material used and inherent in the process), and the macro-roughness (texture generated along its length): the micro-roughness, for purposes of this work, will be considered a roughness (surface finish); The macro-roughness (or macro-geometry) will be considered, for purposes of this work, as the texture which is in the form of a cross-section of an extruded filament. To generate this texture (macro-roughness) it is necessary to generate a macro-geometry in the nozzle extruder tool. Usually at the exit of the extruder nozzle is made a hole of circular geometry. It was proposed in this study to use a geometry different from a circle at the exit of the nozzle to be transferred to the filament during the moment of the extrusion. Altering this geometry requires the use of non-conventional machining techniques. In this project modified filaments were produced in order to improve cytocompatibility and for cell differentiation in the scaffold. The morphology was tested in vitro and the new nozzle was able to generate printed filaments with differences in cytocompatibility and with changes in the morphological aspects of the cells when compared to those adhered to the conventional filaments.

Les nanovésicules extracellulaires sécrétées par les CSMs et les nanovésicules de synthèse issues d’agro-ressources : de leur caractérisation à leur utilisation en ingénierie tissulaire / Extracellular nanoversicles secreted by MSCs and synthetic nanoversicles resulting from agro-resources : from their characterization to their use in tissue engineering

Dostert, Gabriel 23 June 2017 (has links)
Les vésicules extracellulaires nanométriques (nEVs) issues de cellules souches mésenchymateuses (CSMs) et les nanovésicules synthétiques sont au centre de nombreuses recherches pour le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques en médecine régénérative. La mise en place d’une méthode standardisée pour isoler les nEVs à partir de milieu conditionné de CSMs et de pouvoir les caractériser a été nécessaire. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur leur taille qui se situe entre 30 et 150 nm ainsi que la présence de certains de leur marqueurs membranaires (CD9, CD63 et CD81). Durant ce travail, deux méthodes d’isolement ont été testées. Les résultats obtenus par les analyses physiques (Nanosight®, microscopie électronique à transmission) et biologiques (cytométrie en flux) des différents échantillons ont permis de standardiser la méthode d’isolement des nEVs par centrifugations et ultracentrifugations successives. Ensuite, nous nous sommes intéressés à l’utilisation de ces nEVs sécrétées par les CSMs en culture cellulaire. Il a été mis en évidence que des interactions existent entre ces nEVs et des cellules endothéliales (CEs) in vitro. Ces interactions vont entraîner des modifications dans le comportement cellulaire des CEs en augmentant leur potentiel de formation de réseaux vasculaires. En parallèle de ces travaux sur les nEVs, une étude a été réalisée sur l’utilisation de nanovésicules synthétiques, des nanoliposomes (NLPs), élaborées à partir de lécithine d’agro-ressource (saumon) comme transporteur de TGF-ß1 pour une application en médecine régénérative. Après leur caractérisation physico-chimique, cette étude préliminaire a montré que ces NLPs ne présentent pas de cytotoxicité pour les CSMs in vitro. Il existe un potentiel important d’utilisation des nEVs de CSMs ainsi des NLPs pour développer de nouvelles stratégies innovantes en thérapie « cell-free » dans le domaine de la médecine régénérative / Nanoscale extracellular vesicles (nEVs) derived from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and synthetic nanovesicles are at the centre of many research studies for the development of new therapeutic strategies in regenerative medicine. A standardized method was used to isolate nEVs from conditioned media of CSMs and to characterize them. We focused on their size with a range of 30 to 150 nm and the presence of some of their membrane markers (CD9, CD63 and CD81). During this work, two isolation methods were tested. The results obtained by the physical (Nanosight®, transmission electron microscopy) and biological (flow cytometry) analyses of the different samples allowed to standardize the method of isolation of the nEVs by successive centrifugation and ultracentrifugation. Then, we studied the use of these nEVs derived from MSCs in cell culture. Interactions between these nEVs and endothelial cells (ECs) have been demonstrated in vitro. These interactions lead to changes in the cellular behaviour of ECs by increasing their potential to form vascular networks. In parallel of this work on nEVs, we studied the use of synthetic nanovesicles, called nanoliposomes (NLPs) prepared from agro-resource derived lecithin (salmon) as TGF-β1 transporters for applications in regenerative medicine. After their physicochemical characterization, this preliminary study showed that these NLPs do not exhibit cytotoxicity for MSCs in vitro. There is an important potential for the use of nEVs derived from MSCs as well as NLPs to develop new cell-free therapy innovative strategies in the field of regenerative medicine

Étude des propriétés physiques et mécaniques de microsphères d'alginate au cours d'un cycle de congélation-décongélation et application pour la cryoconservation de cellules souches mésenchymateuses encapsulées / Study of physical and mechanical properties of alginate microspheres during a freeze-thaw cycle and its application for the cryopreservation of encapsulated mesenchymal stem cells

Hayer, Benoît d' 22 May 2018 (has links)
La thérapie cellulaire et les médicaments de thérapie innovante sont des solutions prometteuses pour la régénération des tissus ou organes présentant des défauts fonctionnels ou organiques. Avant le stade de l'insuffisance cardiaque terminale (stade IV NYHA) suite à un infarctus du myocarde, l'implantation d'un patch de fibrine cellularisé avec des progéniteurs myocardiques sur le site de nécrose de l'infarctus, est l'une des perspectives qui permettrait de régénérer un muscle cardiaque fonctionnel et apparait comme étant une alternative nouvelle avec notamment un essai clinique de phase I en cours (ESCORT : NCT02057900). Cependant, cette thérapie innovante présente de réelles contraintes, parmi lesquelles, un protocole nécessitant, i) une utilisation pour la production de cellules progénitrices myocardiques CD15+, de DMSO, de sérum foetal bovin, de trypsine porcine, de fibroblastes murins pouvant être la source d'une contamination chimique ou microbiologique, ii) une caractérisation importante des cellules produites, pour déterminer leur viabilité, leur pureté, leur état de différenciation, iii) d'implanter le patch de fibrine cellularisé dans un délai limité avant l'obtention des résultats de stérilité et d'endotoxines, iv) d'inciser le péricarde et de former une poche, geste chirurgical très invasif, afin d'implanter le patch cellularisé. Avec l'objectif de limiter ces contraintes et de renforcer la sécurisation pharmaceutique de ce médicament de thérapie innovante, les différents axes de ce travail ont porté sur i) l'ajout, juste avant l'implantation, d'une étape de cryoconservation des cellules dans un milieu sans sérum et sans DMSO, mais avec des agents cryoprotectants de qualité pharmaceutique. L'avantage apporté par la cryoconservation étant de rendre possible une production par lot, et la réalisation des contrôles sans contrainte de temps avant l'implantation, ii) la vectorisation des cellules par une encapsulation dans des microsphères formant une suspension injectable et permettant une implantation directement au travers du péricarde et immédiatement après la décongélation, iii) l'utilisation de polymères bioadhésifs afin de maintenir les microsphères au site d'implantation. Dans un premier temps, ce travail a permis d'identifier l'alginate de sodium de faible viscosité à 1,2% comme polymère pour réaliser l'encapsulation à l'aide d'une buse vibrante de 120 µm de diamètre. La nature et la concentration d'agents cryoprotectants ont également été définies. Les agents cryoprotectants ont été sélectionnés parmi les oses (glucose, saccharose, tréhalose), les polyols (glycérol, mannitol, sorbitol) et l'urée, à une concentration permettant d'atteindre une osmolarité totale de 500 mOsm/L pour abaisser le point de congélation de l'eau. Enfin le chitosane de faible viscosité à 0,5% a été utilisé comme polymère bioadhésif de surface pour maintenir les propriétés mécaniques et la forme des microsphères après la congélation. Dans un second temps, une évaluation biologique a permis de mesurer l'impact des étapes du procédé d'encapsulation et de cryoconservation, sur des cellules souches mésenchymateuses humaines utilisées comme modèle. Il a ainsi été possible d'optimiser le protocole ce qui a eu pour effet d'augmenter la viabilité, évaluée après encapsulation et congélation par une analyse en cytométrie de flux avec le 7AAD, de moins de 5% à environ 35%. / Cell therapy and advanced therapy medicinal products are promising solutions for the regeneration of tissues or organs with functional or organic defects. Before the terminal heart failure stage (stage IV NYHA) following a myocardial infarction, the implantation of a cellularized fibrin patch with myocardial progenitors at the location of the infarct necrosis, is one of the perspectives that would allow a functional heart muscle to regenerate and appears to be a new alternative, in particular, with an ongoing Phase I clinical trial (ESCORT : NCT02057900). However, this innovative therapy presents real constraints, among which, a protocol requiring, i) the use for the production of CD15+ myocardial progenitor cells of, DMSO, bovine fetal serum, porcine trypsin, and murine fibroblasts which may be the source of chemical or microbiological contamination, ii) an important characterization of the produced cells, to determine their viability, purity, and state of differentiation, iii) to implant the cellularized fibrin patch within a limited time frame before getting the results of sterility and endotoxins, iv) to incise the pericardium and to form a pouch, a very invasive surgical gesture, in order to implant the cellularized patch inside. With the objective of limiting these constraints and strengthening the pharmaceutical safety of this innovative therapy medication, different axes of this work have focused on i) the addition, just before the implantation, of a step of cryopreservation of the cells in a medium without serum and without DMSO, but with pharmaceutical-grade cryoprotectants. The advantages of cryopreservation is to allow production in batches, and controls to be carried out without time constraints before the implantation, ii) the vectorization of the cells by encapsulation in microspheres forming an injectable suspension and allowing direct implantation through the pericardium immediately after thawing, iii) the use of bioadhesive polymers to maintain the microspheres at the location of the implantation. This study initially enabled to identify a low-viscosity sodium alginate at 1.2% as a polymer being used for the encapsulation with the use of a vibrating nozzle which diameter is of 120 µm. The nature and the concentration of the cryoprotectants have also been defined. The cryoprotectants were selected from oses (glucose, sucrose, trehalose), polyols (glycerol, mannitol, sorbitol) and urea, at a concentration which achieves a total osmolarity of 500 mOsm/L in order to lower the freezing point of water. Finally, low viscosity chitosan at 0.5% was used as a bioadhesive polymer at the surface of the microspheres to maintain their shapes and mechanical properties after freezing. In a second step, a biological evaluation allowed to measure the impact of the encapsulation and the cryopreservation processes, on human mesenchymal stem cells used as a model. It was thus possible to optimize the protocol, which in return increased the viability ; evaluation made after encapsulation and freezing by a flow cytometry analysis with 7AAD ; from less than 5% to about 35%.

Designing Fibrin Microthread Scaffolds for Skeletal Muscle Regeneration

Grasman, Jonathan M 09 January 2015 (has links)
Volumetric muscle loss (VML) typically results from traumatic incidents; such as those presented from combat missions, where soft-tissue extremity injuries account for approximately 63% of diagnoses. These injuries lead to a devastating loss of function due to the complete destruction of large amounts of tissue and its native basement membrane, removing important biochemical cues such as hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), which initiates endogenous muscle regeneration by recruiting progenitor cells. Clinical strategies to treat these injuries consist of autologous tissue transfer techniques, requiring large amounts of healthy donor tissue and extensive surgical procedures that can result in donor site morbidity and limited functional recovery. As such, there is a clinical need for an off-the-shelf, bioactive scaffold that directs patient’s cells to align and differentiate into muscle tissue in situ. In this thesis, we developed fibrin microthreads, scaffolds composed of aligned fibrin material that direct cell alignment along the longitudinal axis of the microthread structure, with specific structural and biochemical properties to recreate structural cues lost in VML injuries. We hypothesized that fibrin microthreads with an increased resistance to proteolytic degradation and loaded with HGF would enhance the functional, mechanical regeneration of skeletal muscle tissue in a VML injury. We developed a crosslinking strategy to increase fibrin microthread resistance to enzymatic degradation, and increased their tensile strength and stiffness two- to three-fold. This crosslinking strategy enhanced the adsorption of HGF, facilitated its rapid release from microthreads for 2 to 3 days, and increased the chemotactic response of myoblasts twofold in 2D and 3D assays. Finally, we implanted HGF-loaded, crosslinked (EDCn-HGF) microthreads into a mouse model of VML to evaluate tissue regeneration and functional recovery. Fourteen days post-injury, we observed more muscle ingrowth along EDCn-HGF microthreads than untreated controls, suggesting that released HGF recruited additional progenitor cells to the injury site. Sixty days post-injury, EDCn-HGF microthreads guided mature, organized muscle to replace the microthreads in the wound site. Further, EDCn-HGF microthreads restored the contractile mechanical strength of the tissue to pre-injured values. In summary, we designed fibrin microthreads that recapitulate regenerative cues lost in VML injuries and enhance the functional regeneration of skeletal muscle.

Cell-Matrix Tensional Forces Within Cell-Dense Type I Collagen Oligomer Tissue Constructs Facilitate Rapid In Vitro Vascularization of Dense Tissue Constructs for Skin Engineering

Kevin P. Buno (5929535) 03 January 2019 (has links)
The skin provides protection and maintains homeostasis, making it essential for survival. Additionally, skin has the impressive ability to grow, as observed in children as they grow into adults. However, skin functions are compromised in large skin defects, a serious problem that can be fatal. The gold standard treatment is to use an autologous skin graft; however, due to donor site morbidity and limited availability, when full-thickness defects surpass 2% total body surface area (TBSA), skin substitutes are preferred. Unfortunately, current skin substitutes on the market: are slow to revascularize (2+ weeks), have low graft survival rates (<50% take), and lead to significant scarring and contracture. Fortunately, a promising solution is to prevascularize engineered skin substitutes in vitro, which has been shown to facilitate rapid tissue integration upon grafting by providing an intact vascular network that readily connects to the host’s circulation. However, current approaches for prevascularizing tissue constructs require long in vitro culture times or implement low extracellular matrix (ECM) density tissue constructs – both which are problematic in a clinical setting. To address this, we implemented a novel multitissue interface culture model to define the design parameters that were essential for rapid vascularization of soft tissue constructs in vitro. Here, we identified endothelial colony forming cell (ECFC) density and maintenance of cell-matrix tensional forces as important factors for rapid in vitro tissue vascularization (18% vessel volume percentage after 3 days of culture). We then applied these parameters to achieve rapid in vitro vascularization of dense, oligomer tissue constructs (12, 20, and 40 mg/mL). We demonstrated, for the first time, rapid in vitro vascularization at 3 days within dense matrices (ECM concentration > 10 mg/mL). Lastly, a rat full-thickness excisional wound model was developed to determine the acellular densified oligomer’s (20 and 40 mg/mL) ability to resist wound contraction and facilitate a wound healing response (recellularization and vascularization) when grafted into wounds. Future work will implement the vascularized, dense tissue constructs into the developed animal model to assess the vascularized graft’s efficacy on treating wounds to reduce scarring and contracture outcomes.

A novel human stem cell platform for probing adrenoceptor signaling in iPSC derived cardiomyocytes including those with an adult atrial phenotype

Ahmad, Faizzan Syed January 2017 (has links)
Scientific research is propelled by two objectives: Understanding and recognizing the essential biology of life, and deciphering this to uncover possible therapeutics in order to improve quality of life as well as relieve pain from disease. The aim of the work described in this thesis was to dissect the fundamental requirements of induced pluripotent stem cells both in pluripotency and differentiation with a particular focus on atrial specificity. Drug targeting of atrial-specific ion channels has been difficult because of lack of availability of appropriate cardiac cells, and preclinical testing studies have been carried out in non-cardiac cell lines, heterogeneous cardiac populations or animal models that have been unable to accurately represent human cardiomyocyte physiology. Therefore, we sought out to develop a preparation of cardiomyocytes showing an atrial phenotype with adult characteristics from human induced-pluripotent stem cells. A culture programme involving the use of Gremlin 2 allowed differentiation of cardiomyocytes with an atrial phenotype from human induced-pluripotent stem cells. When these differentiated cultures were dissociated into single myocytes a substantial fraction of cells showed a rod-shaped morphology with a single central nucleus that was broadly similar to that observed in cells isolated from atrial chambers of the heart. Immunolabelling of these myocytes for cardiac proteins (including RyR2 receptors, actinin-2, F-actin) showed striations with a sarcomere spacing of slightly less than 2um. The isolated rod-shaped cells were electrically quiescent unless stimulated to fire action potentials with an amplitude of 100 mV from a resting potential of approximately -70 mV. Proteins expressed included those for IK<sub>1</sub>, IK<sub>ur</sub> channels. Ca<sup>2+</sup> Transients recorded from spontaneously beating cultures showed increases in amplitude in response to stimulation of adrenoceptors (both alpha and beta). With the aim of identifying key signaling mechanisms in directing cell fate, our new protocol allowed differentiation of human myocytes with an atrial phenotype and adult characteristics that show functional adrenoceptor signaling pathways and are suitable for investigation of drug effects.

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