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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

3D micropatternable hydrogel systems to examine crosstalk effects between mesenchymal stem cells, osteoblasts, and adipocytes

Hammoudi, Taymour Marwan 15 November 2012 (has links)
Poor skeletal health results from aging and metabolic diseases such as obesity and diabetes and involves impaired homeostatic balance between marrow osteogenesis and adipogenesis. Tissue engineering provides researchers with the ability to generate improved, highly controlled and tailorable in vitro model systems to better understand mechanisms of homeostasis, disease, and healing and regeneration. Model systems that allow assembly of modules of MSCs, osteoblasts, and adipocytes in a number of configurations to engage in signaling crosstalk offer the potential to study integrative physiological aspects and complex interactions in the face of changes in local and systemic microenvironments. Thus, the overall goal of this dissertation was to examine integrative physiological aspects between MSCs, osteoblasts, and adipocytes that exist within the marrow microenvironment. To investigate the effects of intercellular signaling in different microenvironmental contexts, methods were developed to photolithographically pattern and assemble cell-laden PEG-based hydrogels with high spatial fidelity and tissue-scale thickness for long-term 3D co-culture of multiple cell types. This platform was applied to study effects of crosstalk between MSCs, osteoblasts and adipocytes on markers of differentiation in each cell type. Additionally, responses of MSCs to systemic perturbations in glucose concentration were modulated by mono-, co-, and tri-culture with these cell types in a model of diabetes-induced skeletal disease. Together, these studies provided valuable insight into unique and differential effects of intercellular signaling within the niche environment of MSCs and their terminally differentiated progeny during homeostatic and pathological states, and offer opportunities further study of integrative physiological interactions between mesenchymal lineage cells.

Conservation of mechanosignaling: responses of human adult mesenchymal stem cells and differentiated vascular cells to applied physical forces

Doyle, Adele Marion 25 March 2010 (has links)
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may benefit vascular cell-based therapies as smooth muscle or endothelial cell substitutes or through paracrine actions to repair, replace, or regenerate vascular tissue. Previous studies have demonstrated that MSCs can adopt traits of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) or endothelial cells (ECs), as well as secrete specific factors that tune signaling and material properties in the local environment. Few studies have investigated the cell signaling response of MSCs to mechanical forces present in the vasculature: specifically, shear stress due to blood flow and cyclic strain due to pulsatile blood flow. Thus, the central objective of this dissertation was to determine the signaling responses of MSCs to vascular-relevant applied physical forces, in comparison with that of differentiated vascular cells. Vascular-relevant mechanosignaling of MSCs was assessed through two comparisons: (1) MSC and SMC responses to applied cyclic strain and (2) MSC and EC responses to applied fluid shear stress. MSCs and SMCs were seeded on fibronectin-coated silicone and subjected in vitro to cyclic strain (10%, 1 Hz) or parallel static culture using a custom-built equibiaxial cyclic strain device. Gene expression analysis of 84 signal transduction molecules demonstrated both cell types respond with significant (p<0.05, n=3) fold-changes (|FC|≥ 1.5) within 24 hours of applied equibiaxial strain. Most strain-responsive genes identified were significantly strain-responsive in only one cell type. A signaling trio of Interleukin 8, Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1, and Heme oxygenase 1 was significantly altered in both MSCs and SMCs, suggesting cyclic strain regulates immune and inflammatory functions in both cell types. The response to shear stress of MSCs and ECs was compared using cells seeded on type I collagen or fibronectin and exposed to steady laminar shear stress (5 or 15 dyn/sq-cm) using a parallel plate shear chamber system. Gene expression was compared in MSCs and ECs for a panel of immune and inflammation-related markers. Expression of Cox-2 and Hmox-1 increased significantly (p<0.05, n≥3; |FC|≥1:5) in both cell types. Reduced shear stress-responses of Mcp-1, Pecam-1, and VE-Cad in MSCs relative to ECs suggests that MSCs promote less inflammation and immune activation in response to shear stress than ECs. Mechanosensitivity profiles for MSCs and differentiated vascular cells were broadened using whole genome microarrays. These high-throughput studies confirmed that (1) signaling profiles between sample groups vary significantly more (p<0.05, n=3) with cell type than applied force condition and (2) a subset of conserved mechanosensitive genes alter expression levels significantly and in the same direction fold-change in multiple cell types. Bioinformatics analysis of these conserved mechanoresponsive genes highlighted oxidative stress, cell cycle, and DNA replication as functions regulated by vascular-relevant mechanical cues. These studies demonstrate that MSCs partially reproduce differentiated vascular cell mechanosignaling, while simultaneously altering expression of genes not typically force-responsive in vascular cells. This work defines a role for conserved mechanosignals, based on genes whose expression in response to applied force alters significantly (p<0.05, n≥3) and by at least 1.5-fold change in multiple cell types and/or force types. Comparisons completed for this dissertation motivate future studies to track the functional impact of specific similar or unique MSC mechanoresponses. This work contributes to design of MSC-based vascular therapies and an understanding of stem and differentiated cell mechanobiology.

Patterning of stem cells during limb regeneration in Ambystoma mexicanum

Rönsch, Kathleen 22 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Axolotl uniquely generates blastema cells as a pool of progenitor/stem cells to restore an entire limb, a particular property that other organisms, such as humans, do not have. What underlies these differences? Is the main difference that cells residing at the amputation plane (in the stump) undergo reprogramming processes to re-enter the embryonic program, which allows developmental patterning to start, or are there fundamental differences? There is also a significant debate about whether regeneration occurs via stem cell differentiation or by dedifferentiation of mature limb tissue. The aim of my thesis was to address following questions: Are the cells in the blastema reprogrammed or differentiated to regenerate? Are the blastema cells genetically reactivated de novo during regeneration? How does the amputated limb exactly know which part of the limb needs to be regenerate? Using a novel technique of long-term genetic fate mapping, my team demonstrated that dedifferentiation in regenerated axolotl muscle tissue does not occur. Instead, PAX7+ satellite cells indeed play an important role during muscle regeneration in the axolotl limb. Surprisingly, this is in contrast to the newt, which regenerates muscle cells through a dedifferentiation process. Therefore, there is a fundamental difference that underlies the regenerative mechanism ((Sandoval-Guzman et al., 2014) [KR1]). This demonstrates that there is an unexpected diversity and flexibility of cellular mechanims used during limb regeneration, even among two closely related species. Finally, if one salamander species uses a mammalian regenerative strategy (Cornelison and Wold, 1997; Collins et al., 2005) involving stem cells and another uses a dedifferentiative strategy, this raises the question of whether there are other fundamental aspects of regeneration that could also be anomalous. This hypothesis is promising since there could be more than one possible mechanism to induce mammalian regeneration. The process of limb regeneration in principle seems to be more similar to those of limb development as historically assumed. We showed molecularly that embryonic players are reused during regeneration by reactivating the position- and tissue-specific developmental gene programs by using the newly isolated Twist sequences as early blastema cell markers ((Kragl et al., 2013) [KR2]). To gain insights into the molecular mechanisms of the P/D limb patterning in general, it was crucial to study the early patterning events of the resident progenitor/stem cells by using the specific blastema cell marker HoxA as a positional marker along the proximo-distal axis. Our HOXA protein analysis using high molecular and cellular resolution as well as transplantation assays demonstrated for the first time that axolotl limb blastema cells acquire their positional identity in a proximal to distal sequence. We found a hierarchy of cellular restrictions in positional identities. Amputation at the level of the upper arm showed that the blastema harbors cells, which convert to lower arm and hand. We observed ((Roensch et al., 2013) [KR3]) for the first time that intercalation- the intermediate element (lower arm) arises later from an interaction between the proximal and distal cells identities- does not occur. Intercalation, which has been an accepted model for a long time, is not the patterning mechanism underlying normal (without any manipulation) limb regeneration that is unique to axolotl. We further demonstrated, using the Hox genes as markers that positional identity is cell-type specific since their effects were confirmed to be present in the lateral plate mesoderm- derived cells of the limb. As our knowledge about limb blastemas expands concerning cell composition and molecular events controlling patterning, the similarity to development is becoming more and more clear. My work has resolved many ambiguities surrounding the molecularly identification of different types of blastema cells and how P/D limb patterning occurs during regeneration in comparison to development. It has highlighted the importance of combining high-resolution methods, such as in situ hybridizations, single-cell PCR (sc-PCR) of individual dissociated blastema cells and genetic labeling methods with grafting experiments to map cell fates in vivo. In addition to understanding the processes of regeneration, another long-term goal in the regenerative medicine field is to identify key molecules that trigger the regeneration of tissues. Recently, my colleague Takuji Sugiura (Sugiura et al., 2016) observed that an early event of blastema formation is the secretion of molecules like MLP (MARCKS-like protein), which induces wound-associated cell cycle re-entry. Such findings further increase the enthusiasm of biologists to understand the underlying principles of regeneration. By building our knowledge of the molecules and pathways that are involved in tissue regeneration, we increase the possibility of identifying a way to ‘activate’ regenerative processes in humans and thus reach the final goal of regenerative medicine, which is to use the concepts of cellular reprogramming, stem cell biology and tissue engineering to repair complex body structures.

Thérapies à partir du tissu adipeux : de la chirurgie esthétique et reconstructrice à la thérapie cellulaire. Application à la régénération des tendons chez les chevaux / Using adipose tissue as therapeutics : from plastic and reconstructive surgery to cell therapy. Application to the regeneration of tendons in horses

Girard, Anne-Claire 12 December 2012 (has links)
Utilisée depuis plus d'un siècle en chirurgie esthétique, la greffe autologue de tissu adipeux, ou lipofilling, est une technique sûre permettant le comblement des tissus mous. Cependant, bien que la technique ait connue de nettes améliorations au cours du temps, les chirurgiens font toujours face à une résorption du greffon qui oblige dans la majorité des cas à planifier plusieurs autres interventions afin que le résultat esthétique soit en adéquation avec les attentes du patient. Le procédé MICROFILL® a été développé dans le but d'augmenter le taux de prise de greffe en favorisant la survie cellulaire au sein du greffon. Cette dernière est optimisée par : un prélèvement et une réinjection de lobules adipeux de petite taille permettant de diminuer l'ischémie et la mauvaise nutrition des cellules - une élimination des éléments délétères (anesthésiques, cytokines inflammatoires) par un protocole de lavages et centrifugations non traumatique. D'autre part, au cours de ces dernières années, le tissu adipeux s'est révélé posséder un pouvoir thérapeutique plus important par l'hébergement de cellules souches mésenchymateuses au fort potentiel. Ces cellules sont présentes en grande quantité et facilement accessibles à partir d'une simple lipoaspiration. Cependant, la lipoaspiration implique bien souvent l'usage d'un anesthésique local et d'un vasoconstricteur qui peuvent nuire aux cellules. Nos études ont en effet montré que la lidocaïne, un anesthésique couramment utilisé, est cytotoxique pour les cellules souches du tissu adipeux, ayant pour effets l'inhibition de la prolifération cellulaire (arrêt du cycle cellulaire en phase G0-G1) et la nécrose des cellules. En revanche, une manipulation appropriée du tissu adipeux, se rapprochant du protocole MICROFILL®, permet de diminuer la mortalité cellulaire. L'effet délétère de la lidocaïne semble lié à l'apparition d'une vacuolisation cytoplasmique dont la nature est à ce jour non élucidée. De plus, la lidocaïne induit également un processus d'autophagie, dont les mécanismes moléculaires d'induction sont eux aussi inconnus et dont la finalité physiologique serait le maintien en vie de la cellule malgré le stress provoqué. Les conclusions de ces études mènent à certaines recommandations à suivre quant à l'usage de la lidocaïne en vue de la réinjection extemporanée de cellules souches adipeuses chez un patient. Aussi, dans le but de traiter les tendinopathies équines, ces études ont permis d'optimiser le protocole de prélèvement du tissu adipeux chez le cheval ainsi que le protocole d'extraction des cellules souches du tissu adipeux. Cette thèse a finalement permis de développer un kit à usage vétérinaire permettant de traiter les tendinopathies équines. Ce nouveau procédé de thérapie cellulaire a été testé chez des chevaux et s'est avéré très prometteur, permettant la régénération de la structure tendineuse et un retour au travail rapide des chevaux. / Despite the dark side of obesity in the pathogenesis of metabolic diseases, adipose tissue has been shown to be a good therapeutic tool. First, autologous fat grafting, also named lipofilling, has been used for over a century and represents a safe technique for soft tissue filling. However, although the technique has seen marked improvements over time, surgeons are still facing graft resorption that often requires overcorrection of the treated area or other interventions so that the aesthetic result is in line with expectations of the patient. Thus, MICROFILL® process has been developed in order to increase the rate of engraftment by promoting cell survival within the graft. The latter is enhanced by: - sampling and reinjection of small fat lobules in order to reduce ischemia and poor nutrition of the cells- elimination of deleterious elements (anesthetics, inflammatory cytokines) by a non-traumatic protocol involving soft centrifugations and washings. Furthermore, in recent years, adipose tissue has been found to have a greater therapeutic power by hosting mesenchymal stem cells with great potential. These adipose stem cells (ASCs) are present in large quantities and can be easily obtained from a simple liposuction. However, liposuction procedure often involves the use of a local anesthetic and a vasoconstrictor that can harm cells. Our studies have shown that lidocaine, an anesthetic commonly used, exerts cytotoxic effects on adipose stem cells, inhibiting cell proliferation (cell cycle arrest in G0-G1 phase) and inducing necrosis. Nonetheless, appropriate handling of adipose tissue, quite similarly to MICROFILL® protocol, reduces cell death. The deleterious effects of lidocaine appear to be related to the occurrence of cytoplasmic vacuolization whose nature is so far unclear. In addition, lidocaine also induces a process of autophagy, including molecular mechanisms of induction also unknown and whose physiological purpose could be cell survival despite the stress. The findings of these studies lead to some recommendations to follow regarding the use of lidocaine for the extemporaneous reinjection of ASCs in a patient. Also, in order to treat equine tendinopathy, these studies have been used to optimize adipose tissue harvest by liposuction on horses and the protocol of extraction of ASCs.Finally, this thesis has allowed developing a kit for veterinary use to treat equine tendinopathy. This new method of cell therapy has been tested in horses and has shown very promising results for tendon regeneration, knowing that treated horses could rapidly return to work.

Designing biomaterials for controlled cardiac stem cell differentiation and enhanced cell therapy in the treatment of congestive heart failure / Conception de biomatériaux pour le contrôle de la différenciation cardiaque à partir de cellules souches et pour l’amélioration de la thérapie cellulaire dans le traitement de l’insuffisance cardiaque sévère

Farouz, Yohan 30 September 2015 (has links)
La thérapie cellulaire se positionne comme une stratégie prometteuse pour inciter le cœur infarci à se régénérer. A cet effet, des études récentes placent des espoirs considérables dans l’utilisation des cellules souches embryonnaires et notre laboratoire a déjà démontré comment les différencier en progéniteurs cardiovasculaires, un type de précurseurs cellulaires qui ne peut aboutir qu’à la formation de cardiomyocytes, de cellules endothéliales ou de cellules de muscles lisses. Cet engagement précoce réduit leur capacité de prolifération anarchique et en même temps leur permet de rester suffisamment plastiques pour éventuellement s’intégrer plus facilement avec le tissue hôte. Cependant, les études précliniques et cliniques d’injection de ces cellules s’avérèrent décevantes. Malgré de légères améliorations de la fonction cardiaque, on observa une trop faible survie cellulaire ainsi qu’un taux de rétention des cellules dans le myocarde remarquablement bas. Afin d’étudier ce problème, mes travaux de thèse ont porté non seulement sur la conception de nouveaux biomatériaux pouvant servir de moyen de transport et d’intégration des cellules dans la zone infarcie, mais aussi sur la conception de biomatériaux permettant de contrôler précisément l’environnement cellulaire au cours du processus de différenciation de cellules souches pluripotentes humaines en cardiomyocytes. Grâce aux importantes interactions entre nos laboratoires de recherche fondamentale et de recherche clinique, nous avons tout d’abord développé de nouvelles techniques de fabrication et de caractérisation de patches de fibrine cellularisés qui sont récemment entrés dans un essai clinique de phase I. A partir de cette formulation clinique approuvée par les autorités de régulation, nous avons élaboré toute une gamme de matériaux composites uniquement à base de matières premières pertinentes dans ce cadre clinique, dans le but d’améliorer la maturation des progéniteurs cardiovasculaires une fois greffés sur le cœur défaillant. Dans cette optique, nous avons également développé un modèle in vitro permettant d’étudier précisément l’influence combinée de la rigidité du substrat et du confinement spatial sur la différenciation des cellules souches en cardiomyocytes. Grâce à des techniques de microfabrication sur substrat mou, il a été possible de positionner précisément les cellules souches pluripotentes dans des espaces restreints d’élasticité variable. Ainsi, nous avons pu observer que même en utilisant des protocoles chimiques éprouvés basés sur la modulation de cascades de signalisation impliquées dans le développement cardiaque, une très forte hétérogénéité pouvait apparaître en fonction de l’environnement physique des cellules. Nous avons ainsi pu extraire les caractéristiques principales permettant une différenciation cardiaque efficace, reproductible et standardisée et les avons appliquées à la fabrication d’une nouvelle génération de patches composés de matériaux cliniques et de couches multiples de bandes synchrones de cardiomyocytes. De fait, ces travaux ouvrent de nouvelles voies dans l’utilisation de biomatériaux pour la production industrielle de cardiomyocytes et pour la fabrication de patches cliniques, cellularisés ou non, dans le traitement de l’insuffisance cardiaque. / Cell therapy is a promising strategy to help regenerate the damaged heart. Recent studies have placed a lot of hopes in embryonic stem cells and our lab had previously found a way to differentiate them into cardiac progenitors, cells that can only differentiate into cardiomyocyte, endothelial cells or smooth muscle cells. This early commitment decreases their proliferative capabilities, yet maintains their plasticity for better integration inside the host tissue. However, clinical and pre-clinical injection studies did not really meet the expectations. Even though slight improvements in cardiac function were demonstrated, very low cell viability has been observed, as well as a very low retention of the cells inside the myocardium. To address this problem, my PhD projects not only focus on the design of new biomaterials to act as a vehicle for cell delivery and retention in the infarcted area, but also on the design of biomaterials that control the cellular environment during the differentiation of pluripotent stem cells into cardiomyocytes. Going back and forth between the labs and the clinics, we first developed new techniques for the fabrication and the characterization of a cell-laden fibrin patch that is now undergoing phase I clinical trial. From the approved clinical formulation, we then propose new blends of clinical materials that will eventually improve the maturation of the cardiac progenitors once grafted onto the failing heart. In this perspective, we developed an in vitro model to investigate the combined influence of matrix elasticity and topographical confinement on stem cell differentiation into cardiomyocytes. By using microfabrication techniques to pattern pluripotent stem cells on substrates of controlled stiffness, we demonstrate that even using a widely recognized chemical-based protocol to modulate signaling cascades during differentiation, much heterogeneity emerges depending on the cellular physical environment. We thus extracted the main features that led to controlled and reproducible cardiac differentiation and applied it to the fabrication of next generation of multi-layered anisotropic cardiac patches in compliances with clinical requirements. This work opens new routes to high-scale production of cardiomyocytes and the fabrication of cell-laden or cell-free clinical patches.

Vecteurs synthétiques et approche mécano-biologique permettant d’optimiser l’utilisation des cellules souches en médecine régénérative / Synthetic vectors and mechano-biological approach to optimize the use of stem cells in regenerative medicine

Rmaidi, Assia 01 July 2019 (has links)
Une approche de la médecine régénérative du système nerveux consiste à développer des substituts biologiques avec une fonction réparatrice en utilisant des cellules souches et des biomatériaux qui peuvent être recouverts des molécules de la matrice extracellulaire. Nous avons ainsi développé des microcarriers pharmacologiquements actifs, MPA. Ce sont des microsphères (MS) polymériques à base de PLGA, biodégradables et biocompatibles, recouvertes des molécules d’adhérence qui fournissent un support en 3-dimensions aux cellules. Les microcarriers ainsi associés aux cellules souches permettent, après implantation, d’augmenter la survie et de maintenir l’état de différenciation des cellules qu’ils portent,renforçant leurs effets de réparation tissulaire. Ces MPA peuvent également libérer des facteurs de croissance encapsulés et afin d’améliorer le relargage de protéines encapsulées une nouvelle combinaison de polymère : PLGA-Poloxamer188 (P188) -PLGA a été développé dans notre laboratoire. Il a aussi été montré que les MPA de PLGA-P188-PLGA fonctionnalisées avec de la fibronectine et poly-D-lysine induisaient une meilleure prolifération de cellules souches mésenchymateuses que les MPA de PLGA.Ces cellules sont très largement utilisées en médecine régénérative car elles sont faciles à prélever, se trouvant dans la moelle osseuse, et capables de se différencier vers le lignage chondrogénique, ostéogénique et dans certaines conditions, neuronale. Nous travaillons avec une sous population de ces cellules appelées cellules MIAMI (marrow isolated adult multilineage inducible) qui s’engagent vers une différenciation en cellule neuronale après un traitement avec 2 facteurs de croissance (EGF/ bFGF) et sur un support matriciel de laminine. Dernièrement, il a été mis en évidence que les propriétés physicochimiques des supports polymériques régissent également le comportement des cellules souches(adhésion, survie et différenciation). L’objectif de cette étude est d’étudier l’effet des propriétés physicochimiques et mécaniques des surfaces i) des MS sur l’adsorption de laminine et poly-D-lysine et ii) des MPA sur l’adhérence et la différenciation neuronale des cellules MIAMI. Nous avons montré que la présence du bloc hydrophile « poloxamère 188 » dans la composition du polymère PLGA-P188-PLGAdiminue l’adsorption de molécules d’adhérence en formant une couche sur ces surfaces. Sur les MPA de PLGA, les molécules d’adhérence s’adsorbent bien quelle que soit la charge globale des molécules. Cesdeux MPA ont une charge globale positive et permettent l’attachement de cellules à leur surface. Cependant, l’adhérence à court terme de cellules est plus forte sur les MPA de PLGA comparé aux MPA de PLGA-P188-PLGA mais à la longue les cellules finissent par adhérer aux deux supports. Le PLGAP188-PLGA présente une forte énergie libre de surface et ces MPA présentent une surface moins rigide que les MPA de PLGA. Nos résultats suggèrent que ces caractéristiques de surface permettent aux cellules d’adhérer malgré la faible quantité de laminine sur ces supports. A long terme les cellules présentent le même comportement quel que soit le type du support. Elles se différencient en cellule de type neuronal exprimant des marqueurs de neurone mature comme le neurofilament et nous trouvons le même nombre de cellules adhérées à leur surface. En outre, nous avons montré que les cellules sont capables de sécréter de la même manière des molécules de la matrice extracellulaire sur les deux types de MPA expliquant probablement la similitude de comportement à long terme. / An approach to regenerative nervous system medicine is to develop biological substitutes with restorative function using stem cells and biomaterials that can be coated with extracellular matrix molecules. We have developed pharmacologically active microcarriers, PAMs. These are PLGA based, biodegradable and biocompatible polymeric microspheres (MS) coated with adhesion molecules that provide 3-dimensional support for cells. The microcarriers thus associated with the stem cells make it possible, after implantation, to increase the survival and maintain the state of differentiation of the cells they carry, reinforcing their tissue repair effects. These PAMs can also release encapsulated growth factors and to enhance the release of encapsulated proteins a new polymer combination: PLGA-Poloxamer188 (P188) -PLGA has been developed in our laboratory. It has also been shown that PLGA-P188-PLGA PAMs functionalized with fibronectin and poly-Dlysineinduce better proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells than PLGA PAMs. These cells are very widely used in regenerative medicine because they are easy to collect, found in the bone marrow, and able to differentiate towards the chondrogenic lineage, osteogenic and under certain conditions,neuronal. We are working with a subpopulation of these cells called MIAMI cells (marrow isolated adult multilineage inducible) that engage in neuronal cell differentiation after treatment with 2growth factors (EGF / bFGF) and on a laminin matrix support. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the physicochemical properties of polymeric supports also regulate the behavior of stem cells (adhesion, survival and differentiation). The objective of this study is to study the effect of physicochemical and mechanical properties of surfaces i) MS on laminin and poly-D-lysineadsorption and ii) PAMs on adhesion and neuronal differentiation of MIAMI cells. We have shown that the presence of the hydrophilic "poloxamer 188" block in the PLGA-P188-PLGA polymer composition decreases the adsorption of adhesion molecules by forming a layer on these surfaces.On PLGA PAMs, the adhesion molecules adsorb well regardless of the overall charge of the molecules. These two PAMs have a positive overall charge and allow the attachment of cells to their surface. However, in short-term cell adhesion is stronger on PLGA PAMs compared to PLGA-P188-PLGA PAMs, but in the long-term the cells eventually adhere to both supports. PLGA-P188-PLGAhas a high free surface energy and these PAMs have a less rigid surface than PLGA PAMs. Our results suggest that these surface characteristics allow cells to adhere despite the low amount of laminin on these supports. In the long-term the cells exhibit the same behavior whatever the type of PAMs. They differentiate into neuronal cells expressing mature neuron markers such as the neurofilament-M and we find the same number of cells adhered to their surface. Furthermore, we have shown that cells are able to secrete extracellular matrix molecules in the same way on both types of PAMs, probably explaining the similarity of the behavior in long-term.

Léčba poranění míchy pomocí transplantace různých typů kmenových buněk / Treatment of spinal cord injury by transplantation different types of stem cells

Dubišová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Spinal cord injury (SCI) is complicated injury with serious socioeconomic consequences for the patient and his whole family. Big difficulty cause also extremely high living expenses for the patient with this type of injury. That's why there is a need for therapeutic methods which would help patients after SCI to recover the lost functions and be able at least partially to return to their normal life. Different therapeutic methods are being used for SCI treatment. In this study we used four various types of stem cells: human bone marrow stem cells (hBM-MSCs), human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (hUC-MSCs), neural precursors derived from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS-NPs) and neural stem cell line derived from human fetal spinal cord tissue (SPC-01). These cells have been transplanted intrathecally or intraspinally 7 days after induction of the experimental model of SCI in the rat. We studied expressions of genes related to neurogenesis, growth factors and inflammation 10 and 28 days after SCI. Our analysis showed significant changes in gene expression 10 days after SCI. Significant up-regulation in expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (Vegf), ciliary neurotrophic factor (Cntf) and interferon regulatory factor 5 (Irf5) were found after transplantation of hBM-MSCs and hUC-...

Patterning of stem cells during limb regeneration in Ambystoma mexicanum

Rönsch, Kathleen 30 November 2017 (has links)
Axolotl uniquely generates blastema cells as a pool of progenitor/stem cells to restore an entire limb, a particular property that other organisms, such as humans, do not have. What underlies these differences? Is the main difference that cells residing at the amputation plane (in the stump) undergo reprogramming processes to re-enter the embryonic program, which allows developmental patterning to start, or are there fundamental differences? There is also a significant debate about whether regeneration occurs via stem cell differentiation or by dedifferentiation of mature limb tissue. The aim of my thesis was to address following questions: Are the cells in the blastema reprogrammed or differentiated to regenerate? Are the blastema cells genetically reactivated de novo during regeneration? How does the amputated limb exactly know which part of the limb needs to be regenerate? Using a novel technique of long-term genetic fate mapping, my team demonstrated that dedifferentiation in regenerated axolotl muscle tissue does not occur. Instead, PAX7+ satellite cells indeed play an important role during muscle regeneration in the axolotl limb. Surprisingly, this is in contrast to the newt, which regenerates muscle cells through a dedifferentiation process. Therefore, there is a fundamental difference that underlies the regenerative mechanism ((Sandoval-Guzman et al., 2014) [KR1]). This demonstrates that there is an unexpected diversity and flexibility of cellular mechanims used during limb regeneration, even among two closely related species. Finally, if one salamander species uses a mammalian regenerative strategy (Cornelison and Wold, 1997; Collins et al., 2005) involving stem cells and another uses a dedifferentiative strategy, this raises the question of whether there are other fundamental aspects of regeneration that could also be anomalous. This hypothesis is promising since there could be more than one possible mechanism to induce mammalian regeneration. The process of limb regeneration in principle seems to be more similar to those of limb development as historically assumed. We showed molecularly that embryonic players are reused during regeneration by reactivating the position- and tissue-specific developmental gene programs by using the newly isolated Twist sequences as early blastema cell markers ((Kragl et al., 2013) [KR2]). To gain insights into the molecular mechanisms of the P/D limb patterning in general, it was crucial to study the early patterning events of the resident progenitor/stem cells by using the specific blastema cell marker HoxA as a positional marker along the proximo-distal axis. Our HOXA protein analysis using high molecular and cellular resolution as well as transplantation assays demonstrated for the first time that axolotl limb blastema cells acquire their positional identity in a proximal to distal sequence. We found a hierarchy of cellular restrictions in positional identities. Amputation at the level of the upper arm showed that the blastema harbors cells, which convert to lower arm and hand. We observed ((Roensch et al., 2013) [KR3]) for the first time that intercalation- the intermediate element (lower arm) arises later from an interaction between the proximal and distal cells identities- does not occur. Intercalation, which has been an accepted model for a long time, is not the patterning mechanism underlying normal (without any manipulation) limb regeneration that is unique to axolotl. We further demonstrated, using the Hox genes as markers that positional identity is cell-type specific since their effects were confirmed to be present in the lateral plate mesoderm- derived cells of the limb. As our knowledge about limb blastemas expands concerning cell composition and molecular events controlling patterning, the similarity to development is becoming more and more clear. My work has resolved many ambiguities surrounding the molecularly identification of different types of blastema cells and how P/D limb patterning occurs during regeneration in comparison to development. It has highlighted the importance of combining high-resolution methods, such as in situ hybridizations, single-cell PCR (sc-PCR) of individual dissociated blastema cells and genetic labeling methods with grafting experiments to map cell fates in vivo. In addition to understanding the processes of regeneration, another long-term goal in the regenerative medicine field is to identify key molecules that trigger the regeneration of tissues. Recently, my colleague Takuji Sugiura (Sugiura et al., 2016) observed that an early event of blastema formation is the secretion of molecules like MLP (MARCKS-like protein), which induces wound-associated cell cycle re-entry. Such findings further increase the enthusiasm of biologists to understand the underlying principles of regeneration. By building our knowledge of the molecules and pathways that are involved in tissue regeneration, we increase the possibility of identifying a way to ‘activate’ regenerative processes in humans and thus reach the final goal of regenerative medicine, which is to use the concepts of cellular reprogramming, stem cell biology and tissue engineering to repair complex body structures.

Imaging of nanoparticle-labeled stem cells using magnetomotive optical coherence tomography, laser speckle reflectometry, and light microscopy

Cimalla, Peter, Werner, Theresa, Winkler, Kai, Mueller, Claudia, Wicht, Sebastian, Gaertner, Maria, Mehner, Mirko, Walther, Julia, Rellinghaus, Bernd, Wittig, Dierk, Karl, Mike O., Ader, Marius, Funk, Richard H. W., Koch, Edmund 09 September 2019 (has links)
Cell transplantation and stem cell therapy are promising approaches for regenerative medicine and are of interest to researchers and clinicians worldwide. However, currently, no imaging technique that allows three-dimensional in vivo inspection of therapeutically administered cells in host tissues is available. Therefore, we investigate magnetomotive optical coherence tomography (MM-OCT) of cells labeled with magnetic particles as a potential noninvasive cell tracking method. We develop magnetomotive imaging of mesenchymal stem cells for future cell therapy monitoring. Cells were labeled with fluorescent iron oxide nanoparticles, embedded in tissue-mimicking agar scaffolds, and imaged using a microscope setup with an integrated MM-OCT probe. Magnetic particle-induced motion in response to a pulsed magnetic field of 0.2 T was successfully detected by OCT speckle variance analysis, and cross-sectional and volumetric OCT scans with highlighted labeled cells were obtained. In parallel, fluorescence microscopy and laser speckle reflectometry were applied as two-dimensional reference modalities to image particle distribution and magnetically induced motion inside the sample, respectively. All three optical imaging modalities were in good agreement with each other. Thus, magnetomotive imaging using iron oxide nanoparticles as cellular contrast agents is a potential technique for enhanced visualization of selected cells in OCT.

Transcriptional Regulation of Retinal Progenitor Cells Derived from Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells.

Sridhar, Akshayalakshmi 22 August 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In order to develop effective cures for diseases and decipher disease pathology, the need exists to cultivate a better understanding of human development. Existing studies employ the use of animal models to study and model human development and disease phenotypes but the evolutionary differences between humans and other species slightly limit the applicability of such animal models to effectively recapitulate human development. With the development of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs), including Human induced Pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) and Human Embryonic Stem cells (hESCs), human development can now be mirrored and recapitulated in vitro. These stem cells are pluripotent, that is, they possess the potential to generate any cell type of the body including muscle cells, nerve cells or blood cells. One of the major focuses of this study is to use hiPSCs to better understand and model human retinogenesis. The retina develops within the first three months of human development, hence rendering it inaccessible to investigation via traditional methods. However, with the advent of hiPSCs, retinal cells can be generated in a culture dish and the mechanisms underlying the specification of a retinal fate can be determined. Additionally, in order to use hiPSCs for successful cell replacement therapy, non-xenogeneic conditions need to be employed to allow for fruitful transplantation tests. Hence, another emphasis of this study has been to direct hiPSCs to generate retinal cells under non-xenogeneic conditions to facilitate their use for future translation purposes.

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