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Formulación material y espacial del modelo geometricamente exacto de piezas alargadasLázaro Fernández, Carlos Manuel 06 May 2008 (has links)
El análisis de la respuesta mecánica de piezas alargadas que experimentan grandes desplazamientos y rotaciones constituye un campo en el que se han producido avances significativos en las tres últimas décadas, tanto desde el punto de vista de la formulación de modelos físicos como de la búsqueda de soluciones numéricas. El ámbito de aplicación de este tipo de modelos se separa quizás del abanico de problemas de los que tradicionalmente se ha ocupado la ingeniería civil, aproximándose más a situaciones propias de otras disciplinas, como la aeronáutica, la robótica o la biomecánica.
Dentro de la variedad de modelos en una dimensión desarrollados para el análisis no lineal de piezas alargadas, el propuesto por Simó como extensión del trabajo de Reissner es capaz de reproducir rotaciones arbitrariamente grandes de las secciones transversales. Su sencillez conceptual y la potencia de las soluciones numéricas basadas en él lo hanconvertido en referencia obligada y punto de partida de muchas investigaciones recientes. El propio Simó introdujo la denominación de \emph{modelo geométricamente exacto de piezas alargadas} para referirse a él. No obstante, el modelo de Reissner--Simó no está libre de dificultades. Éstas derivan principalmente del tratamiento exacto de las rotaciones, que exige trabajar en un espacio de configuraciones no lineal ni conmutativo.
Esta tesis examina los fundamentos del modelo geométricamente exacto y su conexión con la teoría no lineal de la elasticidad. La relación entre variables materiales y espaciales a través de la transformación definida por la rotación de cada sección establece el método de análisis. En un primer paso se ha desarrollado completamente la cinemática del modelo y las ecuaciones de campo en sus dos facetas --material y espacial--, lo que ha permitido sistematizar el proceso deductivo y aportar algunos resultados teóricos novedosos. El análisis del problema desde el punto de vista variacional ha puesto de manifiesto las conexiones / Lázaro Fernández, CM. (2005). Formulación material y espacial del modelo geometricamente exacto de piezas alargadas [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/1872
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[pt] Uma fase crítica do processo de obtenção do petróleo é a perfuração do solo para o acesso ao reservatório. Um dos problemas, em particular, é compreender o comportamento dinâmico da coluna de perfuração durante o processo de perfuração diante de diversos fatores como a interação broca-rocha, choques da coluna de perfuração contra a parede do poço, estratégias de controle da velocidade angular de operação e outros fatores. Uma etapa fundamental para lidar com este problema é a representação do sistema dinâmico para caracterizar a coluna de perfuração, isto é, o modelo matemático que representará a resposta dinâmica da estrutura diante dos carregamentos. Neste contexto, este trabalho abordará o problema da dinâmica de uma coluna de perfuração através de um modelo matemático baseado na teoria de Cosserat, que resultará em um sistema de seis equações diferenciais parciais que descrevem a resposta dinâmica de uma estrutura unidimensional, inserida no espaço euclidiano tridimensional, em termos das
variáveis de deslocamento linear da curva e angular das seções. O modelo é capaz de descrever uma dinâmica não-linear, incluindo flexão, torsão, extensão e cisalhamento. Inicialmente, o sistema de EDPs é resolvido na forma quase estática, satisfazendo as condições de contorno, utilizando o método de Perturbação Regular. As soluções aproximadas são utilizadas como funções base para implementação no método de Elementos Finitos. Estas funções base são conhecidas como elemento de Cosserat Modificado
(Modfied Cosserat Rod Element - MCRE). Verifica-se a limitação destas funções base para problemas que não envolvam grandes deslocamentos, não sendo adequadas para o problema proposto. Diante deste fato, o sistema de EDPs é escrito na forma fraca e resolvido por um software comercial de análise de Elementos Finitos considerando as condições de contorno, o modelo de interação broca-rocha, a estratégia de controle da velocidade angular e eventuais contatos da coluna contra a parede do poço. O modelo
proposto produziu resultados que estão de acordo com a literatura e se mostrou capaz de lidar com grandes deslocamentos. / [en] A critical step in the oil exploration process is drilling the soil for access to the petroleum reservoir. One of the problems is understanding the dynamic behavior of the drill string during the drilling process in the face of various factors such as drill bit-rock interaction, drill string shocks against the well wall, angular velocity control strategies and other factors. A key part of dealing with this problem is the representation of the dynamic system to characterize the drill string, e.g., the mathematical model that will represent the dynamical response of the structure when facing different types of loads. In this context, this work will address the problem of the dynamics of a drill string using a mathematical model based on Cosserat
theory that will result in a system of six partial differential equations that describe the dynamic response of a one-dimensional structure, inserted in three-dimensional Euclidean space, in terms of the linear displacement variables of the curve and angular displacement of the cross sections. The model is able to describe nonlinear dynamics, including flexure, torsion, extension and shear. Initially, the system of partial differential equations is solved in a quasi-static sense, satisfying the boundary conditions, using the Regular Perturbation method. The approximate solutions are used as shape functions for implementation in the Finite Element method. These shape functions are known as Modified Cosserat Rod Element (MCRE). It is verified that these shape functions are restricted to problems that do not involve large displacements and for this reason they are not suitable for the proposed problem. Given this fact, the system of partial differential equations is written in a weak form and solved by a commercial software based on Finite Element analysis, considering the boundary conditions, the drill bit-rock interaction model, the angular velocity control strategy and for any string contacts against the well wall. The proposed model produced
results that are in agreement with the literature and is capable of dealing with large displacements.
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Der Einfluss des Cholesterolgehaltes der Diskmembranen des Stäbchenaußensegmentes auf die ersten Schritte der visuellen SignaltransduktionWaterstradt, Katja 17 July 2009 (has links)
Das Außensegment der Stäbchenzelle ist aus einem Stapel von flachen Membransäckchen, den Diskmembranen, aufgebaut. Entlang dessen existiert ein Cholesterolgradient mit 24 mol% Cholesterol in den basalen Diskmembranen und 5 mol% in den apikalen. Das Außensegment enthält alle Proteine der Signaltransduktion. Der Photorezeptor Rhodopsin ist als integrales Membranprotein in die Diskmembran eingebettet. Das G-Protein Transducin und das Effektorprotein, die Phosphodiesterase (PDE), sind periphere Proteine mit Lipidankern und somit reversibel mit der Membranoberfläche assoziiert. Um den Einfluss des Cholesterolgehaltes der Diskmembranen auf diese drei Proteine zu untersuchen, wurden Diskmembranen mit unterschiedlichem Cholesterolgehalt präpariert (Simulation des Cholesterolgradienten). Die Untersuchungen zur transversalen Verteilung des Cholesterols in der Diskmembran ergaben eine schnelle Transmembranbewegung mit einer Halbwertzeit von weniger als einer Minute bei 35 °C. Desweiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass es zu kopfgruppenspezifischen Wechselwirkungen von Cholesterol mit dem Phospholipid Phosphatidylcholin kommt. Cholesterol verschiebt das Meta I-Meta II-Gleichgewicht (nach Lichtaktivierung von Rhodopsin) auf die Seite von Meta I (inaktiv). In dieser Arbeit konnte jedoch gezeigt werden, dass durch die Anwesenheit des Transducins das Gleichgewicht vollständig auf die Seite von Meta II (aktiv) verschoben wird, da Transducin spezifisch die Meta-II-Form stabilisiert. Somit kann die verminderte Meta II-Bildung des Rezeptors in Diskmembranen mit hohem Cholesterolgehalt durch Transducin ausgeglichen werden. Lediglich die Geschwindigkeit der Transducinaktivierung ist verlangsamt. Durch den erhöhten Cholesterolgehalt werden die Membraneigenschaften für eine Bindung der beiden peripheren Proteine Transducin und PDE über deren Lipidanker optimiert. Somit kann die Signaltransduktion auch in den basalen Diskmembranen des Stäbchenaußensegmentes stattfinden. / The rod outer segment consists of a stack of flat membrane saccules called disc membranes. Along this stack a cholesterol gradient exists with 24 mol% cholesterol in the basal and only 5 mol% in the apical disc membranes. The outer segment contains all the proteins necessary for signal transduction. The photoreceptor rhodopsin as integral membrane protein is embedded in the disc membrane. The G protein transducin and the effector protein phosphodiesterase (PDE) are soluble proteins with lipid modifications, which are associated reversibly to the membrane surface. Disc membranes with different cholesterol contents were prepared to simulate the cholesterol gradient along the rod outer segment and to investigate the influence of disc membrane cholesterol content of these three proteins. Investigations of the transversal distribution of cholesterol in the disc membrane revealed a fast transmembrane movement with a half life of less than one minute at 35 °C. Further, head group specific interactions between cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine could be shown. The Meta I Meta II equilibrium after light activation of rhodopsin was shifted to the Meta I (inactive) site in membranes with high cholesterol. In this work it was shown that in the presence of transducin this equilibrium is shifted completely to the Meta II (active) site because transducin stabilizes specifically the Meta II form of the receptor. Hence the reduced Meta II formation in disc membranes with high cholesterol could be compensated by transducin. The speed of transducin activation is decelerated. By the increased cholesterol content membrane properties are optimized to the binding of transducin and PDE via their lipid modifications. Thus the signal transduction can take place also in disc membranes with high cholesterol.
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Förbättrade effektmarginaler med radiell anrikningsfördelning för PWR-bränsle / Improved peaking factors with radial enrichment distribution för PWR fuel assemblyÅkerman, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
In recent years, the enthalpy raise hot channel factor limit has decreased significantly due to the power upgrade of Ringhals 4 and the use of shielding fuel assemblies. The shielding fuel assemblies task are to reduce the neutron leakage to the reactor vessel and in that way extend the reactor lifetime. This is achieved by replacing a few fuel rods with steel rods. Experiences from the last fuel cycles show that the core design procedure has been hampered because of this and that it’s hard to stay under the design limit. A way to overcome this problem and to improve the fuel economy is to introduce the use of radial enrichment distribution in the fuel assembly. This master thesis shows, through a case study of three fuel cycles at Ringhals 4, that the internal peaking factor can be improved by roughly 2–3 % and that the maximum enthalpy raise hot channel factor can be improved by about 2.0–2.5 % if the fuel assemblies contain three different levels of enrichments instead of currently one. This can be achieved without any noticeable decrease in cycle length. / Genom en fallstudie av tre driftcykler för Ringhals 4 visar den här rapporten att max FΔH under cykeln kan sänkas med 2,0–2,5 % om bränsleknippena radiellt anrikningsoptimeras med minst tre delanrikningar. Totalt under cykeln kan FΔH sänkas med upp till 4 %. Om radiell anrikningsoptimering införs för Vattenfalls PWR:er skulle arbetet med att designa härdarna förenklas och utrymme ges för att ladda reaktorerna på ett mer ekonomiskt sätt.
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Impact-initiated combustion of aluminumBreidenich, Jennifer L. 07 January 2016 (has links)
This work focuses on understanding the impact-initiated combustion of aluminum powder compacts. Aluminum is typically one of the components of intermetallic-forming structural energetic materials (SEMs), which have the desirable combination of rapid release of thermal energy and high yield strength.
Aluminum powders of various sizes and different levels of mechanical pre-activation are investigated to determine their reactivity under uniaxial stress rod-on-anvil impact conditions, using a 7.62 mm gas gun. The compacts reveal light emission due to combustion upon impact at velocities greater than 170 m/s. Particle size and mechanical pre-activation influence the initiation of aluminum combustion reaction through particle-level processes such as localized friction, strain, and heating, as well as continuum-scale effects controlling the amount of energy required for compaction and deformation of the powder compact during uniaxial stress loading. Compacts composed of larger diameter aluminum particles (~70µm) are more sensitive to impact initiated combustion than those composed of smaller diameter particles. Additionally, mechanical pre-activation by high energy ball milling (HEBM) increases the propensity for reaction initiation.
Direct imaging using high-speed framing and IR cameras reveals light emission and temperature rise during the compaction and deformation processes. Correlations of these images to meso-scale CTH simulations reveal that initiation of combustion reactions in aluminum powder compacts is closely tied to mesoscale processes, such as particle-particle interactions, pore collapse, and particle-level deformation. These particle level processes cannot be measured directly because traditional pressure and velocity sensors provide spatially averaged responses. In order to address this issue, quantum dots (QDs) are investigated as possible meso-scale pressure sensors for probing the shock response of heterogeneous materials directly. Impact experiments were conducted on a QD-polymer film using a laser driven flyer setup at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Time-resolved spectroscopy was used to monitor the energy shift and intensity loss as a function of pressure over nanosecond time scales. Shock compression of a QD-PVA film results in an upward shift in energy (or a blueshift in the emission spectra) and a decrease in emission intensity. The magnitude of the shift in energy and the drop in intensity are a function of the shock pressure and can be used to track the particle scale differences in the shock pressure. The encouraging results illustrate the possible use of quantum dots as mesoscale diagnostics to probe the mechanisms involved in the impact initiation of combustion or intermetallic reactions.
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Molecular Evolution and Functional Characterization of the Visual Pigment Proteins of the Great Bowerbird (Chlamydera nuchalis) and Other Vertebratesvan Hazel, Ilke 16 December 2013 (has links)
Visual pigments are light sensitive receptors in the eye that form the basis of sensory visual transduction. This thesis presents three studies that explore visual pigment proteins in vertebrates using a number of computational and experimental methods in an evolutionary framework. The objective is not only to identify, but also to experimentally investigate the functional consequences of genetic variation in vertebrate visual pigments. The focus is on great bowerbirds (Chlamydera nuchalis), which are a model system in visual ecology due to their spectacular behaviour of building and decorating courtship bowers. There are 4 chapters: Chapter 1 introduces background information on visual pigments and vision in birds. Among visual pigment types, the short-wavelength-sensitive (SWS1) pigments have garnered particular interest due to the broad spectral range among vertebrates and the importance of UV signals in communication. Chapter 2 investigates the evolutionary history of SWS1 in vertebrates with a view toward its utility as a phylogenetic marker. Chapter 3 investigates SWS1 evolution and short-wavelength vision in birds, with particular focus on C. nuchalis and its SWS1. The evolution of spectral tuning mechanisms mediating UV/violet vision in passerines and parrots is elucidated in this chapter using site-directed mutagenesis, protein expression, and phylogenetic recreation of ancestral opsins. While cone opsins mediate colour vision in bright light, the rhodopsin visual pigment contained in rod photoreceptors is critical for dim light vision. Detailed characterization of rhodopsin function has only been conducted on a few model systems. Chapter 4 examines C. nuchalis RH1 using a number of functional assays in addition to absorbance spectra, including hydroxylamine sensitivity and the rate of retinal release. This chapter includes an investigation into the role of amino acid mutations typical of dim-light adapted vertebrates, D83N and A292S, in regulating functional properties of bovine and avian RH1s using site-directed mutagenesis. Together these chapters describe naturally occurring mutations in visual pigments and explore the way they can influence visual perception. These represent one of the few investigations of visual pigments from a species that is not a model lab organism and form a significant contribution to the field of visual pigment biochemistry and evolution.
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Synthesis and photovoltaic applications of novel copolymers based on poly(3-hexylthiophene) / Synthèse et application en cellules solaires organiques de nouveaux copolymères à base de poly(3-hexylthiophène)Erothu, Harikrishna 25 February 2011 (has links)
Dans cette étude, des copolymères à blocs rigide-flexible comprenant des segments donneur [poly(3-hexylthiophène) régiorégulier, (rr-P3HT)] et accepteurs d’électrons (C60) ont été synthétisés. L’auto-assemblage en masse de ces copolymères à blocs avait pour objectif d’atteindre des morphologies dont la taille des domaines coïncide avec la distance idéale de transport de l’exciton (~10 nm) en vue d’utiliser ces systèmes comme matériaux de couche active dans les cellules photovoltaïques organiques de type P3HT-PCBM.La maîtrise et l'optimisation des conditions de synthèse de rr-P3HT de fonctionnalité terminale bien définie nous ont permis d'accéder à différentes architectures de copolymères linéaires di- et triblocs, constitués de P3HT comme bloc rigide et de polystyrène ou poly(4-vinylpyridine) comme bloc ‘flexible’. La fonctionnalisation du bloc flexible avec des dérivés du fullerène (C60 ou PCBM) a ensuite été réalisée et ces copolymères utilisés comme additifs pour stabiliser la morphologie de la couche active des cellules solaires organiques de type P3HT/PCBM. Les caractéristiques photovoltaïques des matériaux ainsi préparés ont été déterminées et corrélées aux analyses morphologiques de la couche active. / The performance of organic photovoltaic cells mainly depends on the active layer nano-morphology. Rod-coil block copolymers (BCPs) are well known in their ability to self-assemble into well-ordered nanoscopic morphologies. BCPs containing electron-donor and acceptor segments are of particular interest for use in photovoltaic cells because electronic light-excited states exist over distances similar to the typical size of block copolymer domains (~10 nm). Therefore, we designed novel donor-acceptor BCPs to exploit this coincidence in dimensions. This thesis is focused on BCPs based on regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) (rr-P3HT) due to its high hole mobility and good processibility from various solvents. Simplified and versatile syntheses of donor-acceptor rod-coil di- and tri- BCPs consisting of the donor block P3HT (rod) and polystyrene or poly(4-vinylpyridine) (coil) blocks to carry the acceptor C60 in different ways were developed. These materials were used as surfactants to stabilize the nano-morphology of reference P3HT: [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) based devices. Photovoltaic characterizations were then tied to copolymer structural data with the help of AFM and a range of complementary characterization techniques.
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Explicitní a implicitní prostředky odkazování na obecného konatele v angličtině a češtině / Explicit and implicit means of reference to the general human agent in English and CzechMachová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the analysis and comparison of explicit and implicit means of reference to the general human agent in English and in Czech. In these languages we may find both explicit and implicit means which are used to refer to the general human agent and which are identical to a certain degree. However, especially among the implicit means we may observe rather different structures in both languages. This thesis analyses two sets of data - the excerpts from two English novels with their Czech translations and two Czech novels with their English translations. The total number of examples excerpted is 200, each example being considered with its translation to the other language. The source language of this study is English for which a set of particular explicit and implicit means which we focus on in this analysis was defined. For this reason, also in the case of the Czech originals the examples were excerpted from the English translations and their Czech original versions were found. The samples obtained from both the sets of data were further compared and the analysed means were divided into three groups - instances where the means in English and in Czech were identical, instances where the means were nonidentical and instances where the reference to the general human agent was...
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Modelos mecânicos e numéricos para estruturas flexíveis unidimensionais / Mecanical and numerical models to unidimensional flexible structuresSantos, Antônio José Boness dos 02 August 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-08-02 / Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Apresentamos um modelo matemático geral, baseado na teoria de Cosserat para estruturas flexíveis unidimensionais, em regime de deslocamentos finitos e sujeitas a restrições unilaterais. Ao modelo geral agregamos a hipótese de inextensibilidade e, desprezando os efeitos do cisalhamento e das forças inerciais, formulamos o problema variacionalmente
tanto na forma cinemática quanto em Lagrangiano Aumentado. Para esta última formulação, construímos aproximações por elementos finitos de Galerkin e
utilizamos um algoritmo do tipo Uzawa para a solução do problema aproximado. Apresentamos estudos numéricos com o intuito de avaliar a formulação, validar o algoritmo de solução e exemplificar possíveis aplicações práticas do modelo.
Buscando viabilizar uma análise numérica, realizamos uma linearização consistente do modelo geral apresentado anteriormente, produzindo um modelo em regime de pequenos deslocamentos e deformações, descrito no espaço tridimensional. Para este problema, introduzimos uma aproximação por elementos finitos mistos estabilizados, adicionando à formulação de Galerkin formas residuais de mínimos quadrados provenientes das equações de equilíbrio. Provamos que esta formulação atende às condições suficientes para existência e unicidade de solução, independente da esbeltez da estrutura. Apresentamos estimativas de erro indicando taxas de convergência e resultados numéricos comprovando tais taxas.
Apresentamos algumas aplicações dos modelos ao estudo de estabilidade de dutos aquecidos e enterrados, na análise da estabilidade de armaduras de risers e umbilicais e, na área biológica, apontamos as possibilidades de suas utilizações na modelagem de moléculas de ADN.
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Effective Spatial Mapping for Coupled Code Analysis of Thermal–Hydraulics/Neutron–Kinetics of Boiling Water ReactorsPeltonen, Joanna January 2013 (has links)
Analyses of nuclear reactor safety have increasingly required coupling of full three dimensional neutron kinetics (NK) core models with system transient thermal–hydraulics (TH) codes. In order to produce results within a reasonable computing time, the coupled codes use two different spatial description of the reactor core. The TH code uses few, typically 5 to 20 TH channels, which represent the core. The NK code uses explicit one node for each fuel assembly. Therefore, a spatial mapping of a coarse grid TH and a fine grid NK domain is necessary. However, improper mappings may result in loss of valuable information, thus causing inaccurate prediction of safety parameters. The purpose of this thesis is to study the effectiveness of spatial coupling (channel refinement and spatial mapping) and develop recommendations for NK/TH mapping in simulation of safety transients. Additionally, sensitivity of stability (measured by Decay Ratio and Frequency) to the different types of mapping schemes, is analyzed against OECD/NEA Ringhals–1 Stability Benchmark data. The research methodology consists of spatial coupling convergence study, by increasing the number of TH channels and varying mapping approaches, up to and including the reference case. The reference case consists of one-to-one mapping: one TH channel per one fuel assembly. The comparisons of the results are done for steady–state and transient results. In this thesis mapping (spatial coupling) definition is formed and all the existing mapping approaches were gathered, analyzed and presented. Additionally, to increase the efficiency and applicability of spatial mapping convergence, a new mapping methodology has been proposed. The new mapping approach is based on hierarchical clustering method; the method of unsupervised learning that is adopted by many researchers in many different scientific fields, thanks to its flexibility and robustness. The proposed new mapping method turns out to be very successful for spatial coupling problem and can be fully automatized allowing for significant time reduction in mapping convergence study. The steady–state results obtained from three different plant models for all the investigated cases are presented. All models achieved well converged steady–state and local parameters were compared and it was concluded that solid basis for further transient analysis was found. Analyzing the mapping performance, the best predictions for steady–state conditions are the mappings that include the power peaking factor feature alone or with any combination of other features. Additionally it is of value to keep the core symmetry (symmetry feature). The big part of this research is devoted to transient analysis. The selection of transients was done such that it covers a wide range of transients and gathered knowledge may be used for other types of transients. As a representative of a local perturbation, Control Rod Drop Accident was chosen. A specially prepared Feedwater Transient was investigated as a regional perturbation and a Turbine Trip is an example of a global one. In the case of local perturbation, it has been found that a number of TH channels is less important than the type of mapping, so a high number of TH channels does not guarantee improved results. To avoid unnecessary averaging and to obtain the best prediction, hot channel and core zone where accident happens should be always separated from the rest. The best performance is achieved with mapping according power peaking factors, and therefore this one is recommended for such type of perturbation. The regional perturbation has been found to be more challenging than the others. This kind of perturbation is strongly dependent on mapping type that affects the power increase rate, SCRAM time, onset of instability, development of limit cycle, etc. It has been also concluded that a special effort is needed for input model preparation. In contrast to the regional perturbation, the global perturbation is found to be the least demanding transient. Here, the number of TH channels and type of mapping do not have significant impact on average plant behaviour – general plant response is always well recreated. A special effort has also been paid to investigate the core stability performance, in both global and regional mode. It has been found that in case of unstable cores, a low number of TH channels significantly suppresses the instability. For these cases number of TH channels is very important and therefore at least half of the core has to be modeled to have a confidence in predicted DR and FR. In case of regional instability in order to get correct performance of out-of-phase oscillations, it is recommended to use full-scale model. If this is not possible, the mapping which is a mixture of 1st power mode and power peaking factors, should be used. The general conclusions and recommendations are summarized at the end of this thesis. Development of these recommendations was one of the purposes of this investigation and they should be taken into consideration while designing new coupled TH/NK models and choosing mapping strategy for a new transient analysis. / <p>QC 20130516</p>
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