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Seeding and structural varibility in α-synucleinopathies / Seeding variability of different alpha-synuclein strainsCandelise, Niccolò 08 March 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Estudo comparativo dos achados mamográficos após radioterapia intra-operatória com feixe de elétrons (IORT) e radioterapia externa (RT) em pacientes com câncer de mama em estádio inicial submetidas a tratamento conservador / Mammography findings following IORT or RT for breast cancer treatmentCarvalho, Barbara Pace Silva de Assis 24 September 2009 (has links)
O tratamento conservador do câncer de mama é hoje uma realidade em pacientes com estádio inicial da doença. Estudos randomizados demonstraram a importância da radioterapia após a cirurgia conservadora do câncer de mama. A radioterapia externa (RT) envolve 5 a 6 semanas de radioterapia com uma dose total de 50Gy, e um reforço de 10Gy no leito cirúrgico. A radioterapia intra-operatória com feixe de elétrons (IORT) tem se mostrado uma alternativa factível e viável em relação à RT e consiste na aplicação de dose única de 21 Gy no leito tumoral, durante o procedimento cirúrgico. Objetivo: Comparar os achados mamográficos encontrados em pacientes submetidas à RT com aqueles encontrados em pacientes submetidas à IORT. Pacientes e Métodos: De janeiro de 2004 a dezembro de 2007 foram comparados os achados mamográficos, em seguimento de 12 e 24 meses, de 30 pacientes submetidas à IORT e de 30 pacientes submetidas à RT após a cirurgia conservadora do câncer de mama. A média de idade das pacientes foi de 64 anos no grupo IORT e de 54 anos no grupo RT , ambos grupos apresentando tamanho tumoral menor que 3 cm. Resultados: Os dados do estudo demonstram que, apesar de se encontrar mais edema, distorção arquitetural, espessamento cutâneo e necrose gordurosa nas pacientes do grupo IORT, estas diferenças não foram estatisticamente significantes. Conclusão: Os achados mamográficos após o tratamento conservador do câncer de mama com a radioterapia externa são os mesmos esperados nas pacientes submetidas à radioterapia intra-operatória com feixe de elétrons. / Radiotherapy following conservative surgery for breast cancer decreases the risks of local recurrence. Because 85% of breast cancers relapse in or around the surgical bed there has been some debate on the need for irradiating the whole breast. Intraoperative electron radiation has been used as a viable alternative for conventional external radiotherapy. While the former requires a single dose of 21 Gy in the tumoral bed, the latter requires five to six weeks of irradiation with a total dose of 50 Gy and a boost of 10 Gy that irradiates the surgical bed. Herein, we investigated whether any significant differences exist between the mammography findings obtained from patients submitted to one of the two techniques. Two groups of 30 patients each were included in this study. All patients had mammographies taken at 12 and 24 months after finishing treatment. The mammography findings evaluated were: cutaneous thickness (> 2mm), architectural distortion secondary to fibrosis, edema, calcifications (both benign and malignant), and fat necrosis. For all variables studied, there was no statistical difference between the two groups. This indicates that the mammography findings obtained in either 12- or 24-month followup periods after breast cancer conservative surgery are similar, regardless of which of the two radiotherapy techniques (intraoperative electron radiation or conventional external radiotherapy) is employed as a treatment for breast cancer.
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Diagnóstico da raiva e das encefalites equinas do Leste e Oeste em equídeos pelo emprego da técnica de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR / Diagnosis of rabies and Eastern and Western Equine Viral Encephalitides in equids by multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR techniqueIamamoto, Keila 10 October 2011 (has links)
Várias zoonoses virais acometem equídeos causando quadros neurológicos, entre as quais a raiva e as encefalites equinas do Leste (EEE) e Oeste (WEE). O diagnóstico clínico geralmente não é conclusivo, o que torna imprescindível o diagnóstico laboratorial. Dados do Laboratório de Diagnóstico de Raiva do Instituto Pasteur de São Paulo, entre os anos 2000 e 2010, mostram que aproximadamente 75% das amostras enviadas foram negativas para raiva, ressaltando a relevância da realização de um diagnóstico diferencial para as encefalites equinas causadas por alfavírus. Os objetivos do estudo foram testar a adequação do uso de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR para o diagnóstico de raiva, EEE e WEE em amostras de sistema nervoso central de equídeos e realizar uma análise de custo das reações de cada técnica. Foram utilizados os primers 21G, 304 e 504 dirigidos ao gene N do vírus da raiva, e os primers cM3W, M2W, nEEE e nWEE dirigidos ao gene NSP1 dos vírus da EEE e WEE. Procedeu-se a um estudo preliminar dos primers e de seu uso em uma hemi-nested RT-PCR, avaliando a temperatura ótima de anelamento, a sensibilidade e especificidade analíticas e a reprodutibilidade da técnica em amostras de campo positivas para raiva e para EEE. A partir do protocolo estabelecido na reação de hemi-nested RT-PCR, realizaram-se variações de concentração de reagentes no protocolo para a reação de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR. Após o estabelecimento do protocolo para esta reação, os mesmos testes para verificação da sensibilidade e especificidade analíticas e da reprodutibilidade foram realizados, comparando-se os resultados com os obtidos pela hemi-nested RT-PCR. No teste de limiar de detecção, a sensibilidade analítica foi semelhante para as duas técnicas, obtendo-se 10-1,7 para os três vírus padrão CVS, EEEV e WEEV. No teste de limiar de detecção utilizando uma amostra com os três vírus verificou-se uma alta especificidade dos primers, sendo que na reação de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR foi possível detectar simultaneamente os três vírus padrão. Não houve diferença nas proporções de amostras detectadas como positivas para raiva obtidas pelas duas técnicas, analisando-se pelo teste exato de Fisher (P=1,0000). No entando, para amostras de campo positivas para EEE, a proporção de amostras detectadas como positivas pela hemi-nested RT-PCR foi maior do que a proporção obtida pela multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR (P<0,0001). Apesar de não ter sido possível o uso de amostras de campo positivas para WEE nesse estudo, os resultados sugerem que seria possível a detecção pela multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR. Estes dados sugerem que a técnica de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR poderia ser aplicada para detecção de raiva e WEE, mas com limitações para a detecção de EEE. Pela análise de custo dos reagentes, o valor de uma reação de multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR é semelhante ao de uma hemi-nested RT-PCR, podendo representar uma economia de pelo menos 49,17%. / Several viral zoonoses affect the equids causing neurological diseases, including rabies and Eastern and Western equine encephalitides (EEE and WEE). Clinical diagnosis is often not conclusive, in a way that laboratory diagnosis is essential. Data from the Laboratory of Rabies Diagnosis at the Pasteur Institute of São Paulo, between 2000 and 2010, demonstrate that approximately 75% of submitted equid samples were negative for rabies, emphasizing the importance of achieving a differential diagnosis for equine encephalitis caused by alphaviruses. The aims of this study were to test the suitability of using multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR for the diagnosis of rabies, EEE and WEE in equids central nervous system samples and to perform a cost analysis of the reactions of each technique. We used the primers 21G, 304 and 504 directed to the N gene of rabies virus, and the primers cM3W, M2W, nEEE and nWEE directed the NSP1 gene of WEE and EEE viruses. A preliminary study of the primers was carried out, as well as their use in a hemi-nested RT-PCR, evaluating the optimal annealing temperature, the analytical sensitivity and specificity and the reproducibility of the technique in positive field samples for rabies and EEE. From the protocol established for the hemi-nested RT-PCR, variations in reagents concentrations for the multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR protocol were perfomed. After establishing the protocol for this reaction, the same tests to verify the analytical sensitivity and specificity and reproducibility were performed and the results compared to those obtained by hemi-nested RT-PCR. In the detection threshold test, the analytical sensitivity was similar for both techniques, resulting in 10-1.7 for the three virus standard CVS, and EEEV WEEV. In the detection threshold test using a sample with the three viruses, a high specificity of the primers was verified and the multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR was able to detect the three viruses simultaneously. There was no difference in the proportions of samples detected as positive for rabies obtained by both techniques, according to the Fisher exact test (P = 1.0000). However, for EEE positive field samples, the proportion of samples detected as positive by the hemi-nested RT-PCR was higher than the proportion obtained by multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR (P <0.0001). Although it was not possible to use WEE positive field samples in this study, the results suggest that its detection would be possible by multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR. Thus, data suggest that the multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR technique could be applied to detect rabies and WEE, but with limitations for the EEE detection. For the analysis of reagent costs, the cost of one multiplex hemi-nested RT-PCR is similar to one hemi-nested RT-PCR, and may represent a saving of 49,17% at least.
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Exploring the roles, effectiveness and impact of health information professionals within evidence based practiceBrettle, A. January 2009 (has links)
This is the thesis (critical appraisal) component of a PhD by Published Works. The overall submission was a portfolio of ten published papers supported by a critical appraisal focusing on two key areas: an exploration of the roles that Health Information Professionals (HIPs) can play within evidence based practice (EBP) and an exploration of the effectiveness and impact of the traditional supportive role played by HIPs within EBP. The published papers are listed and referenced within this document but not contained within it. The majority are available elsewhere within the University of Salford Institutional Repository. Drawing on a model developed from the library literature, the thesis highlights a wide range of supportive and active roles that HIPs can potentially play within EBP. This model is informed and illuminated by the studies within the portfolio that demonstrate how the author has fulfilled a wide range of these roles in practice, and identified a new role within systematic reviews in health and social care. This demonstrates that HIPs can transfer their skills outside their traditional library and information practice domain, thus extending their role and offering a range of professional opportunities. Using a varied range of research methodologies, the thesis also explores the effectiveness and impact of the contribution made by HIPs when using traditional skills to support EBP. Two models are used to illustrate the outcomes to which HIPs contribute. These include improving search skills and providing evidence which can, over the longer term, contribute to policy making and patient care. At present the weight of the evidence presented to support these links is weak. Methodological issues and future research that needs to be addressed to improve the strength of the evidence base are therefore highlighted and discussed.
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Caracterização molecular de estirpes de rotavírus em rebanhos bovinos leiteiros e de corte das regiões Nordeste e Centro-oeste no Estado de São Paulo /Salles, Roberta de. January 2009 (has links)
Orientadora: Maria da Glória Buzinaro / Banca: Samir Issa Samara / Banca: Ricardo Luiz Moro de Sousa / Resumo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a ocorrência de rotavírus do grupo A e a genotipagem G e P de estirpes detectadas em bezerros de rebanhos leiteiros e gado de corte, durante o período de julho de 2006 a setembro de 2008, em propriedades rurais do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. Foram amostrados 395 bezerros, na faixa etária entre 1 e 60 dias, independentemente da manifestação clínica de diarréia, de 18 rebanhos bovinos, sendo nove de exploração leiteira e nove de gado de corte. Por meio da técnica de eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida (EGPA), determinou-se a ocorrência de rotavírus em 33,3% (06/18) entre os rebanhos e de 8,6% (34/395) na população amostrada. A maior freqüência de infecção foi detectada em animais com idade entre 16 e 30 dias (p < 0,01). Foram diagnosticados bezerros infectados por rotavírus tanto em animais com sinais clínicos de diarréia (22%;29/133) quanto naqueles clinicamente normais (1,9%;05/262), existindo, porém, uma correlação entre a presença da infecção e a manifestação clínica da diarréia (p<0,01). Em relação ao tipo de exploração, nos rebanhos leiteiros 0 percentual de ocorrência foi de 5,3% (14/264), enquanto que nos rebanhos de gado de corte o rotavírus teve maior ocorrência (15,3%; 20/131). A análise do perfil do genoma de rotavírus por EGPA identificou dois eletroferótipos distintos, cujas diferenças estavam localizadas na posição de migração dos segmentos 2, 3, 7, 8 e 9. A genotipagem pela reação em cadeia pela polimerase (RT-SNMPCR) das amostras de rotavírus revelou a que as estirpes circulantes nos rebanhos eram G6P[5], G10P[5], não foi possível fazer associação com o genotipo P[1]. / Abstract: The present study aimed to determine the Group A rotavirus and G/P genotyping in detected virus strains in dairy and beef cattle calves from July 2006 to September 2008 in São Paulo State-Brazil farms. 395 calves in 18 flocks (9 dairy cattle and 9 beef cattle) from 1 to 60-day-old were sampled, independently whether manifesting clinically diarrhea or not. By using Poliacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Technique (PAGE), the rotavirus occurrence of 33.3% (06/18) among flocks and 8.6% (34/395) among the population sampled were determined. The higher infection frequency was detected in 16-to-30-day-old calves (P<0.01). Rotavirus-infected flocks rotavirus-infected were diagnosticated as much the ones having clinical symptoms of diarrhea (22%, 29/133) as the ones clinically normal (1.9%, 05/262), shawing a correlation between the presence of infection and the diarrhea manifestation (p<0.01). Related to the kind of exploration, the occurrence in dairy cattle was 5.3% (14/264) while in the beef cattle the occurrence was higher (15.3%, 20/131). The rotavirus genome profile analysis by PAGE identified two distinct electroferotypes, in which differences were located in the following segment migration positions: 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9. The genotyping of the Rotavirus sample by polymerase chain reaction (RT-snmPCR) revealed that the circulating strains among the flocks were G6P[5], G10P[5] e G?P[1]. / Mestre
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Diversidade genética e expressão gênica em fibras de algodão coloridoRocha, Geisenilma Maria Gonçalves da 09 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Jean Medeiros (jeanletras@uepb.edu.br) on 2016-03-09T17:56:17Z
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PDF - Geisenilma Maria Gonçalves da Rocha.pdf: 891700 bytes, checksum: 6a3a21e49105289a64a7197232dd50c3 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-02-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The demand for colored cotton fibers has grown internationally, especially motivated by
ecological appeal that management provides. In Brazil, especially in the Northeast,
agricultural niches are concentrated in small areas of family-based farmers who adopt both the
conventional management as the organic, generating employment and income. The cotton
breeding program of Embrapa Cotton has made efforts in developing new varieties of colored
fibers in order to contribute to the regional agribusiness growth, nowadays with five cultivars,
with fibers of colors ranging from green to various shades of brown. The challenge for
researchers, however, is to generate varieties with new shades that can contribute to move the
competitive market of the textile industry, especially the natural and dyes free. To advance in
this segment, it is essential to understand the molecular basis of the metabolites involved in
the synthesis of the color of the fibers so that we can establish strategies for genetic
improvement, both by conventional means such as by genetic engineering. It is known that
flavonoids are secondary metabolites which confers color to fibers and that depending on the
route of biosynthesis, various color tones can be synthesized by events cascade. Being a
component of biochemical nature, it is estimated that the identification of genotypes holders
of biosynthesized by associated molecular markers, directly or not, to flavonoids. This
strategy can configure a useful tool to identify genotypes colored fibers, helping to reduce the
time the selection procedures that take between 120 to 150 days for the character can be
phenotyped. Seeking to generate information that may help with the colored cotton fiber
improvement aimed this work a study of genetic and molecular approaches in colorful cotton
accesses, based on analysis of divergence and molecular expression, focusing on fiber specific
genes involved in flavonoid biosynthesis. For analysis of genetic diversity, twelve genotypes
were phenotyped by ISSR-PCR, using 12 commercial oligonucleotides. The methods of
Tocher, UPGMA and 2D Projection were adopted for cluster analysis based on the standard
of 50 polymorphic bands. In light of the results, proceeded to the analysis of transcripts
expression, using the genes PP2A1, C4H, DFR, ANR and ANS in cDNAs fibers collected at 8,
10 and 18 DPA (after anthesis days) from BRS Rubi, BRS Topázio, BRS 200 and V3 access.
In the cluster analysis by UPGMA, there was the formation of six groups being groups B, D
and E only those clustered colored materials. The results of the expression through
semiquantitative RT-PCR, the amplicons were observed of approximately 200, 290, 1100,
1024 and 1067 bp for PP2A1, C4H, DFR, ANS and ANR, respectively, as expected. We
observed increased expression of genes C4H, DFR and ANR in brown color genotypes,
suggesting that these genes may be involved in flavonoid biosynthesis brown fibers. The
results obtained in this study can be applied in the cotton breeding program aimed at
obtaining varieties with new colors or new shades. / A demanda por fibras de algodão colorido tem crescido em nível internacional, motivada
especialmente pelo apelo ecológico que o manejo proporciona. No Brasil, especialmente na
região Nordeste, os nichos agrícolas se concentram em pequenas áreas de agricultores de base
familiar, que adotam tanto o manejo convencional quanto o orgânico, gerando emprego e
renda. O programa de melhoramento de algodão da Embrapa Algodão tem envidado esforços
no desenvolvimento de novas cultivares de fibras coloridas com o intuito de contribuir com o
crescimento do agronegócio regional, detendo atualmente cinco cultivares, com tonalidades
de fibras variando do verde até várias tonalidades de marrom. O desafio dos pesquisadores,
contudo, é gerar cultivares com novas tonalidades que possam contribuir para movimentar o
competitivo mercado da indústria têxtil, especialmente o de fibras naturais e isentas de
corantes para fixação da cor. Para avançar nesse segmento, é imprescindível que se entenda a
base molecular dos metabólitos envolvidos na síntese da cor das fibras para que se possa
estabelecer estratégias para o melhoramento genético, tanto por vias convencionais como por
meio de engenharia genética. Sabe-se que os flavonoides são metabólitos secundários que
conferem cor as fibras e que, dependendo da rota de sua biossíntese, várias tonalidades de
cores podem ser sintetizadas ao final da cascata de eventos. Por ser um componente de
natureza bioquímica, estima-se que a identificação de acessos detentores de diferentes
biossintetizados possam ser discriminados por meio de marcadores moleculares associados,
diretamente ou não, aos flavonoides. Tal estratégia pode se configurar em uma ferramenta útil
para contribuir posteriormente na identificação de acessos de fibras coloridas, auxiliando a
reduzir o tempo nos procedimentos de seleção, que levam entre 120 a 150 dias para que o
caráter possa ser fenotipado. Com intuito de gerar informações que possam contribuir com o
melhoramento de fibras de algodão colorido, objetivou-se nesse trabalho proceder um estudo
envolvendo abordagens genética e molecular em acessos de algodão colorido, baseando-se em
análise de divergência e de expressão molecular, focalizando em genes específicos de fibra
envolvidos na biossíntese de flavonoides. Para análise da diversidade genética, doze acessos
foram fenotipados por meio de PCR-ISSR, utilizando-se 12 oligonucleotídeos comerciais. Os
métodos de Tocher, UPGMA e Projeção 2D foram adotados para análise de agrupamento,
baseado no padrão de 50 bandas polimórficas. Em função dos resultados obtidos, procederamse
as análises de expressão de transcritos, utilizando-se os genes PP2A1, C4H, DFR, ANR e
ANS em cDNAs de fibras coletadas aos 8, 10 e 18 DPA (dias pós antese) dos acessos BRS
Rubi, BRS topázio, BRS 200 e V3. Na análise de agrupamento via UPGMA, verificou-se a
formação de seis grupos, sendo os grupos B, D e E os que aglomeraram apenas os materiais
coloridos. Nos resultados da expressão via RT-PCR semiquantitativa, observaram-se
amplicons de aproximadamente 200, 290, 1100, 1024 e 1067 pb para PP2A1, C4H, DFR,
ANR e ANS, respectivamente, como esperado. Observou-se maior expressão dos genes C4H,
DFR e ANR nos acessos de coloração marrom, sugerindo que estes genes podem estar
envolvidos na biossíntese de flavonoides de fibras marrons. Os resultados obtidos neste
trabalho podem ser aplicados no programa de melhoramento do algodão visando a obtenção
de cultivares com novas cores ou novas tonalidades.
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A Comparison of Centrifugal Forces to Reduce the Inhibitory Effects of Food Matrixes on Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction for the Detection of Food Borne VirusesCarter, Kristina Kim 17 March 2004 (has links)
The CDC estimated that foodborne infections resulted in approximately 76 million illnesses, 325,000 hospitalizations, and 5,000 deaths per year in the United States (Mead, 1999). There are over 200 known diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, toxins, metals, or prions that can be transmitted through food. Of these illnesses caused by foodborne disease, the CDC estimates that 38.6 million cases are from identifiable pathogens and 30.9 million of these cases are caused by viruses. Hence, approximately 80% of foodborne illnesses of known etiology result from viral transmission (Mead, 1999). Viral gastrointestinal illness may be caused by virus families such as: enterovirus, rotavirus, calicivirus, astrovirus, or norovirus. These viruses are highly contagious and are spread through the fecal-oral route; transmission vehicles include contaminated food or beverages, infected food handlers, fomites or close contact with an infected individual (FDA Bad Bug Book, 2003).
Until recently, there have been few studies concentrating on viruses found in or on foods. There are several technical difficulties that hinder progress in detecting viral agents from foods. One of these problems is the presence of matrix inhibitors. Substances responsible for matrix inhibition include humic acid, polysaccharides, myoglobins, metal ions, glycogen, and lipids (Monpoeho, 2001). These substances in foods produce smearing of the RT-PCR amplicon bands on agarose gels. Several methods to reduce inhibitory compounds utilize multiple toxic reagents in the procedure. In this study, varying centrifugal forces were tested at different steps of the virus extraction/concentration procedure to reduce matrix inhibitory effects for molecular detection of norovirus and poliovirus seeded onto food surfaces. This method incorporates the rapid detection capabilities of RT-PCR with the ability to reduce or eliminate matrix inhibitors present in food, by altering the centrifugal force.
Results for both viruses showed that band intensity decreased as the viral concentration decreased and no one method was superior for all food matrices. This investigation showed that matrix specific modifications to the basic protocol are required to efficiently extract viruses from the surface of foods. Each food should be assessed to determine modifications to the standard method that would be optimal for viral concentration and extraction.
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The regulation of Vitamin D metabolism in the kidney and boneAnderson, Paul Hamill January 2002 (has links)
The activation of 1,25D-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D) is catalysed by the enzyme 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1ƒhydroxylase (CYP27B1) in the kidney, which is the primary producer of 1,25D in the body. Although the synthesis of 1,25D by CYP27B1 and the catabolism of 1,25D by 25-hydroxyvitamin D-24-hydroxylase (CYP24) also take place in the bone, the significance of the bone cell-specific metabolism of vitamin D remains largely unknown. This thesis investigates the regulation of the expression of CYP27B1, CYP24 and vitamin D receptor (VDR) mRNA, both in the bone and in the kidney, with the aim to determine whether the regulation of the vitamin D metabolism in the bone is independent from that in the kidney. The effects of age, dietary calcium and vitamin D status on the expression these genes in both the kidney and the bone, as well as on a number of biochemical factors known to regulate the renal metabolism of 1,25D, such as PTH, calcium and 1,25D itself, were examined. CYP27B1 mRNA expression was also studied in histological sections of rat femoral bone. Furthermore, CYP27B1, CYP24 and VDR mRNA expression were also identified in specific regions of the rat femur and in a number of bone cell lines, with the aim to identify the bone cell types that have the capacity to metabolise and/or to respond to vitamin D. The age-related decrease in the circulating levels of 1,25D detected in animals ranging in age from 3 weeks to 2 years old, was a direct result of a reduction in the expression of CYP27B1 mRNA and an increase in the expression of CYP24 and VDR mRNA in the kidney. In contrast, the expression of CYP27B1 and CYP24 mRNA in the bone is high from 3 to 15 weeks of age, which is the period of rapid growth and development. The expression of CYP27B1 mRNA in the bone was positively correlated with the circulating levels of calcium throughout aging, which suggests that the 1,25D produced in the bone may be involved in the mineralisation process. The positive correlation found between the expression of CYP27B1 and CYP24 mRNA in the bone was in contrast with the negative correlation found between the expression of these two enzymes in the kidney. This suggests that the 1,25D produced locally in the bone, rather than the 1,25D produced in the kidney, is the primary determinant of the CYP24 activity in the bone. In vitamin D-deplete animals, fed a 0.1% calcium diet (D(-)/LC), the expression of CYP27B1 mRNA was induced and the expression of CYP24 mRNA was suppressed in the kidney. In contrast, both the expression of CYP27B1 and CYP24 mRNA were low in the bones of these D(-)/LC animals. When vitamin D-deplete animals were fed a 1% calcium diet (D(-)/HC), the expression of both CYP27B1 and CYP24 mRNA was high in the bone, which was in direct contrast with the low expression of these genes detected in the kidney. Besides this, a positive correlation was found between the expression of CYP27B1 mRNA in the bone, serum calcium levels and bone mineral volume (BV/TV) in the epiphysis, which supports the findings for the age study that the locally produced 1,25D may be involved in the promotion of bone mineralisation. Although serum PTH levels was positively correlated with the expression of CYP27B1 mRNA in the kidneys of hypocalcaemic animals, there was no such relationship detected between the levels of serum PTH and the expression of CYP27B1 mRNA in the bone. This finding suggests that the regulation of the expression of CYP27B1 mRNA in the bone is different from the regulation found in the kidney. The identification of CYP27B1 mRNA in osteoblasts-like cells, taken together with the associations between serum calcium and CYP27B1 mRNA expression in the previous studies, suggests that 1,25D produced in osteoblasts may play a significant role in the bone mineralisation process. The detection of CYP27B1 mRNA expression in a number of bone marrow cells suggests that locally produced 1,25D may also play a role in the growth and differentiation of hematopoietic cells. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--School of Molecular and Biomedical Science, 2003.
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Événements moléculaires et cellulaires associés à l'épileptogenèse dans deux modèles murins d'injection intrahippocampique de toxiques. Implication des mécanismes neuro-inflammatoiresPernot, Fabien 25 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Le processus d'épileptogenèse, qui conduit à la production de décharges électro-encéphalographiques spontanées caractéristiques de la maladie épileptique, implique des mécanismes inconnus pour la plupart et probablement divers. Des études récentes soulignent le rôle potentiel de l'inflammation cérébrale dans les mécanismes précoces de l'épileptogenèse. Le syndrome d'épilepsie de la face mésiale du lobe temporal (EMLT) est souvent associé à une perte neuronale unilatérale et sélective dans l'hippocampe, suggérant que cette structure est particulièrement sensible. Notre travail a donc été consacré à l'étude de l'épileptogenèse faisant suite à l'injection intrahippocampique de toxiques chimiques capables d'entraîner des modifications tissulaires et cellulaires locales chez la souris C57BL/6. Le rôle potentiel de la neuro-inflammation a été plus particulièrement recherché. Dans notre premier modèle, un déséquilibre cholinergique est induit par l'injection de soman, un puissant inhibiteur des cholinestérases. Il est capable d'induire un processus d'épileptogenèse sans état de mal initial, associé à un déficit de la réponse émotionnelle conditionnée contextuelle mais en l'absence de remaniements tissulaires majeurs (neurodégénérescence, œdème et neuro-inflammation). En revanche, dans le modèle d'EMLT obtenu par l'injection de kaïnate, une forte activation microgliale est détectée précocement dans les zones de neurodégénérescence. Une astrogliose est également observée. Grâce à la technique quantitative de transcription inverse suivie de polymérisation en chaîne (RT-qPCR), nous avons également pu mettre en évidence que certains médiateurs moléculaires de l'inflammation sont également liés dans le temps et dans l'espace (particulièrement la transcription d'IL-1β) aux événements neurodégénératifs. Pour s'assurer de la fiabilité des données analytiques de RT-qPCR dans les régions cérébrales touchées par ces modifications, le choix des gènes de référence doit faire l'objet d'études spécifiques. Nous avons pu montrer qu'un ensemble de cinq gènes (Hprt1, Ppia, Tbp, Actb et Arbp) avait une forte stabilité dans la structure hippocampique dans ce modèle murin d'EMLT et pouvait être utilisé pour normaliser les données brutes de RT-qPCR dans ce modèle. Nos résultats indiquent que, chez la souris, des altérations neurochimiques sont capables d'initier l'épileptogenèse même en l'absence de lésions tissulaires notables et qu'une réponse neuro-inflammatoire massive n'est pas une condition sine qua non. Déterminer le caractère bénéfique ou délétère de la neuro-inflammation reste un enjeu majeur pour la découverte de nouvelles thérapeutiques anti-épileptogènes.
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Etude multicentrique de nouveaux marqueurs tumoraux moléculaires dans les épanchements péritonéaux et le sang : analyse par PCR quantitative en temps réelMohamed, Fauzia 18 May 2010 (has links) (PDF)
La progression naturelle des tumeurs consiste en une extension locale, puis à distance (métastase) par migration de cellules dans le sang et la lymphe vers des sites secondaires. Il est donc primordial de pouvoir détecter des cellules tumorales circulantes en plus de l'analyse morphologique et de l'immunocytochimie. De plus, deux technologies (cytométrie en flux et RT-PCR quantitative en temps réel) sont adaptées pour une analyse automatisée, rapide et sensible d'une très faible quantité de cellules. Le but de notre travail a été de mettre au point des systèmes de détection pour l'identification de cellules cancéreuses dans les épanchements péritonéaux et dans le sang. L'étude des biomarqueurs moléculaires apparaît comme une approche complémentaire intéressante pour améliorer l'efficacité du diagnostic dans ce type d'échantillons biologiques. Nous nous sommes intéressés à la mise en évidence de nouveaux marqueurs tumoraux qui pourront être utilisés pour le diagnostic précoce et le pronostic des cancers en utilisant les nouvelles techniques de biologie moléculaire. Il est probable que l'utilisation de multiples marqueurs moléculaires puisse permettre d'évoquer plus particulièrement certains types de cancers. Nous avons pu mettre en place une technique de PCR quantitative en temps réel, nettement plus sensible que la cytologie classique, et nous avons appliqué cette technique à l'étude de marqueurs tumoraux dans les liquides d'épanchement, mais aussi dans le sang pour rechercher et doser l'ARN messager. Nos résultats montrent que la cytométrie en flux adaptée à des lignées cellulaires ne l'est pas pour des prélèvements cliniques. Par la PCR quantitative, il a été possible de quantifier le niveau d'expression des marqueurs tumoraux étudiés en utilisant des plasmides de référence qui ont été préparés pour chaque gène. Plusieurs marqueurs permettent de différencier des épanchements malins et des épanchements bénins, mais surtout les antigènes CLDN4 et Ep-CAM étaient significativement plus élevés (68% et 57%, respectivement) chez les patients avec épanchements malins. L'ARN messager circulant de la CLDN4 était détectable et significativement plus élevée dans les sérums de patients atteints de cancer du sein (64% p<0,05). Les résultats indiquent que l'utilisation d'une combinaison de marqueurs comportant laclaudine 4 est plus susceptible de détecter des cellules malignes et d'être utiles pour le suivi de patients
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