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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interactions of white pine blister rust, host species, and mountain pine beetle in whitebark pine ecosystems in the Greater Yellowstone

Bockino, Nancy Karin. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Wyoming, 2008. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on June 26, 2009). Includes bibliographical references (p. 86-111).

The susceptibility of cultivated "rubus" varieties to "Phragmidium violaceum", the cause of blackberry leaf rust, and fungicides for the control of the disease

Washington, W. S. (William Samuel), 1951- January 1985 (has links) (PDF)
Some ill. mounted. Bibliography: leaves 86-92.

Initiation of a pre-breeding programme for enhancing genetic resistance against wheat rust

De Groot, Stephan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Plant diseases are among the major causes of food insecurity. In South Africa the wheat fungal diseases including stem rust caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, leaf rust caused by P. triticina and stripe rust caused by P. striiformis f. sp. tritici are the most important. Genetic resistance is a viable way of protecting wheat crops against the wheat rusts, especially cultivars carrying multiple genes that confer durable resistance. In order to breed for multi-gene resistance an effective breeding strategy that allows for selecting multiple resistance genes and other desirable traits needs to be devised. The aim of this study was to identify a number of genotypes with combinations of different rust resistance genes, good grain yield and end-use quality out of an existing pre-breeding population and thereby identify superior parents. In order to achieve the stated aim the following objectives have been identified: identify wheat lines through marker-assisted selection (MAS) carrying the gene complexes, Sr31/Lr26/Yr9, Lr24/Sr24, Lr37/Sr38/Yr17, Lr34/Yr18 and Sr2; to develop inbred lines to evaluate selected lines under field trials. From the initial subset of 64 lines, 60 were chosen and advanced to the doubled haploid (DH) phase and seed multiplication. The 60 lines either carried one or more of the three rust resistance gene complexes. The genes that were the most prominent were Sr31/Lr26/Yr9 and Lr24/Sr24. The selected lines were incorporated into a DH seed multiplication phase. After 4 cycles of seed increases and preliminary field evaluation during multiplication, 15 lines were chosen and subjected to multi-location field trails. The extensive multi-location field trails carried out in this study aided in identifying genotypes from the 15 MS-MARS lines with good adaptability and stability in regards to yield and baking quality. An important observation was that the molecular markers employed to indentify quality loci correlated well with the genes encoding the HMW-GS 5, 10 and 12 as observed with the Agilent© 2100 Bioanalyzer. In future studies the lines which performed the best could be re-introduced into the existing MSMARS pre-breeding programme of the Stellenbosch University’s Plant Breeding Laboratory (SUPBL). The frequencies of desired alleles could be increased in this manner. Since the majority of these characteristics are influenced by quantitatively inherited alleles, using these lines as recurrent parents will increase the frequencies of these alleles in the existing SU-PBL pre-breeding population. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Plantsiektes is van die belangrikste oorsake van voedselonsekerheid ter wêreld. In Suid-Afrika is die roesswamme van die belangrikste plantsiektes wat koring produksie beïnvloed. Hierdie siektes sluit in, stamroes wat veroorsaak word deur Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, blaarroes wat veroorsaak word deur P. triticina en streeproes wat veroorsaak word deur P. striiformis f. sp. tritici. Genetiese weerstand is ‘n uitstekende manier om koring te beskerm teen hierdie swamsiektes. Weerstand wat gebasseer is op veelvuldige weerstandsgene is veral ‘n goeie middel om genetieseweerstand op ‘n volhoubare basis in koringteling toe te pas. Om veelvuldige weerstandsgene in koringkultivars in te teel word ‘n effektiewe telingstrategie benodig. Die doel van die studie was om genotipes te identifiseer met kombinasies van veelvuldige weerstandsgene vir roes, sowel as goeie eienskappe belangrik vir graanopbrengs en bakkwaliteit. Lyne is geïdentifiseer uit ‘n bestaande voortelingspopulasie van Stellenbosch Universiteit se Planteteelt Laboratorium (SU-PTL) wat geteel was met spesifiek weerstand en opbrengs potensiaal in gedagte. Om die doel van die studie te bereik is sekere doelwitte daar gestel. Hierdie doelwitte sluit in om lyne uit die populasie te selekteer deur middel van merker bemiddelde seleksie (MBS) vir gene naamlik Sr31/Lr26/Yr9, Lr24/Sr24, Lr37/Sr38/Yr17, Lr34/Yr18 en Sr2; om die geselekteerde lyne suiwertelend te maak; sowel as om die suiwertelende lyne in veld proewe in te sluit. Van die oorspronklike stel van 64 lyne, is 60 gekies vir verdere studie. Deur middel van die verdubbelde haploïed (VH) tegniek is die lyne suiwertelend gemaak. Die 60 lyne het een of meer van die geselekteerde gene bevat. Die mees prominente gene was die twee geen komplekse Sr31/Lr26/Yr9 en Lr24/Sr24. Na vier siklusse van saadvermeerdering en voorloppige seleksies is 15 lyne ingesluit by ‘n multi-omgewing veldproef. Hierdie uitgebreide multi-omgewing veldproewe het gehelp om individue uit die 15 lyne te identifiseer wat oor goeie aanpasbaarheid en stabiliteit beskik met betrekking tot opbrengs en bak kwaliteit. Die molekulêre merkers gebruik om die gene verantwoordelik vir die kodering van HMGGS 5, 10 en 12 op te spoor het goed gekorreleer met die HMG-GS bande bepaal met behulp van die Agilent© 2100 Bioanalyzer. Toekomstige studies kan moontlik insluit die gebruik van die lyne wat geïdentifiseer was met goeie kenmerke in die bestaande MS-MARS teelprogram van die SU-PTL. Die frekwensies van die verlangde allele kan op hierdie manier in die populasie verhoog word.

Pyramiding of novel rust resistance genes in wheat, utilizing marker assisted selection and doubled haploid technology

Smit, Corneli 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wheat rust, caused by the Puccinia spp., is a global biotic cause of wheat yield losses. This disease can effectively be combatted by implementing rust resistant wheat cultivars. The release of new resistant wheat cultivars is however prolonged due to the time needed to fix resistance genes in a good quality background and develop pure breeding wheat lines. The aim of this study was the pyramiding of novel species derived leaf and stripe rust resistance genes in bread wheat lines through the utilization of high throughput marker assisted selection and microspore derived doubled haploid technology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Koringroes het wêreldwyd verliese in koringopbrengste tot gevolg. Dit word veroorsaak deur die Puccinia fungi. Hierdie siekte kan effektief beveg word deur die verbouing van roesbestande kultivars. Die vrystel van nuwe weerstandbiedende kultivars is egter ‘n langdurige proses weens die tyd verbonde daaraan om weerstandsgene te fikseer in ‘n genetiese agtergrond met ‘n goeie kwaliteit en om dan suiwertelende lyne te ontwikkel. Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om nuwe spesie-verhaalde blaar- en streeproes weestandsgene in koringlyne te stapel met behulp van merker bemiddelde seleksie en mikrospoor geassosieerde verdubbelde haploïede tegnologie.

Pyramiding of rust resistance genes in wheat utilizing male sterility mediated marker-assisted recurrent selection

Springfield, Lezaan Sevone 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wheat production is globally affected by several different wheat rust diseases. The rust diseases can effectively be controlled by the deployment of multiple resistance genes that confer durable resistance. One of the most effective strategies to incorporate resistance genes is by the implementation of recurrent mass selection as it maximizes opportunities for gene pyramiding. The implementation of a recurrent mass selection program in wheat can effectively be enhanced with the use of genetic male sterility and the incorporation of maker assisted-selection (MAS). The aim of the study was to pyramid wheat rust resistance genes in wheat lines by utilizing a male sterile mediated marker-assisted recurrent selection breeding (MS-MARS) scheme. An existing segregating MS-MARS base population and resistance donor lines carrying genes of interest (Sr26, Sr35 and Sr45) were used as female and male crossing parents. Potential markers for the genes of interest were first identified and validated on the male population. PCR based markers tested for Sr26 and Sr45 easily distinguished between resistant and non-resistant plants in the study, while markers tested for the detection of Sr35 and Sr45 in most instances failed to do so. The identified Sr26 marker (Sr26#43) was successfully added to the SU-PBL’s standardized marker set in a multiplex reaction. The standardized marker set and the co-dominant PCR marker for Sr45 were used to screen male and female populations before and after cross-pollination. Several wheat rust resistance genes were present in various frequencies in both male and female populations prior to the first crossing cycle, except Sr26 and Sr45. Increases in gene frequencies and combinations were obtained after the first crossing cycle, highlighting the effectiveness of the MS-MARS breeding strategy to improve gene frequencies of desirable genes. Two MS-MARS crossing cycles were successfully completed and large numbers of hybrid seeds were produced in a short period of time by selecting male sterile plants based on distinct characteristics induced by the dominant male sterility gene. Future studies will include the wide deployment of Sr26 and Sr45 in the MS-MARS breeding program as markers are now available and can be included in the SU-PBL’s standardized marker set for the effective detection of these genes, the development of gene-specific markers for Sr35 to ascertain the presence of the gene in the MS-MARS population and the specific selection of male sterile plants with wide open glumes to maximize outcrossing rates. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Koring produksie word wêreldwyd aansienlik deur koringroes siektes geaffekteer. Die siektes kan doeltreffend beheer word deur die ontplooing van veelvuldige weerstandsgene, wat langdurige weerstand tot gevolg het. Een van die mees doeltreffendste strategieë om weerstandsgene in n koring plant te inkorporeer is deur die implementering van herhalende massa seleksie (HMS), siende dat dit geleenthede vir geen stapeling maksimaliseer. Die implementering van 'n HMS program in koring kan effektief aangewend word met behulp van genetiese manlike steriliteit en merker bemiddelde seleksie (MBS). Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om veelvuldige koringroes weerstandsgene in koring lyne te stapel met behulp van die manlik steriliteits merker bemiddelde herhalende seleksie (MS-MBHS)-telingsskema. ‘n Gevestigde segregerende MS-MARS basis populasie en donor lyne, wat die gene (Sr26, Sr35 en Sr45) van belang dra, was onderskeidelik as vroulike en manlike kruisingsouers gebruik. Potensiële molekulêre merkers vir die gene van belang was eers geidentifiseer in literatuur en op die donor lyne getoets, voordat dit vir die opsporing van die gene in die nageslag gebruik was. Polimerase ketting reaksie (PKR)-gebaseerde merkers wat getoets was vir Sr26 en Sr45, kon maklik tussen weerstand en nie-weerstandbiedende plante in die studie onderskei, terwyl ander merkers vir die opsporing van Sr35 en Sr45 nie so doeltreffend was nie. Die geidentifiseerde Sr26 merker was suksesvol bygevoeg tot die SU-PBL se gestandardiseerde merkerpaneel, in ‘n multipleks reaksie. Die gestandardiseerde merkerpaneel en die ko-dominante PKR merker vir Sr45 was gebruik om die manlike en vroulike populasie te analiseer vir die teenwoordigheid van verskeie weerstandsgene voor en na kruisbestuiwing. Merker analise het die teenwoordigheid van verskeie koringroes weerstandsgene in verskillende frekwensies in beide die manlike en vroulike populasie voor die eerste kruising siklus aangedui. Sr26 en Sr45 was egter afwesig in beide populasies. ‘n Toename in geen frekwensies en kombinasies was waargeneem na die eerste kruising siklus. Dit het gevolglik die doeltreffendheid van die MS-MARS teling strategie beklemtoon. Twee herhalende kruising siklusse was suksesvol voltooi en groot hoeveelhede bastersaad was verkry vanaf steriele plante wat geselekteer was op grond van unieke eienskappe wat hulle vertoon as gevolg van die manlike steriliteits geen. Toekomstige studies sluit in, die groot skaalse gebruik van Sr26 en Sr45 in die MS-MARS teelprogram aangesien merkers nou beskikbaar is en gebruik kan word in die MS-MARS teelprogram vir die doeltreffende opsporing van hierdie gene, die ontwikkeling van ‘n geen-spesifieke merker vir Sr35 om die teenwoordigheid van die geen in die MS-MARS populasie vas te stel, en die selektering van manlike steriele plante met wyd oop kaffies om kruisbestuiwing te verhoog.

Algoritmo para predição de risco de epidemia de phakopsora pachyrhizi em soja / Algorithm for prediction of epidemic phakopsora pachyrhizi risk in soybean

Lerner, Maíne Alessandra 23 February 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The control of asian soybean rust depends on the application of fungicides at the right time. The use of forecasting systems is an important tool in the decision-making process. This work aims to estimate a prediction algorithm that generates risk levels of Phakopsora pachyrhizi infection based on rainfall, minimum temperature, sowing date, growth stage of the crop and local, aimed at applying fungicides products at the correct time. Four experiments were conducted in the experimental area of Phytus Institute, Itaara city, central region of Rio Grande do Sul, in the crop 2014/2015. Each experiment corresponded to a different sowing date and consisted of treatments: control (T1) without fungicide application; application as recommended in the algorithm to be assessed (T2), application of the scheduled program in days after emergence (DAE) (T3), based on growth stage of the crop (T4), application as recommended in the algorithm with seven days delay (T5), application of the scheduled program in days after emergence with seven days delay (T6) and application based on growth stage of the crop with seven days delay (T7). To evaluate the effect of treatments were determined to AUCPD, rate of progress, productivity, weight of a thousand grains, and correlations between the dependent and independent variables related to the first pustule and disease severity. The positioning defined by the use of the algorithm did not provide superiority over AUCPD variable rate of progress, productivity and weight of a thousand grains, compared to other treatments in none of the experiments. Asian rust occurred at different growth stages of soybean and the use of sowing dates may indirectly measure the pressure of inoculum of this pathogen. The seven-day period is not consistent for the calculation of the meteorological variables that precede the disease. Temperature was not relevant to explain the epidemic and its use in the algorithm not justified. Rainfall had decisive influence on the epidemic and the more periods of rain occurred, the higher were the severity levels. / O controle da ferrugem asiática da soja é dependente da aplicação de fungicidas no momento correto. O uso de sistemas de previsão é uma ferramenta importante no processo de tomada de decisão. O objetivo deste trabalho foi aferir um algoritmo de previsão que gera níveis de risco de infecção de Phakopsora pachyrhizi baseado em precipitação, temperatura mínima, época de semeadura, estádio fenológico da cultura e local, visando a aplicação de produtos fungicidas na época correta. Foram conduzidos quatro experimentos na área experimental do Instituto Phytus, município de Itaara, região central do Rio Grande do Sul, na safra 2014/2015. Cada experimento correspondeu a uma época de semeadura diferente e foi constituído dos tratamentos: testemunha (T1) sem aplicação de fungicida; aplicação de acordo com o recomendado no algoritmo a ser aferido (T2), aplicação do programa calendarizado em dias após a emergência (DAE)(T3), programa baseado nos estádios da soja (T4), aplicação com sete dias de atraso do recomendado pelo algoritmo (T5), aplicação calendarizada com sete dias de atraso (T6) e aplicação baseada em estádio fenológico com sete dias de atraso (T7). Para avaliar o efeito dos tratamentos, foram determinados a AACPD, taxa de progresso, produtividade, massa de mil grãos, e correlações entre as variáveis dependentes e independentes relacionadas a primeira pústula e a severidade da doença. O posicionamento definido pelo uso do algoritmo não propiciou superioridade sobre as variáveis AACPD, taxa de progresso, produtividade e peso de mil grãos, em relação aos demais tratamentos em nenhum dos experimentos. A ferrugem asiática ocorreu em diferentes estádios fenológicos da soja e o uso de épocas de semeadura pode medir indiretamente a pressão do inóculo deste patógeno. O período de sete dias não é consistente para cálculo das variáveis meteorológicas que precedem a doença. Temperatura não foi relevante para explicar a epidemia e seu uso no algoritmo não se justificou. A precipitação apresentou influência decisiva na epidemia e quanto mais períodos de chuva ocorreram, maiores foram os níveis de severidade.

Progresso da ferrugem (puccinia psidii) em monocultivo de Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla e em plantios consorciados com Acacia mangium / Rust process (Puccinia psidii) in Eucalyptus grandis x Eucalyptus urophylla monoculture and in combined plantations with Acacia mangium

Pieri, Cristiane De 20 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Cristiane de Pieri (pieri_cris@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-01-09T18:15:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese_Definitivo-2.pdf: 1589058 bytes, checksum: 2412924b9d45b8f28e962983596d6592 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Lucia Martins Frederico null (mlucia@fca.unesp.br) on 2018-01-15T11:17:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 pieri,c_dr_bot.pdf: 1589058 bytes, checksum: 2412924b9d45b8f28e962983596d6592 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-15T11:17:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 pieri,c_dr_bot.pdf: 1589058 bytes, checksum: 2412924b9d45b8f28e962983596d6592 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A cultura do eucalipto é uma das mais importantes do Brasil, constituindo-se em fonte de energia renovável e madeira, além de importantes processos agroindustriais para produção de celulose, papel entre outros. O eucalipto é infectado por uma diversidade de patógenos, principalmente fungos, desde o viveiro até em plantios adultos. O modelo de produção predominante é o monocultivo, adensado e intensamente adubado (adubação de base e duas a três coberturas). Em espécies/clones de eucalipto suscetíveis à Puccinia psidii, a ocorrência de epidemias é observada em condições climáticas favoráveis. Dessa forma, espera-se que o plantio consorciado com uma ou mais espécies não hospedeiras, a intensidade desta doença deva ser menor, devido a barreira física criada e dificulte a disseminação das estruturas reprodutivas do referido patógeno, diluindo o inóculo. Da mesma forma, o aumento do espaçamento também pode dificultar o estabelecimento do patógeno e, um plantio consorciado com uma espécie arbórea leguminosa que permita a fixação biológica de nitrogênio pode levar a redução da aplicação de adubos na forma química devido a ciclagem de nutrientes no sistema. Diante do exposto, os objetivos deste estudo foram: comparar o monocultivo de um clone oriundo da hibridação entre Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla e o cultivo do mesmo consorciado com a leguminosa Acacia mangium, com e sem adubação, em dois espaçamentos, quanto a intensidade da ferrugem e, crescimento das plantas (altura, diâmetro a altura do peito, volume e biomassa). Dentre os fatores testados, o uso da adubação no plantio foi o de maior relevância, afetando a intensidade da doença, bem como as variáveis de crescimento avaliadas. Até os dois anos de idade as plantas de acácia ocupam o estrato inferior quando consorciadas com o eucalipto, com isso não estabeleceram uma barreira física eficiente para o patógeno. O mesmo efeito não foi observado com o aumento do espaçamento. Apesar da maior intensidade da doença nos arranjos adubados, as plantas tiveram maior incremento em altura, volume e biomassa. Quanto ao consórcio, a acácia não foi eficaz como barreira física ao agente causal da ferrugem. / The eucalypt cultivation is one of the most important in Brazil, constituting in source of renewable energy and wood, as well as important agro-industrial processes for the cellulose production, paper and others. The eucalypt is infected by a variety of pathogens, mainly fungus, from the plant nursery to adult cultivation. The predominant production model is the monoculture, densely one and intensively fertilized (basic fertilization and two to three coverages).In eucalypt species/clones susceptible to Puccinia psidii, the occurrence of epidemics is observed in favorable climate conditions. Thus, it is expected that the combined cultivation with one or more non-host species, the intensity of this disease should be lower, due to the physical barrier created not to facilitate the dissemination of the reproductive structures of this pathogen, diluting the inoculum. Similarly, the increased spacing cannot also facilitate the pathogen establishment and a combined cultivation with a leguminous arboreal species allowing the biological fixation of nitrogen can lead to the reduction of the fertilizer application in chemical form due to the cycling of nutrients in the system. Based on the above, the objectives of this study were: to compare the monoculture of a clone from the hybridization between Eucalyptus grandis x E. urophylla and the same combined cultivation with the leguminous Acacia mangium, with and without fertilization in two spacing, about the rust intensity and the plant growth ( height, diameter at breast height, volume and biomass). Among the factors tested, the use fertilization at the cultivation was the most relevant, affecting the disease intensity, as well as the variables of the evaluated growth. Up to the age of two, acacia plants are on the lower layer when combined with eucalypt, thus failing to establish an efficient physical barrier for the pathogen. The same effect was not observed with increasing spacing. Despite the greater intensity of the disease in the fertilized arrangements, the plants had a greater increase in height, volume and biomass. About the combined cultivation, acacia was not effective as a physical barrier to the causative agent of rust. / 2013/10700-0

Adjuvantes e assistência de ar junto à barra de pulverização no controle da deriva e da ferrugem da soja (Phakopsora pachyrhizi)

Aguiar Júnior, Hélio Oliveira [UNESP] 18 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:28:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-11-18Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:58:10Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 aguiarjunior_ho_me_botfca.pdf: 487083 bytes, checksum: cf6b43776665fed2b2912c525547c0ba (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Com o intuito de melhorar a eficiência da cobertura foliar e diminuir as perdas na produtividade da cultura da soja, o presente trabalho teve como objetivos: avaliar a deposição da pulverização, perdas por deriva, produção (peso de 1000 sementes), produtividade da cultura (kg/ha), tensão superficial estática e retenção foliar da calda de pulverização. Três experimentos, dois a campo e um em laboratório foram conduzidos nesse estudo; os experimentos 1 e 2 foram conduzidos na safra 2008/09, em área experimental da fazenda de Ensino, Pesquisa e Produção (FEPP) da FCA/UNESP – Campus de Botucatu, Gleba Cascalheira na cultura da soja, cultivar Conquista e o experimento 3 foi realizado no Laboratório de Tecnologia de Aplicação de Defensivos do Departamento de Produção Vegetal – Defesa Fitossanitária da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas FCA/UNESP, campus de Botucatu. O experimento 1 foi conduzido no delineamento experimental em blocos ao acaso com três dosagens de surfatantes associados ao marcador oxicloreto de cobre combinadas a dois níveis de assistência de ar na barra de pulverização (0 e 29 km h-1), totalizando 6 tratamentos e 4 repetições. O pulverizador foi equipado com barra de pulverização de 18,5 m de comprimento e 37 pontas de pulverização de jato plano XR 8002, à pressão de 400 kPa e volume de 150 L ha-1. Para a quantificação dos depósitos da pulverização foram colocados em cada parcela alvos artificiais (papel filtro com dimensões de 3 x 3 cm) distribuídos em 10 plantas tomadas ao acaso. Em cada uma das 10 plantas amostradas foram fixados quatro coletores (papel filtro), um na superfície adaxial e outro na superfície abaxial do mesmo folíolo nas partes superior e inferior da mesma planta. Para avaliação do potencial de deriva, nas diferentes tecnologias de aplicação, foram colocados externamente às parcelas duas hastes de madeira... / With the intention to improve the leaf coverage efficiency and reduce in losses productivity of soybean crop, the present study aimed to evaluate the spray deposition and drift losses, production (weight of 1000 seeds), soybean crop productivity (kg / ha), static surface tension and spray leaf retention. Three experiments, two in the field and another one the laboratory, were conducted in this study. The experiments 1 and 2 were carried out during 2008/2009 crop season in experimental area of Experimental Farm, FCA / UNESP – campus of Botucatu, soybean crop, Conquista variety, and the third experiment was set at the of Laboratory Technology Application of Pesticides, in Plant Production Department, College of Agricultural Sciences of the São Paulo State University FCA/UNESP, campus of Botucatu. The Experiment 1 was conducted in randomized block design with three doses of surfactants associated with one oxychloride cooper tracer, combined at two levels of air assistance on spray boom (0 and 29 km h-1), 6 treatments in 4 repetitions. The sprayer was equipped with spray boom 18.5 m of length and 37 flat fan spray nozzle XR 8002 type at working, pressure of 400 kPa, resulting in the volume of 150 L ha-1. For the quantification of spray deposits were placed in each plot artificial targets (filter paper with dimensions of 3 x 3 cm) distributed in 10 plants randomly selected. In each one of the 10 plants were fixed four collectors (filter paper), one on adaxial surface and other on abaxial surface in the same leaflet at the top and bottom of the same plant. To evaluate the spray drift potential in different application technologies, were placed outside the plots two stems of wood at 1.0 m and 3.0 m away at the end of crop. In the stems positioned at 1.0 m of the crop were fixed artificial targets, pipe cleaners, positioned at 0.5 and 1.0 m above ground and stems distanciated at 3 m of the crop... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Assistência de ar em pulverização no manejo fitossanitário na cultura da soja Glycine max (L.) Merrill

Prado, Evandro Pereira [UNESP] 13 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:28:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-02-13Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:58:10Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 prado_ep_me_botfca.pdf: 1292692 bytes, checksum: dbf83a5af75afb9c9d97bbadfe81fa2b (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / Com o intuito de melhorar a eficiência de controle da ferrugem asiática Phakopsora pachyrhizi e insetos-pragas na cultura da soja, o presente trabalho avaliou diferentes técnicas de pulverização sobre o depósito da calda. Cinco experimentos foram conduzidos na área experimental da FCA/UNESP – Campus de Botucatu, na cultura da soja (var. Conquista), dois na safra 2006/07 e três na safra 2007/08. Os experimentos 1 e 2 foram conduzidos no delineamento em blocos ao acaso no esquema fatorial 2x2+1 (dois níveis de ar, 0 e 100%; duas pontas de pulverização, JA-2 e AXI 11002, mais testemunha). Realizou-se uma única aplicação com os inseticidas tiametoxam + lambda-cialotrina (exp. 1) e endosulfan (exp. 2), com volume de calda de 200 L ha-1. As avaliações antes (prévia) e com 1, 3, 6, 10 e 14 dias após a aplicação foram realizadas pelo método de batidas-no-pano. O experimento 3 foi conduzido no mesmo local, no delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso (quatro velocidades de ar: 0, 9, 11 e 29 km h-1 e testemunha) totalizando 5 tratamentos e 4 repetições. Foi realizada uma pulverização do inseticida deltametrina para o controle de lagartas desfolhadoras e do inseticida tiametoxam + lambda-cialotrina visando o controle de percevejos. Foram avaliados: a eficiência dos produtos nos diferentes tratamentos, danos às sementes, poder germinativo e produtividade. O experimento 4 foi conduzido no delineamento em blocos ao acaso com 4 tratamentos e 5 repetições, comparando quatro velocidades da assistência de ar junto à barra de pulverização (0, 9, 11 e 29 km h-1) sobre o depósito da pulverização. De cada parcela foram selecionadas, ao acaso, dez plantas para a amostragem do depósito da pulverização. À cada planta foram fixados alvos artificiais (papel filtro na dimensão 3 x 3 cm), dois na parte superior e dois na parte inferior das plantas e, em cada parte da planta... / In order to improve control efficiency of Phakopsora pachyrhizi and pests in soybean crop, the present research evaluated different spraying techniques on spray deposits, Asian rust control and the pests control: stink bungs and velvetbean caterpillars. Five experiments were carried out in the experimental area of FCA/UNESP - Botucatu, SP, on soybean crop (Conquista variety). Two of these experiments on the 2006/07 crop season and two in the 2007/08 crop season were carried out. The experimental desing of experiments 1 and 2 were randomized blocks with 5 treatments and 4 repetitions in a factorial scheme 2 x 2 + 1(two levels of air speed, 0 and 100%, two nozzles: flat fan nozzles AXI 11002 and hollow cone nozzle JA-2, more nontreated plots). The insecticides thiamethoxam + lambda-cialothrin (exp. 1) and endosulfan (exp. 2) were applied using a volume rates at 200 L ha-1 for both treatments and experiments. The evaluations before (0) and 1, 3, 6, 10 and 14 days after applications were made by the method of hits on the cloth. The third experiment was carried out in same place and the experimental design was randomized blocks with 5 treatments and 4 repetitions (four air speed: 0, 9, 11 e 29 km h-1) more non-treated plots. The insecticide used in the spraying to control of velvetbean caterpillar was the deltamethrin and to control of stink bugs was thiamethoxam + lambda-cialothrin. The evaluations before and after application were made by the method of hits on the cloth. The actual damages by stink bugs was evaluated considering the percentage of seeds damages, the power germination and production. In experiment 4 the treatments were carried out experimental design randomized blocks with 4 treatments and 5 repetitions (four air speed produced by fan: 0, 9, 11 e 29 km h-1) to evaluations of spray deposit levels. In each parcel were selected at random, ten plants to sampling of spray deposits... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Efeito de bactérias endofíticas do cafeeiro no controle da ferrugem

Shiomi, Humberto Franco [UNESP] 15 April 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:28:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2004-04-15Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:16:45Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 shiomi_hf_me_botfca.pdf: 1002815 bytes, checksum: aa3a55c9b04258872a970f0e010f3cdf (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / Experimentos sob condições controladas e testes de campo com bactérias endofíticas isoladas de folhas e caules de Coffea arabica e Coffea robusta, provenientes das cidades de Pedreira-SP, Mococa-SP e Pindorama-SP, foram realizadas com o objetivo de avaliar a inibição da germinação de urediniosporos de Hemileia vastatrix, raça II e o controle do desenvolvimento da ferrugem alaranjada do cafeeiro, em testes em discos de folhas, folhas destacadas e em plantas da cv. Mundo Novo, pela aplicação de suspensões de bectérias endofíticas 72 e 24 horas antes e após à inoculação de H. vastatrix e concomitantemente à inoculação com o patógeno. Isolados de bactérias endofíticas testados demonstraram eficácia na inibiação da germinação de urediniosporos e/ou no desenvolvimento da ferrugem, com valores acima de 50%, embora os resultados obtidos nos testes de germinação de urediniosporos tenham sido inferiores ao tratamento com o propiconazole. Nos testes em discos de folhas, folhas destacadas e em plantas de cafeeiro, os isolados endofíticos T G4-Ia, T F2-IIc, T F7-Ib e T F9-Ia, demonstraram melhor controle da ferrugem do cafeeiro. Os isolados endofíticos T G4-Ia e T F9-Ia foram identificados como Bacillus lentimorbus e Bacillus cereus, respectivamente. Os resultados indicam a ocorrência de isolados endofíticos eficientes em controlar a ferrugem alaranjada do cafeeiro. Alguns isolados de bactérias edonfíticas podem aumentar a severidade da doença. / Experiments under controlled conditions and field tests with endophytic bacteria from leaves and stem of Coffea arabica and Coffea robusta plants from Pedreira-SP, Mococa-SP and Pindorama-SP, were carried out with th objective to evaluate the inhibition of germination of urediniospores of Hemileia vastatrix, race II and control the development of coffea leaf rust cv. Mundo Novo leaf disk, datached-leaf and coffee plants, by dripping of bacterial suspensions 72 e 24 hours prior and after the H. Vastatrix and also concomitant the aplication of the pathogen. Endophytes tested demonstrated inhibition efficacy of urediniospores germination and/or the development of leaf rust over 50%, althought the results obtained in urediniospores germination was below of propiconazole treatment. In leaf dsk and datached-leaf inoculations, the endophytes strains T G4-Ia, T F2-IIc, T F7-Ib and T F9-Ia demonstrated better control of coffee leaf rust disease. The endophytic strains T G4-Ia and T F9-Ia was identified as Bacillus lentimorbus and Bacillus cereus. The results the ocorrence of efficiente endophytes controlling the coffee leaf rust. Some endophytes can partially improve severity of coffee leaf rust.

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