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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolução dos manguezais do norte da Ilha do Cardoso (Cananéia - SP), desde o Pleistoceno tardio / The evolution of mangroves in the northern face of Cardoso Island (Cananéia - SP) since the Late Pleistocene

Marcos Antonio Borotti Filho 16 August 2013 (has links)
Para o presente trabalho, três testemunhos foram amostrados nos manguezais João Cardoso (JC), Ipaneminha (IPA) e Perequê (PE), localizados na face norte da llha do Cardoso. Estudo interdisciplinar envonveldo descrições faciológica, análise granulométrica, datação 14C, análises isotópicas e elementares de C e N e palinologia foram realizados com o objetivo de descrever a evolução sedimentar e da vegetação, com inferâncias climáticas. Entre 250 a 166 cm, o testemunho JC é composto de areia média creme-acinzentada base gradando para areia muito-fina cinza, com idades de 33.000 (198cm) e 29.400 anos cal. A.P. (166cm), carbono orgânico total (COT) de 0,044 a 0,633%, nitrogênio total (NT) de 0,002 a 0,017%, C/N de 7 a 30, \'delta\'13C de -18,49 a -24,46%o e \'delta\'15N de 2,48 a 8,13%o), indicativos de matéria orgânica terrestre de plantas C3 e C4 e algas/fitoplâncton. A palinologia mostra predomínio de elementos arbóreos dos táxons Alchornea, Drymis, Ilex, Myrsine, Myrtaceae, Podocarpus e Weinmannia (até 10%, cada) e esporos de Cyathea e Polypodiaceae (30%), característico de clima frio e úmido. De 166 a 70 cm a fácies apresenta areia média com estratificação cruzada plano-paralela marcada por areia/argila cinza escura, indicando ambiente praial de inframaré. Esta camada representa um hiato de ~27.000 anos cal. A.P. de sedimentação original, provavelmente erodidos durante transgresão Santos. Os testemunhos IPA e PE apresentam camada semelhante, iniciando na base (170 e 140cm, respectivamente), até aprox. 60 cm. A 163 cm no testemunho IPA foi obtida idade de ~2200 anos AP e ausência de palinomorfos. Sobre a camada da areia, nos três testemunhos, depositam-se sedimentos arenosos/argilosos bioturbados, com abundantes fragmentos/raízes vegetais e conchas. A partir de ~850 anos cal. A.P. (testemunho IPA - 50cm), a variação nos valores elementares e isotópicos de C e N indicam a substituição do predomínio de M.O. fitoplanctônica para M.O. de plantas C3, ainda com influência do fitoplâncton (COT: 0,15 a 12,8%; NT: 0,01 a 0,48%; \'delta\'13C: - 21,00 até - 29,00%o; \'delta\'15N: 8,00 a 3,40%o). A palinologia mostra um padrão semelhante nos três testemunhos. Os táxons Alchornea, Arecaceae, Fabaceae, Hedyosmum, Myrsine, Myrtaceae, Podocarpus, Sloanea, Weinmannia são os mais representativos entre os arbóreos (até 10%). Esporos de Cyathea e Polypodium e grãos de pólen de Poaceae e Cyperaceae correspondem a aprox. 30% da soma total, pouco variando. Estes valores indicam a presença das formações da Floresta Atlântica e da Restinga na região durante todo o período. O táxon Rhizophora sofre aumento neste período de 5 para até 22% nos dias atuais. Infere-se presença de manguezal na região e seu subsequente estabelecimento no local. Palinoforaminíferos e dinocistos são abundantes (até 15%) na base da camada, diminuindo em frequência para o topo (4%). Estes dados mostram uma progressiva diminuição na influência marinha, evoluindo de ambientes intermaré para ambiente de supramaré, devido à redução do nível marinho local durante o Holoceno tardio. Estes dados contribuem para o entendimento da evolução paleoambiental no litoral sul do Estado de São Paulo desde o Pleistoceno Tardio / For the present work, three cores where sampled on the \"João Cardoso (JC)\", \"Ipaneminha (IPA)\" and \"Perequê (PE)\" mangroves, located at the northern face of the Cardoso Island. A interdisciplinary study involving facies, radiocarbon dating, elementary and isotopic carbon and nitrogen, granulometric and palynological analysis were carried with the objective of describing the vegetation and sedimentary evolution, with climatic inferences. Between 250 and 166 cm, the JC core is primarily constituted by grayish medium sand progressing to very fine sand, with ages of ~33.000 (198cm) and ~29.450 (166) cal yr AP. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) of 0,044% to 0,633%, Total Nitrogen (NT) of 0,001 to 0,017%, C/N ratios of 7 to 30, \'delta\'13C of -18,49 to -24,46%o and \'delta\'15N of 2,48 to 8,13%o indicates mixture of C3and C4 terrestrial plants and phytoplantonic sources. Palynology show predominance of the arboreal elements Alchornea, Drymis, Ilex, Myrsine, Myrtaceae, Podocarpus e Weinmannia (up to 10% of total, each) , Cyathea and Polypodium spores (up to 20%), caracteristic of humid and cold climate. From 166 to 70 cm the facies show plane-paralell cross-bedded stratification marked by dark gray medium sand, indicating an inter-tidal environment. This layer represents a hiatus of ca. ~27.000 yr of original sedimentation, probably eroded on the Santos marine transgression. Cores IPA and PE presents similar facies at their bases (170 and 140 cm, respectively) up to near 60 cm. At 163 cm, the IPA core shows age of ~2.000 cal yr AP, and no palynomorphs. On top of this sandy facies are layers of sandy/silty/clayey bioturbated sediments, with an abundance of root, shells and plant debris. Since . ~850 cal yr AP, the isotopic and elementary values show a gradual substitution of the phytoplanctonic source of the sedimentary organic matter to a terrestrial C3 plant source on the three cores. Palynology also shows a similar pattern between the three records?, with Alchornea, Arecaceae, Fabaceae, Hedyosmum, Myrsine, Myrtaceae, Podocarpus, Sloanea, Weinmannia taxons the most well represented between the trees, with Cyathea e Polypodium, Poaceae e Cyperaceae with up to 30% of the total. These are characteristic of the Pluvial and sandbank forests. Rhizophora show an increase in this period from 5 to 22%, indicating the establishment and evolution of the mangrove vegetation on the area since ~850 cal yr AP. Palinoforaminifera and dinocyst show a diminishing pattern (from 15 to 4%) through this period, indicating a progressive decrease of the marine influence at the area, evolving an intertidal to a supratidal zone, following a decrease of local sea level during the late Holocene. This data contributes to a better understanding of the late Pleistocene environment evolution in the southeastern Brazilian coast

Environmental history in southern Mozambique : Reconstruction of flooding events, hydroclimate and sea-level dynamics since mid-Holocene

Raúl Sitoe, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis has been to reconstruct paleoenvironment, paleohydrology and paleoclimate in coastal southern Mozambique, with emphasis on tracing past flooding events on the lower Limpopo River floodplain. In order to extend flood chronologies beyond periods covered by instrumental data, sediments from lakes on the floodplain were studied (Lake Lungué, Coassane Oxbow, Lake Magandane and Lake Soane). Past sea-level variations and climate changes were deduced by analyzing sediments from coastal sites north of the floodplain area (Lake Chilau, Lake Nhauhache and Macassa Bay). To achieve the established objectives, a multi-proxy approach was applied on most of the retrieved sediment cores, involving analysis of mineral magnetic parameters, grain-size and organic carbon in combination with analysis of microfossils such as diatoms and/or phytoliths. Chronologies for the constructed time-series analysis were obtained by radiocarbon dating and age-depth modelling. The synthesized data from the sampled sites on the Limpopo River floodplain suggest that the area was affected by at least 16 flooding events of variable magnitudes during the studied period. These are dated to c. AD 940, 980, 1040, 1100, 1250, 1300, 1370, 1580, 1665, 1730, 1755, 1855, 1920, 1945, 1970 and 2000. In calibrated years BP these ages correspond to 1010, 970, 910, 850, 700, 650, 580, 370, 285, 220, 195, 95, 30, and 5 cal yrs BP. The two youngest are dated to 20 and 50 years AP (After Present being 1950). Proxy data further suggest that southern Africa was subject to two periods of sea-level highstands, at c. 5000–4200 BC (6950–6150 cal yrs BP) and AD 300–950 (1650–1000 cal yrs BP). The former represents the middle part of the postglacial climatic optimum. The wettest period in the Limpopo River floodplain was reported between AD 1360 and 1560 (590 and 390 cal yrs BP) in the Lake Lungué record, while Lake Chilau experienced wet conditions between AD 1200 and 1400 (750 and 550 cal yrs BP), then returning to drier conditions that prevailed until c. AD 1600. In Lake Nhauhache, however, drier conditions prevailed from c. AD 1200–1700 (750–250 cal yrs BP), shifting towards wetter at c. AD 1900 (50 cal yrs BP). The deviating signals between records can partly be explained by Lake Lungué basin being located on the Limpopo River floodplain, responding to flooding events associated with precipitation upstream the drainage area. Therefore, wet and dry periods in floodplain lakes (e.g. Lake Lungué) are not expected to correlate with precipitation changes on a local scale, as indicated by e.g. Lake Nhauhache. This is supported by a relatively weak agreement between Lake Lungué record and other nearby records (outside the floodplain), but a better correlation with records from the upper catchment, where a more regional climate signal is provided of the southern African summer rainfall region. / Denna avhandling behandlar studier av paleomiljöer i södra Mozambique med fokus på översvämningshistorik i Limpopo-flodens nedre lopp. Tidsspannet är mitt- och sen-holocen och inkluderar även klimat och havsnivåvariationer. Följande analysmetoder har applicerats på ett flertal sedimentkärnor för att belysa ovanstående frågeställningar: mineralmagnetiska parameterar, kornstorlek, organiskt kol samt kiselmikrofossil (diatoméeter och fytoliter). Åldrar har bestämts med 14C-metoden.  Analyserna visar att mineralmagnetiska parametrar är lämpliga för att identifiera översvämningar, speciellt magnetisk susceptibilitet och SIRM. Dessa parametrar visar på ett sediments magnetiska kornstorlerkar och koncentrationen av finkorniga magnetiska mineral. Även kornstorleksanalyser fungerade som ett bra komplement till dessa metoder. Sammantaget har ett minimum av 16 översvämningar registrerats i Limpopo/flodens nedre lopp under de senaste 1100 åren. Särskilt stora översvämningar har daterats till AD 1250 (700 kal år BP), AD 1370 (580 kal år BP), AD 1580 (370 kal år BP), AD 1855 (95 kal år BP), AD 1920 (30 kal år BP), AD 1970 (20 kal år AP) och AD 2000 (50 kal år AP), där AP betyder ”after present”, vilket är 1950. Mindre kraftiga översvämningar har daterats till AD 940 (1010 kal år BP), AD 980 (970 kal år BP), AD 1040 (910 kal år BP), AD 1100 (850 kal år BP), AD 1300 (650 kal år BP), AD 1665 (285 kal år BP), AD 1730 (220 kal år BP), AD 1755 (195 kal år BP) och AD 1945 (5 kal år BP). Skriftliga källor visar på att åtminstone åtta översvämningar har ägt rum under de senaste 62 åren. Under samma period har denna undersökning registrerat två händelser, vilket indikerar att endast ett fåtal har registrerats med ovan nämnda metoder. Det är sannolikt att sedimentationsmönstret under en översvämning är komplicerat och inte heller likartad från gång till gång. Detta innebär att ett flertal sedimentkärnor behöver analyseras och dateras väl. Ytterligare en försvårande faktor är flodens mycket aktiva meandringsaktivitet. Analys av diatoméer har visats vara värdefulla när det gäller översvämningshistorik, klimatförändringar och havsytevariationer. Sedimenten i den något till flodslättens nedre lopp perifert belägna sjön Lungué indikerar fuktiga förhållanden mellan AD 1360 och 1560 (590 till 390 kal år BP). Kombinerade fytolit- och diatoméanalyser av sedimenten i sjön Chilau indikerar fuktiga förhållanden från AD 1200 till 1400 (750 till 550 kal år BP), varefter torrare förhållanden rådde till ca AD 1600 (350 kal år BP). Diatoméanalys av sedimenten i sjön Nhauhache indikerar generellt sett torrare förhållanden mellan AD 1200 och AD 1700 (750 till 250 kal år BP) då klimatet blev fuktigare. De fuktiga och torra förhållanden som dokumenterats i sjön Lungué och översvämningshistoriken korrelerar inte helt med lokala nederbördsförhållanden. Däremot stämmer erhållna data bättre med förhållanden i den övre delen av Limpopoflodens dräneringsområde. Även sjöar och fyllda meanderbågar på själva flodslätten verkar reagera tydligare på översvämningar orsakade av nederbörd i den övre delen av flodloppet. Undersökningen indikerar två faser av en förhöjd havsyta längs kusten i södra Mozambique. En äldre fas är daterad till ca 5000–4200 f.Kr. (6950–6150 kal år BP), vilken representerar den mellersta delen av det postglaciala värmeoptimet. Denna tolkning stöds även av andra undersökningar. En yngre fas har daterats till AD 300–950 (1650–1000 kal år BP), vilken korresponderar till en period med något förhöjda temperaturer i ett globalt perspektiv. / O presente projecto teve como objectivo a reconstrução do paleoambiente, paleohidrologia e paleoclima da costa Sul de Moçambique, com ênfase na identificação de vestígios de eventos de cheias que tenham, no passado, afectado a planície de inundação do Rio Limpopo, com vista a fazer a extensão das datações de cheias para o período anterior aos instrumentos de medição. Deste modo, foram estudados sedimentos recuperados através de testemunhos de sondagem em lagos dentro da planície de inundação (Lago Magandane, Lago Lungué, Lago Soane e o canal abandonado Coassane). As variações do nível do mar e mudanças climáticas do passado foram deduzidas a partir da análise de sedimentos de áreas costeiras a norte da planície de inundação (Lago Chilau, Lago Nhauhache e a Baía de Macassa). Para o alcance destes objectivos, os sedimentos dos testemunhos de sondagem recuperados foram submetidos a várias análises laboratoriais que incluem propriedades de minerais magnéticos, granulometria, teor de matéria orgânica e de microfósseis (diatomáceas e fitólitos). Para o estabelecimento do modelo cronológico foram usadas datações pelo método 14C feitas em matéria orgânica, assim como conchas de gastrópodes e bivalves. A combinação dos resultados obtidos para os pontos de amostragem localizados dentro da planície de inundação do Rio Limpopo, sugerem que esta área foi afectada por um mínimo de 16 eventos de cheias de variada magnitude nos últimos 1100 anos. As cheias de alta magnitude tiveram lugar nos anos 1250, 1370, 1580, 1855, 1920, 1970 e 2000. Por seu turno, as cheias de magnitude moderada ocorrerram nos anos 940, 980, 1040, 1100, 1300, 1665, 1730, 1755 e 1945.. Os anos a negrito são indicativos de eventos de cheias de alta magnitude. O número total de eventos identificados no presente estudo é um mínimo que poderá ter afectado a planície de inundação, tendo em consideração que fontes escritas reportam a ocorrência de pelo menos oito eventos nos últimos 62 anos, tendo o presente estudo revelado somente dois. Isto indica que apenas eventos de cheias intensos podem ser revelados pelos métodos aplicados nesta investigação. Adicionalmente, este estudo mostra a necessidade de aumentar o número de pontos de amostragem para permitir a identificação de mais eventos de cheias ocorridos no passado, devido à diferenciada resposta sedimentológica e geomagnética às cheias, a qual se encontra directamente relacionada à distância do rio meandrante. As análises de microfósseis de diatomáceas permitiram reconstruir o paleoclima e as influências do nível do mar nas áreas de estudo deste projecto. Os registros de diatomáceas do Lago Lungué indicam um período húmido entre AD 1360 e 1560. No Lago Chilau, dados de diatomáceas e fitólitos sugerem condições de humidade entre AD 1200 e 1400. Por seu turno, no Lago Nhauhache, condições de seca dominam entre AD 1200 e 1700. As condições de seca e humidade documentadas no Lago Lungué e os eventos de cheias revelados pelos sedimentos analisados da planície de inundação do Rio Limpopo não mostram total correlação com períodos de baixa e alta precipitação a nível local, mas apresentam boa correlação com evidências a montante na área de drenagem do Rio Limpopo. Em geral, lagos activos ou preenchidos por sedimentos mostrarão ser mais susceptíveis a cheias com origem a montante do que a nível local. As investigações conduzidas permitiram identificar dois períodos de alto nível do mar na região sul de Moçambique. A fase mais antiga teve lugar há cerca de 5000–4200 BC (6950–6150 anos do calendário BP), representando a fase mais recente do pós-glaciar climático óptimo (postglacial climatic optimum, PCA). A fase recente é datada de AD 300–950 (1650–1000 anos do calendário BP), correspondendo a um período de temperaturas relativamente altas a nível global. / Climate and Environmental Research

Mapping and dating Late Holocene advances of Nansenbreen on Erdmannflya, Svalbard

Missana, Amandine F. J. M. January 2021 (has links)
Arctic temperatures are rising twice as fast as global temperatures. Consequently, understanding theeffect of this change on glacial dynamics and sea-level variations is of critical importance. The high-Arcticarchipelago of Svalbard is a unique site to study ice marginal landforms and their paleo-environmentalimplications and to link Holocene climate and glacial variations. This study maps and age dates themoraine complex of Nansenbreen, a glacier terminating in the fjord of Isfjorden, in Borebukta north ofErdmannflya lowland. This reconstruction aims to determine the processes of formation of the morainecomplex and its implications for sea-level, glacial activity and Late Holocene climate reconstruction andmodelling. A sedimentological and landform map is therefore produced, using aerial images and fieldobservations. The map is coupled with radiocarbon dating of moraine deposits. Thereby, two moraines are differentiated. The most ice-distal moraine is interpreted as marking themaximum extent of Nansenbreen. Both moraines present features suggesting that they were glaciotectonisedthrough englacial-thrusting during surge events. Radiocarbon dates allow to establish a maximumconstraining age of 750 +/- 50 years BP for the maximum extent of Nansenbreen. This age correspondsto the Medieval Warm Period, an epoch marked by warm climate conditions. Hence, it is thoughtthat Nansenbreen underwent a surge triggered by influxes of warm Atlantic ocean currents into Isfjorden.Finally, the mapping shows that the moraines formed after a regression undergone by the wholeErdmannflya lowland. Erdmannflya therefore represents a suitable study site for sea-level studies. / Svalbard Holocene Elucidation of Raised Beach Emergence and Timing (SHERBET)

The Ground Slate Transition on the Northwest Coast: Establishing a Chronological Framework

Dinwiddie, Joshua Daniel 10 October 2014 (has links)
This thesis establishes the earliest appearance of ground slate points at 50 locations throughout the Northwest Coast of North America. Ground slate points are a tool common among maritime hunter-gatherers, but rare among hunter-gatherers who utilize terrestrial subsistence strategies; ground slate points are considered one of the archaeological hallmarks of mid-to-late Holocene Northwest Coast peoples. The appearance of ground slate points in the archaeological record is frequently marked by a concurrent decline in the prevalence of flaked stone points, a phenomenon often referred to as "the ground slate transition." Until now, the specific timing of the appearance of these tools has been ill-defined, and a number of competing theories have arisen to explain the apparent preference for ground slate points over flaked points by prehistoric peoples. By drawing upon a sample of 94 artifact assemblages from 50 sites in Alaska, British Columbia, and Washington, I have constructed a database of artifacts counts, provenience information, and radiocarbon dates which allows for inter-site comparisons of the earliest appearance of the technology. My research has identified a general north to south trend in the appearance of slate points; which begin to appear in the archaeological record around 6,300 cal BP in southeast Alaska, to 2,900 cal BP in Puget Sound. There are notable exceptions to this pattern, however. Given that these data are drawn from both cultural resource management reports and academic literature, I have qualified these findings by addressing some of the common problems of making inter-site comparisons, such as the comparability of radiometric dates, which I address by undertaking a radiocarbon hygiene program. The chronology constructed here provides an important tool for evaluating theories about the ground slate transition, and thereby aiding in untangling the link between aquatic subsistence strategies and technological decision making.

Marine sedimentary organic matter: delineation of marine and terrestrial sources through radiocarbon dating; and the role of organic sulfur in early petroleum generation

Benitez-Nelson, Bryan C January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Joint Program in Oceanography and Oceanographic Engineering (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), June 1996. / "May 1996." / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 66-68). / This thesis details two years of research conducted with the guidance and support of three advisors: Dr. J. K. Whelan, Dr. J. S. Seewald and Dr. T. I. Eglinton. Each of the three chapters represents a different, self-contained research project. All of the projects are related to the organic geochemistry of marine sediments, however, this is a fairly encompassing area of study. Chapters 1 and 2 stem from the same experimental study -- the use of hydrous-pyrolysis to investigate mechanisms leading to the production of petroleum-related products during kerogen maturation. Chapter 3, on the other hand, utilizes a recently developed technique of isolating and AMS-14C dating individual compounds from complex sedimentary organic mixtures. The samples used in each investigation came from all over the world. The first two chapters utilize ancient marine sediment samples obtained from an outcrop in California (Chpts. 1 and 2) and from a well in Alabama (Chpt. 2). In contrast, recent marine sediment samples were obtained from the Arabian and Black Seas for the third chapter. Several preparative and analytical methods are common to all three studies. Nevertheless, each employ techniques totally unique from one another and from previous investigations. In Chapter 1, for example, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES) is used to determine the speciation of organic sulfur present in kerogen, bitumen, and bulk sediment samples. While Chapter 3 represents the first study in which the "4C ages of individual, known hydrocarbon biomarkers are determined after isolation by Preparative Capillary Gas Chromatography (PCGC). The insights gained by these investigations are discussed in detail in the following chapters. The common thread between the three chapters is that the source of organic matter, the rate at which it is delivered to marine sediments and the depositional environment, all set the stage for kerogen formation and eventual petroleum generation. / by Bryan C. Benitez-Nelson. / M.S.

Weapons, warfare and skeleton injuries during the Iron Age in the Ancient Near East

Pretorius, Johan 06 1900 (has links)
Due to the nature of war, persons are killed with various types of weapons. Throughout the history of humanity, weapons were used in this regard and these weapons left injuries on the victims that are distinguishable. The type of force conveyed by the ancient weapons effected injuries that enable modern-day bioarchaeologists to extrapolate which weapons caused which injuries. The Assyrians depicted their wars and battles on reliefs. An analysis of these depictions, with an extrapolation of the lesions expected in skeletal remains, could contribute to better understanding of the strategies of war in ancient times. This dissertation will discuss how the evaluation of human remains in comparison to Assyrian reliefs may contribute to the chronological knowledge of war and warfare in the Iron Age Ancient Near East – especially at Lachish. A discourse of the approaches available to researchers regarding access to data in the forensic bioarchaeological field will be presented. / Biblical and Ancient Studies / M.A. (Biblical Archaeology)

On Death in the Mesolithic : Or the Mortuary Practices of the Last Hunter-Gatherers of the South-Western Iberian Peninsula, 7th–6th Millennium BCE

Peyroteo Stjerna, Rita January 2016 (has links)
The history of death is entangled with the history of changing social values, meaning that a shift in attitudes to death will be consistent with changes in a society’s world view. Late Mesolithic shell middens in the Tagus and Sado valleys, Portugal, constitute some of the largest and earliest burial grounds known, arranged and maintained by people with a hunting, fishing, and foraging lifestyle, c 6000–5000 cal BCE. These sites have been interpreted in the light of economic and environmental processes as territorial claims to establish control over limited resources. This approach does not explain the significance of the frequent disposal of the dead in neighbouring burial grounds, and how these places were meaningful and socially recognized. The aim of this dissertation is to answer these questions through the detailed analysis of museum collections of human burials from these sites, excavated between the late nineteenth century and the 1960s. I examine the burial activity of the last hunter-gatherers of the south-western Iberian Peninsula from an archaeological perspective, and explain the burial phenomenon through the lens of historical and humanist approaches to death and hunter-gatherers, on the basis of theoretical concepts of social memory, place, mortuary ritual practice, and historical processes. Human burials are investigated in terms of time and practice based on the application of three methods: radiocarbon dating and Bayesian analysis to define the chronological framework of the burial activity at each site and valley; stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen aimed at defining the burial populations by the identification of dietary choices; and archaeothanatology to reconstruct and define central practices in the treatment of the dead. This dissertation provides new perspectives on the role and relevance of the shell middens in the Tagus and Sado valleys. Hunter-gatherers frequenting these sites were bound by shared social practices, which included the formation and maintenance of burial grounds, as a primary means of history making. Death rituals played a central role in the life of these hunter-gatherers in developing a sense of community, as well as maintaining social ties in both life and death.

The Wild Side of the Neolithic : A study of Pitted Ware diet and ideology through analysis of stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in skeletal material from Korsnäs, Grödinge parish, Södermanland

Fornander, Elin January 2006 (has links)
<p>The Pitted Ware Culture site Korsnäs in Södermanland, Sweden presents a, for the region, unique amount of preserved organic material suitable for chemical analyses. Human and faunal skeletal material has been subjected to stable isotope analysis with the aim of examining whether the diet of the Korsnäs people correlates with the seal-based subsistence of Pitted Ware Culture groups on the Baltic islands. Further, the relationship between the faunal assemblage and the human diet has been studied, and the debated question of whether the Pitted Ware people kept domestic pigs has been addressed. Ten new radiocarbon dates are presented, which place the excavated area of the site in Middle Neolithic A, with a continuity of several hundred years. The results show that the diet of the Korsnäs people was predominantly based on seal, and seal hunting was probably an essential part of the Pitted Ware Culture identity. Based on the dietary pattern of the species, it is argued that the pigs were not domestic. The faunal assemblage, dominated by seal and pig bones, does not correlate with the dietary pattern, and it is suggested that wild boar might have been hunted and sacrificed and/or ritually eaten on certain occasions.</p>

Sediment reservoir dynamics on steepland valley floors : influence of network structure and effects of inherited ages

Frueh, Walter Terry 05 December 2011 (has links)
Sediment deposit ages inferred from radiocarbon dating of stream bank material were used to estimate residence times of valley-floor deposits in headwater valleys of the Oregon Coast Range, USA. Inherited ages of radiocarbon-dated material, i.e., time between carbon fixation in wood and its incorporation in a sediment deposit, can result in over-estimation of the ages of those deposits and, hence, the residence times of sediment within those units. Calibrated radiocarbon dates of 126 charcoal pieces sampled from Knowles Creek were used to estimate the distribution of inherited ages in fourteen depositional units representing three deposit types: fluvial fines, fluvial gravels, and debris flows. Within a depositional unit, the inherited age distribution of a piece of charcoal was estimated by convolving its calibrated age distribution with that of the piece of charcoal with the smallest weighted-mean calibrated age (i.e., an approximation of a unit's date of deposition) within that unit. All inherited age distributions for a particular deposit type were then added and normalized to provide a probability distribution of inherited ages for that deposit type. Probability distributions of inherited ages average 688, 1506, and 666 yr for fluvial fines, fluvial gravels, and debris flow units, respectively. Curves were fit to inherited age distributions for each deposit type. These curve fits were then convolved with deposit age distributions (i.e., equal to calibrated age distributions of woody material sampled from stream banks) of samples from Bear Creek (Lancaster and Casebeer, 2007) to correct these deposit ages for inherited age. This convolution gives a corrected deposit age. In cases in which means of corrected deposit age distributions for an upper unit were older than those of a lower unit within a stratigraphic column, the upper sample’s corrected deposit age distribution was set to that of the youngest lower in the stratigraphic section. Convolution shifted individual deposit age distributions towards zero and increased their standard deviation by an average of 365%. However, convolution decreased the standard deviations of normalized probability distribution functions of deposit ages inferred from many samples from 1340 to 1197 yr, and from 471 to 416 yr for lower and upper reaches, respectively, of the Bear Creek valley in the Oregon Coast Range. Convolution decreased estimates of mean deposit ages from 1296 to 1051 yr, and from 308 to 245 yr for lower and upper reaches, respectively, of the Bear Creek. Estimates of percentages of basin denudation passing through each reach's deposit ("trapping efficiency") increased from 11.6% to 14.4%, and from 25.4% to 31.9% for lower and upper Bear Creek, respectively. However, basic shapes of residence time distributions and, thus, inferences regarding removal of sediment from the reaches did not change after deposit dates were corrected. Sediment residence times in the lower Bear Creek valley are exponentially distributed, which implies that all sediment has a uniform probability of evacuation from deposits, whereas the power-law-distributed residence times in upper Bear imply preferential evacuation of younger deposits and preservation of older deposits. Much of the sediment transported onto valley floors via debris flows is deposited, and then is evacuated over longer times. Volumes and residence times of stored sediment in these deposits at the transition from debris flow to fluvial evacuation, and their associated width of valley floors, vary throughout a network. Export volumes and frequencies from tributaries are controls on deposit volumes and may control valley widening of mainstem valley floors. In addition, closely spaced tributaries may exert composite effects on valley floor landforms. It is hypothesized that the volumes of sediment stored at confluences increases with contributing watershed area of tributaries to the point where tributary slopes are low enough to cause most debris flows to be deposited within tributary valleys instead of in the mainstem valley. In four ~1 km reaches with contributing watershed areas of 0.3 to 5.0 km², field surveys provided measures of width of valley floors and volume of deposits, and radiocarbon dating of charcoal provided residence times of sediment in these deposits. Mean residence times of reaches vary between 1.1 and 2.5 kyr. Exponential distributions fit to residence times within two of the reaches imply evacuation of sediment independent of deposit ages. Power-law fits to residence times of the other two reaches imply age-dependent evacuation of deposits. Distribution shapes of residence times, and their means, do not vary systematically with contributing watershed area of mainstems. Mean width of mainstem valley floors increases with contributing watershed areas of both mainstems and their respective tributaries. Volumes of sediment stored on the valley floor increase with contributing areas of mainstems, and these volumes at tributary junctions peaked at tributary contributing areas of ~0.1 km². Percentage of basin denudation entering storage decreases with contributing area of mainstem. This decrease may be due to increasing percentages of sediment supply via fluvial transport for larger watersheds, and much, if not most, of this supply routes through the system quickly. / Graduation date: 2012

Reconstitution of Atlantic Rainforest vegetation dynamics since the Late Pleistocene at southeastern (Espirito Santo state coast and Minas Gerais eastern) and northeastern (Bahia southern) Brazil / Reconstituição da dinâmica da vegetação de Mata Atlântica desde o Pleistoceno tardio nas regiões sudeste (costa norte do estado do Espírito Santo e leste de Minas Gerais) e nordeste (sul da Bahia) do Brasil

Francisquini, Mariah Izar 06 October 2017 (has links)
This research is associated to the FAPESP 2011/0095-7 thematic project, \"Interdisciplinary palaeoenviromental studies at Espirito Santo coast\" and to the FAPESP Research Program about Climate Global Change (PFPMCG-FAPESP). The objectives were: (1) to characterize the late Pleistocene connection between Atlantic and Amazon rainforest and possible routes of interaction (coast, continent or both); (2) to identify environmental characteristics that indicates the Northeastern Espírito Santo and Southern Bahia as a stable forest since the late Pleistocene; (3) reconstitute the vegetation dynamics and infer climate fluctuations. Three sedimentary cores were collected: at northern Espirito Santo (ES) state, southern Bahia (BA) and eastern Minas Gerais (MG). Carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses and bioindicators in sediments/ soils, chronologically determined by radiocarbon dating, contributed to the local palaeoenvironmental reconstitution. At ES, from ~33,460 to ~13,740 cal yr BP the vegetation was composed of arboreal/ shrub cold adapted species and the organic matter recorded the dominance of C3 plants (?13C ~-28?), suggesting a cold and humid forest domain. From ~13,740 to ~9500 cal yr BP vegetation changes, with the increase of grasses and decrease of arboreal types. Between ~9500 and to ~4000 cal yr BP herbs were abundant with a probable mixture of C3 and C4 plants (?13C ~-24?) and algae, suggesting a higher seasonality between humid and dry season. From ~7300 cal yr BP until present the peat layer initiates its deposition, and the pollen records represents the current vegetation. At BA, radiocarbon dating in high-resolution, C and N isotopes and palynology each ~150 years from ~6400 to ~3400 cal yr BP showed detailed vegetational dynamics. From ~6400 to ~5620 cal yr BP the pollen record indicates abundance of trees and shrubs (up to 96%). From ~5620 to ~4850 cal yr BP occurred a slightly increase of herbs (28%) but the ?13C of ~-28% indicate C3 plants domain. From 4850 to ~3400 cal yr BP trees and shrubs abundance increases up to 94%, indicating the forest domain. The results confirm the forest stability and high local humidity, allowing to recognize the area as a probable refugee since 6500 cal yr BP. Vegetation, climate and the landscape has changed at MG since ~10,000 cal yr BP. From 10,600 to ~9500 cal yr BP, pollen was not preserved, C/N values (2 to 11) reveal the algal contribution, the ?13C (~-20?) indicate the mixture of C3 and C4 plants and radiocarbon date inversions indicate that the material was reworked. From 9,500 to 7,500 cal yr BP the vegetation was predominantly herbaceous with mixture of C3 and C4 plant sources (?13C ~-17?). From 7,500 to 7,000 cal yr BP C3 plants (?13C ~-30?) as trees/shrubs domains the polen record. From ~7,000 to ~6500 cal yr BP the pollen records the herbaceous abundance, dominated by C4 plants (?13C ~-12 to 18?). Peat deposition starts at ~6500 cal yr BP composed by C3 plants, mainly dominated by trees. Pollen records since at least early Holocene and the floristics of current vegetation did not show any disjunct specie with Amazon / Este projeto está associado ao temático FAPESP 2011/00995-7, \"Estudos paleoambientais interdisciplinares na costa do Espírito Santo\", e ao Programa FAPESP de Pesquisas sobre Mudanças Climáticas Globais (PFPMCG-FAPESP). Os objetivos foram: (1) caracterizar a conexão da Mata Atlântica e Floresta Amazônica e possíveis rotas de interação (litorânea, continental ou ambas); (2) identificar padrões que caracterizem a região da costa norte do Espírito Santo e sul da Bahia como refúgios florestais; (3) reconstituir a dinâmica da vegetação e inferir flutuações climáticas desde o Pleistoceno tardio. Três testemunhos sedimentares foram coletados: ao norte do Espírito Santo (ES), ao sul da Bahia (BA) e ao leste de Minas Gerais (MG). Análises isotópicas de carbono e nitrogênio e bioindicadores em sedimento/solos, cronologicamente determinados por datação 14C, contribuíram para a reconstituição paleoambiental nestas regiões. No ES, de ~33.460 a ~13.740 anos cal AP, a vegetação era composta por espécies de árvores/arbustos típicas de regiões frias com o domínio de plantas C3 (?13C ~-28?), sugerindo a presença de uma floresta fria e úmida. De ~13.740 a ~9500 anos cal AP ocorreu o aumento das herbáceas e diminuição dos tipos arbóreos. Entre ~9500 e ~4000 anos cal AP, as herbáceas tornaram-se abundantes com mistura de plantas C3 e C4 (?13C~-24?) e algas, sugerindo maior sazonalidade entre as estações seca e úmida. De ~7300 anos cal AP até o presente, iniciou-se a deposição da turfa e pólen da vegetação atual. Na BA, a alta resolução de datação C-14, isótopos de C e N e palinologia a cada ~150 anos entre ~6400 e ~3400 anos cal AP revelaram a dinâmica da vegetação. Entre 6400 e 5620 anos cal AP arbóreas/arbustivas (96%) são abundantes. De ~5620 até ~4850 anos cal AP ocorreu um pequeno aumento de herbáceas (28%), e os valores de ?13C ~-28% indicam o domínio de plantas C3. De 4850 a ~3400 anos cal AP, a abundância de arbóreas/arbustivas (94%), indica domínio florestal. Os resultados confirmam a estabilidade florestal e a umidade local, permitindo reconhecer esta área como um possível refúgio florestal desde pelo menos 6500 anos cal AP. Em MG, desde ~10.000 anos cal AP ao presente, a vegetação, o clima e a paisagem modificaram consideravelmente. De 10.600 a ~9500 anos cal AP não houve preservação de pólen, os valores de C/N (~2 e 11) revelam a contribuição algal, o ?13C (~-20?) indica mistura de plantas C3 e C4 e inversões nas datações indicam o retrabalhamento do material. De 9500 a 7500 anos cal AP a vegetação era predominantemente herbácea, com mistura de C3 e C4 (?13C ~-17?). De 7500 a 700 anos cal AP, plantas C3 (?13C ~-30?) arbustivo-arbóreas dominam o registro polínico. De ~7000 a 6500 anos cal AP as herbáceasC4 (?13C ~-12?) são abundantes. A deposição de turfa iniciou em ~6500 anos cal AP, composta por plantas C3 arbóreas. Registros palinológicos desde o Holoceno inferior e a avaliação florística atual não revelaram a presença de espécies de distribuição disjunta com a Amazônia

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