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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo de Mat?rias-Primas do Rio Grande do Norte para Uso em Revestimento Poroso: Influ?ncia do teor de dolomita e temperatura de calcina??o nas propriedades f?sico-mec?nicas / Study of Raw materials of the Rio Grande do Norte for the use in Porous Wall Tile: Influence of the dolomite content and calcinations temperature in the physical- mechanical properties

Silva Neto, Gilson da 04 July 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:07:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GilsonSN.pdf: 6365807 bytes, checksum: a479a13345717293c658748ef49aab97 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-07-04 / The state of Rio Grande do Norte presents a great potentiality for the production of ceramic tiles because of having natural raw material in quantity and quality making its economical exploration possible, beyond the great energetic differential of the state, the natural g?s. This works aims to study the influence of the dolomite and granulometry concentration and calcinations temperature in the obtaining of formulations for porous coverings which have to be coherent to the project,s specifications. The experiments have involved the physical-chemical and mineralogical characterizations of raw materials and mechanical tests in the dry and burnt proof bodies preceding a mixture experiment planning with the use of the response surface methodology, in order to get the best raw materials combinations to produce a ceramic mass with specific properties. The twelve ceramic masses studied in this work were prepared by the via dry process, characterized, shaped by uniaxial pressing and sinterized in the temperatures of 940?C, 1000?C, 1060?C, 1120?C and 1180?C, using a fast burning cycle. The crystalline phases formed during the sintering in the temperatures in study have revealed the presence of anorthite and diopside beyond quartz with a remaining phase. These phases were the main responsible ones by the physical- mechanical properties of the sinterized proof bodies. The proof bodies after the sintering stage have presented water absorption higher than 10% and a good dimensional stability in all studied temperatures. However, the flexural breaking strength results in the temperatures of 940?C, 1000?C and 1060?C, under the temperature zone of the vitrification of ceramic whiteware do not reach the flexural breaking strength specific for the porous wall tile (15 MPa), but in the temperature of 1120?C next to the vitrification temperature zone, some whiteware ceramic (formulations) has reached the specified value for the porous wall tile. The results of this work have showed that the studied raw materials have great importance for used in the production of porous wall tiles (BIII) / Rio Grande do Norte apresenta uma grande potencialidade para produ??o de revestimento cer?mico, haja vista, possuir mat?rias-primas naturais em quantidade e qualidade possibilitando sua explora??o econ?mica, al?m do grande diferencial energ?tico do Estado, que ? o g?s natural. Este trabalho objetiva estudar a influ?ncia da concentra??o de dolomita, sua granulometria e temperatura de sinteriza??o na obten??o de formula??es para revestimento poroso que atendam as especif?ca??es do projeto. Os experimentos envolveram a caracteriza??o f?sico qu?mico e mineral?gica das mat?rias-primas, e ensaios mec?nicos nos corpos de prova secos e queimados, precedendo-se de um planejamento de experimento de mistura, com o uso da metodologia de superf?cie de resposta, a fim de se obter as melhores combina?oes das mat?rias-primas para produzir massa cer?mica com propriedades especif?cas. As doze massas cer?micas estudadas foram preparadas pelo processo via seca, caracterizadas, conformadas por presagem uniaxial e sinterizadas nas temperaturas de 940?C, 1000?C, 1060?C, 1120?C, e 1180?C, utilizando um ciclo de queima r?pido. As fases cristalina formadas durante a sinteriza??o nas temperaturas em estudo, revelaram a presen?a de anortita e diopsita, al?m de quartzo com fase remanescente. Estas fases foram as principais respons?veis pelas propriedades f?sico-mec?nicas dos corpos de provas sinterizados. As fases cristalina formadas durante a sinteriza??o nas temperaturas em estudo, revelaram a presen?a de anortita e diopsita, al?m de quartzo com fase remanescente. Estas fases foram as principais respons?veis pelas propriedades f?sico-mec?nicas dos corpos de provas sinterizados. Os corpos de prova ap?s sinteriza??o apresentaram absor??o de ?gua superior a 10%, e uma boa estabilidade dimensional em todas as temperaturas estudadas, entretanto, os resultados da tens?o de ruptura ? flex?o nas temperaturas ( 940?C, 1000?C,e1060?C) abaixo da faixa de temperatura de gresifica?ao das massas cer?micas, n?o atigiram o valor de TRF especificado para revestimento poroso(15 MPa), por?m, na temperatura de 1120?C pr?xima da faixa da temperatura de gresifica??o, algumas massas cer?micas (formula??es) j? atingiram o valor especificado para revestimento poroso. Os resultados desse trabalho mostraram que, as mat?rias primas estudadas possuem grande potencial para serem utilizadas na fabrica??o de revestimento poroso (BIII)

Aux sources des parfums : Industrialisation et approvisionnement de la parfumerie grassoise (milieu XIXe – milieu XXe siècle) / To the perfume sources : Industrialisation and supply of the Grasse’perfumery (middle XIXe- middle XXe century)

Cocoual, Mathilde 08 December 2017 (has links)
Au cours du XIXe siècle, l’industrialisation de la parfumerie mondiale, et plus particulièrementfrançaise et grassoise, a pour conséquence d’augmenter les besoins en matières premières naturellesmalgré l’invention et la place de plus en plus marquée des molécules de synthèse dans lescompositions parfumées comme aromatiques. Afin de s’approvisionner en plantes à parfum,aromatiques et médicinales (ppam), de nombreux entrepreneurs français et grassois multiplient lesrelations commerciales avec des pays étrangers, comme l’Italie et la Bulgarie. Dans le même temps,l’implantation croissante des parfumeurs en Afrique, en Asie, en Amérique et dans l’Océanie répondà des stratégies diversifiées en fonction des colonies mobilisées : au Maghreb, ils étendent la culturedes ppam méditerranéennes ; en Indochine et en Guyane, ils s’approvisionnent en matières premièresspécifiques comme la badiane ou le bois de rose ; tandis que l’Afrique et l’Océanie font office delaboratoire pour de multiples acclimatations d’espèces méditerranéennes mais surtout tropicales,comme la vanille ou l’ylang-ylang. Parmi ces « colonies laboratoires », les îles de l’Océan Indien,pour lesquelles l’ylang-ylang, le géranium, le giroflier ou la vanille étaient, jusqu’au XIXe siècle,totalement inconnues, deviennent, sous l’impulsion des parfumeurs français et grassois, un desprincipaux centres de production mondiaux. L’objectif de cette thèse est de revenir sur cettetrajectoire singulière, de l’essor des premières fabriques en France jusqu’à la création d’un réseaumondial d’approvisionnement et de questionner les liens et les relations entre les différentes zonesproductrices et la métropole. / During the XIXth century, the beggining of industrialisation of perfumery in the world. Specifically inFrance and in Grasse. Resulted in an augmentation in raw materials in spite of the invention and theincrease of the synthetic molecules in the perfume and aromatic composition. In order to supply itselfin raw materials, many French and Grasse society organise trade relations with foreign countries, likeItaly and Bulgaria. In the same time, the increasing establishment of the perfumers in Africa, Asia,America and Oceania, corresponds in diversified strategies according to the mobilized colonies : inthe Maghreb, they extend the culture of mediterranean raw materials ; in Indo-China and Guyana,they are supplied out of specific raw materials like the star anise or the rose wood ; while Africa andOceania, they serve as a laboratory for multiple acclimatizations of mediterranean raw material andalso tropical species, like vanilla or ylang-ylang. Among these « colonial laboratories », the islandsof the Indian Ocean, for which ylang-ylang, geranium, clove or vanilla, were, until the XIXth century,completely unknown. They became one of the principal world production centers of raw materialsunder the influence of the French and Grasse perfumers. The objective of this thesis is to considerthis singular trajectory, since the rise of the first factories in France until the creation of a worldnetwork of supply. It also questions the links and the relations between the various producing zonesand the Grasse perfumery.

Způsoby hodnocení zdravotní nezávadnosti potravin a jejich vliv na kvalitu výrobku v letech 1995-2008 / Safety food evaluation techniques and their influence on the quality of products in years 1995-2008

MÁNKOVÁ, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The primary aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the activities of the State Veterinary Administration of the Czech Republic (SVA) during the control of foods of animal origin and to find out the results of controls in the years 1995 to 2008. In the first part, there is solved the question of food safety in the Czech Republic (CZ) and the whole European Union (EU). In EU as well as in the CZ there exist a lot of controlling mechanisms which guarantee food safety. The second part is concentrated on the system of controls called Hygiene Supervisor, which is executed by SVA, and the analysis of the results of the controls in each year.

Raw Material Consumption - Ett mått på Sveriges materialanvändning i ett mer resurseffektivt samhälle / Raw Material Consumption - A measure of Swedish material use in a more resource efficient society

André, Axel January 2018 (has links)
Att kunna mäta vår materialanvändning är centralt i omställningen till ett resurseffektivare samhälle och en cirkulär ekonomi. Inom EU används Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) som indikator för materialanvändning. Den beräknas genom att addera de material som ett land utvinner, plus de material som importeras, minus de material som exporteras. Det finns kritik mot DMC då den endast tar hänsyn till vikten på import- och exportprodukter då de korsar landsgränsen. DMC inkluderar inte de uppströms material som gått åt för att producera en produkt, men som inte syns i slutprodukten (den så kallade materialryggsäcken).   Den ökade globaliseringen har för många länder lett till en förflyttning av produktion utomlands, och för att beräkna dessa länders totala materialanvändning krävs det att hänsyn tas till importerade och exporterade produkters materialryggsäck. Raw Material Consumption (RMC) är en indikator som tar hänsyn till materialryggsäcken, men den har idag ingen standardiserad beräkningsmetod. Både RMC och DMC används inom Agenda 2030 för att följa upp FN:s hållbarhetsmål 12 ”Hållbar konsumtion och produktion”, samt hållbarhetsmål 8 ”Anständiga arbetsvillkor och ekonomisk tillväxt”. Endast DMC används idag inom EU.   Syftet med projektet var att beräkna Sveriges materialanvändning med hjälp av indikatorn Raw Material Consumption (RMC), samt att identifiera styrkor och svagheter hos RMC. Eurostats RME-verktyg användes för att beräkna RMC. Enligt RMC ökade Sveriges totala materialanvändning från 198 miljoner ton råmaterialekvivalenter (RME) år 2008, till 221 miljoner ton RME år 2015, motsvarande 21,4 ton RME per capita 2008 till 22,6 ton RME per capita 2015. Resultaten jämfördes med resultat för Sveriges DMC som Statistiska Centralbyrån tagit fram. RMC och DMC gav liknande resultat för Sveriges totala materialanvändning. Detta tros bero på att materialryggsäcken för den svenska importen är ungefär lika stor som för exporten och att den största materialkategorin, icke-metalliska mineraler, utgör en liten del av vår handelsbalans och därför inte påverkas i någon större utsträckning när importerade och exporterade produkters materialryggsäck inkluderas. På materialkategorinivå är dock skillnaderna mellan RMC och DMC större.   Resultat från Eurostats RME-verktyg som tagits fram i denna studie, har jämförts med resultat som OECD och UNEP tagit fram för Sveriges RMC. De har använt en annan beräkningsmetod än den RME-verktyget tillämpar. Skillnaden i total RMC för de olika beräkningsmetoderna är mellan 11 % och 22 %. På materialkategorinivå är skillnaderna större, över 50 % för fossila bränslen exempelvis. Liknande resultat har påvisats i en studie som jämförde Österrikes RMC för år 2007 med olika beräkningsmetoder.   Både DMC och RMC kan användas som indikatorer för resurseffektivitet och cirkulär ekonomi, men vid jämförelse mellan länder är RMC teoretiskt en mer lämplig indikator. Detta eftersom många länder idag har flyttat stora delar av sin produktion utomlands, och DMC därför riskerar att ge en skev bild över resurseffektivitet och frikoppling, när materialryggsäcken inte inkluderas. / Being able to measure the amount of materials used in society, is central in the transition to a resource-efficient and circular economy. Within the EU, Domestic Material Consumption (DMC) is currently used as indicator for material use. It is calculated by adding the materials that a country extracts, plus the materials imported, minus the materials being exported. There is criticism of DMC, as a measure, since it only considers the weight of imported and exported goods when they cross the country border. It does not consider the upstream materials needed to produce a product, which are not represented in the final product (the so-called material backpack). Globalisation has led to a geographical disconnection in production and consumption, and to consider net-importing countries’ total material consumption, it is necessary to include traded product’s material backpack. Raw Material Consumption (RMC) considers the material backpack, but is currently without a standardised calculation method. Both RMC and DMC are used in Agenda 2030 to follow up the UN Sustainability Development Goal 12 "Sustainable Consumption and Production", as well as Goal 8 "Decent Work Conditions and Economic Growth". Only DMC is used today in the EU.   The aim of this project was to calculate Sweden’s material consumption, using the indicator Raw Material Consumption (RMC), as well as identifying strengths and weaknesses of RMC. For calculating RMC, Eurostat’s RME-tool has been used. According to RMC, Sweden's total material usage increased from 2008 when it amounted to 198 million tonnes of raw material equivalents (RME), to 221 million tonnes RME in 2015. There has also been an increase per capita: 21,4 RME per capita in 2008 to 22,6 RME per capita in 2015. These results have been compared with the results for Sweden's DMC, calculated by SCB. RMC and DMC gave similar results for Sweden's total material consumption. This is believed to be due to the similar size of the material backpack of imports and exports. Another reason is believed to be due to Sweden’s largest material category, non-metallic minerals, is a small part of our trade balance, and therefore is not affected when the material backpack is included. At the material category level, however, the differences between RMC and DMC are greater.   Results from Eurostat's RME tool, calculated in this study, have been compared with results presented by the OECD and UNEP. They have used a different calculation method for Sweden’s RMC than the RME tool applies. The difference in total RMC for different calculation methods is between 11 % and 22 %. At material category level, the differences are greater, more than 50 % for fossil fuels, for example. Similar results have been presented in a study over Austria's RMC for the year 2007, using different calculation methods.   Both DMC and RMC can be used as policy-support for resource efficiency, but RMC is theoretically a more suitable indicator for comparison of countries. This is since many countries today have moved a significant share of their production abroad, and DMC therefore risks displaying a false perception of resource efficiency and decoupling, when the material backpack is not included.

Ohrožení ekonomických zájmů EU v Jižní a Střední Americe. / Ohrožení ekonomických zájmů EU v Jižní a Střední Americe.

Frýda, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation analyses the threats to economic interests of EU in Latin America - mostly focused on MERCOSUR's countries. Both regions share history, cultural and social bonds which were interrupted by the Cold War. During this period was Latin America a natural zone of interest of the United States (similarity with East Europe and USS R). The fundamental event is the end of bipolarity. The dissertation is mostly focused on one decade between 2003-2013. The three main chapters define the concept of economic security, the relationship between the EU-Latin America on the background of the historical insight and third main chapter analyses China's engagement in Latin America. In the post-Cold War period came a significant paradigmatic shift in the perception of economic security/vulnerability. Considering the asymmetry of relations between the two regions, we analyze a historical background, including the so-called "shared values" that partially (but not entirely) can be challenged. Relations between the two regions are viewed as highly pragmatic with a strong emphasis on trade ties. China as a new element in the region, where traditionally has competed the United States and Europe, is the core topic of the main third chapter. Latin America isn't perceived as a single region, but it is consider in...

Hodnocení zdravotních rizik vybraných faktorů pracovního prostředí a pracovnělékařských služeb v oblasti recyklace a zpracování druhotných surovin a odpadů / Health Risk Assessment of Selected Factors of Working Environment and Occupational Health Services in the Field of Recycling and Processing of Secondary Raw Materials and Waste

DVOŘÁKOVÁ, Sára January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the evaluation of health risks of chosen factors in the work environment and medical services in the recycling and secondary raw materials and waste processing field. The goal of the thesis is to chart companies which handle recycling and secondary raw materials and waste processing in the South Bohemian Region, to find out the risk factors that go in hand with this work and to determine in which work category these workers belong. I have determined three hypotheses within the research. Hypothesis 1: The nature of the work activities does not correspond with suggested risks. Hypothesis 2: The workers are not equipped with tools in accordance with detected risks. Hypothesis 3: The workers of companies dealing with recycling and secondary raw materials and waste processing do not attend the necessary medical check-ups. The thesis consists of a theoretical and a practical part. In the theoretical part I have introduced the risk factors connected to recycling and secondary raw materials and waste processing. I have covered the problematics of medical services for the employees, occupational disease and the protection of health from unfavorable effects of the work environment. To reach my goal, I have utilized quantitative research methods. For data collecting I have used anonymous surveys in the area of the South Bohemian Region. In the survey, I have adressed scrapyards, composting plants, collection yards and waste dumps. The collected data were processed by the Microsoft Excel program. The obtained data may be used as an information source for students as well as for employers and employees in companies handling secondary raw materials and waste processing.

Formula??o e caracteriza??o de massas de gr?s porcelanato preparadas a partir de mat?rias-primas naturais do Rio Grande do norte e com adi??o de chamote de telhas / Formulation and characterization of porcelanized stoneware tiles mixtures from regional raw materials and roofing tile chamote

Melo, Maxymme Mendes de 19 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:57:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MaxymmeMM.pdf: 1674410 bytes, checksum: 96bf3d5d9b4ae824e79c65b37e8b9bf7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / Traditional ceramics have an important role in the economy of Rio Grande do Norte. The local industries manufacture over 50 million shingles a month, corresponding to 60% of their overall production. As a result of processing flaws, roughly 20% of the production must be discarded, since little or no use has been envisaged for such fired components. Therefore, the use of this kind of residue, especially in the composition of other ceramic materials, comes as an interesting option from the economical and environmental point of view. In this scenario, the objective of the present study was to assess the effect of the addition of fired shingle waste in the composition of porcelainized stoneware tiles. To that end, two porcelainized stoneware tiles compositions were initially prepared. Subsequently, contents from 10 to 30% of roofing tiles chamote were added to each one of them. All raw materials and grog were characterized by FRX, XRD, and thermal analysis. The ceramics were fired using natural gas for 30 min at different temperatures, i.e. 1150, 1200 and 1250?C, and fully characterized. The addition of roofing tiles chamote resulted in composition with superior properties compared to additive-free compositions. Porcelainized stoneware tiles products that fulfill required standards for practical applications were achieved / A ind?stria de cer?mica vermelha ? um dos segmentos de maior import?ncia na economia do Rio Grande do Norte. Nesse setor, o material mais produzido ? a telha, ocupando mais de 60% de todos os artefatos produzidos, com mais de 50 milh?es de pe?as fabricadas por m?s. Sabe-se que devido ? falhas no processamento, o teor de res?duos desse material no RN, pode chegar a um valor de at? 20%, o que significa mais de 10 milh?es de telhas indo diretamente para aterros, visto que estas, depois de queimadas, n?o podem ser reutilizadas no processo de fabrica??o. Desta forma, o uso desse rejeito na produ??o de cer?micas com alto valor agregado, como ? o caso do gr?s porcelanato, se torna uma op??o vi?vel. Do ponto de vista econ?mico essa viabilidade se d?, pelo fato de utilizar-se um rejeito como parte da formula??o. Do ponto de vista ambiental, a viabilidade est? em reduzir o ac?mulo desses rejeitos nos aterros sanit?rios. Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de estudar a influ?ncia da adi??o de descarte de telhas em formula??es de gr?s porcelanatos. Para isso, utilizou-se duas formula??es, adicionando concentra??es de 10, 20 e 30% de chamote para cada uma delas. O Chamote e as mat?rias-primas foram caracterizadas por FRX, DRX, TG, ATD e AG. As queimas foram realizadas em forno a g?s natural com tr?s temperaturas, por 30 minutos de patamar: 1150, 1200 e 1250?C. Ap?s a sinteriza??o os corpos-de-prova foram submetidos a: ensaios f?sicos de RL, AA, PA, MEA, TRF e dilatometria; an?lise mineral?gica por DRX; e microestrutural por MEV. Obteve-se para algumas das formula??es com a adi??o de chamote, propriedades superiores ?s das exigidas por normas para o gr?s porcelanato

Influ?ncia do teor e granulometria da calcita e da temperatura de sinteriza??o no desenvolvimento de massas cer?micas para revestimento poroso(BIII) / Influence of particle size and content of calcite and sintering temperature on the development of porous ceramic body coating

Galdino, Jos? Nildo 08 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:01:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseNG_TESE.pdf: 4686361 bytes, checksum: ece8f07ff848703fdc4412907a924e10 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-04-08 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This work aims at studying the influence of the concentration of calcite, its grain size and sintering temperature to obtain porous coating formulations that meet the design specifications. The experiments involved the physical-chemical and mineralogical caracterization of the raw materials, and mechanical tests on specimens dried and sintered, performing a planning mixture and factorial experiment, using the response surface methodology. The ceramic bodies studied were prepared by dry process, characterized, placed in conformity by uniaxial pressing and sintered at temperatures of 940 ? C, 1000?C, 1060?C, 1120?C and 1180?C using a fast-firing cycle. The crystalline phases formed during sintering at temperatures under study, revealed the presence of anorthite and wolastonite, and quartz-phase remaining. These phases were mainly responsible for the physical and mechanical properties of the sintered especimens. The results shown that as increases the participation of carbonate in the composition of ceramic bodies there is an increase of water absorption and a slight reduction in linear shrinkage for all sintering temperatures. As for the mechanical strength it was observed that it tended to decrease for sintering at temperatures between 940 ? C and 1060 ? C and to increase for sintering at temperatures above 1060 ? C occurring with greater intensity for compositions with higher content of calcite. The resistence decreased with increasing participation of quartz in all sintering temperatures. The decrease in grain size of calcite caused a slight increase in water absorption for formulation with the same concentration of carbonate, remaining virtually unchanged the results of linear shrinkage and mechanical strength. In conclusion, porous ceramic coating (BIII) can be obtained using high concentrations of calcite and keeping the properties required in technical standards and that the particle size of calcite can be used as tuning parameter for the properties of ceramic products. / Este trabalho objetiva estudar a influ?ncia da concentra??o de calcita, sua granulometria e temperatura de sinteriza??o na obten??o de formula??es para revestimento poroso que atendam as especifica??es da norma. Os experimentos envolveram a caracteriza??o f?sico qu?mica e mineral?gica das mat?rias-primas, e ensaios mec?nicos nos corpos de prova secos e sinterizados, precedendo-se de um planejamento de experimento de mistura e fatorial, com o uso da metodologia de superf?cie de resposta. As massas cer?micas estudadas foram preparadas pelo processo via seca, caracterizada, conformada por prensagem uniaxial e sinterizadas nas temperaturas de 940?C, 1000?C, 1060?C, 1120?C, e 1180?C utilizando um ciclo de sinteriza??o r?pido. As fases cristalina formadas durante a sinteriza??o nas temperaturas em estudo, revelaram a presen?a de anortita e wolastonita, al?m de quartzo com fase remanescente. Estas fases foram as principais respons?veis pelas propriedades f?sico-mec?nica dos corpos de provas sinterizados. Verificou-se que conforme se aumenta a participa??o do carbonato na composi??o das massas cer?micas ocorre um incremento de absor??o de ?gua e uma pequena redu??o da retra??o linear para todas as temperaturas de sinteriza??o. J? para a resist?ncia mec?nica houve uma tend?ncia de redu??o para sinteriza??o entre 940?C e 1060?C e aumento para sinteriza??o acima da temperatura de 1060?C ocorrendo com maior intensidade para formula??es com maior teor de calcita, e houve diminui??o da resist?ncia com o aumento da participa??o do quartzo em todas as temperaturas de sinteriza??o. A diminui??o da granulometria da calcita provocou um leve aumento na Absor??o de ?gua para formula??o com a mesma concentra??o desse carbonato mantendo praticamente inalterados os resultados de retra??o linear e resist?ncia mec?nica. Conclui-se que produtos cer?micos para revestimento poroso (BIII) podem ser obtidos utilizando altas concentra??es de calcita e mantendo-se as propriedades exigidas em normas t?cnicas e que a granulometria da calcita pode ser usada como par?metro de ajuste para as propriedades dos produtos cer?micos

Dlouhodobé testy pro ověření odolnosti nátěrových hmot v různých nepříznivých prostředích simulujících reálné vlivy / Long-term tests for examination of surface treatments in various adverse environments simulating real effects

Hudečková, Petra January 2018 (has links)
Cement bonded particleboards contain organic base and as they are set outside, extreme weather condition, such as frost, chemical defrosting substances or sulphates, cause their degradation. The presence of the organic base in the matrix of the material could be the reason why there is higher probability of degrading when compared with materials containing an inorganic base. It could be partially eliminated by an appropriate surface modification of the slab, which main goal is to weaken the impact of an aggressive environment and to extend the lifespan of the board. On the other hand, the surface modifications based on a polymer base are prone to degrade because of other unfavourable conditions such as UV radiation when compared with the cement bonded particleboard. The classification of the surface modifications and the way of their degradation caused by the aggressive environment in real applications are presented in the theoretical part of the thesis. In the experimental part, appropriate methodical ways of testing the resistance of cement bonded particleboard’s coating system were chosen. Then, the testing and comparing of the physical, mechanical and aesthetic properties of different types of coatings were done. Moreover, a spectrophotometric analysis of the colour shade changes for the different aggressive environment were carried out. Furthermore, microstructures of chosen surface modifications were assessed by using an optical and an electron microscope.

Optimalizace složení matrice cementotřískových desek při využití alternativních surovinových zdrojů / Optimisation of cement-bonded particleboard matrix composition by using alternative raw material sources

Roháček, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with possibility of utilization raw materials from alternative sources for production of cement-bonded particleboards. In theoretical part the possibilities of modifying composition of cement-bonded slabs with emphasis on their matrix are discussed in detail. On basis of the findings and their evaluation, waste from the formatting of cement-bonded particleboards, micronized limestone, heat sink and high temperature fly ash were selected to the composition modification. The mentioned raw materials were analyzed and subsequently tested as substitutes for the matrix of cement-bonded particleboards in the experimental part. The properties of the proposed materials were tested even in the longer term, including the microstructure.

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