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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

V. Tagung des Deutsch-Chilenischen Forums für Bergbau und mineralische Rohstoffe - Zusammenfassung

04 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
In der Zusammenfassung der Tagung werden die behandelten Themen sowie wichtige Sprecher kurz vorgestellt. Themen sind Innovation im Bergbau, Nachhaltigkeit im Bergbau (New Climate Economy), Aufarbeitung von Halden und Tailings und Industrie 4.0 im chilenischen Bergbau sowie technologische Neuerungen. Wesentliche Kooperationsprojekte werden genannt. Das Deutsch-Chilenische Rohstoffforum wurde durch das „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ der Deutsch-Chilenischen Industrie- und Handelskammer inhaltlich vorbereitet. / In the summary the topics of the meeting and important speakers are listed and shortly presented. Topics are the efficency of resources, environmental aspects, secondary mining and human resources in the mining industry of Chile. Technological innovations of the mining industry are also in the focus of the meeting. Some projects for cooperation are introduced. The German-Chilean Raw Materials Forum was organized by the „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ of the Deutsch-Chilenische Industrie- und Handelskammer.

VI. Tagung des Deutsch-Chilenischen Forums für Bergbau und mineralische Rohstoffe, Aachen, 14. November 2017 - Zusammenfassung

04 May 2018 (has links) (PDF)
In der Zusammenfassung der Tagung werden die behandelten Themen sowie wichtige Sprecher kurz vorgestellt. Themen sind Innovation im Bergbau, Nachhaltigkeit im Bergbau (New Climate Economy), Aufarbeitung von Halden und Tailings und Industrie 4.0 im chilenischen Bergbau sowie technologische Neuerungen. Wesentliche Kooperationsprojekte werden genannt. Das Deutsch-Chilenische Rohstoffforum wurde durch das „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ der Deutsch-Chilenischen Industrie- und Handelskammer inhaltlich vorbereitet. / In the summary the topics of the meeting and important speakers are listed and shortly presented. Topics are the efficency of resources, environmental aspects, secondary mining and human resources in the mining industry of Chile. Technological innovations of the mining industry are also in the focus of the meeting. Some projects for cooperation are introduced. The German-Chilean Raw Materials Forum was organized by the „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ of the Deutsch-Chilenische Industrie- und Handelskammer.

Reducing industrial use of fossil raw materials:techno-economic assessment of relevant cases in Northern Finland

Arvola, J. (Jouko) 28 November 2011 (has links)
Abstract Climate change and global warming are currently widely discussed topics, both of which potentially impact all the nations and industries. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and other green house gases (GHG) are seen as a major challenge. This doctoral dissertation aims to conduct techno-economic calculations on the possibilities of reducing the industrial use of fossil raw materials in Northern Finland. This doctoral dissertation analyses industrial CO2 emissions from five complementary perspectives: identifying significant potential industrial plants, analysing the replacement of fossil raw materials with wood biomass, considering combining different industrial sectors, the potential of biogas as industrial raw material, and estimating the economic significance of moisture in wood fuel. The study started by analysing all the relevant 262 regional environmental permits to find the significant industrial users of synthesis gas in the studied region. Processes used by each identified case were analysed carefully to identify the most potential change possibilities. Economic calculations were conducted for these cases using true production volumes. The aim was to reach solutions that were economically sound. Five industrial sites were identified as potential cases for replacing raw materials of synthesis gas or hydrogen with renewable alternatives. These sites include the Rautaruukki steel mill, Eka Chemicals’ hydrochloric acid plant, Kemira’s formic acid plant, Kemira’s hydrogen peroxide producing plant, and Talvivaara mining’s hydrogen plant. The main implications of this dissertation include providing tips for industrial managers, regional decision makers and legislators. Managers of companies with high energy consumption and/or high usage of fossil raw materials in their products can benefit from the results of this dissertation the most. Managers should conduct similar calculations, as in this study, by using exact figures relevant to their processes and raw materials. This doctoral dissertation also suggests finding new solutions for replacing fossil raw materials by combining two different industrial sectors, e.g. steel and chemical industries. Regional decision makers may utilise the calculations presented in this doctoral dissertation when developing regional strategies. / Tiivistelmä Ilmaston muutos ja globaali lämpeneminen ovat tällä hetkellä laajasti keskusteltuja aiheita, ja ne vaikuttavat kaikkiin maihin ja kaikkiin teollisuuden aloihin. Hiilidioksidi (CO2) ja muut kasvihuonekaasut nähdään suurena haasteena. Tämä väitöskirja pyrkii teknistaloudellisten laskelmien avulla tutkimaan mahdollisuuksia vähentää fossiilisten raaka-aineiden käyttöä Pohjois-Suomen alueella. Tämä väitöskirja analysoi teollisia CO2-päästöjä viidestä toisiaan täydentävästä näkökulmasta: identifioimalla merkittäviä teollisia tuotantolaitoksia, analysoimalla fossiilisten raaka-aineiden korvaamista puubiomassalla, tutkimalla erilaisten teollisten tuotantolaitosten yhdistämistä, tutkimalla biokaasun käyttöä mahdollisena teollisuuden raaka-aineena ja arvioimalla kosteuden taloudellista merkitystä puupolttoaineessa. Tutkimus alkoi analysoimalla kaikki alueen identifioidut 262 ympäristölupaa, jotta merkittävät synteesikaasun käyttäjät tulisivat esille. Jokaisen löydetyn tapauksen tuotantoprosessit analysoitiin huolellisesti, jotta potentiaalisimmat muutosmahdollisuudet huomioitaisiin. Teknistaloudellisia laskelmia tehtiin näille tapauksille käyttämällä todellisia tuotantolukuja. Tarkoituksena oli löytää taloudellisesti kannattavia vaihtoehtoja. Viisi teollista tuotantolaitosta identifioitiin tapauksiksi, joissa synteesikaasun tai vedyn raaka-aine voitaisiin korvata uusiutuvilla raaka-ainevaihtoehdoilla. Nämä tuotantolaitokset olivat Rautaruukin terästehdas, Eka Chemicalsin kloorivetyhapon tuotantolaitos, Kemiran muurahaishappotehdas, Kemiran vetyperoksiditehdas ja Talvivaaran kaivoksen vedyn tuotantolaitos. Tärkeimmät implikaatiot tästä väitöskirjatyöstä sisältävät pohdittavia ajatuksia teollisille toimijoille, alueellisille päätösten tekijöille ja lainsäätäjille. Korkean energian kulutuksen ja/tai suurten fossiilisten raaka-ainekäyttöjen yhtiöissä päätöksentekijät voivat hyödyntää parhaiten tämän väitöskirjan tuloksia. Päätöksentekijät voisivat käyttää esimerkkeinä tämän väitöskirjan laskelmia tehdessään omia analyyseja, jolloin heidän tulisi käyttää tarkkoja lukuja yritystensä prosesseista ja raaka-ainekäytöistä. Tämä väitöskirja ehdottaa myös etsimään uusia ratkaisuja fossiilisten raaka-aineiden korvaamisessa yhdistämällä tuotannollisesti erilaisia teollisia sektoreita esimerkiksi teräksen ja kemian tuotteiden valmistuksen. Alueelliset päätösten tekijät voivat hyödyntää väitöskirjassa esitettyjä laskelmia alueellisten strategioiden kehitystyössä.

Vývoj nové technologie pískového pórobetonu s využitím druhotných surovin / Development of new technology of sand autoclaved aerated concrete with using of secondary raw materials

Ondříčková, Pavlína January 2018 (has links)
Autoclaved sand aerated concrete is a modern building material with high thermal insulation properties. Only sand is used as the primary silicate component of aerated concrete in the Czech Republic. For the more favourable economic and ecological properties of aerated concrete, the use of secondary raw materials is used in this work. The secondary raw materials examined included fluidized bed and fly ash, slag and glass recycled. The aerated concrete composite with secondary admixtures was developed under hydrothermal conditions of a laboratory autoclave for 7 and 12 hours at 190°C. From the secondary raw materials tested, a 10% glass recycler additive yielded the highest strength. Other additives that have a positive effect on mechanical properties include SAKO and Oslavany. From the results of the work it is evident that the use of secondary raw materials increases the strength, improves the rheology of the mixture and supports the formation of tobermorite.

Studium mikrostruktury autoklávovaného pórobetonu s využitím druhotných surovin / Study of microstructure of autoclaved aerated concrete with using of secondary raw materials

Martanová, Jana January 2018 (has links)
Autoclaved aerated concrete is a used building material, especially for its thermal insulating properties. During autoclaving, an aerated concrete microstructure produces crystalline CSH phases, primarily tobermorite. The ingoing substances are calcium oxide and silica. In addition to commonly used raw materials, secondary raw materials rich in silicon dioxide can be used for production. The use of secondary raw materials gives the opportunity for the construction industry to be more environmentally friendly. Another benefit is the reduction of financial costs. The work explores the influence of individual secondary raw materials on the microstructure. High-temperature fly ash, fluid fly ash, cinder, ground glass and zeolite were used The raw materials were mixed with unalloyed lime at a molar ratio of calcium oxide to silicon dioxide of 0.73 and 1.0. Autoclaving capsules were used to synthesize tobermorite under laboratory conditions. Autoclave was performed at 170 °C and 190 °C with hydrothermal durations of 4, 8 and 16 hours. The most important influence on the microstructure was high-temperature fly ash, on the contrary, the greatest influence on the mechanical properties is attributed to the ground glass.

Návrh objektu využívajícího alternativní materiály se zohledněním požadavků na trvale udržitelný rozvoj / Design of a building using alternative materials with respect to the requirements for sustainable development

Dvořák, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of a small family house, which construction uses alternative building materials. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the world, European and Czech legislation related to sustainable development. The concept of ecological construction, which focuses on the possibilities of reducing the negative impacts of construction production on the environment at various stages of construction and on energy, material, water and waste management, is also presented. The thesis also describes advantages and disadvantages of particular solutions. In the second part of the thesis, which based on theoretical knowledge, is the design of a family house from alternative materials worked out. The design of the study in the scale of 1:100 consists of measured floor plan drawings of all storeys, characteristic measured section drawings, layout plans with displayed furniture and equipment, elevation drawings of particular facades, roof drawings and situation design. The drawing part is accompanied by a text part. The processed design is compared to the reference building and then evaluated from the point of view of functional, economic, environmental and social requirements.

Vývoj požárně odolných správkových malt s jemnozrnným plnivem / The development of fire-resistant repair mortars with fine-grained filler

Záruba, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on fire-resistant repair mortar with fine-grained filler. The aim of this work is the research and development of fine-grained Mortars resistant to high temperatures, which are characteristic at the beginning of the fire. The theoretical knowledge with subsequently realized laboratory verification was used. At-tention was paid to the masses based on the mixed binder comprising cement and blast furnace slag, respectively. high-temperature ash. Cellulose fibres were used as the dis-persed reinforcement. Two kinds of aggregate were assessed - fly ash agloporit and am-phibolite incl. combinations thereof. Laboratory tests were carried out via determination of basic material properties (density, strength, consistency, dimensional changes etc.) after exposure to extreme temperatures. A substantial part of the research was also study of different cooling conditions - slow and fast (water and air). Selected formulations were subjected to temperatures up to 1200 ° C. In the conclusion is selected several recipes that have been found to be optimal for continuing research on the basis of the results and findings.

Vliv rozptýlené výztuže na průběh zrání polymercementových hmot / Dispersed reinforcement influence on the maturation of polymercement materials

Zaťko, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on polymercement materials with dispersed reinforcement. The aim of this work is development of suitable polymercement mixture and monitoring of the impact of dispersed reinforcement on the course of maturation of these materials and physico-mechanical properties. The effect of high temperatures on the properties of the mortar is also examined. Emphasis is placed on the use of alternative resources and byproducts. Mixed binder of cement and slag and admixture of microsilica was used. Recycled cellulose was used as dispersed reinforcement and was compared with commercial polypropylene fibers.

V. Tagung des Deutsch-Chilenischen Forums für Bergbau und mineralische Rohstoffe - Zusammenfassung

04 May 2018 (has links)
In der Zusammenfassung der Tagung werden die behandelten Themen sowie wichtige Sprecher kurz vorgestellt. Themen sind Innovation im Bergbau, Nachhaltigkeit im Bergbau (New Climate Economy), Aufarbeitung von Halden und Tailings und Industrie 4.0 im chilenischen Bergbau sowie technologische Neuerungen. Wesentliche Kooperationsprojekte werden genannt. Das Deutsch-Chilenische Rohstoffforum wurde durch das „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ der Deutsch-Chilenischen Industrie- und Handelskammer inhaltlich vorbereitet. / In the summary the topics of the meeting and important speakers are listed and shortly presented. Topics are the efficency of resources, environmental aspects, secondary mining and human resources in the mining industry of Chile. Technological innovations of the mining industry are also in the focus of the meeting. Some projects for cooperation are introduced. The German-Chilean Raw Materials Forum was organized by the „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ of the Deutsch-Chilenische Industrie- und Handelskammer.

VI. Tagung des Deutsch-Chilenischen Forums für Bergbau und mineralische Rohstoffe, Aachen, 14. November 2017 - Zusammenfassung

04 May 2018 (has links)
In der Zusammenfassung der Tagung werden die behandelten Themen sowie wichtige Sprecher kurz vorgestellt. Themen sind Innovation im Bergbau, Nachhaltigkeit im Bergbau (New Climate Economy), Aufarbeitung von Halden und Tailings und Industrie 4.0 im chilenischen Bergbau sowie technologische Neuerungen. Wesentliche Kooperationsprojekte werden genannt. Das Deutsch-Chilenische Rohstoffforum wurde durch das „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ der Deutsch-Chilenischen Industrie- und Handelskammer inhaltlich vorbereitet. / In the summary the topics of the meeting and important speakers are listed and shortly presented. Topics are the efficency of resources, environmental aspects, secondary mining and human resources in the mining industry of Chile. Technological innovations of the mining industry are also in the focus of the meeting. Some projects for cooperation are introduced. The German-Chilean Raw Materials Forum was organized by the „Kompetenzzentrum Bergbau und Rohstoffe“ of the Deutsch-Chilenische Industrie- und Handelskammer.

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