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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kompetence učitele k rozvoji čtenářství žáků na 1. stupni ZŠ / Teachers' competencies to the progress of reading comprehension at a primary school

Hanzlíková, Aneta January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the competencies of teachers in order to develop passion for reading in pupils at primary schools (up to Year 5). The first chapter discusses the technical terminology which all teachers who desire to encourage reading in pupils should be familiar with. The second chapter details the competencies of teachers focusing on reading. The thesis subsequently concentrates on the options which teachers have at their disposal to encourage reading in schools, i.e. what strategies and methods can be chosen and what reading projects teachers can participate in with their pupils. The last chapter describes other conditions that can also affect the development of reading, such as working with pupils with specific learning disabilities (SLD), safe environment or further education of teachers and educators, which I personally find absolutely essential. The aim of the practical part of this study is to determine how beginner and experienced teachers develop pupils' passion for reading and to compare their competencies. In order to find the answer, qualitative research methods were used - observation and interviews with teachers. This approach enabled me to compare their competencies and discover that they were almost identical. I ascribe this finding especially to the fact that both...

Role mateřské školy ve čtenářské gramotnosti u dětí předškolního věku / Role of kindergartens in reading literacy in preschoolage children

Slachová, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with problems of preparation of children in kindergartens before entering elementary school. The work is mainly focused on the development of pre- reading skills in children. The first part of the thesis deals with the issue of pre-school education legislation. The following are the areas in which children need to develop the most and need to be supported. The second part of the diploma thesis contains information about the survey that was carried out. In conclusion, recommendations and a summary of the lessons learned are presented.

Incarnational Fruit: Authorization and Women's Anonymous Seventeenth-Century Devotional Writing

Ellens, Jantina January 2021 (has links)
This dissertation asserts that women’s anonymity in seventeenth-century devotional texts functions as a performance to be understood rather than a mystery to be solved. Anonymity has long been framed as merely a protean form of authorship or a barrier to the recovery of a lost literary history. The archive frequently renders anonymity invisible or reveals anonymity at the moment of its undoing; however, this study of women’s anonymity contends that, although women applied anonymity to avoid the stigma of print, their anonymity functions less as a blind than as a frame to emphasize those traits they wished most to expose. In my first and second chapters, I demonstrate how the anonymous Eliza’s Babes (1652) and the nearly anonymous An Collins’s Divine Songs and Meditacion (1653) use the anonymous text to replace the signification of sick, infertile, and therefore volatile female bodies with an imitative production of devotion that constitutes the text as a divinely-restored, alternatively-productive body through which they relate to God and reader. Readers’ positive reception of this devotional re-signification of the body’s productivity countermands stereotypes readers hold against women writing, affirms the woman writer as faithful, and reincorporates both reader and writer in a corporate body of believers through their mutual participation in devotional practices. My third chapter affirms the perceived authority of anonymity’s corporate voice through the exploration of George Hickes’s retroactive attribution of several late seventeenth-century anonymous devotional texts to Susanna Hopton. I argue that the derivative nature of the anonymous devotional collections invests them with a corporate voice Hickes finds to be a valuable asset in his defense of Hopton’s devotional acumen. Drawing together scholarship on seventeenth-century relationality and intersubjectivity, readership, devotion, and women’s health, this study reconsiders the signification of women’s anonymity and their unoriginality as a tool that facilitates agentive reading and rehabilitates women’s claim to corporate belonging. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Religion and ingroup identification as variables impacting secular newspaper consumption: Mormons and Orthodox Jews compared to mainstream Protestants

German, Myna 28 February 2004 (has links)
This study intends to discover distinctions between two minority groups, Mormons and Orthodox Jews, compared to a mainstream Protestant group, the Methodists, in terms of newspaper behavior. It intends to probe for differences in newspaper readership frequency and uses (Berelson, 1949) between religious minority group members and majority group members. It originated with the belief that religion (type) and degree of ingroup identification in the minority communities (stronger) would lead to greater newspaper avoidance and limit newspaper use primarily for information/public affairs, rather than Berelson's (1949) other categorizations of socialization, respite, entertainment. Indeed, minority-majority distinctions did not hold. Important differences emerged between religious and more secular individuals in all communities. It was the degree of religiosity that most deeply impacted newspaper use, not denominational ties. The more individuals scored highly on a "religion-as-spiritual-quest" factor, the less they read newspapers, particularly the business newspaper. For "spiritual questors" of all denominations, the house of worship, with its myriad activities, served as a leisure-time base and, for them, recreational use of the newspaper was minimal. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)

Religion and ingroup identification as variables impacting secular newspaper consumption: Mormons and Orthodox Jews compared to mainstream Protestants

German, Myna 28 February 2004 (has links)
This study intends to discover distinctions between two minority groups, Mormons and Orthodox Jews, compared to a mainstream Protestant group, the Methodists, in terms of newspaper behavior. It intends to probe for differences in newspaper readership frequency and uses (Berelson, 1949) between religious minority group members and majority group members. It originated with the belief that religion (type) and degree of ingroup identification in the minority communities (stronger) would lead to greater newspaper avoidance and limit newspaper use primarily for information/public affairs, rather than Berelson's (1949) other categorizations of socialization, respite, entertainment. Indeed, minority-majority distinctions did not hold. Important differences emerged between religious and more secular individuals in all communities. It was the degree of religiosity that most deeply impacted newspaper use, not denominational ties. The more individuals scored highly on a "religion-as-spiritual-quest" factor, the less they read newspapers, particularly the business newspaper. For "spiritual questors" of all denominations, the house of worship, with its myriad activities, served as a leisure-time base and, for them, recreational use of the newspaper was minimal. / Communication Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Communication)

Француска књижевност у српским књижевним новинама и часописима до 1941. године / Francuska književnost u srpskim književnim novinama i časopisima do 1941. godine / The French literature in Serbian literary newspapers and magazines until the year 1941.

Ristić Biljana 30 August 2016 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији је приказана рецепција велике француске књижевности у српским књижевним новинама и часописима до почетка Другог светског рата, у Летопису Матице српске, Српском књижевном гласнику, Мисли, Страном прегледу, Бранковом колу, Босанској вили, Зори, Звезди, Зениту, Данасу и др.<br />Рад се бави културно - књижевним везама између Србије и Француске преко српске књижевне периодике, па је примењен компаративни и књижевно - историјски приступ.<br />Уредници часописа, као и преводиоци и критичари окупљени око часописа, дали су вредан допринос осветљавању појединих француских писаца и њихових дела, као и књижевних праваца у француској књижевности. То су углавном били људи из културног и јавног живота Србије: Јован Јовановић Змај, Ђорђе Поповић Даничар, Богдан Поповић, Јован Скерлић, Миодраг Ибровац, Светислав Петровић. Они су упућивали на поједине француске писце или дела из француске књижевности процењујући потребу и могућности наше средине да та дела прихвати и могућности тих дела да позитивно утичу на нашу књижевност или чак на развој наше друштвене средине. Рад разматра како је наша читалачка публика<br />5<br />прихватала француску књижевност и како је француска књижевност утицала на формирање укуса читалаца.<br />Дошло се до закључка да су у овом периоду у нашим новинама и часописима најзаступљенији били француски писци XIX века: Виктор Иго, Ги де Мопасан и Алфонс Доде. Најмања пажња је посвећивана француској књижевности средњег века и ренесансе.<br />Очигледно је да су се многа значајна француска књижевна дела у Србији појављивала најпре у часописима. Заступљеност француске књижевности зависила је од периода излажења часописа, од програма самих часописа, као и од уредника часописа.<br />Досадашња истраживања на ову тему фокусирала су се углавном на поједине часописе, а овај рад доводи до првих систематизација у овом домену, тј. приказује присуство француске књижевности у великом броју српских новина и часописа. Резултати истраживања дају јасну слику заступљености француске књижевности у нашој књижевној периодици од XIX века до почетка Другог светског рата.<br />Кључне речи: Француска књижевност, српске књижевне новине и часописи, француски писци, преводиоци, читалачка публика, рецепција, интеркултуралност</p> / <p>U disertaciji je prikazana recepcija velike francuske književnosti u srpskim književnim novinama i časopisima do početka Drugog svetskog rata, u Letopisu Matice srpske, Srpskom književnom glasniku, Misli, Stranom pregledu, Brankovom kolu, Bosanskoj vili, Zori, Zvezdi, Zenitu, Danasu i dr.<br />Rad se bavi kulturno - književnim vezama između Srbije i Francuske preko srpske književne periodike, pa je primenjen komparativni i književno - istorijski pristup.<br />Urednici časopisa, kao i prevodioci i kritičari okupljeni oko časopisa, dali su vredan doprinos osvetljavanju pojedinih francuskih pisaca i njihovih dela, kao i književnih pravaca u francuskoj književnosti. To su uglavnom bili ljudi iz kulturnog i javnog života Srbije: Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, Đorđe Popović Daničar, Bogdan Popović, Jovan Skerlić, Miodrag Ibrovac, Svetislav Petrović. Oni su upućivali na pojedine francuske pisce ili dela iz francuske književnosti procenjujući potrebu i mogućnosti naše sredine da ta dela prihvati i mogućnosti tih dela da pozitivno utiču na našu književnost ili čak na razvoj naše društvene sredine. Rad razmatra kako je naša čitalačka publika<br />5<br />prihvatala francusku književnost i kako je francuska književnost uticala na formiranje ukusa čitalaca.<br />Došlo se do zaključka da su u ovom periodu u našim novinama i časopisima najzastupljeniji bili francuski pisci XIX veka: Viktor Igo, Gi de Mopasan i Alfons Dode. Najmanja pažnja je posvećivana francuskoj književnosti srednjeg veka i renesanse.<br />Očigledno je da su se mnoga značajna francuska književna dela u Srbiji pojavljivala najpre u časopisima. Zastupljenost francuske književnosti zavisila je od perioda izlaženja časopisa, od programa samih časopisa, kao i od urednika časopisa.<br />Dosadašnja istraživanja na ovu temu fokusirala su se uglavnom na pojedine časopise, a ovaj rad dovodi do prvih sistematizacija u ovom domenu, tj. prikazuje prisustvo francuske književnosti u velikom broju srpskih novina i časopisa. Rezultati istraživanja daju jasnu sliku zastupljenosti francuske književnosti u našoj književnoj periodici od XIX veka do početka Drugog svetskog rata.<br />Ključne reči: Francuska književnost, srpske književne novine i časopisi, francuski pisci, prevodioci, čitalačka publika, recepcija, interkulturalnost</p> / <p>In this PhD thesis it is shown the reception of the great French literature in Serbian literary newspapers and magazines until the beginning of the Worl War II, in the &ldquo;Letopis Matice srpske&ldquo;, &ldquo;Srpski književni glasnik&ldquo;, &ldquo;Misli&ldquo;, &ldquo;Strani pregled&ldquo;, &ldquo;Brankovo kolo&ldquo;, &ldquo;Bosanksa vila&ldquo;, &ldquo;Zora&ldquo;,&ldquo;Zvezda&ldquo;, &ldquo;Zenit&ldquo;, &ldquo;Danas&ldquo; etc.<br />The work deals with cultural-literary connections between Serbia and France across Serbian literary periodicals, so that the comparative and literary-historical approaches are applied. The editors of magazines, as well as translators and critics gathered around the magazines, contributed greatly to the illuminating of some French writers and their works, as well as the literary trends in the French literature. They were mostly people from the cultural and public life of Serbia: Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, Đorđe Popović Daničar, Bogdan Popović, Jovan Skerlić, Miodrag Ibrovac, Svetislav Petrović. They pointed to certain French writers or works from the French literature estimating the needs and possibilities of our environment to accept those works and the possibilities of those works to influence our literature positively or even the development of our social environment.<br />The work examines how our readership accepted the French literature and how the French literature influenced the forming of readers&rsquo; taste.<br />It was concluded that in our newspapers and magazines of that period the most common were the French writers of the nineteenth century: Victor Hugo, Guy de Maupassant and Alphonse Daudet. The least attention was paid to the French literature of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. It is obvious that numerous significant French literary works in Serbia appeared in magazines first. Presence of the French literature depended on the periods of issuing magazines, on the programmes of the magazines themselves, as well as on the editors of magazines.</p><p>All previous researches on this topic focused mostly on certain magazines, and this work brings to the first sistematizations in this domain, i.e. it shows the presence of the French literature in a great number of Serbian newspapers and magazines.The results of the research should give a clear picture of the presence of the French literature in our literary peiodicals from 19th century to the beginning of the Second World War.<br />Key words: French literature, Serbian literary newspapers and magazines, French writers, translators, readership, reception, interculturalism.</p>

A Readership Study Assessing the Value of Internal and External Publications Received by Credit Union Managers in Texas

Haisten, Marilyn 12 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to determine which publications available to Texas credit union managers are selected for reading and on what bases these choices are made. The study considered independent publications and those within the credit union industry. Survey respondents were Texas credit union managers. The study found that managers depend heavily on the two publications of the state trade association, two to three publications of the national trade association, and the state regulatory agency newsletter in cases of state-chartered credit unions. Independent publications function as secondary information sources. It was recommended that the Texas Credit Union League combine its two publications and that the Credit Union National Association consider combining publications.

Čtení knih u žáků se sluchovým postižením / Reading books in pupils with hearing impairment

Götzová, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the reading of pupils with hearing impairment, popularity of reading books at the 2nd level of primary school for the hearing impaired based on their specifics, which arise from their disability. Firstly, the thesis is devoted to reading literacy and reading in general, its anchoring in education and the view of hearing impairment in two disciplines. The thesis also describes the best-known research on reading literacy and reading. After that, reading and reading literacy topics are closely focused on pupils with hearing impairment, which is also closely related to the issue of acquiring the language of the majority among people with hearing impairment also due to the differences between Czech language and Czech sign language. Furthermore, the analysis of data and interpretation of the results of the research carried out at primary schools for the hearing impaired by means of questionnaires for pupils and their teachers is included. Some of the specifics typical for deaf pupils in relation to reading can be deduced from the outcomes of the research, but also the same elements that were found when compared with the research of reading by the hearing pupils in the Czech Republic.

Un journal réactionnaire sous la Convention thermidorienne : La Quotidienne / A reactionary newspaper in 1795 : La Quotidienne

Eljorf, Ghazi 31 May 2017 (has links)
Nous abordons par le biais de ce journal un chapitre de la pensée réactionnaire en France après la Révolution – précisément en 1795 –, chapitre constitué par un journal favorable à la monarchie, à savoir La Quotidienne. Si le titre de notre thèse se focalise sur la Convention thermidorienne, le corpus de notre recherche comprend également le mois de décembre 1796, sous le Directoire, ce qui nous permet de mesurer l’évolution du journal entre ces deux systèmes politiques. Nous nous intéressons principalement à la littérature publiée dans La Quotidienne, sous des formes et des genres variés (poésie, dialogues, théâtre…), non sans avoir d’abord examiné le contexte de la publication : l’histoire politique de la Convention thermidorienne et la renaissance, timide et mesurée, de la liberté de la presse après le 9 Thermidor. Entre ces deux volets de notre recherche, nous proposons une description matérielle du journal (forme des articles, structuration en rubriques, souscription, etc.)Nous avons lu La Quotidienne d’un œil curieux et aussi objectif que possible ; mais surtout avec plaisir : notre intérêt pour ce journal est en effet né d’une double passion pour la littérature et pour la presse. Nous souhaitons que les lecteurs de cette recherche puissent éprouver le même intérêt pour un journal quelque peu oublié quant à sa période révolutionnaire, mais qui est un petit théâtre où se jouent en direct et de façon originale, les grands enjeux idéologiques de la période. / Our purpose throughout this research on La Quotidienne, a Parisian daily newspaper, is to deal with an aspect of reactionary thought in France at the end of the Revolution, in 1795 to be precise. Even though the title of this thesis focuses on the Thermidorian Convention, our research includes December 1796 issues, published therefore under the Directory rule. This allows us to consider the evolution of this paper between two political systems.Our thesis mostly focuses on the different genres and forms of literature published in La Quotidienne (poetry, dialogues, theatre…). It was however necessary to first consider the general context of publication: the political history of the Thermidorian Convention, as well as the timid and careful rebirth of press freedom after the 9th Thermidor. Between these two parts, we provide a material description of the newspaper (headings, articles, sections, subscription, etc.)We have read La Quotidienne with curiosity and as objectively as possible; but also with a pleasure derived from our strong attachment to literature and the press. We wish to convey some of this pleasure to our readers, when they discover this somewhat neglected newspaper – a small stage where the main ideas of the time are at play.

An analysis of the views of newspaper readers regarding selected incidents of intergroup controversy in post-Apartheid South Africa

Sibango, Babalwa 06 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the nature of opinions and attitudes expressed in letters to South African newspapers regarding selected incidents of interracial controversy, namely the Botes (2010) and Forum for Black Journalists (FBJ) (2008) incidents. A qualitative and quantitative content analysis of these letters was conducted to gauge the attitudes that writers displayed towards members of their cultural group (ingroup) and members of other cultural groups (outgroups). The results of the qualitative analysis indicated that individuals in a racial group have different perspectives of in- and outgroup members. The results of the quantitative analysis, however, showed that the majority of writers tend to display positive attitudes towards ingroup members and negative attitudes towards out groups. The dominance of positive attitudes towards ingroups and negative attitudes towards outgroups can be attributed to myths and discourses circulating in postapartheid South Africa and the current social climate in general. The study concluded that although individuals’ attitudes may differ from the stark negative attitudes displayed towards outgroups during the apartheid era, negative attitudes towards outgroups persist. / Communication Science / M. A. (Communication Science)

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