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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Cowboyen fångar kossor och sånt" : Läsförståelsestrategier i årskurs 2 utifrån materialet "En läsande klass" / "The cowboy captures cows and suchlike" : Reading comprehension strategies in school year 2 by the teaching material "A Reading Class"

Pöhlitz, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the study is to examine which reading comprehension strategies by the teaching material "A Reading Class" a teacher in second grade tutors about and how the teacher tutors, and which reading comprehension strategies pupils in second grade state that they use when they read on their own, and in what whey they use those reading comprehension strategies. Therefore this study proceeds from the following questions: Which reading comprehension strategies does the teacher tutor about and how does the teacher tutor about those strategies? Which reading comprehension strategies do the pupils state that they are using when they are reading on their own? How do the pupils use the reading comprehension strategies when they read on their own, according to themselves? The investigation is based on three observations of the tutoring about reading comprehension strategies and six interviews with a total of eleven pupils. The theoretical basis is composed of theories about the sociocultural perspective, scaffolding, zone of proximal development and reciprocal teaching. The result showed that the teacher tutored about the reading comprehension strategies: predicting, clarifying, questioning and summarizing. She encouraged the pupils to create inner images and to make text connections (text-to-self, text- to-text, text-to-world). She tutored about the strategies by the model "think aloud". The pupils seem to use the strategies predicting and clarifying most frequently when they are reading on their own but also creating inner images. For example, they use the strategy predicting when they are choosing books to read and the strategy clarifying when they don’t understand words while they are reading. A lot of the pupils seem to have trouble explaining how to use the strategy summarizing, and also seem to find it hard to summarize after reading, but skillful readers seem to accomplish that better than less skillful readers. The pupils seem to use the reading comprehension strategies in greater occurrence when they are reading on their own than they are aware of.

Action Research on Effects of Reciprocal Teaching on Reading Comprehension for Students

Chen, Ping-hui 06 July 2010 (has links)
This is an Action Research. The purpose is to understand that if there is any change within the student¡¦s reading comprehension and how the condition of using the Reading comprehension strategy is by accepting the methods of Reciprocal Teaching. This research does the survey on the class of 32 students in one elementary school in Kaohsiung City through the instructions of Reciprocal Teaching on Reading comprehension strategy within 20 weeks. Before teaching, the researcher used ¡§ Reading Comprehension Screening Test ¡¨, ¡¨ Chinese Reading Comprehension test for Elementary school students ¡¨ and ¡§ Reading Comprehension Strategy Scale for Senior Students of Elementary School ¡¨ to confirm the students¡¦ performance on reading comprehension. After teaching for 20 weeks, the researcher used two copies of tests designed by the teacher herself and ¡§Reading Comprehension Strategy Scale for Senior Students of Elementary School¡¨ to understand the students¡¦ different performances after using the reading comprehension strategy. The conclusion is as below. First, after accepting the Reciprocal Teaching instruction, the most significant influence is inferential comprehension and text base comprehension. The ability of questioning is less effective. The effect of summarization and the literal comprehension are much weaker. Second, after accepting the Reciprocal Teaching instruction, the students use the variety of prediction strategies most frequently. The second is the usage of clarification. The last is the application of the summarization and questioning strategies.

The Impact of Different Teaching Strategies toward Fifth Grader¡¦s on Reading Comprehension and Metacognition

Huang, Yi-ching 20 July 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of using different teaching strategies to promote elementary students¡¦ reading comprehension and metacognition. A nonequivalent pretest-posttest design was conducted in this study. Three fifth grade classes from Kaohsiung City were assigned to two experimental groups and one comparison group. The first experimental group students were taught by Direct Instruction; the second experimental group were taught by Reciprocal Teaching; and the comparison group students studied the same topic and content without any other extra teaching strategy. The extra teaching strategies were contiguously conducted for 12 weeks for a total of 24 classes on both experimental group student classes; furthermore, 2 sessions of teaching instruction were added. The investigator first conducted the Chinese Llanguage bility Test to determinine the experimental group students¡¦ reading ability. In addition, two reading comprehension instruments were used to assess the students¡¦ progress during pre-and-post teaching span. The researcher conducted multiple variance of analysis (MANOVA) and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) for statiscal analyses. Finally, the main findings are as follows: (1) The experimental group students¡¦ reading comprehension ability was significantly different from the comparison group students¡¦; whereas there was non-significant difference between two experimental group students. (2) The experimental group students who were introduced to Reciprocal Teaching significsantly improved on their metacognition. (3) There were significantly interactions between different teaching strategies and students¡¦ reading abilities, it was found that students with moderate reading comprehension ability made significant improvement under the Reciprocal Teaching Strategy. (4) Among the 4 different reading comprehension methods taught, students use questionaiere methods the most. This research focuses on the effects of different teaching methods on the performance of the reading ability among elementary students and can provide as a reference for future studies.

The Effects of Reciprocal Teaching Comprehension-monitoring Strategy on 3Rd Grade Students' Reading Comprehension.

Sarasti, Israel A. 08 1900 (has links)
Reciprocal teaching comprehension-monitoring is a reading comprehension instructional procedure that combines four instructional strategies: predicting, summarizing, questioning, and clarifying to enhance students' comprehension of text. The procedure is a dialogue between the teacher and the students. During reciprocal teaching instruction, the teacher and students take turns leading the dialogue in order to enhance the students' comprehension-monitoring skills. The research on reciprocal teaching has included meta-analyses, group designs, qualitative designs, and single-subject research designs. These studies have identified gaps in the literature to include the measurement of treatment fidelity and treatment acceptability, as well as the psychometric properties of the instruments used to measure daily reading comprehension growth. These gaps were investigated in this study. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of reciprocal teaching comprehension-monitoring with a group of fifteen 3rd grade students reading at grade level. Specifically, this study investigated the use of curriculum-based measurement maze probes (CBM-maze probes) to formatively assess the reading comprehension growth of the students. Additionally, this study implemented treatment integrity procedures and investigated the acceptability of reciprocal teaching and the CBM-maze probes through a treatment acceptability rating scale. A multiple baseline across groups with three phases (baseline, intervention, follow-up) was employed. Overall, visual analysis of the data suggested reciprocal teaching was an effective intervention in increasing reading comprehension abilities in students as measured by the CBM-maze probes. All three groups exhibited continual growth on the daily comprehension measures across all three phases. Implications for practice, cautions in interpreting the results, and future directions are discussed.

Parent Reciprocal Teaching: Comparing Parent and Peer Reciprocal Teaching in High School Physics Instruction

Welling, Jonathan Jacob 01 June 2018 (has links)
Effective strategies are needed to help parents become more involved in the education of their teenage children. Parent Reciprocal Teaching (PRT) is proposed as an effective strategy to increase parent involvement and help students increase academic performance. 120 students in a 10th-grade high school physics course participated in either the PRT homework assignments or traditional reciprocal teaching (TRT) assignments. The PRT homework assignments required students to teach their parents/guardians at home, while the TRT assignments required students to teach a peer during class time. Data was collected though test scores and surveys sent home to parents and students. Findings indicate that (1) PRT very comparable, and in some instances, better than TRT in its academic benefit, (2) resulted in parents feeling more involved in their child's education, (3) parents were more aware of what their child was learning and more mindful of how well their child understood the course content. It is suggested that more educators incorporate the practice of PRT so that students can benefit from the effect of increased parent involvement as found in other studies on parent involvement: stronger academic achievement, improved school attendance and behavior, more positive perceptions of school and self, and higher educational aspirations.

Improving reading comprehension by enhancing metacognitive competences : an evaluation of the reciprocal teaching method / Improving Reading Comprehension by enhancing Metacognitive Competences: An Evaluation of the Reciprocal Teaching method

Demmrich, Anke January 2005 (has links)
In an experimental study the attempt was made to examine the effects of the Reciprocal Teaching method on measures of metacognition and try to identify the effective features of this method that are necessary for the learning gains to occur. Reciprocal Teaching, originally developed by Palincsar and Brown (1984), is a very successful training program which was designed to improve student's reading comprehension skills by teaching them reading strategies. In the present study the tasks and responsibilities assumed by 5thgrade elementary students (N = 55) participating in a 16-session reading strategy training were varied systematically. Not only the students who participated in the training program in one of the three experimental conditions were compared with respect to knowledge and performance measures, but there was also a comparison to their control classmates who did not participate in strategy training (N = 86). Detailed analyses of video-taped sessions provided additional information. <br><br> The strategy training was most beneficial for measures of knowledge and performance more closely related to the content of the training program, namely knowledge about specific reading strategies taught in training and application of those strategies. No significant effects were observed for more distal measures (general strategy knowledge, reading comprehension). As for the features of the program, it could be shown that students of the two experimental conditions where the students were responsible for giving each other feedback on performance (with respect to both content and strategy application) and guiding the correction of the answer outperformed both the experimental condition in which the trainer was responsible for those tasks and the control group. <br><br> It is concluded that it is not merely the application of strategies, but the combination of strategy application with concurrent teaching and learning of metacognitive acquisition procedures (analysis, monitoring, evaluation, and regulation) in an inter-individual way as the precedent of these processes occurring intra-individually that seems to be an efficient way of acquiring metacognitive knowledge and skills. It was also shown that strategy training does not necessarily have to include the precise kind of interaction that characterizes the Reciprocal Teaching method. Instead, the tasks of monitoring, evaluating, and regulating other children's learning processes - i.e., tasks associated with the "teacher role" - are the ones that promote the acquisition of metacognitive knowledge and skills. Generally, any strategy training program that not only provides children with plentiful opportunities for practice, but also prompts them to engage in these kinds of metacognitive processes, may help children to acquire metacognitive knowledge and skills. / In einer experimentellen Studie wurden die Effekte der Methode Reziprokes Lehren auf verschiedene Maße von Metakognition sowie die Frage, welche Merkmale dieses Trainingsprogramms für die Lernzuwächse verantwortlich sind, untersucht. Beim Reziproken Lehren, einem sehr erfolgreiches Trainingsprogramm das von Palincsar und Brown (1984) entwickelt wurde um das Leseverständnis von Schülern zu verbessern, erlernen die Schüler verschiedene Lesestrategien. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden die Aufgaben und Verantwortlichkeiten von Schülern der 5. Klassenstufe (N = 55) in einem 16-stündigen Training systematisch variiert. Es wurden nicht nur das Wissen und die Leistungen der Schüler, die in einer der drei experimentellen Bedingungen an dem Lesetraining teilgenommen hatten, miteinander verglichen, sondern auch mit denen ihrer Klassenkameraden, die nicht an dem Strategietraining teilgenommen hatten (Kontrollgruppe, N = 86). Detaillierte Analysen der auf Video aufgezeichneten Trainingssitzungen lieferten zusätzliche Informationen. Die größten Trainingseffekte zeigten sich vor allem bei Wissens- und Leistungsmaßen, die einen engeren Bezug zum Strategietraining haben (spezifisches Strategiewissen über die im Training erlernten Strategien und Anwendung der Strategien). Für trainingsfernere Maße wurden keine signifikanten Effekte gefunden (Allgemeines Strategiewissen, Leseverständnis). Die Schüler der beiden experimentellen Bedingungen, bei denen die Schüler sich gegenseitig Rückmeldungen sowohl auf den Inhalt als auch auf die Anwendung der jeweiligen Lesestrategie bezogen gaben und im Anschluß dann den anderen Schüler bei der Verbesserung der Antwort anleiteten, erbrachten bessere Leistungen und erwarben mehr metakognitives Wissen als Schüler der experimentellen Bedingung, in der der Trainer für diese Aufgaben zuständig war, und Schüler der Kontrollgruppe. Die vorliegenden Befunde sprechen dafür, daß nicht die bloße Anwendung der Lesestrategien, sondern erst die Kombination von Strategieanwendung und der gleichzeitigen Vermittlung und Übung von metakognitiven Erwerbsprozeduren (d.h. Analyse, Überwachung, Evaluation und Regulation) auf inter-individueller Basis als Voraussetzung für das Auftreten dieser Prozesse im Individuum selbst (intra-individuell) eine effektive Methode für den Erwerb metakognitiven Wissens und metakognitiver Kompetenzen darstellt. Es konnte auch gezeigt werden, daß in einem Strategietraining die Interaktion nicht notwendigerweise auf die spezielle Art und Weise, wie das beim Reziproken Lehren der Fall ist, gestaltet werden muß. Stattdessen scheinen die Aufgaben der Überwachung, Evaluation und Regulation der Lernprozesse anderer Schüler - d.h. die Aufgaben, die die Kinder in der "Lehrer"-Rolle erfüllen - diejenigen zu sein, die den Erwerb von Metakognition unterstützen. Generell kann jedes Strategietraining, bei dem die Schüler nicht nur ausreichend Übungsgelegenheiten zur Anwendung von Strategien haben, sondern auch angeleitet werden, metakognitive Aufgaben zu übernehmen, hilfreich beim Erwerb metakognitiven Wissens und metakognitiver Fähigkeiten sein.

Med framgång i sikte : En studie av forskningens syn på gynnsamma faktorer för läs- och skrivutveckling

Jonsson, Elin January 2012 (has links)
I denna uppsats jämförs och diskuteras gynnsamma faktorer för elevers läs- och skrivutveckling. Jag lyfter fram tre olika forskares syn på vad som kan ha en positiv inverkan för elevers utveckling på området och sätter det i relation till gynnsamma faktorer för lärande i stort. Frågeställningarna berör likheter i forskarnas metoder, lärarrollen samt lärande utifrån individ- och grupperspektiv.   Som jag skrev ovan så fokuseras arbetets kring tre huvudtexter. Dessa texter är Judith Langers Effective Literacy Instruction (2002), Palincsar och Browns Reciprocal Teaching (1984) och Graham, Harris och Santangelos Self-Regulated Strategy Development (2008). Dessa tre texter ger tillsammans en bild av faktorer som kan vara av betydelse för både läs- och skrivutveckling.   I resultaten av studien kommer bland annat vikten av att eleverna lär sig strategier fram. En lustfylld och trygg miljö är något som visat sig vara ytterst viktigt för både lärare och elev. Av resultatet går också att konstatera att både individanpassat lärande och lärande i grupp har sina fördelar.

Reciprocal undervisning - en studie om lässtrategier och deras betydelser

Dirani, John, Doganson, Eveline January 2018 (has links)
One of the many core aspects of learning a language involves reading comprehension. Being able to not only read but understand and decipher the context of content is one of the many factors that are essential in order to fully comprehend a subject. Reading comprehension is this assignments main focus and we have delved into this category through a literature study.For this literature study, we have analyzed the research of multiple different theses as well as scientific articles. Various different studies have been made regarding reading comprehension. We however, have decided to primarily engage in the reading strategies that were originally formed by Palincsar and Brown. The research in which these two authors elaborated on a reading strategy called reciprocal teaching. The content of this assignment discusses the meaning of reciprocal teaching, its' benefits as well as the disadvantages of using the strategy.The reason why this reading comprehension strategy originated lies within the fact that many students were lacking in understanding what they were reading. This became an evident issue that had to be addressed as school results were gradually decreasing. As reciprocal teaching became some sort of phenomena, many countries wanted to implement the strategy into their schools - this includes Sweden.Throughout the many years in which the strategy has been used in schools all over the world, statistics have shown that reciprocal teaching is a valid method for increased knowledge in reading comprehension. In Swedish institutional schools, reciprocal teaching is being used on a daily basis. It has however translated and expanded itself into what is being called "läsfixarna" which this assignment will also discuss. The results show that reciprocal teaching is a fundamentally working strategy that has proven to improve reading comprehension.

Undervisningsmodeller för att utveckla elevers läsförståelse : En litteraturstudie kring hur lärare kan tillämpa undervisningsmodellerna RT, TSI, CORI och QtA samt vilka effekter modellerna har på elevers läsförståelse / Teaching Models for developing students´ reading comprehension    : A literature study on how the teacher can use the teaching models RT, TSI, CORI and QTA and what effects the models have in students' reading comprehension

Eriksson, Linnea, Andersson, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att granska och analysera forskning kring hur lärare kan tillämpa modellerna RT, TSI, CORI och QtA i läsförståelseundervisning för att utveckla elevers läsförståelse. Studien är riktad mot elever i årskurs 2 och 3. Metodinsamling för denna kvalitativa litteraturstudie har inneburit sökningar i databaser, men även manuell sökning. Sammantaget tolv vetenskapliga forskningsartiklar har legat till grund för denna studies resultat. Resultaten visar att undervisningsmodellerna; Reciprocal Teaching, Transactional Strategy Instruction, Questioning The Author samt Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction visar på goda effekter på elevers läsförståelse. Vi har kommit fram till att modellerna har flera gemensamma inslag, men det finns även några skillnader. Forskning visar att strategiundervisning som lärs ut i ”set” har god effekt på elevers läsförståelse. Vidare styrker forskningen att förståelse av en text ökar när frågor ställs på olika nivåer till textens innehåll för att få förståelse för textens budskap. Sammanfattningsvis betonar forskning att det krävs en planerad undervisning samt ett stort engagemang från läraren, för att utveckla elevers läsförståelse. Läraren bör dessutom formulera tydliga mål i elevundervisningen samt ge ett större elevinflytande, då detta enligt forskning resulterar i engagemang och motivation hos elever.

Formativ bedömning av elevers läsförståelseutveckling genom gruppdiskussioner : En litteraturstudie om sambandet mellan läsförståelseutveckling, gruppdiskussioner och formativ bedömning med inriktning mot årskurs 4-6 / Formative Assessment of Students’ Reading Comprehension Through Group Discussions : A Literature Review on the Relationship Between the Development of Reading Comprehension, Group Discussions, and Formative Assessment. Focusing on the Swedish School Years 4-6

Dahlqvist, My, Nordin, Helena January 2022 (has links)
Det svenska samhället bygger på förmågan att kunna läsa och skriva och läsförståelse är av den anledningen en viktig förutsättning för att bli en delaktig samhällsmedborgare. Bedömning av elevers läsförståelse är många gånger problematisk på grund av dess komplexitet, men samtidigt nödvändig. Enligt PIRLS studie från 2011 framkommer det att elever många gånger lämnas själva i sitt arbete med läsförståelse, och att det hade varit mer fördelaktig att låta dem arbeta i grupp. Denna litteraturstudie syftar till att ge ett kunskapsbidrag om hur tidigare forskning å ena sidan beskriver kopplingen mellan elevers läsförståelseutveckling och gruppdiskussioner, å andra sidan hur tidigare forskning beskriver kopplingen mellan formativ bedömning och gruppdiskussioner för att diskutera hur lärare kan arbeta för att utveckla läsförståelse i årskurs 4-6. För att besvara syftet användes framför allt en databassökning. Tidigare forskning som har undersökts är elva vetenskapliga artiklar, en avhandling, en forskningsrapport och en tryckt bok. Av litteraturen som använts är avhandlingen skriven på svenska men i övrigt är litteraturen internationell. Teorin om det sociokulturella perspektivet på lärande återfinns i vald forskning och har således en central plats i denna litteraturstudie. Studiens resultat visade att det är möjligt att utveckla elevernas läsförståelse genom gruppdiskussioner och att gruppdiskussioner är en effektiv form för att bedöma elever formativt. Två metoder för gruppdiskussioner studerades närmare, Reciprocal Teaching och Quality Talk. Reciprocal Teaching var framför allt gynnsamt vid utvecklingen av elevers läsförståelse på en grundläggande nivå. Quality talk utvecklade både den grundläggande och högre kognitiva nivån hos eleverna, dock la forskare i sin studie emfas på den högre kognitiva nivån. Vid formativ bedömning av elevers läsförståelseutveckling visade sig gruppdiskussioner i mindre grupper vara fördelaktigt. Slutsatsen vi kan dra är att det finns positiva aspekter med att introducera elever för gruppdiskussioner både när det gäller att utveckla deras läsförståelse och för att som lärare kunna bedöma dem formativt.

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