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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A framework for e-records in support of e-government implementation in the Tanzania public service

Kamatula, Gwakisa 10 1900 (has links)
Effective e-records management is considered an integral part for successful implementation of e-government. While many previous studies have been carried out on e-government implementation, few investigated e-records management in supporting successful implementation of e-government in Tanzania with a view to developing the best framework. The specific objectives of the study were to: determine e-records readiness in the Tanzania Public Service; assess e-government implementation status in the Tanzania Public Service; establish the effectiveness of existing e-records legal, policy and regulatory framework in support of e-government; determine the e-records knowledge and skills of staff in the Public Service; find out the extent to which the National Archives (RAMD) is involved in the management of e-records and e-government implementation in the Public Service; and to develop a framework for the management of e-records and e-government implementation. The study based on interpretive research paradigm and adopted qualitative research method. A sample size of 50 respondents was drawn from four public offices namely: the Ministry of Public Service (PO-PSM), Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA), E-Government Agency (e-GA) and the Records and Archives Management Department (RAMD). Data was collected through interviews and personal observation and was analysed using thematic analysis. Findings revealed that although there is evidence of availability and use of e-records across government institutions in Tanzania, the e-records readiness and efficiency levels in support of e-government were low; the management of e-records is not yet streamlined to the majority registries; and e-Government implementation maturity level is low. Findings revealed that although there is evidence of availability and use of e-records across government institutions in Tanzania, the e-records readiness and efficiency levels in support of e-government were low; the management of e-records is not yet streamlined to the majority registries; and e-Government implementation maturity level is low. Further findings indicated that the existing legislations, policies and regulations are inadequate and ineffective particularly on matters relating to e-records management and e-government implementation; records personnel, action officers and IT staff were not conversant with procedures and practices of e-records management; and that, there is poor involvement of RAMD in ERM a situation that slows down implementation e-government. The study concluded that, the current practices for managing electronic records in support of e-government implementation in Tanzania were inadequate. Even the existing national e-government strategy does not incorporate the management of electronic records as an important aspect towards successful implementation of e-government in the country. The study has recommended a framework for effective management of e-records in support of e-government implementation; e-records management training for records personnel, IT staff and secretaries; development of RAMD website; identification of ERM software specifications; customization of ISO standards to suit Tanzanian environment; amendment of the existing Archival legislation; and benchmarking from successful governments. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil.(Information Science)

L'évolution de la politique d'archivage au Yémen, des origines (années 1960) jusqu'aux évolutions technologiques actuelles / The evolution of the archiving policy in Yemen, from its origins (1960s) to the current technological developments / تطور السياسة الارشيفية في اليمن من بداية 1960 إلى التطورات التكنولوجية الحالية

Tawaf, Mohammed Ali 18 February 2019 (has links)
Pendant plusieurs siècles, le Yémen n’a pas porté d’intérêt institutionnel à ses archives, étant isolé du monde extérieur à cause de l’occupation ottomane au nord du pays et de l’occupation britannique au sud. Depuis la révolution de 1962, le besoin de disposer d’archives bien organisées et accessibles est apparu et la création du Centre National des Archives en 1991 a permis d’améliorer considérablement la situation. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier l’intérêt que l’État yéménite a porté au patrimoine archivistique. Elle rappelle l’histoire et le développement de l’archivage dans les ministères et les institutions gouvernementales yéménites depuis la révolution de 1962 jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Elle présente la création des Archives nationales, avec l’aide de partenaires internationaux notamment l’UNESCO et l’ICA, la direction des archives de France et les Archives nationales de Tunisie. Elle explore aussi la façon dont les nouvelles technologies appliquées aux archives permettent aux chercheurs et aux citoyens d’y accéder. Elle présente l’organisation des archives courantes et intermédiaires dans les institutions qui s’est imposée comme un concept et une pratique depuis la création du Centre National des Archives. C’est autour de ses activités et de ses applications qu’ont été élaborées l’observation, l’enquête, la réflexion et certaines propositions. Les problématiques de la thèse s’articulent autour de cinq points : - L’histoire et l’organisation administrative du Yémen- La tradition archivistique au Yémen avant la réunification de 1990- Les origines et le développement du Centre national des archives (CNA)- Les missions, le fonctionnement et l’évaluation du CNA (de 1994 à aujourd’hui)- La fonction archives chez les producteurs (institutions gouvernementales)Les événements survenus au Yémen depuis 2011 ont malheureusement remis en cause toutes ces avancées. Ils ont tari les principales sources de financement de l’État et détruit une partie des fonds et des bâtiments, entraînant une paralysie complète du CNA. / For centuries, Yemeni institutions have not shown particular interest in their archives. The country was isolated from the outside world by British colonization in the South and the Ottoman occupation in the North. After the 1962 revolution, however, the need for organized and accessible archives has developed. This led to the creation in 1991 of the National Archives Centre (CNA). The Centre has improved the situation.This thesis aims at studying the interest shown by the Yemeni State in archival heritage. It starts with the history and the development of archives management in the ministries and governmental institutions of Yemen from the 1962 revolution to the current situation.It sheds light on the creation of the National Archives in Yemen and its international partnership with such institutions as UNESCO, ICA, French Directorate of Archives and Tunisian National Archives. It investigates the way new technologies are implemented in order to enable researchers and citizens to access to archives in a country such as Yemen. Moreover, it sheds light on the records management inside the Yemeni institutions. This practical has been commonly implemented since the creation of the National Archives Centre. This Centre has been the focus of this research. Suggestions are given for the development of its activities.Therefore, this thesis main topics are:- the history and administrative organization of Yemen ;- the archival practice and legacy in Yemen until the country’s reunification in 1990 ;- the origins and subsequent development of the National Archives Centre (CNA) ;- the CNA’s goals, functioning and assessment of its activities from 1994 up to nowadays ;- the archival functions in the producing governmental institutions.Events unfolding in Yemen since 2011 have challenged all these advances. The war did not only exhaust State’s funding. Warlike operations have also destroyed holdings and buildings, bringing the CNA to complete paralysis. This dissertation is concluded by an assessment of the archives current situation in Yemen. / ملخصلعدة قرون، لم يكن لدى اليمن أي مؤسسة أرشيفية، لأنها معزولة عن العالم الخارجي بسبب الاحتلال في شمال البلاد والاحتلال البريطاني في الجنوب. منذ ثورة 1962 ظهرت الحاجة إلى أرشيفات منظمة تنظيماً جيداً وسهل الوصول إليها، وقد أدى إنشاء المركز الوطني للوثائق (المركز الوطني للأرشيف) عام 1991 إلى تحسين الوضع إلى حد كبير.الهدف من هذه الرسالة هو دراسة اهتمام الدولة اليمنية للتراث الوثائقي والأرشيفي، وتشير الرسالة إلى تاريخ وتطور التوثيق والارشفة في الوزارات والمؤسسات الحكومية اليمنية منذ الثورة من عام 1962 وحتى اليوم. وكذلك تقدم إنشاء المركز الوطني للوثائق بمساعدة الشركاء الدوليين بما في ذلك اليونسكو والمجلس الدولي للأرشيف، إدارة الارشيف الفرنسي والأرشيف الوطني التونسي. وتدرس مدى تطبيق التكنولوجيا الجديدة على الارشيفات التي تمكن الباحثين والموطنين من الوصول إليها. وتعرض تنظيم الارشيف الجاري والوسيط في الوزارات والمؤسسات الحكومية التي ظهرت كمفهوم وممارسة منذ إنشاء المركز الوطني للوثائق. وحول نشاطاتها وتطبيقاتها التي وضعت للمراقبة والمسوحات الوثائقية والرؤية وبعض المقترحات لتنظيم الارشيف الجاري والوسيط. وتستند مشاكل ألأطروحة حول خمس نقاط : - التاريخ التنظيمي للإدارة ونشأت الارشيف في اليمن.- التقاليد الأرشيفية في اليمن قبل الوحدة عام 1990.- تأسيس وتطوير المركز الوطني للوثائق (cna).- مهام ونشاطات وتقييم المركز الوطني للوثائق (من 1994 إلى اليوم).- وظيفة الأرشيف لدى المنتجين للوثائق (المؤسسات الحكومية).وللأسف بأن الاحداث التي وقعت في اليمن منذ عام 2011 غيرت كل هذه التطورات في مجال الارشيف. لهذا جفت وقلت المصادر التمويل الحكومية وكذلك تدمير جزء من مبنى المركز وجزء من الرصيد الوثائقي فروع المركز بعدن وحضرموت وبعض ارشيفات الجهات والوزارات الحكومية، مما أدى الى شلل كامل للمركز الوطني للوثائق.الكلمات المفتاحية اليمن – الأرشيف – محفوظات – إدارة السجلات - تثمين - تشريعات الارشيف – تشريع المحفوظات - لوائح الارشيف - الارشيف العسكري – الأرشيف الجاري – الأرشيف الوسيط – الأرشيف التاريخي - المحفوظات الجارية - المحفوظات الوسيطة - المحفوظات التاريخية - - المركز الوطني للوثائق.


ISHITA, Emi, 石田, 栄美 31 March 2012 (has links)
No description available.

A strategic approach to the management of the national archives of South Africa.

Mtshali, Simon Felumbuzo. January 2001 (has links)
When the first democratic government came into power in 1994, it was faced with a number of challenges. One of these challenges was to ensure that the public service is transformed in order to redress the imbalances of the past. The National Archives of South Africa as a branch of the public service was therefore no exception. Prior to the 1994 elections, this branch was known as the State Archives Service. It was converted into the National Archives of South Africa through the passing of the National Archives of South Africa Act (Act No. 43 of 1996). It is important to note that before the 1994 election the exercise of hegemony by the government was through the control of social memory, and this control involved remembering and forgetting. Furthermore, this control demonstrated an extraordinary capacity to secure the support of most white South Africans and the minority of blacks who collaborated with this system. Therefore, the promulgation of the National Archives of South Africa Act (Act No. 43 of 1996) was of crucial significance in South Africa, since it portrayed the death knell for archival legislation moulded by apartheid. This Act converted the State Archives Service into the National Archives of South Africa with the new mandate of serving all the people of South Africa. This study examines a strategic approach to the management of the National Archives of South Africa. Firstly, the National Archives of South Africa Act (Act No. 43 of 1996 is discussed in detail, with emphasis on its formulation and implementation. This act came into operation on 1 January 1997. Secondly, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats experienced by the National Archives of South Africa during its conceptualisation and launching are discussed. Thirdly, the transformation of the National Archives of South Africa was examined and discussed using the public management functions, namely, policy-making, organising, planning, leadership, motivation, control and evaluation. The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats experienced by the National Archives of South Africa are focused on. Lastly, conclusions and recommendations end the study. / Thesis (MPA)-University of Durban-Westville, 2001.

An investigation into the management of the records and archives of former liberation movements in east and southern Africa held by national and private archival institutions.

Garaba, Francis. January 2010 (has links)
The struggle to liberate the continent of Africa from colonialism during the second half of the twentieth century represented an important epoch and as such this history needs to be documented accurately in whatever form for the benefit of posterity. Liberation struggle archives are of differing types and status, which reflects the diverse nature of the struggle itself. R ecords on the liberat ion struggles in Africa were created from within and outside Africa to document this historic ep och from the 1950s to the 1990s. These records have to be made available to the public for research, scholarship and general interest as they are a treasured na tional asset. In view of the above, it is the mandate of archivists to provide a means f or future generations to access historical sources . The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether liberat ion struggle archives are being offered the continuum of c are throughout their lifecycle in order to make such access possible . Considering that few records were created during the struggle for emancipation notwithstanding their neglect, it is therefore incumbent upon archivists to pres erve the legacy of the libe ration struggle that is contained in those few records that were created. The study used both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods. The study used methodological triangulation techniques in order to capture the phenomenon under study in detail. The study’s’ population were the twenty three archival institutions within east and southern Africa, both public and private that is, which generated a response rate of 39%. Due to the fact that the study population was geographically di spersed, the study employed self - administered questionnaires for data gathering . U nstructured interviews and observations were also used in a limited manner . The researcher administ ered an interview schedule to h e a ds of archival institutions within the eas t and s outhern African region. To complement the iii interviewing, an observation schedule was also used to record phenomena at selected archival institutions. T he data collected using qualitative techniques was content analyzed whilst SPSS was used for quanti tative data. The study unearthed some interesting developments. Liberation struggle archives had been identified and the requisite documentation put in place. T h is was evidenced by the restitution of archives which was an ongoing process albeit a problemat ic one. This process gives the overall picture that the liberation struggle was a global event as records are scattered in different parts of the world. The records so created are of varied nature as the media used to capture the record exists in a variety of forms with photographs predominant. The study also discovered that the arrangement of records was being done by qualified personnel, both archivists and manuscript librarians. In their efforts to promote access, most archival institutions employed a co mbination of finding aids with inventories and summary lists mostly used . Furthermore, t he existence of mechanisms, policies and procedures facilitates archival management practices. The present research established that all archival institutions had missi on statements and that th ese explicitly spelt out the mandate of the organizations . F or some institutions, these existed in written format. Formal p olices were generally in existence but were calibrated at various levels depending on an institution’s colle ction priorities. In this instance, the policy pertaining to digitization of liberation struggle archives was held in high regard and this explains why the majority of archival institutions preferred electronic media for duplicate copies . This preference p oints to the increasingly pervasive influence of digital technology. Archival institutions were liberal in their publication requirements though users had to acknowledge the institution as the source. The major challenge in the management of liberation str uggle records was the processing of backlog s . In addition, the study sought to establish whether archival institutions were providing resources in order to promote a n environment conducive to iv prolong ing the useable life of liberation struggle archives. The infrastructure in terms of knowledgeable and skilled personnel was in existence as the need for an academic background from which archival skills could be developed was given priority. The expertise in preservation management was mostly invested i n disast er planning and recovery, holdings maintenance and preservation planning . The research also established that the majority of archival institutions had a visitors ’ register in place al though its administration lacked consistency. The majority of archival in stitutions had air conditioning though maintenance records were non - existent. It was also noted that fumigation was prevalent and that restorative work was being done by the majority of institutions with the traditional technique s being the most popular. Equally important was the need to establish the preservation needs of the surveyed archival institutions. The study reve ale d that digitization was the most wid ely used preservation strategy and the majority of archival institutions had purpose - built storag e. Fire was considered the biggest threat to archival collections and the disaster plan mostly covered records, the physical building and the evacuation of people. Fire detection systems were in place and archival institutions were making use of their resp ective local fire departments to raise fire precautionary awareness and readiness. Security measures were generally in place though the use of Close Circuit Television ( CCTV ) , cameras and alarm systems was not pronounced. Furthermore, the study identified that information communication technologies had a transformative influence on the management of liberation struggle archives. The majority of the institutions were digitizing their collections though there was no written policy for managing these digital records. It was also established that most archival institutions were not migrating their records. Technological obsolescence and lack of resources were considered by most institutions as constituting the major threats to the survival of digital records an d this could be the reason why donor assistance v was sought as evidenced by the state of the art equipment on digitization infrastructure observed in some institutions visited . Equally significant was the revelation that inherent semantic ambiguities existe d in the legislative apparatus of the majority of archival institutions which partly explains why there was much passivity when it came to managing private records. The study further established that the management of private records was not satisfactory a nd areas noted for concern pertained to the arrangement, storage and custody, finding aids and access relating to these records . Finally, the study put forward a number of recommendations that had to be considered in an attempt to help archival institutio ns professionally manage liberation struggle archives , and two are cited here simply because they encapsulat e others . Firstly, the legislative apparatus had to be modernized in order for liberation struggle archives to be taken care of at national and not organizational level as is presently the case. The implication is that the laws that govern the national archives of countries within ESARBICA are wholly inadequate when it comes to the management of the private record. Lastly, the records continuum model formed the theoretical foundation of the study not only because of its holist ic approach, pragmatism and the fact that it is technologically driven but because it dovetailed with the records keeping issues which the study investigated . / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.

Arquivos judiciários: uma proposta de organização do acervo de caráter permanente / Judicial Archives: an organizational proposal to the archive collection

Fontes, Patricio da Silva 01 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-16T15:23:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 6205859 bytes, checksum: ae3e38b88098b5a658a63362a637bca0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research proposes a standardized organization for the permanent archive of the Judicial System in the state of Paraíba concerning to the First Jurisdiction. Our work has as justification the lack of standardization of the of the judicial system documental archive organization. This is an exploratory, descriptive and qualitative research which uses documental and bibliographic research techniques, participative observation, interviews, questionnaires, and a diagnosis of the archive. The context of the research is the judicial archives of the first jurisdiction of the judicial system of the state of Paraíba. The work is a case study taken place at the forum in the district of Santa Rita. The characterization of the archives and the identification of the record type existing in the district shows the inexistence of a pattern in the archive organization, and the importance of the judicial archive as a primary source of research, considering that the judicial archive is a place of memories of the institution and of the state of Paraíba society with a relevant social function. The research result generates an organization propose to the judicial archive from Paraíba based on a Record Classification Plan and on a Classification Scheme, to be applied in the referred archives, as well as some technical recommendations for the judicial archive to meet satisfactorily its users needs. / Esta pesquisa propõe uma organização padronizada para o acervo de caráter permanente dos arquivos do Poder Judiciário estadual paraibano, na esfera da Primeira Instância, justificada pela ausência de padronização na organização do acervo documental dos referidos arquivos. Tratando-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva e de cunho qualitativo. Utiliza-se das técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, observação participante, entrevistas, questionários e realização de um diagnóstico do arquivo. O universo da pesquisa corresponde aos arquivos judiciários, da Justiça estadual paraibana de primeira instância. O trabalho utiliza-se de um estudo de caso realizado no arquivo do Fórum da comarca de Santa Rita. Partindo-se da caracterização dos arquivos e da identificação das tipologias documentais ali existentes constata a inexistência de um padrão de organização do acervo, assim como a importância do arquivo judiciário como fonte primária de pesquisas, verificando-se que o arquivo judiciário é um lugar de memória tanto da instituição como da sociedade paraibana, com uma relevante função social. O resultado da pesquisa gera uma proposta de organização para o acervo dos arquivos judiciários paraibanos, substanciada numa proposta de Plano de Classificação Documental e num Quadro de Arranjo, a ser aplicado nos referidos arquivos, assim como em algumas recomendações técnicas, para que o arquivo judiciário atenda satisfatoriamente seus usuários.

Integration of social media records into enterprise content management at the South African Broadcasting corporation in the Limpopo Provincial office in South Africa

Masekoameng, Moshohli Frans 03 1900 (has links)
The integration of social media records into enterprise content management systems is crucial to organisations as it enables them to have access to these records if they are required for evidential purposes. However, despite social media content being considered as official records in state-owned enterprises, they are often left unmanaged. The purpose of this study was to investigate the integration of social media content into the enterprise content management system at the South African Broadcast Corporation Limpopo provincial office in South Africa. The study utilised quantitative data collected through questionnaires distributed to SABC employees and employees at three radio stations in the Limpopo provincial office (Munghanalonene FM, Thobela FM and Phalaphala FM). The key results suggest that there were no policies or guidelines on the management of digital records that emanated from social media. It was discovered that the SABC’s Limpopo provincial office opened official accounts with various social media platforms such as SNSs, online content communities and podcasts to use for official matters; yet content generated through these platforms is neither managed nor preserved. It has been established that the responsibility of managing social media content is unconsciously assigned to the creators of the content as no official records management responsibilities were assigned. It is recommended that digital records emanating from the use of social media by the staff of the SABC Limpopo provincial office need to be treated and managed as official records, like all other paper-based records. In this regard, a policy for integration of social media content into enterprise content management is desirable. A further study on the development of a framework to integrate social media content into organisational records management is recommended. social media content, social media platform, enterprise content management, digital records, records, records management, online content communities, South African Broadcasting Authority. / Information Science / M.A.(Information Science)

Framework for digital preservation of electronic government in Ghana

Adu, Kofi Koranteng January 2015 (has links)
The global perspective on digital revolution is one that has received a rapturous approval from information professionals, scholars and practitioners. However, such an approval has come at a great cost to memory institutions as the preservation of digital information has proved to be a complex phenomenon to memory institutions. Guided by the multi method design and underpinned by the triangulation of questionnaires, interviews, observation and document analysis, the study examined digital preservation of e-government in Ghana. Findings revealed that the creation of databases, digital publication, emails, website information and tweets were often ocassioned by the use of ICT, e-government, and application of legislations and public policies. It observed that these types of digital records were in urgent need for preservation as most of the ministries and agencies were unable to access their digital records. While the application of a digital preservation tool (Lots of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe) was a familiar terrain to the ministries and agencies, there was expressed lack of awareness about digital preservation support organisations and digital preservation standards. The study identified funding, level of security and privacy, skills training and technological obsolescence as factors that pose key threats to digital preservation. It noted backup strategy, migration, metadata and trusted repositories as the most widely implemented preservation strategy across the ministries and agencies. On the other hand, cloud computing, refreshing and emulation were the least implemented preservation strategies used to address the digital preservation challenges . The study recommends that the ministries and agencies can address many of the digital preservation challenges if they leverage on collaborative and participatory opportunities. Such collaborative and participatory opportunities involve the use of experts from other institutions to share resources and use a common protocol through cloud computing and Open Data. It further recommends that the process of developing a digital preservation policy can be guided by a template document from other jurisdictions / Information Science / D. Litt et Phil. (Information Science)

Arquivos judiciários: uma proposta de organização do acervo de caráter permanente

Fontes, Patricio da Silva 01 March 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Morgana Silva (morgana_linhares@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-12-05T13:01:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 6205859 bytes, checksum: ae3e38b88098b5a658a63362a637bca0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-05T13:01:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 6205859 bytes, checksum: ae3e38b88098b5a658a63362a637bca0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-01 / This research proposes a standardized organization for the permanent archive of the Judicial System in the state of Paraíba concerning to the First Jurisdiction. Our work has as justification the lack of standardization of the of the judicial system documental archive organization. This is an exploratory, descriptive and qualitative research which uses documental and bibliographic research techniques, participative observation, interviews, questionnaires, and a diagnosis of the archive. The context of the research is the judicial archives of the first jurisdiction of the judicial system of the state of Paraíba. The work is a case study taken place at the forum in the district of Santa Rita. The characterization of the archives and the identification of the record type existing in the district shows the inexistence of a pattern in the archive organization, and the importance of the judicial archive as a primary source of research, considering that the judicial archive is a place of memories of the institution and of the state of Paraíba society with a relevant social function. The research result generates an organization propose to the judicial archive from Paraíba based on a Record Classification Plan and on a Classification Scheme, to be applied in the referred archives, as well as some technical recommendations for the judicial archive to meet satisfactorily its users needs. / Esta pesquisa propõe uma organização padronizada para o acervo de caráter permanente dos arquivos do Poder Judiciário estadual paraibano, na esfera da Primeira Instância, justificada pela ausência de padronização na organização do acervo documental dos referidos arquivos. Tratando-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva e de cunho qualitativo. Utiliza-se das técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, observação participante, entrevistas, questionários e realização de um diagnóstico do arquivo. O universo da pesquisa corresponde aos arquivos judiciários, da Justiça estadual paraibana de primeira instância. O trabalho utiliza-se de um estudo de caso realizado no arquivo do Fórum da comarca de Santa Rita. Partindo-se da caracterização dos arquivos e da identificação das tipologias documentais ali existentes constata a inexistência de um padrão de organização do acervo, assim como a importância do arquivo judiciário como fonte primária de pesquisas, verificando-se que o arquivo judiciário é um lugar de memória tanto da instituição como da sociedade paraibana, com uma relevante função social. O resultado da pesquisa gera uma proposta de organização para o acervo dos arquivos judiciários paraibanos, substanciada numa proposta de Plano de Classificação Documental e num Quadro de Arranjo, a ser aplicado nos referidos arquivos, assim como em algumas recomendações técnicas, para que o arquivo judiciário atenda satisfatoriamente seus usuários.

Blockchain for Education Records : An interpretive research on university students’ perceptions

Herkommer, Andreas, Kaletka, Justyna January 2020 (has links)
This research aims to explore students’ perceptions and their desired features on the use of blockchain technology for the management of education records. A literature review formed the basis of the theoretical background of this work by allowing to explore how education records are managed nowadays and the potential for the use of blockchain technology in this area, as well as the importance of user-centred design in order to achieve a higher user-acceptance. A qualitative research study encompassing a focus group interview with Linnaeus University students was conducted to answer the research questions. Computer assisted thematic data analysis yielded five key themes: current usage of university education records, understanding how blockchain works, sustainability of blockchain, security of blockchain and implementation of blockchain for education records. The discussion relates the empirical findings to the theoretical background of the research. Participants were generally positive towards the use of blockchain for the management of education records and saw it as one of the potential future solutions. Nevertheless, they voiced some reservations regarding the high energy consumption, costs and security towards a possible use of the blockchain technology. Therefore, careful implementation would be needed, with increased focus on usability, solving some security and sustainability issues and ensuring a fair and transparent access model. This master thesis contributes to the current body of knowledge within informatics by empowering students to share their point of view with regards to possible development of IT solutions based on blockchain technology. As found through this master thesis research, systems for the management of educational records have an impact on person’s life long past finishing a course or a degree, affecting people’s everyday experience in many areas of life and students would like to be included in any future development discussions. Therefore, the research study provides insights which could be used in the future in two ways: firstly, to achieve a more user-centred design of education records management systems and secondly, on the students’ perception of the use of blockchain technology in this area of life.

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